Windows 11: Will Microsoft learn from past mistakes?
Windows 11: Will Microsoft learn from past mistakes?

Windows 11: Will Microsoft learn from past mistakes?

Operating Systems
Speaker 1: There's something strange that happens when Microsoft releases a new version of windows every other time, there's a new version of windows. It has a terrible launch and people hate it. Will Microsoft continue the curse with windows 11? Here are the lessons we hope Microsoft learned from past windows. Launch mistakes, Speaker 1: Love windows 98. Hate windows, Emmy love [00:00:30] windows, XP hate Vista. Uh, love windows seven. Ugh. What was up with windows eight? And that's Stard scream. Love windows 10. So what's in store with windows 11. Is it doomed? Here are five mistakes. Microsoft has surely learned from past windows. Launch has gone sour and the company wouldn't make these mistakes again right less than one. Don't get [00:01:00] Bloy. This became in one of the many issues of Vista when it launched in 2007, now Vista looked very cool. I loved the graphic interface called arrow with a glass like design. It was done, right? Futurey and slick, but looking cool. Didn't matter when the experience didn't feel more slick for many folks upgrading from XP to Vista for one, some of that blo like the cool graphics. Well, it would drain a laptop battery, faster Vista wasn't scoring well on speed [00:01:30] tests. Speaker 1: And it could be quick to overheat some machines and windows 11. This said it'd be better for battery life. So maybe we dodged that issue. But back to Vista, you needed more powerful hardware to handle Vista, which was not communicated well to consumers. So maybe you would walk into a best buy shopping for a new PC. And this snazzy Toshiba satellite would catch your eye. All four pounds of it. It was built for windows XP, but there is this sticker [00:02:00] on it that reads windows Vista capable. Check it out. Ooh, you bet you can upgrade this one. Right? Well, that sticker was being slapped on machines. That just barely meant the requirements of what Vista needed to run at its best. So for a lot of folks just trying it out, the machine wasn't powerful enough and Vista was sluggish and frustrating and yes, I always kept the stickers on my laptop. Speaker 1: I have no idea why, but it certainly came in handy for this video. So [00:02:30] thank you. My old buddy, I appreciate that Microsoft may have leaned heavily in the other direction. This time around for windows 11, there are very strict hardware requirements to install windows 11. And that also has annoyed a lot of users because suddenly it feels like Microsoft is making you buy a new PC. Not many computers will have what it takes to upgrade. In fact, if your PCs from 2018 or earlier, don't count on upgrading. Microsoft [00:03:00] has a PC health check application to see if your computer can be upgraded. Otherwise you will stay on windows 10, which is only supported for four more years. Lesson two do not break compatibility. During upgrades to Vista folks found their old applications wouldn't work any more surprise and things like wireless cards or printers didn't work because many add-ons needed new driver software. Speaker 1: And when companies later rushed to make that driver [00:03:30] software, sometimes it was a little wonky and led to crashes, not good, less than three don't rush a release rushing leads to companies, not not having drivers ready. Like we just talked about rushing leads to something like windows, me millennium edition, which came out in the year 2000. It ended up being dubbed mistake edition because it was so buggy and it crashed for the smallest things. It was very big on that blue screen of death. Maybe Microsoft didn't give it a lot of love because it was just something hold us [00:04:00] over until the next year when windows XP was released, not cool. Lesson four, don't be annoying. Microsoft wanted to give Vista a big boost in security features, but that extra protection meant users gotta pop up. Every single time they tried to do something, asking if they were okay with giving permission to make a change. This is called user account control and we still have it today. But when it was introduced, it was a constant popup party and it needed to be toned down a [00:04:30] bit. It was one of the many things, apple really mocked well in its Mac versus PC commercials. Speaker 2: Hello, I'm a Mac. Mac is issued a salutation, cancel or allow, allow. And I'm a PC you're returning max salutation cancel or allow, allow, okay, what Mac is asking question cancel or allow, allow he's part of Vista my new operating Speaker 1: System, less than five don't change everything we know and make us relearn everything. I'm looking at you. Windows eight, it killed the start menu blocks are everywhere. [00:05:00] Just that garbage, trying to get you to touch your laptop screen. And then you could go into another mode that still had the classic stuff for a mouse. So there was this split personality to the operating system, all because Microsoft wanted to force you into liking this mobile software design. You gotta live in that app world with the windows store. Where's the control panel. People couldn't even figure out how to shut down the stupid thing. People like windows because it's familiar. And this wasn't familiar from the [00:05:30] early look at windows 11. We know that Microsoft has changed the start menu. Once again. Yeah. Along with some other user interface controls that have changed. I Don, if Microsoft is making the same mistake here again, early testers have done some griping, at least whatever. This new start menu lacks. You can change it from being in the center by default, over to the left, where nature intended it to be. [00:06:00] Listen, Microsoft. I know sometimes change could be good. I'm just looking for a little stability in my life right now, cuz I'm fragile like a fragile thing. Speaker 1: After every problematic windows launch, Microsoft has addressed many issues through patches and updates or it improved the design in the next version of windows. Sometimes the changes just aren't released at the right time or [00:06:30] in the best way. But I wanna hear from you in the comments, so jumping in gripe about what was your worst windows experience? Also a few guides to windows 11 into the description below and links on how to upgrade and here's to hoping that Microsoft breaks that launch curse and you have a good windows, 11 upgrade experience, or just wait to see what happens to everyone else first to upgrades. Cause that's what I do.

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