Tomorrow Daily 111: Flexible spinal implants, crime scene VR, ultra-detailed CT scans and more

On today's show, we marvel at a new implant that may help paralyzed people walk again, discuss the pros and cons of allowing trial juries to use VR to revisit crime scenes, and check out the super-detailed images of the human body coming from GE's newest CT scanner.

Ashley Esqueda Senior Video Producer
Ashley Esqueda is an award-winning video producer and on-air talent based in Los Angeles. She has been playing video games since she was 3 years old, and loves the history of television. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband Jimi, son Wolfgang, and two very squirrely Italian Greyhounds.
Ashley Esqueda

Lots of health tech in our show today, including a flexible implant designed to help paralyzed people walk again (human trials could start as soon as June of this year), and GE's new Revolution CT scanner, which offers incredible high-res images of the human body, and with 82 percent less radiation to a scanned patient.

We're also discussing an interesting tidbit of VR news, where a team is hoping 3D renders of crime scenes could make for helpful show-and-tells for jurors during criminal trials. Can you imagine a world in which you head to jury duty with an Oculus Rift? We can't either. It's really weird to consider, isn't it?

Watch this: Tomorrow Daily 111: Flexible spinal implants, crime scene VR, ultra-detailed CT scans and more


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