Blockbuster in talks with handset makers

Exec says movie rental chain is working on partnerships with all major phone makers to make it easier for consumers to watch movies on the go.

Movie rental chain Blockbuster is in talks with all the major mobile phone makers about partnerships aimed at making it easier for consumers to watch movies on the go, Chief Executive James Keyes said on Tuesday.

Keyes told the Reuters Media Summit he started watching movies on his BlackBerry after some help from a technical expert at Blockbuster and from Jim Balsillie, the co-chief executive of Blackberry maker Research in Motion.

"We're talking with virtually all of the major manufacturers about the opportunity to provide greater mobility and convenience," Keyes said, when asked if the company is talking to phone makers such as Nokia, Samsung Electronics and Motorola.

Keyes, who also uses the iPhone from Apple, said Blockbuster is in talks with software companies about possible partnerships, but he did not name them.

The executive, who asked his technician to download movies from Blockbuster's Movielink online service to a tiny storage card that is then inserted into his BlackBerry, did not give details on how the process could be made easier.

"The challenge is how do I make this convenient for everybody," Keyes said.

Blockbuster is looking for new ways to expand its business as consumers, including himself, have an increasing number of entertainment options besides renting movies at the store, the CEO said.

"It is a rare treat for me to sit at home with my family and watch a DVD," he said.

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