IBM's Motorola pact targets autos, component deals for PCs

The company broadens its horizons, providing the back end for car-based devices and boosting its role as a supplier of other state-of-the-art technology components, such as computer chips and storage disks.

CNET News staff
  latest developments 

The company broadens its horizons, providing the back end for car-based devices and boosting its role as a supplier of other state-of-the-art technology components, such as computer chips and storage disks.

"GM and others are moving on their own as part of a trend to Internet-enable all the areas of our lives which are not yet Internet-enabled."

- Joe Ferlazzo, analyst, Technology Business Research


Surfing from behind the wheel
The car PC has been a staple of trade shows and technology conferences for years, but now it appears that these devices may start making their way in larger numbers to consumers.

Celestica, IBM expand PC manufacturing deals
The contract PC manufacturer says it will expand its manufacturing relationship with IBM in agreements valued at $500 million.

IBM inks $2 billion components deal
The company signs a multiyear pact to supply components to electronics distributor Bell Microproducts.

IBM exec heads to Reciprocal
The online digital rights management firm says senior IBM executive John Schwartz has joined the company as president and chief executive.

previous coverage
IBM sets records for U.S. patents in 1999
The company wins a record number of U.S. patents in 1999 as it seeks to protect new semiconductor and Internet technologies.

IBM plans pressure Linux companies
update The company's increasing fondness for Linux raises the prospect that its vast services business could encroach on the turf of smaller Linux companies.