Are you suffering from smartphone saggy face?

There has, apparently, be an upsurge in people paying lots of money for skin-tightening treatments. One of the main causes is claimed to be the vast amount of time we spend bending over smartphones.

Chris Matyszczyk
2 min read

Because so many readers are beautiful -- or at least confident in their rugged looks -- they may not have recently considered a chinplant.

This is not an aggressive move in wrestling. It is a cosmetic surgery procedure that makes your face look less saggy. It costs around $7,000 and I'm sure the results are as stunning as all other forms of cosmetic surgery.

The reason for an alleged surge in chinplants is people's obsession with their smartphones.

As the Daily Mail tells it, leading plastic surgeons believe that technology is at the heart of droopy faces.

We lean over our smartphones and our facial skin hangs away from us, as if it, too, is desperate to see what a cat can do with a basketball and a toilet paper roll on YouTube.