Follow Apple's iPhone event live

Here's the page you want to bookmark to follow CNET's live coverage of Apple's "Lets talk iPhone" event tomorrow.

Leslie Katz Former Culture Editor
Leslie Katz led a team that explored the intersection of tech and culture, plus all manner of awe-inspiring science, from space to AI and archaeology. When she's not smithing words, she's probably playing online word games, tending to her garden or referring to herself in the third person.
  • Third place film critic, 2021 LA Press Club National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards
Leslie Katz
Apple's iPhone 4 models: How different will the step-up device(s) be? Apple

You might have heard just a few rumors floating around all year about this thing called an iPhone 5. Well, tomorrow, at Apple's "Lets talk iPhone" event, we finally get to find out what's real and what's not in the next iteration of the popular smartphone. This time around, Apple's holding the event at its Cupertino, Calif., headquarters, starting at 10 a.m. Pacific.

The CNET team, of course, will be on the scene reporting and analyzing every last detail, so bookmark this page and come back tomorrow morning to follow our live blog. And be sure to stay with CNET all day for photos, commentary, first takes, reader reaction, and more.

In the meantime, read Josh Lowensohn's story on what to expect from tomorrow's iEvent.

And just in case you missed the link to the live blog the first time around, here it is even bigger and bolder: Follow CNET's live blog of Apple's "Let's talk iPhone" event here.