Ep. 13: U.K. riots,Chinese smugglers, and solar storms set to hit Earth.
Ep. 13: U.K. riots,Chinese smugglers, and solar storms set to hit Earth.

Ep. 13: U.K. riots,Chinese smugglers, and solar storms set to hit Earth.

-- guys welcome to the best of buzz out loud our weekly -- them everything. That happens here. And -- live podcast show now first of in this week's episode Blackberry is helping police with the Blackberry messenger probe in the role with organized in the UK rats. Plus the British prime minister is considering turning off social networks amid further rats which. We know how that goes that's not a good idea plus Chinese smugglers use this epic. Rambo style zip line to smuggle -- pads and transport iphones and finally power companies prepare. As solar storms are set to hit earth so sit back and enjoy the best of buzz -- The London riots continue. To go -- there is rather has been writing in London after. A young man was killed. By police yet during a tab tab pull over right and his -- -- This uprising -- a little bit. I don't wanna say eighteen Hanks but it seems like it's a lot of the disenfranchised. Use or frustrated use out of specifically taking part. In these riots and really destroying their city which makes absolute sense. Yet that I know that's the frustrating thing right is it always it's always an expression of relatively legitimate anger there's like -- their socioeconomic issues happening in this Tottenham. Region. But yet it's it has become as -- so often does unfortunately just wanton. Destruction. Across London burning and you know I mean it's just a it's a disaster at -- blown riot. And what's really interesting is -- the police had been trying to figure out why because obviously. In this day named whenever there's some kind of mass. Movement like this in the instinct is okay what's happening on social media. And what they found was that on the usual suspect places like FaceBook and Twitter. You're mainly they were mainly does seem like reporting or pictures of what was going on -- -- of -- kind of -- group gathering. Of things that we're going on a huge their -- -- there's video now actually the -- just pulled up a huge fired at -- distribution center in and field spread way beyond Tottenham. And it's now apparently color relates to a news -- running copycat. Try -- vandalism happening around the country -- totally fascinating is that it appeared to have been coordinated in large part. Over Blackberry messenger. Surprisingly I had no idea that it was apparently the Blackberry is used by 37%. Of of -- London youth it's the favored method of communication. -- you -- rim still has a market that's alive -- currently thriving now on -- own Blackberry blog they were recently hacked. After reports that Blackberry or rim would be cooperating with police. Over the riots. And -- based on requests from the police they will be providing them with information they didn't get into specifics of what exactly but they're trying to find the source of the problem. Who these organizes were what messages were sent in those areas and the problem with that is personal their blog was hacked because. On -- because they aren't happy about that Blackberry working with the police in that manner but at the same time if you're in that area. And you may have been -- -- or not even partaking in any of these rights and you sent a message -- -- Francine I need to get out of here. That there's a record of that there's a log of that. And some of misinformation if the police are just looking to sweep and find whoever was part is they -- in that area know -- brazenly turned over that's. Are -- laws against is giving up that private information in it you know been taken in by the police because of that. A adding Blackberry and -- like rim unfortunately -- be compelled legally to send in at least according to some of these stories can be compelled to send turn over a lot. Because they think that you know they might be able to find people who. Who were inciting this behavior. But -- it. It as usual it you know it is -- is the worst possible thing that can happen or am right now because. They have a legal obligation to turn over some information. There's no question that there are probably people who are messaging especially that many people use it and there are probably people were messaging things like oh we -- -- for -- who were not participating. And so that and that is like a nightmare in terms of privacy and potential false accusations. And man you know that rim right now just like really really that we do not need it for you not need this. But yeah I mean as far as I understand. The authorities have the right to ask for this information but it. It's a bad -- there. Is what it is it's a bad team as bad timing for rim but apparently as of right now and their web site is offline. They had like. Digg because they've been hacked without blog post now the entire -- blog apparently has been taken off line. -- somewhere right now over 500 people have been brought in a custody there their local facilities are being filled. So much because -- right to -- transferring them another place I mean it's it's getting ugly like we said there's copy -- Criminal vandalism that's happening in writing in other areas now. But -- the tackling is -- surprisingly enough you know did there was also mentioned some the articles of Howell. Authorities were -- an upset that people were posting misinformation. And about the rights on FaceBook and -- now Blackberry with the mean vehicle that was used to. Allegedly organized so -- -- yet -- needed. But FaceBook and Twitter. They were looking to seek out users who are posting information about the rights that might have been inaccurate as well gee that's a site that's that's that's -- -- -- and a -- you know. Is that when you have things like this. Facts are always kind of lost in the shuffle and there's different streams of information -- but if you're going after people another posting on FaceBook and Twitter and that happens you miss information about it. And -- click go looking to target them as well. Gimme a break and -- your just gonna make -- -- more angry. -- later inability to understand their needs and desires. -- Chinese smugglers. And -- you -- zip planes only Lolita goes zip line in and colliding go to zip lining in. A lot of exotic places as well as the planet and -- narrow mandate they detrimental am I cellular user's zip line to get Apple goods. In two there -- country. So what they did is they this is the most amazing part -- -- across international borders right they moved them from the board of Hong Kong into Shenzhen. And a lot -- you know international taxes and trade fees they have to. Pay when you transfer goods they use the zip line but even better to attach it they shot the line with a crossbow. -- POP3 yes cross post straight out our Rambo. Straight out our Rambo which attacks the zip line and then using these sandbags or sacks they transfered like I pads or something over likes. 40000 dollars worth of ipads and iphones it. -- and value of just out one drop was 46583. Dollars. And -- that they were key as part of a major surveillance operations and it's hard to say how long -- may have opera I answer that's awesome since that time there's the story. About those guys are -- hugely turban shaped like catapults you -- -- An idea. Camera idea does also may be -- you'd read data point but this is a zip line aren't -- more than 300 yards long shot by a freaking crossbow. The crossbow. I love you Chinese people leaving me so proud that you don't -- -- is OG -- -- better. Nobody even nobody can even aspire. Tiny -- down like -- -- of these -- awesome. You make moves you -- which is pizza before pizza restaurants and it. Media freedoms of -- 300 yards launched successfully -- you know 11 click thing the reason I said as does my you know your parents need to better Cheney is they always say like we are you we invented. This before it was so I ate pizza when as -- timid and -- -- know Chinese invented pizza I really did it. Mu Shu -- don't like. Kinda while Chinese human embryos and -- breed -- a pizza both. I guy told -- study that -- every day. -- Also this is definitely -- totally. This is going here right chat -- is going on the buzz report because we need the -- on China segment. -- their plan would -- it's going dollar videos my bus numbers reported no matter. But it everywhere Bennett. Salad chasing sound noodles -- -- -- noodles for floating silk we invented silk. -- -- yet name it gulf between doing it added everything. That He let out now I thought we -- We've from the Chinese -- -- can't be insanity from we need from Captain America over here. We -- anything. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And we we are -- -- here we -- literally wants. Pizza guys. Never let it in any different it's totally different issue pork Wolverine and I'm not -- and -- the left tiny screen is a dealer machine part -- One. That news and -- that moves potentially for FaceBook we talked yesterday in email. As someone sent as email and that I heard that anonymous is going after -- but they're gonna take down to that and -- November 5. Remember remember that the -- -- if you haven't that a. Anyway. It turns out yes that is true we were like an confirmed and -- the very next day the tech news confirmed. And anonymous confirmed actually I think we have a little sound by they've put out one of their scary messages is very scary. It's -- anything about that is daring raid that in. Attention citizens that the world -- and on a -- We wish to get -- retention. Hoping you heed the warnings as follows -- medium of communication you also dearly adore we will be destroyed. If you are willing activist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information -- -- the colors and kill Facebook's for the sake of your own privacy. They went on -- -- FaceBook has been selling information to government agencies and giving clandestine access to information security firms. So they can spy on people from all around the world on these so called white hat info -- firms are working for a -- -- authoritarian governments such as those of Egypt and Syria. And then they go on -- -- -- obviously everything everything you -- but save that for every can never deleted it's totally. Loses. I hate me but that's but I doubt that I know I. Are there any involvement. I I I signed up for their terms and I didn't read them all but I don't care because I still like to use those are mysteriously. -- You guys have your home be with based looking decide to -- Mark Zuckerberg is profiled an online. I think -- would be a nice compromise and they can laws when it. And Yahoo.com says maybe we shouldn't worry that much about losing access to FaceBook Amazon anonymous also -- take on Amazon. Earlier this year and was unable to do so I have today this is the kind of thing that could turn public sentiment pretty profile maintenance -- -- you know 750 million users using a service -- a for the most part enjoy and just taking it away from them. I don't think that's gonna work in your finger if anything installed plus they let it but no -- -- -- -- problem has an enterprise network end of what things like the other hand NN while they're developing new security walls like -- pages created a new backdoor for us to jump into yet. They're probably. -- mean. Probably permanently get awareness campaign it's up and get to know that -- -- it I -- There have been these kind of rumblings for years that -- but secretly gives information to the NSA -- that they're in bed with the CIA and that you know they're they're spreading information all in all kinds of nefarious ways. And so if they can prove that. Or let -- some information to that effect I think that would probably be more useful than just like that we're gonna keep you from your farm bill and your your your stuck in your face but to that that mathematics -- docking. That's representative more of the people if that's what you're trying to prove and really show. Use your hacking skills to show us -- what's going on with our data -- what's really going all the data -- -- you guys. I actually love you now. Well not -- -- but well maybe get -- I I I like you -- Celtic. And I agree like they have to have some kind of proof and that it has been like. But sucks these and use an on plots will then release the release the -- files don't take down the service announced under I don't do it that's it that doesn't make sense -- says my less tech savvy friends would despise anonymous that they messed up stock but. Exactly. The latest falcon we all called stock but now because that is the fact that I think I'd be -- -- years -- not the and I couldn't -- that. Specifically single people don't mess with -- -- an awesome tool does Vegas. Power company -- are preparing for the latest crisis to come. From the sky. From above. There have been three large explosion seriously duct problem on bombings. Way to scare the crap out I mean it scared -- -- they're in three large explosions from the sun over the past few days and the sun storms as a better resulting from these -- large explosions. For earth. -- space scientists say the magnetic storm that has seemed to develop will probably be in the moderate to strong level that the solar storms. Throughout this week. Could affect communications and GPS satellite and might even produced an Aurora. It's visible as far south as Minnesota and Wisconsin Seattle -- might see the northern light that's -- -- Columbia now I don't -- my cell -- going -- for a little while just to see. An aura -- a really. In 1989. -- solar storm take down the power grid in Quebec Canada leaving about six million people without power six million people that's our. For several hours the largest storm ever recorded solar storm was an 1859 when communications infrastructure with limited and back then obviously -- But that work and also a hit telegraph offices around the world and -- an Aurora that was visible south as the Caribbean. I heard it and it said papers on fire and telegraph offices to have some telegraph operators reported electric shock papers went on fire. It's Wednesday at -- and many. This console like this is crazy cute that many. Telegraph systems continued to send and receive signals even after operators disconnect the -- It's like that's -- out what's that movie where all -- machines come to life like maximum overdrive or whatever like that -- that it. And I guess I sort -- machine still has used sounds like transformers it has the worst most often movie ever overdrive now it's called Holcomb model Iran now I know you -- -- -- -- all of these machines come to live -- and -- in a violent in a viola playing well and they all like totally they don't -- -- like trucks are running people down like it literally instead of machine until the dated for it sounds like -- of like final -- that then it does -- -- -- just the -- because there's like a comet. I think it was like a comet that was -- knows me knows that -- Now -- that it was called maximum -- -- -- yes 78. And even today it. Adds. With ideas and best worst movie ever does what it. This week it was -- -- probably on that placed as if it's a bad movie it's -- Netherlands called methanol -- -- -- was that -- made for TV movie or a movie like in a theater now earning an album sounds made for TV and -- bloody and hilarious I think it -- I'm in now has made -- dimension and nice side on TBS of course. A group of people try to survive it's from 1986. A group meal tabs arrive on machines had to come alive and become homicidal. I am TV review for at a time. The -- in this league this thing and and that's soda machine -- edited it and it doesn't matter I don't -- -- announces. That's it for this we show remember guys can check -- -- live at 10:30 AM Pacific time. As cnet.com slash live I'm Brian Tong and this has been the best of -- --

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