Dialed In 186: HTC's got the beat
Dialed In 186: HTC's got the beat

Dialed In 186: HTC's got the beat

Hey everyone welcome to dial and CNET cellphone podcast it is August 11 -- -- eleven. And that group. I -- buying time here in New York joined by Roger -- again hello hello all. He can't -- on -- but He He is being. Played by -- -- -- has yet to be. -- -- -- -- -- -- Well -- mean we're thinking maybe if -- you activist friends I've. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's an -- -- I have added that even a little bit of pears bear the spirits of -- And -- to do is go we've got. Tesco deal -- and Nicole Lee and even beat him hi guys I -- -- it out into things and time off Seoul believe He will be back next week but. -- was just kick off starting with -- news that happened this morning. Late last -- as well HTC. Announced a deal with beat that as -- beats headphones but after day. Which was kind of the -- is -- Not necessarily the news we we're expecting the boot strap right in -- and a -- Verizon not in the Gateway -- a -- if you well. Let -- it. Now it's being hyped up yesterday in a major news announcement which pad which had all -- speculating about the on the different possibilities one of them -- Schools -- Apple. But. Instead they came out with the -- acquisition. -- some people scratching their heads including -- So it is sounds like HTC botnet and 51% majority stake and yes it it says they call a strategic investment in saints an acquisition -- Well that's what it does mean for -- TC. Gasses means. Better audio quality for their phones online that's -- thing I mean -- -- as I wrote today. I'm not sure of audio quality is the excellent point that used to be lenient the RAZR was popular. Phone quality was -- the premium back then but now there's so much going mountain. I don't know if -- -- qualities. -- gonna cut it anymore. So. And turn and -- and so they are gonna use some of -- technology in their hardware correct -- -- -- the right. Whatever technology that makes beats headphones which -- Escondido is gonna be integrated into HTC's phones and that's sort of the confusing thing about. This agreement because. It's already has a licensing agreement with a couple of other equipment vendors having HP most notably. They already have their beats audio speakers integrated into other touch -- -- The basic question why. Why make this acquisition why not just licensed technology. And -- and they argue that. Witness. Partnership -- is go deeper with integration work more closely together. Differentiate from everyone else ray now of their kind -- big thing is you know they want it differently -- cells from that competition. It and we it. Yet it's 1 of those I am -- and enough balance. What they should've done you know where -- -- He should have invested their money it. In housing some -- the comments and news story and some people are -- -- you know it might be not and it might not be the highest priority and people's. And you know requirements when -- and then maybe it'll get up there -- -- -- -- -- thing. -- -- -- attendance just being so and this is mean like each each seat will have a free pair of beats it out because of awesome. And I I didn't think He got these are what I -- yeah that's the wish I know that's gonna yeah and now we talked a lot about integration that it doesn't suggest pregnant -- she wouldn't have yet. ECC has definitely. Sort of walk this path before at least in terms of trying to improve sound -- with the -- TC surround -- -- -- around and specifically. Right and and -- not include dolby speakers -- they have those planets speakers which I. Weren't that great actually right because -- -- -- yet and that's the whole phone. And yet it does feature that people were -- -- use in closed at 51 time you can argue that a keyboard. Or even in gaming device you would use much more than that. It's I mean -- and would like to see money invested -- -- gonna invest money at contestants on camera technology. Grant. Need to interesting -- and you know hope. -- the I mean I just the Levy reasonable conclusion is that. You know future HTC phones will have a better idea hopefully -- not much just call quality but you're just better audio for music and everything general. Anyone will cease are ever gonna see a -- music happens to them -- adding music centric may be issues you have a partner deals with music vendors. In -- in -- -- -- I didn't know again that have their. HTC -- And a they partnered up with -- who was you know. These devices I've checked out so for that -- HTC Hudson have been sorely lacking in the catalog. You know you're a big CEO of the key dilemmas -- Doesn't matter how did your speakers are most the time you're listening to. Your phone -- X ray when he's got that you know the standard cheap headphones that come with. The honestly who will be coming people listen to their phones to speak. To -- -- that's basically yes. -- Now we did they talk about when. We might -- -- devices with this kind of -- it is here in this again -- the the chairman. -- says that it. HTC would be the first but He was emphatic about all the other companies. Stepping up and improving their audience as well and middle seat. Music phones -- the explain maybe it's the next thing. -- -- the thing lake for five years ago and -- stand idle and has to be decreed that some time that and that but they start with and did it what was it the rocker something I had a pair of Nazis. The and lake. -- cricket is doing. I have ever seen a hint of that Natal the movement and me is that haven't got -- on one device and I wonder if it's TC it's sort of an angle something like that but it's interesting because with cricket that's the carrier sense really carrier driven. And they worked with Samsung on this one device at its. It's cricket itself that's going out there and and striking these deals in creating -- but they only have one phone. But it'd be interesting to see if HTC kind of fit itself into that category a little bit and expanded it currently -- to -- Caribbean music plan you get unlimited. Listening as long as you -- along with other voice and indeed as long as you're paying your bills on time. I think it's a great idea. Well I guess we'll see -- it happens later this here. Now and and and other news -- Nokia has decided to -- on Symbian and feature phones here in the island as well as Canada. -- -- -- -- -- -- you know image of curious -- too sad to see how it became too big story -- -- Nokia didn't really have much of presents it in the atom. Eating -- historian had this CEO promised. In -- avenue Q was going to stick with India and and invests and in -- through 2016. So it is interesting to write this and mean. We haven't heard anything we heard a while ago at that. Microsoft and -- were going -- buddy up. And mutually commits He witnessed and sent it right we really didn't hear a lot. Otherwise because this lake sneaks and rain like this leaked demands. That -- -- seeing it's going to be that windows. Looks a lot like. And nine may lose that we're not going to be getting -- -- But nothing has been finalized this is the first conclusive thing that somebody at Nokia has sat with regards to Windows Phone camera and when we're gonna see it here -- this is actually. I think. In -- note this is a foot down on the ground and like yes this is -- -- tuning and we're going to start. I backing off -- Symbian once and for all and that I think it's the first step toward actually making good on this promise. -- but it's -- Symbian is one thing but there are also backing off on feature phones in -- use and not that there where a -- -- feature found but I mean at one point in time you know Nokia handsets where. Now he's popular -- opportunity to reprints -- I mean that -- like acting I think He unique use of a minute but recent -- and there are doing you said that I think Nokia and Symbian phones -- massive impact -- US. Anyways like even even in the Wendy -- -- -- you haven't even when they were operative because even at their peak and the universal and and a variety yeah exactly. 60700 dollars because people didn't know there's no carrier. Agreement does there was no -- relationship. And you know hopefully Windows Phone 7 will have a better account relationship with each -- or whoever and that ruled drive sales because I mean look you want to buy a phone that they can't passed out in the store -- -- Nokia's promise to you you have it's going to work with carriers and in the more traditional sense that we've got going on here -- -- -- of it they've been promising that -- year mean for a -- of basically every time I've seen and they've -- -- improving carrier relationships and that you know of anything that gets -- getting it -- -- on -- phone carrier relations. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah that's enough to -- on shaky ground which has -- seven articles well. Is that they they really have their work out for the -- may be if they. Get on with Microsoft -- -- joint meetings with carriers that might help. Yeah because instead of one company now it's going to be sort of -- company -- hand in hand. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you listen -- is there are non is -- mean day -- save all the right things and -- -- keeping the relationship. But. And they're they're not an enthusiastic I think -- -- it and I love it and they have -- their their money backing Apple -- Android. They don't want to have all these operates as the countdown just it's too much for -- itself AM I -- read something couple hours ago about. Windows Phone sales following beneath buy them implements proprietary. Which is then -- is. I totally remember. -- yet I mean it's nine even -- format. Let -- not player in the US in my opinion an -- for those emerging markets and made the fact that. It any way I have the perfect -- -- that. -- and I I think it. The toilet last may well. It's a little premature. And -- -- and fitness. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The camera and -- that the camera slash cam -- And -- swipe on board two for your virtual keyboard means so. That's. Pretty much other than it -- stock imprint so people might Saturn will yes. We'll be. Much impressed or seized. But there's no official announcement -- just for MetroPCS hey this is the founder and will launch it sometime next month. So there is non. A price -- at this point but I'm going to be guessing just. Based on MetroPCS has powerfully and now that it could slide and -- 100 a 150 dollar to the 200 dollar range and -- -- -- -- you know from looking at this TD picture it looks pretty dead pretty -- -- reliable. When it comes in -- -- Me. The brain can also rolled out. Samsung -- going to. -- It editing my new managed. And -- Right now and I esteem any abuse and of course as it's known I broke the last one that I -- -- -- This it claimed to be quite a sturdy affecting. I'll put my kid gloves on -- it but now and it does have military specifications for all the things you'd expect like. Shock in the elements dust humidity altitude temperature I can keep going but I want. Most of these phones they've I think with exceptionally well and that Nicole via that was an Android phone. I was they Cassie and she's going -- yes. This one is a pretty basic -- that it just happens to be a little bit more durable so -- got a 3.2 megapixel camera and president honest music player doodles yes. And -- was and how about that process and we'll put it didn't. Dependent and then don't. All the rest of the basic thing residents about eighty -- after fifty dollar mail in rebate which seem a little. I am that push to talk it's because of the -- -- yet it is. Which it also includes -- about sort of the means selling feature is the push to talk -- -- me that's really gonna until -- some people. -- And also -- and picked up that LG revered. Yes He notes and yeah if it's not -- editor Paul Revere and now I'll mention any. It should be -- try again it's being carpet. No -- -- yes and other basic and is Itamar basing that Jessica's and He can't believe that it's a one point three megapixel -- You know basic clam shell from Verizon. Auto white coated LGV it is seeking -- at -- atom atom and understand. -- have any names left it exactly I hinted that it takes well that's this current. -- that's a story want to do for future comments how. -- -- -- A bag of naming any Hispanic you know that there -- came out right yes I think I think it's around and they get their creative types together -- -- around the Prius or names they see which ones legally are available raining like. -- -- But yeah how -- they actually apply it because Revere would be pretty good typing for expert for like -- -- Yes yes that's a drain for and basic Nagin and his own right other one was. Admire -- like very. -- Me Sampson told me they have like a dedicated person who sits there -- -- -- -- And made -- there's no copy writer bubble lives and I'd like Neil Simon's. Well I guess -- you -- -- like -- policy do you have a lot of name. A lot of fans going and because they're probably naming him like two or three years Omaha. Now. So that -- again as a very basic phone one point three megapixel cam. It's only fifty bucks. -- contracts. Victoria's pattern insisting -- this -- and you can be raising the. And and -- me. Advanced -- that -- -- this important announcement for it to North America market but Samsung announced. The Samsung galaxy are which is their first galaxy smart phone to include Nvidia's dual core chip -- so. It. And is expanding -- the -- -- it -- -- -- looks very glossy. It says it looks like very much like an -- again -- if I. I don't know if Nvidia's dual core chips are better than other dual core processors in into the matter if you say it dual core about it its brand -- I mean they -- cooler name. I mean -- I don't even snapped up and coming learn. Reich is I think I don't I don't know Bonnie what -- experiences is that my experience is Nvidia's tegra two has -- Isa is just a little bit. And a faster and a bit more efficient in processing like it it's it's it is of almost heart to -- to measures nearly. But it just few moves. Smoother and faster and now I agree there are now likely to -- double lined somebody else with getting and -- And that's what I talked -- -- -- -- -- like explaining processors and next time I'll kind of go into the different ones but it. You know the way they make these tips that they kind of license it -- from arm mundane build upon that and their -- in -- core I agree I think Nvidia's chipset. Tends to be slightly faster and smoother than -- at -- commerce and -- And I think -- You know did. Every day Anderson will find out much of a fair use right exactly but -- -- -- -- excellent a bit of -- -- and you know it's probably more noticeable with teens and video. Exactly yeah so now if you're running multiple application yeah greatly such attacks -- any you know unfortunately haven't been able to any -- protest but you know there. And yes math test exactly. I can do that but again to the average person that difference can be known -- -- it is there. But anyway -- -- -- is -- it's available in Sweden if you happen when there. And it's coming did you major cities and yes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that you know. And also -- just quick hits hair Verizon is -- it is them and they were concerned straight in and in pretty heated and protect. Yeah it's and it's on its fifth day now and there are now like ninety incidence of sabotage. -- He was getting cut people being harassed -- As some workers are blocking the entrance to facilities those -- or lying crisis -- get to work. Andy and say that them. It's from Verizon drivers have been overly aggressive and did in two dozen reports of people getting clipped by cars -- really. Yet and that a -- story now looking it. The union workers using FaceBook. -- are organizing demonstrations and it's the first time man. A group of workers have used FaceBook or. The sort of -- -- with protests and in Egypt and elsewhere but in terms of a union. Effort misses earth via the initial try for social media -- and what's argument when -- decades it the argument is that will Verizon argues that. The landline business which is this is. All landline and wireless landline business has started chariot so they need to cut back on some of the benefits. And -- lower the cost structure to be more competitive cable. Cable competition -- competition. And Indians sort of point to the profits that Verizon making my own you know we know on a piece about it -- and it's. They have not -- units on both sides. Yet doesn't seem like this strike is gonna resolve itself -- -- Inmates weren't sure you keep tabs on. Foreign. And also -- use checked out at raisins an application innovations and. And more brand news -- Yeah it'll lot of ever and the defendant and well this is Verizon Wireless specifically. I went down yesterday -- beautiful location with -- great view of the Bay Bridge here in San Francisco. And basically there's a new suite it's an office building really and it is here that that application innovation -- and what that means is it's it's going to be an office with some tools. And some of them are pre release and cutting edge tools where. Verizon's partner is or other application developers can comment and -- a bunch of tests it'll it'll help. -- and hopefully for Verizon's title hopefully hasten. The publication of some of these apps and services. Apple -- -- dovetail nicely with into Verizon's devices like -- Smartphones and tablets or the Verizon network specifically with forgy LTE. So there is a sister site and Massachusetts. And that's the old TE innovations -- and that -- a month ago so there is going to be a lot of shared resource and one of the cool things -- I have and how the little story that just marks occasion and and what happened and there is a -- visits price for me anyway. And right and CEO Dan Meade and at and meet well read off a teleprompter and give some remarks. But there are about as interesting -- -- expect to see him there. And because really there there really weren't that many people there and it was mostly either press or than just Verizon employees -- -- -- -- -- I -- But I did take some pictures of some of the things that -- -- and you're really interesting. My favorites that's really awesome jukebox. It's basically and digital jukebox. Where it. In addition to issuing everything digitally it really looks like an oversize application it's. Very slick and the kind of thing you'd -- -- Queen and -- So it can be pretty expensive it will take your credit cardinals and bills there are -- little spots and -- credit card slot and Oakland flatten but the interesting thing that's there it is a TV and able to just plug it in and it basically uses. The network. To pull your songs down. Which would be great -- -- that there's enough network. -- -- And in addition to that. They will sort of use it for advertising as well -- -- additional -- So it makes money two ways through advertisements that shows you while you're selecting songs. And then also the three -- the tying it to use them. I thought I was really interesting -- and it's kind of a cool application there is. Another idioms like a game that sort of changes with an augmented reality games are holding -- -- -- and hands if you've -- like it take Gator a bunch of Skittles or something whatever it is that that the game's theme is -- -- introduced that. Into the camera lens area then that -- changed the game it looked so that was critical -- Q and rent check that out and I've got the -- and act as through some of them more interesting things that I -- And wind and just -- treaty that -- yeah yeah yeah yeah. -- and -- -- school and treating Apple little an. And we'll wrap it up with a couple of -- and that all of it use. Tracking. Yes so the first -- in. I don't think it's that He to deal that will see it's the allergy and writes in. It was an on the Verizon -- that -- but I set aside -- on Droid life and it doesn't -- it's pretty convincing pictures I think you may becoming. Soon to Verizon. Its -- is looks to ship with Android too many 800 -- process there armed with a twenty inch screen -- bad. -- two megapixel camera and of course and PG and amp G mobile hot spot so -- looks addicts -- midrange phone and has since clinically keep aren't there. And according -- article -- is probably the US version of the -- to laden Q routes it's sending. And lot of time in my iTunes to be passionate it's a lot and -- now under way -- -- on Benedict -- Actually I am. -- -- And upload a -- hungry. Out on a lot of it is but -- -- -- -- just -- -- -- -- do not -- -- you. Can't do this is of alone with the -- products. And the -- -- and -- -- that. That they -- detected on -- -- feed and sort -- sent me this apparently bit the Big -- -- candidate who He and sort of talked about. I wanna say that the couple weeks that could be to go actually with the -- basin OS has has been announced some. He's gonna coming coming coming -- for sprint on August 31 seemed EST Samson conqueror. Four G and interesting to pricing it is surprising you edit it apparently be bold remaining thirty you move be priced at 250. I think it's shooting themselves in the plant and you do that it is. -- and then the avatars and hasn't orgy connection we don't know about I. Have I got a good yeah I don't buy that it. Not us prices are world phones differently or something enemy -- infinity is at 250 in -- pushed and eat it diesel cheaper one that T. Am -- -- the usual rebates and the content on -- -- just you know why it doubles almost X as soon may have in their mind that it's a premium product. Yet again so in and -- and I'll sinks and me. -- -- a hand picked the play. So I mean. The price you'll see was -- cells. Then this is just. This is -- officials that is -- and it does -- -- it'll be -- -- to understand and his -- we'll talk rammed down. Yeah. -- -- protecting you. So this just as it's in this instance some leaked -- -- -- that was spotted ions in -- -- below it to -- -- -- in future and we are gonna take a quick break and in the -- -- -- at the remains. There -- Our it's -- back. I will kick things off with the HTC wildfire. Which story you can. It can -- -- one little cute little thing. And this we first -- -- at mobile world congress -- in the follow up to the wildfire which is more of an entry level model and T-Mobile. -- gaining that way and it's an affordable model it's only eighty dollars with a two year contract and -- -- -- -- yeah yeah that's that's good way to get people on board and but you know for the price -- expected kind of a lower features that -- you know pretty solid so attorney Andrew 2.3 gingerbread. It's got a five -- megapixel camera. Think people are gonna some people are gonna take issue with the phone's size because the screens only 3.2 inches -- I -- You know it it makes little difficult to type -- and view web pages and things like that so. Yet -- to make that extra again it looks like it. -- -- -- And yet even nine has. Quite funny you know checking messages with a little difficult so it's definitely one of those -- you can wanna go check out in person make sure that it can deal with the smallest size. You know good call quality performance was pretty good it's -- 600 megahertz -- -- -- which obviously isn't the fact that the greatest out there but. Felt very smooth throughout my reviewing of it and you know I think it's a good deal. T-Mobile also has exhibit four GE. Which He looked at it can -- Africa and you have for the same price and has a larger screen so that's an announcement but you know. Either -- -- think about -- Nice affordable options especially if -- -- -- Smartphones now. That is available now. And desk say used took a look at the Samsung -- There yes. Character it is area variably phone. There are two models there is this bright electric Leo -- -- -- -- -- peacock and then there was. Sort of a grey color that I never -- so I got -- blue and for testing. And I think it's pretty good it is a messaging fountain to knock -- yourself this is not a Smartphone it's not meant to be smart phone. It runs the Samsung TouchWiz late inter face. So it's three -- would you be but I think that it's improved from previous versions but I've seen her everything's been released on her to operate. I think I personally -- -- and some -- issues with some of the widgets. By its. I think that overall. The widget interface. Is interactive so I think that. It scores a point there because that was the goal -- and think palatable was met. And so it has a -- out pretty keyboard -- and I thought I was pretty comfortable. But the design looked pretty niacin and -- the public backing -- but Holtz with grip. And because sometimes on these super plastic phones -- to smooth and slippery -- -- your hand. So. I would say that this is definitely a phone that's aimed towards teens and queens and it's also marketed that way. And I think that it's good as a starter fan as well but -- definitely not for somebody who's going backwards is how to Smartphone before. -- -- I think it is nice and it's it's anti US cellular -- it costs about forty dollars after fifty dollar mail in rebate and that seems pretty gets me. And Nicole Lee took a look at the algae as new. T mean in this said this so essentially the US -- version the LG and cosmos touch. Verizon Wireless. It's it -- just like its design differences in there but the guts of payments to seem. As the other as the cosmos touch. You know that the complaints -- mean it's -- has skiing is pretty small and only that it has the resist the kind of resistant -- -- where. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Swipe through -- had to edit facility harder tips might -- different home screens topic that so. Somebody -- it is pretty compact in and manage small footprint and discredit comfortably in hand. Unsanitary according kibo is ready to use. So mean in terms of just texting it was fine -- just the testing was a little bit annoying use especially after. August time testing and high end it's -- -- Stevens. So that -- -- a good thing -- mixed and He could cause. Has. It isn't expected to continue to use -- -- agreement so affordable and decent features but the task it was just not the past. That's the attitude. And finally the -- -- breeze theory. Yet so the beast. To be. Is a -- bones about its a basic flip phone. An interesting thing about the -- do you -- on of the pattern basically a content -- it just wasn't -- -- -- to say but. It's very slim is very compact the keys or deny hastened the need nobody usable and the very bright large screen. An interesting because decreased that He has two different. Menu moods He can teams two from an easy modes to more advanced node and easy -- basically changes the menu -- a very basic. Does lists I'll just go up and down the Mac and Unix so it's super simple super scaled down as of eating of -- is an advancement. You know people say that senior citizen -- it was a kind of connecting to make it to make fun of but it's great for senior citizens are for kids -- -- -- non business in general like this is just simple. Easy to use. Phone that no decent features -- -- in megapixel camera. He tuned it does have a pillar of miners say Canadian and sensitive demographic of the -- -- African. It's now. I guess that's an Apple or pilot dollar -- and yet. It has it has three emergency speed dial quick access keys underneath the display -- He. It just kept so -- a simple basic music player on that it does have GPS. Is not completely new bare bones and evening and you know for the -- in a forty dollar phone. Calls. And and and alien spammers. News coming up next speak at the sharp -- Us death. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- have a couple of other things and have tweaked and his speech you next week He -- -- a very busy week -- to -- -- -- -- -- IRA and its wrap it up with them. We got it came out -- day event last week we talked about air quotes and what -- -- clips sound like nearly what is the sound of -- that got this on one hand clapping. To this -- -- -- I went quiet He sent us a little link that it uh huh. Basically it would be that phonetic punctuation and our aircraft so let's take a look at. An exclamation point of -- got. -- -- -- -- Hard drive and who did have kind of. So yeah yeah yeah Torres and yet -- competitor and -- You and -- We -- and our phones. We can head. And that's tragic for. And you and them went into -- I. And that went from Alexis. Says -- is -- if you guys could explain -- Blackberry is gonna do with Unix. Saturday cleaning start over -- like Microsoft did with Windows Phone. Also has violence becomes just a distant memory also the -- -- them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm an opportunity I'm -- it is splashing -- the -- client on Nokia more details on that Kinect but as far as I know -- Plan on releasing our phones based on the -- -- and the second half of and 2012. Well I'm right there -- boy genius report yeah yet ahead -- normal thing. Yeah isn't that cool yes that they have been rumored to come out -- the foursquare. Yes I thought that I saw that you unit that much earlier than what you're saying -- floors -- added that the Muslims against. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I had. -- is -- because I I had heard that the reason for the hold up apparently before. Including holding holding -- -- from moving their -- Jennings was because. He wanted it like a really fast processors but -- can -- focusing its gonna needs it requires that tennis. Thousand mideast peace processor and -- -- 84 parts essentially there are having a really hard time getting their -- that has been. Yeah end. I don't know what of holding -- back -- -- this one of the major complications is that. And they basically have to rewrite their code their Blackberry Enterprise Server code to work with the new. -- software that's basically a brand new software it's not you know backwards compatible so. It gets pretty more complicated than previously not well the first version is. Rumored cult is not gonna have does access which any kind of weird -- by mail account a big Blackberry email. -- said He uses Microsoft. Exchange. That's. It is completed it -- are not only. It's one of their only arguments. Now I had planned and it. Get rid of Blackberry OS and go with -- -- From an honor -- Blackberry it's still unclear -- My understanding of that ultimately the plan. -- but I and I don't allow -- in -- yeah I mean I think practically speaking they can't throw everything out right at once because. Development just take -- yet flown. Also they're they're using they're gonna continue to use their Blackberry OS -- -- -- merging markets and markets where they don't need super high end -- similar let's Nokia's deal with Symbian I mean they're not abandoning Symbian. You know in South America and Russia and -- -- and is Asia. Positive they're gonna be using Symbian still and primal -- used by -- -- And as far as the second -- -- question. As well as becoming a distant memory -- feels like it. I -- that. We don't have one more fun coming out to -- -- -- you just because it got this summer and I'm pretty sure -- some -- -- pounds Janette and I like live plants but I. Standalone -- you like it. I really likes but nobody likes what the complaint says -- -- aren't so and the pre. I mean its -- assassin's creed the bigger bad -- I really liked it and you know we haven't heard anything about. As you know -- believe -- HP kind of screwed up when they became Alamos the first found these really small severe severe -- -- Alan -- -- different -- actually. Those kind of embarrassing why don't like hello learning kind of it matters little should rightfully. Yes you grant Littleton click on. -- -- -- -- -- -- Competitors and it was -- About idea of -- client. If terrible idea phone. Yeah -- listening they're going all the users won't mind. And it's -- we've been. It and fell and I know what's gonna happen if makes he's gonna I mean they are put on yes -- -- and Canada it's -- -- Applicable going dollars and and -- Apple. But I think it's pretty much guarantee that webos will not be the powerhouse that maybe it could've contended to being when it first -- So what time -- fans and very Lion -- -- does it for this week if you've got any questions. And suggestions. Whenever -- please feel free to email sent out an at cnet.com. Policy could -- at 866. Or 02263. -- After -- past episode you can check -- thousand at cnet.com. And check out cnet's other podcast podcast at cnet.com. So when -- thanks for joining us thinks Rogers slash optimist I'm kind of. -- am and we will see this -- -- every -- and bank side. --

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