The 404 at CES 2012: Where it doesn't get any better than this
The 404 at CES 2012: Where it doesn't get any better than this

The 404 at CES 2012: Where it doesn't get any better than this

I can't. what's going on yet -- -- -- -- -- -- Jeff Bakalar Wilson tang and I'm Justin knew that the show where it doesn't get any better than that is correct because -- yen today on our show we have allies against you. And Wayne Brady on the program pretty -- I. Not that. -- was shocked if we are but first let's bring out our first guest she's been in countless films. And and a balloon stretch of them -- -- very little idea how is everybody doing the show everyone having a good time. This fiscal stress check app it's going really well and are working now. We are ready to go and let's bring -- has been countless films and TV shows -- CES when he told entertainment matters and that's that are. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Community relies on just how -- it. I have -- -- and its meat and I've always -- guy both of the glass to make it like I've got refining yeah. Yeah I can do then. -- not an -- so thank you so much for being here this is totally afraid he. Thanks for having me where we're like just getting started today I just look up and -- Do you do not. They enter the right and we're do you're hosting -- postings EST last night with now where where activists -- gonna hit the floor -- really excited and getting my idea. My group needs -- as a group me. 800 maddening. That you that a more accurately -- television -- -- party with a robot. I only had a Red Hat we'll have attempted to do the robot. -- I've been able of the robot rolled out at the -- party it stresses on the list and them. It was really I don't. Quake it is sensible all of her -- it it's it it creeps me out a little that you kind of all over the place you can tell -- man accused Mac mania it. I got that terminator three like right here but a couple of -- these things are good that they're gonna -- about it. Yeah they really chaos the end bridges spilling their own -- -- apps available on the less so you are a serious when it votes entertainment matters ambassador. And intimidating to go for immediate area for its -- -- Ambassador to -- -- to you have. I'm now and I came last year just -- -- to step in February and at a fan girl I am. Walked around it's very it's exciting it's Eric B and -- be a little bit overwhelming. -- -- -- -- -- -- immediately quite feel like we. We got everywhere that we wanted to go in and they're -- -- Google Maps but -- like something that next time around -- -- Helped us navigate our way -- -- we start talking to the Hudson entertainment matters and they have -- Ambassador and will have a site where people can go and they can type in what they want to find that you can. You know -- parties in and to -- about what you liked him and just it -- the entertainment world. Hollywood and that in the tech world because it is so important it is so exciting. We gotta keep up with what's going on and dad selling out -- presenting. Yeah I I feel like -- we're learning -- slowly but surely a lot of celebrities. To have that big heat -- -- -- you know they come out so I. That closet. And I -- I'm back now hi I got the three Brothers -- I was always playing. The videogames -- Atari was backed terrorists Nintendo. And then. I just have been I have -- a million -- million point one followers on Twitter and that -- -- happens. So fast and -- commitment now -- responsibilities. -- that. To be on top of and also with the content that's being produced some Hollywood and -- the producer myself now. You kids out there watching TV dot net -- and every thing is still. Is so digital also. It's important that that I know -- and talent and about it. You get a little short earlier this year with a very long and apparently along the views you and if the glasses. Aren't -- and but. Do you see like -- and shot him. How much does it guiana on YouTube is that where -- -- the next generation them from under you and your credit here to help facility that. Yeah I mean. It was astounding that production about it this. And he's just some kid then decide you like to make action movies with its -- her. A couple of us vs them. Visitors spent an action movies and does it beat out -- So I'd seen his work sites to go and they can literally be shot at Easter Sunday. And disease was there for a few hours -- and it -- me. Sequence and when I -- via over. I admit that people are seeing people thought this thing that was not -- Was not. Not that I want -- the end of it. Technical or did it again product but -- -- -- as it really is coming. People are taking install it and they're making that content they want BE. They're making things that friend that -- and their -- on technology and people -- likable than that. It was a small crew at the level crew is that I have -- and is that the Mary. Very basic but that but it was blast friends -- have it. But let's talk a little bit about the yet -- that's why we're all here on to have get a chance to walk around that your employees. I haven't but I know aren't going. IE DTVs -- incredible to me at -- today at last -- to -- that this isn't the new support case to -- where I read CD and I -- so that when I got home my -- -- -- he gets on my wallet and he. I'm here I wouldn't doubt that I scan anyway public before K projectors like literally that you could -- if -- like wars inclined towards instantly. -- -- -- -- But to watch it in and see how you feel like you're looking in looking through window Roger Watson. Like happening to your screen I mean its its amazing and and that we -- -- I think six million light pixels are coming in beaches. Could be condensed -- smaller more powerful and like that that -- mom Apple iPad. An eye on them but also we all of auto -- -- -- Wi-Fi cameras where you can immediately. A -- shots years you -- devices in that. There wireless speakers pilot site helpful the content -- what you guys that the girl that still had. Updated at home with every old no -- he had written and the products we're going to happen to have. But I mean I have probably fifty Nokia chargers and adapters. All the units to it. So quietly it needs. -- greedy people I I I really like. Say -- -- and peace treaty but it. And also wearing black -- to -- in. Sunglasses but but it I think it's. It's extraordinary that or reading news. -- and easements that and -- can answer. -- -- Critically ill to cool ones like -- -- the room sunglasses on the -- you can't get anybody here. Now just under this speaking of 3-D I think -- You feel that this but I think 3-D that the platform it can really -- and is he being. Deal games in 3-D is a lot of more and her experience in her hair assure you there again in the bullish note on you and that -- -- -- teamwork before you were in nineteen -- as the add user is removed and -- you -- you include anything coming up because I know a lot of our listeners are big gamers we love covering industry love to know if anything's going. Unlike my last year analysts by Knight wrote and that that was made for me because that was motion capture and this show isn't just going -- -- -- the place where the studio. We actually went in and -- it's. Little when he sees that you really think I have had access to actually when I thought it -- see myself. We acted out scenes and is -- caps not that I wished that they put the gloves on it. You fighter not just the voters like god marvel characters or anywhere that I thank you -- that. But again that the -- that the more three dimensional these characters are or are these. You know we are it's just more rumors that it is more exciting for the game aren't even even if I'm playing some of the games now already -- -- -- -- This -- populated -- -- but -- it it moves so fast. I'll be looking at a particular. -- regulate. Last thing we got a little sneak peek at the new Final Fantasy thereby limiting I have in my brother's Indiana at the end and that about my Brothers. Is app is it's pretty. Convince it that MP3 was the -- that that there ever was things we -- last night he is impressed with that but the new game. -- Leave a little bit in the World of Warcraft wouldn't allow it really -- and it. I view that I have -- They've been in it it definitely takes commitment and we need to be ready like. Hunkered down for a couple of weekends and close the doors and our future home and that we didn't allotment that I've. To keep keep up all my nephews -- -- kids teenage employees day. All the archer pulling out of it -- I was honestly competitive thing that -- All the way. To be -- and you know that your credit. So -- I try to keep up so that I can beat Lance company it right. But before the break I've you know we a lot of our listeners are super geeky they they're really into film -- -- that. Yeah I'm sure you and I get them. That we would we be doing the geek world a disservice if we didn't ask you about this on IDB -- eight years and years. You credited when you've heard of them aren't as Africa on your credit. My only hope it was -- gonna come. I think I can go through the color Oakland's history is can you tell us anything like that and it actually just like -- -- now. Now it's just you and -- -- -- -- -- for years you know what you're. We've talked about it. You know -- huge -- bad pain. I -- that -- leave it up following that moments but temperature shifts -- you know and wealthy I -- call I got an -- And -- hot -- yet. I've -- -- -- and I would isn't. But once you didn't realize that would be much more satisfied. Unfortunately I think about it for now -- -- -- simply -- -- round to look like to do very little. Have a great day thanks much for being. There's a lot more for her -- coming -- way we will be right back after this. This is the -- -- moved forward. Her captors to show where we all -- things. Yeah. Yet the warning little. People actually lost its mind. Let's not pretend they're actually here for a new home there are always -- -- -- -- -- some familiar faces. Fans of the show thank you so much of him being used as an analyst views on this and did it all and it. -- -- that. Apparently. That -- -- nesting behavior that's right Charlie the -- and is down there where we -- Justin Bieber isn't up. I. There are gonna pay going to announce that he is of the robot. And only that I don't need introducing road I'm definitely generally -- company cult movie. In between the heads in the shop area and -- -- just -- Then that's the all you look so good -- between people and I. -- look at infinitely with a different answer yeah that's great and right under. Truth is that both -- Up -- it and the future we need to continue cutting back and -- between beaver and that people that if I think -- partner Justin and. I still we have some news talk about on CNET every year puts on best of CES -- the best products from the -- Become finalist nomination and then of course we weren't winner so -- let's go to review. Nominees is that where we're responding to human. Through so what's -- Europe. -- -- you know we have actually had a chance to talk a lot about. Acts the show brain but 01 of the best of CES not this year is my company called Oslo or asthma -- -- about this new augmented reality out of them. We actually I'm looking at earlier today it's kind of like you -- code reader who would not think you are code itself. And so on -- -- -- -- -- different -- this is an accountant with this look at let's talk about it done a lot of London. On if you actually hold your phone up to Buckingham Palace in London. -- happy to that it looks like a bunch of dinosaurs -- coming out of him out on your well. That doesn't get is yeah I tell you but if it is not only patients but things like a twenty dollar bill will look like it's coming to life in the buildings will pop out one right. Nobody you know -- to get answers about this -- -- that's how you really know that we're in the future. Went on it's really that reality answered is is this guy really cool that the next steps -- hoping that -- for her job as yet. Malone you know actually I'm looking at this -- -- -- and that he had already. -- for the -- before. But what does Sony Xperia X although few places that I've written. -- -- or this is just what 56 months. About Nokia Booth at night under the hood it's. A silk route and -- big surprises. Towards consumers as well. Release that is when it comes to you or -- hear it all and it's partly because it's the same reason. Well why Microsoft is an act. On everybody. On the line right now it's unethical to do that -- yes. There's thousands well that's -- out all. Day old. I've not seen the Samsung galaxy note make its way and that's the that's right it's like the -- that if I tablet odds -- it. Tablet phone hybrid had been with the islands in the brilliance. It really that Justin Timberlake promoting that -- and -- -- -- I salute. -- you know here it's yes there are a lot of interest in products. Unquestionably illegal -- others. I was finally there's always these Nintendo emulator is that somehow or being sold items and that's -- plainly visible -- it's just you know very skeptical. Put. Just you've uncovered some straight out counterfeit stuff that you recently talking about maybe even alerting some sort of authority. And being like hey you know you're getting ripped off here that we might need to be screening products more at the -- yeah that's what we found a couple things. The an excellent article Lance Whitney -- the thick -- -- here is done -- work counterfeit tablets that are making their way. To -- yet if you walk around Lauren a lot of e-commerce dealers. Aren't selling in 27 inch Kindle three they're just trolling -- -- how can you do. Variations -- -- that they like to and that can only 59 dollars. Spectacle pledges to understand how it's okay for you to -- of the Kindle three yet and unexpected you know get the legal -- Now what they have a lot of sneaky ways of -- products like for example there's a nine point seven inch. -- tablet dynamite. And the Motorola does not motive and Motorola needed just a -- to stick their feet and I you know they they changed the spelling limited and also there's a Samsung galaxy tablet. Samsung -- where. And I don't. -- find that on it let's -- I understand how you get suckered and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Since then it actually taken down McCain actually stands -- remembered that I could do yet. Well I. Everyone knows do -- and where should we -- something -- call from the public. We have people call us up so what do you think we get to -- -- calls before reentry and we radio religion are -- -- it. -- -- -- Wars. And -- yeah. Here's the Microsoft press conference -- -- -- If you think he's pretty intense the today through over the top. We had a we had a coal that job. So we're basically -- up and is trying to do their best the bomber on impersonation so we'd like to hear that you guys that something you'd be -- its negative. There. -- C people currently. -- -- site and and senator you know -- -- -- vehicle and -- it all I hear -- whom. And -- would help -- -- -- Oh and edit its content from Alder hey ha. Really what people like -- are -- period. What you know -- lead to him if he is yeah yeah. -- -- what -- hear it. You know but what Michael -- People -- for me. Actor we have very talented well that's another on our programs those that I didn't realize. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Then. Then we -- I have a caller who wanted to chime in. About the wave of 3-D printers that has hit. I see yes Bryan I did time today demo one of those let's listen to our friends say about plastic huge. -- -- This phone and do what -- aren't you gonna yet. And has built -- -- -- -- -- Get me she got I got up and -- -- Edit album and worst idea ever happy she immediately -- step on -- -- my. If you're. Gonna see things that we're about -- -- If you think you would not be manufacturing. Shoes that -- very -- that penetrated the hood up. That's fine yeah I told you that those 3-D printers can -- and actually -- two album that are nominated for best yet it is you'd -- maker bought applicator rate and a three Q okay you've been. Speaking of new and innovative things you're -- likely sit we have the brand new beaver camp were ready to go back to the B recant. It's not just -- argue with us. Although he's coming out. Okay and nothing has changed the all right that's lives just here below us right now -- it off. He's left the building -- breath and let them. The data mining company adults are actually -- yeah just -- -- to be public lot of room old -- -- -- Now this demographic right now okay think of a little more excited to have ingredient that you guys exceptionally -- -- agency itself. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We're very mr. Justin -- did you -- -- high your mind controlled TV hired the Chinese company appeared showing off. This headset that you put on and it -- wirelessly transmitted. Your thoughts to control a television or did you really got it doubled -- -- Athena I did not see it explain it because I -- getting conceptually I would imagine. And -- -- -- -- we just cannot. You know -- that's the -- It will lives polluted your hygiene and I -- -- beyond one channel you have to pay for that. Yet -- it's -- it's a product called the brain waves and if we would that it transmits electronic signals through -- -- that into the television sets are selling it for about 3000 dollars in China academy it's making its way to. So now do you know anything about how it works because. I just feel like it would have to. Plug something into my temple it doesn't sound like something you Wear while line down one you -- -- time. It's definitely sent them from that it sounds -- something that you put down before he got -- something out of the pages yeah exactly the videogame editors that company. You know you -- leave your hands free for all I. And -- -- of one of the years I think it was -- that the category of millions they have this sort of apparatus where it -- this -- controllable and use your. Had to concentrate on on how much there I was gonna be shot out of this mechanism and -- I mean some people were able to make it work but. I put it on it it was really. I'm an old fashioned guy column create human like playing games yeah whatever whatever happened and is there anyway -- -- -- and what they're watching. If you're Elijah -- -- apparently Justin Bieber is back we're getting a word he's back in view. Well and they're the hell is -- Now that I just need to. That is. So yeah that's just be a good man. -- And they're getting -- down there and see -- good. This is I -- think you will receive robot that they're introducing that just that is helping Q. You know break the -- but -- it's -- -- yet -- really exciting. Robots. About getting I think it's. Here we -- talking a lot about it earlier. You know I robot -- assured me the rumba vacuum cleaner it. I they came out with their new e-book test bed that -- demonstrating here they do little yellow robot that has an iPad on top. That it also detects motion sensing around that it won't get -- line by tabletop computer that other people walking around right but it's kind of interesting they're saying that -- best use case nears Canadian hospitals to help the elderly and well that's nice advocate. We all know that the elderly loved the latest. Our view that they're not freaked out by a robot at all added loved -- and I mean that's the first -- I was thinking -- let's give these elderly people who experience without any -- Programs like the girl like walking to and like that the new yeah all I have an article -- and we can become robots -- -- -- -- -- Leo exactly politics this robot you know Hulu yeah whatever that. I feel like what's the next step would we really think robots are really you know these as far as content. Whenever they can get them to run that -- go to W you know and again a look at running back and book. Right right now if we can get a robot to explain to my mother that the pictures folder on my computer is in a website. I thought want to be viewed -- yeah that happens on -- you wrote about that little that the canola and retiring about like reading partners like when they like the robot plus the three burner right like that is that music that -- like that sales -- and it. Not real yet at news on. Another stereo equipment warrior Reagan wanted to bring this -- apparently everyone knows Apple is never ever hear -- the -- They don't like doing that they like -- their -- thing that's fine but apparently. They have two hundred and fifties still in the changes. We're still spies if you have a roaming the floor is at CES I'm looking for them now. If you overlap they're not wearing their and I thought I thought -- unfortunately it. -- -- -- -- might not be have a chance to spot. Great job to create the -- of the Iowa product market yet is currently on someone actually spotted him. Lurking around -- yet Schuettler which kind of ironic they always claimed to not care about copyright -- they're here. Lincoln and if it's wrong but but it does when he was quoted as saying that. But he was scoping out -- of the aesthetics of the heel boots today which sounds like complete you have to be used to looking at product cooler than. People ripping off the -- the ability earlier time. Involved Isaiah. Ultra book that looks exactly like the Apple MacBook Air -- the Apple. Store. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- No one better touches Apple would this lobby there they're they're here we think there's data here. And it just yeah because let's be honest if you manufactures in terms of you know that it did the voice activated televisions. Kind of beating Apple to the punch on a lot of the technology. -- these delivering efforts. The market will they've announced the launch sure -- and actually see many of them being announced available in best buy store just yet right but I you know. It's almost like strange and now. Combat is more of it and the way rather than they. Earlier this war or later last year oversaw the new dashboard update that gave voice control motion control and -- seems -- every. TV manufacturers is integrating into effect here so you can -- -- he accidentally done by speaking loudly out of. You know speaking of Apple announcements they actually sit down and invited a -- an event on January 19. In New York which will probably be -- that will definitely be there that's can be at the Guggenheim Museum. -- supposedly an education event and you know Apple's relatively nebulous about what exactly they're gonna brands. But people are speculating that it might be adding text books. To their iBook store which gets you about is -- To see her know how to do with the virtual -- in e-book in college right. One you can't fill them back in here which that was my solo piano black -- -- -- that was nice sort of thing I know you guys in college whenever it was time to -- that reflect who undergo each for Wii is basically glorified on job. The only reason actually -- the real -- who knows -- the notes written to the side of the book. -- read but like I -- I think is a great thing. That all tablet that should be jumping into you on because. Those books -- heavy you know things that every semester about 500 dollars anyway -- -- -- as -- get my -- had been -- but I. Also spend my time -- ruling in the health and yet last I checked doodling -- on an e-book and textbook for. It's not really nice Bruins iPad app and it is it really disable all the other features on the iPad if they're gonna enable textbooks -- -- -- -- -- if it is our -- distractions to work with the popular apps and unite and an active. Who want better schools be watching YouTube video. I don't know I didn't think about college and how much it's changed -- -- we -- and an -- -- at the college that long an I don't know -- -- -- college students here I'm not sure about that. Put -- right here I'm always blown away at seeing photos and everyone hasn't acted out of hours ago. Bill -- -- -- home and yet he's still ahead of record with a laptop and because it's not something that we were used to but now everyone's you know. -- -- -- during lectures it's it's very yeah I heard about -- he -- for actually using memo pad and I threw it get out of here terrible -- And now. As -- a -- tablets and Apple apparently there's a room as well -- I -- about the I think. -- that's right so this is low. Something they came out on islands dot com and a supposedly -- editor in chief Jamie Horwitz thinks he spotted an iPad three. -- -- the table top of some careless. And countless vendors really hear that -- liked it like that would ever happen again Vanilla and hollers that they have been there and everywhere leaving when -- -- -- is dropping a -- I believe that that actually Apple. Credibility last year he actually -- the iPad two. Yet when you -- in which and it has been the real product he think he did it again -- here. But only discernible difference that you could tell -- -- -- on currently. Is that it's one millimeter thicker. And the iPad -- it's not a joke that the big millimeters you've bought an elevator. Was able to do that at the table yet but one -- units and does not grant them so I suggest a lot of people. Right on -- and yet -- Room care and because -- the right thing is below the speculating that and -- happy McGrath. -- -- and on gorilla glass screen on top which means you can probably -- update it that's. A great feature Apple and if it is accidentally what is it for you know you have a touch bits readers know we're here on the same level with -- -- on that -- -- throughput that you were -- you know get into the market for an active three something if you wanna buy what sort of feature you'd be. People who are clamoring for the most personally I'm clamoring for the ability to plug it and use it as you would be drag and drop. Movie back up you're right you know you -- -- -- it right completely legal don't ask any questions. -- we're gonna take one last break -- when we come back we Brady. Here on the world for we will be right back in just the second stick around there's a lot before coming your way. And you know spring afternoon. A pool remove school. And did -- All right welcome back to the world for streaming live from CES 2012. We're here at the CNET stage. You really leading -- ingredient arrival but first before we get to mr. Brady it's time to once again checking -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- okay learned a lot more minutes here that's fine but I. He is somewhere in the in the telephone book perhaps but I am done well there other -- There. -- is there. Look at -- outlets as well let's get that -- did anybody screaming want yeah I mean outlook I get in here one screen that's unacceptable. That is what he'd be done that is happening sustains life -- -- -- -- apparent that. You like thinker he did hear about them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To have happen and -- -- Justin that you're you're really really an apps guy I know you're your own is though riddled with pointless apps yet there's some new cool apps that -- we're really excited about your key is to tell us about. Right. Wolf principal I got into apps just recently over the holidays -- right. I showed my grandfather. At the peak of hand -- that you'd like photo would be used against your feeds you're on the phone customers -- exactly. -- needs right now you've blown away I've ever -- -- -- document print. -- them like that yeah but everything -- I had gotten really few -- them iPhone rate that is really cool of one of our reporter Eric Mack reported on that front yet. -- -- -- -- -- Okay -- look and I told that I had downloaded Apple export live what would you think that they I think you know they didn't they did it only works within the city where wouldn't I got -- gun and that the hidden. I don't know if that's the way I know I think they'll be I don't know but I'm actually at what life is. Social radar detection of network speed traps like all those you know. Now you know that the busses I didn't know a little bit about that -- plain -- -- -- drivers will. I just had something happened in the other thanks to go back a little bit -- -- a robot give -- -- a speeding -- about how is that. Has that ever happening you guys heard -- the camera takes a photo of your license -- and no human was present but you're getting a ticket because. I think. That's not fair -- I've been out that you have -- app you know you'll be able to slow down to the appropriate. 35 miles in the -- -- -- greatly. I mean that seems to me that it would take the attention and lay off the driving product. Not something that I think it's pretty important -- -- eyes on the road and into you know -- I and I -- -- -- People should really be inhuman and -- to change the -- -- because I don't know. -- a lot of yeah the release of the uses that -- -- definitely attention -- but the idea I think it's really cool -- basically the first person that these compliments on the road. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They've -- breaks and room. Oh I get to that -- -- crowd -- worth it -- it's like Disney's sort of almost radar detector. You know not one that's mounted that -- -- about -- on your windshield. But one wearing a legal. I guess but you know what if you don't have service there maybe you know you're gonna get -- -- -- -- -- let's. The through them right right now do you really want people using the and that. While driving down the road and that's that's on these and target seems safe to me why there's another idea -- -- that the one of the biggest reasons why. By accident happens to someone gets distracted looking at. I think actually I think -- make up putting me coming that day may come as -- yesterday seemed to do -- another app you're excited about the letter and. All of those are really cool -- on this is actually built into Android and iphones but last -- you know Google. Maps integrated into -- mapping. That you could take two are the things like airports through walls and stuff like that on someone found out that you can actually use Google into a mapping under Internet -- -- If you map the CES showroom floor -- on and we although you know you got up walked around it's really confusing -- -- cuts out all the north all the body's different arrows right after Glazer well you go to school math in north and your phone -- that. And it'll let you check out exactly where the bathrooms are you can route itself and search directions. And -- -- on the. So how to soon now how does that work -- you are you with. With the photos sort of technology it basically gives you look at panorama version of yeah he's back it's like taking a walking toward and so you know -- that way -- -- the Panasonic Booth how to get the bathroom died of they go way behind this guy doing okay yeah I -- exactly how to live -- Justin -- around the farm implement business knowledge of -- apparent. And speaking -- while we check in TV -- -- do we have that ability with us and Finland on Google activist Justin Beaver Dam would he do once again. Not -- Rate review but. There are there not -- have an eyelash shot. We have one island I can only imagine how miserable Charlie is there any -- -- but not a huge Justin -- fan so. A year -- so much about this robot where's the robot -- -- yet let your identity may -- you grow by doing. I guess though are still waiting on lingering in your -- -- -- here but he he's he's walking product partners the -- I didn't know that I use -- and severe -- job. I guess maybe what we can look to the audience right now are. What's standing habits CS -- -- guys -- -- -- the biggest you know product that you've been psyched about anybody do for you raise your annual Wynn assured if you just speak. How -- that Dell doesn't -- he'll work for them. How much so that they understand what. I have -- all right that we have you know than anyone else care to share something gets you -- I'm sorry. Peer ear all right I think we're I think we're just getting executed if it really is -- -- -- -- -- like that's another -- Three predators and that I like that. With that. Nearly -- techno and you -- and then -- -- like Google wallet right right that's not on my galaxy nexus for an. You know -- yeah. But I don't think you know now the thing that I can put -- honeymoon. Right. As well you'll get a CNET New York T shirt we're still waiting here for mister Wayne Brady. Have you now. I'll I'll talk about them and I got a few hiccups you can use everyone know that we you have an excited about -- they -- initially presenting here at the right they serve -- behind closed doors meeting on system going on and both and I were there yesterday we got to play a little more with Wii U. You've never seen -- I -- -- degree -- I want to get your impression that because. You you hate ally yourself like your very first skeptical -- you I'm very -- instantly and I kept. Well done and that we are finally got the pick it up and play with that little bit right -- its. It's pretty cool but at the same time that connects and it will not that he aside to -- -- that can act. -- -- -- -- -- -- Right I like the idea of you know to look down and actually have supplemental. Information -- -- but it did not -- but beyond that it's. You know it's cool the graphics definitely look a little bit better than I expected this year but -- it doesn't give me personally that. Next generation but can't do what comes with a tripod mount for the controller that thing went really really ignorant -- that the large controller via on anyone excited about you guys into it they face Adam. Ultimately however he got -- in the media yeah I think PlayStation vita. Thumbs up all around ha ha -- about iPad. I've had a Japanese -- for a couple weeks now. But I'm suppose that you have once you on your right now it's down there definitely downstairs it's good beaver hat. I think that the -- for a Long Island had been playing and I just gotta say everyone if you do get one get orange parties that dean is an unbelievable it's like playing PlayStation 3. In your hands regularly with them and actually while we're gonna have John Pollard from we will from soon he's gonna come up here and show us all about. On the US version of the via which can be pretty cool. Apparently just -- the difference government that -- few days ago that Netflix. Will be jumping on board as a list of apps. The Obama. We're getting -- and -- -- hey how are you can. -- break. Away. Right yeah you don't. And everybody. There was doing fine but let's I apologize for my tardiness to work out together driving me -- -- drive around the parking lot hey get out there. I want to people he knew -- -- to -- -- programs. He just want to drive profitability is not supported by this well obviously but is now to this. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Always -- well it I know a couple of guys that you'll hear it happens. Those -- when I was given. It opens the dirty splits over how. Hello -- -- does anyone here that's a vocalist and Europe's that would that will give back against the dirt is pleased. Both camp drivers and even some of the little guys to do -- and they look very very upstanding that you get the card based -- to bring -- pleasure. You've not got to cause -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Did I just -- up. We talk about -- -- -- appreciated. These days who did not address so I don't have been some of the city. But you know a couple of I think all have a chance to realize these video so how are enjoying yourself if -- Well this is I just walked into CS right now -- I was -- -- inside -- -- in the afternoon. I'm I'm a -- techno file and it and this has not got gotten up -- the past couple years. To actually leave your -- view different venues and it's been an amazing experience to be through Google conceivably this thing isn't that. The document to get stuff yet -- it that this is Lanka. If you've reached the upper forward geeks and noted that the best thing that we we could ever happen because of poor precedent this is Christmas -- Apple or people that -- electronics girls admirals right now to find something that blew whistles and -- I'm. Content just of this I can turn off -- wanted to stick to my. -- -- -- -- -- -- Other games before I found that you're actually big gamer here's -- -- through your smirking slightly familiar I think it -- -- -- I just lost the U. Weeks of my life two mile to scatter them I am right there with you better -- about -- -- a roomful of people bet that in. The wrong setting ambiguous that I don't like the bulk -- -- go. Same thing happened to. Yet that's that that's consumed a bunch of my lifetime. And that the new. The new. Modern Warfare absolutely. I've been on live playing angry -- thirteen year olds from the restaurant. Four months ago I. I think they did and what would lead to the give more copies them I don't understand how the public that it's that it. If there -- also go down and the youngest ones talked the most correct and enable it just -- you on -- -- You know what you're you're not gonna let you -- -- -- -- It's yeah you're. Gonna come up at the PTA -- Olivia -- to use I use it hyper of the day trip. On so so actually EA -- you one of the twenty most influential gamers last year. Those that was amazing they came on the set of let's make -- deal and they have this box and -- inside the box with the -- got -- -- Now not just all I went down to Al's trophy shop right -- but they went to Tiffany's and have a trophy made that only twenty of these people Wendy. What would be given out and I got a trophy -- that gave me Letterman's jacket really cool leather Letterman jacket and even -- -- -- -- and I. -- -- make -- feel like I just accomplished something public can submit walking in slow motion and big music behind because of improved. You didn't really believe you -- -- upwards. Went back and actually -- here and take it -- learned at the end that you -- games and and to add just the title alone. Because a lot of folks don't know right now but folks don't know that I would gamers right at and I've been gamer for here is that it's actually in my contract. When -- -- that got him because of toward the TV show I have to have. It PS3. And the 360 in my room you are my -- I agree writer. Anything like some guys and you get your movies what about what I need to have the evidence of this and get on track to -- street has without government video games I'm particularly because the games keep me. From hurting people and realize. Killing people left and right because so many people won't welcome to -- -- -- do I have to choke up mixer. You have that -- recently. Want to welcome -- as well yeah. New stuff and I sit down and I would get -- fully -- play at call apartment burden and that we get online -- -- we hang out. And they're not the hurt people. Totally give him -- area games and looking forward -- -- to implement. Particularly questions at this BDC block you know what I think that I kept my head down so -- they don't really know what's coming out now. What's on the books looked -- -- -- it's. Another call of duty you know imagine what those one all the time that yes the idea is sort of yeah it -- -- -- call of duty watts. What -- call of duty Sacramento. Albuquerque. -- heard it is ridiculous these things sorted itself the love bug but I -- and the content I have there when you mention that you're into online multiply videogames but -- -- -- like social networking games you like to in the farm. Finger thing are like -- can't think involvement. Okay. There's no judgment you can have all part of me wanted to do these shows what that is to show my. On what I'm -- to -- apart the social and family but I have to say. With a little bit of scoffing at a little bit derision. I judge. The farm bill because I love video games I don't judge farm bill percent of the social aspect that people get together and -- Jimmy wants to sell me a chicken and much more secure and real life I go to Georgia that -- -- facility won't run on here so in video games I have looked for this little experience that Dixon someplace that the it it puts me into another world just like them all notebook. Follow -- field does not put me into another world and if I were heats and looked unicorn. Yeah yeah right it's right up and I am booked at the event the -- unit. -- -- -- -- for sure yet but I'm not a big fan of I think -- gonna try to -- That there has won the that I saw that -- interest in the mafia wars. And then it may be able to open that -- if I can't really should someone in real time that I don't know when or if I don't -- -- -- -- -- And to multiply and there is not -- where we're like -- goes ha ha ha. That that I don't know so do you feel that -- you know iPad games are a huge business. Other selling millions of these genes they're -- -- the pop super cheap. -- come from the school of thought that yeah that's nice and I'm in the waiting room and doctors know that. I need a real sort of you know hand held tiny buttons to beyond that in there get up and sushi and m.'s patents during the open very well that's great all -- will -- -- that as many -- -- all -- nothing all day what do you mean you know -- -- -- triggers have you had a chance to check up and the PlayStation -- it's dominant but you've heard about the vita. You just made -- -- -- I'm so sorry to serve them better when I'm Jessica include please listen via its third is not wrong like integrate different appeals -- -- -- PlayStation vita and -- -- urgently needed. 66 at midnight right away and one that's absolutely. -- article you're welcome room. Given its mission. Yet there they have a portable gaming system that there -- Japan coming out here February 22. I guess I'm gonna get you -- and objectives why didn't you the -- the first movements and it happens. It's something that so so with that it did so with downloadable content with downloadable games weren't gonna come in like a little card that you -- in on the top. -- have uncharted and -- in the islands or tomorrow the effect that there's hardly a place these. -- really gives you maybe a little skeptical with the carping because I think we've all seen of those old school. That that -- forget the system that there with the -- Video game system where it was the wave of the future where you take the -- -- like them some questions right in the cards never worked through abandoned the images came out. Looking like someone's master Ro CD screen tells them that didn't take off. They're retarded thing I think charges are certainly and put you know they look like little SD -- The problem in you know they had charges fit on this little -- -- All and I'm waiting for the -- we had -- to blow out. It goes away from. Now I'm waiting because the great thing about shows like this and technologies this is a two point well. -- -- third 39. So I'm excited as a gamer because I think that my. Let's look. Of gamers -- generation. You know more than 7071. -- you as we've gotten older now by the time that we turn. Sixty. You'll be able to have virtual reality. That is better than anything to -- I hope and yet that's what I'm hoping that you know -- there's so many diseases that does that mean that you're gonna -- -- -- -- Don't ever go away and I don't think I wanna be on -- holiday itself. I want my body to be withering away while I'm running away from the -- from aliens and deliver tools. It's you know it's something we bring up all the time you know I'm on about turned thirty and -- still a big gamer. I think about when -- you know that grandfatherly. -- and -- still gonna have that reaction to yes. Thin client LL I be okay yes as well as your bones were developments can happen -- -- -- -- our ability -- authority. -- -- it really blew my game. So we don't mind that like Michael Jackson experience and like I created but probably the handling -- there's you expend the blood type these Mary yap yap it's that there's not really great callers gathered. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes I just -- just dance three. All right and now we have just -- three parties and -- and at have a start posting. My videos online of us planes and invite folks over. Because I gotta tell you and this is no I still decades -- -- -- dancer that I killed that day yeah -- lifted up my own moves. Procedurally. -- -- maximize over her her friends that wind around his children whose that I grabbed their heads. And I talked about that it would go to -- the plan. Apple -- that sort of an episode that really appreciate you being here we are hosting on CBS's let's make a deal -- do great job on that everyone checked out as well Wayne Brady please don't think. You'll never have gotten where I have yet -- you. Hi guys up next on the CES CNET stage. Fifty -- is gonna be here really exciting job at the top back -- well. I think they're doing -- really appreciated. That's gonna do with -- today on the 404 podcast. Thanks so much opportunity guys have a great show we'll see you soon again I wasn't --

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The 404 Show: This is the end

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The 404 Show: This is the end

The 404 Show 1,596: It's the end of an era with Steve Guttenberg (podcast)

The 404 Show 1,596: It's the end of an era with Steve Guttenberg (podcast)

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The 404 Show 1,595: Spotify's best music of 2014 with Shanon Cook (podcast)

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The 404 Show 1,594: You're getting a selfie stick this holiday, VR's future in exercising (podcast)

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The 404 Show 1,593: Even more revealing Sony leaks, US gets fatter, lazier (podcast)

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The 404 Show 1,588: 20 years of PlayStation, Google improves captcha, dead tech of 2014

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