The 404 Show 1,549: Fall videogame round-up, Apple Watch and Apple Pay, male birth control (podcast)
The 404 Show 1,549: Fall videogame round-up, Apple Watch and Apple Pay, male birth control (podcast)

The 404 Show 1,549: Fall videogame round-up, Apple Watch and Apple Pay, male birth control (podcast)

Jeffrey. Question for you. [LAUGH] Okay. Serious question. I, I'm filled with nothing but serious answers. When you came into this world as a, as a pink, adorable little baby. I was definitely pink. I probably looked like a, just born like puppy. Sure. Who's all rosy. And, and where was that puppy located? What do you mean? Like where? Like regionally? Oh. Where was I born? Yeah. Oh. In Brooklyn. Really? Yeah. I thought you were Jersey born and bred? No. In fact Oh my, I was going to say, I was about to call BS on that. No, no. I, I grew up in Queens. And then ditched. Good old New York>> Yeah, I mean, I grew up my my childhood is, is, is in New Jersey as well. I thought you are like this is like a fashion week thing and you were just like that was like latest trend with what ever shirt you were wearing>>Okay. And it wasn't true to your soul.>> Sure let's turn the tables and look at your get up sir o my goodness where did you just come from church. Yeah at church actually. Where were you? You know. I converted. I was in Midtown. I was doing a little TV stuff in midtown. For what? >FOX business. So Rush does FOX business like on the regular? I do it like once every two weeks or so. That's pretty often, man. It's pretty often. Yeah. You like it there? Yeah it's nice. They're very, they're good people. You know we don't always agree 100% of the time but that's fine. Who's who's the guy again that rich dude? Barney is the host [CROSSTALK] I'm gonna go to rush, rush stick and he's gonna tell us what's going on. Stewart not the most tech savvy person in the world but Yeah. is eager to learn. All right. There's white-out all over his iPhone. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] All right, it is Wednesday, September 10th. Russ Frushtick is here. Let's start the show. [MUSIC] Welcome to the 404 Show. I'm Jeff [UNKNOWN], joined by Rush [UNKNOWN] today. How are you, Russ? Very good, thanks, Jeff. Thanks for being here. Ariel Nunez on the board. Hello. Good morning, sir. Pip pip. Pip pip. So Russ, you've had quite the interesting couple of months. Your summer has been that of dynamic moves. Yes I mean not really the summer. It was more like August I would say. I thought August was in the summer. I stand corrected. But I wouldn't call the entire summer a summer of dynamic moods. Sure. Pretty much just August. So tell the fine people. What is going on in your life? What's changed? What's stayed the same and, and where does it hurt? Sure, it hurts everywhere. Especially, my heart. [LAUGH] Right. I since we last spoke, I'm I departed from Polygon. It was a friendly departure. Amicable? Very amicable. We still get along. Shared custody, all that stuff. No I was, potentially, I mean i'm gonna be lame and vague about what's going on. But yeah, I decided I was ready to broaden a little bit beyond just video games and try something new and, sorry I can't be more specific, but essentially just yeah, get, trying something a little broader than what I was doing and. I, you know I built Polygon with with seven other folks, and we, I was really happy with the product, I still really happy with the site. Right. It's doing really well I just sort of, you know, you get to that point where you've been at a place for a while and you sorta hit a wall challenge wise. Like personally, I wasn't as challenged as I was when we were launching the site, so I thought, hey this seems like a good time. Bit of a slow period. And then three days later Gamergate happens, I'm like Ok, well good luck guys. [LAUGH] Just sort of slowly backpedal out of that room. Yeah. So you've traded in your T-shirt and shorts for a suit and tie. This is really just today. You caught me on a very odd day. Well I guess it happens somewhat regularly but. Yeah I'm Garcia today. Let's not be misleading though. You still are keeping a limb in the pond. Right, you'll probably still see me doing gaming stuff here and there. You'll still probably see my byline here and there, at various publications. It's not my main focus but I definitely still love video games. I still love playing video games. I was up until very late last night playing Destiny. Mm-hm. It's still very much a big part of who I am. So, if you like video games, hey, so do I. [LAUGH] I'm still a guy for that. Yeah. Well, that's very comforting to know. Speaking of games that just came out. Yeah. I wanna talk about. Destiny. I literally just mentioned that. That would have been a really good segue. To say like you just mentioned Destiny, so that, you missed it though. It's fine, it's gone. yeah, well this is my first week podcasting. I'll learn those cues over time. OK. Cut me some slack. So here is Destiny. We're just checking out some gameplay footage. This is from E3 I think. All right. The game is out. A little bit of controversy with it's launch. Sure. Right? A little bit of like, hey. Was there? Yeah, a little bit. What was the controversy? Well, I'd say the controversy was more on the review end. Okay. Where it. Oh, the overview of it. Right. So it kind of came out and there was no. Well one, there was no review event. Yeah. And two, they didn't turn on the switch. Yeah. The servers. Sure. Until Monday. Sure. Which is unconventional. Unconventional, especially for what's arguably the biggest game of the year. Yeah. It's rare. Some games have done it. Like al- almost all of Blizzard games do that. Like Diablo. Flip the switch. Like there's no [INAUDIBLE] session with Diablo. It's not totally rare. I, it's interesting. I think it's kind of a controversy within the games media. [CROSSTALK] It's not like a public sort of issue. I'm speaking inside basis. I would also say like, I don't think it was conspiracy in the sense that we're going to like put this game out as late as possible. I mean if the game was like, clearly garbage. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised this, you know, they sent out copies like late, whatever. Sure. I think was like a, they were probably working on it like right down to the write, and I will say this, kudos to them, it works. Yeah. Like there's no issues. I cannot remember an online game that launched as smoothly as this. Well, I mean. Give credit to words do as far, you know, top of mind, Activision has had pretty smooth releases. Yeah. Considering every year they're, they're popping out a Call of Duty. Yeah. They have a lot of practice. But even Call of Duty like, first day, can be a little bit hairy. Can be dicey. And this launch was very smooth. Not to mention like again, cross-platform, it's on a lot of platforms. Yeah. And So, so kudos to that. Like that's a really impressive feat. So I played about 15 hours of the beta, which is way more than I should have. That's a lot. I probably put in like three hours. Right. Four hours, maybe. And now, maybe, about four hours into the, into the game. So we've probably played comparable amount of the final. Right. So, So, I want to get your, your vibe on it. This is a major game people. You should definitely have it on your radar. If just for the amount of time, effort, and money- Yeah. That's been sunken into this game- Yeah. And maybe, you know, that compromises the whole sort of outlook on it too. I think that's a talking point as well. It's like, when does a game transcend its actual quality and become bigger than what it really is because of the hype and because of the marketing? Sure. But what are your first impressions of Destiny? It's weird because I played a chunk of it in the beta and essentially like the first few hours is in the beta. Right. A lot of the same content. I think the multiplayer experience is really pretty damned impressive. I think being able to drop in and drop out people's parties and co op really quickly is really cool. Gameplay wise it's Halo. Like, it, it's very, very similar to Halo. Which is kind of interesting when you think of like, Bunjie, you know, spent all this money and could've made any game they wanted. But they, like did a very refined. Cool or just looking Halo game. Don't you think though it's worth pointing out that the gameplay does feel less floaty than Halo? It does. I like, I think the guns feel a lot better. I think movement feels a lot better. And I, you know, obviously they have stuff like the customizable gear and the customizable classes, skills, and all that stuff. Other stuff. I don't want to be dismissive of what the game is. But, I would say, if you de, despise Halo, you're probably not going to like this Ya. I mean, you know, I still say it's worth trying, you know Ya. And just because, you know just because I'm saying, you know, I, I think there's People had their chance, it was They did, they did It was free, it was in beta. And if you haven't tried it already, well, what were, you know, what were you waiting for. Ya. But. You know, I, I just think, for me it's more of, like, the depth and my, my, my anxiety towards the fact that I'm not really sold on the whole story. Okay. Not, yeah. The, the, the subject [CROSSTALK]. You, you, like, you, literally, the story of the universe and what's going on in the game? Yeah. I- I have no idea. I don't know. And a part of the reason is I think when they made this stadium they did not think about the multiplayer aspect of playing this sort of game where you never play attention to cut scenes and you never listen dialogue. You're just plowing through and that's fine. Yeah. In a lot of instances people play single player and then play it in coop. You pretty much have to play in coop. You don't have to. It's a lot of fun in coop. Right. . And, I just sort of like, when the cutscenes are playing, I like go to my inventory and mess around with that. Right. Literally, I would, I hit the guide button, went to the Playstation store, and used the download code I had while a cutscene was playing. When I got back it was over. Right. And, I don't feel like I'm missing anything so it is interesting that, like the story isn't really latching onto people. I don't know that I personally care, because I think the gameplay is really solid and they did a good job. Well and they know that. They know that their strongpoint. Sure. Is the gameplay and the story. And I would also say like story-wise, it's been a long time be, since I've cared about the story in a Halo game. So like. Of course. Clearly. But, but, but, I mean, right off the bat though. Yeah. The Halo story. As, as sort of clinched as it is. Sure. Feels stronger than it, than it is here. And I think a lot of that is like the antalog sharee of like it being a single player game. Well primarily a single player game. Yeah. and. It's just like, you're, it's just a very focused experience. Where this, you know, if you make a game that has to work for multiple people. Right, no easy task. Yeah. It's tricky. So, but I would agree with you, the story I have no idea. That Peter [UNKNOWN] is floating around, he's a robot has big balls, it likes everybody. The [UNKNOWN] don't like the ball. That's pretty much it. That's really what it's about. It's about a ball. Yeah. It's about a ball. It's about a ball. [CROSSTALK] They were going between Destiny and about a ball. Yeah. And they chose the former. Yeah. All right. So, so destiny's the biggest game of Oh, I do want to say one thing about Destiny. Sure. Last night I played on remote play. I don't know if you've tried this yet. So you're, so remote play is when you use your Vita. The Vita. To log into your PS4 Yeah. Locally. Yes. Which seems, I think a lot of people might see, the, think that's stupid. Well there's the lag. There's very minor lag which I can feel, but first of all in games like Diablo it doesn't matter at all, like it's really playable. It's not a twitch game. And they're very smart definitely, because they, they set the controls up in such a way that you don't have to use back touch, which is always like an awful thing in remote play. Right. And if you have like a significant other that doesn't want to watch you play a game for forty hours. Oh you mean like every relationship ever? Like every relationship ever. It's a really pretty killer. It was the deciding factor for me for which platform I was going to play it on and its, it's like a really neat feature if your competitive, hardcore, multiplayer guy. Yes. You probably don't want to play remote play because there is a slight lag. Right. But if you're just doing like random missions and shooting around. Like the auto aim is strong enough that like you don't need intensely accurate controls. So it's up there. All right well I'll probably have something up a little later this week on Destiny. Sort of like the final take on everything. Going to have to spend many more hours digging deep in what they have to offer. Before we move on out of gaming, and obviously I do wanna get your take because now you're like this general kind of tech guy- Yeah. Right. I'm a general, actually. I got promoted to a general. Oh, congrats, officer. Thank you. Wow. What is that, the eagle thingy? The branch? Is, is, is general? Yeah. I don't know. Sigils memorized. [LAUGH] But you- I do want to get to Apple with you. Okay. Even though we spent all day yesterday. Sure. Few- few new things have come to light. Yeah. And I wanna bring that up with you. Rest of the year though. We talked about this briefly before we started the show. There's not too many games from now- Yeah. through December one, which kinda marks the end of the holiday season. Mm-hm. You know, we've got The Order in February. For me that's probably the most anticipated game for me in the next six months. Okay. But let's go down the line. You have, for September, obviously is taken over by Destiny. Mm-hm. Next month you've got Super Smash Brothers on 3DS. Yeah. Which- I'm a Smash Bros. fan. Yeah. I just don't know how much I'm gonna play multiplayer on a 3DS. Right. I, I, I'll play it. Alien Isolation, which- That's cool. Kinda has some buzz, but am I wrong in thinking every alien game always has buzz, and then it's quickly deflated? I would, I would at least say that it, what I played I was pretty impressed with, so. All right. So we have that. It might not be terrible. It might not be terrible, which is, which means a lot for an alien game. It does. Drive club, which is, Yeah. The sort of, that's the- Racing. Arcade racing game for PS4. Sure, I guess- It's not a sim. Yeah. Right? I guess so, yeah. Or is that The Club? No, right, no, Drive, right, well, The Club is even more arcade-y. Right, okay. Yeah. Then you have Dragon Age: Inquisition, which hits. As well. I know there's a big fan base. I'm not a big like Dragon Age guy, but there's a fanbase. From what I've played it seems interesting. Then you got Borderlands the Presequal. Yeah. Which I will play through because I love Borderlands. But it's only on, well I guess you could play it on PC. Yeah, I'll play it on PC 'cause I want it to look good. I'm bummed that it's not on next-gen. Well just get yourself a proper gaming computer. Yea that'll probably do. Missing that boat. [INAUDIBLE] Then there's a WiiU game that people might want to play call Bayonetta 2. Heard of it. That comes out October 21st. Quack quack. And then my kind of like sleep not sleeper but Okay. I'm into the whole Halloween thing. Taking a nap. Okay. You know what I'm going to say. Oh I know what you're going to say. The Evil Within, man. Yup. The creator of Resident Evil is behind this game. Yup. I've played maybe two hours of it. Okay. I'm. You really like it. I don't real, I don't love it, but for me games like that. Are dominated by the atmosphere. Yup. And it does a really good job at making you kind of want to run [CROSSTALK] As good as [INAUDIBLE] before. What do I think it will be? I don't, probably not. I mean, come on. Does it feel like Resident Evil 4? A little bit. Okay. I don't think you're going to be worrying about, like, ammo conservation Sure. like you were in that game. Yeah. Seems like it's, it's kind of. Is there a briefcase that you tetris pieces. Yeah, there's gonna, well like inventory manuals and things like that. I don't know if there's that, but there's puzzles. Yeah, I think it's gonna be good. And there's open skulls, and it's gonna be really moody and creepy and dark. It's going to be Bethesda. Branching out with you know each genre. Yeah and I you want it you know it comes out ten days before Halloween. Yeah. I love when this lines up when they have games. Yeah. Scary games coming out at Halloween. Can't beat PT though. Can't beat PT which. You know look I;m not supposed to say this but it's already on my top ten for my year. Oh without a doubt. Without a doubt. Don't call it a game. Call it a game even Ariel saw it he was like holy **** look at this frigging game. It's an amazing game. Spectacular. Spectacular right? Yeah. I mean come on that was a triumph. So Really awesome stuff. Then you got Sunset Overdrive. You know what man? Don't forget Grant Theft Auto 5. Oh yeah. It's gonna be hitting next gen consoles and PC. Yeah. pretty excited with that. in, in likely November. Yeah. So that's really neat. You got a few Nintendo things also. Captain Toad, which is like Toadstool's diorama adventure. Okay. Yup. That's gonna be coming out. I, I [CROSSTALK] Not this year, though. No, no, no. Oh, is it this year? That's, that's November, I believe, yeah. The Crew, like racing game is a. November 11th, you got the Halo Redux- Yeah. That's November 11th as well. Far Cry 4- Real excited. My top three for this fall season, that's November 18th. Little Big Planet 3 is the 30th, for PS3 and PS4, sign me up. Yeah. I love my cute little sackboy. They're adorable. And then there you have it, and that kind of. Escorts us into 2015. Yeah. So, There, there's actually. My. The game I'm looking forward to the most, for the [UNKNOWN] but it's not listed. I passed over Assassin's Creed. I, I that's fine. [CROSSTALK] I mean. That's not what I was going to say. In [UNKNOWN] Call of Duty is a game that I'm really excited for. Assassin's Creed I'm interested in. You're excited for Call of Duty? Actually, I'm, [CROSSTALK] Well, yeah, we do actually play a lot of multiplayer together. I love Call of Duty. Yeah. I'm not sure it loves you, though. [LAUGH] Binding of Isaac on Vita. Oh, okay. I'm a huge Binding of Isaac fan on PC. [CROSSTALK] Sure. And the idea of having that mobile is, like, I, that is gonna melt my Vita through the floor. That, that's an indie game. Everyone should probably check it out. Yeah. For sure. All right. I think we did a good job. Yeah. Evolve got delayed till February. The Order's in February. And then after that, [NOISE] the future. Who knows what's gonna happen? Anything. It could be anything. Right? I mean but we all. Are anxiously waiting for Battlefield: Hardline. I don't know about you. Yes, the world waits with baited breath. We're going to switch back to Apple for a little bit, and then I got one story I wanna get to. And then we'll say goodbye. Okay Apple yesterday, we ran though the whole thing. But new stuff sort of come to light new details now that the demos are over. Journalists people on the floor out in California had chances to talk to the developers... Yeah. talk to the people behind the products. Turns out the, the battery life for the watch... Um-hm. sounds like. As expected. Sure. We'll be hitting that day. Okay One day. What are your thoughts on the watch in general? Sure. And, and I mean battery life. I think you obviously knew it had to hit a day. Yeah. But, are you like me and it's just like, holy crap how many things do I have to charge every night now. Yeah, it's a little intimidating. And I was kind of hoping for some sort of mat, like, I mean Like an induction sort of thing where [CROSSTALK] Which they're sort of doing but it's like a magnet that you like slide in the back. Design wise I think it's great, I think it's the best looking smart watch I've seen without a doubt. I, I don't know. It's, you know, I'm an Apple user. I primarily, all my devices that I used are apple devices. I think that they are having a little bit of trouble setting themselves apart from what Samsung is doing and what Google, like, Android has been doing. You know, and when you think of Apple you think of like. Crazy like the iPad. Or you think of, an iPod or Macbook Air, which was like, crazy when it came out. And it just doesn't, quite feel, this announcement doesn't quite feel. Like they're ahead of the curve. If anything, it feels like they're sort of matching what a lot of other companies are doing. Design wise, I agree, like I think they are, I think the phones look great and I think the watch looks gorgeous, as I said. Yeah. But functionality wise, they clearly saw there was a demand for a lot of this stuff and it just didn't feel like they. Jumped over what everything and what everyone else was doing. I'm with you for the most part. I do think though that the watch is the only thing while the iPhone 6 plays catchup. Yeah. I do think the watch did do a little bit of leapfrogging, if anything, for the advance design. Sure. I mean we, you know, we just had the Moto 360 in here Yeah. And you know, it just, you can tell right away just by, you know, you know what this watch is going to feel like. You know it's going to be a little heavy, perhaps. Yeah. It's going to have some sort of like, quality build to it. You can see that, right? Sure. I mean, you know, some of them are going to be 18 karat gold, right? Yeah. So they're going to have this sort of. You know, presence. Whereas, I had that Moto 360 on my watch, and I'm like you know what? This is a $250 piece of plastic. Right. so, you know, I think there's that. Obviously that $100 price premium above a, a 360 is, is really, you know, that luxury tax that you have to pay on that. I, I, you're right though. I'm, I'm just not sold on the whole thing. I don't think anyone is I don't either. sold on watches in general. And that's almost why I was a little bit disappointed was we've seen this a lot of times where like tech has this trend where everyone's doing this one things and oftentimes you'll see Apple be like. You know what? Not for you. That's not for us. Yeah. We're gonna figure out a better way to do it. And here, I mean, clearly, design wise again, it looks like they figured out a better way to do the watch but it's almost like it doesn't feel different enough for the company that's built its brand on like, we're setting ourselves apart from pack. I think you just called them posers. I don't know about that. [LAUGH] But I mean. [CROSSTALK] I'm a poser, what can I say. It just feels like, it feels like they're doing a little more following than we're used to seeing from them. Right and I think, but I think, so it's funny I'm like, I'm defending them. Or playing that angle of it right now. Sure. The digital crown is that innovation. Sure. Right? That. Implementation of a nonfunctional face- Right. Button. Right, exactly, and I think that's smart. It is smart. And I think a lot of people that are in the tech industry and in media and stuff like that will look at that and be like, okay, this is clearly an outstanding feature that they created. That's a really tough shell for like Joe Shmoe walking into an Apple store. Sure. For it to be like, well it's got this. Sound makes like usability a lot easier that's not going to stand out for people. I think people are severely underestimating how often it is, especially those who wear watches right now like you and I. Eight dollar watch. [LAUGH] Alright mine was a few more than that, but I feel like people. Under appreciate. Yeah. Or never thought it would be an issue that they would have to interact with their watch. Like when I was young and I had to get like the latest and greatest beta bank watches, or calculated watches, or infrared watches. You know you had a certain level of interactability with that. But, what this phone is proposing you do, is like, constant attention, and I just don't know if that's gonna work. Right. You know, I'm not, when the iPad first debuted, all we did was talk ****, this things gonna suck, I'm not playing that game right now, because now we just don't know. We ate crow with that. But, you know, and. I, I don't, I'm not taking a negative stance- Of course. On the product. Sure. I was like, I think the product's too strong. We don't know it's more a question of the presentation more than anything else. Like, 'cuz we haven't spent a lot of time with these things- Yeah. And the people that have, you know, wore a demo watch for a few minutes. And then spoke to some developers. But it's still way too early to see like how this would potentially improve your life. In the same way that like an iPad, you don't know until you've used it for a week, and you say okay, I can use it on the couch for web browsing or whatever, Yeah, but that was the thing. The iPad replaced a laptop for a lot of people. Right. Exactly. And this. And what this, this isn't really replacing anything. No, it doesn't. I think, and that, that's a good point. And it's making you more obsessed. Right. With your, with your sort of. Self. A part of me thinks that what really would've set it apart is if it was the standalone thing. Which I kind of wish it was. Me too. That could essentially exist, without the need for a phone, you don't have to sync it. It has this like, almost like a FitBit to a certain extent, but with more functionality added to it. And instead this feels like, you know, it's an expansion of what your phone does. And I, I don't know, like I'd want, I want to know what time it is quicker than pulling out my phone, but everything else I'm sort of okay doing on my phone, like. I don't know. But, a week after using it, I might feel like wow, this is a lot easier and I'm really happy. I, it's really hard to say right now. The people who own smart watches right now, and people who own the Fit Bits and the Jawbone Ups, the general consensus that I extract from those people, is that there's this honeymoon period. Yes. Right? Where you think all the time, that. And then. And you're just so in love with it. Yeah. And you think it's controlling your. Sure. Telling you when to poop and when to do all this stuff. But then after a while that novelty wears out and you're stuck with this like thing. Yeah. That, that. Sure. And I would. That'll cost you at least three hundred and fifty dollars. Well, and I would say but that's where the Fippit sort of sets itself apart in the like fitness specific things is that because their functionality is so limited. It's sorta like you just like carry around with you and it's like you don't have to even think about it. So, like, I know people that use [UNKNOWN] after several years or whatever But, but that's because it's, it's a passive experience Right, it's very passive. It doesn't require a lot of attention, it doesn't like vibrate on your wrist every two minutes. Doesn't require you to charge it every day, it's very passive. You're right and you're like think about your day to day with with an Apple watch an iPhone I'm not even gonna say you're wearing Google glass either okay? Yeah. So, so, now you have two things that are beeping and vibrating. Yeah. On your body. It's a lot. It seems like you know that, that terrible future. That dystopian future of, like WALL-E. Yeah. Is, is, like, rapidly approaching. It would have been cool to be able to, like, say, like, hey, I'll leave my phone at home and I have my watch and it just does everything on my wa. Or what about, I don't know, my, my fantasy is an analog digital hybrid. Okay. Where it's like this mechanical watch. Sure. That has digital features. Okay that maybe has like a little half of a screen. Sure. Well like maybe there's still gears and stuff moving around. Okay. But it also says like who's calling. That's your fantasy. You should talk to someone about that. Don't, don't try and crap on my fantasy. That's what I want okay? [LAUGH] Live the dream Jeff. I, I do every day, and I do especially when you're here. Aw. Apple entered two markets in, in one hour yesterday. Yeah. They, they entered the watch, the smartwatch market, which is still sort of, the jury's still out on that. We'll have to see how it goes. And I guess with, with mobile- Sure. Payments as well. Super ambitious. It's funny. Google while it's been around forever and we talked about this yesterday with Ayez. They it's been around forever in Japan. In other countries. Yep. That's the standard. Yep. Here it hasn't been able to take off. Why is that? Why do you why hasn't Google while at work and do you think it's more of like a psychology thing? Or it's like, guess what, nobody knew what a smartphone was until the iPhone came out. sure A lot of people found out what smart watches were yesterday are people first discovering wireless payments now, even though NFC's a, a, an older technology yeah . Yeah, I don't know. I, I think, like when I think about it, it's hard for me to think back to like all the places I go on a day to day basis. And be like oh, I saw that chart like place to use an NFC payment. Like, I, it's, it's not as ubiquitous as, as it is in like Japan. Where you can buy a Coke and your metro card using the same card. It's just like not there yet in the US and, and this deal that Apple's made all these different retailers will definitely push that closer. It's hard to say whether people are still gonna be prepared to like leave the house without a credit card. I think it's way too early for that. Right. Like what, like I don't think we're anywhere near leaving the house without your wallet. Right. Or your purse. No, definitely not. But Apple does seem like, like the company that could do it. Like, they have all those retailer relations. They could force [CROSSTALK] Yeah. So like, it could, and, and, and, all, all, all the announcements yesterday like, that really did feel like it was setting itself apart to a certain extent. Cuz they put so much legwork into like making all those arrangements, make sure that all these companies were supported. I don't know. It's hard to say whether the public at large is going to pick it up. It's certainly going to take at least a couple of years. Because not everybody's going to get the new generation of the phone or the watch, that's going to have this functionality. But I get why they're doing it. Like they are just dipping their toe in that marketplace now. You know, in a few years, it could very easily pay off. Is your watch Yeah. When you're in the drive-through line for McDonald's, is your watch gonna be like, dude, you can't. [LAUGH] I know what's accepted here. That is. We're on a strict [CROSSTALK] That's sort of a conflict of interest, isn't it? [LAUGH] It is. Is the app going to like shut down? If it's like a partner? Yeah. Oh McDonald's, no, this is cool. We'll work it out later. You just, now you just owe me 17 more miles that you're going to have to run, that's all. Yeah. That's all friend. It's funny. On the very same day, they introduce two enter two new markets. They also introduce the largest screen phone they've ever done. Yeah. And the smallest screen they've ever done. Yeah. Right, with the, with the watch. Well you could argue that like iPad, iPod, the, the square. I don't, yeah. [CROSSTALK] It's similar. It's similar. Yeah. It's super similar. Sure. I just find it, You know, interesting that they were playing this game they were like, catching up to people. Yeah. You know, with the gigantic foam Samsung LGs and then they were like, you know, its easy to navigate there when you have a small screen. But then when you get a small screen its tough to navigate, so we made this honeycomb design thing. Yeah. It's a lot to digest. Yeah I just feel bad for the people who just wanna(no period). Get the new thing, but no, now it's just like too complicated. It is a lot going on. It's a lot [CROSSTALK] And they put all that work into like unifying iPod with iPhone and like having the same interface and like- Yeah. So it just seems weird to have this, I mean I get it. Like, the iPhone interface is not gonna work on a watch. Sure. Of course. Due to the nature of it. But. It's just, it is like a whole 'nother that you need to learn. It's a brand new thing. So, yeah. And who knows, maybe it'll just, you know, start the revolution, and that'll become the standard. All right, I didn't want to talk everything Apple and games with you today. I found this story, and I saw it, and I thought, you know, the three of us are relatively the same age, we're all in very serious relationships. It's a medicinal sort of time to like be in a relationship with like. You know you worry about sex, you worry about children, you worry about getting married, all these things. Sure. Well apparently, a company has developed a kind of gel. Oh, I don't like it already. That will become the male birth control. This is like. This could change the world. I feel like they've had male birth control That was like before. they have like the female condom, you remember that. It was basically like an inverted condom. Yeah, yeah. Which is just sort of like why not just wear a condom. Right. This says, this article from the daily beast says that Vasogel. Which is a non hormonal. Really, not appetizing. [LAUGH] I know. Of course. Call it something better than that. That sounds awful. Here's the headline. Male birth control without condoms will be here by 2017. Okay. So for the, so for us. That's like almost close enough. Yeah. I don't know, I like myself and Ariel who are a little older, maybe like. What are you saying? Well you're only a year younger than me. Is it the implication that if you held out to 2017, it'd be like, no, sorry. [LAUGH] I can control my own destiny. Technology clearly has said we shouldn't have kid. Or I could, I could just be like hey man I'm firing blanks. There's nothing I can do about it. Oh wow, that's like the inverse of poking a hole in the condom. It really is, because that's right, it's the, it's the reverse reciprocal of that. Whoa. Whoa. It's the inversion of it Can we talk about application of this gel? Okay, so here's where it gets a little dicey. I'm not totally sure how it's gonna work, but they are very confident and when I say they I mean. The pre, a press release from the Parsinist Foundation. It's a not-for-profit organization developed on, focused on developing a low-cost medical approach to, you know, human afflictions and what-not. Okay. It is proving effective, this Vasagel. Yeah. V-A-S-A-L-J, G-E-L. Gotta get that right. What's that? [LAUGH] Not getting more [CROSSTALK]. Not any, no, but at least it works, well, oh. Okay. It's not. It's basically, like that's the thing, it sounds like Vagisil. yea>> It's like, no, that's like vagina cream. I dont' want that, I want yea You know? I want it to be called like," No Dude Cream" laughing or whatever, Right? Like come on yea Vaselgel is proven effective in a baboon study ok>> Baboons are pretty close to us on the DNA order of things sure>>. Three lucky, I love how this is written, by the way, too. I'm gonna link to [UNKNOWN]. Cuz it's actually a very funny, punny- Okay. A write-up of this, study. Three lucky male baboons were injected with Vasa, Vasalgel. So they were injected. Oh, so it's not- A gel. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. They were and then they had unrestricted sexual access to ten to 15 female baboons each. Okay. Okay. They have been doing it for six months now. Okay. And when I say doing it- Yeah. I mean the study. I'm with ya. And each other.>> Yeah. Okay? And not one female baboon has been impregnated. Okay. OK. It was one injection? Or they were getting multiple injections? Well it doesn't, it doesn't really like get into that. 'Cause it could be like a daily eye injection. [LAUGH] Would that be worth it? We have the first male birth control, but it must be injected ocularly. Oh. Oh. Sweet irony. so, yeah, I did. It's, it's something that they hope to try, to, to see if it could enter the medicinal- Sure. Human market by 2017. How does it work? It is a reimaging. I'm sorry, reimagining of a mu, of a medical technology called RISUG- Okay. Which is reversable inhibition of sperm under guidance. It was developed by a doctor named Sue Joy Guha 15 years ago in India. And it's been in clinical trials ever since. Now it only, now here's where you go. Now the hook. Okay. [INAUDIBLE] No, no this is okay. Okay. You asked about in, injection frequency. Yeah. It's only gonna need to be injected once for an extended period of time. Okay. An extended period of time, so like. What does that mean? Maybe that's like a half a year or a year. But it doesn't say half a year or year. It doesn't yet, it just says extended period of time. Okay. It just says this vague **** measurement of time. Yes. Well, look, that's 2014. Okay. The future. Sure. And you know, it's all up in the air, we have no idea. The big thing about this though, and when you look at female, you know, we sort of take female birth control for granted. It's hormonal, okay, female birth control by tricking the female body into thinking it's pregnant. It's like, I don't need to do what I normally do, because I'm pregnant. It's your sign. Missed that. For sign. [LAUGH] I mean come on. PhD and m d and DNA. So that's how that works. But the fact that this male birth control is non hormonal. Is a major, it's a major step. I don't like this whole acronym of rsuig. Because it, it talks about like sperm under guidance, which, which probably means that it's doing something strange to your sperm. Right? It's directing them out your **** or something. It blocks sperms, sperm that intent to travel through the vas deferens. Where do they go? I guess there's just like a dude with a stop sign, and he's just waving traffic, you know? He's like okay seminal fluid you're cool. Sperm, we don't take kindly to you here. You're going to have to take sixth avenue. I don't like the sound of that. That worries me. It's weird, right? Yeah it's weird. Like that's. The visual that I'm putting together in my head. I don't know yet. Where would it go? It's a good story. Yeah, it's interesting. It's an interesting story. it, you know, look, they're gonna pitch the product to a 20 or 30 or something man who's hot and out on the dating market. What? Mm, he's on the dating market, I added hot. Okay. Is worried about the effectiveness of the pill because 99 point nine percent is just not. No, not quite. Not inclusive enough. Sure. Which come on, I don't understand that statement. Anyway, the claim is that some men are paranoid that women forget to take their pill. Every day. Right, I'd, I'd be more concerned for someone being hot and out on the dating market, and just like, great I can go and have babies. What else am I going to get? I mean, I'm sure that's a concern, right? Just like female birth control. Yeah, yeah. It, it protects against nothing but pregnancy. Right, exactly. Where as the condom. Is like this. Right. You know? Golden parachute if you will. Exactly. Yeah. And you're gonna have people being like, oh I'm on the pill. I'm on the Vasagel. Right right. We're covered. Well yeah. If you're on the pill, I'm on Vasagel, I had my injection a week ago. I'm fresh to go. Let's, let's, let's get nasty. Seems like it could end poorly. I don't know. I support technological invention. Aero, would you take an injection like this? Maybe if I was in collage still. Maybe I'd try it, but I think I might miss out on it at this point. Well, would you be in the right, aren't you a little better without that? [CROSSTALK] What would you be running around with now, though? [LAUGH] Oh, the two tragedies of our lives. [LAUGH] Missing out on Vazogel and missing out on [UNKNOWN], man. Yeah. I'll laugh, someday. No, what do you mean, someday? No, you missed it. I'm married. Show REL. Your basically. Maybe it'll be like for finding, a friend for your kid. Not to hook up with, but for playdates. I don't know. Oddly enough there are only going to be selling this in Hobby Lobby. Hmm, weird. [LAUGH] You wouldn't think that. There's a lot more details and information in this article that I recommend everyone check out at the daily beast. I'll link to that in the show notes. Rush Frushtick, ladies and gentlemen. Always a pleasure having you here. Pleasure to be here. Good luck with everything. Thank you. I have nothing but the highest of hopes for you, and I know you'll be fine. You act like you're, like something awful has happened to you. Everything is great, there's no need to worry about for me, it's fine. It's awesome, you can catch Russ on his bi-weekly, or twice weekly. Every once in a while. I'll link to you, is the one you did today up. Probably not yet, but maybe in a little bit. OK. Follow Russ on Twitter. @RussFrushtick, shoot us a voicemail. 866-404-CNET. You can reach out on Twitter @the404. Follow us on Instagram and chime in on the Subreddit. We're back here tomorrow with Jill Schlesinger who just had an interesting segment on CBS this morning, this morning. Whoa. Whoa. Very timely. Very timely. Money's tight. Holiday season's coming up. We're gonna have to wait and hear what she has to say about all that. Hey buddy. Thanks again. All right? We'll see ya again. Are you giving this to me? Yeah, this is your parting gift. Yay! Your USB drive. [LAUGH] That's gonna do it for us. Untill next time I'm Jeff Bakalar. I'm Russ Frushtick. I'm Ariel Nunez. This has been the 404 Show. High tech, low brow, have an awesome Wednesday. We'll be back here tomorrow, see ya. [MUSIC]

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