Ep. 109: Gawker hacked, prank presents, and the Blabber Meter
Ep. 109: Gawker hacked, prank presents, and the Blabber Meter

Ep. 109: Gawker hacked, prank presents, and the Blabber Meter

What if that means -- -- All right thank you taking that doesn't. Among other exciting Monday we only have. This is this like the really the last pre holiday show -- -- guess he got to be here Monday on the going to be a next Monday gonna units many reject. Myself I will be an excellent up okay great -- -- -- would then be and the angle like camera here to feel more of my. Beautiful visage. Excellent and the week after that I don't think anybody's gonna be here and then a week after that is like right after -- you've left Monday we might actually be here. Okay. Those as the next week on week after off we get that probably on. And then that's off the CES. Why you guys -- You know that's. I'm very excited something in that's fine how are we gonna do Digital's and you guys gonna -- -- over there on Monday will still be will be here Monday. If you do -- only till Tuesday. I think it'll be cool but some crazy stuff going on happened this week it'll -- -- some surprises for everybody in the room but. Isn't crazy stuff going on every year. Over the weekend conquer was -- not attack they were mega -- Does anybody -- this to get read about this is about a million. Natalie -- -- explaining them with. -- does anybody read that site deadly New York's preeminent sort of gossip. The media industry fashion and publishing. But also response was across all of there well yes but -- it's called Gawker Media -- the flagship site -- -- -- the guys -- got actually hacked. And in the user accounts are -- across all the science -- you don't account for you to Kotaku and gives moto and all those other sites -- dock with the flagship. And that somebody apparently went in and got all they are not just Alter user accounts which is if you've ever commented. Your email your username your password. The also got the source code for the site itself because he uses a proprietary -- -- they've built themselves which is apparently very good. And of course that they went ahead and and publish -- mocking messages on -- -- -- the -- Twitter account. And then today everybody was coming in and finding their own accounts -- because. If you put links got it it's got nine dot com or sending -- -- email address and -- it and and and you know I don't know of banana bread is your password yeah I'm just making these up and down into either of those I don't think ahead of and I don't -- -- an account with them. But if you hype that they did and then you use the same email and have for -- combo like Twitter or FaceBook or something. Well then somebody could just take you know all that -- -- trial these different sites until they hit something that you've used that same. And now password root password combo on the that is the danger of everybody having we haven't had a -- hacking behind this along time I don't think right. Now it also encourages in case you haven't which I'm not I was gonna happen if you're gonna be commenting. Or do sight that -- separate. You know username and how they would become a photo every single site you're running you -- any issues that you know for -- -- -- -- -- for all -- public. Yes I type things that -- -- gets hacked all you'll lose our all of those public ones you deem a somewhat usable die as those for anything that you. Here are gonna conflict reliable and when -- -- to get about -- Sherry Lee passwords. I just went public a blood drop like -- finger and the blood drop on the laptop and log in with that we can do better downstream gets hacked -- -- out -- shuttle -- We -- the fingerprint reader and I don't have a lot actually you know if I lower reader with wells that. Which -- in your eyeball into our planet not to access your accounts that you know what happened a minority replied that's right. Well it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And lopped off -- Police is just a password written by Arnold Schwarzenegger like chop up your hand if he had -- our clients -- lending me -- I know was that actually what I notice now make up and you'll find his dungeon yet and I think that was -- when this. It's Arnold may be edited and I don't know that it's terrifying me a lot of people had passwords on the China and got to town is a real question here -- Have you ever had in -- county viewers of any kind hacked. Never -- okay. I have multiple user names and writes if you remember that and you remember the law and it's actually -- -- if you're not wish to offer lower case letters big numbers and ultimately its inception to dreamers and dream and it dreamed of making -- -- and -- -- area doesn't have you ever had an account activity kind. I'm not commenting you when you say it's of the news in some in the doesn't say wow okay Scott issuing any I -- I might might even my worst was Twitter my Twitter oh that's right actually want to point accurate to it and then somebody said dude you're Twitter accounts -- tonight and what danger to solve that. Well I had to re claim that I believe from -- -- to -- the complaint with that they change your password that hackers. And lock you out I got locked out of that I had to you the united flag -- and then I was able to. Log back in and change you the password again. It's pretty bad when that happens. And it's terrifying that it can happen with anything you. I think anymore about this is I don't know this somewhere -- -- older. Ability we have only started to -- of layers off this idea there is so much more zero times today at pointed out that people who -- accounts on the -- conquer site as closed -- moto Q as of now and the company's other web sites were told to change their passwords -- -- up on on -- They said in the statement -- our user databases appear to have been compromised well that's kind of an understatement. And they're saying that that hackers found more than one point three million user names and passwords. Although that data -- all encrypt it. However they have apparently began to crack the encryption already. Equipment though so that's and and holding us up on like BitTorrent somewhere you can download like all this stuff and its encrypted. But -- -- figuring out how do you have to decrypt it now one of the things doctor got trouble for. Was they apparently didn't really tell -- when this happens until several hours after they knew about it. People already in their contact. So people -- really been raking the move your calls for that Nick Denton the call her head guy actually says. -- a quote. We weren't really sure until 4 PM. EST on Sunday that the user database -- compromised because this statement of warning within an hour event and we've been doing our best since then to communicate. And and via -- -- they have up but I guess we were somewhat in shock earlier on on Sunday and did acknowledge the worst case scenario until with upon -- I'm very sorry. We're trying to make up now for our earlier -- They're just sitting around in their -- when the state of shock their -- drinking hot chocolate and like and I relevant than ever and I don't wanna think about it right now. That's the same direction so it took so people were posting like neat kittens like campfire log in and also this stuff and internal messages within the company proof that having our internal emails -- -- -- without -- about it that. Well be a -- yet but as we reveal the time that nice pleasant things but you discover how nice we are actually nicer experience. -- yes apparently they gonna bring an outside security consultants to it to try to fix. Despite action news good points you know they've they've gotten you got way too much information possibly -- been -- -- -- -- -- -- doesn't -- we -- as the guys were taken down you know every website that. Connected to Wi heatley believe me it doesn't take into a genius -- they probably figured out some either -- into the figured out somebody's password and then got access to the whole thing because of that. Need to do stuff like this does not -- -- -- an inside job you just -- into incomplete security need to not have the patches in -- were Mexican -- Wii died of quiet I don't hear it that was stunning turn the -- -- -- web -- -- used the land right before we went on the air somebody within -- on a super useful link just -- actually in our. Little show run down -- -- lately these pop that in the chat room if you could. The slate the online magazine has posted a handy app. We can type in your email address and find out whether you've been -- though I'm actually gonna check that yes so let's let's try -- And -- to say they right now -- Does that say for you you really help now my -- -- -- -- email accounts and appear to be in your released database -- they're gonna find out now is. -- -- slate is a hacker's site iPhoto has this is -- -- email addresses. -- slate is owned by the Washington Post. -- -- very well and nobody could very well okay so. Plans don't want to check mine okay I -- that I had a -- community how for long time ago recently had used FaceBook connect. Which is actually secure because that they don't store the passwords locally -- only -- but -- that but years ago I'd use my Gmail account and it says right here. I typed in my -- that you check that your password was released but it's still encrypted. It's a good idea to change it which of course I have. Early you know early on that that means that my email addresses on the list of released email addresses but they have not encrypted that part of the list yet. But I typed in Levy's email address. And Hurd said the Timor on. -- -- your password was released and it's been decrypt it if you change it is that ends it's been. We've used -- -- the rest of your and we've used it to order pizzas for every one intact. Though he had to go change your password right wing as well. My laziness has paid off I want -- -- -- because. I don't comments in chat rooms -- his -- and -- -- worker. I never get up -- though the will tend to sign in or again it down and that seems to have paid off hugely for this. This one decision by staying off of gawkers network. I'm not hacked. -- -- for lazy positioned itself as an on demand notes and adding he never knows that no one to sing like leave the lazy people who put out pleasant. The -- is still -- like me if you -- given a shot you can try to -- got to you know -- -- -- -- dot -- now this. I'm I but I -- Dan Ackerman and that black -- I -- anyway that's what -- that I think -- think it's a much bigger -- than by the -- -- doesn't have to you can reverberate that does happen to me if you're going up on fortune I. I'd say a word I I I I -- -- give Jewish name. -- -- let's on the vote again whoops the spirits of the -- -- -- nice happy smile now move on from -- -- on his parents and displayed at pounds. Then you are gonna be let's managing six and a senior bigger story. Anybody thinks this is Florida -- a big site Digg is better invites emailed him that I do you know as you know you want guys. There's a better. I didn't know that means that okay you got rights in the mail and that he would from this event -- he has -- ability -- -- here. I think that that that that's why people hack into people's accounts to get to. Invites to parties got a -- -- they can send. Fake -- weight loss product emails and other spam. Which is exactly was -- -- -- have to get ready on their on their tricked out with setting up fake -- Siberia. -- you know Twitter messages that say you knew. Your account has been hacked if you're sending a diet advice. The major account has been -- why were they doing. Because -- -- its -- another for a spam. -- also very extinct somebody on to tweet that said. -- blank who's the person is -- was. Time to change your mouse lap and I thought it's awesome for somebody affiliated with the Gawker Media network and I don't think you did this to humor thing although he is pretty funny it just that those very that in -- -- a daisy was an hacker navy. Later that that's going on with -- and hacking and I think we've continued to -- the lyrics peel this onion during the week at more more people and that getting their stuff -- And it's gonna be crazy that's on -- Not somebody asked me -- on last Tuesday on a and then whether that's a -- pretty recently about some good ideas for cheap laptops. It turns out the -- what she laughed out captives holiday season they're actually. Operate what some of them are pretty -- but they're really cheap. So much so that I actually just got one from another. Hopefully she's -- listening. But I went on -- he doesn't -- doesn't have a laughed out no she's not -- -- back in -- fall we have tested all these back to school laptops to remember that. So one of them was tea. The EVE -- you really enjoy doing that -- and -- it was a it was alive well I think we took a much to get a much better way of doing -- this time we took stuff we already tested. And and it made that the round up instead. The one of them was a Toshiba satellite c.'s 655. I think which was kind of a very low cost fifteen inch laptop. Had a single core Intel CPU and even -- right it was fine. Now you can get. The dual core version of that. On Amazon it was like for hundreds -- bucks before Thanksgiving right after they dropped it like 389. Software's greatest laptop but for 389. Do -- regular Intel pentium T 6100 CPU. You know what hard to do better Fermi if you look at the net that if somebody is not -- power user and you're putting in -- -- left out the ego. I'll name yeah it's also mean that's netbook price and it -- -- -- you get a better than netbook performance. They get perfectly fine performance -- -- we tested the single corporate and even that was okay -- get a 320 gig hard drive via three gigs of ram and that fit. The ten inches and it doesn't mean did it indefinitely -- -- mean to sound like on eat just about this but it's absolute truth or older you wanna larger screen that's a great mom left that it does the number -- screens -- are an important thing when they drop the price it quickly rocketed to be the number one best selling laptop on Amazon. You heard it first got saying size doesn't -- If you were eyes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I can't see this policy he's -- and scared my negligence -- right Jerry. Where sometimes they have to be aware of all the time don't ask me to drive you home and putting things -- I was reading some time and look under over them something -- -- by spoke both. I'll tell you that the -- gonna get -- -- you guys gonna -- we Christmas I would get that tip on them think about value of first I'll go rich rich -- -- rich brown didn't and it's units of -- -- -- things that can you bring lessons before they were once he was that's at camp. I do it on homeland yeah there are a problem it's definitely one guy with -- -- with the ethernet your eyes and out of a total recall lessons are part of Paul Rubin nightmare you wake up and some terrible and bigger rivals have been -- doubt that's a terrible thing -- -- -- that I'll be in a context that the island 53. Oh that's right you do I stand up and read it that -- Netflix some critics right well up again around and around Baghdad your quota time now I don't round no it's not like -- -- -- only live for rides and for a period and now. Will I can see I can't see distance sounding excited but it's not that -- to the point where the minimum time might appear -- get -- -- -- -- -- don't -- Notebook just a few 10020 when he's monitor what he's of these -- Apple logo Mac -- Other. To a -- to the cheap laptops -- one of the quickly mention where Acer has an aspire. Seventeen point three inch with the same basic parts as that that Toshiba I just told you about. That's a Wal-Mart exclusive and that's or 98 if you're a big step in his laptop does not really any cheaper without him that the thunder import 98 that the same Intel pentium dual core -- not great -- -- video fine and it had a decent rate wasn't. They didn't super cheap out on the screen resolution seventeen point three inch screen 16100 by 900 resolution and that's that's that's good plan. I -- says there. I had one -- -- -- they -- tell you about and Scott -- -- confident that he's having a female morning and I coastal areas I have to get wannabes. It's called the art are you ready you -- It's called the bladder -- Let's cut to that and -- Israel. Every -- -- it restricts ticket that we had to go before and now we had a -- play area I got a lasagna. -- all of click done and there is the bladder reader -- that would got to get to the desk clock and would you use like a -- gamers available at Piccadilly that's that's just thought. And I guess -- -- starts talking you hit the button. And -- -- I think you can put in how much money you. I. I guess you can put in the how much time here and how it many times -- and and anti Detroit five bucks. I did look at the price before -- okay that that's river -- affordable. That's horrible that's. That if the stocking stuffer if there ever was one -- -- they release an iPhone -- I need a -- meter -- that's a good idea. That's good for a couple bucks. It says -- so -- -- licenses or just make their own but -- that's what gift ideas. -- -- you you made it go around the table and conflict if -- -- is last week is evenhanded. Had any update to their lists. Well Kindle it's okay in the -- -- you work from you from from YouTube. Two on -- okay that's nice that's -- nice gift like that she's probably not listening embolism -- -- I. I mean I pads continue to be ridiculously popular and -- was getting one but the thing that really surprise me. Several of my older relatives. Are getting -- And I was pretty shocked about that same moral thing on Friday -- because. No review the recent iteration of the Wii and I would say that are feeling at the office is pretty similar which is that. We think it's -- you know run its course you know it's a it's -- it's got some fine stuff on it but you know at this point with -- the 360 in the PS3 can do -- you're spending a couple hundred bucks. For the home to 150 U we have that we ran his wind 99. -- might for its the US have done little with the -- -- -- yet. Believe it's one any night and -- -- -- have motion in high Def now and achievements yeah you can get those as options and it's really hard to recommend is a new purchase especially given each DTV and yet. My mother in -- wants one and my cousin who's in the sixties wants one and I was surprised said because. What do you think because a likable my friends think of what -- of the rest they want -- laugh and say okay that's that's we've heard years ago this is an old pitch but the funny thing is. You try to argue them away from it is like arguing -- away from an Elmo doll I feel like what about 360 -- I want the week and there's no budging on this I wonder. You know it seems that it's still got some legs look obviously there's a new audiences -- the sales are down and the 360 looks like it's going to be the holiday winner. Overall but they may hang on for a -- to people who -- just gonna buy this because they're comfortable with it and because it gets the job done it's simple it's simple and simple to simplest one to set up in an absolutely. I'm a perfect example like united was recently at the at the move. And it's annoying because to navigate sometimes you actually the -- controller. None -- -- you don't have the other part of the motion controller and it's an arms like she put the most controller down. You toggle through you'd -- the motion controller up and that they -- the Wii remote is everything is on eggs emit. Or -- making -- navigate grave mistake itself and we have to have both of them -- -- it did it is pretty simple and and I guess in terms of graphics is simple for people who just aren't. Use all these artifacts in the industry -- conflict if you look at -- chargers -- Yes that all these colors all these things going on sound effect sometimes it truly things going on and and the Wii is very simple Bobble headed. And I think very sad period were about user accounts and messages that there are nine backup and how how much trust for years -- be -- for -- collecting -- and -- -- conference I know what we're going to obviously be -- and for for all that it has closed off and not really great at being Internet connected device. That is still makes it have to admit it very appealing device if you're gonna stick you with it for awhile I usually it's definitely the most kid friendly I was they don't -- worry I wish it was -- -- When it's under thirty admitted that the next -- does not surprised the next one will. It has really frustrated because of its -- from. Technically you you what you don't have cable and those of us who do have cable and in the or even seem to why it's seeing it that -- Then you've got cable. Around out there but it's like this that C -- two programs on. On ones and HD channel one's on and on the standard you're -- watching the standard channel you're gonna watch the HD channels so if there's a game on the Wii's to PS3 in the Xbox. You're most likely not gonna get it for the week you're gonna get a -- is not an apology to black dots on the week but yes. Yeah because giant -- -- diet are locked and Mario there's some great games are exactly those are definitely some great ones that's the only reason because they're only on the -- how will they do if they were everywhere strategically epic Mickey and a 360 if you could get them via -- -- you -- -- for the -- exactly. I was adjusting it -- leave it be more epic Mickey and Allen -- the Xbox and -- What surprised me was one of -- iPad surprise is I'm already know about the iPad it you know it is not surprising just amazes -- still so many people. Of different ages the want to get one's gonna terrifying to me it's not even like the -- It's -- it's almost eerie how everybody now seems to be jump. I I feel my iPad is is is getting even a new life now because I finally got the SlingPlayer working on it after after missing -- my cable -- -- right here. They took the sound. Now it's not quite perfect right now who worked for wild and that's battery. -- and how -- -- -- working at love applying New York -- and should look what is the best interest -- -- -- it's not -- I'm envious of not having your one have to admit I am and the cells via -- believes he did it again and your -- amen I I'd be happy to be there with the -- find folks tons and SlingPlayer -- where -- finally -- you need to have and -- a lot of complaints about this right. Only the last two most recent slingbox models -- the pro HD I think it's called in the solo the solo and for my cable box. I took the I just change -- cable box -- to the HDMI output intelligent -- -- TV which you -- all heard about ad -- But then they wouldn't let me do the other of the component output which is also -- scampered into the slingbox solo at the then switched to. The composite output into the slingbox and -- -- -- settings. And change it to accept that could it would work -- like scratching my head trying to -- why couldn't get the dual output that of the cable locks you can generally do one HD -- one ST right right now. So there you go. It if you wanna try out the slingbox app for iPad. It actually kind of works pretty good and the next trip I take a take it with -- be able watch -- -- or or or Howard TV or whatever it is that I can be there aren't achieved after paying between nine dollars and that's gonna promise -- -- which is a little steep. -- how much was the iPhone version of the -- -- when it is very bad bugs everywhere you go and it was not universal which is the real sticking point I think people pay thirty bucks for an iPhone app. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Terrible job one keeping their product updated communicating effectively with their customers. And coming up with ways to use their products easily and its its like if you can think of the company that is that everything wrong with -- people laugh it's Sling Media. From no HDMI and -- their boxes to this yet not not having universal at the charging -- ridiculous amount for the app. Or having older sling boxes work fine on the iPhone app but all but they don't work on the iPad app. Eccentric -- and at all just all the technical -- people had lately with it like their website being. You know I'm responsible all the time so. -- -- -- technology that is useful despite itself. They go there worlds here we've YouTube idle allowing months and I have of the recently enjoy universal -- that I -- I. Have the Avian missile -- attend a Gonzales Julie Mifflin Boxee and now that's one step over the dirty line -- will -- take an enemy to watch T you're not Netflix unhappy. -- -- -- I I don't use one either but like -- facility in Los places them then to try it. And there's no cable -- Ultimately have an illegal war upon -- to do -- you -- -- he doing -- betting yes definitely I think I am inspired to -- -- just streaming content from passenger cars -- about -- haven't try to watch -- overseas -- much the jet -- but honestly I don't even want to do that now I'm not aware of this weekend how old is that they will -- -- -- over -- I don't want -- -- you -- -- you know the part of inception where everything is collapsing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Got balls that are extremely remote and I I was literally -- like tailings and Rodrigo would you want to -- -- -- like -- -- tell -- the first I like the movie so much that I. I just feel like there's not enough extras on this first version and you know -- gonna have experimenting with because there's no commentary for everything I know it's so annoying -- it's what the Contra track and an overall -- you only need them wants to give in on this when he keeps saying that he's not gonna comment. Now I think he's -- your -- -- did. Milk extra money right well if it's like it waited to get watchman to they had the -- permitted -- India. With the commentary track with big. It's I have reverses an avatar. You better believe me I'm waiting for the thinking my way that you connect as -- and I itself. What we're just saying it's closing the -- seasons collapse that I didn't play like an injury once it's just to -- like trip to another player on the -- the team that's not gonna get fired a whole other Hezbollah want to talk about video get -- CMOs I want to talk about the jets have a voice that fusion is a place. Let's watch that video -- do you have that I'm gonna find no chance to get a real interest in the jets all of a sudden. That I thought it was crazy and I saw this video really. Yeah I just wanted it you complain. I can't finally right now we should turn we should drink it's not playing on my eggnog with a -- -- expired my actions very. Inexcusable and irresponsible. -- conversion thing -- I -- glad I watched that video into the Atlantic could definitely -- The offensive coordinator somebody likes what is in the house and the offensive coordinator who don't in this report humiliated and upgrading slander and libel on the -- on the radio broadcast. -- -- kind of cash and that it doesn't. That's a different US they -- -- guy right behind random person did it when someone else it was a different random person -- illicitly itself apologized a symptom and and it's a pretty big deal it's horrible it's it's horrible sportsmanship it's terrible. Move but it's it's icing on the -- -- if you're jets. So I think it would be very positive over the weekend and I feel he -- take it too badly very positive about positive but you didn't like I I jump off the British yes. I idea -- had I think you do pretty get I think you're handling the vacuum but well it's got -- out Friday a true jets handlers to divorce himself from the team and know. That he has to move on it and it's like a bad relationship and -- -- in -- you Ina. -- -- -- -- -- -- now that's the story it all comes down to know I will not be watching over the holidays I think I'll just be following though you will. Or Katzmaier he was following in Korea. On a trip to check out Samsung television -- -- for he got updates. Ending in 45 to -- It's all in Finland -- he's very happily -- the next she's also makes me -- nixed doughnuts. Though everyone else other -- -- giants a quick question -- you guys I noticed people online plane DC universe they don't hand gadget that lets you know what I can invite port -- did not follow up on its -- to -- -- you want Senator Biden is when I will I will do an instant queue up battalions and beyond PS3 -- -- -- -- -- -- and animal person. -- get it -- and allowing him. You know from -- -- Now speaking of of of of giving people nice things if it's the -- was -- here and it's time for present time when she -- -- presence. For the holiday season that simply didn't -- earlier and are met and segment hot new technology this is the pet patter. And as you can see it that's up to 85 PPM more -- permitted because. It is right here pets are wonderful. And filthy you can use it in yourself or your. On top -- and the inventor of this device -- I am loving pets all my life and I've also contracted ring worm and -- -- twice to see -- your head of the long haired purebred or -- All pets and when he commandeered dirty disease carrying friends that's when you develop the pet -- works on cats. Works on die so that's item one. Item -- -- better. It's the new. I arm that this is in for a format for your for your iPad where -- e-book reader or -- -- drills or a salad plate. And to straps right on and you can then take your device everywhere. I'm -- -- necessary these elderly and physically challenged us I don't really isn't actually I don't know that's right actually want that either actually -- packages that you can get and wrap your real presence in and have a good dozen of them these are the two best. And the two most high tech especially for us the -- -- arm and they take the packaging totally seriously there's like. It's just like a family size that's not be blanketed her like a poor people -- side. And physically doesn't really want anybody since there's like there's like a beard with a good beer tap inside Steve strap on this unit has YouTube's and that they -- -- -- map and then and a few other items. Though I I -- that was pretty and -- -- -- that has yet. That as an apprentice that they really get the coffee mug walkie talkies. The -- -- and -- dream griddle which is an alarm clock and -- Become a motorized rolling -- get better again it aggregates of clicks of a polygamous. And now I -- -- where I'm -- -- -- on the planet. When some Internet -- -- Anyway hadn't I think we've seen enough of that what is that rolling them. Motorized rolling Arizona -- avoiding recipes that require rolling it says it can actually if there's a prank packs dot com -- that was pretty funny what is more charge can. We did some flex up and I tell anyway every breath without cable I am I have one more gift -- -- you guys. And that is actually my annual holiday gifts for each of view because I care so much. All right all. View and an ever get to pick their favorite color all actually go firth -- -- -- endless. How. And the red light Joseph. -- you guys go thank you for a fantastic you've worked together you guys are always look at this team anybody could ever have. And the we have the best day shall anybody could ever have you can open up to one economic resisting the -- But as it. Okay 188 years of virtually. Xbox. I'm gonna -- a -- -- Xbox Live. Very cool so they -- thank you all for all your view artwork in broadcasting this year except for itself vigorously it's -- as a school. -- PlayStation -- Always with bullet resorted to safely I don't do it that I could have saved sixty bucks again enjoy a free year PlayStation network. -- -- It off extend your PS and subscription on me into getting out the residences of war Deseret Minnesota where we have the the viewers listeners -- that's why we do have something what was it it was -- -- Iran that are not on our don't get it I noticed that -- time. They -- PlayStation 3 sing the star gift pack which has the latest -- star game and two microphones. All bundled together in one big box we're gonna give that way wanted to head on over to a FaceBook page but -- -- the -- the digital city CNET you'll find there and to say I wanna -- the thinks are -- or something like that and in the week we will pick a random winner. And contact you and send it to you and that's that's quite some them if you're probably going there are. I didn't find them since spikes that I know we're gonna part of good -- spike -- -- For God's -- who are usually if I took anyway FaceBook and you can't just there to do city CNET on -- some -- Starbucks -- -- while collector's edition Michael that actually went to Eric frank that's right Cisco is a well you can use it to say thank you know he did he did and BI -- it. Well I don't do thank you message. Fire my apologies and -- of course you follow the show on Twitter at digital -- -- -- involve myself to enact. I mean it's got ad gets got. And -- religion -- that I'm gonna put it you just got you good hacks got exits guy he's. I heard they have done -- -- hasn't necessarily been done and be -- again another shorter count residents leave off -- -- Visualize and everybody -- making music and video -- as they try your hand guys are CS. Well -- but something that somebody will -- Have to get some of the family morning news. Despite coming to broadcast -- myself. For the holidays.

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How Black Friday is very different this year

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