'Goodnight Darth Vader': Bedtime stories for Jedi-to-be

Even Sith Lords have trouble getting their kids to go to sleep. Author Jeffrey Brown's new "Star Wars" book shows the softer side of Darth Vader as a more patient father.

Bonnie Burton
Journalist Bonnie Burton writes about movies, TV shows, comics, science and robots. She is the author of the books Live or Die: Survival Hacks, Wizarding World: Movie Magic Amazing Artifacts, The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girls, Draw Star Wars, Planets in Peril and more! E-mail Bonnie.
Bonnie Burton
2 min read

"Goodnight Darth Vader" by Jeffrey Brown portrays Darth Vader as a dad who tries to get his children to fall asleep without using Jedi mind tricks.
"Goodnight Darth Vader" by Jeffrey Brown portrays Darth Vader as a dad who tries to get his children to fall asleep without using Jedi mind tricks. Chronicle Books

It's bedtime in a galaxy far, far away, and Darth Vader's parenting skills are being tested by his children, Luke and Leia, in "Goodnight Darth Vader."

The follow-up to the best-selling books "Darth Vader and Son" and "Vader's Little Princess" by Jeffrey Brown will be released in August. However the book from Chronicle Books will debut at this year's San Diego Comic-Con International in July.

Darth Vader may be ready for his kids to go to sleep, but his twins, Luke and Leia, want a bedtime story first- -- one that involves the aliens, heroes, villains, and monsters of their world. From Han Solo and Chewbacca to Boba Fett and baby Ewoks, from the wampa ice creature to Jawas, all of the galaxy's denizens are getting ready for a night's rest in this delightful story told in verse, with plenty of nods to the rich "Star Wars" narrative.

Here's a sample verse from "Goodnight Darth Vader":

It's bedtime on Kashyyyk for all the Wookiees
so now they climb high to sleep up in the trees.
The bounty hunters tuck in, all ready and set
except for young Boba and his dad, Jango Fett.

"The response from kids to 'Darth Vader and Son' and 'Vader's Little Princess' was one of the most surprising and rewarding things about drawing those books," Brown told Crave. "Lots of parents told me their kids insisted on reading the books before bedtime, and it made me think I'd love to do a proper bedtime book for 'Star Wars.' It was nice to get to draw a lot of characters and scenes that didn't fit into the first two books, and write jokes a bit differently. I'm looking forward to hearing about kids reading the new book at bedtime."

In honor of Valentine's Day, download these free Vader Valentines by Jeffrey Brown to share with Rebels and Sith Lords you love.

(Via StarWars.com)