Ep. 105: New Facebook and Apple developments; Samsung Galaxy hands-on; and one DOA TV.
Ep. 105: New Facebook and Apple developments; Samsung Galaxy hands-on; and one DOA TV.

Ep. 105: New Facebook and Apple developments; Samsung Galaxy hands-on; and one DOA TV.

I -- time to start the show limit. Is that right have a good time until we've got to actually I did a broadcast. Hello everyone good after the riveted don't. Rates I'm excited to hear that do -- -- Long weekend. We got the thumbs up at least that that that's good means we gotta survivor here. So what's so let's -- a lot going on I got a couple special guest with -- with us here today number one is the Samsung galaxy tab. And we'll we'll we'll have a little chat with him later and -- -- you've also got the super fancy. Call of duty black ops spy vehicle and -- -- turn that on entry how that works. And what -- and -- As always the iPad. It's into the side that is correct and we -- fuels have a second there's lots of news from FaceBook and iTunes then down I had a tragic. A tragic incident last week that I will discuss even though it's a little painful forming. Some good solutions but hopefully we have some good solutions on the way. So what it was your fancy. It's just. I don't all of -- stuff -- usable as a remote -- -- -- for us to play with opera and given it to you right now here it is and and I thought that's kind converting our. Thank you get the Samsung galaxy using you know enough it's what do you think you're the -- guy yet we think. I'd like I said I probably not gonna get it. Because I already have an Android device and it's -- -- yeah opposed to the five inches the F evidence on -- yes I mean the difference I mean in their you know what I mean I have manager -- in my amongst them right in my mind yet. And in my little ball and yards so the screen differentials there's a lot I think what I would do is I would -- probably go the second generation I've had this way can have everything from everywhere. Okay I -- authenticate them at all if I -- it is a different -- gonna doubted little -- I don't usually on the hook for. Thirty to sixty dollars a month for three G data -- ID I would have had a cut that service so quick going to be funny. They just use it as an IE as a white side of well yeah because I have my mobile device uses forgy second ago orgy this bad boy right here from now. And -- say one nice thing about it it really does fit right in your jacket pocket. -- -- it laser like guy looks really nice it almost makes me feel like. Like -- little hand disability physical big cellphone. The problem is if you look at the little icon of the populace got hold of real particularly -- little -- at the top of the screen -- even a little Nicholas. A -- -- -- cellphone icons and not flick cannot user friendly and that's one cool thing I like about -- right there and I know everything is ready to pull -- Europe to go through -- I tell you hit the menu button and you get the context of the menu for whatever you're doing in the back but these universal. For the most parts -- that's pretty -- And down. You know it it's it's got a budget apps in the app store but it's not nearly as quickly set up as the iTunes after you really don't get the same sort of experience from it. And you kind of just tossed into the deep end to figure it out on your own which a lot of people like don't get me wrong we'll let -- -- not as seamless user experience as yes you know that's that's that's. Doesn't -- thereby having knows that it's an African optimize yet for. Do then the tablets and well we LA then. And yeah. And. I -- but I'm -- I'm saying is if you gonna do that hold one. -- -- -- -- -- I think he's he's always write a bash enjoyed MI did at every time I had no idea so but I don't think it's an unfair comparison because I think they are -- people are trying to go out -- by this and hail and a lot of people do that whole -- you know. The cart before the -- thing and this is one of those situations. But you know I mean. The academy the car is Google's base idols that is not optimize -- let -- -- -- -- -- subsequently let people know when whatever number is gonna be -- -- -- and and then and you can start designing tablets a look at. Yeah and then you can say instigating it but you know these its its other vendors the vendors attending an important element they want the competition right now are for I don't whine I have so it's not so much -- as well and enjoyed -- back. Is not particularly anyone's fault but it -- it there's no. Feeling that there -- in sync with each other and that if you're gonna buy it there's a feeling you're gonna be left. Maybe a little stranded like you said if there's a new version DOS the of the new version of the Catalina or somebody else makes a tablet. You know the questions do you go out and spend money on this it's it's really hard to view and you're -- on. Salmonella is -- light boost by Chile's coffee this morning wobbling about -- -- what -- analysis of terms like user experience that that's of debt that's one thing -- -- comparison but. That also depends on the user. Om I happen have a couple friends one in particular who was -- -- iPhone owner. And he moved over to the Motorola Jordan acts he's always blows the -- out the iPhone. So I think as far as user experience the essence it's not yet while at the good terms I think in terms of -- or Australia it depends on the end users you have some and use that -- more freedom. But what I would like to see. It is a performance that's between two of them not so much. I'm a user experiences eliminate anything cause I mean one -- what well. Vietnam. Rendering an image that aren't video and we show you could be between the -- -- -- we -- that let's run that JavaScript test but I mean that multiple tests like III I performances where aren't completely because. And this -- -- -- with anyone here in this room yeah. Can fly with an Android device or -- faster it it may be in an outsider and a lot of people that just like that freedom and there's some people that don't. When that idea when you performance and computer standpoint we're talking about. Doing elaborate tasks multitasking than. On on a variety of of intensive program ought to try there is no multitasking on the on the -- authentic -- going to prevent any any any Smartphone -- type tablet device. You're not really doing anything it's that intensive. What are you doing streaming video I mean really get your performance. Of laziness here you can it's coding in finals and I I don't know I don't know I don't know I got I -- you could do one on manager. You could you consider you could -- -- like on -- -- editing software for the I've had him and below for performance on text that -- performs as far as rending rendering and image via the web downloading an image via the web even even Paris on the same network even. File transfer or -- -- that's network dependence and that's some evidence that matter I mean I feel like that's very tough team or even even this important -- -- right here of the -- -- these slot for those may be on vacation wanna upload their photos and not take their laptop and he's saying they're a little bit well not sure where there are really got patents pitch dark I don't filtering doesn't necessarily right. Ask art form is not performances of port because you're paying for the hardware. You're not only pay for music -- to pay for the limited -- no no because look they're not it's not looking -- -- -- looked at how much the hummingbird processor. Out performs the snap dragon in gaming in their -- one -- processes that is not true. That is not true Intel and I'm sorry AMD Intel process I prefer -- much more. Over in. I haven't heard of anyway and he did it indicate that it is Amy Smart and at this point in -- -- -- -- -- -- the first thing that's I don't think anyone's ever said my gaming is lagging but when -- the first when it came around with that video -- what was a game that -- Apple history with that actually like there's been plenty of games that have come out firfer originally the iPhone in the iPad real food -- was not right -- don't even the current iPad where they just. You know the ball one -- the over what collect -- is my three G three GF I gotta get the iPhone or. Right there are even games that -- present to market that's not the point I want it to look at the -- yeah he does demos and not feel this thing that I make one point here and enjoys attendance again. I'm distinctive about the FD card slot most people's cameras don't have micro SD cards do not gonna popular put a marker is the endorsed candidates the and you pop but I I was gonna do that I I happen -- my personal life. Well there had to pick a pocket in the case of -- and it can't -- and my other point -- -- makers about performance once. It it's not just application performance it's using the device performance and one thing that thing -- use it all weekend long did not do well. If you go -- -- taking one pinch to zoom in one of scroll up and down it is so stuttering when you do that it is painful -- that I didn't just say that the news -- I was on with this -- -- is often the same thing but definitely you can download Firefox you can download -- party good -- doesn't change the fact that you download the -- different but there are different it's not different problems are different have you seen -- this ruling is not better -- even tried on -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- retirement -- -- It's analyst that's the I'm just in different but one thing that works really well on the iPad which is the seamless on inertial scrolling -- seems to zoom. Doesn't work as well on Android that's all -- -- I don't think anyone can disagree with that. Firmware updates from the actual device -- desktop needed. Yeah a great patriot -- a lot going on there a lot to like their form and not an anti Android. -- no -- and I and I haven't gotten -- -- we advocates which is now we -- switch go pro. You don't we don't we can go pro iPod you go I mean -- -- you needed and it has reviewed it W. We're gonna go have to forget have to Carlo where governments I would I would never captures our eternal passion -- -- -- a decent if. Yeah that's under as the and on and no -- -- really want him to resign I just think I like I like the seven inch size as far as I agree. Compared to you know people are looking candles looking at. -- -- And I -- I was flash -- -- last okay what that's that's the other thing that's all the slashed nonsense. It works for some things doesn't work throughout this definitely slows down the page where every doing I didn't quick FaceBook gaming test because that's what a lot of -- flash for -- -- they would account. Be fuel -- works. -- -- You can loaded up but then it won't start. And farm bill the most popular -- it says sorry partners. This application is not supported on this device. So so it -- basically -- knows one yes for the most popular. FaceBook games so they have to -- full flash on there but again that really even the version they have there. Really affects performance. If you think be scrolling and pinching on web pages to him in now what's bad and try with flash on a page it just it's super chunky and -- go back to my main point. Well I'd let you know that last update and -- -- to the newest version yet but you can download the latest version. I have two main points one of which is we're not pro or against anything because we're actually serious. Journalists we may have opinions on things or hands on experience which if you that this works better than that. But we're not Fox News here we're not. Even you know primetime MSNBC we're not staking out -- position. Where reporting what we actually fine without any without any putting a thumb on the -- I'm -- -- -- you don't what you also animate at the second went very quickly about the based on my hands on experience over the last four days with the -- -- down to tablet. It works fine it does what it says on the bond it is very functional but it is not inspire. And that is we're really fall short. It it'll do what you tell it to do it'll it'll have a lot of functions have a lot of features but it does not inspire and that is my final word on that subject -- No -- was gonna say one thing and and in this is from using multiple devices and I find the tools to go. Inclusion oh -- front that's frontier. And. So you get that -- team if he can't he can't see the game. So -- -- just trying to sound out of town and I'll put it what I have to say is that for days -- personal feel as long of the stolen device can have. When when when you're so used to using an -- you when I had an iPhone. I found like holding a different devices little weird at all -- trip and threatening -- -- -- think -- needs -- -- more time -- -- -- -- -- that I'm no good nor does the -- learn certain habits you bring with -- from just -- commands. Just let it means -- again I think my I go back to my to my. Original point which is simply it is a very functional device that certainly does what it's -- it does. But especially because eventually would have been on optimize operating system that it looks and feels like a phone operating system that a tablet one. It does not inspire it does not. You know have that magical sparkle. So anyway -- Let's move on it wasn't Jackson come home -- -- -- and I and -- -- FaceBook big gap press conference today who has fallen that I really wasn't an -- and a pain and apparently they got. FaceBook email but not really calling -- email actually say it's not email -- -- sort of -- sort of inbox that combines email and and messages and -- and -- could be available right away. Go to everything about that the man MacMania enemy now. What you're used FaceBook for a lot of email -- -- where you would anybody Indiana. But even analyze it -- just once in awhile and I feel like it's doing fine -- done it I feel what I forget to what what's it whats it missing. Like I and able to send messages of people that I know and -- able to communicate with them so -- states etc. I feel like if it's improved -- Okay. Yeah yeah I mean given me I mean irony is not huge Europe's future I think the -- -- -- the ball one I his face but sometimes I don't remember but you know I just I can just take -- -- FaceBook and from friends -- a -- send a message that's number one number two. Everyone who's on your friends list on FaceBook is actually your friend and if you have a wide. There -- that. -- statement for a lot of -- let me rephrase that. Is I don't -- clothes that don't. You don't get as much even on Gmail whatever email -- does he use this on span a lot of advertising on stuff like that yet -- of that -- FaceBook. You can be pretty sure you get a message from someone and FaceBook it's. Probably someone you know that's fair and it's probably irrelevant message -- it -- get spam for people commands and stuff like he and I think the play it again -- that's it and Arlene grocery. I generates an -- -- islands of -- President. I and the same view them -- -- written if that's read and write it but what it. -- -- -- -- If you don't know whether you're -- again that was unfortunate if you end -- doing more your messaging through FaceBook maybe that's a wall of defense against that outside influences. Like spam and like viruses and like advertising in -- you know stuff like -- anyway I think that's kind of the that's kind of the silver cloud to it I did a phenomenal actually use it or not but that's what people are talking about them. You pretty much -- FaceBook. -- diarrhea and and a payments yeah. You're not really yeah -- just have you over FaceBook these to use it. I try not to -- really. I want you to FaceBook or an outlet -- -- you go on yeah. Is there yeah. -- a social media fast I tried trying to heat need to -- -- asked where do we know he tries. Verizon fat -- on Atlantis and I don't fail I do what I wanna do. I try and I remember that it -- -- and -- -- you can't get back on that port so much -- -- -- first. And all of an -- that is -- to take a break. Things that morning but now you're -- now the -- -- -- URL and are using no I'm not going on and on and on and on -- -- usually currently. User I -- what it knows but I don't you know I don't use FaceBook you're very good. FaceBook user you set up I like to hear what the Apple lot of our social media connections that's correct city you're you're you're you're adept at using it's it's you're really a guru social media guru -- what I do it wrong with that is -- -- myself X amount of time to be -- messages and this with you glad you birthday but I don't. I don't stay on like I used the -- for my birthday which man that's a good way to -- -- -- -- I'll I'll pop in a maze you know like tag video uploaded video right then I'm off uses a tool that's gone because. Obviously FaceBook is a soap opera that's all it is and you get sucked in. Well consultant with his friends who got -- Pentagon's advanced he knows leads many people on -- I have linked. Problems of that it it was a drama or just even funny -- they put in my was a so by removing canceled. Whoever won the Australian soap opera has no idea popped out -- -- efforts that take pictures you of people interest -- -- -- -- like this this from the margins of approaches that. Now wise UN and other -- and it's a good picture of the student other France -- the dog from there's nothing like the other hand I'm -- apparently whether that's a micron they either then there's gotta -- when a tree in just totally collapsed over the the -- you can't you gotta stop these are getting like. YouTube links from abroad program we're talking about here inherent interest in -- but not saying when Hillary we know you can go there you just get sucked in the one yeah. Yeah no problem I pretty much like check them to play them off to second this is like -- me -- that I JU needs. Had a problem getting office that day I give me the weather record ahead of us are your friends of Morgan blend of religiously mixed up there my -- usually. -- -- we can you tell them my friend -- usually for a wonderful rental property moral president we are things in common with so of course of the puts of the -- gonna by the existing I'm just thrown out there. Alright there for the record we're gonna allow it to the whatever it was really -- I brought -- I ask you there were definitely -- record angry angry and Joseph says he uses FaceBook could only limited quantities right now and he definitely take -- life is that correct Leo okay excellent -- got. Half the -- -- black leather pants I haven't had a black leather pants -- my my heavy metal days. And that's a huge improvement district is -- -- play communism and what was muses so yes yes. Maybe I'll tell you -- -- dressed in those days what I it was it was like two years ago. I was it -- -- we were doing a -- eighties heavy metal thing. They were litigants involved -- analyzed -- to edit video I don't know and I was now where are gonna work you've ever more than other -- evolved well and we again. Half got to. And eighties metal band. I -- yeah. And and I look back. I checked triggered this morning. And I -- Scott excitedly twittering about Apple's big -- last minute event tomorrow in other than those of us that are. Well that's true but -- -- I thought -- I don't -- analysis. Well I just president came in that apparently Apple's front page has been replaced with a series of clocks in a statement that go to the front page the particulates -- while you're chatting. Apple that and it's it's gonna change the world right now -- say tomorrow just another day that shall never forget. Exciting answer tomorrow elsewhere in New York London and Tokyo times -- -- new York and -- and now has another injured bashing session but -- it on does does something iTunes related another -- that I. -- -- dream it's weird that they were I was as surprised as a side and I was respond to other people's comments on it also joking about what everything can be universal time zen. Apple's announcing when times -- on forever that's right Apple time to time Apple standard time. But you know I don't know this is obviously -- -- -- delayed the iPad for. Then and I OS four point two okay now -- -- -- -- -- and I didn't standpoint I want is available over the weekend. Ten point six point five there was an update us though who knows dusty and I I hate iTunes now paints and I hate it period film marvel. To -- it'll spike is is just can't just be the same thing another another beauty of Andrews it's something download directly to device. We needed. -- -- you got your iPad every single Modesto without having to plug -- like that will now be Monday Canada something that gets announced Mars part of that maybe there's some sort of cloud music service that seems like one of the more likely -- no it seems like one of less likely you -- I'll tell you well. Okay. Yeah. 'cause. Seldom -- -- orders -- that several. Reporters in the know about these things see that their music industry sources tell them -- not aware of any. New deal between Apple and record labels which would be. Practically required for any sort of meet music streaming or cloud based music service -- existing sources be likely to reveal that information if they'd signed an agreement that was going to be in this is certainly not something that would not leak basically you're have been plenty of leaks about previous Apple every time I guarantee these places have discussed with music labels you always know that there were discussions going on -- -- music labels have no discussions going on. According to reports from people who are generally pretty good at the sort of thing. You know saying that it they did something tomorrow with music premier -- so who knows what it is in its not that I feel like it'll be the most boring thing and I'd probably will because and -- -- a press conference that just of announcing it right. Places where it is or wipe out that -- -- that is not. -- little hype because you know what they didn't need that media and wireless sinking out eagle they'll be glad it's not I don't cloud do you think -- -- -- the subscription based. Not gonna. To me -- -- have a good. So so would regulate what actually going to be tomorrow I do not know I I I do not I -- -- -- things mean I am wise enough to say that I do not know. I can make an educated gallons a -- that's a little commentary on me but -- -- they'll be under my two cents. Hey everything's -- -- Yeah. And then the counterpoint -- -- -- -- -- right here again was not. To ferret out there and say. I'll make -- gentleman's in a bad that I think it's gonna be streaming if it's not -- my hat. I actually got to be everything I think it I think that the that's the logical idea would be that any iTunes content that you -- you should be able to stream from anywhere. Hmm and that may be they'll charge you an additional -- To put any I don't I think is less like a cloud based I think my and I imagine your inbox making it feel like drop your music in -- -- -- you know what. I think that's a whole problem and of itself. Is -- your content in there aren't and I think the more likely is that whatever you buy from iTunes. Like for videos that it's that simple thing would be if if I'm gonna buy an episode of something or movie -- will be able stream somewhere not a disenchantment. And active physically download. Egypt and Apple TV but that's about it right -- -- but anyway it over in over the -- I think it's very interesting I don't see any. Evidence of that and I don't like him I mean an unimpeded -- over it all things. I don't know August saying I don't know enough to even make an educated guess -- They got I would not make a prediction on this mean obviously really boring but it is such a weird thing it they would do this -- this is just got -- Google docs open. You know acts of them on them via put them in there okay so I guess we'll tune in tomorrow -- with that is all about. And and it. I have -- off frequently is on everyone's posturing and the computers. I have right here -- the bottom when he. They're -- -- the camera here I'll do it now that I've got the best things I've got the of remote control vehicle that you get with the special prestige edition. Of call of duty black ops nobody gets left and a budget. Anything in relation to that one comment -- a final thing that. But in an accord Mac rumors there are hints of an iTunes live stream service found in nineteen instant point one -- thing okay -- -- -- that actually evidence. Bottled I'm -- it some information -- that's really well and iTunes like you know maybe you're right. This could end up being the most likely thing I agree he would be any -- a new type of content that they're gonna sell with those terms maybe it's not that you're. -- -- -- Bruno's. Got things they've got the Internet -- -- is active -- with a link. That's that I'm going to tell you what this is alright now back too -- -- -- have my little show -- -- for a moment because he gets very busy trading links -- not accusing it distinct. -- he go here's the -- -- vehicle and got a little remote control. Aim the camera and Joey and then I am going to take a remote control and show this to the camera that there's jelly that the camera. In the front of this little vehicle and I am looking at doing right now after listening to music. Alright -- is an -- him. It does have audio -- return I'm right now because that'll -- adventure that is definitely anyway -- one of the -- packets and a receiver ultimate -- like that better than a plaster figuring -- you like it better than last Tuesday night vision goggles yes because I haven't really seen anything like that -- -- in the market for 1990 vision -- that is true that is it's kind of -- -- -- it's a little too -- actually despite advice at least here and our office. That's as -- -- in the battlefields. And supposed to look like 1960s technology integrates with little lead -- Aren't I have one of the thing to tell you about and then I'll open the foot of whatever anyone else -- -- talk about minister commit today. Isn't either tragedy and tragedy last week Wednesday night place at the scene for -- -- -- -- live music. -- -- watching embarrassingly enough I mean would admit this we're watching the Russell -- version of Robin Hood on Blu-ray that I got from Netflix I think is directed by Ridley Scott -- content. He's got a second blade runner this is what he's doing now -- -- else's problem I don't want it around. In tights. I don't think that's your note I was boil -- I guess that I know and that's his -- Alien and blade runner and -- -- what happened to -- some good movies anymore but the thing. -- -- -- content drove here here homey -- and you will we were sitting there. And all of -- sudden the TV image just goes black that it the power still on of the TV picture just goes away no sound no popping nothing. Obviously taken out by investigate and that he be operated on nothing -- which the different inputs. That button doesn't do anything the menu button does nothing I -- it lets it plug it back in. At the end of the day. TV is dead my my poor little budget 42 inch plasma. Is dead that's exactly right. I've got that Apple buys -- together. Again at about five years ago I went teapot and I'm not gonna lie T doubt I would Costco I got a Mac sent. Which was sort of the other video -- if you could and that's yeah if you -- sort of busy in an effort to get it constant I think that it had to get our stuff or is this is is so you know I believe -- -- -- out don't know -- I -- -- here. Early -- -- -- better so I came in and I consulted with the television Oracle Katzmaier. -- listening here's what happened at the local Russell -- story. And I think you know what it yet is that right trying to move the fifty inches -- my -- I agree with that -- this because that the wife personal if you wanted to get fifteenth one. Five years ago. But she -- to me to three were to always when he here in this situation when it -- TV the three words don't cheap out if it. This is this is what it's like to be married to someone in the same industry is here that's a that's a unique and blessed situation -- cheap anonymity -- so I -- that means the floodgates are open we can do it every once they get to suggestions from Katzmaier. I actually have them both right in the Google -- if you want to show people one of the Panasonic. Fifty inch viera I've always wanted to Panasonic -- like everybody's really favorite TVs. The there's that one. And that that's a regular you know to plasma and he's at 213 -- Get the Sansa and you could take a look at the other one which is the Samsung. That the -- 7000. Bill you know we talked about video games instead and the wife and I both like which video game that we both working kind of -- so maybe it's good to get 381 because Sunday will have to think treaty -- stuff. So that's what I did I order them from Amazon the company that it may have -- -- accurate check it out it's -- you got the Samsung I got the Samsung. Amazon right now is throwing in a free Blu-ray player. And a free 380 starter kit that has to -- to glances and some movies I think now to -- December 4 with a qualifying Samsung three the TV purchase so holy family is that we technical pair from here at trying to that we can also Dan watch -- next nature shows in 3-D out of things. But even election. The that's -- -- it that is the meatballs from the -- -- why why these baseballs get the chance they got the weight -- it's always -- -- -- -- thought bubbles and throw the discovery here I feel we treaty and I -- I really think it like aliens versus monster that's the breeding and means I just saw that finally for the first time that was very kinetic. Those to become a tomorrow that needs a little better and watched Super Bowl 3-D -- -- -- urban glasses you gotta be sweet he YOG yes right bring her own. -- -- A they have universal said -- apparently works with the Samsung. -- it should arrive tomorrow that would mean I spent almost a week without television and in in an -- game inherently you know doing everything bedroom I don't you know an audience I have a nineteen old LCD monitor nailed -- wall -- that I use and a secondary gaming platform. And I also just started using it for pro tools I have one -- green. Up on the laptop and I think and beef if the board like at the board right here I can defeat of the virtual feeder port from -- -- to that. TV mounted on the law but even a TV a video monitor don't you have -- I mean surely have like a big gas laptop you've logged up for me -- -- good strategy but against I don't have the living room variants and an IB cable in the game console through its community -- -- TV I watch -- little bit if I watch a couple of that the Charlie Rose on falling bonds over the last week yet I saw one episode of modern family streaming by the iPad and that's really -- it. I don't go to movies I've been reading -- I've been working on music -- actually recorded all this on my record this weekend. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Could you could anyway. But -- to watch you know go through cable. And other I don't TV right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This is I've always an iPad -- effect both of countless laptops TV news -- I'm not -- it to the total. And I find -- different -- site one I've Saturday yet. Other rights you showed up I would just got to trust -- proper form at right citizens' okay Goodman -- a Scott was very good that's not knowing -- only -- Were so supported by John that's -- option you don't know and I think about it you probably broke your TV is that right is coming to. They are watching and cop killer not a TV now that I know after he's okay that's not kill every time you commissioners have been working to get stuff like EM -- -- that that. We know that every -- -- -- that he's only kill that's not so fired this is the first TV that we that we know how many laptops have you killed. A least a dozen in the hacker is here out about this year mechanic. 12. Out of step into the X how many I don't know -- Adam but provide gentlemen my -- It's been an exciting episode with at all -- don't -- -- aggravated -- -- -- neighborhood of such rights advocates say yeah Leo either -- Ackerman and -- it's like we're gonna the drink after been based is I'm not streaming. From iTunes isn't exactly album -- get a phone call you to get a -- the biggest -- resolves that that's right it all -- -- admitted no I can't -- for any kind of rights yet I mean come -- The act anyway I -- take photos and documents the entire process of replacing -- TV with this new one it'll be some weird rewiring because. I have a startling confession to make. Most of my stuff -- component video -- the united Atlanta -- Sony dream system home theory in a box. And it doesn't open while -- -- -- -- confessional I guarantee you that that's all that's all component deletes the in my allies and I ought to -- like that each of my receiver but unfortunately it's a couple of my cash on the TV itself. There you go is get a deal done so it's gonna be fun and -- and hopefully able I'm I'm expecting it tomorrow between nine and well. Are you coming who aren't you black community go. Yeah we're home and if you were you home -- -- tentative. -- -- here on boxes being very exciting that's right on -- This Christmas comes early panic you know you never come over and can help me I had to see of the -- Beautiful Wednesday I'm using the stands -- of the flooding some music comes. Moment ago. I get to discover the stand or buy it of the illegals do I -- to my -- standard. I don't as I -- A guy if I did you -- you can't get it now I can make -- Batman tonight I do know any of the president's filmmaker were aware of any -- Time anywhere from appearances and now whenever I get stuff out there is a -- you know life -- the hurt look for in the future 2011 of the African thirty seconds left. Digital city dot cnet.com falls on FaceBook digital city podcast pollen has already had he missed my. -- -- -- right out Twitter hats digital city CNET and course packets got -- enactments these guys will be a pretty Sunday they've that they actually you have learned as a -- for me had a general I think I'd like. He had anything do anything I can usually get comment. I don't know occasion I like Vietnam veterans of pictures of other fans appreciate our friends have -- if that -- now -- after going through that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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MoviePass will be back this summer -- this is how it'll work

Watch ferrofluid turn into art

Watch ferrofluid turn into art

How Black Friday is very different this year

How Black Friday is very different this year

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