Don't pick on the little guys

In response to the Perspectives column written by Declan McCullagh, "":

I think that it's unfair to have highlighted so prominently "="" rel="noopener nofollow" class="c-regularLink" target="_blank">Aaron Russo's campaign, when it is the elected officials in Congress who wrote campaign finance laws in such a manner as to create a "heads they win, tails you lose" scenario for independent and third-party candidates.

It's one thing to have a well-funded campaign use spam to reach the voters. They have the means to buy a virtually unlimited amount of TV, radio, Web and print advertising, in comparison to their independent and third-party counterparts. It's quite another to paint under-funded, under-reported campaigns of outsider candidates with the same brush.

With the threat of an authoritarian government looming on the political horizon, do we really need to point fingers at people like Aaron Russo who are willing to challenge the current duopoly?

Hunter Schaeffer
Atlanta, Ga.