'Halo 3' disappointment

Daniel Terdiman Former Senior Writer / News
Daniel Terdiman is a senior writer at CNET News covering Twitter, Net culture, and everything in between.
Daniel Terdiman

LOS ANGELES--In the days and weeks leading up to E3, much of the speculation surrounding ="6070318">Microsoft and its big press event centered on a probable announcement about "Halo 3."

The third installment of the fabulously successful franchise is sure to be a hit, and many had hoped Microsoft would take the opportunity to, if not launch the title, at least give some serious insight into playability, launch date and things like that.

Instead, "Halo 3" was barely mentioned. It merited just a brief trailer at the very end of the press conference, and all attendees were told was that it would be out in 2007. Hardly forthcoming with the information, Microsoft.

Anyway, it's not like anyone was expecting that "Halo 3" would be released at E3, but because many had thought there would be substantial information about it here, the dearth of such data is especially disappointing.