Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1300: Is Ping a ding or a zing? (podcast)

Steve Jobs says he tried to get Facebook integration in Ping, but Facebook made it too hard. Uh huh. Also, Boxee says it can price its box at $100 more and still compete. We're not so sure. In other news, Twitter plans to record all the links you click, Skyfire hopes to bring flash to un-jailbroken iOS devices (for the children!), and EULA rules fall once again. --Molly

Molly Wood Former Executive Editor
Molly Wood was an executive editor at CNET, author of the Molly Rants blog, and host of the tech show, Always On. When she's not enraging fanboys of all stripes, she can be found offering tech opinions on CBS and elsewhere, and offering opinions on everything else to anyone who will listen.
Molly Wood
4 min read

Steve Jobs says he tried to get Facebook integration in Ping, but Facebook made it too hard. Uh huh. Also, Boxee says it can price its box at $100 more and still compete. We're not so sure. In other news, Twitter plans to record all the links you click, Skyfire hopes to bring flash to un-jailbroken iOS devices (for the children!), and EULA rules fall once again.

Watch this: Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1300: Is Ping a ding or a zing?


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Email (buzz@cnet.com)

“Hi Molly & Rafe,
Just wanted to add my two bits to the whole Indian government snooping issue. The issue they face is one of criminals using these IP based forms of communications and the firms that provide these services are not locally based. This in turn makes it impossible to tap these lines of communication for law agencies. The situation is not like China where there is a question of censorship and the government spying on probable signs of dissent. Law agencies and by extensions governments still have to get a court order to tap these lines of communications in India and in my opinion is no different than governments listening on to phone conversations of organized crime in most countries including the USA. The US does not face such situations because almost all the major servers of Google and Skype would be based locally and thus can be served a court order asking them to comply with law agencies here.

Thank You,
Arnie from Tampa, FL

“Hi guys,

Rafe said in BOL # 1298 that we need some form of patents to protect intellectual property. I challenge this premise, at least as far as software goes.

You cannot patent mathematical formulae. Algorithms are really no different. The result is we get all these patents on obvious things. There is a saying in business: those who can, innovate. Those who can’t, litigate. Innovative companies don’t need patents to protect them. There are a million Groupon clones but Groupon does it better than anyone else so they don’t care. Patents are for the lazy and incompetent.

What’s more, many say software patents are a zero sum game where companies grab patents as a defense against others coming against them. This is fine in theory but it leads (and has led) to the creation of patent trolls. Patent trolls differ from companies because they create nothing and thus they infringe in no patents so they have nothing to lose to litigating.

I agree with Molly. You cannot argue at this point that software patents don’t stifle innovation. Many countries have outlawed them. The US needs to as well or you will find the entrepreneurs going elsewhere taking their jobs with them. Software is the ultimate portable business.

Keep up the good work
William Shields
Perth, Western Australia

“Hi Buzz Crew:

I admit to being about a 75% Apple fan boy

Without going all into the recent announcements, I have to comment on one thing –

Downloaded iTunes 10 and fired it up. Ping? Meh.

But the thing that DID strike me is that Apple seems to have violated their very own, cast in stone, religious fervor, word of God human interface guidelines.

in EVERY OS X app in the world the Maximize, Close and Minimize controls are horizontal in the upper left of the app window. Red, Yellow, Green — left to right.

Every app that is except iTunes 10 where for no reason that I can discern, Apple decided to put the buttons in a VERTICAL display. So 10,000,000 hours of muscle memory are undone and confounded in a single instant. The button i want isn’t where it should be.

This is so pointless and annoying and if any other developer had done it Steve would have personally punched them out


Love the show

Lee in Boston

So iTunes has taken the same model as the Zune marketplace with the band pages and social sharing and following?
-Jason Nicholson Rafe

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