Q2 Cube Internet radio is a real pushover

Cambridge Consultants and Armour Group have developed a cube-shaped Internet radio without dials or knobs. It has to be turned over to change stations.

Tim Hornyak
Crave freelancer Tim Hornyak is the author of "Loving the Machine: The Art and Science of Japanese Robots." He has been writing about Japanese culture and technology for a decade. E-mail Tim.
Tim Hornyak

Cambridge Consultants

People who like getting physical with their gadgets may warm to a new Internet radio that must be moved around to operate.

The Q2 Cube radio from Cambridge Consultants and Armour Group will change to one of four preselected stations when it's turned over on its side. Tilting the speaker back or forward lowers or raises the volume.

The Cube seems to be a bit bigger than palm-sized, so it would fit neatly on a cluttered desk. It wouldn't do as an alarm clock, since tossing it from the bedside table would presumably only change the station.

The companies are calling the device "revolutionary," though in what sense is unclear. In the old days, radios also had to be tuned by turning something--a large dial.

There's no word on price yet, but the Cube could be in some U.K. stores for the holidays.

(Via Wired)