iPhone game controllers cropping up

Photos hint at the first video game controllers for iOS devices, Nintendo reveals new details on upcoming Wii U games, and Microsoft brings the Windows 95 game 'Hover!' back to life.

Bridget Carey Principal Video Producer
Bridget Carey is an award-winning reporter who helps you level-up your life -- while having a good time geeking out. Her exclusive CNET videos get you behind the scenes as she covers new trends, experiences and quirky gadgets. Her weekly video show, "One More Thing," explores what's new in the world of Apple and what's to come. She started as a reporter at The Miami Herald with syndicated newspaper columns for product reviews and social media advice. Now she's a mom who also stays on top of toy industry trends and robots. (Kids love robots.)
Expertise Consumer technology | Apple | Google | Samsung | Microsoft | Amazon | Meta | Social media | Mobile | Robots | Future tech | Immersive technology | Toys | Culture Credentials
  • Bridget has spent over 18 years as a consumer tech reporter, hosting daily tech news shows and writing syndicated newspaper columns. She's often a guest on national radio and television stations, including ABC, CBS, CNBC and NBC.
Bridget Carey

CNET Update is ready to play:

Watch this: iPhone game controllers cropping up

In this episode of Update:

- Take a gander at what Logitech's iPhone game controllers may look like, and see what ClamCase has in store for iOS devices with a controller called the GameCase.

- Get the highlights of Nintendo's announcement on upcoming games, including a new power-up revealed for Super Mario 3D World.

- Waste time at work reliving your Windows 95 years with the updated "Hover!" game.


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