Buzz Out Loud 1355: We're Gowalla-ing to Disneyland! (podcast)

On today's show, Gowalla teams up with Disney to offer virtual pins, instead of the real ones everyone actually wants. And we discover Molly's never been to Disneyland, so maybe Gowalla should sponsor a road trip! Also, Google eyes Groupon, Cox becomes the first cable company to get into the mobile phone game, and carriers threaten to stop subsidizing iPhones if Apple tries to free the phone from carrier confines. --Molly

Molly Wood Former Executive Editor
Molly Wood was an executive editor at CNET, author of the Molly Rants blog, and host of the tech show, Always On. When she's not enraging fanboys of all stripes, she can be found offering tech opinions on CBS and elsewhere, and offering opinions on everything else to anyone who will listen.
Molly Wood
4 min read

On today's show, Gowalla teams up with Disney to offer virtual pins, instead of the real ones everyone actually wants. And we discover Molly's never been to Disneyland, so maybe Gowalla should sponsor a road trip! Also, Google eyes Groupon, Cox becomes the first cable company to get into the mobile phone game, and carriers threaten to stop subsidizing iPhones if Apple tries to free the phone from carrier confines. --Molly

Watch this: Ep. 1355:We're Gowalla-ing to Disneyland!


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Google Turns Its Local Eyes to Groupon-But Who Else Could Enter Bidding?

Stuxnet worm was perfect for sabotaging nuclear centrifuges

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Gowalla bringing check-ins to Disney

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Happy Ending/VTV
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Voicemail (800-616-2638)

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Email (buzz@cnet.com)

BOL Crew,
Here is a story for you to ruminate over. A Satellite powered by feces pieces.


Researchers are looking at powering a satellite using human solid waste. It would involve organisms breaking it down to hydrogen.

Just thinking of some of the jokes we will hear like:

Wow, that thing goes like stink!
We stand behind this satellite, just at a distance, and upwind.
This is not just crap, it’s rocket science!
Poop Powered Propulsion Specialist
Watch for Outgassing!
When life gives you $#!&, make rocket fuel.
Kaopectate, for when you absolutely positively have get your rocket home.

And I am sure you can think of many others,

Love the Show,
In the 4th Ward of Buzztown, Near the Bacon Plant


Hey Buzz crew,

Wanted to share something about my experience with production lines. I work for a large company that runs a PBM (Pharmacy Benefits management) system. We have prodcution lines that fill perscriptions with some parts fully automated and other parts that require some user intervention. The scary part of the production system is that none of the pc’s run Antivirus. Most of the PC’s are Windows 2k and some are XP. Also the systems are unpatched. Stuxnet would have a field day changing scripts or addresses. All the safe guards in place could be subverted by Stuxnet like pill descriptions on the packaging or pharmacist reviews. Luckily the production line is isolated from the main company network and there is no internet access as well. USB ports are still active but only a few folks use them to run reports and transfer data.

I do not know about production line systems for other lines of manufacturing but this system would be a hackers wet dream if they could get access to it.


Hey Buzz Crew, was enjoying today’s show up to when you started talking about Stuxnet. Right around the time that subject was brought up, my work computer somehow got a virus and I had to shut it down and have the IT department fix it. Not to start any conspiracies, but talk about bad timing.

Chris Dominey from So Cal.


bol.cnet.com – buzz@cnet.com – 800-616-2638

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