Car Tech Live 237:  2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
Car Tech Live 237: 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

Car Tech Live 237: 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

Auto Tech
-- is gonna come to the US as an electric car Cadillac queues up a whole new -- technology and interface. We're gonna show you -- -- look up your Android device. -- your iPod -- in your car that -- itself car tech live from CNET I'm Brian Cooley with Wayne Cunningham -- one good one -- -- at the controls. And let's -- into -- -- our favorite little car and cores and one is our little car buff on the show news basically the lover of the avail. Is now gonna be coming to us is an easy you must be happy about this little happy about yeah come on a lot happy just a little -- the Sparky V and oh yes so for the glory days -- sparking forza again through the first -- -- -- -- game that's that's telling. There's there's a a a mode called rivals where basically the -- to -- with different people in your friends list and the idea is that she try to beat their score around -- track. -- camera tracking generate money for in game money. So I spent about two and a half hours last night trying to C two seconds out of my -- on the top gear track. And sit in this market and it was -- -- to receive the charging video here of them charging one of these governments the same old deal charging -- charging. We've all seen that before but this is this is the new mini city what does this one slot again I've lost track of all their little card below the avail that the stock -- -- like a one point two liter engine it's only about eighty horsepower. So it's a micro cars and above -- -- this above net. So that's this is their little car yet okay I needed since you know the spark to beat and the third one I can't remember what -- only I was. Jazz -- jazz up dry -- that jazz that's right. Evans jazz that's actually -- an -- on the gentleman jazz in the -- that's right. Something in those three cars that they were thrown around -- that car shows and trying to get people entries to name them in a small -- -- had any idea -- they didn't take my nomination for the stupid -- -- that -- The front of the one eventually -- a very small car. The EV then it makes sense putting EV in the small arms because it -- lightest car antennas called the spark written -- -- -- -- into. Did they not envision this -- that name they must've been thinking all along let's go electric released plug in for something called the spark. -- its of the smart TVs come an end that we saw this interesting story coming out of a CT IA which is the big. Cellular telecommunications industry association show going on in San Diego I think yes. This is the big show where the cellular industry gets yet it's one of the big shows globally and they -- -- gear but interestingly Cadillac decided to show off their latest interface there. And of course it makes sense because a lot of it connects to your Smartphone and this is called Q which is a abbreviation for the Cadillac user experience. And it also come to market where that name and it looks as though that's what they're thinking I think it will I think this is that from what I've talked I've talked with a Cadillac people about the -- interface they're very excited about it. It's -- be so revamp of. The vision. Infotainment system for cadillacs yeah they've had that one system for about five years now it's a great system. But -- revamp and this has a lot of the kind of super used to on tablets such as I can gene and gestures and things like that's. Well as multi touch -- on what we've got here is -- eight inch LCD. And you can do a couple things like -- as a you do -- other -- sold all the bottom little hard to see here but on the bottom. You -- to see your current running tasks or applications that's PC like. And along the top which this -- doesn't show we have another -- that does you can -- favorites the way you might do here we -- a little better image here the way you might do on a Smartphone home screen. Come on the top label there and -- of course in the middle you've got your usual and heavily revamped look at what's going on right now. Sources or Mac let's -- CD that I saw on here so this is gonna be all digital. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well -- -- -- -- ought to be ingredients with late. In point -- -- -- look all the madness though the buttons are actually human size which support didn't get right -- pressing your finger on it if it looks a little crazy to me. Little but. Let's see how it works because the thing we have been -- with -- my Ford touch -- can touch is the response was really -- understanding if they admitted -- that up in though later models now but. Each -- this go to this is the new Cadillac look at I assume it'll trickle down to other GM's yeah we should see this at the LA auto show I Syria from I've talked with the -- -- people and they say they should have their for demo so we all over the -- takes him to all over on the LA auto show witch's tail end of November will be on top of -- -- December forget this year. But there's a very different interface for Cadillac and it does I guess the big question is judging by the photos -- as they're getting rid of the -- slot the -- pop up anymore. It just sits there which is kind of the best gimmick and a Cadillac and get the vital to hide everything interest in. But this looks to be a more traditional built in I'm sure they've had -- of folks bring it in and -- my -- not working it's not. Popping up anymore how do you put it down to better goes in your car right I. Like acts like the pop up headlights yeah yeah exactly it's everywhere the pop -- headlights public -- and asked -- will definitely have a guy who hasn't left at this point nobody on their -- original it's legal remedies ninety's -- be -- for safety pedestrian purposes. You can't have -- headlights to focus Angel and -- called on it and if there are -- she can't -- -- -- Fletcher high beams of pop up with -- with -- at least -- -- the look -- week. Yeah. I mean that's that's less than a Pulitzer is terribly effective -- -- -- BMW micro navigation this is an interest thing this is the idea of navigating what the last -- last mile the last few feet. Well this is the idea behind this is finding parking in a parking structure so real precise. Last granular part. -- -- parking it apparently is a big new thing a lot of the companies want to institute some sort of parking navigation system. Talk to the nav tech people while back and they're they're talking about today having now. There are a lot of the companies want them to provide parking information. Parking -- -- said that to traffic and elaborate but GPS doesn't really work inside. Parking structures of the ideas -- have other sensors and tell you how to. To get around at a parking structure. And GPS doesn't have any sort of -- here that knows anything about available spaces than that says the data they've got to add of course here's your typical -- watching our video version -- your typical sort of you know demo -- -- -- -- like 9000. CPUs in the back of a truck to make this work. But visitors -- that's come of the last part the navigation doesn't help you it is parking or getting around in a little -- -- a business complex I was at one the other day and you know it's for different buildings and building a new windows -- those labeled well -- -- does -- say your hair. Well -- what sometimes you're here at the Lego block down a block or two blocks away. Let's got a -- -- actually get us literally to were ready to go not just do the address I need to be in the vicinity what I like knowing -- there's an available parking space some level or various area but. I can find my way around our construction that's just four or five levels go to the left of the right thing we know we think of apart. Instructors -- were in San Francisco to think about other areas like this -- -- -- parking lots like Disney your Mol America. We're talking about asphalt to sprint -- yeah just print out forever in you know you could spend a lot of time kind of circling around a mall parking -- looking for a space I can see that -- yet. And it's annually. A lot of people have been researching it actually wastes a significant amount of fuel in this country every year the amount of time we -- Driving around looking for parking army -- is -- -- because people are lazy. Right I don't wanna park on a few blocks away and that I'm gonna hold help for one that's at the front and -- rolled the -- until I get -- -- -- in the store purchase what I wanted to come back out and walked two -- Milwaukee -- help American Idol and watch for spots close a whole other level the artworks for at and waits. Get a double parkers -- also than you think during Christmas time all the fights that break out over parking spaces. Your car is -- and no one spots best particle Melissa -- I think I don't know if audio clocks and -- it took the opportunity this week to announce a new up product that is kind of OnStar has to -- in your -- -- -- port that's the thing in your car -- driving a really old car. That is down more costly new your left knee in most cars. And what do we know about this that we have -- be and details on what this is bringing to the -- Safety space sealed Sprint's bringing can activity and location based services. -- -- is of course bringing. The information that comes. From your cars -- deep port and I just together. I mean it's supposed to deliver quarter and -- -- a safety and convenience features. And that means sounds like -- medics to yeah yeah right some -- and -- -- traumatic service and that such a big growing field right now I would be surprised if they are trying to launch some sort of solution yet because this is an area where obviously there's going to be some kind of -- You know cousin and isn't gonna revenues -- -- a monthly bill for this to take -- -- on scar that is this for free radio connected system and -- some of itself that utterly understanding. Why. Why you need to play into the Adobe PD and it looks pretty right that's what's at picking up the -- makes this work. And they're not giving us -- I've seen yet any details it tells us exactly what it's gonna offer billing freemen's you know sprint can provide location based services. Through their phones. At this point you can -- -- vehicle's speed the allocation. A vice GPS in an excel -- matter and -- and have a navigation. Service a little bit of papal. At studio BD what are you getting -- -- fuel economy information are they must be -- his vehicle safety systems -- airbag deployment. What we wouldn't -- that's I think there was an OnStar angle to this that I heard from some people's that must be part of it also there must be a crash and safety thing. And probably a Green driving thing you -- that'll sell gear so -- -- -- get the details on that a lot of you have asked us 100. Times because it's such a huge frustration how -- connect my Android. Device to my head unit. So I can get logic. -- -- control transport charging and of course audio playback and even video playback and it's always been well go buy an iPhone it's easiest way to do that. In this case now someone's got -- adapters has come out. Little or seek to adapt your Android to an iPod Jack and I'd like project yet Apple adaptor. Is via cable giant cable company -- called cable giant has -- -- -- the -- boss plus. -- is different from their -- boss. -- basically what it is is a pig tail that on one in have a female connection for the the biggest iPod the Apple -- -- old thirty pin connector. In on the other end it splits off to a headphone Jack and being micro or mini USB connection yet that's elegant. Well written it become -- its its its a bit more elegant dinner under a click into an artillery and -- Indian having one -- those. It's the -- -- power cables either way you're gonna have to cable if you wanna -- complaining -- -- in the in the car. It's good -- still put audio out of there. USB port and -- -- -- nothing comes out of the USB port but data. Interest and that's only when -- in like USB debugging mode or and and this portable storage device. Writes -- sorts of the president as a -- -- us actually understanding how you get logic co presidents or if you can't even get -- over this unless it's using some sort of liked it paid -- controlled that are going through that the headphone Jack says citizen much Soviet dumb connect -- it may actually just still be charged in place. Well -- that sets are very -- -- Feel it and did skip forward and back -- yeah some basic -- to adopt -- charges the phone and plays music through the speakers then yeah that sounds sounds like of them connect at superdome. Okay so when -- one dead. Canada will I'll try to get it in and we'll see what happens adds click -- some on this guy here from cable -- we provide the charging connection that data connection. And audio Shimmy disc means meta tags coming out too but no control. Or may be he'd have to have some logic no it really understands how do you -- elicits lake you know you put your phone and a portable storage mode. And then it some kind of -- -- tricking. The iPod. Not yet have the DVD stereo into thinking that it's -- -- -- just really having a little they could do. That let me see -- now now or in treat this -- like. Don't tease us that we can finally plug our Android phones and all those millions of cars that have iPhone connectors iPod connectors -- use. I'm looking at the picture they had -- And understand how that works. I don't see much data here on these guys on their site about how good the dock boss plus where I will will will -- into this -- -- next week from these guys a brand new announcement they made. If it's gonna let you actually hook up your Android device we -- the transport control that's the key thing that it would be a full. Complete analog device on analog but to be analogous to looking up your rights you're OS device. Speaking of IOS -- would I don't I don't think -- not even make sense of this once we have Ken wood and Garmin doing something that works on an -- Pop up on an -- -- an iPod connector can -- executives speaking to. Technology Dutch regional -- following years says they're gonna release next year. This is not a product -- the first multimedia head units -- integrate with big Garmin navigation app. On the iPhone okay. You get so kind of Howell pioneers -- radio lets you navigate with motion next GPS. On an iPhone. Basically replicating the interface -- you would normally see on the iphone's touch screen on the larger. In dash unit using iPod and would -- is now party with Garmin to use iPod out. Two displayed the Garmin apps data. So what these guys have in common -- or using iPod -- media prima it's -- this is it would verses. Pioneer. And it's -- verses who's -- company -- which -- motion X so there was lining up to the iPod out compatible. Interest -- -- its nomad is anywhere near market British shows of this started to be some momentum finally. Finally around iPod out stuff. In a makes an -- paid for a little bit more useful yeah in the -- really taking advantage -- screen -- and -- and ran to where you are. Always love these so these pictures -- looked like their Crash Test Dummies if you we will we can pull these up and we look like they're actually -- dummies. Because there are calculating over in the market and applying -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Between seat airbags. Linked wholly -- -- Honda did this last year in -- and the domestic market in Japan button. But now we have GM doing something similar so -- -- one of those crashes where you do if you do with three stooges. Bald heads. This would get in the way of continuing your passenger but a big and so this is based on side impact to get thrown to the side -- -- passenger gets -- -- the same side and -- -- outside curtain airbags bouncing them back to don't know if that an Atlanta. I'm -- at The Three Stooges that's all this is what. Where it was just like it's if it's one more step towards you -- it -- at the it was and I robot where the car crashes or it actually is demolition man of the car crisis and build up with foam -- It's just like the entire car filled with -- -- you to set to break out of it when you're done well this may be thinking of accident that recent Speed Racer movie where when the racers and cars -- actually got. Encased in this bubble in a dejected -- along the that's what that's of the need to go for forget all these individual bags they just need a big like in -- bubble around the of the passengers and drivers as one huge -- of that -- you get the hardware store to solely drafts in your house yeah -- just goes -- she -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- My computer this is. A statement from sleeper. This is where Woody Allen had this damn thing and He was like. If you had that in the car so that the air -- development car. You put on the air -- suit and -- -- -- -- about cars this can be this have a lot of applications ice acclaimed writing down the street bicycle. Running running if sort of speeding taxis at your airbag. Suit every time you're you know and -- falling off bar stool. At this thing this goes by. It really did a big eggplant for a couple a couple of hours -- this thing deflates but I have had no broken bones not done little broken ego. That's great -- that that's where we're going -- in the future folks are going back to. Woody Allen's in -- and sleeper. With the air bag so what they see -- like sixteen airbags in a car and -- B seventeen I guess the grease. Our right now we've all been bitching about how long it takes charge electric cars on its either gonna kill or maybe not kill the market for them lot of discussion around the big -- past. But now. Nissan's at least demonstrating a technology -- and let me show you the headline here's -- -- headlines in the -- -- blog besides developing -- ten minute. Car charger. Now that would change the game. Yet that's the big thing with. Electric cars the fact that it does take thirty minutes or 24 hours to charge them yeah this would be this to be pretty game -- -- I'd be pretty huge. Work -- the chemical JSC engineering says they've created a three minute super rapid charging system. Nissan was working to improve says the car tech blog this technology to reduce the charging time of their system to about three minutes -- it's it's a race to the three minute standard. But they at least say they've got a ten years that's good it could be coming soon again not immediately to a to a corner near you know He could take up to ten years. To commercialize that means make affordable. This technology. And there you also looking at thing there's a couple of things the fact that. To do this electricity used electricity and would require tremendous efforts to push this amount -- right to city into a vehicle in three minutes into a battery. You don't think it's gonna -- the equivalent of like it. The three minute sustained lightning strike at least yeah energy that it would get it right. -- huge drain on the grid it would also for -- because a lot of that heating issues and the batteries themselves -- And it has only be one -- -- time with a whole city you'll go to the emperor but this I'd imagine I don't know Amber's looking at this but I but I imagine this has to do with a different kind of of storing. Electricity yet says -- does so using a cut capacity in the car. Instead of a battery. Which is hard to -- and we talked a few weeks ago about the first. Solid state batteries that are being developed right now. It also can charge faster and hold more electricity in a lighter weight package at citrus -- So this is just the charger is also the battery that it's connecting to -- people to accept the three minute lightning strike rate to -- sort of ambassadors really did it lake. Taking power in in it XP and you quickly really fast yes congresses on battery which is -- -- the opposite the opposite slowing and slow out yet. And -- pastor -- -- use those in use those in like for subs and they can't yet right. Do you momentary spike -- you don't -- -- sort of round out in your yeah. The amendment and it charges up really yeah yeah actually had to -- isn't ambassadors are not good for long term storage -- You don't hold anything for long -- that that's the that's the problem with pastors so them editor the capacitor in the charger. And so move between charges is just kind of building up to carry out you pull which -- that's -- and it just -- clear the profit at. President -- greasy spot on every time more than paddles went -- that that's all this is really going to be good grief that's good to -- Let's see up we're talking here alive at that we should mention this a few minutes ago had been talking a lot about. Replicating what's on your Smartphone or your tablet or -- you -- small tablet which some very exposes them a future market -- to the dashboard of the car. Like we just did. With that technology there -- -- that -- would. Here's an Alpine -- it's gonna be launching in Europe first not for the US market -- Asia but it's using you take it on algae called mirror -- Which is a yet again another rebrand of what used to be called terminal out from Nokia. And then after that it was called the car connectivity consortium technology and now they're branding the actual technology -- link. And like you might imagine -- the name it's suppose to mirror. Any phone that uses this technology -- -- the dashboard. And though we're watching their little demo video here in a little we'll nordic girls on her phone she's on -- Nokia. Now she strolling over to her car and a -- you're watching a video version you'll see what they envisioned here once they get rid of mr. talking head. About how the phone -- goes up onto the screen really cleanly but this is really the main competitor to iPod out. -- of iPod out as one and the other one is this mirror -- and there's nothing quite like this for and what I don't think. Yet and grade still kind of is splitting in limbo there's -- supposed to be some sort of a hard work and activity in the next version but men and then that impending Timmy will hear something over the next couple weeks when they're the new version of interesting sandwich oh right. Because that's what's missing to the -- site is -- hardware spec hardware layer. That takes up the interface and puts it on another device like in a car and not just plays movies out -- they can do that already and HDMI. But to actually echo at the interface right and -- and to be able to receive details. Yeah right and just uses it because right now iPod out is just. A video -- just one way -- idea if you use at night out with. A device like I -- is that radio. You you don't -- touch sensitivity so YouTube -- -- your list you'll be able to tap the -- she'll still have to use physical gonna load that to use an -- up and down to scroll through a list to make your selections and thought so it you know animals one directional connection it's called -- -- that -- I'm happy to obstruct the -- etc. but I thought I'd like connect -- And this this I mean I think I can see the reason why this is only available in Europe and -- the classes. They just basic coolest optical -- old -- almost ten Nokia phones that I've never heard of right at. No one -- -- in this country until Microsoft and Nokia make a re launch in this country which is when we'll start to see this here and probably not a minute before. And Nokia uses its own really proprietary system right -- -- varied. And -- their own thing and they're big in -- they're they're huge in Europe you have been up and these are about to be a huge there's a huge partner for Windows Phone 7. And that's -- was -- -- they want in this group that they are part of -- has a dime -- In -- -- Cleary on Hyundai Honda. GM I think it's GM Europe I'm not sure. Delphi dims those Sony a lot of -- Toyota Volkswagen lot of big companies here aren't are teamed on this not exclusively. But are part of this consortium to at least have a bet on on mirror linked. I don't be anyone these are gonna win like -- follow -- iPod out has to beat -- link has to -- anything else is coming from Android. The -- is room for two or three these unfortunately for consumers not every device will connect to every car. But we've already got that in a lot of what's MIP that if you want to buy a -- -- -- you have to get a Nokia yet revealing -- echo if you wanna BMW you have to get an iPhone. Which I could see that happening. -- -- do it's gonna be it's gonna stay somewhat divided. And helped whose the mysterious case the whole -- Deborah -- -- at all and that's -- just thinking rather division -- BMW driver iPhone carrier good guy what does this horrible looking thing. This is. Those -- -- I believe it's pronounced the leaky and it's Catholic piggybacking on that sort of like -- -- -- a TV consortium -- -- streaming audio. A service that has enables print publishers. And I'm assuming web publishers also to develop their content. For mobile phone but what how it pertains to. The car is that for example leave the V it's forceful street is listed here if you're in a car you should be able to tap that and have -- read. The Sports Illustrated articles to you while you drive the kind of turning a magazine in two dynamic podcast. Useless for the swimsuit issue. Right that's just at the title as I'm -- you're seeing that ethanol that I wanna -- actively assisting. I haven't heard Syria do that yet but that's of interest -- kind of like a series technology from Apple. But again this is part of the same car connectivity consortium. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Right but it's free or paid doesn't really matter interest and com now -- all kinds of when news here about efficient vehicles and here's one that -- comes from very different source the US army and. Yes this is a new well the US army's actually interested in fuel efficiency for their military vehicle space -- nervous as -- ISS strategically important. It is logistically and so they've been working with -- for companies in one company big engineering company worldwide engineering company Ricardo. It's been working on this vehicle developed this thing which looks like the wart hogs from halo. And it really does big massive troop carrier it and it's it's really kind of a humvee replacement. But -- designed for fuel efficiency so it operates on a commons four cylinder diesel engine four cylinder interest -- which should be much more fuel efficient in the six point two liter V8. In the humvee -- grief I would hope so and but -- us to meet all the specs step to speed on all those requirements. -- -- up to you by using aluminum in the structure and the glass shield in the armor. You might think aluminum home I got I don't wanna -- aluminum there's people shooting media but you get -- plates of aluminum it's it's gonna have the same should have the same blocking characteristics hunt. Interest and on this this is this of horrified interest -- that is -- like V. One of the infinity is we've driven -- has -- pedal that pushes back didn't send that to its -- at the big seller -- feedback that'll. And a fuel economy display to inform drivers that operate the vehicle to get the best deal on it at. Yeah I -- gonna get away from someone shooting at me and I don't want that pedal to push back and not even a little bit. And watch the little Green meter to tell you you know -- I innocent project seller if you can't go that hard it. C six speed automatic transmission from -- an Asian manufacturer puts a lot of transmissions in cars that we drive already today so again -- kind of pulling some. Some mainstream automotive manufacturers and the mix here. And trying to tap into what the mainstream auto market has already been doing in terms of efficiency you know more -- seek noise at the sweet spot on -- -- In line for -- -- what's -- cool. That's really a small -- of -- small motor it's a small number Sandra generated so displacement and -- could before leader could be success and it hasn't -- -- -- like it's like nine leaders -- -- but did divided across only for each arm is -- million -- a port for its a big big displays and equals big -- home. Let's say this is one that I think is. All of -- local interest -- in any city people feel this pain so there may be hope for you coming from San Francisco. Where there is and this is hard to believe that any city would want to. -- safer for people to get towed -- -- huge revenue. But apparently. There is a pressure here by -- neon supervisor in San Francisco who wants to see an Apple offered to by the city or at least. Cool. Presented by the city. They'll give you warning when your car's about to be -- That's remarkably charitable. That that would be nice but it is also nice to if you walk to the curb where you parked your car. And it's not there and you're taking. Could somebody steal it the David Wright is -- or did I park. Three blocks over and I forgot -- -- that a couple sorry I gotta get my current drive at that point but as monitoring -- the next morning union foreign -- It's Catholic but is illegal by the way is it yeah I didn't know that hundreds of stories and others that -- not go to -- that -- -- -- in store in the news today I was reading -- this week and it was about some -- Goes where it was this -- to sleep it off at the current -- illegal in California that is. Driving. Wall under the influence He would you in the trunk. It will then I'm Richard okay does they they want -- -- -- -- to order the controls. But I didn't ever had to guess they put off when your own car must review our in the -- literally but you can't be in the car though -- that He had the guy got arrested for that in the deficit on the -- watch against it in the party. See these different -- and used to be good sleep but also anywhere in the market where somebody can just -- opened at a line asleep at all -- yet. That's a leading open one like -- like a little capsule hotel and every lake kind of bar dislike those little Tokyo Canon exactly forget god can I -- -- real little drier. But I do let's occupy the -- -- all sleep it off this weekend. Crying out loud it's better than driving by far aren't so anyway this is those on the could be coming up by the San Francisco we will keep -- -- on this one and C. If it ends up being what it says here he's calling the supervisor on the -- departments. To provide data for developers and Smartphone apps geared toward tow away zones so they can have some kind of a data source to build. They're -- toward and find a way to let you know obvious of the -- had recently about the -- the tow truck driver or the meter may which in San Francisco always accompanies the tow truck. They gotta be there when the -- the car gets hitched. And then they have to do something through some wireless technology to say this spot. Majority gotten your database we're about to executed so wanna get the -- -- to picture the license plate and that'll go up and turn into you know photo to text. But it's fasting to finally see someone actually do something like this and that can tie into the sort of parking notification because that's spots open now. Nolan and sizes to the other one has caused or better yet it's really a nasty thing that spots open -- for the next two hours it's still -- way but they don't tell you that FFI and now they get to tell another car. Apparently Boston Denver Chicago already have a something like this for street cleaning days but I don't know if they haven't for -- -- way specifically -- chemical to be a first. Let's see now. Getting off the not totally tech story but apparently we have a new three series sedan debuting -- -- next week tomorrow tomorrow. And they're gonna -- -- -- on FaceBook. I don't with a wide screen -- kind of thing in their data unveiling at their factory in Munich. Which. I'm kind of thinking why don't they then -- at the LA outage at its coming right isn't. This is not -- -- of it's literally like a month and change their BMW I think they just wanna do all their current bills virtually now this wanna be cool. -- and this is -- I spoke this is I don't think this is a huge update the three series is. And it's been around for a little while the current model so maybe it is due for something significant. It's pretty fresh it's only gets a -- its long in the tooth yeah it be -- if -- -- -- -- four cylinder engine and that's I think that could be a possibility -- -- but turtle for yet and they're doing that in the the Z four. And they're really seem like engine technology translates well to the FaceBook crowd. -- that's the court thing where you hostel pictures up in your gallery we do live streaming you go hey look what it looks like -- -- -- like yeah and then they go about their daily I don't think they're -- be just -- a ton. I mean it -- well but. I don't think that's -- -- -- of course one yet here's we have from auto express here they have some kind of piping they captured this video which it's a heavily disguised. Three series if you're watching our video version here's what everything glean from that it. Really heavily -- -- Israel's tough real nice Paisley black and white print all over that -- a similar shape to the current period. I hope they do hope they do because I gotta say I've been I've been turned off by the bank glare -- is more -- or more so than anybody out there. But now. Is -- -- on the track but it doesn't look much different can't told -- I hope they -- pick up some of the DNA of the of the current five series. Which is such a great looking car as long as they stay away from everything that's happening with the six series right now. Oh yeah the car that is -- actually eat it gets uglier and look at it has to go it -- to go start over. Start over cancel the six for a couple years and bring it back. -- it as they say rethink it. But if they pick up some five series I can't really -- from seeing that He -- kind of got that. Kind of high rumpled with a different curve to it in some money sculpting that would that would be a nice way to -- the family together. Because split -- -- look at I would imagine the design language is going. And easily make Simon was more common GM vehicles except the most for Nissan it's good yeah yeah just like well yes I want to stay at a YS. Qwest come from there's nothing in the common need to -- -- any other car in their line. That -- it doesn't -- was a quiet second look then down the dark garage will be talking about this later the reviews about to go up in the video but it was like. I didn't know if that was in the sole owner of Volkswagen what -- Europa and they still make that her. Will debut in Europe dated and the whole thing and Volkswagen and licensing the Chrysler town and country for the -- time here. He via U unaware that now are they gonna do that -- -- thirty minute. Rutan and is based on time but it's a town -- country platform out of town and country bought and is a town and country would double -- invention and yes that's right starting -- -- starting late. Two years ago and it is so yeah that's what we don't have a leading knew when and if -- reduce -- the time it does it look that's similar. -- -- Really -- a delay on hold on the -- on it remember with a -- I know I like at all not at all removed yes. I didn't make that connection -- we haven't had a Rutan -- because like you say this is the town and country well. -- I guess it is different faces -- not even differing grill. -- look at the headlights yet it's that's a damn town and country headline that -- at that I had no idea. Elliott is given -- one of these does well what's the point of interest. And we don't that He lot of email on that one big guys what generations have really aren't -- -- -- got one of those new now. -- -- -- Right so let's wrap it up we go on the road here with the perhaps the most most interesting story of the week. And most useless. Press release from a site called -- my ride which I'd never heard of apparently filters to dead guys who wanna date girls buy their car. So you distilling what kind of a car you are not sure how they verify that. And if you got a real. But they see your old beat up or smelly car thinking if you're a -- you're out. Our customer satisfactions -- number one priority. Commented mr. owner of -- my ride we can't jeopardize our site's unique dating experience. By allowing folks to date other people who drive cars -- no air conditioning want. Or cars that haven't been -- -- since 1999. This not only creates a negative dating experience -- a potentially creates a number of elevations that are. Physically and mentally that's that's. This -- trying to rationalize and a public health basis. But the bottom line which is chicks don't like guys are stupid cars -- -- -- wrap it up in a public utility thing. -- London's -- got a great quotes here and this is one of the best of the best quoted CEOs and have never heard. And -- regular herded did I read is apparently it is the most popular car based dating site. In that -- category remember oh now what. This -- a trip. And nobody that's an it would look a look at this they got us talking about it and what -- -- -- -- I'm gonna go to Dave -- right now and I'm gonna pull the damn sight of -- I gotta see this looks like however He points out we've been asking our users to trade in their and goes for newer organizer -- -- -- definitely went -- He went appeared to be residents and those are cool though He blew that 13 -- In -- for car lovers they call -- interstate. So let's see in did you dream date his -- you on the highway probably not. Since we're gonna search services Google searchers to the site works okay gender but they were looking and -- -- -- lady. Right vehicle also -- you filter her by vehicle. Not anything else for not doing it to age rating the first thing is vehicle it's -- we choose Acura Integra Acura in tiger oh -- -- like that. Artist -- let's say top cities in San Francisco just just possibly. Let's see it's obvious in California. There's -- -- too stupid to figure that out. And then I'm gonna go to USA dissolves and that logic built in either every country is really that global hunt the because everybody is on -- my -- aged between eighteen and just gonna want a little fun here 79. Apply let's see what happens. And if I gotta remember -- -- He would pull something out what you got okay grinding grinding during Dana. And has got nothing writes let's say come on office says the user every article about leap into social someone's at at this as an interface to mr. cousins in skis and may have better luck with -- and the Prius in San Francisco you're right that's the restaurant 1 -- -- -- -- this crazy. This crazy diversion and every car in the world here come on dude if that. They point out here to unit to you know if if a woman wants to meet which -- a big shot look for people driving a Bentley Ferrari -- portion -- I wouldn't that yes tortured we need is a flower girl in search for girl with a Volkswagen but I. Anything comes up under Prius California's San Francisco between eighteen and Severino alive in their new women on this site access. And -- let's go check for it dude. He has an MR two spider -- between eighteen and 79 let's find this big poses that ensued -- -- there's not there's not one that woman in this site -- all looked -- -- are you kidding. It's the ugly its web site on the Internet today. And the premise is really kind of screwy still sending request a -- Begin -- -- otherwise now there's not there's and there's nobody on the site that is not gender based -- -- tumble weeks. He said they've had 100 reported successful dates. Yeah all between the CEO -- his plans -- people on the site that I. It's the same two people gonna fifty times. -- its of those there are stories this week -- lets -- let's -- does get real serious on the road as we get a really cool car this week. We've had a number of mustangs in this year been lucky to have a number of those of Wii title drought there for awhile log -- asking where the mustang -- to -- a bunch of men this year. I think you'll -- -- we have that we haven't had lately is. One of the more interesting of the rarefied so Winamp -- take us for right now in the 2012. Mustang boss 302. -- I'd. This thing fires up well. -- nearly as quickly as the news and now it doesn't. NASA does of the Ford Mustang boss three I would do. -- historical name plate for board. And what they've essentially done is taken there. -- five liter. V8 engine they have made use it in the -- mustang GT. And -- slap the super charger. Along with a few other things. It's. -- don't on the -- integrated. I think it's actually just like and updated intake. And -- deal at like 32 horsepower. Enough sport supercharged. Okay yeah but that basically the next few 440. Horsepower -- Max -- on 380 pound feet of torque. Right there's a big fat intake on the top engine is huge -- -- -- that mr. diapers supercharged. V. It easy to mistakenly especially with the power that it's got -- -- six speed manual transmission here. Which. The mechanical field. Now people who -- a mustang probably enjoy that. You know -- -- Detroit iron underneath. Underneath there were getting when you -- that day -- handle. The -- a little bit error and actually get to the binder here. Right the throw is a little bit short buttons. It's relative to with the the lateral motion educate which is merely -- only about a half an inch between birds and -- -- -- are a little long -- -- it's not really. What I would consider like us superstore in a standard and takes some getting used to but more often than not you're gonna -- is open -- -- coming out of first and you'll send it. One that. I should mention. The scars kind of famous because that board said comes with -- track key. The special key that -- includes some programming if you use that cancer of the -- -- And it changes the -- engine that -- -- a little bit gives you more low end torque. Yet -- like a big tail off of that my key technology -- -- kind of originally pitching at that parents keep your teenagers from wrecking your car. Does the opposite the opposite of that you use the special rate -- -- vehicle. And it basically just I think force is over 200 engine parameters to give you better respond. A from the intent and what they're doing a better -- -- -- There's the boss now. This -- sits in a very interesting part of -- history they made the regional boss for just two years to 69 and seventy. And what they did was they took a to the standard block was -- the Windsor block which come a garden variety -- -- bottom and replace all the rotating stuffed with forged parts I think it's been fashionable to higher -- block. And they threw the legendary Cleveland heads on which had the big valves and Puerto differently and all that -- -- basic high breathing high -- Standard -- five liter V8. Now yen and 30 it will four point nine leader is the original quite unreal 302 is -- the 302 cubic inches or brightness when nine. Is this is a five liter so it's not exactly delivery and into community it's a little more writes via the real or some something like that a -- but. And it sits in the egg in its its in a weird space Ford loads having like 32 different versions of and the current generation mustang in any given time available so this sites. Just above the GT but just -- the GT 500. So it fits yes more powered in the natural than the regular naturally desperate one but needed the new -- -- below the supercharged Shelby race. Yet but the king of the road of the Shelby GT 500 and it's. It's more of a sporting mustang the Shelby which is more of a drag mustang. -- -- He says I mean that that that the -- -- power comes on the Shelby is light. It's meant for straight yet agreement and I just it's it's actually that the torque curve for -- felt really flat really -- Manages it didn't really matter what gear you wish -- were in it would give you some sort -- -- -- and six year earlier fit your knickers and and in roughly two miles per hour and you want it to. -- and when you just put. More -- to see that on the -- pointing attitude and it just meets -- agree noise it's just you just kinda wanna lumber around town with a program -- of anabolic -- -- a great setting in great setting -- and I didn't notice. A law I mean there is a slight difference between this and the GT I think. With GT five point you'd be pretty happy this might make you a little happier because it's got the better power ethic. And dramatically different -- yet in this case allowed that powers its in the top into the ran. Big red is higher the standard GT -- -- certain most of those they had an additional 32 horse power is that the top end I think if you look at the torque curve. Without the track key. Those the low end torque on this -- may actually. -- less -- lets you actually lose some foot pounds of -- -- -- like eighteen foot pounds -- scrubbed off on this -- -- -- energy T and add the 32 ports and so it's interesting tradeoff because they didn't -- induction latest data and then they have very straight vertical -- that's why you of that high intake does nothing in there. But they've got the intake coming -- bring in the -- the cold air. Mixing it with the -- it's not direct injection still port and then slamming it straight down. To get the velocity done differently than those typical in takes account of her flat and make a hard turn in the cylinder engines and -- great velocity coming in there -- -- in kind of ahead. But it doesn't have more low and -- it has more horsepower yet subtle twist and and I think that's kind of light need the meat case. Or they kind of market this says Steve note that the entry level -- -- because that's really the only place you're gonna be able to keep -- up. Like that without attracting a ton of -- -- Nvidia vice. From an -- man with a bad -- And -- -- discourages me a lot of noise in the noises and it comes from this is it up but only car we've ever had in. That has. Dual dual exhaust that has the duels go in the badly hit across in the middle chassis and they go out and then they bleed off exhaust from the middle of that crossed to two side exit pipes. That are hidden under -- these flat. Flattened kind of like oval mouth pipes or even see him but they just bleed off some sound Ford says no exhaust comes out of -- to speak -- -- Kansas apparently they say that did any put that there. In case you decide you want to do that. So that you know did the of the piping is already there is so if you wanna put it is it blocked it -- -- -- I think it'd there's some sort of way -- relates images and remove as a way to be easily modify able I think the I think it. The Marines out some I think you can pull them plates -- adjust the number plates that are in there I didn't see were they when it. It was kinda like items you've got any port -- on won't stick plates in or out. But I'll call reading something like and the press release it's -- -- slick is just wanna put like a battle there in -- or photo open it with sightings off to the track. And basically have you know I guess the less restrictive -- -- -- you can -- that you I mean it's not really each year it's more about. I think it's like a little -- the UB engineers left in there to lot of plumbing in there they put limits -- nicely bled off from the center and over the sides nicely tucked in you'll see it but they are -- side exits down by the back of each in the front doors. Six speed manual only of course. Only a very simple -- low suspension in the sense it's still alive rear axle. And slow truck suspension basically but it handles well that's surprising -- and -- of the GT two is it really groups the road well despite the live axle. This does a good job it's not like it's the -- live -- -- felt like. That's gonna hop every time you hit -- -- it did at the pavement near the back in feels pretty planet you're going around the corner really wants to stick down. You know gets -- gets to grip on the tires well yet and they don't the that -- they'll let go will hop around a lot I thought was a lot of fun to drive it didn't have a a tale happy -- You know now is very neutral. But then also that the -- of things that I didn't really like most current breaks I. And gaelic you know when we when we drive -- -- we do the on the -- attendants like the thick Indian had a car so you'll notice that you know sometimes it. Route we'll just you know it feels a little weird but you know an effort when African on the -- -- car. I didn't think it had -- -- -- -- or anything I thought they were just regular. Yes you know basic or breaks -- they don't slow the car down. Spectacularly well but they are -- those they're just I don't know they just don't have a good feel to them. By the way the Brent -- in the slots were. I'm thinking maybe a millimeter away from the inside of the -- this could be a very Dicey -- put after market wheels because the clearances like. I think if you -- a different hard you might -- that we'll enough to hit the road to get the caliper I've never seen breaks that close it was just like there's no airspace so. Out of the wheels were -- that's why I was looking at different wheels -- -- pleasantly -- let me there's plenty of -- around the newsreels and don't go to London river band antenna unit of the entire would -- -- to Flexilis visited -- in -- Net -- that I don't think it'll be an issue standard nineteen. And twenties are available. Com the other thing about this car it's interesting is. As there is no tech. New this is the only car outside of their commercial truck line and not even all of -- -- That doesn't have sync. Nothing -- you -- think it's a present as it is in the base it is in the regular mustang yes. And they've vacuum -- right out of there are no sync aux Jack but not the -- aux Jack just and popular aux Jack a button since satellite that doesn't do doesn't do anything at all. -- cat and folder doesn't do anything and never will. It was really a balls He -- led him to say. It -- you look at all the German cars that do there are versions of their RS and they take out the window listen to give yes strapped to close the door but -- a lot I drive. This car. There's even have sync and I bit sync weighs about four ounces to put in a car and they pulled it out in the -- had that extra effort -- Every engineer -- they -- MacArthur too -- to still start without saying that. That's -- of a move. -- -- No sunroof available no -- -- But they don't. Everything tricky with a group of carbon fiber notes distant white black or white and edit that big white panels a little -- -- and look at it and asked down I. Only those little boss think from the sixties no. -- only thirty then but I don't ever call you wanna pretend like you're mustangs and many. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A little bit of a -- ish angle to its lowered about half an -- little bit less from the front is only blood drives and little blue that you like run into curbs -- -- just -- -- to the -- although it's got that our body. They don't generally you get some decent ground clearance -- there yet when -- -- that often you're gonna hear yet you will have a great exhibit. We -- on that driveway at sonic yet. That and exalt let everyone know you're there -- system. Around here no bottom in Georgia right yeah yeah -- their in the burial out of they're gonna find some get up with a -- yeah let's go. Technically it's good at the Boston -- we get there in no time. Of issue you won't get there -- only take a guess because this -- and ethnic and not so did not exceed eleven miles per gallon -- -- that's so there. During the entirety of the testing we give you is leaning on that note here is that being so I have an interest in story about how I accidentally ended up -- from Allen this car on the last day we had it. So leave town. And then to political drive up in the marine Hedlund and the Mike you -- When I believe there's an accord taking -- in them dislike -- most -- on the way back. Soon -- -- drives its morning time new ones on the road. I'm headed back. In a valley you know. Early morning almost afternoon upload to the gas station -- computer says fifteen -- anti and I go very cool and gestational fill -- Where's my wallet. No no. -- -- six miles away most thankful in San Francisco on the other side of the golden gate raise like 2530. Miles from home media fifty -- -- So I tested. And -- hyper -- all the way back so you made it. I made -- you -- 45 miles out of that fifteen euros thirty miles -- been the last like six have been minted -- multi touch. I hate that feeling anything to receive his view of the entire week and it did it's your computers at ten point five in one day I candidate to eleven. I did look at the computer I remember I -- quoted the of the EPA on it which is they optimistic 1726. You're saying we're not even gonna get years city -- that interesting. Interesting -- well. It's it's -- it's hard breathing got it's a 42 car and its point that out to users sixty in the skies for -- motor trends number anyway. So it's a fast car for thirty -- 3600 pounds. So anyway that's that's a boss 302 it's a -- it's a very cool car it's kind of they may -- -- the -- fashioned way sounds great. No tech available or standard to speak up let -- Bluetooth hands free but even -- Very interest -- -- easier to Italy and exactly and they don't offer any fancy audio you get the old of the standard -- system with out those big bulging front door speakers which I'd like to seagull one there are hideous when they're in but no kicker 500 kicker 1000. It's like -- -- code -- discarded you don't you know why even have a radio and correlate that give more tech and the Shelby. Oh yeah you get more -- you'd get more -- and a Fiat 500 at. Literally -- USB Jack I think so. So this is stripped down no techie -- very interesting message and I don't know how limited the production is insurance limited but they're not trying to sell this to everybody. -- I really liked it if it kind of tied in to -- with a three series. And a that 9911 we had in recent GTS different Cardiff and capability but had them real pure feeling and of a nice three series of the manual. Or a GTS of this car all three cities gave me the same feeling -- highlight driving this car and I don't it -- -- tech. Norton until it I have to -- dragster it's fun around -- and a person who's slick looking for an image car unless you live in an area where people know about cars. You'll get no respect in -- million U. Only global -- -- yesterday in San Francisco people in look at just -- twice news. And no -- unless it was to sneer at me for me He too much right. -- This is not a card that would -- to anywhere in the smile states you gotta go heartland this guy but boy what a great drive it'll be our literally one -- my ride that comes. Q well as every other card and the ability to use zero women that are waiting to override -- -- folks that's our show for this week that's -- car tech live you know how to reach Joseph -- -- -- the CNET car tech garage almost forgot -- our latest reviews right now are the boss 302. And and the Nissan Quest what a great -- so the quest 3.5 SL really nice -- -- -- -- Weird look and thing. Least tighter standards coming up next we currently have the Volvo S sixty are which is -- hot rod. Bold -- for the grown upset. Amber getting the new Nissan Versa in the new revised Nissan Versa which has the did the new lines and everything we gotta hit America coming in -- next week gap -- -- Penn emeritus was to him and I'd. Don't I don't remember which version this is in my -- tests for -- kind of thing okay. Nabisco we had a base -- in a -- I think. It -- looking forward to interesting -- is a fascinating -- to drive we haven't driven it. -- this is the same card has now become the sourdough starter for a lot of Porsche technology the 9/11 just got the interior will -- the center stack. At of the -- -- -- the real important car for them as a tech platform -- with the proviso that. Let's -- -- -- reach us folks the site the master site for CNET car tech is car tech. Dot email us what your thoughts comments or questions its car tech at And -- -- a voice -- for -- roadside assistance show. Which we do every week as well 866401. Scene at 8664012638. Its toll free call at a course follow us on Twitter -- tweet what's going on around CNET car tech. Long before you to the show every week I'm Brian Cooley BR IE MC OO LEY Wayne is Wayne C underscore SF. And into one is it -- -- GOO. Basis do you know what the controls and we'll see you next week for another edition. A cnet's car tech live my --

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