New Stranger Things trailer shows glimpse of season 4

Stranger Things returns in 2022.

Carrie Mihalcik Former Managing Editor / News
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Carrie Mihalcik

The first episode of season 4 will apparently be called The Hellfire Club.


Stranger Things is ready to see you in the Upside Down. Netflix on Friday released a new teaser for the hit sci-fi series that includes a brief glimpse of footage from season 4. 

The teaser starts with scenes from previous seasons before showing several quick shots from the new season, including Eleven being held back by men in black suits, the Hawkins crew wielding flashlights in a building with haunted-house vibes and Hopper with a flamethrower.

Previous teasers have hinted that season 4 will explore locations beyond Hawkins, Indiana, and that vanished Police Chief Jim Hopper ended up in Russia. The show's writers also revealed the first episode of season 4 will apparently be called The Hellfire Club, which is also the name of a supervillain group in the X-Men comics

In June, the show's official Twitter account revealed four new characters for the season: band nerd Vickie, basketball player Patrick, guidance counselor Ms. Kelly and cheerleader Chrissy. The characters' photos were tweeted upside down, apparently in honor of the show's terrifying underworld, the Upside Down.

On Friday, Netflix stuck with that theme, including upside down text in its tweet that reads (if you flip it): "see y'all in the upside down."

The fourth season's exact release date hasn't been revealed yet, but Netflix says it's coming in 2022.  Season 3 landed in July 2019, so fans are likely eager to catch up with the kids of Hawkins.