Web site fosters 'comedy community'

But seriously, folks, content for this site will be tailored specifically for the Net platform.

Cyberspace just got a little funnier with the launch of a Web site where professional comics can post up-to-the-minute material poking fun at the physical world.

Rather than solely offering video of comedians performing their stand-up acts in front of an audience, the site, www.DailyComedy.com, aims to let A-list comics share their original content through text and video created specifically for the Internet platform.

"Stand-up comedy is great, but it's meant for a small, closed environment," said Charles Warner, CEO and founder of the site, adding that the quality of intimacy found in a comedy club is lost over the Internet. "We're trying to build a comedy community."

The site, which officially launched Monday, features videos, dubbed "bitcoms," of 30 to 90 seconds. Visitors can also participate in contests, vote and comment on all posted material from comics such as site co-founder Ray Ellin and former "Saturday Night Live" cast member Dean Edwards.

Warner said that along with featuring comedians who frequently appear on "Late Night With David Letterman" and Comedy Central, the site hopes to attract new talent.

Other comedy forums on the Net have popped up recently, including MySpace Comedy, which launched in July.