Rumor: Apple to sell PowerSchool

Michelle Meyers
Michelle Meyers wrote and edited CNET News stories from 2005 to 2020 and is now a contributor to CNET.
Michelle Meyers

Mac rumor sites are reporting today that Apple Computer will sell PowerSchool, its Web-based student information system, to Pearson Assessments.

Neither an Apple spokesperson nor a representative from Pearson Assessments were immediately available for confirmation or comment on the deal, which has not been formally announced. Both Think Secret and AppleInsider say PowerSchool employees were notified about the sale earlier this week.

Among other features, the award-winning PowerSchool system lets parents gain immediate access to their children's grades, and students can track their own progress, according to Apple.

Apple purchased the Folsom, Calif.-based software developer for $62 million in stock five years ago, Think Secret said, noting that the company has since witnessed some "turbulent" times.