Ep. 745: Where Ozone shows off the PSP2: Electric Boogaloo
Ep. 745: Where Ozone shows off the PSP2: Electric Boogaloo

Ep. 745: Where Ozone shows off the PSP2: Electric Boogaloo

Can you. -- -- -- -- -- to start all over way I don't already hit the timer. -- behind jobs to do. I -- -- This is go forward so it's Thursday. January 27 it's -- may get a little like looking -- Three are for now it does -- begin to -- a thread I'm Wilson then I'm just of Kaminsky and I'm Justin yu and this is the show where. Ozone shows off the PS PT you -- popular political -- your -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- can you -- -- Kaminsky found in digital city podcast of the unit is on the -- affiliate for Jeff -- today can you explain that -- title in -- Bob -- -- art -- just and I -- at BB you know we test products in the lab together and occasionally just about music on rock music on rent and just have -- start breaking into little two bogeys at the no I put that don't need another that's not edit and it takes and it takes is about because there's a movie break that came on the eighties for acute care can mean characters -- Turbo in -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that we're not looking at -- and I haven't worn by futures I don't it's more like terrible. You do it's more like those you dance with some groups about -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There's a leg warmer loan I had. -- -- -- -- -- -- A yeah well or sorry for -- show off a little later listening live to the 44. You always should expect to -- because we're never on time but today we're particularly late. Because there's been -- -- catastrophe. It's funny like on Twitter everybody who lives in yours this is trying to find the funniest way to refer to the disaster brag that New York has become for the last couple weeks because of the massive amounts of snow -- Raining down here. Joey -- is affected you in anyway or do you care I. They don't I do care -- I -- it did affect right if I woke up at like 6:30 the morning in -- much. Said some major delays so you know airport shutting down -- mass transit -- -- -- delayed -- I think yes. Hold have to go to work yet because you don't live in Manhattan and other than that neither -- and -- -- and and that's why I have no excuse not to be here right I literally. And in and I guess in sediments of -- greater trouble but I literally left my house. At 1012 and you know this because as a picture of the planetary -- -- based. That's part that the threat I was here by 1035. IV if it had no effect -- you can't have half of it and I had to walk normally take the crosstown bus. And its extreme down yet but -- took the seat to the. -- if this is funny though it is so lake. I expected it to be rough getting into the office this morning -- I left like half an hour early. The EOK that's about it and enough time did you -- -- enough crap. For the last couple of snowstorms a figure like this change should be running that they are -- earlier. Is crazy like nobody was -- I think people just like you know it it's knowing I'm gonna give up on going to work. -- and yet they've got analog to a because there was a note on the tree I mean actually don't like homes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah I think what I. I -- I was up late last night in its chemical did you hear the thunder snow I -- I -- -- -- I -- -- I went to -- the major precipitation is snow not rain but you can also hear that under the same time. It's me. A few moments that -- house as the negatives of any benefit is slim ball. And was walking -- Adobe -- -- C universal like lightning as granite. But I have -- -- -- but it still snowing and utterly and everything I like the name that is -- days and the superhero or a porn star -- And there's a London and -- and others are calling. And in that is -- I was grown up. I didn't know -- about what I do not. I've been here that it is divorcing Yzerman and in the snow because of much. It is still years. -- about the big news that I guess happened last night via. Adjustment -- -- -- -- it's a little we -- talking about this is an adjustment that can you program now I don't. As surely I'd like Jesse I guess you comment a little bit about this so we'll get to it. That PSP two was kind of announced -- to step back it's not called the PSP two be it. And GP -- they're just rolls out the hidden where -- the next generation portable. Because Sony he refused to confirm this public to be called PSP to -- it. Looks pretty cool I'll have to -- looks it looks really sleek. Scuttle it looks a lot like the original PSP 3000 spirits at the touch screen -- -- it's got dual touch screen so the price is a touch screen the back is that it's there. There -- two analogue the micro controls the XP and -- thing. Why would any kind of game -- in need. It touch screen on the back of the device that's bad idea -- can't even see what you're doing -- -- get a little clever so what's going on it is when -- you know the biggest complaint about. One of the biggest complaints about these touch screen devices like and Jordan -- on is that when you're actually touching the screen you can't see what your. You're attaching to your fingers over right so the idea is that this touch screen goes all on the back side. And you'll actually be able to touch things on the screen without your finger blocking -- So basically what they're on the -- -- what you're fondling your report. I like when -- restoring. -- drinks from fast. So just definitely has an excuse now when he says the more reason attachment something that when it's. I guess we'll do it I want your wonderful so -- incorporate the that the media playback as well flip to them like fingered gestures to go to the next -- And go play max's we can frogs wood from your pocket aren't as opposed them physically -- -- -- and that you know that's probably gonna be a big thing in a lot of people are talking about how -- in the day their biggest being that the said last night. Was that this has PS3 level graphics in it looks like it -- because it's got like a Quad Core arm processor. Quad Core GPU. -- like this piece is an end and an airborne -- battery here. Especially -- essentially there's no word yet on how long the batteries don't last. Adding that's going to be a big big issue. Is you've got. You know I suppose we have very you know. Power intensive -- CPU power intensive GPU. It's I'm sure it's gonna look great by you have to costly keep it plugged into -- wall. And then actually you know extrapolating. The specs. To me. This is a knock in its you guys are gonna expect this but to me it looks or what the specs look a lot like a future Android phone. So this PSP two is different from the reported PlayStation what it phones it's different and that's actually you know something else that they announced which I I think in the long terms can even bigger. In the PSP two in -- PlayStation suite which is essentially a certified. Additional store. On top of the Android marketplace. Where you'll -- download certified PlayStation one games for now but eventually I think they're gonna move on to higher quality. Things and the programs designed so that manufacturers can submit their you know -- device to Sony. Who can certify that -- be compatible with their PlayStation. Suite standard. And you'll they'll play games across that because that that's honestly what I believe I article of -- -- and -- it sounds fantastic. Every Android phone two -- three years from now is to be Quad Core is gonna have great graphics so you know I don't think you're gonna have -- shelf life of the original PSP had. And you know what that that was the other big feature. Is we don't have the details yet but apparently it's gonna be three G and so what's the difference between this and an Android phone except the buttons on the front. And why can't any other manufacturer just sort adding buttons. -- because the hardware is pretty much the same. -- like everybody's running army everybody's gonna have a Harvey RI GPU. If you're not going Nvidia with the tegra -- don't go. The power BR so I mean that's that. And malicious software should be compatible. But that the for the stronger than what Sony -- probably -- there's loose I mean. The really smart on the show off the new NGP. With uncharted that's something that you won't find on any other platforms I think they're hoping that their strong background of games. We'll bring people to the devices -- they do have some seriously. Beautiful exclusive games and could you imagine by god of war on how are probably is go for that alone I have no doubt that -- the system is gonna produce great graphics. But is it -- -- Already has its terms of exclusivity right yeah games that are exclusive to that device that they'll hopefully that that more look at the -- -- -- -- -- from you know it's sort -- answer the question like why they do -- the PSP phone. I mean it's sort of and I think the PSP phone is essentially an experiment for the PlayStation suite. Which can be released later this year and also they they they they took a big hit because it's actually an a third party app that some and another developer makes it allows you to play PlayStation games then when -- owner -- -- map and have the -- on my phone and news is that we can play the games. Only thing is -- the -- take up so much space in your memory card. I mean I -- of the Nintendo M and Nintendo Nintendo emulator. And have like 800 Nintendo games iPhone perfectly legal so I mean I think. I just thought it -- You know the funny thing is that even have apps you can download it find the roms for you grab the -- looking for the roms and computer to search for rom from -- the -- database and digital tripping. This is just Sony's way trying to get some money back is the PSP go is a flop and I hope they learned one thing from that and not have the pricing so high on this next place that. I mean that's the other un answered question about this like the key is key to where the -- GP. There's no price along with it but I'm looking at the specs and if it's essentially I mean to -- -- is essentially using smart phone. Parts. And when you buy those. And subsidize their five or 600 dollars in this is easily generation above that so I mean are we it. I honestly think that they they cannot get away. Selling this for anything less than 299 dollars probably closer to 400 dollars. At the minimum and what carried -- newer -- the three G services going to be an onion like get they're probably gonna go the same matters. Apple did visited the problem heavy GSM model. That might be subsidized or might not know who knows and it is that can really is second to keep people from buying EP SPs to. If you have to sign a two year contract with AT&T or T-Mobile in the US. Wouldn't it could mean regular phones -- thoughts while. -- somewhere else I mean. I mean the great thing about the -- -- -- -- in iPhone -- rise in you know -- ipads in the -- You're gonna pay Banc one network in my apologies for giving the camera back at Mike at the left. -- apartment -- authorized to talk about -- experience but not as though this is switched gears you can't really tell from the single shot of Jolie -- he actually has a full. Mac. Desktop front -- and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- to give me that are to start an initial look and listen it's not part of our members have. Yeah -- I only see are these your eyes and -- it had no idea whether you're smiling unlike unlike the guy from omelets that that the home improvement looking over the fellow world isn't that. That. You have loyalty to it because I felt hat's desktop computers for CNET. It would bring a lot W units -- thing -- are out of province laptops just it's targeting the same when all the time and in people who've known me. I'm committees have no flash in -- -- connecting machine at public or just that there was nightmare that it has a you know what. This goes back when I send it -- it in some level incidental my bookmarks whom. It you know the 404 page him I was ready to go to -- -- diploma and an image so the. I guess my other question would be the the other thing that's been a prominent around -- got the monster be. From -- right studio today is it worth it how much of those coalesced. The things are expensive there are expensive I didn't time I -- pay full price online and get -- for free either. I know wholesale -- an animal's -- and an -- as have a problem. I am the matures the studios. -- and the solos. And I remember that towards -- the housing that sounds mediocre I haven't settled before my one gripe with them is that you couldn't listen to music lets you had. Batteries and yeah that that's what sucked it about -- -- the batteries run out don't have any -- you can't listen well we happen to have a lot of batteries here's. That's true and if there's one thing CNET does not have to buy it yeah we actually have adults terrible battery. -- -- Did he did not. However this is to order charge of all the -- it's it's and I hope that they do -- were really long time I mean I I barely changed in what some money and he's in every day -- -- -- And unlike just about and offered so -- all right idea that alive. I mean like that so it goes back to our original story about the PSP two or in GP. It looks like it can be a beast. You're gonna probably get ten minutes of battery -- lesson is that what's -- I mean like that's great. You have PS3 level graphics but I have I've seen studies and we did the the the measurements ourselves. A PS3 when it's on. -- -- much power as your refrigerator. Well duplicate entries or you -- your radiator. That's how we're staying warm here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Pretty -- Yeah -- actually told other people that refrigerator stat is real where did you read that are and I study then I it's not a joke whatsoever. We applaud the PS3 -- to -- a a voltage meter only -- measured how many ants it draws how much power drugs granite. When it's on your playing it it draws as much power in your fridge which amounts to about like 250 dollars per year -- everybody we don't even on all -- round that story and the other thing is that it doesn't actually turn off. I'd like it it's sort of stays on the back and so let's let's wrap it up real quick -- I'm not even bothered -- just the -- he's probably watching when he's written some. I'm certain that Papa Joe what do you think of the PSP theory about. Pricing is gonna effect the only thing -- Many made -- from getting it definitely looks like something -- -- I mean that I was just telling John -- talk on Tuesday that the only thing that I didn't like so much about the original PSPs that you get you get spoiled and that's one -- my reasons for you know and people probably -- Now being on the Wii wagon it's just get some use of looking at the great graphics on the Xbox and PS3. You don't care it's portable you still does want those great graphics and that's when the -- appreciate about the on the god of war franchise -- you look at it completely gone you can Google what it sounds so what. If if if it's within the 300 yes but pocket wasn't so fixing -- where they -- -- and -- It's he had health has set up a bathroom and I look -- could -- -- it is his time. -- auction of Marley validity of the incident about -- -- -- and well I. I agree with -- in its 300 dollars in May consider if the last more than fifteen minutes -- May consider it now I feel like the big debate going on on mine at the moment is. Is this gonna be the Nintendo 3-D S. And I think that. -- two entirely different games. Do you feel like a 380 is it is gonna be a deal breaker for people I don't know I end I think the biggest issue with the Nintendo 3-D S is nobody's -- for anything longer than twenty minutes out in the public. And I gotta tell you when I played it was really fun it was really cool you -- afterward but that's not a big deal yet enacted. -- -- -- -- That's and holding it in discussing with Catholic that there haven't been enough studies on the effects of 3-D and younger people write -- -- -- -- users about that. -- -- take a little break here. On this very lovely day. We'll be back with some more stories no calls involved that we have not had time to screening that we will see -- on the others and his very quick break the oh no and that's our. -- now are -- -- drugs do it gently. AT&T less bars and let's place. Back here on the floor -- media composer really. I think it's good news isn't it. And I'll tell you. Users have we -- -- -- too yeah yeah I really did attitude all the horrible drivers I can no I don't know compile the best known for -- above. So that's legitimate. That's -- let go for broke in the industry. Cinemanow is a -- it's. -- -- a bad candidate listed by problems with students like -- going. -- note that's on your vote under its nose at. I -- given some stories here. Yeah let's talk about -- citizen new. Social networking tool that -- combines. Group on and FaceBook but it's called grub with us I'd like this name because they use the US domain. And that's basically it's social dining experiment where you can go online sign up for a random. And so you can go online -- sign up for random dining experience with people that you look up online so you basically just. Check out who's got anywhere and you can sign up for the service for free it's cool so it's kinda like food spotting -- on the right. Don't -- that kind of hesitant about eating meals with random people as kind of funny because it was started by two Asian guys. Got that idea -- because when you go to a Chinese restaurant. Right they always want to conserve space and they always have this giant -- and instituted random people kind of agency and that's probably where they I got the city. I mean yet let an I haven't had the idea Mikey I guess if you wanna go out you wanna try something new -- don't want to buy yourself regulatory order so you go any with people that are -- And have -- and I -- I guess I suppose either that or you don't have any friends. Or or. I don't know Julia like Richard take -- you I mean that this whole social thing is blowing up in there really try and if you have somebody everywhere. That we in our lives that they can't so I'm sure someday this -- issues spotting Graham -- -- you know we'll see. System appeals to me because I'm not -- -- -- -- and meeting people in bars is kinda difficult this is a different experience where you can add food to the mix and maybe introduce itself to new friends that way I act I got in order does. I if I lived outside any order probably have no problem with any of this and a lot of people who've actually going on web sites community of people when I hear it's the mute the admits -- people -- -- just like really stubborn I think. New York and -- we -- people right I mean. -- terms gonna -- the -- of the training -- eye contact hero -- -- -- to do with maybe say something you don't know. And -- feel really stubborn about that maybe if I live outside of New York where it's harder to come across meeting new people on a regular basis. Then but right now I'm just -- old school but -- -- thing also is that when you're. Eating at a restaurant you don't have time to talking get to know each other because -- As well enough yet kind of man is then you shouldn't be talk educated elected it is got a funny because there we sort of start it or have a meal with Sony may find attractive to -- things are flying out your mouth -- -- like you're eating your food to just a little. Product are meant that I was absent targeted like this one staying in my shirt like on the last morsel of food I take my -- right organs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Dolores -- I -- look at ladies and it's like that senator bullseye in Australia not -- I never. My videos through a list of things that you should I do on a first date I think like a couple much like the Indian food eat Ethiopian food anything Netflix you don't know what's gonna do -- your stomach. Right or you know. Smart -- actually neither -- are no that's not to say this -- that's what that is a good idea what are some sexy foods to eat or. -- -- You know what is sixty for these serious losers right now those sexy. Wal-Mart as little as we know well the illusion cocktail of and then -- mountains and then nice and having a special someone there and -- held it together moving. -- -- -- And they -- the it's -- -- like my column salvage some movies but he added they have a good point -- I love this kind of food topless pompous yeah as an. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Goes through those different kinds of topics and get Japanese top or whatever it -- that -- to be good ideas go check out grub with dot US. If you guys are lonely and you never know you might be you -- just -- one. Other than it -- they're gonna let me alone -- -- at the same time Wikipedia -- well there's leads into the another story that I wanted to talk about to be Muslim we will I was gonna ask you is it the in the in this in the run -- it -- Social networking leads to -- faster and I'm -- that -- So this is that is actually good continuation of that. This is a new survey that says 38% of women stated actually slept with a date earlier because of social networking tools. To that includes FaceBook not just web sites but also text messaging. Email on just any kind of digital intimacy they call it can lead to sex faster. Joey I know that you're quite the me but I for her -- -- I'm -- you think this is true and you type in an open via texting I've I've talked people in the may be sending me some photos and probably wouldn't have so -- really. Lot of first true -- the before the before the day. We've really -- a lot. Well they just saying that women will send -- pictures of themselves. In he'd -- reading books every. Saying we're eating oysters doing or gardening or you're making dinner I don't know. Well I fire did actually meeting I'm not ready -- -- with the summer I had met but we've yet to go on days with Scarlett the whole build up against. You know that selected as a -- can't wait to see some of what you -- but I'm -- The point of the study is that if you who. If if -- FaceBook someone -- -- before first -- you're more likely to have sex with them. Restaurant -- join a conclusion based on the fact that if you context to the prior. Through FaceBook or email then maybe you develop this kind of like -- yet that you wouldn't necessarily have in real life on the first it people like you in August analysts tying getting to know them -- -- -- -- Sony put it on FaceBook in a million with the -- their music cannot -- I can't actually get -- military interest -- doesn't seem to their survey says that 65%. Of women pulled. Until they've been asked out by text message or on FaceBook. That's a -- I've never done before now actually am asking about manners status update -- -- -- -- I call that's that's a problem like a lot of guys. Like the bad guys are scared the good guys are more nervous -- and I really asking the girls out so that they they figure may -- that. I wrote about it's a little more other asset model lines and they'll accept it because they don't want that -- it's been up and down program and blocks it. And would tell you know I you know you and I worked. The lab all the time to -- yeah I would pick up on your -- Apple should be taught and -- -- no downloads and I can always pick up lines from Joey here. Named name of somebody came to an end -- uses grid line have actually actually you -- -- pound -- -- -- And I even like hey welcome to point you into. Because -- girl started laughing and they got I got started talking. In fact I'm not I'm so I don't know -- if you have any other it could accomplishments and he's got you know honestly -- figured this all like spontaneous units although making women feel comfortable look at that that's actually I can ever gonna hook -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- is breakdown how how people are a -- bomb. Everyone has problems you know everybody has debated it's -- -- from opera so basically when you meet somebody if you can help them escape. Rag is there there are stressful good practice and dogs make them laugh just -- -- with what -- you think like when a guy meets a girl who spent his whole paycheck to make her feel good because. He's trying to opera skate too pleased -- sometimes not only a matter spending money you can't always do that -- just a -- You'll find ways. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it is like you less self deprecating humor like that and then and then another pretty easy comment on -- guys down to earth and actually at a good time and -- -- back to work hopefully can make you laugh -- c'mon that's wrestled so what happened when it chart came to the and it's -- That sometimes after I -- -- human it was H our ascent to. Wow that's so funny. On a regular -- remain -- as an iPod and doesn't get a handle on is your hope to get laid and fired at the scene. That by doing -- oh yeah I'm -- -- -- to have a that probably have a -- that it snowed under and -- -- Back to the story. Definitely kind of like -- bothers me a little bit it's like okay I can understand. Social networking helping you especially in the midst of an early relationship read the before -- a first date isn't really weird to be like. He girl I -- we met online that can act FaceBook friend you. Isn't it but that's a creepy line right it's also. Woolley is it and assembled some people just me you know they they see their picture in and I think it is just like it's just like you bring -- DH armament I personally think. Sexual harassment is only for people who are not attracted to -- Because I hear and see a lot of things go on in many different offices and it's only that one guy that creeps -- -- the gets reported. Yeah. -- guilty -- read it and regardless of when the bus because the permit would refuse -- -- -- reportedly anyway. I. I'll go over it was a because I -- this car -- is not a liar. That's an L -- -- and I would or that -- from a couple years ago but it's made its. Office sexual harassment and -- if you're good looking guy. And up to grown asked him about is that the Taurus now you're ugly it's six or definitely he also having dealt leads into another point wanted to make. It when you text message girl when you FaceBook or you have plenty of time to craft the perfect message right so it's different than when you're -- person could you have. All this -- -- really the best representative of yourself online out audition to be disappointed. When you can't create those kinds of -- enough to upgrade everything I'm I'm conservative on the table -- -- give you one more tip. Which Julia you don't look for girls it's not into the you don't know on FaceBook which you do finder for you already have been as a hot for you -- them because of -- -- income. You could say I thought I -- you -- is again as they surf. I should loosen your -- lived in your state believes -- thought I'd yeah hopefully in of the girls are -- hitting on everything. Definitely I'm not showing -- -- -- -- still -- like holiday bizarre fictional but yeah yeah let's let. Use this -- out -- a -- if you really wanna go out there and uses for Joey commenced these tips on how to get. They're create -- or Twitter send us a message 18664. Foresee that that's gonna do. For us today we finally made it through this show without whom it. That's hasn't Hansen it is very possible and -- -- a bit when it went when so you might just announced don't go over to the bag and a bag of I don't want that virus that's that's -- anybody -- into -- -- -- I -- us and our people. -- my powers you gonna follow through -- seminar -- all right okay I know that lets you and -- -- -- Today hopefully we won't be snowed in too much tomorrow. Everyone have a safe -- getting home if you live in the north -- finals and then I'm just of Kaminsky and I'm Justin new. That's -- 44 -- listen -- for more -- immediately. Nice aren't so wherever you do the graphic it after that it's our -- -- -- after you. I thought you know told him how to go you know it'll record didn't -- -- If -- is she really from Ghana.

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