Biz Stone, Ron Howard oversee a tweeted movie

It seems as if Twitter's co-founder and that nice man from "Happy Days" are getting together to make a movie inspired by tweeted photos.

Chris Matyszczyk
2 min read
Project Imagination/YouTube Screenshot:Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

They've made so many movies inspired by eating. They've made movies inspired by dancing dirty.

Surely there had to come a time when there'd be a movie inspired by twittering.

Oh, joy, that time has come.

For soon we will witness a tweet-based movie directed by that Hollywood legend Oliver Stone.

No, wait. I have left a stone unturned there. The director is Biz Stone. Yes, that sweet man in glasses who co-founded Twitter.

Those of cynical mind and dubious heart will wonder what on earth Stone knows about directing.