Ep. 1521: Internet Explorer IS for dummies
Ep. 1521: Internet Explorer IS for dummies

Ep. 1521: Internet Explorer IS for dummies

Today is Monday August 1 2011. My name is Stephen -- I'm Sharon pac man. And I'm Molly Wood and welcome buzz out loud and in spite of the in the terminal link and is episode fifteen when He went featuring the lovely and talented -- -- -- -- who is joining us some of them -- for the first time yes. And it. -- for those of you are watching the video version you can probably see that we have super bright currently yes in here today. In a -- so bright on the cameras though. In here looks very it does and so we're a little like. Haven't -- moment the public and ourselves and in the weird my muscles around here don't like hearing an echo of myself that turned up so -- eyes on. It's accurate -- is gonna turn it down and pretend that it's all well anyway it's very money. Monday but we're -- -- -- other it's an ambulance. Interesting news to work with and AT&T confirmed. Yesterday are no. -- -- -- Recently over the weekend that it -- start throttling heavy data users that even if you were grandfathered into the unlimited plan simply turn -- media. Long line. You're grandfathered into the unlimited plan starting October 1. AT&T will start to throttle your usage if they say. You are among the top 5%. Of data users which they -- exactly specify why. It picked it up 5% I -- Stephanie average unit of the I would assume AT&T is expected most people say to -- amendment throttle to connect four gigs. And that's kind of what we -- is -- their top tier plan yet a fair. They had -- customers use twelve times more than the average style. -- actually now. I mean I I don't know rightly so unfair how it has lately don't believe them I just don't believe them. Lets you give me a metric lets you say this is the exact amount that you have to use and that it will be throttled to -- -- This idea is they can just -- -- organ starts on if you use a lot. There has to be some -- bill like some sort of measurement like here's where you went over this which -- used should be something -- parent. Canada making money -- -- additional charge so much for text messages when they are relatively cheap cost size. I happen and I heard they can make like eighty cents on the dollar accessory apps -- yet. I mean. The problem is. That on the one hand I do you understand that they have -- legitimate immigrants like these are networks that are nowhere near as built out as the wired Internet for example. But people have it's increasingly similar usage -- like we want to stream video on our phones. We wanna stream spot ai in pandora -- our -- we want. Download massive amounts of data we want to surf the web just the way that we do at home and the networks aren't as big. On the other hand. They're so freaking evil and they have refused to make capital investments in their own networks and they have insisted on charging eighty cents on the dollar for text messages which is total -- That they don't have any benefit of the doubt. So in the comments at the top 5% public data hogs -- I mean I feel like everyone in the -- -- new report in the differently don't call me a hog for using the data that people ask. In a world where the technology just encourages me to use that data exactly and having beaten. Anyway many expect it's not just -- -- AT&T thing obviously T-Mobile has been throttling many expect Verizon Wireless to. Eventually follow down that path as well they introduce tiered plans and -- the people and unlimited plan so if you want an unlimited plan at this point. Pretty much -- reflection -- -- You chancellor hasn't really think. Where the phones are. They updates to both. Freebie found that only thing I really want -- radeon well yeah you don't have to is that it has other cool features. You can -- -- is that to differentiate it isn't really -- -- it's easy road to. -- I want it to part the cool yeah that's forgy. So there you go buying advice from and different. Even sprint has kind of acknowledged that like although they're making big investments and they're trying to you know basically they can still do -- there's moment in the camera for them to him it's gonna happen and and then the Internet is over -- But it's surely I mean it's not true that the Internet is over but it's a big bomber in terms of innovation on the platforms where the data demand is highest like that at some of her that. Consumers are going like this in the band with only. And that's and that's bad for animation. Good for innovation though Adobe is launching HTML five web animations -- -- tool called Adobe edge and it's basically a its new software that allows them to make a serious investment in letting designers work with html five and CSS and potentially not maybe down the road and replace lots. Lol very they're saying they don't wanna replace flashed it looks like they're just trying to cover -- grounds. And saying no we're not stuck in the past we are trying to -- developments towers of its channel five. So I guess the children come out in 2012. And it's pretty well they're just trying to prove that issue -- five can do as much as flash and other school. Animation -- command and I'm excited than. But I from what I hear from developers it's not buys a lot slower than flash only -- -- and I and I. And that they're doing this the smartly because they're saying. It's him -- I've still has serious issues like it's not. You know for example windows XP. Is still huge and at the highest browser that has version by year's end run on XP is I. And the fact that you can still do way more. When people write to us on the times why -- CNET TV in flash -- in flash because the only way to deliver a true rich video experience right now. Is using flash and so Adobe I think they're doing this very smartly. Because they aren't saying. We -- -- replace actually he's -- they're saying we want these to coexist. But we also want a future proof our tools. They also came out with. A tool last year our -- -- now -- They can convert flash issue five. And yeah I never never tried it on -- and developing but and I guess this edged tool -- was bound and it's. I -- school there's a free. Demo version of the software available now and it kinda wanna download and try it out. They say -- that when the project is complete it will work on modern web browsers and mobile browsers and that was the biggest problem with flash is that. All of these standards started working on mobile and flash which -- left behind. -- need an additional -- had a lot of potential for mobile browsing because developers can create one application. When -- now five applications that creating. Hiring three different teams and creating three different apps out -- I wanna -- issue now I succeed. And suffering have to connect to one's yeah and the dedicated app experience. Definitely -- I think it can. And tools like insert answer. Adobe says that in the future on its -- list. They -- to add video and audio elements alongside. The graphics elements that can handle now. Right now you can only play with rectangles you can trigger actions by events and eventually you'll have support for canvas. Which is the two. So there you know it's gonna be like a whole kind of also in this what I really like it integrates with dream -- that the whole development environment that they're working they can build Andy Weaver website. And an edge integrates with that so that you can add in all your animations. A little bit more. You know and it's easier development environment that looks cool I dominant -- -- is available as a free download right now at -- dot Adobe dot com. And then like tyrants and expect Atlantic and went -- -- pretty close -- -- day and pretty thanks to hand went into any if we survive up. Witnessed an intrusive. Without -- idea. And if we're not like arrogance when he's Lanka -- now we won't make. I wonder how many people about their monthly and a. The debt ceiling is good is gonna be registered when He beginning -- -- And then we're definitely -- -- fix the problem. So last week on Thursday the US House of Representatives. In. The middle of doing nothing different than that doing approved an Internet snooping bill. Called and I love this economic huge -- of -- like if you want to get something scary involving the Internet pushed through congress to -- even related to child pornography. So and -- the truest and most awesome form. This new bill is called the protecting children from Internet pornographer is active 2000 -- What it does. Is require ISP -- your Internet service from providers to retain your customer name address phone number credit card number. Bank account number and dynamic IP addresses. Am browsing history. For up to a year and make it available to police. All like without your consent -- they can actually keep the data for up to eighteen month. And better manage it that's of the mandate is -- -- a year. And they can keep it as long as eighteen months. Now the idea obviously is that child pornographer will be easier to catch of these records are all available and that in turn will protect children so that always the argument. Which they hang this stuff Lifehacker. And you can find this story and on our show and a decent definitely get the Surrey has done some of the -- In terms of how much data they're collecting verses how many child pornography arrests have been made in the United States and -- I -- Don't get. Do not misunderstand we are obviously in no way trying to say that this is not that these are not important crimes that they should be prosecuted clearly. Nobody including the mother in the room thinks that anything about child pornography is okay there is also nothing. Okay about collecting the records that detailed personal records of 272. Point one million Americans in the hopes of somehow sifting through. All of those records to find. The 101000. Known child pornography consumers which is a tiny fraction of a percent of the -- number of Americans online. So they can collected data whenever they want without. Reason. And can use -- how about -- works though at what point can they get 20718. Million. It is our profile -- they are collecting are they are maintaining a database of that information at all times and then are able to turn it over. -- well yet I Lifehacker makes an important point that it doesn't this bill isn't targeting the -- they're just targeting. What has already. You know what crimes -- -- -- committed no. And they're right I mean energy resources should be put into finding the source -- this does not. Does -- accomplished. Whatsoever it doesn't and -- anything it just creates the biggest juiciest database and information that you could ever conceive. In the entire rarely can you imagine the way the folks will also records are and like in a year there's gonna be like I am thanks for the 200 grow. Congress and with your bill that does not do anything to actually target. The perpetrators. Of these -- So Lifehacker -- does a really good. Kind of list of information about how you can block your ISPs and protect your privacy and things like. Ways that you could you could potentially switch to four G wireless data network at home if you have that available to you. Use a VPN provider and hook up a good beacon tool to encrypt and -- your traffic. Through third party or -- -- happy and do this this week in May be -- and updated how to climate set up a Tor router. Says let us know so did you arrive at the router. -- -- Like -- -- here. Yet -- anonymous is your browsing. Yes it's pretty good it's not the easiest thing to set up but it but there are like their other services told medallion that help you make it easier to set up. And then if your Chrome user may even have -- toward toggle button so that when you want to browse anonymously dislike button then off you go. Yet and there are as -- from Chicago -- are really -- question there I don't know that there are any requirements about how. The -- are going to be required to store the data. In terms of the security that has to be attached to the data which is also -- I mean this is -- The gold mine of personal information on everyone. Anyway I think you should just be aware that like to be aware ash made -- it may -- -- -- little weekend -- party. Good times good times. Okay so -- on Monday -- -- into a quick break when we come back how the Internet we'll get your homes ha. Ha ha ha. Nine low -- I closed my PayPal account today and when the iPhone is really coming dumped on time. Welcome back the buzz -- -- everyone I'm Molly Wood here with. Stand back and yes for the first time -- allowed. Bright -- on vacation. And of course awesome Steven -- -- management and -- there. Turning trying to rooms all different today. It not only is that a Monday and a super -- imminently that He came on my house this morning I don't know what's more astonishing to me the fact that it's -- experts. At August -- August 1. That -- believe that. It's like it's like winter outside or narrowing Alley what what is the fact that it's -- -- or the fact that He came on in my house and mandolin but I'm a little -- again and it is actually. -- -- -- It's not to expect. -- -- Like it. This it is -- expected for August. Yeah yeah yeah. And it does it had settled into the -- -- that there is the summer traffic patterns -- You know last week was sold my soul this week -- I think a lot of -- Does it on your way out of them have. It. Get to where better outfits and jackets and now my -- -- and it. Could. No way. It's actually. -- all bundled up all the time. We'll be hearing about with that -- when. The reason -- know whatever gets together service that does. Feel partly because literally governs all bundled up and you never looked cute in the wind coming up and inadequate. Without a okay. -- -- -- But then you got a -- yet the efforts of people like you've been totally brainwashed. And -- date. Breathing what it is -- high and I need. To check it well and an auto players. All rights back to the tech news and I guess last week late last week all of these stories about air being -- Started coming -- -- their -- of vandalism. Of this woman's apartment because she used -- B&B which is a an online service that lets you find a place to stay -- if anyone has their apartment. -- apartment or just. An empty room that they want rent out makes an extra cash -- You so it's sort of -- you know it connects. It connects the person who needs it hopes to certain there's like couch surfing yet there's a -- in the -- But air India apparently there was an a problem isn't just a -- -- -- EJ. Wrote this whole account about how she got home from -- week long business trip to -- her home -- ransacked and trashed. By -- being the and there are -- pretty innocuous right up about it at first it was right. This happened -- you know it's a bummer but aired every Indian is like a contacted her network in and out they've -- systems in place and then. Last Thursday she wrote this. New -- -- -- -- Old now and hell they haven't contacted me the heavens and do any thing about all this money that PT SDE. Now. -- -- -- -- what is going on -- Diminish it whatsoever but she's kind of Duca. Let -- get your gutter blogger issue Blake. Every morning in -- Panic attacks and I'm trying to return to elected normalcy but I just can't think about that department anymore and so displaced. And clutching my pillow at night like -- it's pretty bad to have your violating the have your -- pleased -- -- -- -- I want and it. She she said she once you've ever been because of frequent traveler you -- frequent traveler and -- frequently renting out your place. You wouldn't leave valuables there knew would get a storage -- Why did she leave like her grandmother's jewelry. And her passports. I don't now it seems weird -- She says -- -- it's over like a month ago that she -- the initial list the initial story. About this happening and then her latest blog post says that she hasn't said anything about it because she's afraid. The fact that she still thinks that they're criminals and identity thieves on the -- who know a bunch of stuff about her. That she's afraid of saying something they could jeopardize the ongoing criminal investigation. And then that she's afraid of air mean these are reaction because you've gotten pressure and veiled threats from them. And she initially to see said that they sort of -- -- -- like. You need to stop talking about those India blog -- down -- She set up -- -- to update the blog with a twist of good news. Some people are accusing her of -- Blake sleeping at the hotel industry -- up all night trying to like maybe even working for them -- -- actually pretty amazing. In -- -- you know. Air been B models and a lot like New York costs a lot that you can't. Use services like air being -- can't short term -- your apartment if you're like a family of three or more. Present idea I mean which is ridiculous idea that some bad serious nanny state -- barely up and protecting and an existing industry Kanye. But yet is what it comes out -- really in some -- -- now there's apparently another person who came forward and told techcrunch. Mike Arrington and his story. About -- -- is Oakland home was apparently -- -- -- meth addict with a stolen identity. And they left their pipes everywhere and they left their pipes everywhere in sort of trashed the place like weird vandalism. Mean. Person I would not. Had I I would never do I really never do this and if I did it. I would take every single thing I don't have any value whatsoever and put it in safe yet how do you vet the people who literature place like -- there are some sort of -- Clinton. They used issue is how do you verify identity online and the only not only an issue for things like air -- -- -- and runs true for many things but. There's another website like rumor on Mars something that they say they have a way of verifying ideas -- -- -- -- I don't know and and -- techcrunch article they say it's their fault that they play at how much they protect you and downplay what people should do to protect them and. Seems -- Rea. I understand the idea of feeling. Like you could handle this thing you might be willing to do it you you know. Contrast because -- -- honestly compared to of these incidents and 30000 people use the service. -- -- the percentage it's sort of like the usual odds in life right about whether you're gonna get robbed or whether about it and happened. But it does sound like from all accounts even if it is -- maker of about it does sound like aired in -- Didn't back like that they're probably not liable but if sort of act like they are internationally -- do you play and a been verified dot com my guests like four in the German thing that they do the background checks I mean I I I think that's always -- be difficult and frankly. If anything I might feel. Of them I feel better about renting a room if I was gonna be there. Yeah well I am I know most of the listings on air being BR four. Spare rooms not for the entire plays right -- parents are thinking -- exactly. And and and they have for yet and have reviews for -- renters so it. -- if you -- -- you rent out frequently from there being indeed. Renters can leave reviews for you end up playing you know if you use it let these people -- your -- and I know. And so they have the option to say oh no this person has -- views -- its response -- is I don't want ads and how great exactly. -- -- to say who assaulted air being -- or. I mean I think it just feels like one of those things in some ways where like look bad things are gonna happen it's not the fault of the Internet. The Internet is doing you know this is an interesting idea this is a cool way to. Connect people that gets you outside of like -- oil price gouging hotel industry -- or. If -- traveling last minute or whatever it is I mean I don't think that it necessarily cast aspersions on the entire concept. But. It is always your responsibility to be careful what -- -- -- -- and read this and using marketers -- -- dating let's say rate making meet the person and online and and you go. Meet them in real life you're not gonna sue. Dating website for acting. -- -- yes exactly. You should be able to. Although it and actually. Come to think of it now some people are -- -- maps on pumps -- -- -- nursing master -- and because it they said I think there was sexual assault. And that they hadn't had the dire they hadn't liked the kit that Bing maps says that it tax criminal histories -- background checks I think that you. Result -- or some kind of anyway. Every we'll sue everybody but if you're gonna do and the charter makes it which is ever on the first time -- wines. But then. It's up to you to decide that -- -- you to say I'm okay with that idea are not -- Anyway it's it's quite the big mess and we'll see what happens I. If anything at I'd be surprised -- -- be -- teen's name Canon right. Over billion dollars now live well huge round of funding. So there. -- they really. -- -- -- There definitely -- -- and they need to take their eating enough tiny center that not yet. Best buy on a whole other -- of my has unveiled the new insignia they -- they're really getting behind -- insignia brand to their store brand. The has been. Before it's been just like lower priced another kind of time innovate with it and -- -- -- there's these new connected TVs. That use the Tivo interface. For programs search on the train for -- -- Although not a DVR just interface and then -- tell you widgets and its own -- the end -- me widget. So tell me was. It's an app platform and they -- -- on a little like its looks like a little. What is the word and they can have been bag. Like Internet connected device it's the software also the powers the Sony dash. I'm and it's it's meant to be these little -- optimizes. Widget delivery service like I use my -- as my alarm clock. And when I wake up in the morning applicable at the -- have a pandora widget that FaceBook and Twitter in an email to our own platform tell me is the software at some the other tandem platform has the software that powers it and then they're putting -- into a bunch of different devices. It's if that's what they're saying that it's not. The -- B apps are meant to be for it. Little tiny screens yeah that's one big problem is. Some outlet -- -- pretty -- over another optimize or a touch screen interface and then also. -- -- their business so they apps are gonna have to be re engineered pretty quickly. To be like cool Twitter or FaceBook -- about that or whatever on TV is. The biggest problem I -- though is that although they're connected TVs and like that Tivo interface for programs search is fantastic. But they don't have a cable card slot. And they don't have an integrated EPG electronic time programming -- so all you can search is over the air. Programs and then whatever is durable and your little nuns and the apps and Netflix and cinemanow you -- actually those movies and -- we can't search current. TV like a real live TV -- with cable. And that's -- while while -- this is not -- cut the cord. Dream TV at all yeah plus there's no integrated DVR or support at concerts you're still gonna need your whole entire -- set up. -- -- -- -- -- it -- it is back to school. And I could see how this might be -- for college students. Decide to keep -- -- coping with Netflix CS. The -- with Netflix that Twitter or you can get a busy -- as the same thing. -- Cheaper. Really cheaper so these are 499 for thirty students and somebody. Fed -- they got their -- at 32 and twit and ops. But are not -- besides -- for 360. And -- have multiple and. Day that'll have a or via a member maybe -- -- -- -- Maybe it may -- a little UA. Last week reported that PayPal was in. Opt in conjunction with the feds are in bed with the -- and that they had turned over the IP addresses of -- thousand people who were apparently. Involved in that US attacks against PayPal. There were -- by anonymous. For example they arrested a twenty year old University of Nevada journalism student whose. Computer was most likely part of a botnet -- his IP addresses turn over the fence by PayPal now she is the jail term fifteen years and 500000 dollars and by. So anonymous put out a manifesto last week between the report comes from mining and allotted days and produce. Saying PayPal expert -- -- basically. And then in am very an usual move. Rather than launch another denial of service attack maybe they don't want more people interested. They have been organizing a legal boycott. It's like let's go old school close your PayPal account. Just don't use them anymore. Yet I also want -- know there were reports at some point that PayPal had blocked. The ability to close accounts so I submit that just before the show via let me be clear I am. Fully on board of the PayPal like like I think that anybody who has been using them as a neutral payment service. Who doesn't wanna use eBay is gonna have problems that I did like they act like a bank but then they are completely at the they're they're -- eBay service or if they can they can literally decide to withhold your many based on your eBay rating even if you don't use -- Which is does not useful for me right but also. I think that the fact that they have blocked payments to WikiLeaks is a violation of free speech and -- I don't think -- I think they have. Plenty of technical knowledge that should have let them know that turning over a thousand IP addresses was gonna -- to arrest them -- some. So -- PayPal so I went on to try to test -- whether they have blocked the closing of accounts. And close my account at same time and it will say I was able to go through the process no problem politically elect submit. And close the account button it -- started like. Loading and I had to come in and it's -- I don't actually know it's -- closure. And in the air and that that it data checked checking emails if you got some sort of like confirmation. Is that idea cal -- that I had to literally had to come -- like nothing was happening. It was like. 0% uploading data. Unlike the sale of the just intimacy is -- when loaded all these other web sites make -- -- wasn't -- -- network you know why is it now is the PayPal site. It's an cancels the unloading my email now to -- if I have -- Canada. I am yes -- multitasking but it's important -- Research but so I was tweeting about it -- -- -- -- saying that I have successfully. Are really now. But I am curious to know how many people -- although IDC that Oakland Honolulu is now only 490 dollars though Erickson air lines. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Which is a blogging at least all the time -- gadgets on the Internet. Has a list of five alternatives to PayPal -- that -- everyone's first question is like I'm not using PayPal. In only. All all expected PayPal they have managed to corner the market would -- they're number one recommendation and I probably agree is Google checkout. You can also use Amazon payments. There's a service called pop money. That apparently only works if your bank is on board with them but that's one. To look I use the -- DW OLLA. Which is more like a funding source but you can also send money back and forth to people who. Also used all of and then there's obviously basically says that -- -- -- -- Did they put that there's a -- they mean it. I mean you can't get out system if you if you -- all your friends use it coin and you value that currency you can exchange you can use it going to buy services from each other -- its tax free. Because -- an alternative currency. -- the possibility. Pop and it's interesting I had not heard of that but for me personally am problems in -- -- yeah so. FYI if an even if I do you ever use the big and which -- probably will not. With high paint it then you're just gonna -- mammoth. Take note taking out every one. Anonymous is also. There does -- make it a little moves left and right. And they've started their own social network. And it varied. Oh it this is the -- that -- And I'm actually. I'm all wondering like it. It is it is they hope. A new social network meant to thwart government censorship so that in the case of government lock -- the people consuming. It okay it pretty cute. Cats in the big enough a look at it just have to work -- violence. If the dot -- social network. -- -- -- Sorry -- I am heartened -- the intent of the yet you know is not a -- my mom. Whatever I want. Any -- -- -- social network for. Activist members lack of them what every article it could be successful because I don't like to mix night. Active -- done with my personal FaceBook stopped when it's just getting -- in normal. Nine you know keepers. Crazy people onto its website. What I -- It's interesting actually and Matt Harris thank you for -- on retirement is about to say this. The only real question about a -- plus is whether it is in fact. A different set up by the fence them out to -- for your personal information because that anonymous is preferred method of communication is piracy. -- untraceable. -- -- -- Chat rooms and groups in conversations the idea of them setting up some network advertisements and information and I don't know that it would lift in traffic but like. Added functions that C. Carrier -- right hand when He talked to them that people do this that they're basically convince only capped at first that people were telling that they not walls like itself. Was or at least the Twitter and Asia where is controlling that it was basically does the victims and looks like we're doing whatever we want. Because then -- yeah anonymous -- -- That's really creeping yeah I'm just saying I it's not untraceable -- -- your but it is harder -- it's not like. -- social network. Anyway we'll see. We'll see how far and on let's get that frankly. -- I'd lost interest in Google plus on -- to add anything. If it's not like -- circles. They can get it out pressing -- -- cannot implement. It is interesting that they -- that people are so -- estranged from their world governments that they not have a voice even outside of revolution. Therefore they need amplification tool that I mean if you're censorship from all the government and the social -- slash media. That they're choosing to use because based does. Sensors that is -- right down pictures but if you put -- like a picture of your making -- -- in the backyard is out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This social network assuming it's not central will. Allow open communication of ideas and is essentially a cyber anarchy format -- environments. Whereas the people are the ones keeping the peace in order via an understanding rather than -- ports -- It will seeing in silica is that. Aides. And Secret Service does in the background and into the camera thing and harassment -- About my peeps but I don't users -- yes thank you items are no matter what it is don't use your standard username and password on here. -- And I don't think in a circle. Bad news for Google TV. Which we all kind of -- wasn't going anywhere what I did not know though that the Logitech revue set top box -- is an of the earth like the Google TV reference. Gadget -- still priced at 200 -- It debuted last October at 300 dollars -- Latin. They got the -- the -- fifteen everybody. And now they have cut the price of the Logitech revue to 99 dollars -- not the cheapest way to get Google TV as an -- -- not our security. Right exactly. Unless you're gonna get a new TV that's the only way to get it right assuming -- or the best way rather. So as -- -- -- to be able tweeting me over the weekend like that is that -- it's worth at a 99 dollars. Still in -- There's no contest the others -- and I I don't know what they're actively developing for it we -- stuff that Fiat. -- Well -- we -- central demos demos Russia has 90% of -- -- It is although it has more functionality actually an Apple TV at roughly the same price because Apple TV is tied only to iTunes. And at least Google TV does give you all of the web. Web content that you actually might want to get and I'm pretty sure it also has Netflix -- -- it. I know it still wanna go somewhere like roku may be but I think you can get a little more web video with the Google TV the revue. It also includes the harmony universal remote. I mean when you can when -- and the overall bundle and I mean -- -- like the harmony remote itself from an -- that's actually. Now you and -- Google TV. Yeah you just not the problem is that you just don't have any any. -- it like you still get me that and some other -- so if you want all of the content. Because Google didn't get the content -- -- you're gonna want Google TV and then probably. Stiller -- the -- to power you know. -- for -- and so not broken. But if you really need a new remote. And you wanna -- -- and of that web content thing I would say there is probably. The shot. As you know and animate -- -- journal called it. And -- okay this is my favorite story of the day. Internet I'm just I am reading the headline I am not passing my own judgment. PC world reports and many others Internet explorer's Internet Explorer users are kinda stupid study does -- Bird called app declines. Which -- they expect a metric consulting firm. Gave online IQ tests to. About a 100000 people more than a 100000 people though pretty Big Apple isn't very examples I've heard online study no. Optic one concluded -- That the studies showed a substantial. Relationship. Between an individual's cognitive ability. And their choice of web browsers. Test result it is clear. That individuals on the lower side of the IQ scale -- to resist eighteens -- upgrade of their growth. So they balance. That on average in the online IQ test Internet Explorer users spared the worst with no surprise here -- I. Firefox opera only with that the version that -- -- I doubt that the best -- early numbers did Ostrom. Also what's really interesting is that optic wanted this seems oh let me it is the Brothers that really it's pretty doesn't whereas -- -- -- in -- that authority -- crumple up. Firefox Chrome and safari -- in the middle -- little difference between them. IE with Chrome frame and camino. Were at the top and the highest. Users the smooth. Browser users out there. Opera. Exactly and enjoy it and take a moment. As weird weird. Load it up again even ever seen. -- I -- -- opera opera users are there's. They're like the -- of people they're the ones are a lot in pure -- speaking. Opera is the bus -- Which is totally true -- that -- But -- used opera it's like I had a Windows Mobile phone and -- -- -- does it for mobile. Opera. There you go to bask in your moment. You know there's so many beauty here is -- using it currently does for years as US. Measuring time. An actual IQ -- like issued actual IQ test -- -- -- then here's what's also awesome right because of course incident all on line. IE is the most popular web browser into more -- users to test and that was their scores more toward the mean. But at -- also provided data from a similar 2006. Study. That show that even back when I had a bigger share of the market and there weren't that many choices. IE users performed well. So they had they had higher IQ scores back then. Which would seem to suggest that like now that there's a more diverse marketplace the stupid are people are staying with and -- smarter people -- -- -- It. And or. People who don't know I mean obligate you to those who knows that you money on it takes you seriously -- It. I called my friends that -- -- Browser do you use. -- -- -- They and we got your FaceBook -- has proudly as easily speak it fluently. But that if you were okay delete. -- -- -- Don't ending consider that doesn't comprising -- to comprise only people who felt compelled to take online IQ test but they say they say. If you ever want to argue that Internet Explorer -- users are too stupid upgrade at least I got -- -- -- the. Does an awesome. Outstanding -- let's move on to -- its. Started and -- it. That. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Apple according to all things DEO. We are never. Gonna get enough -- camera five rumors. It's not coming in September it's coming in October -- -- Hong they're delaying. Her home again it -- that is October is the month when Apple plans -- its next gen iPhone according to sources with knowledge of the situation. We we heard September 5 from the store guy in the media don't write you have -- -- this source told all things. Okay that's your iPhone I've removed from the day to day. The Apple patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung has apparently gone so far as to prevent Samsung from selling in the Galaxy Tab ten point one tablet in Australia. They have managed to win an agreement from Samsung that they wants on the newest version in Australia until the patent lawsuit in that country. Is resolved because they're suing each other all over the damn world. It is running around like -- Tasmanian devil and -- say it. So we're really is our answer this Samsung Galaxy Tab looks so much like the iPad I thought sitting down Eric Franklin -- an athletic. -- -- -- -- I just keep making -- and the -- -- are they actually. To help. Me. So expect -- to be a birth of awesome -- game market for ipads in Australia. Google search has there -- Google has updated its search interface to make it more friendly for tablets they have also updated their search ads. Ana on google.com and optimize them for both the iPad and the Android three point one income tablets. There you go to -- and let's see what else oh. The Seattle post Intelligencer has done a little bit ugly data reporting. The new world of data reporting and they have found that by subtracting a few figures from Microsoft's overall sales from entertainment and devices division. They think they've determined. That Windows Mobile and Windows Phone in 2011 made about 600 million dollars which they called abysmal. In terms of revenue. Which I guess -- true He compared to the Xbox -- -- eight billion dollars. But. PT -- witnessed on central points out that when -- compared to how much Google makes of Mandarin but zero dollars from the actual mobile operating system that. 600 million dollars maybe. However they tell a lot of advertising. And now players. It really is only 600 million they definitely spent more than that on average I think the problem. Will see. Other -- -- is any better and better and better. -- read -- -- you can let us know what you think. And if you you -- or policy could end up in tomorrow's feedback loop just like these -- people coming up now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We talked last week about spot by instantly being sued upon landing on American stores and we wondered why it that people suing them had not seen anybody else. Our first caller has -- -- In regard that -- -- 1520. Packaged media as soon as part of like theory is that three didn't. -- can go after somebody like app. Apple prior is that Apple would be putting up a big legal defense. So they collect personal company first they could at least maybe get a settlement or if they do it in court and it'll open up. The president set the precedence for the battle against the -- -- like Apple. Just -- -- -- take care. Possible it is testing the waters -- -- on it. -- -- And -- all Americans. Outlet to -- pretty well funded. And I don't think -- you can argue that your patent is defensible. In one case but not other idea. I'm gonna sound lately trademark where you have to dependent you -- but anyway and it's -- -- possibility either way I hope they. And then. The stickers and go now. We video -- match. Well. About -- -- Asheville, North Carolina and I wanted to -- video message one because one sticker. And get them and also I want to -- -- to make sure she does. Keep us up to date on her experiences with -- as if the iPhone five is that -- tear drop -- there's no way am nine I think it's -- too delicate. So I did the advocating the -- HT CHD seven ads on AT&T'S so. Dependent upon you or recommendation -- That's gonna depend on -- I'm gonna put my money from an -- and -- -- adapters. So no pressure thing but that the that utilities now. A lot of pressure although I love them like a summons to click -- major movie to -- their feet under a lot. And bird. Carolina men and if there -- -- via voice mails coming. Just for those you have so completed kind of creativity and sending -- like little get -- stuff. We also have to be able to play these an audio version so I'd keep that in mind has been together but keep them -- because we love it's. And the scenery and also only -- the pressure. Under pressure. Now like that penalty in the manga I am not a quick update though I have not yet received the phones I have not been ignoring you and I will definitely start. Blogging all of my impression I'll do like a little on boxing -- means -- get it. But I haven't gotten it yet. I think it's in coming soon and then we're gonna actually have Brandon Watson on the show to talk about the windows and tabs on that He is issued in and I -- like what people and but -- -- I am on Verizon and apparently there there's only like one. Verizon phone running so I am gonna get a fun with mango but it's gonna be like the developer build not the total final final version. And yet as I like about -- and music under DA. So. It's possible it could be like a little bug year. Hopefully not gonna get sensitive. Ports yet and I will definitely know -- don't worry. I haven't forgotten and and and the onion and frankly. I really wanna get it soon because I like Android phones is limping along at about Ricky I. That the Google. -- -- Believe that you let -- interact patent gingerbread crap go out there on the Droid X which is arguably kind of an ambassador phone. Or Verizon and the Android platform and allow -- -- to continue with -- Not a word likely. -- I even -- threatening and a hard reset. Hole while the last flight ticket right knee hurt -- It. I probably don't -- it probably is -- at and it would be all you do is these nineteen aptly im sure I doubt it at home but it does it. But now and so add up all the data erase all the apps were raised everything -- reinstall reconfigure the whole stupid phone did you have it all backed up afraid that out. It asterisk scared a plan I Astro file manager and -- -- -- About. Okay on to the email. We have talked urgent the possibly about. Death in the modern age as and -- put it and He says here's one for you. This guy has a Q -- code on his gravestone. That takes people to a website about him with pictures his obituary and a chance for friends upload their own photos I. I love this idea and -- really it's becoming more common. Linking them in there obviously on the sides of buildings and all kinds of thing but those things but this. Guy has this I was at a picture via -- -- it. -- all people are definitely utilizing the Internet -- And it leaves little memoirs people are living up there. Based on -- are not a family members are leading up FaceBook pages of the deceased to service. -- -- -- that people can you know we've messages. That's cool I like it it to keep soon live a little longer online -- -- Madeleine XT can -- straighten says He does or is banging on Blackberry about having co CEOs welcome. There's another company with the structure and they dominate in their industry they stated it helps of their innovations and creating new products the company. California people's lives -- Our. -- -- authored by -- an example. That's adjusting -- other business model works with these engines and I can definitely need. It potentially working if it works but if it doesn't work he's -- -- -- Like I understand it yet it's good to bounce ideas someone else and all that but also they're able that -- impressed it's been a target -- -- of the -- Click based on the -- That's goods aren't as good at that. It can. But they're not making pizzas there -- India and is not -- -- they like them. Tim writes in into the listening at that fifteenth -- -- -- -- but adding the expecting option as a status. -- just follow -- -- is but it's expecting it this is the most unnecessary change ever to FaceBook. I understand it's neat and -- -- in a person's life and back when the last time is unexpected parent go about more than two update Max. Without telling -- something else about the pregnancy. -- Room -- a -- and watching it she was every you upload a photo under all of I've seen so little design really. And Slater what obvious -- they can -- next season as an option to notify your Richie Rich with -- disposable income. All right there to have that sent from my. Chief of the components. -- you email those before He is a funny -- -- funny. -- them and that's totally true it's not like it's not like it don't find out right away islands don't expect and a I that is also our show for today keep the feedback come -- 10616263. Is our phone number. But that CNET dot -- or email address you -- -- -- YouTube links years scenery filled with. These video was -- it has that equally excellent scenery now. -- don't pressure now pressure. And below that cnet.com is where you can find them links to all of the stories that we talked about it sharing it for the people who don't know you -- -- Do you but there might be a couple woody it would be -- about what's -- deal -- He got going. Well I am assume you -- and how to now at CNET so you can find honest about how to dot cnet.com. And treat me -- Sharon back. And let me know. If you'll be to their -- Definitely -- was about to questions because we just launched a new -- -- -- -- about -- it is there's awesome content there and her. Videos are amazing. Okay thanks for tuning does let you again.

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