Buzz Out Loud 1214: Floppy disks and boobquakes (podcast)

Natali Del Conte joins us in the studio to discuss really important issues such as boobquake day, cartoons, and violent video games. Oh, come on, we also discuss Google's failed attempts to reinvent the mobile phone sales paradigm, unfounded causal links between violent video games and sociopathic behavior, and the dangers of colonization. Good show, guys.

Molly Wood Former Executive Editor
Molly Wood was an executive editor at CNET, author of the Molly Rants blog, and host of the tech show, Always On. When she's not enraging fanboys of all stripes, she can be found offering tech opinions on CBS and elsewhere, and offering opinions on everything else to anyone who will listen.
Molly Wood
3 min read

Natali Del Conte joins us in the studio to discuss really important issues such as boobquake day, cartoons, and violent video games. Oh, come on, we also discuss Google's failed attempts to reinvent the mobile phone sales paradigm, unfounded causal links between violent video games and sociopathic behavior, and the dangers of colonization. Good show, guys.

Watch this: Ep. 1214: Floppy disks and boobquakes


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Google Nexus One Gone From Verizon Lineup

Supreme Court takes case on violent video game sales

Cartoonist association takes on Apple over “free speech” issues

Israel ends ban on iPad entering country

Sony to end sales of floppy disks in Japan

HP Swing is HP’s first motion controller for PCs

Spammers outsource CAPTCHA solving.

RIM announces two new BlackBerrys

Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but we should leave them the hell alone!

Boobquake day!

Vote for CNET TV for a Webby Award!

BOL Remix contest!

Chris from Memphis: Hulu idea

Charles from Sugarland: bear with him.

Hey Buzz crew,
I’m not sure what AntBand is smoking, but download-able content (DLC) on
the Xbox 360 is NOT tied to an account. I just confirmed this on my
Xbox. I logged in with my wife’s account and launched Rock Band 2 and
was able to access all the music I’d bought under my account. Just to
double check that it wasn’t just this game, I put in GTA4 and was able
to play The Ballad of Gay Tony (DLC I also purchased under my account)
with no issues. We also buy Live Arcade games all the time and are able
to play it using both accounts. In fact, the DLC and Live Arcade games
aren’t even tied to the console. I took my Xbox 360 hard drive on
vacation with me and when I connected it to my brother’s Xbox 360 I was
able to access all my content with no issues. It essentially turned his
Xbox into my Xbox. The only thing I had to do was re-authenticate my
Netflix streaming.

Just thought I’d try to keep the misinformation to a minimum. Love the
show, and while I’m going to miss Tom, I wish him the best over on the
TWiT network.



Hey Buzz Crew

I thought Rafe might get a kick out of this article.


If you’ve never heard any of the back story of this whole situation, here goes. Vulcan is a small farming community south of Calgary who have embraced being ‘from another world’. They enjoy and have fun with sharing the same name as the home world of the green blood, pointy ear people from Star Trek.

Last year when the new Star Trek movie was being made the people of Vulcan got in touch with Lenord and asked him to help them bring a big movie premiere to the town. Mr. Spock agreed and to his best abilities he tried getting a movie premiere. In the end the movement failed but the people of Vulcan were still very thankful that Lenord tried.

Fast forward to now where Mr. Nimoy is in Calgary for a comic book convention and has agreed to stop in and visit with the people of Vulcan. There will be a parade in his honor along with a bronze bust unveiled.

I have to be honest if I had the time I’d go to this event because how many people can say they shook Spock’s hand while being on Vulcan…..Alberta….Canada.

Watch this: Ep. 1214: Web Exclusive