Tomorrow Daily 093: Underwater cities, MST3K's new website, robot guards and more

On today's show, we discuss a Japanese design firm's plans for a futuristic underwater city, the newest way to watch your favorite Mystery Science Theater episodes, and a fleet of robot security guards.

Ashley Esqueda Senior Video Producer
Ashley Esqueda is an award-winning video producer and on-air talent based in Los Angeles. She has been playing video games since she was 3 years old, and loves the history of television. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband Jimi, son Wolfgang, and two very squirrely Italian Greyhounds.
Ashley Esqueda

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and we're giving our thanks to you, loyal viewer. Whether you've been with us since the pilot, or just getting aboard the TD train, we're incredibly happy you're along for the ride. You make the show better with your jokes, your insights and your fun-loving attitudes.

This show has some pretty great things in it: futuristic underwater cities, the OG masters of commentary tracks, robo-security guards and some of our favorite things this week.

Keep being good humans, boys and girls, and enjoy the long weekend if you have one!

Watch this: Tomorrow Daily 093: Underwater cities, MST3K's new website, robot security guards and more


Here are some links and notes for all the things on the show today:

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