Ep. 1283: Lying liars and the phones they sell us
Ep. 1283: Lying liars and the phones they sell us

Ep. 1283: Lying liars and the phones they sell us

Tuesday August there 27 Jason -- I'm regularly and I -- Hollywood look at a buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length of episode 12183. Hot new Smartphone news today it's the new Blackberry eight talk trash me. I know I did they like energetic out of at -- and claim them stereo but that's so if the bar at -- edges and go ahead with those bouts of yeah when you turn it on will -- at the top. Like yours for a continuing through an addiction and engine -- impairment. Very useful but developing server that's important but -- it's -- the electric short is Blackberry the new touch screen phone it's not like this storm it's not a -- unibody touch screen. It is and kind of a slider design. That looks like the Palm Pre we've actually talked about this that's can in the rumors have been coming on they were right they were all right. And that rim. Has a leak it's capacity of touch incidents and events that silly -- through thing with the rattling for -- -- -- resistance though the thing. Look with a screen and the storm had mode I was unusable anyway after it's just a normal as a regular -- -- that's community York that's attacking with. A slider for all those diehard. Part keyboard users and has some cool features. For -- got a new OS. Looks better better design all the way through the avid fan and use the -- obviously but. Blackberry I think supposedly though is it will weigh more touch screen and in Iran has really been following kind of in the touch -- think that this is much more icon based. It's also got you know universal search. Built in a lot iPhone does that does better. It also has a universal inbox. Which is cool that he can sort of clear out your old messages a little bit better it is the sort of -- -- The email thing. There is no pricing or availability information yet no word on whether previous Blackberry models -- -- able to Blackberry -- ethics. But they're just really hoping that that looks pretty. It is pretty and. If your keyboard. Once you're gonna love it because it had a Blackberry has keyboard and we do have impressive from Athens area weird if it -- 99 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- thinking and it looks like it's about the same price basically as the night at as an iPhone for. But. Action which is an iPhone or 32. -- and that one -- -- -- and in anyway but here's the thing. And I -- that advisedly because it runs on the same never misses an AT&T exclusive phone it -- eighteen T. And say yes so Verizon people sprint people heal people sorry no torch for you yet anyway no Apple's leopard for you what what is. What is the world coming to I -- -- people are asking obviously is this -- -- have the same problems on the eighteenth network that the iPhone does now dropped calls slow all that stuff and it's the same network. So unless there's something more -- about the with a Blackberry handles never entered in for interface. It'll have the same problem and or it won't be eighteen he has conservatory. Rent are right -- oh yes certainly -- it immediately saying that because of the emails. Let there are those places where it will work just fine and it may even work better who knows -- that the inhabit. Any other receptionist -- other things that it does not have though it doesn't have a front facing camera -- it does have though -- Like finally kind of better -- support has Blackberry always had apps. But they were impossible to find it now has better -- management and apps. Our build on your mobile bill and which is -- all I can model so it will my bill it'll run also it'll run -- old Blackberry -- -- step backward compatible you'll Blackberry apps. Also what it doesn't have though and I am. This is kind of a bummer no flash support. Rate -- it alone aren't and -- you know I would be big selling point and I others that -- -- -- went -- retirement doesn't have a one gigahertz camping and dragon processor. And it doesn't have a like a super -- display or anything and it's basically it'd a Blackberry Internet definitely not. I mean I just feel like Blackberry still. Hasn't cracked the nut I'm becoming a super full fledged smart -- feels like a written on still feel like at the corporate polymer tool in picking the -- easier to use. Wish I could I think Blackberry and they're going to love but it doesn't you know me well the question is will different kind of -- the Blackberry fans who have this product. Through their business get this phone. Because this phone is more open an existing blackberries and that support. And will corporation support. And then how Long Will be until they do are they gonna get some dumb down or you know restricted version if they do I mean -- like if you know at CNET sorted -- -- -- in the Blackberry -- I think that you know Blackberry people would be pretty happy yeah I am now that's that's -- mash. -- -- -- It anyway we that is that seen some pictures of it over. Obviously much smaller than a story that's what we knows when it's open and -- a larger at the little yeah I don't even know that. I think at this point honestly it's a different audience yet. Agree then you know and -- -- will present especially compared with -- the same network anyway ads will be starting soon it'll be coming out I think pretty shortly yeah. Arrogant take a quick break when we come back a little more phone news and a whole new way to check in on foursquare. This next it is kind of fishy though the how right then has announced that the Motorola dried we'll start getting -- -- yeah I'll update this week the week of August 2. Android 2.0 otherwise known as free -- -- natively support tethering and Wi-Fi hot by creation however. Verizon says at least according to phone -- dot com. That the -- -- -- that will not offer these features it doesn't they say -- have the hardware to support in mobile hot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- With tethering there's no connection on the PC side that will allow you to tethered to the device -- indeed -- there's no connect got I mean other then. It. -- there's no connection on the beauty -- or lack by the well lighted to other device the device over there Arizona answer as that option isn't part of this update. This is not part of that except for. All of that people. Who -- -- their drive in an hour in fact tethering you don't even I know you might know. I think -- dead -- right this stricken secondly how. How do you are you not a. Embarrassed to go out into the world with the academy are you not embarrassed to be the Verizon spokesperson it's like the -- doesn't have the hardware support do you either a not know or be. Have lost all sense of moral company -- think that's just this it's beyond moral compass about places like. It's a -- or even you will that -- -- every -- from like ninety in a from 2005 when Verizon always -- it's -- these -- phones coming out and -- land at the Verizon store and all the cool features that you're hearing about for months and we're on. It it they can no longer need to what I find so astonishing is that they can no longer. Put these statements out and have been accepted as gospel like is one thing to say. We just turned off Bluetooth because we want you to download era -- looking at them it's -- naked kind of business decision but this is just. And outright lie -- to say that it doesn't have the hard -- the you don't even net need to routed to do tethering PDA net. In the marketplace for and a murderer. For a -- found for stock standard for -- Android phone can now -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't know -- having a single stand of a reverse. While I think -- river I think -- they will clarify the statement means so far it's that if the campaign is being reported on one blog I suspect that all the journalists in the world hopefully including our dreams are calling them saying. Can you what to -- on the hardware support him can we clarify a little bit -- while -- and actually it's probably and more work for Verizon to take out these features and would be just leave them in. I but why not I thought they were just going to charge for it like want to introduce the -- -- minute that thirty you know nobody else is doing I assumed that it all but it did what it really is is -- -- forced upgrade path that sounds like it or an act. And Android to the other -- I mean they don't you know they want to be able it's like it's like. Why company by Apple with an iPad that cameras running primetime with -- it because they want to buy version that we're I don't think any video all the features of the -- X 202 in the dried that'll let you want mine about. -- I what you might stay with you might but they make their money on the service agreements. I mean and and unlocking Newington so -- may get lucky and whenever you upgrade to and from straight don't want your contract -- they want to keep buying -- -- real thing. And the makers of the new phones including Motorola now have their own front ends that they have a lot of crap -- and stuff like not loaded on Motorola relayed the original drive for whatever reason didn't end up with that's the standard plain Vanilla. Andrew and -- and they really want people who do these other things. And it -- this thing is just tell me. Be blatantly you know manipulative and are not not manipulative just be blatantly like. Extort -- to ever you know be upfront about it don't drive don't lie to your market -- the market for Detroit. It is people who break and no better. Molly if you're going to -- her to -- that in the front not that I think that and thank you -- -- exactly at stemming the front is -- -- -- if you wanted to buy a new phone to. I'm gonna. Did -- you know I'm good I'm gonna buy a new damn phone. Be honest about your -- can -- -- car kind speaking of -- liars and lying liars. And the phones they sell lots of good. Think you agreed yes attorney general Richard Blumenthal is investigating agreements between. Amazon.com. And Apple ink over e-book pricing. And and including e-book publishers and then Amazon and Apple this this story has been developing for months and months and months now finally the AG is get involved in saying that. Although they don't -- -- in this press release its price fixing. Right it's collusion and price fixing their basically accusing or. Investigating Apple they're alleging that Apple and Amazon. Of setting prices artificially high for electronic books. And making discounting by other. Resellers other booksellers impossible because. These giant sellers won't let anybody in on to undercut them. Yet which is illegal in -- here. Agreements appear to deter certain publishers from offering discounts to Amazon Apple's competitors because we must offer the same to Amazon and Apple which. Which is I mean they've said you know they looked at the four biggest sellers and found that the prices are identical and they are -- mean there's no question that Amazon. And Apple Amazon probably kicked it off and has definitely been price fixing all along like a protocol methods in January actually -- Molly rant about how Amazon needs to get out of the book. The e-book pricing business. Because even -- 999 you know. Hilariously I don't think they were pressing them artificially high. They were pricing them artificially low they were present a -- you know the 99 cent mp3 -- -- the 999 e-book because but the book publishers want to be higher. And Amazon -- I want to be -- that we can tell more candles and somewhere. More. Potentially allegedly polluted environment well what they've done in addition to do. And that is they were apparently. Either directly or not work with the -- major competitors. To fix those prices and that's where things I mean it's one thing for a big seller to say for Wal-Mart say okay look will buy your. Your car seats. -- -- car seats at this price and if you don't -- -- let's find them. You know but if you wanna access to our market here it is that's another thing for Wal-Mart and that target. And -- and say okay this is gonna be -- right you know are gonna say that we -- -- fixing. Yeah and now it seems to have -- I mean obviously there. In an ethnic thing but -- their own thing -- And it than it is always been an art there's a bright and I you know it's so it's what's interesting is that so early in the e-book market in the book economy that. You know this the whole ten dollar for every book. Out -- think. Probably not collapsed and I hope we thought what the. I think it'll come back I mean but that's the that's why I want -- punches get out of the way everybody to get out of the way. You know put out those fifteen dollar -- 99. 999 -- might be. 699 who knows you might even be twelve but we have no clue because we've had artificial pricing and. Anyway. Jinx no no yeah you don't go away. That's right get on FaceBook vote -- there -- -- Thanks Jason. It's so anyway a cool new -- -- -- -- here. If you have -- it's checking the Illinois. If you have foursquare check in the key which apparently is a very serious yes. Serious you can now be cures by instant who have. Called. What the called future check in. Which lets you basically as you're walking by a place that you go to frequently automatically checked you -- So if I -- at the Starbucks in the back but -- thank -- That seems like cheating yes it -- total -- -- happy well speaking of cheating that's what I'm afraid of with this thing because you know you get access -- years significant others or maybe not that's -- that -- phone and you say okay when he or she goes to this location. -- reports were automatically means speaking of cheating is that's right exactly not out yet I got it it's so. It's it is kind of a department of what -- possibly go wrong although. It is a very cool thing to do with if you really need to check in every time you go to the Starbucks or your office or whatever. -- but that's a good deal lanakila drive by chickens in I -- -- and that place and it detects that I near their for a text me and I get it. And there are many right. Nightmare is starting to come with tangible reward yeah -- totally well Leo I'm getting -- -- of the -- I think we're gambling and stupid but. It -- but it's true if the mayor I think it's starting to come with tangible -- to get coupon going on that's of them this does totally gaming the system yeah it -- -- -- motor -- This is not a FaceBook or sorry this not a foursquare app math right specifically they did not write that so really makes me wonder. How long this type of app can be out there are foursquare is gonna contact them because it's really seems like geek chic -- -- I thought I could totally -- -- the entire purpose there is -- force we're cheating going on right now. And by that I mean cheating with the foursquare -- not cheating on somebody else right let's -- clear. There because I saw an add on in the Bart platform have -- Davis says. Check -- on foursquare at this place in a get a coupon and that's and you go there and you check in you're not even there I mean. You really attendees -- parents and -- instantly who's hilarious story about taking you know virtual vacations and checking in Dubai and then here than there and he's never leave this couch and meet people -- -- -- -- this at least so when you walk past the -- I know what support what lists at least. When you walk into place you don't have to remember to check in a taxi and for -- one of the places you authorized it's actually very clever but in all -- run around the block the public has become mayor local Starbucks. Right there we to have it -- it and I gotta say. I don't get -- where. I mean I didn't I tried to use it for awhile. Have always -- -- -- -- a couple of months you know if I'm doing is really what we're really freaks me out about it is that I've summit friend requests on there and I don't want everybody I mean that my family friends nor am cool. All these 800 people want to follow me. I don't want them knowing that time where ran him. Moon and -- any -- this is I think a super useful development in the world of technology. The company Corning which makes guerrilla glass. Is -- morning where Andrew really glasses -- the -- you know pseudo unbreakable glass. There is being being used in Smartphones and handheld devices. They're now pitching it to use as HDTV. Covered blasts perfect sense which I gotta say I have a friend whose kid grabbed a -- and a beer bottle off the copy table and smashed the front of their television and then. And I think this superb idea well yeah especially now that every all the gaming motion controllers -- -- like -- last breakers on the back of them. The unity from a the thing the whole TV explodes why do they have and it's funny that they have it. On all these portable devices and then make it the tyrant with upper crippled -- -- like -- -- putting aside from the rare cases of why Nintendo Wii -- smashing TV screen. I timer calling similar panel -- that -- you know people looked at it for it does it ahead you know that -- -- drunk people playing Wii bowling you know about that website I am. It's my -- -- yes. Yeah I bet there are some TV is on that site. Yes and -- -- to make it so. Paint come off easily the other problem put -- another funny thing is joining us guerrilla glass on the people's all the back then was invented in 1962 by according neighbor just looking for applications -- the first if on the iPhone and now they're like -- HT TV's think what we think it from classic ten years after forty years later. Malaria I think that TV isn't unbreakable glass are super answer the question -- the -- headline. Yes definitely. So there's this spreading trend in coffee shops I read an article about -- few months ago that some of them are starting to actually crack down on kind of of the free. Wi-Fi poaching like they don't want to -- just sit there all day news -- -- only buy one cup of coffee and when the with the recession thing. I once they recession came right everything we it would -- the missile thing where the coming in and they don't you think so nick Milton over the -- times sort of blog posts. About how he went on over to a local Manhattan copy shop that kept he -- -- down the Kindle. And then he was told. -- -- we don't allow computers. In the Asia we don't want your kind in here. Pretty. Well and they said that well it takes batteries it has a keyboard and a screen it's a computer. It's some variation right on the computer like you. Wow and it was any fed that it happened at two different copies up one of actually -- -- the birth of the CAPTCHA the second with a sandwich shop. While he was reading and taking note on the iPad and the employee there said no computers were allowed between noon and three Pia. He would. But that after another lengthy defense of. I wouldn't let the bunnies or you -- that -- people into thinking that 14100 that they -- copies out with their pesky paper books now. I can totally understand that that never read the -- shouldn't set its its that -- that should just say no that guy at this table because. We know it. This is the top which is the guys who bring in their IMAX in their home theater system patent. But I mean reading a -- that's just that's that's that's over overreaction and I can get the feeling like in two years this will be an on issue -- I hope. Hopefully I hope it becomes a -- -- right around the time the TSA realizes that the Kindle is such a low powered device that it's never gonna crash the plane and I can have it on that during landing and takeoff for god sake. No wait a minute wait and re gets -- amendment out if you -- wireless I mean -- in iPad doesn't have a keyboard. Yeah he would -- -- though -- is and a battery can't be taken -- out about bush and the hi -- can you prove it has batteries notes -- by the time totally not that cooler if. Spot I have not made -- to the as yet but. All its competitors are row live in our DOR radio is the latest went to lunch in the US and Canada which -- more it has more indie music deals and. This one actually looks pretty close when at this morning actually really cool and you can get a three day trial no credit card which is neat. So I do like that -- -- a school plays what you want. It is not yet there radio sorry not just like and -- and with what it once they want so check that it's very cool I movement and radio but it sounds are via. Which isn't logistically a pickle plant I was correcting myself at that that later but you were talking and I understand how this came out opera it was it. Good denied any nine a month for web and mobile access and for 99 for web only access and I think subscriptions -- that. However it's -- transplant. -- Wiki the FBI has been in touch with Wikipedia. To a -- they are violating the law injury in using. -- sealed. That seal of the FBI. -- The one that show where the FBI and a bit like the taxpayers paid by those the feel of that -- totally publicly funded organization but they have apparently attempted to. It's not even like are we allowed copyright -- on the video is beyond copyright they're saying I'll put up there -- and we are using their logo to the ordinary news. They FBI quoted a lot and they said that it was unauthorized production of the -- that whoever possesses any insignia or any color a -- imitation their. That's right and you know FBI coloring -- for you. -- behind or imprisoned or herb Pope and it's not like people are not -- keep people are -- printing -- -- from Wikipedia holding up the -- bad -- think let me an FBI I mean this is ridiculous. Now fortunately. The Wikipedia and lawyers of the lawyers saying we are compelled -- -- matter of law and principle to deny your demand for removal of the FBI's -- yet from Wikipedia. Take a hike so I'm good for Wikipedia -- on this is -- is something we pay for it's just African logo. Well. If I mean I wish things were -- the freedom about the great -- doesn't have story. But it if it is a copyrighted logo through that you can't put on Wikipedia that permission the question is whether they're not even really trying to say it's. It's a copyright issue they're trying to say that at Lincoln national security issue I mean -- I -- I guess that those -- -- pronouncement on about well one thing you can't put. Yet they can't be that it. But -- -- camp and has not immune to that this isn't even the bad this is the -- -- -- on top of their. Door and we can put on your little linked me to -- you're dealing in the new medium you could about it have a thingy and I went right. Any help that -- one thing you cannot do is actually are there are laws about. -- reproducing. Money when. But doesn't money now that they're -- they're basically trying to put it into the Emma -- you're so money I don't want them to start taken going after people for an Afghan government and pac man. Other headlines today Google has now rolled out the multiple sign in feature which is very exciting -- more than one Gmail account you can now maybe they just let between and the first thing I need to be -- -- down. If you visit other Google products that don't support multiple accounts you iMac -- -- -- -- and many many mentally -- -- able to do indeed you're right to say yeah eight. -- it -- at several Google content that I like. Microsoft has released it out of cycle pitch patch -- Thing. Which fixes the way windows handles -- had filed after attackers exploiting that. Also that they could take complete control of the computer activates that -- and yeah pretty bad that's bad we're gonna go -- and they don't often viewed out of band patches though you know was like a pretty bad and. This was the one that was infecting -- systems which are basically industrial control system so -- that you don't want to but there's no techno. -- -- -- And science news in science news the sun is sending us a giant pain ray thank you very much and there was a CME -- mass ejection of the sun pointed straight at us and then and there's so go it is on our -- on its way to us and them. Through the upside is will probably the really cool Aurora Borealis or a roars in general -- -- -- -- where else from the one in the Southern Hemisphere. But the bad news is it could also -- that. Yet down and we'll see. Solarz did not eat well and every time there's a huge solar destruction like that you do see anything distractions than cellular networks and satellite -- GPS reception and Steve Jobs -- the Senate to all of that stuff. A Hummer and they're calling this one as solar to nominee and he said that it's not just -- the rare event and one eruption occurring but it was too. And they were both launched toward -- so later on this week when you can't get it GPS signal and you are seeing the northern -- and Wednesday Portland. You'll now via -- sun is nothing without. I don't wanna go on Etsy or that and -- -- really yeah really. Korea and North Dakota. -- -- -- All right movie -- -- -- -- very excited we have to a few voice mails burst up a little review of life with him. Hey doesn't allow this is key -- text. That's one of -- regards the play on service does mentioned. We have here house in love that we actually get rid of -- cable television service because of it on and now that it's got a mobile service. Oh I can not only watch on a PS3 gonna want on my iPhone. And I reckon my friends over time and show them -- Hulu on this and then they just week. -- -- Boom boom boom boom that's a good reason that the part I love to give me your friends we need to sweep. That's up and I that seems totally worth it and then. We have a call from London on rebooting the -- By. The active in the wall mounted. I'm just -- about the whole. Seven we don't do it and I'm like ability. But the white meat beat in the net is to the -- and over again. I would spectacle was -- an active. That was like like a solution anyone pop music that the -- I just move on anyway. -- that they -- the. Yeah doesn't really well it's not quite that simple we turn it off and then we have to get seven people out of bed in 21 -- -- the United States. And have them -- -- that who actually five but. But -- yes because it remains. The last best hope of tech support yet turn it off Comcast tech support is now in charge of the day zero everywhere yet or -- is turn off wait thirty days and thorough and I'm here our -- Michael -- -- -- yesterday show I got to thinking how long is it before the majority of individual personal data is stored in the cloud and how dangerous is that. But the growth of Google -- in any emerging cloud solution for Microsoft coupled with the rapid rise in online backup solutions. How long the before individuals are really at risk of their information being hacked out of the cloud soon instead of -- haven't -- millions individual systems they only need to have a few. Is there are more local -- solution. -- -- thing. Whereby an individual can have multiple system backups both on and off sites such as the home and in the office but not turn over control -- -- to -- the party. And if we don't do -- what happens when someone blows up the -- -- than. Amendment. The answer to that actually is yes and I'd love this question because there to really cool products. That -- computer to computer back up that. And they don't stored in the -- store. Across computers one is Microsoft licensing which is a -- gap that has no -- stored -- connected computers to each other and they just keep each other updated with all the changes on each other. Microsoft product there's no there's no data capacity issues because Microsoft isn't storing the data for you war. And the other one which is a little back up at the not many people know that. It's called crash plan. And it's like one of those mosier carbon -- back up systems except. You set up on your computer and say your mom's computer. And then you back up to her machine and she backed up yours and you can't see each other's data. But you're not using anybody else's computers except to oh in the family it's totally -- -- -- that as very ninth. The biblical heartland look of -- Look of our clouds it's a common is that it's only -- and it is I love it right down. -- it's time for today the black messenger question today it's going to need it is. -- -- to appear good -- they didn't hold I'm. Something about unbreakable glass and what else needs unbreakable glass. The other thing that you ever want that shirt other things they need unbreakable that's done for windows under the comment via Blackberry visitor from. -- is due for five to three. You can also see the links officer as we -- -- -- blog BOL dot cnet.com you can email less buzz at cnet.com and call us the -- -- -- What -- -- it would take to think. 38. If you've ever write about has opened. Well let's get -- was gonna hold -- this one but it appears that detonated his in this in the chat room. Oh. So go ahead and I think it's the same guy anyways seasonally claiming that. That he's the one that wrote the -- -- remakes. But I happen. It's. By Brian -- well. And -- -- -- ahead say that it's kind of like a deal lowering -- mixed with Beverly Hills cop who haven't. -- -- -- It. When you get chat room. The do. The patent and confident that the release of -- thing. You can give it back. -- hills cop though right and I've been really good I didn't do do do do do do. Boom boom. Yeah they yellow cards and -- that -- Yeah right well okay -- a special day here though. The that's fun did you know sort of -- you know an end there in of them. Sort of like singing both lab -- liberal who played a little bit of being. -- Yeah. RA. On film. William guards where -- go to earth.

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