The Bleeoo Project demands your best dial-up modem impression

Bleeoo.com is a safeguard to maintain our memory of a time when we waited for a box to call an ISP for Internet access. You use your Web cam to record an impression of that classic modem handshake sound, dial tone and all, which gets added to the rest of the "bleeoos" available for your brief entertainment.

Justin Yu Associate Editor / Reviews - Printers and peripherals
Justin Yu covered headphones and peripherals for CNET.
Justin Yu
Platinum Equity

Jason Scott from the Internet Archives stopped by the CNET New York office last week to tell The 404 Podcast why nothing is too small to earn a spot in cyberhistory. Jason's virtual contribution (one of many) is his collection of Netscape buttons; ditto for this "Under Construction" GIF graveyard. The Bleeoo Project is doing its part on a less serious level with a site that lets you record your best impression of a dial-up modem.

Bleeoo.com is a safeguard to maintain our memory of a time when we waited for a box to call an ISP for Internet access. You use your Web cam to record an impression of that classic modem handshake sound, dial tone and all, which gets added to the rest of the "bleeoos" available for your brief entertainment. If you don't remember how it goes, this emulator is pretty accurate.

Post a link to yours in the comments!

Sorta related: the dial-up sounds a lot creepier when it's slowed down by 700 percent.