Ep. 1571: Bon Voyage Microsoft!
Ep. 1571: Bon Voyage Microsoft!

Ep. 1571: Bon Voyage Microsoft!

Today's the day. Or 22 2011. My name is Stephen -- -- I'm Donald foul. I'm -- that is our Iraqi and let's hear that music a little bit before -- on the show. -- jingle my bells -- -- get fired of the NFL's you guys. What some welcome to buzz -- out cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode. 1571. Donald bell is in the house with us today Stephen B to run in the show -- we are here. It's interesting. Touting I'm not everybody -- -- -- gets so we're here at the last live show over the holiday season we will have episodes. During the time that -- away we will be returning on January 6. That is a Thursday with a live show rate before CES he can expect -- to talk about some of the things that we expect to CES also. All the latest tech goodies that you guys can handle but we will be back there but first. Let's start off with CES related news in what may be may or may not be a big deal depending on who you think I think is the -- -- -- big -- Microsoft if you heard the news earlier this week Microsoft. This will be. There -- -- last CES keynote as well as their last appearance of having a Booth. On the show floor and health stories later on the -- they're trying to make this a little more of sensationalist and I think it is -- -- he's -- allowed him making it out what was the conspiracy who who forced to well all in reality it appears that last year. CE -- the organization that come runs CES requests that Microsoft -- for another three year deal. For keynote -- -- -- and the you know companies -- a lot of money to do that Microsoft declined to three year offer. And accepted only a single year deal covering 2012. Which would be this year's CES so it was clearly a mutual decision but then. You have to look at it is. Microsoft one of the big names of C yes they've always had one of the flagship keynotes there lean out of CES the major Consumer Electronics Show. We've seen Apple pull out of their own MacWorld which is a little different but this is Apple. A -- chip company that -- you know what maybe we don't need CES anymore we can do make announcements -- We've also got this quote on the -- own piece here that we have in the show notes saying from a company insiders -- that Microsoft didn't pull out of the keynote that they were forced out that they were kicked out. They might have been but then the other articles say that a it is still want to sign a three year agreement. Could be could be on to say it could be like the jilted you know like oh now made in the bus -- kick them out. That when really it's. -- now here's the thing. They -- -- not a company that's released even though they haven't come out with any you know. That many amazing products from the consumer side they're on a company that's -- -- that is low on cash and others doing fine with the windows operating system. Their Xbox business has helped -- -- like there this is a financial -- for them well let's let's take let's take the point of view -- That they had no business being -- CS that really they don't make a lot of consumer electronic products. Every time every CS -- -- they have like this huge Microsoft. Out my space -- dislike filled with like -- learn all about. You know Microsoft Office if you do -- no but I did you can see all the all the amazing software and Xbox since -- -- -- -- they're not. These seldom actually has something to show off when -- showing -- someone else's product that's running their software. But it's it's kind of -- -- to have this big presence there but not really. Have any -- like that we be published at a piece -- and that that that people are gonna go on by. I'm in a 100% agreement with you because their past few keynotes been very lackluster -- showed off products that have not even reach the market last year they kind of showed up. Oh these are some -- tablets out were working on -- the Bob Bob well we didn't see anything coming out. Yet done me wrong I think windows these can be really interesting to hear about is how how that's working out and media actually -- -- hardware that's running -- On the show floor but that's gonna be other people's -- where you know Microsoft's. Products that come to the -- to see -- a lot of companies that are. A meal may be leveraging the software rate we talk about. Companies integrating their OS isn't using the Microsoft platform in their products in debt that's really what cius is -- -- to come like Panasonic easily seen. TVs and Blu-ray players physical products that we know we can expect to see. In the coming year by Microsoft they're passing -- has haven't really wowed anyone. And if they feel like it's more effective and they have started doing this rate kind of like the Apple formula of having their own announcements controlled in their own environment that are focused. On a specific product that seems to be a formula that's working of that the question is. Down the road will other companies. Start clean out his well. Yes -- -- -- an interesting way to think about this is that without Microsoft with -- a really big brand name behind this. What's left over as I mean the reason that. You know arguably. As you know a lot of the manufacturers. Don't show off their -- products is because the -- keeps going more mobile. And there's -- -- tons of mobile phone you know conferences to announce products. Four are specific to that right or there are softer needed and there's just you know how many -- can -- be where someone wants to show off their app. You know -- it's not really consumer electronics. -- it's not like engadget the thing I don't know and so if that the world is increasing going kind of mobile or in Microsoft's case also like Xbox and gaming. Those as a different places -- that content that's not really what CES is about eat it. Even for people that are listening or in and there's plenty of our. Audience that has been to CES. My purse. A lot of times there are specific booths at CS that you want to go to and you wanna see a -- is typically its Samsung Panasonic. Sony. And then maybe LG but Microsoft's Booth isn't because all they've typically shown in the past years. Is what's happening on the Xbox and the windows operating system that we already know about Windows 7 I -- there's no flagship product that they bring to the table at CES. And we sort of -- companies you know kind of go away from adding control their own flagship -- that's fine but -- from what I can from what I feel my -- CS is gonna be fine without him because I don't think they've. Other than their T know where people into -- of the big and it is kind of the -- Want -- the past years. This -- they're not that they're not the only game in town it CS the end there's someone else -- gonna scoop up that space the floor. It's not gonna be -- right anymore TVs hack come on this is an I eighty in case it feels like CS's and also you get lost in in the ways of C yes. I as people that cover it. There's like. -- CNET as a whole probably covers like thirty to forty products date on top stories snap so you get lost -- -- -- as well. It is always it's always interesting but I do you think it points to interesting. Possibility for CS and also links -- possibility from Microsoft. You know maybe they're gonna take the reins and do more of an Apple can't control your own event and and releases kind of strategy. -- or maybe dared they're just. Founder and. -- even if they even if they showed something like down the road connect integration with your PC -- your TV things of that nature. That might be -- would beam actually more CES geared we're not gonna see that this year but. That's pry one of the few things and have that -- that general consumer outside of their -- an Xbox so that's I think CS is this gonna be fine I don't know about you. Well it's it's only that it is always -- has been that it's in its new kind of hope that -- -- something. It takes a big company like Microsoft or an Apple to -- announced something that's gonna be to change that's gonna change the industry and really taken -- -- direction. The Indianapolis see that. From you know -- at -- TV announcement. -- -- -- We'll see. We haven't seen that CS and you know CNET covers is the official best of CES. Awards that that is integrated with the whole show and you know if you look back -- some of our picks. During that during what was at CES because new products now. Actually are released and launched through the course of the year. Someone might be seen all you guys -- the Motorola Xoom. As the number one product at that time it was this news yet but in any -- in a rival plan tears to shed. But when that's not wanting -- there's another product comes out -- -- one of those things I still don't have a home necessarily in terms of conferences. There's like and mobile world congress where a lot of the carriers and you know -- plumbing factions can show off their bids sometimes tablets -- that category. But for the most part my has me -- here looking at tablets at CSU. From what I mean across the board there -- -- -- and grade hopefully Android. Four point -- out of -- Have people are -- the Tara best of CES winners always turn out to be flops no that's not our fault. Hey has not like we know that happens we don't know you can't say oh yeah the iPad three. Will be the best of CES because we don't know exactly what has until they announce it like a month after CS just to make sure that you forgot what great. It's just -- like a month after that last kind of seeing how the Motorola Xoom was shaping up I -- -- man I really should nominated honeycomb. Instead of natural first product come out funny column as like the best of show. But even now in hindsight. I think what can -- -- like I I would against either way. Yeah so but Microsoft they won't be at CES -- will be. It'll -- and a bunch of fond farewell to them a -- a -- right by their Booth like an -- history. They never have -- meeting stressed the seat like this is going to stuff -- It's just it's okay let me. It's a -- don't -- and -- -- -- Our guys that we also want to give you a follow up on what's been happening with them the Syrians and the deliberations and amendments to the stop online piracy act. There was a chance that it would be voted on and moved through -- officially voted on this week. Of course. They have elected to you have more discussions. And the final decision on so -- will happen next year sometime early in 2012. -- some -- they reopen the sessions but. Where it. What we've kind of talked about is some of the language in sight of so -- and house so one of the kind of one of the descriptions in it or -- -- the language inside of it has talked about how. Certain certain software and even things -- the government is working on. Would be potentially bands. Based on what the description in the language that Silva has so -- -- but has inserted language into. Into the bill that says it would not allow anyone who knowingly and willfully distributes. -- mentioned suffered a B and they would be forced to remove its acerca mention software. That can be -- -- -- things we've heard of that out plug in. On Firefox and allowed you to. On -- called and may aft by a fire which -- -- a -- of the the go around sites that have been blocked on alert -- change the Urals to still get -- them so there's a chronicled the Pirate -- dancing. Well if you're familiar with the Tor project. This is a project that was created by the US government specifically the US naval research laboratory and the current organization that it's a nonprofit that's funding it and developing the software the Tor project was specifically. Made. -- -- let Internet users in let's say a country like China. And others. And other repressive regimes bypass -- countries -- -- so get around their firewall. To access web sites that their government has said we are not going to let you look at that the current language is so but. -- -- -- In effect at at this time. The be able to be acted on upon the -- project -- So you -- -- -- tool that the governor was made to go around firewalls is also going to be targeted in the south and stop all attacks yet. So which is saying is possibly if this is passed that the government's -- him -- use their own tool. Dollars to tell opera precedent citizens in repressive regime Liam imagine the government uses it themselves to get into you know the firewall access areas of how you know other countries. Internet are all put together and you'll see what they're working on -- while I'm. Yeah why I think that for me the silver lining a kick out of this is that I don't think the government's gonna wanna. Cut off their ability to use their own software -- you know you it has in the -- that they -- you would think that. I'm sure at the same time no one has brought that to their attention yet in the Syrians they have still yet to even bring forward. An expert on the backbone of how the Internet works right there talking to. Movie studios. People that are saying yes this is why we want to support they are not bringing in both sides of the story. To listen to why why this act should not move forward. But they don't they don't know any better -- hopefully with having more time to talk about it all these and will be but I held I also feel like. Part of this is just mind my own thoughts part of delaying the vote on this is right now you saw so -- -- Trying to elevate in the minds of the Internet and not just art to me but people are making more and more noise about it yet and I feel like hey you know what let's just take the -- Let the holdings go by. Maybe so some people kind of forget about a little bit scandal died -- -- -- let it let it -- a little bit. And then will vote on here is how -- -- -- they'll get everyone distract with CES and -- they'll pass the baton. Thank all the nerds. PS right now there in Vegas in their -- There and even they don't know what's going on this is the time yet. It sell arms -- just another development to be aware of its -- will be -- Voted on it next year they don't they don't have a specific date but just one of the -- here's the -- part of me -- Kind of want to see this being passed those shots yet that's just to see what would happen just to see the kind of like. Community outrage that would just topple this thing over and distribute or on thumb drives in and just. Like really get everyone -- banded together to screw over the man am you know -- the black occupied Internet occupies so now. Also there's the tenement interest in list fanatic is -- put together of the organizations. That are in support of so but not surprisingly -- have a lot of media company is well I'll read if you in this is -- a large UP have. The MIA. You have all CBS notes and that's why it's happening why Steve yes supports -- -- and it's helium and -- my job it. Then in a variety of other people Donald bell has left the building and I will do this MCA records. -- Al -- Al glory out the make up company. Probably this is one of those fears he talked about of them having the right to pretty much take down a site like eBay or Google that people that sell like. I know ever -- why would still insulting me up but there's you know the Apple product. Seattle lot of knock offs and some of these companies are also into bed with these media company -- So the they support the support them as well eighty CBS and confuse -- just -- -- stop people from pirating this show. -- -- -- -- Who -- -- very powerful lobby in Washington. Time Warner pretty much every you know the National Football League and PL surprisingly dead then PA's on this list as well I didn't I didn't know that. MasterCard worldwide Marvel Entertainment every media company can think it was behind super -- now. That's the bottom line so if you guys wanna check out that -- just be aware of all media pressure and power that's being put on it -- -- last. Scholastic is. -- -- pirate it and you can't children under the little newsletter when I was trying to. It's -- -- -- book fair -- only mobile to mobile I'm hearing -- You can do is take out -- is also in other legal matters Apple. Nears by the German court rebuff Federer in a row I don't even this headline doesn't even don't even listen when I just -- headline. If not a German court rejected -- Apple's claims that Samsung. Electronics reworked tablet PC. Still looks like -- copycat version of the iPad so we know the whole battle Apple -- for trying to prevent this Sampson county to blow from being sold now if you look at this picture. These were the changes that Samsung made they put this kind of aluminum plastic looking to rim around this around the their tablet. Which then looks a little bit like the iPad at one. Share price -- still cheap and plasticky eat -- -- exactly and so the German court in a preliminary assessment this is not been ruled on yet. But -- seen that -- this does not. Apple's claims. Medal in as much water. -- -- I guess. Just you know. I don't want to make a lipstick on a -- for I'm not going to him. It's not -- and that's the thing I. It's it's kinda silly but -- is. If you accept the idea that this is a copycat product I think that putting a little -- aluminum trim around it. Is not this is not the thing that on the brakes that a comparison. Yes so Apple still in of approximately thirty legal cases and ten different countries. On but according to the court's assessment the defendant has moved away it's -- from the legally protected design. Good on you Samsung and added Samsung's paid the proper amount to the proper authority to make sure that this thing gets dismissed Samsung was Smart they were -- We don't want it look we're gonna make colors look like dated technology Apple doesn't like. Old stuff that's a year old we're gonna make it look like that. Court says get on -- I would I would be surprised if German judges don't have some new flat screen TVs and live. Conclusions that does -- is that that looks like -- also in a court battle and a lawsuit now we might be senior. -- -- -- In the near future Hasbro the maker of the transformer. Toy is -- you know them with the popular cartoon as well as the Michael Bay. Inspired interpretation. They're silly -- -- a -- maker of the transformer prime tablet that adds a keyboard. To more. Into a laptop it's -- actually. That's. That further BS. Look at this is something transforms does that mean that. What is called the transformer I am well again -- that's not the Optimus Prime I don't know I think and I think when I hear that I think legitimately a consumer is going to be confused. And think he's by an optimist or you think there's any there's any geeks who are buying has -- -- actually think that they're buying -- the Optimus Prime branded. Yes yes. Absolutely. They're coming out of the septic on prime next. Hasbro says they continue. So aggressively protect its brand I products I kinda think that that that product it's a great product I think that's one of the cooler Dallas magazine recently -- -- our topic -- a satellite of its name can meet needs here -- the main site really I was surprised timers though I think I understand line of had some -- -- realty agreement to use the word transformer. I know I got my first impression I get that again backtrack I feel like good on Hasbro because if -- Motorola. -- a huge licensing feed at Lucas films to get Droid -- Then they should they should -- some -- -- of the prime transformer prime -- I also think that you know all those -- statements as they continue aggressively protects its brands. They should've thought about Alan Miller Michael Bay do the movies and they should have made via the transformer Optimus Prime branded version of this tablet that -- -- -- been. Looks core comes with like a little. Tablet transformer and that actually is like a transformer robot at -- maybe they can only -- -- have to use little ports on input arms and legs as they did they need to meet. You now have some -- Exchanged money and then make this tablet even more awesome with the sound and optional action figure. And just occasion though the chancellor -- prime will also be able to update to ice cream sandwich when that happens but it's it's a killer product acting. To me that's from what I've seen and played with. It's the best Android tablets and pretty -- still waiting for to come out -- All is not I don't think I don't think it's in the UK and it. -- did the rural you know what I feel really -- because I haven't looked it up lately could cut well because they ideally suited hero has wanted it. And I don't know if it actually has come out yet I -- our chat room might know but my gut tells me they haven't released it yet still -- -- is a -- tablet first Quad Core tablet on the market. So and -- ago are right guys are gonna take a little break but when we come back we have plenty of Kindle news also we will look back it. -- -- Everyone treats these lists of 2011. We're gonna talk about other lists of 2001 -- not cnet's own Sina 100 which is in our on a later episode you Geisel here. I'm not this week but -- the -- about Kindle. Topless of the year and what we expect to see. -- 2000. You'll watching buzz out loud. Indeed -- cost of contaminants and. Thanks to -- that -- You know lie down did wanna say thank you master card for sponsoring the show who's also on the simplest and the fact that. -- -- got one back guides rewind a little bit is can we edit that know him okay. -- -- -- -- -- Yesterday it was -- Kindle rolled out the Kindle fire software update we've been -- and anticipating this in hopes that. It would it make some improvements to the interface of the touch responsiveness. Donna bell has it he's modeling it actually. You did a pretty good -- -- right now it's gonna say but at Donald -- kind of talk about some of the changes you've seen it is is it really that great of software update. -- automatic but there's nothing there's no drawbacks to it and the eve. They've improved the performance of the web browsers slightly -- it. Before there is there are some noticeable lag when you're going actually scrolling pages is less so it seems to me. But not dramatically -- so and browsing seven inch screen -- still say no matter what -- -- -- -- -- Also page load times seem to be better now might be an improvement on the back and as far as the activate even -- from the gives the product at -- The the silk browser technology is really going to get. Great when there isn't a lot of people using it and not until -- -- not until -- that we have all the data from all different users so might be that what they in the queue up -- what's what takes priority. Yes I'm just figuring out yeah what what things can take priority wet wet sites that they. Users are commonly used in that -- can cash off. On their servers. Some small stuff like that you can actually the selectively delete them. Out of the carousel view -- of -- one of the things your kind of -- just obesity through everything in their rights like I was -- Brian Anderson of how do -- -- I don't -- ever I don't want people to know that Dora the Explorer has been loaded onto vessel that's for your family diseases show let's -- at the CNET UK it's time -- it. Now you can you can do a tap and hold and you can get a removed from carousel option there. Oh my -- customization. Lord no one of the top one of the things I was probably the most criticized was its responsiveness. Screen responsiveness touch screen responsiveness delay did you find any improvement some people -- saying that. It feels about the same but the at typing is a little better have you ever noticed as someone who handles a lot of -- 199 dot 299 dollar -- I concede. Without question that this is one of the most responsive. Budget tablets I've ever seen. So I think that any of those kind general screeners months of issues should be taken into an insult you. -- those people cry babies is one trying to say. Via. Not I think the only time I really felt that -- was in the browser and that still there -- certain agreeing compared to an iPad. But -- -- I feel like it worked on a little bit the other inaction the for me is when most important updates is that. -- in IOS. For an iPod Touch iPhone iPad you've got parental controls built to selectively lock out -- -- contents. UTU -- -- stuff. And the -- the fire had none of that in this like it is just begging for a curious child to figure out. How to -- spell YouTube. Have to go to the wrong location. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Enabled -- and the ability to pass or protect the Wi-Fi connection so that you can as a parent. Just lock out the Wi-Fi so that there's no chance that the -- in the in Internet period. Some is found something yeah something as a parent it it I think in affords some peace of mind aren't -- -- other than that it's it's a pretty late update and hopefully Amazon -- comes out -- -- time goes on. But is still a great product in the tablet Amazon fire still -- if for you if you if I had to put you on the edge of the Clinton saint -- one -- a pushover which -- -- -- for -- The catalyst is really -- -- rod media consumption device and it needs to be able to do. You know video music. You know all that stuff just as balanced as he meeting I feel like the Kindle -- the better experience if you want to branch out from black and white. I. Beating contents experiences to speak at Baghdad but the Kindle is still better for me in terms of streaming video and -- -- Amazon customer. -- just -- benefit lies in a lot more. With with hilarity shopped. To me it's me it's -- digital gets any digital me -- me. All right also Kindle app updates so the song sexy cool idea kinda came out of nowhere for me. Tyndall updated their -- to allow some of the features iPad specifically been able to browse and purchase periodicals magazines and newspapers. On your IOS device through the Kindle app. Locals let. The school and it was something I wasn't expecting -- I know that. A lot of those features were part of you know what was the selling the Kindle fire. Which can only how to get them they are not through the app. But yeah this is -- I think it also. Is it just for the iPad and -- yields for its trial lessons so it works on all platforms are you know IOS platforms. Another cool thing is you can email documents to your send your Kindle address. It'll show up on that device is well. A stay -- to Amazon was always really. -- think insane if you don't have a Kindle we're gonna make sure you can get access to our content in my personal devices yeah you know they always push hard on that but it's it's literally Smart. Smart formula that's been working for -- I think it also make it ties into the bad I think -- many councils out there that. -- had an iPad then and now -- may -- getting Kindle fire has like that extra tablet for like their spouse or kid. I'm and be able to have some parity of that experience for but the Kindle suffering from both make sense and then okay we're gonna jump ahead and go. -- truss segment to have our little quick hits of what also is -- news but this is kind of what we can look forward to also in use in 2012 holes say this -- -- thing you know. Okay now first up this we have Steve Jobs is awarded a -- me. He's library posthumously the recording academy announced Wednesday that the -- CEO and co-founder of Apple. Is being honored with one of its organizations special merit awards. You know and -- revolutionizing music industry it's kind of weird though a -- When I see this because I feel like. -- When you when you read the book. There's a lot more people -- Steve Jobs I was behind this kind of music revolution now and so sure he was the face and it's always liked -- -- to -- and -- one person and -- an amazing -- -- technology -- -- -- -- -- There are lot of people that Lake -- that specific kind of transformation happen. Now you know. Make you think that they're they're just looking for the goodwill of -- Steve Jobs may be you know right right right that read that no gravy train a little. But I still think it's agree it's it's -- also where I mean again. Transform the music industry without a doubt you have but. Though the cynic in. Transformed a lot of them against their -- terrorists there is a lot of people have demonized Steve Jobs seller of that word out part of the Grammy community. As it. Is interesting and now they've changed their -- -- that it it it took his passing finances yeah I'm -- recognize them. I wonder if the Ferrari that's insisting you think you'll ever win a Grammy and -- -- hate it may I add those guys hate every one of those guys have personally threatened me -- -- this. Armed get a good for them for recognizing that also -- in that kind of semi related Japanese out of you guys heard about this -- at -- innocent. Apple -- Showed off designs for this prototype store -- the prototype store of the actual certainly have. Where it was a glass ceiling that would allow natural sunlight to come in it would have liked plants and the idea was it would be a seamless experience from Joaquin. -- from your sidewalk. Into the store so it feel like a store construction is planning on beginning soon. In -- -- this is where the planned stores going to be it will obviously be launching sometime. The 2012 -- the couple blocks away from their. Their Palo Alto flight to -- which is you know when I worked at the time called Steve store he would come -- a lot but. I always thought when they propose a planned the drives have like treason side of it -- can park bench is an Apple products will be in the store. -- -- -- -- Will there even be likely. Stick glass wall as -- sat down historic it's -- -- -- and we have the homeless guy off the university avenue -- with his -- in the corner of the stars like that's a seamless experience to me. That if the aroma. -- -- Of the street. And its inhabitants wafting in the Apple Store experience I don't think so -- I hear the shaking of coins and a compact at a subway -- that's it that's kind of -- lower it was interesting to me here though is that. I mean so much of an Apple Store experience is being compared to places of worship you know and of this the church of Apple and -- coming in these -- and feeling like oh my god. I've just stepped -- -- like technology -- -- -- everything works and is always someone to ask a question two if I have a problem with the computer. And everyone here is so pretty in the -- worked so efficiently and they know everything in. Although all of the products are just out here and they work in all displayed lit so well and it it feels like this unnatural. Of us a space at its like I -- its -- manufactured so I think it's interesting that you can you can still push that even further by making you feel like comic I've just. I just blocked into this little island of of of like a part in the middle of a strip mall itself apart with Apple products it just makes it feel good you just wanna buy it -- -- it home with you. And is that that's one thing we can expect C 2000 -- also in another quick hits story -- -- Andy Rubin announced that Google -- is activating. Over 700000. Android devices a Dane. That's pretty impressive. To note keep keep that's really -- open -- Droid but also. You know we can expect -- numbers again even higher. At a time when -- 2012 a -- that number was. And a boggling 700000 a day eighteenth in -- Every any anything's possible as -- -- as long as you put your mind to it but so my mama told me I wonder how old. Wide -- net using that figure like I know that. There's a lot of positioning devices not phones specifically over the summit hits let's be honest about what would you put. Would you put a Kindle fire in that. In that number because it is -- technically an Android device. It doesn't go through an Android authorization you know like kind of Google's platform authorization that they -- -- devices are. And and -- -- -- and now they're saying activated. And I eight could be it would be -- the C or there -- you know there's a lot of off brand non official or not not officially sanctioned. Android tablets out there on. Animal -- clarify which -- -- but Rubin did clarify and as Google+ page. That for those learning we counties device only once -- we don't tell resold devices now. And you know all -- -- Then if anything it goes to show that the -- but he's using the word device instead of phone specifically is and then you know -- Android. Is popping out. Everywhere you know it's these could be. You know if we're gonna see Android running and our cars soon yeah absolutely I regularly. Watch if this -- and so -- gonna have Android pantsuit as well as going with that. You know we had this whole us stories are -- to come out earlier in the week about wearable -- and how Google is working on actual classes for a Google goggles and Apple's -- thing and about that. It's it's like to you know has come -- with stuff that we haven't seen in a movie already. Why don't you try to impress me that way movies are that the the imagination factory for our technology scientists. I don't want to told I'm already so little and time nano watch. It's just. Its sole lame I -- I am I'm still -- I don't have that that we don't have the money projected to. Holographic technology. That supports standardized yet and or doesn't you know being halted -- down -- beam across. Kind space it's disturbing. -- I had someone -- It's I don't know even if there's a way to make wearable tech cool but I can tell you the people -- -- nano watches are not cool. That little. Scott -- are looking at Cuba announced this cotton does it. I think that they could be -- that if Apple hardly goes with it and these they adapt that kind chunky design and -- make it a little bit. Slimmer depth and kind of -- year via could be cool -- -- -- that they need they didn't take the time to do redesigned. On it this year seem pretty. Simultaneously pushing at 616 watts faces its -- but they do need invading even touched the actual sensible design. They if they made their own accessory watch -- that was like rock in that'd be like. I'm not like people -- -- -- -- of live live with this forever. But I'm passionate about and -- input into Bluetooth and you can you can get music at a -- plug in heavier. And buy sansei and you want that little white cord looks like an IV in your race -- -- to your ear no. -- -- Okay also arms in a little and established resident jump over to kind of another cool thing that I'm expected to see at CES in 2012. I'll OnStar will be -- seen there in car video chat and four G stream mean. On their console. Is this is -- could be -- right here don't get me wrong -- video chat your car. Just -- had just to have the features you so I hope. That it's like like some of the features and a car like you can't use this while -- drug -- Because earth that. I mean we'll hear it again this is great there at the technology and the future we were promised is failing us is that it should be -- projected holographic. You know video chat on the on the graphics cards in that that's own -- acceptance. -- eyes on the road though right they're not that the FC a 2000 sells Consumer Electronics Show OnStar is gonna revealed a system. I it'll be equipped on his Chevy Volt last time when their attempt timeout the system of the future they put on a Buick LaCrosse. -- Well I've never left my Netflix probably not -- at the hottest our selections you add trying to promote this. But it appears the car itself will be equipped -- the forgy moto provides Internet connectivity services throughout the car. I'm gonna throw this out here okay I know we're trying to wrap the simple little quicker than normal but I had to at a -- of my buddies. And he was like Jesus like hardcore Apple thing and easily -- it is Apple going to do after the TV there's nothing left. -- I really feel like with all the millions of billions of dollars are seen on. If you wanted to think let's get crazy -- must get crazy five years seven years down the line Apple consumer council could Apple console with. Let's say forgy connected to your Internet connectivity being ubiquitous may alleged the promise of being able to use and access the cloud everywhere you want -- that's really the limitation right now. Apple to do cars the Apple can do -- you can go crazy and and that -- fabricated housing you can buy an Apple outside. -- that's crazy that's like in like maybe ten years. On scene five a case Kenya and -- can come preinstalled -- the Apple TV in the Delilah. Universal connection charging docks and every every room -- Google's doing their electric cars or -- -- you know self driven. Cars you buy and I car brand. If it looked like -- 37 easy Helen gas. -- you know it looks like a -- or a leaf c'mon like. The meeting when I have since many of kids in as a student -- -- the -- I'm okay with -- -- all gonna die in horrible car accidents cause of this technology and second if we're relying on Apple to make every cool thing in this country we're screwed. Well until and you want -- -- what did you we're also screwed if Apple doesn't make you all solving -- seeking another beautiful helplessly at its. -- that can be everyone's job that's actually a step back and a legal impact. -- -- east -- -- mail -- and company in this country are -- seen its Apple. And their own analyst -- the Apple strip mall just -- all the other stores -- -- -- under let me just tell yet make a car before you make wearable tech okay. That's a lame. -- got to start somewhere that's lame. Okay I'll -- it's -- about our list of 2011. A first of all -- about the most popular face -- games of 2011. Did you think it was from Zynga. I'm so addicted to words with friends I gotta get office they're like a meeting -- -- yes there's a twelve step program absolutely seriously at least its words with friends be thankful you haven't touched Garin yet. Via. Gas surprised the number one most popular face to -- wasn't losing a game -- it was guardians of time. I played on Disney. Art and I've never heard of this but supposedly is developed a social -- with hidden objects in the game. It's. Number till Melissa Disney I guess in social as -- Number three city built from Zynga and sin city. Double casino double down entertainment on the Zynga made up 1284. Of the top ten -- -- games others included into world. World with friends who they acquired and empires and alleys where -- -- -- number six surprised you gotta be higher yes -- I've never heard of Garza's time associate thing -- parents play with their kids or play for their kids during their work hours like -- -- -- on the -- As you know but that's the only reason why its -- -- will be a top ten list of like most addictive drugs -- -- -- If you haven't heard of gardens -- time it's like -- -- -- like they did. Who inspected the she's terribly in combination that hasn't made at the California. Well. Okay also oriented and you know it. You I'm not I don't have the right to say well after what has happened about five minutes ago now wouldn't it won't we'll edit that -- are fully the only the worst things I'll be set on the shall -- -- -- they are now excellent. Also you guys YouTube's 2000 -- that we all love videos how could you not. U two's greatest hits. They had they release some kind of showing a montage. A some of the most popular -- as -- 2000 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- No statistically -- Scottish passport a little bit because it that -- -- -- black EA gets the point where they actually show the videos maybe Billick committed. Minute in a minute fifteen and -- of the top. No indecency rules okay we can skip that -- That's gonna keep going a little more -- around one minute and haters go back. -- -- -- Okay. Not likely. I never -- that. -- Update -- -- -- down like that right now. And -- is number one and you know that song. Now seen swimming I don't know rose. RI -- Ballard -- U two's various medias now YouTube is not always the you know. The that the go to search for viral -- so we did wanna show you this one on this is the video gums. Number one movie that I love this it's called -- classic. Table clock trick done perfectly releasing this -- you know that's -- blow my -- -- it's on the top the list on the -- every -- -- that comment -- it that's classic in -- -- America's Funniest Home Videos census. Viral video. At least known to -- the balls okay Steven -- you have your special segment isn't doling units area right here. -- So CNET TV actually mine fire -- video pick of the week comes from CNET TV and armies and producer Jamie eat Apple by producer. She put together very cool a blooper -- of all CNET TV moments and Donald bell and Brian Tong her feature prominently here so that's so I didn't take this -- -- -- that the Atkins. It's great. What's up price five fans I'm Brian Tong and this is a blockbuster battle between two of the top thirteen inch laptops. That are needed. -- -- -- Stupid. Make sure -- video you'd go up at half. -- computers out. Even ideas they definitely register your room equipment okay. That has secretly. That's because I expect people considering this Camry. Back real upside down this screen rotate it if. The original Xoom was the first honeycomb tablet -- -- -- forgot -- of those they have today. -- U verse now. Allows us to achieve extremely light black levels and that's excellent contrast and -- that. -- -- Blackwell is the screen doesn't blow away the competition in its category but that's what the wireless brew apps. You -- button cause -- and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Today we are tapping one of my favorites and that is that pretty pleasant surprise since becoming -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They'll take all -- blind judges' scores and average them out the nearest tenth each round the final price five -- will be just loves this. For the -- and after. Amazon doesn't include one in the box -- available Bob Bob -- and it's island national Wear it. And -- style -- style -- -- stylish style enough to where and when the JC is transmission since grizzly Adams and and shadows and ambient lighting give the game unprecedented realism. And precedent for -- there's a good precedent. And did you know that you can swipe away and that that you. We've got rate of the street volume hear about an hour Charlie so the only good share might in the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- all of them mean they need them. All three blind judges and hours and -- about the nearest tenth each round the functional price -- -- are. -- use any color but. It's all. On a road line -- it is. And I kept studying the idea of threaded -- that. Basis I'm Scott Stein and that's a quick. I'm Scott Stein and that's a look at each and I'm Scott Stein and that's -- Is -- cool -- show right here can we got it got me Bruno Mars. I mean -- saying. Baby it's cold. And I image held -- -- ultimately block it just. You did -- this is something you plan on doing a lot you can see results that -- -- spinning its that are really solid of brushed metal designed. It's got an optical drive here you can't -- -- think it. It was an attempt. -- -- -- -- -- you can go with the CBT which is kind of -- base configuration. And from the price. God and his have to live long distance caller slash lock button and volume rocker are. I have to admit I response to this idea can be summed up in these two simple bullet points out that you can. Move. Bloggers. Lot of nervous. And it edition that it. Combining the -- -- Angela. -- slowdown sent them out. I'm Scott Stein and that's a look at the twenty election -- Well. -- on stumbling and final stretch have been. That's -- game rated sharing opinions and he says this to me that some pressure except that -- Do a lot of that in addition to having. For cnet.com. I'm Donald by vikings running. This is -- and -- we'll our prayers are -- -- -- Mexican mountain awesome dual band my -- groups. That's that's a long name -- and Amy Amy fry manly Latvians are. Say that for bloopers on -- Here's my problem with that is that they only use slate. Two of my videos it it pains me out to be the -- -- failure. -- -- I -- a teleprompter reader that I am let me tell you -- together like an entire year's worth of my bloopers. It would make -- -- maybe once a video he has won little mess out. Now just -- you can make an entire half hour of audit -- I didn't do video of the biggest flaw you had as you -- in -- -- -- I mean that's not on the attention -- you and -- and by the end of the things he made it to the end you don't even know up or down you just someone to hold my hand out of the studio. It's fun stuff it's fun stuff -- -- you have you if you're sexy nude Ned -- know it. -- -- -- -- -- the known did okay -- still wants the emails -- sit up Lafayette -- we just really quickly nearly you guys have to say before we head off. To the holidays. Crew. -- still love that -- right emails -- song comes to us from our friend Joshua Joshua says. To make the Gmail -- -- because we talked about if we were into it or not into it last time. You have to click the gear settings and -- compact this makes it not look so bright that it should be the default now the redesigned -- -- -- dizzy and all pro -- All right Joshua I'm not gonna use that but at -- -- -- it's yeah I'm still not gonna do that but okay. You aren't yet when -- on -- as you are generally items in -- and -- brand Kersey I Brad. Hey buzz -- in a recent voicemail champ after the AT&T website made a mistake claiming the iPhone four S is four G. -- said yes but -- no mistake AT&T includes includes HS PA plus. And their definition of four G that's a -- army and keep counting the number of g.s in a phone. But still mistake does not four G but you can correct me if you want to that's -- right -- and -- -- nothing wrong today. But -- it's also Blake great sin he says love the show -- listen to some year old episodes and an episode 1556 -- mentioned. That people send about 3200 so texts a month. Well I just got a new phone Wednesday and I've already sent 7421. Tax today's Saturday. That meant I had sent about 18100 texts a day since the Wednesday -- -- having a limited forgy plans on double all the web browsing streaming apps etc. I still text like -- -- in backed. Took me about a minute to read all of this. Teens lag. Campus currently thanks Blake. -- selling thirty texture past tag team between teenage select. And writes that. But that's -- that -- like. That's that's your that's your -- -- -- -- human feel bad now. You can burn -- -- I would talk to myself at least. Okay yes yeah it says yeah yeah you have that you have Aaron last easel for the last email -- my theatrical music that's okay. Mr. Steven -- We are the 10% -- we are getting forced to convert an elementary school we have to choose between products that work well. But costs more products that work for everyone but -- -- tonight quality cooking utensils are iphones refuse to get service we are seen as. Sinister. We've been ignored by the 90%. On Thursday December 8 2011 we took -- first step towards recognition. Occupied Twitter. By reversing the position of your tweet stream and sidebar than 90% are forced to enter with a 10% must go through on a daily basis so mr. mr. All when -- -- the new Twitter backwards. You are giving us what we want who are we. We are the left handers -- the world ha and whether you like it or not we're here to stay we -- percent. Yes indeed if you are left handed -- ratings have gotten into your head you're not sitting at our. Cable -- -- Stephen -- and. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Doctor Joseph -- -- -- solid state. Via and a last week on into and -- -- talked about -- twitters backwards on the eighteen cent or whatever he's gone through it. So -- Thank you just have very cool for the temp percent yes. I never thought I thought a case can offend them to. Ahead of another plant on a -- and anyone else today editor Justin better friend in high school who made use of lefthander made a comic books specifically about the left -- guy was going around killing -- -- and people and it was amazing so. Thank you for letting them. But I'm not uplifting note that I thought at that that's a quick hello its bread spread -- -- -- -- added. Our guys that's gonna do for this -- -- you can check out our show notes at. -- dot cnet.com. You can you can bring it in maybe I like that. Eight influences dreadful and cause its economy. You come -- don't take -- cookies. 806 was 6638 CNET you guys enjoy your -- holidays also buys a cnet.com we expect emails and calls. For whatever you heard here today now when we come our nexus -- January 6 that'll be Thursday Louis back in the house I'm Brian Tong Donald -- here. See the -- -- they so much for coming out and we will see you guys have a happy holidays.

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