Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1301:  Apple waves the phishing flag (podcast)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1301: Apple waves the phishing flag (podcast)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1301: Apple waves the phishing flag (podcast)

I'm Molly Wood lots of buzz out loud is cnet's podcast indiscriminately this episode thirteen hundred and line and a fresh start for the thirteen hundred yeah. And joining us via Skype today we have Boxee CEO of -- Ronan. Who. Quite rightfully wasn't thrilled with my -- yesterday promoting buzz out -- we're -- that -- are starting about the death watch it into a weight too short way of saying. We're gonna have a conversation about Apple TV in what it might mean for the competitive landscape indicated that a 140 character exactly yet nevertheless. It. Type it it is actually it is wonderful that you wanna come on and talk and can I I want to know from you firsthand and what -- you. What do you think about. Apple TV like what does it mean for -- And -- box out yet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it's time pass -- -- will be coming out in November. The of these they're behind in our office. Until Christmas songbird and we'll do wanted boats. Really psyched about -- -- -- with with the box and their militant -- -- Inca. So long -- long time in coming but I can people be excited. Apple TV and I think it's you know it attacks the priceless accused India I think it's it's doing so much larger audience but I think developer does it -- is still very much the same export people. Dennis Canon. -- most of their entertainment from iTunes and Netflix I think it's gonna be a great device. If you want to watch stuff from other places. I guess it's not so as such a great option. -- episode when the accident and it. So arguably though -- so you but you also have -- -- at the same price which issued a statement saying you know we also think that we are more open value proposition. And we're also 99 dollars for the HT HD version I think the big concern that we had yesterday was the result of the blog post that said. But the box about can -- 200 bucks. Yes but I think it's very different product. You know talk flora arm -- fluid you know brokers and around for -- and -- you know like what they're doing and I think they're also have a different product than then Boxee box its rights do do something I think. So far not Apple and -- -- broke -- try to do in that suit provide. One interface to all the stuff that you're having your home network whatever format it is -- -- you can place. And whatever reads out there on the Internet you can get -- Tuesday it's laying on the web browsers and you can put on your TV. And doing it. As easy as possible so rule. I think that's a value proposition. It's not about to open -- the votes. You know arm. -- mobile expects its about access to content. So rule if you wanna watch the US -- -- is taking place right now and HD. You wanna be able to do it on your TV you need a device like -- wanna watch a live concert that is broadcast somewhere. You can digs on Boxee you know basically it's on the web it's on -- and I think that's the type below. -- that users would expect on their TVs and I don't think they want to censored version of the accident on there it's evening. Don't nonetheless have an I think there's certainly a lot of people but among our listeners -- agree with that but Apple has this. This. Incredible marketing engine they can convince people that they want they want is this simple hundred dollar you know by -- a -- product. And isn't that low end going to cut into substantially. Yourselves. I don't think substantially -- I think that it's it's you're looking to just yes iTunes. And Netflix on your TV I think Apple is gonna be the best choice. Three as a consumer. No doubt. If you wanna do lose more stuff then I -- -- will be the best choice for you. And I think or what we're doing in order type users as the binge that and that capability I think that price point is you load of blood disease lower I don't think is is gonna be -- -- So I think we're targeting. The much different users. -- -- yes you know Steve Jobs made -- reference to amateur hour. I'm excited not love I -- -- -- than. Hmm hmmm yeah I mean like you know the video that you're doing right now on what's on my TV you know I can't with Apple was they decided that it's not instinct -- Which again is -- it's just I think we're talking to very different audiences I admit -- Apple is much more mainstream to boxy but. We don't need to go after -- -- audience and didn't we that line we're finally. He's an early adopters and or we are today in -- about -- position that is different but still good into space. We can't and then one must question what -- they go to new. Talk to us a little bit about the delay -- I mean I think you know this was probably one of the most if not the most hotly anticipated product coming out of the act last year. Yesterday's appointments Tuesday was the sex that's he has I -- it -- this exit the I mean it was the thing we're all talking about once. The -- on a -- even so -- went and. They'll make its way. And -- happen. I'm sorry guys would have wanted to have it and it earlier I posted about it. Yeah we -- that the delays coming. We have harbor. Issues that yet to result and that's -- -- And we didn't wanna get out with. The product that we didn't -- on percent of -- so we figured. We better ways and you know take the criticism from fans and from you guys about being late but without something that. And that girl -- -- long time in the making and we're really excited to get it out -- we think it's you know it's a long race is education then registry. Great ball to work. Al -- just one question obviously with box -- -- it when the -- -- about it the home before was who accessed as anything changes that with the agreements with amber. They're still making life difficult for you guys -- -- one of the killer killer apps on your box. Yes I think definitely at the beginning -- it blue and a blue remains do obviously it's elements outside of -- as the nation's online I think once what changes we lose -- plus. It is. You know is not under there in a position where. There are language getting belonged to TV. -- -- and other another other devices -- you -- N 999. I'm I don't know how successful it is right I think it's doing in beta but I'm sure that there's gonna be people that will be willing to pay for that access article. The fact that being on products offering that these targeted -- -- would mean -- will work with I would books as well so. We're looking forward -- things -- all the way -- we received is. TVs just a bigger screen. He should be able to use browser and access whatever is out there if you wanna know more breeding interface. Congdon and easier access to the stuff you like then bosses trying to help you on both TV shows and movies and probably other categories -- future as well. And -- is you know as a major source and we hope to be able to work with them around Europe. Aren't prepared okay cool well good luck. Yet it -- a right we are looking forward to seeing the second relaxed keep pressure on Denver this is indicted or launched ordained in November in New York City we wanted to good will be -- thanks so much for -- for coming on governor and have that have a great day. Thanks -- button are right. -- it onto the rest of the tech news today. I have to I hate to do it but I have to quote. My former colleague Tom Merritt here because yesterday you said that the most interesting thing about pain was the standoff between -- -- paying. But that they. Is absolutely. True -- this praised the exclusive today in The Wall Street Journal saying. That FaceBook blocked API access to paying after the failed to reach an agreement with Apple possibly about how often and with an access -- servers or paying them. If you. And then so that Apple removed the feature after the launch of the very last minute and and. Yet it's basically it's staring contest -- -- said a stereo between these two complete sociopath ego maniacs you have to. What do you expect and know about is even knowing that there was there was no in his early on -- these books search for your friends feature was active. It was it was active for a short time -- right and when it launched and some people say that they still have -- working some people who. God I'm so quickly that they were able to actually see the FaceBook connect -- say if it's still working for me as Carr says in in her story -- all things the normally the API API access -- FaceBook is open right and you can do you want it's only in the case read your trying to bring in a 160 million people in all the one thing that that they might say wait let's can we talk. -- and so -- just perfectly reasonable evidence that that could you know -- Facebook's servers as robust as they are 160 million new used the fan boys trying to figure this thing out Leoville once. Could be huge. And they couldn't come to an agreement I. I can't say I'm surprised. Yeah yeah. Not I don't know I guess not I can't say I'm surprised that they can come to agreement I I think what I remain surprised about that Apple did this. I mean that they didn't you know planet as a better partnership from the get go instead -- well something like I mean I can totally imagine -- but basically finding out. Right that -- was using its API and I'm going to Apple in Munich -- I ain't like you said we talk because that's gonna hurt yeah leave a mark you know. When you turn this thing on an Apple -- like I don't know all I love pretty onerous I gotta tell you after as important as I think Pena is and it's fast and -- -- as I -- by what Apple is trying to do here. It's a disaster technically technically people who say they're on it can't be found there's only like I know. For bands on -- like fourteen artists available right now the F four -- you can -- yeah many at any rate or maybe exaggerated but it's very limit rules aren't -- -- the main the main thing about paying that until you start playing with it is that the only way that you can freely make a comment on there is if you either like a song. Or make a comment on an album so I can't freely just post the comment -- I'm so stoked about this new album come out coming out. I have to like it so therefore it's it's already controlled how you can interact with its not it it's not completely social so FaceBook counsel law had little ball -- does -- thing that -- like that. On -- you have to comment on music it's only based on your interaction with artists or songs and then people can comment on that but. You can't really say oh dude Lillian song -- -- or do you executive -- on the -- And people can now it's a Larry it's a one way conversation. I I think that. FaceBook should take this opportunity on faith but -- I mean really because. If anything the buzz about paying shows. That people do kind of wanna do -- and that's -- and paste because I always him and interest and tweaking my little things but there music that I landed and -- one band -- isn't on FaceBook right and I want -- sharing mechanism for music didn't and people are into music discovery Apple have all of that right that they -- -- -- right if how to -- paying -- how to do social networking and in fact they have it so -- or they are at least so kind of unaccustomed to living in this world. But they apparently failed to anticipate. Comment spam. If anybody. -- the -- they social network has had has either knew this lesson going in or learned it very quickly. And it's like Apple paid no attention to affect this is what happens when you open up a wall comments that even if -- -- it or not. And they've been barraged with comments and eighty. With spam rather and you look at what FaceBook has done what Twitter is -- -- every social network has done to mitigate this then. With whether it's spam comments or you know Phishing links or stuff like that they all have mechanisms that they tweak over time campaign launched with none of this so guess what -- Comment -- -- not only did -- with none of that but the other -- thinking this during his his presentation yesterday he stood -- and said we have. A 160. Million accounts on iTunes tied to credit card. And I thought to myself like week what you just waving that that the flag that play -- -- -- -- and spammers everywhere and then -- -- they -- like. So apparently the most the most common comment -- that people are getting now is now offering of free iPhone. -- incident in which people deliberately. I mean I assume that there are now trying to do this rapper adamant in the chat room. I don't know how you know this but he says they hired fifty people to the Olympics and it's not enough. But it is not gonna -- what you just can't you just it's so arrogant that -- leap into the world. Without. Understanding. The competitive landscape and the pitfalls and I feel like this very clearly does not offer social -- basic social networking features that people are used to. Nor does it offer any of the basic sort of security and spam protection and the people expect. You know what it really doesn't shows it doesn't show Apple's traditional fit and finish. It just launched it and it's surprising to me that Steve Jobs will let a product come out like this. Although we've seen -- recently with the antenna that just seems to be designed in a fantasy land. You know -- theoretically it if there's -- lot of cool stuff here but it doesn't have the people and it doesn't have the technology and and slight. You need to do more than just conceptualize need to actually put in the real world and see what happens before you say. You know pay world. Pile on rent I literally thought I was dumb because I'm like how do you make a comment in pain. Try to keep -- and I actually did a search like how do you comment in paying and I -- realized oh you can't. You have to like something or in common an album I thought I was being stupid move it over this than I do it it's interesting that sort of -- that stupid if if. A high level demonstration of I mean it is just a fundamental principle right bye closed systems ultimately it. And that that is this is like a -- statement not -- time not just for products that for Apple as a company it like they're not allowing outside influences and and you're starting to see the results of -- I mean this was the first time being with the first time and I felt a little bit of bear expert Steve Jobs when he was on stage like it does not. -- -- Meaning you're really -- -- the antennas or you edited that for me Williams had a press conference when they compared that's your when he compared it to the other found that the but then that was just sort of Turkish straits about yeah. And that wasn't I just but -- can -- felt like such. A mix and it felt like the perfect manifestation of what the the W an island in the -- is called the walled gardens and it's like if you're not letting people tell you. How this should work or you're not listening to them when they tell you then you're gonna put out a product the topic big and I think -- -- -- that. -- -- Not often enough to know just -- and you go over top and yet they can't figure price if they can come to an agreement with FaceBook if that's there -- -- in and it has a chance -- ladies that they still have to make it a free open like idea exchanging it and it or not I don't know how much they're not gonna give it up. It may be off to really got start but they can't give it up I don't. They're gonna give it up but I don't think FaceBook should get on board either I don't think -- blink -- but let's face -- music and trust Apple one other quick note -- I don't let it 500 users. And a million I don't know if one of the quicken that we did mention is you know Lady Gaga has her feet and she's one of the fourteen already have very confined. But they've actually -- center -- counselor for posts on paying. That are available on her Twitter feeds yet because she's a little leathery skin exactly I mean even have that involved I mean while I that's awesome as a expressive artists. The one it lets put some ideas out there talk their fans. An Apple like no I think this is a little too much -- they don't just let reverence that in the -- that he -- -- I think and that they hired fifty people to security it. Not video comment spam but -- -- -- the experience so. Maybe you've heard all those that -- be less social media expert to -- put out something and I think you would wanna you is that like they want. They didn't miss the idea that people want this and the sharing in the social element but you can't just. You can't do yet another social network and you can't keep it -- and it and Larry jobs -- let us play a I let's take quick break and when we come back we're going to play around with neat idea but testing and -- button. FaceBook according to master both currently testing a new subscription feature that would let users released receive alerts. Any time a specific and take certain actions on the social -- IE's stock. Them as they go around the eight but looking at other girl. There's no wait so if I am looking at somebody else's page in your subscribed me you can see when I look at somebody else's page. Low I know -- -- happy that they can subscribe to it has to be your friend you can subscribe to friends and pages. You received notification whenever the -- subscribe to update their status or post new content. Photos videos links or note okay so it's things that I post not what I do so it's an it's an app that -- again -- -- information or -- been -- there. So basically it's -- instead of just following him seeing the people that FaceBook thinks you're most interest -- on your feed. You can find anybody who may -- haven't -- before and see everything that they're doing all the actions that the signal confident radium like it is totally -- about it's it's it. It sounds familiar voted ahead as the -- -- -- -- -- -- stuff their spam in and around -- -- Lincoln Oliveira the man. There was the -- -- miffed about it but right he could tell whenever anyone looked -- your and ends up. It off of me perfect -- -- -- you've got a really good. I kind of it because I have so that's enough FaceBook friends that once and that I've actually separated them -- like the people -- -- in my life for real. And then. In real life and hire a friend that I actually know and hang out with it and sometimes they -- updates from -- arrow -- like some of them recently moved away right I would love to be able to make sure that. Those updates -- surfaced. At the top of their with a way to make threat always the the updates from my friend who just moved way you like as a stocking I would make it's not I don't know that's not something I know I know I feel it's priority in the -- correlates them. It's a priority in box. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I want there fair's fair but I -- -- -- -- somebody I want. Studies ultimately -- wanna know who it is expert accent yet they should have that many Internet Catholic with Twitter link -- I can find out who -- its filing and letter and you can block stop them. -- The top spot while the outlook okay nothing -- that -- many times. FaceBook is also have also announced new security feature that will let you see if you are logged into your account. On a different computer and then remotely log out -- impact York this is so smart. I can't believe it's not already out there and all the banking suddenly gonna secondly it's not butter. I almost this I thought -- pick -- on of this is under this. How good this is -- like this is this is incredibly smart so it's. If your if you leave your FaceBook account logged in at a cafe or something or somebody else -- in from a nothing similar note for quite get you'll get an alert and you can boot them off. All your account right away. It's very good for FaceBook but like I say it is such a smart things -- somebody -- and my bank account. From a computer that my bank hasn't seen before it should let me know via email or estimates or something hey you are now logged in from this IP address in this city. What do you want to do them well maybe. I'm sitting next that machine because I'm on vacation or maybe somebody's hacked into my account I wanna put off right like this is so smart it should be everywhere -- -- -- -- It. Isn't who will have this Yahoo! at that there's actually there's some other service that has the ability to -- you log out remotely but -- that is very especially because some passengers -- -- to want it to other places but but -- should be everywhere it's just gonna hide your email Patrick and Mallard has it which is it is great and -- -- absolutely the more security features FaceBook rolled out. The better -- as far as -- although I think we have to identify people can log into ministry of machine their photos and there but a girl in -- the proud that doesn't work. Kill it. -- added that of the problem. -- big news for Sony in Japan. The walkman portable music player outsold the iPod and monthly sales for the first time in August that. Who would've thunk it but hey walkman maybe -- asked the service might have a little line now the although -- just say it's blood -- This was the month Al -- patched Apple released its new iPods and everybody knew they were coming. So little lol before they pick up right -- -- -- Hello. Good -- I mean. And see what happens next month. When they -- -- -- thing shares Sony's share of the Japanese market for portable music players that a 47 point 8% last month ahead of Apple which had 44% though was in fact pretty close. And you're probably right that it really is waiting for new and however now that Apple has got a ruined my dad nano I predict the -- and -- instant hit and -- None of the hand and I'm kind cooling on the nano doesn't play videos and not a -- I'm a fan of -- and I don't know of -- Okay I've not heard you're however we'll see what Donald. We have been waiting to see whether -- folks who made Hurt Locker we're gonna go ahead and forget about -- holes through every user of pirated video. Or not they -- they did obtain a long list of IP addresses and names. And now apparently they have began issuing the subpoenas the lawyers didn't let them forget what to expect -- -- -- it's not now but I mean there was such eat you never know when there's like a huge outcry -- right but bad -- like well -- pirate the invasion because they -- of that big list. Of IP addresses an infinite and but now now now -- -- -- don't -- an island -- -- -- and I -- -- who was subpoenaed to give that the studio or the lawyers the names of people downloaded it. They got -- the note and they sent a letter out to their subscribers who had been subpoenaed saying it's our policy to a comply with subpoenas and be. Tell our users when their names are included in that and sorry your name was included -- so basically you're screwed sorry. -- and -- we can do. Apparently part of the reason they did -- along between filing the -- and then sending subpoenas denies he -- -- was. Partly that opposition that -- and the ACLU taken to court about that in the naming Time Warner Cable said. We don't have the time and you know to look at thousands of customer records -- that it was an undue burden. Other -- -- -- fighting it. But. Apparently you know judges and in most cases sided with DGW with the production house and. And I think -- -- gave him nearly -- honoring subpoena yeah. So developing story we'll see what happens next. -- -- That's Mac I love this next hour or so apparently. At Defcon and -- a social engineering experiment was. Conducted and a 135 people from fortune 500 employees were targeted high ranking people high ranking people the from seventeen major corporations -- Wal-Mart semantic Cisco Microsoft Pepsi or -- about. And they call that the company employees and like they were sitting -- -- -- at that on the call that company employs and they tried to get them to give out information. Also -- social engineering experiment -- above them. I've only five people out of a 135. Did not give any corporate information. -- people. All the number eleven now who -- surprised by this this is that this is eight you know the women. Aren't there used to turning down requests for information trust me I know because for many times. -- just picking up your call this is what I'm saying -- up a phone call authority yet hey baby what's you're never get lost creek and he got. What is happening here and I -- I don't want -- my time on my name's Brandon genuinely it's beginning today. It's -- -- and I tell you -- totally nailed it because I like it like you're wondering element and and -- like. -- -- -- -- -- -- And anyway so that how -- -- security company hired women. They're already -- -- and like hot women accessories are getting picked up. But still the actual the downside denser than a 130. Of those employees. Gave up -- -- -- it will. Hey what they were looking for was not like what's the your Social Security number what's your password -- like it was information that could be used by at a clever hacker like. What antivirus system do you use what operating systems. Things like that that could be used to make the exploiting. Corporate network easier. Yeah anyway and the women. That -- that it turned on the -- turning them that what antivirus has been doing is not your business it and as a yes and no you cannot have my number there. -- -- probably would indeed give up information. Yeah I don't know how many of the other 130 were women but it -- a number you know I mean it but if you look at those companies it's not like there's gonna be too many women known. They'll hold the camera yet which means doesn't exactly mean this don't really. -- a percentage of them who didn't give information is higher I know that man there weren't a lot of ladies and that he'll probably. Are a good news or Android users who are so damn tired of hearing all the -- and I've had people like manga breadth. Now you're not letting favored because it has arrived and productivity worldwide -- and those and trust me. I know I know. I understand the -- not in -- wants to say I'm not playing that Steve behind me read here. American Idol a video game like -- the -- -- -- everybody. Play it now they'll play the trust -- -- don't complain. The bomb every bag it's -- you knew how -- tonight knowing it so -- don't -- don't go there you will never come back. China. This is reverse psychology and trying to -- reduced productivity I think they'll try it it's really offered in. I -- good news is that. Four can. Heating power. HP has teamed up with the second largest memory chipmaker -- -- actually mass produced. -- registers. What's amendments -- and -- members -- is basically they consider to be the missing link in electronics it is. Resistor with memory so it actually -- can store information and it can store information even when it's turned off. So -- make -- a candidate for memory that requires little energy to store information like. The current standard for non volatile memory flash and then they can run a ten times faster and he's ten times less power basically an equivalent -- memories memories -- -- and remember if stir does that mean -- the future are built because transistors are state on or off -- resisters are. Analogue this means we could be building analog computers with the stuff potentially and they know they have persistent state. Neat yeah they're pretty it's pretty remarkable I think they it's -- it. -- in the terribly in your part and a few years ago yes that's when they really started to HP said you know what we're gonna pursue this. As an actual course of manufacturing because it was a theoretical prediction in nineteen anyone HP demonstrated and then publish an actual working device not two years ago maybe a year ago. A little not it was a while ago. But now we've made apparently another huge step forward is that like -- -- this'll make these suckers that sic let's make computers were way more off. Way more -- And finally. In an effort. We think unit in an effort to become good guys from being bad guys -- slash -- -- -- -- and it took this. Found a an old man who was trying -- put a poster wanted people where birthday party cookbook at it at an American legion hall in Massachusetts. And it looked really sad and said. Let's cheer up this old guy -- And and and they didn't and and they all like swarmed into his party and put a happy note that all this stuff and gave the -- -- trying to get this guy the best party ever. -- -- -- -- -- -- Apparently his grandson spoke out though and -- like eggs for the -- but we have more than enough family and friends coming to the party without any random Internet people setting up that they do. It is considered a fortune and feet of -- -- absurd is that I totally filled you know if you don't trust them. I'm just saying you know you like your mob mentality now when their content down puppy killers then and help and outmanned but soon they will -- them -- -- again. They're Hispanic and so if you could -- and -- angle and and you know. It's very -- if yes it is actually like legitimately and Dora -- nice thing today. The -- at that publicly -- that you and in fact let's go on to our voice mail where an anonymous caller is doing some interesting connecting the dots. Big guys are great episode talking about. Apple and I think I just wanted to get my two cents on. -- this is the next step for Apple. Getting into the ticketmaster's Marriott in their allowing bands to build their own web sites and then from there. Well out and does sell tickets. To you -- -- -- -- whatever maybe it's of this is there. Foray into I think this field and I think I -- earlier rumor a long time ago about them trying to didn't like to Ticketmaster fielder. Or sell tickets due to iPhone owners such that -- and and district yet so they're just slowly get it takes more time but they eventually do. Anyways but to show. That's obviously the next that that's where bands make -- money and it's one part of the equation. Of the money -- that Apple has not yet -- and we reported on Apple in April they actually had filed a patent for a ticket a concert ticket sales. Method. And we were and everybody was saying many other getting it into that Ticketmaster business and this is like -- connecting the dots between is that -- That would be the only thing they could excuse. Paying right that there was actually just a -- mechanism for like skiing up ticket sales this -- and this is why they can't give it up that's what happened figured out make it work. Even if we -- suffer in the wildly comic effect yeah. Our -- total inside source in the chat -- the boys Miller's absolutely correct the Ticketmaster link is coming. Remember you call him after the Yankees can I mean reading get you on the wreckage. We got email from -- and Nova Scotia says. This is regarding the gaming addiction. I think the answer is simple we treat online gaming environments like some casinos are treated casinos are also places that use social engineering. To make their environment structured in a way to make you want to stay longer just by being there. In many cases they're required to funnel -- portion of their profits anti addiction programs. And we find those people -- -- too late by adding algorithms to the gaming systems the pick up these kinds of behaviors. Given enough time and I spent a lineage two -- they could have known that was an issue very early on if they wanted to. They just didn't want to track that info and deal with it than. Just thing would not be difficult to find these people and we were saying they really have to take responsibility that you warning label neither of those are really gonna work -- just make -- fielded. This is how you find it yet we find the people we have the companies do it and they could they could step up. On awareness works because it puts pressure on both companies like against started to -- has gaming addiction and an issue he started to force warnings. Then you could also say look you have the -- -- you are aware that it's an addictive. Substance yes and so you are required to I mean seriously -- some people -- blizzard started monitoring their servers if they had caught my brother early. -- -- -- -- The point yet -- warning labels only that it only pays the fine yeah. -- unemployed but he's fine and -- -- okay thank Matt. John from Windsor Ontario residents of -- that they -- not undermine at a micro rant about 3-D content and how companies are pushing tech no one wants. As a kid in the eighties I remember seeing my first 3-D movie at Disney and being one how would. At all thirteen at your -- take homemade 3-D movies or photos to easing of Polaroid camera and it seventeen. I figured out how to make true 3-D animation on a computer. Now at the age of 35 -- treaty -- finally after all this time poised to break into the mainstream so my question for Molly is. Do you really want to kill my -- on childhood dream. I'm probably when he but it that's what -- I got nothin' it's just it's not my father not right Achilles tendon. There people who you know. We were going through to the 3-D world than untreated -- I'm a flatten -- what about if you're like I was -- -- -- didn't. Talked Obama. And it'll it'll you know I don't get me started on that any any thing -- -- death death with a -- yet. I'm sorry dude I'm sorry it's -- totally it's a reasonable dream you just cannot convince me that I needed you know what how about this. I -- a solution finder by nature. How about channel your lifelong dream and your prodigious energy and innovation. Into finding a way for us -- have -- without the stupid -- boxes. It -- and then boom. And my attorney Geddes is this him you know -- Nintendo -- for anyone know or real the year one of those -- Well all their jobs don't bet it is it's is all about -- that -- -- -- -- -- as that technology tutors were you know but it's is that. The viewing angle -- impossible now riddler skills needed exist without glasses now then they need -- and tape to a need to prove it to scale it up so that we saw. Well we can all enjoy your childhood dream together. Without having -- the -- that's now. I'm -- -- no matter what happens at. -- all right Steve great -- Dumb. Paint yeah I logged on -- even found one friend now what I thought you could follow any -- you like. Does not -- Apple likes and features there is literally nothing here on the service to use what -- -- thinking maybe it's just to confuse people with I don't know. Paying -- of them and MySpace are where the bands Herat. -- is just plain lame weak sauce Apple -- it's. It we added that in that setting -- wasn't just it's yet really -- But that's not the paying backlash has just started upon the service are already in that the -- all the -- pondering your phone. Okay so Blackberry messenger. What would you rather buy a walkman or one of those new -- -- Then I think comment maybe you don't -- and -- -- -- let me influenced you and anyway. Then the comment via Blackberry has European is 24523. 65 and actually that -- -- gonna aggregate isn't meet him today but if you buy here and we don't actually know how to do that that we're gonna get him. Did she is out answers on Monday and then we will read answers to all this -- question. Due today I had off until Sunday because programming out there will be no show on Monday burning -- -- -- sorry we've. A orally which is that believe. They labored labor it's -- -- they -- that we will not be here Monday -- we'll -- be back on Tuesday. You you can listen to some back episodes to keep cells entertain on Monday finally of the stories we talked about on our blog -- AOL dot You get email us at buzz at -- can call us. At 180616. 26 three -- A lovely -- me -- Americans.

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Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

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