Sky backs Oculus Rift in CNET UK podcast 399
Sky backs Oculus Rift in CNET UK podcast 399

Sky backs Oculus Rift in CNET UK podcast 399

[MUSIC] Hello and welcome, you're listening to the CNET UK podcast and this is episode 399 for Friday the 1st of August 2014. Fasten your seatbelts because we're hitting the road with Britain's first driverless cars, learning Chinese with Cortana, finding what [INAUDIBLE] backing virtual reality, plus we find out who really won the Wacky Races [MUSIC] I'm Rick Schoenheim and joining me in our high tech London studio this week is [UNKNOWN] Hello>> Hello, How're you doing? Hi, Great. Good. Glad to hear it. [UNKNOWN] How are you doing? Oh I'm just ooh so old. That good, at a loss for words. Completely. Speechless, well that's probably not going to help us as we do a podcast. Oh! [UNKNOWN] but let's see if we can find some works for you. Use your words. And we are always filming this, so check it out on [INAUDIBLE]. We do look pretty good don't we? You look great. You do, you do. I'm the eyes and the ears. [UNKNOWN] [LAUGH] Well why don't we start off by [UNKNOWN] the eyes and ears with the news? [MUSIC] Cool, so our good old government has given the green light for autonomous, self-driving cars to hit the roads in January. Yep. [CROSSTALK] Good old courageous guys. So, our department for transport has actually allowed self-driving cars already on private roads. But not public roads. Mm-hm. Until now. however, they have just announced that trials in three cities in January. I assume London will be one of those three cities. Well I don't know because it's a pretty congested city. I reckon they'll do something somewhere, somewhere quiet. LIke. Yeah. Blackburn. For the same. For the same reason that, that they don't have Ipswich. Yeah. Clumsy. Yeah for the same reason they don't [CROSSTALK], they're really high speed [UNKNOWN] trials in London cuz you can't dig it up. Yeah. That's true. That's why you're [UNKNOWN] getting high-speed [CROSSTALK] You can't give up London. Hm. And not in this economy. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] unnamed cities in January it will be, starting. And also, possible changes will be made to the highway code that will allow self Mn. driving cars on public roads. That's exciting, right? [CROSSTALK] there's, there's still somethings else that we got to work out like, for example, who's responsible if there's an accident? So, Go on. if, if a self driving car is self driving itself. And you hit another car or it's a hit, or you knock someone over you're responsible, isn't it, you know, or if the car, if he wasn't even driving Yeah [CROSSTALK] Is the manufacturer because they made a car that's failed or... It seems abundantly clear to me that the car is responsible and should have to go to a car prison [LAUGH] until. [UNKNOWN] person. Yeah, until the car penal system feels that it has learned its lesson and it can be rehabilitated. I see. So a car Robohilitated if you well. Hm. A car trial. Okay, fair. Well I mean obviously it's insurance companies gonna be keen to work out the answers to this particular one. [CROSSTALK] Yeah. I think there are so many legal hurdles. And then bring into question things like, well, are you. In control of the car at all. And then, what, could you then use your phone or text whilst in your automated car? You can, you can do some now. [CROSSTALK] Yeah, but then, but then maybe the argument is, well, you know, presumably that there will be a manual fail safe that you can use if your car. Decided to stop. Maybe not, because Google originally had, a manual driver option. Like you could take the wheel if you wanted and it sort of driverless cars but it got rid of it. because, it said that having people suddenly confronted with the reality of oh, I have to start driving now in an emergency. Was You know not good. They did away with it. But I think the google driverless ones have the [CROSSTALK] [INAUDIBLE] Stick without peddles.>> In theory again the automated cars could be a lot more reliable and a lot safer than humans. So insurance companies could be facing the terrible prospect of their not being any more road traffic accidents or drastically reduced ones. I thought it could depend on who this is for whether this is for. Just a man on the street wanting to be automatically driven to work or on holiday or something. Or what I think is possibly more likely is to have like delivery vehicles things, you know like amazon's deliveries. Or the royal mail could have automated, delivery trucks that will just [CROSSTALK] Groceries, anything like that. Or, or taxis, like, Uber, you could order an Uber and Johnny cab drives up like in Total Recall. Yeah. Well I'm looking forward to the Minority Report self-driving car future, although in Minority Report, actually the roads are a lot more ambitious. You'd really have to dig up London cuz they're more like a roller coaster. Hm. And, there's a bit where it goes down for about ten miles. Oh, yeah. And- [CROSSTALK] Had a building, and stuff. Yeah, they [INAUDIBLE] also it's a bit of a nightmare. Actually, you know, it's a bit of a headache. Do away with it. [LAUGH] Simple, simple, keep it simple. [INAUDIBLE] Conclusion. Mm. Shall I move on? Yeah, absolutely speaking of other things from the future. [CROSSTALK] Here now. Yes. [LAUGH] Yes! I, I remember that news Yes! thing. yes, so we finally have an update to Windows Phone 8.1 Hm. that brings Cortana, now that is the. [CROSSTALK] and they've finally come to the U.K. which is great news I guess cuz.>> For the 10 people who have that Windows phone, yeah. [CROSSTALK] Well, yeah, at least for those people it is finally, Microsoft is accepting that there are other countries outside of the U.S. 'cuz it's, Kortana has been around in the U.S. for a while, but we've not had it in the U.K.. Mm. Yeah so I guess that's finally caught on no, no, let's Let's just cut that one out. [CROSSTALK] Yeah. Forever [CROSSTALK] I apologize for that OK cool so What happening what developers getting involved. So right now it's developer preview that they can sign up forward to give it a test particularly that will be. In that state for a little while. Yup. Cause there are a little You're very pleased with yourself aren't yeah? [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] [LAUGH] There were various things to, to work out. And how it works with other U.K. services. Basically we're saying we have [INAUDIBLE] that first launch in the U.K. And it wouldn't work with some services. And it couldn't work with maps. Which is why it didn't come over here. Mm. Yeah. At first. So yeah it must not sit in b sit for quite awhile its kind of Lots of splits of opinion on whether it's much of a rival to Siri or Google Maps. It does some things better and somethings worse. I think it's very much in the running with those other two for a useless service that nobody wants. Well, Mark the exec who asked not to be identified said the team wanted to make sure. Coltan worked very very well out of the gate. And also acknowledging the remarks were sensitive to the perception that its early adoptive program could be relying on users to work out any lingering technical kicks. This guy said hopefully as a company we haven't abused this as much as others. So I take this sly dig at Apple. But this to be fair, once they were launched and they were like. Okay, so you can buy the iPhone 4S, it's very, very expensive, and its main selling point is this Siri thing, and that's in beta. I was a bit like, really? Beta? No. Mm-hm. Apple isn't allowed beta. Yeah [CROSSTALK] Yeah, Apple isn't allowed beta testing. It just has to be like, you know. I also think that Apple tends to, when it's something in beta testing, they put something out there. and it doesn't work and they go well it was only a beta. It was only a beta. [UNKNOWN] important and necessary for all these kinds of products but yeah, it did feel like with Siri it was a bit still in beta. Don't get angry. Which is what google do? What's Gmail in beta for ten years. Beater and then we close it down. [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] We've ended the beater with closing down. That's actually the case of a lot of windows phone apps. That so many of them are in preview and beater. Instagram, I think Skype is officially still in. So then some sort of preview version. And that, that's Microsoft's own software as well. But one day. One day. [LAUGH] So, that's kind of typical of most of Windows [UNKNOWN] stuff, which is a shame. But yeah, we'll, we'll give it a go when it arrives and see what it works with and what it doesn't. So I don't think they've set an exact date on when it will be just generally available for all devices and pushed out as an update. I think that's probably gonna be in the next few weeks. But Okay. Well, [UNKNOWN] we'll look at that. So moving on. So those folks in charge of stopping Internet pirates, avast ye [CROSSTALK] Arrrr! The piracy police, yes. They have a new scheme for stopping the pirates from making money. So, in short what they do is they high-jack the adverts on these piracy websites and replaced them with warnings and things and basically this will stop ad money coming in to the pirates and cuts of their supply of cash their booty cool interesting well ya it's kind of cool what it involves is like I said the copywrite infringing websites that are used by people here in the uk. Yeah the police are able to kind of intercept the adverts. And So the adverts don't get served instead this warning saying you're looking at a website that's been investigated for, for corporate infringement. Which is fine so the idea is it cuts off the money. But I don't know if it's necessarily gonna work we've had some thoughts from [INAUDIBLE] about this recently. Yeah we have so. << How am going to pronounce this. [INAUDIBLE], i think that's not a name, it's a user name. << Right. << Good, good. The ad should be interactive and collect IP address of visitors, two birds with one stone. << [INAUDIBLE] << [INAUDIBLE] adds to that, if only they an add a virus to the illegal downloads, assuming they don't already have one. Piracy should be attacked on both ends, ideally both the uploader and downloaders who would end up with bricked computers. Quite right, quite right. Bring back hanging. Keelhaul the lot of them. Yeah, stoning's too good for 'em. Although, Macleay points out. So what do they do about the pirates who are clever enough to use adblock. Which is Lot's of them. We'll we've seen with the actual sites if the sites themselves that are they are kind of having their ads intercepted but some of the sites are simply turning off their adverts. Oh yeah there you go I think it could work actually because I'm sure there are loads of sort of low level casual pirates out there. Who probably havent really ever thought about whether they believe that piracy is. Is the great new good and the open internet is the thing worth fighting for. Yeah. We'll they're probably just like, I wanna watch Gossip Girl. Hm. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] They're probably not relying on this as a source of their actual income it isn't their livelihood there. Yeah. Their putting out their logic that they want to watch a show. [CROSSTALK] But it, you know. They're gonna put it online for others to watch. It's not, they're not trying to make money from ads I-->> Yeah, I, I don't think there's any kind of moral defense for people who are saying that as long as we, as long as it's free then it's okay to - Man, it's ridiculous. But it, there are people like going to the Pirate Bay or something. If you saw an advert or something-->> Mm. - - that kind of popped up and was like, by the way, F, FYI, everyone - - But hello, hello, hello. - - Hello, hello, hello. This site is being investigated. whats going on here what are you looking for although legally it seems a bit confusing because the banner ads say we are investigating this website in a sort of threatening implied you might be investigated as well but in fact they are investigating the website so it's like are people really under the theat of investigation with this it feels a bit heavy handed but i think it might work. I think Pete cut people off. Well obviously one of the big concerns with anything like this, whenever you blacklist a bunch of sites, is, you know, are you gonna, blacklist the wrong people back to them, which was a concern [INAUDIBLE]. Maybe it was it could also be a scare tactic. Generally, if you are a novice downloader as you were, and you're not quite sure about the legality of some of it, and you are concerned about getting. Cool, so maybe if you're using a parent's computer getting your home internet cut off and you see this oh, this website I visited is being investigated, then maybe that will be enough to scare you away from going back. Yeah. That sort of, Yeah. Yeah, a short-short- Okay then, cool. And what else is going on with you? So, Okay Keeper, the online dating site, they have been following in Facebook's footsteps. I'm performing experiments on it's users very very naughty so they have a blog post that is titled we experiment on human beings. Great [CROSSTALK] [INAUDIBLE] Yay. [INAUDIBLE] co founder Christian Rudder actually discussed arguably questionable. [CROSSTALK] So basically he says that on the first trimester we might be popular we might create great relationships,we might blah blah blah. But OK cupid doesn't really know what its doing. Neither does any, any other website. Its not like people have been building these things very long. Or you can go look up a blueprint or something. Most ideas are bad. Even good ideas could be better. Experiments are how you sort this all out. What they've basically been doing is lying to users about how compatible they are with other users, and to measure how significantly that perception informs the reality. And how how much people want to interact with each other [CROSSTALK] So it takes your interests and it creates at, it mathematically takes things you're interested in and pairs them up. Yeah suggests the users who would be a good match for you. Because you have things in common or. Yeah. Not right. It's okay. Yeah. Okay. And this has been, they've been fixing those. How many people, how many people complained about this, this fixing, this manipulation? That's something I should know but Luke, I don't have an answer for you. Wasn't it two? I believe it was only two. Really, only two people? [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Well, only two people. That's interesting. Well if only two people, if not many people were bothered by this, that suggests to me that their compatibility algorithm was rubbish. Just stop me. I feel like we've been messing around giving you random strangers to date. And, with, oh, we didn't notice any difference. We didn't see anything was wrong. Although, I mean, yeah it's a bit weird. I mean, you could end up with God knows who. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing, so if they're taking this very sort of light, frothy tone with this, this is what we do and this is how we do it. We sort it out. But and, and it, it is kind of similar to what Facebook did, which was to sort of, manipulate how often posts with positive or negative words showed up, to determine whether or not that had an impact on whether you were more likely or less likely to post. positive or negative things. It was basically if they could influence your mood and they found that they could in some cases. But yeah, in this situation you might end up sort of meeting someone you don't. You could end up married. Yeah, imagine, they've got a lawsuit on their hands. If, if, like there could be people who met on OK cupid 3 years ago and now they're married they're like, hang on. How do we know we really have anything in common. That's it, I mean, you can't It's a sham from day one. You could reach her your 60th wedding anniversary, and then, You suddenly find an e-mail from OK cupid saying so 60 years ago we messed around with the algorithms a little bit. What, we've been living a lie this whole time, now we have to get a divorce. We have to tell the kids. We were never a decent match. Awful, awful. Oh the terrible things that could happen. So be careful out there when you're online dating. So just be careful. OK Cupid founder actually went on to say the ultimate question at OK cupid is just this thing that experiment. Even work. Just the mere suggestion that caused people to actually like each other, and as far as we can measure, yes it does. Okay. So. An answer for everything, those OKCupids, haven't they? Yeah. Mm. Okay, right. And, and now we finally a long held sporting mystery solved. Yes! So, yes. You might remember the fun in Wacky Races with. **** Dastardly, Muttley and Penelope Pitt Stop but we never actually found out who won the race. Who won the wacky races after all. And that to me spoiled really any potential enjoyment after all a lack of rankings and data. No one's taking control, they're out there just doing laps. No one knows what's going on. But, now, an interneter, good old interneter, has actually applied, a F1 scoring systems. Okay, okay. And different, and different laps and things [CROSSTALK] Nine points for a win, six points for second place, and so on and so on. Absolutely, yes, and has actually figured out who. Who won? [CROSSTALK] Was so surprised about the answer. So. So in third place, you may have expected it to be [UNKNOWN] pit stop, or, cause he seems to win a lot, but, in third place it was the Anthill Mob in the bulletproof bomb. Yeah. Cool. In the getaway mode, where they stick their feet up on the run. Oh, yeah, yeah, amazing. Second place, Rufus Roughcut, and Sore Tooth in the buzz wagon, that was the lumberjack. But in first place? Was Gravel and Rock ****, aka the **** Brothers, **** Brothers. [CROSSTALK] In the Bouldermobile. And they were powered by clubs. Yes! They beat [UNKNOWN] occasionally each other. That's right. Well If they crash, they get into a different boulder, and then they beat that into a new Bouldermobile, and then they Nice. [CROSSTALK]. [UNKNOWN] they just had the bolder strategy. That why they pay him the big bucks. That was good. yeah, they managed that because they were, they were eight, second eight times. They won more than anybody else but they were second eight times. [CROSSTALK] So we talked about Wacky Racers which, I'm quite truffed because I do know a fact about Wacky Racers which is that only a mere 70 episodes were made. Even though it seems like it's been in theaters, it run between September and January. << So, I must watched hundreds of episodes about bike racing and you're telling me that most of them, I'd had already seen. There were a couple of spin offs as well. There was the stop the pigeon. Catch the pigeon, catch the pigeon. Yes. I remember that. The thing that I keep thinking of, because I remember there was one that was always They were played Playing on I think Channel 4, early morning before Everybody Loves Raymond, when I was about, when I was getting ready to go to school. Yeah. I was definitely, it was Captain Pigeon I was thinking of, not Wacky Racers. And there, there were other similar shows that you may have confused as well. Yes. Yeah, yeah, that's right. I thought that what you meant was the **** Brothers, when you told me it was **** Brothers. We're actually called gravel and rouge flag are we shock because I thought that was captive cave man. And this mate. And this mate. [LAUGH] Yeah- I think we are a cave manly [LAUGH] you know cave man- Yeah. He has friends- Yeah. You know, It seems obvious to me I miss [INAUDIBLE] I like the way that the signs the thing that was supping the signs but the older versions- Hm, yeah. I'm glad to know he is the winner. Yeah, well the thing is I mean it should really have been **** [INAUDIBLE] because he had the faster car but he kept stopping to make tra- And he, he, he had to have the fastest car. He could have won. This is his folly. This is hubris. Well- - --Hubris, that's what it is.>> I mean, though, the potential problem with this is that they have applied F1 scoring to Wacky Races. Mm.>> You'd think that maybe the Wacky Races scoring is a bit wacky. [LAUGH] For example, there might be style points, or you know [CROSSTALK] or like opposite day where you have to lose to win. Yeah. Well in capture the pigeon, they had to catch that pigeon. But I also think maybe the rule was you can kill the pigeon? Because only one of them, one of the planes had big mallets it just slapped together [INAUDIBLE]. It'll catch the pigeons sure, but it will also turn it into some sort of [INAUDIBLE]. I mean, what have you caught? Yeah, you've caught a liquid that used to be pigeon. Well the thing is, I mean, all modern planes should have that guard against bird-strike. The big mallets sticking out in front. Anyway, cool, that's good stuff [INAUDIBLE] sporting mystery solved. Glad to hear it. So yeah, let's move on. Time for the big picture. [MUSIC] Yes, this is the part of the show where we jump in the car of news. But instead of grabbing the wheel and just skidding all over the road, we switch to self-driving mode of clarity and insight to cut right through the traffic of confusion. This week, Sky has increased its backing of Jaunt, a US company developing 360 degree video. Then the Oculus Rift headset. So why is Sky investing in virtual reality? Well, there are two parts to that question. Firstly, why is Sky invested, and secondly, why virtual reality? Sky is a broadcast and content creation company, and so the folks at Sky towers are interested in possible future forms of entertainment. It's often smaller companies that are developing those crazy future technologies. So why not throw them a few quid and get on the ground floor if it works out. That's what Apple does, that's what Google does, that's what Facebook does. Best of all, if things work out, heck you can always just buy the company and absorb the technology. Like Google with home automation Pioneer's Nest. Or yes, again, Facebook with Oculus. And that brings us on to the second question. Why Oculus Rift? Because 22 years after the Lawnmower Man, virtual reality is finally coming into its own. Sony is developing its own Morpheus headsets, Samsung is working on one, and you can play games so you can look around. Developers are creating not just games, but ways to shoot movies with a 360 degree camera. So what do you think can you see yourselves watching virtual reality, Luke, there might be a little dish on the side of your head. i'm in with the dish but no with the headsets I don't like know- Andy are you keen? Yes I am keen. I'm going to throw my hat on, my big electronic hat and visor immediately into this. Yes i'm on board but it is going to depend on the type of program we're watching we talked for about. Shows like Breaking Bad, not so much anything like that. Unless a, they actually remade, rethought how they actually make these shows to have movie people interacting directly with you the viewer. Okay. But with other- - A scripted drama wouldn't necessarily work so-->> I don't think anything that's scripted where you're just basically watching tv on a larger screen, but I think things where it would really come into its own. << It's things like documentaries. I can really imagining watching the BBC's amazing documentaries like Plant Earth on Life where if that was filled with 360 cameras. You could actually wear this headset and actually feel like you're in the jungle. You could look around and see all these different trees. And maybe be directed toward, well over in this tree you're gonna see orangutan and down here in the floor. << And you look at [xx] you missed it, you missed it again. << Yes. Look over there, look over there. We're all pointing. No pointing. No, not that tree. Not that tree you idiot. So I think there's definitely some great applications, and maybe I could even think that sporting events like sitting in the football stadium you could, you could really feel like you did finally get that world cup ticket but Yeah. And you've got a terrible view. Yeah. An awful view. Yeah, you're right in the back. And you could look around and see all the horrible people sat just behind you. Yeah, yeah. Actually, you know, I mean, first, I think one. Place you would be good in, in night and sporting, it's, it's it's, it's the, the big camera, the camera that kind of hovers over the picture, so it moves around. Oh yeah. [CROSSTALK] You could feel like you were flying like an angel amongst the footballers. [LAUGH] An angel of death! [LAUGH] Not even going to touch that. If you want. I think generally as well, non-linear story telling would be good. Yeah.>> I mean you could maybe not necessarily Breaking bad is completely scripted. But what if you could kind of walk in between and seeing different subplots unfolding in different times. I think this is. Yeah, that's why I think that the may be it could work with crime stuff or possibly soap. So if you've ever been to like a murder mystery party. Yeah. I don't know if you guys have ever been to one of those. But. I've been to a party where there was a murder. Mm. But that's, that's completely different thing. But it wasn't a mystery. It wasn't much fun. They know it was you. [LAUGH] It was actually quite stressful. I was getting rid of my gloves [CROSSTALK]. This is a rubbish party. But yeah, if you've ever been to one of those parties though. Kind of actors wandering around. And you move around the rooms. And you don't have to follow a set pattern or anything. You just. Watch people moving around you and try and piece together the mystery yourself. Like a mystery theatre? Yeah, exactly, so maybe that could work for that if you wanted [UNKNOWN] watch everything going on. I would say I wonder if maybe you could write for soaps, so I'm imagining sort of the published [UNKNOWN] and anguish just takes me at the moment. So [UNKNOWN]. I mean yeah, there's a lot going on on a soap and you don't like every character so maybe you could just go to. Alfie Moon's house Yeah. and see what Alfie Moon is up to. What if he's just sitting there, watching telly for, the, what if he's watching Carnation Street? Well, some of the time he would. But I'm such an Alfie Moon fan [LAUGH] I'd be like Fine. I'd be looking out Alfie Moon's window going, oh, the square's on fire. But then I'd be like, well, let's see how Alfie deals with it. [INAUDIBLE] There's another fight in the Vic, I'm not gonna bother going [INAUDIBLE] Fight in the Vic? Oh no, Alfie's, Alfie's. Gonna put David Attenborough on and Yeah. turn the volume up. Watch it with Alfie. Watch it with Alfie. That's basically what I want, to live with Alfie Moon. [LAUGH] That's the, that's the killer feature. It would be kinda like lodging with Alfino. [CROSSTALK] It would be like TV meets if you've ever been to one of the punch drunk theater companies where yea the main story line, but then you can go along being played out but you can also just wander around,its in a big building, you can go to different rooms and see different parts of the scene or something being played out or. Be kind of like that. You could, you could [CROSSTALK] around. It's, it's hard to describe, [UNKNOWN] and I, I was really stupid before I went, but I had a fantastic time [CROSSTALK] Maybe Oculus Rift could do that with, with [UNKNOWN] senders [UNKNOWN] going. Yeah. Okay. What have, our readers, listeners, and viewers been saying? Well, Zaff Dray say, people do not realize how crazy awesome it will be to play apps like, crazy awesome it would be to play apps like Temple Run through Occulus. The apps platform will most likely extend to the rift and then some. No need to convince naysayers. After the tech explorers are using it and establish its presence, the rest of the consumer base will then follow. Right.>> I think that is wildly optimistic. [LAUGH] We, we admire your enthusiasm. Yeah, exactly. I mean, like take Temple Run just for example. I mean the makers of Temple Run, you know have enough trouble sort of making Temple Run, would have to make a whole new version of Temple Run just for the smattering of people with Occulus Rift. It's hard to get developers on board. A bit more down to earth is wolfpox. who, I have to say what an amazing username, wolfpox. [LAUGH] The pox of the wolf. Wolfpox says. Can somebody please tell me what the actual great ideas for this technology are. Stop talking about a holodeck and other completely separate groups of fantastical tech, and please tell me, tell Wolf Parks what consumer grade headsets are supposed to be enabling. Is there even a single real idea fueling all this hype? Wow. Mm, also, but, a bit a bit down to Earth is Divergent 2 says. I really think the art is being blown out of proportion. It was a hot buzzword in the eighties and nineties and went nowhere, at least in the consumer markets. no, I don't agree with this at all. Because, just because it flopped in the eighties and nineties doesn't mean that that's going to the case now. Like, technology has moved on so completely from then. It was a good idea, just we didn't have the tech at the time to actually put it into good use. I mean, we, we. Are starting to now have that. Nightmare obviously. Well yeah of course. And we moved on so far from then, it's worth giving it another go. On that note, divergence two continues. 3D came and went pretty fast. I don't think people really want to strap a device to their head in the long run. Heck a lot of people don't want to wear glasses in their living rooms to watch a movie. Yeah, [CROSSTALK] I don't know why people are saying I don't want to wear glasses, but yeah wearing a whole headset I think would be a bit much. Hm, yes, its beyond the pale, beyond. Well some people aren't convinced that big companies can handle the investments. For example and wheel says thank you Facebook for killing one of the few technologies that i was actually looking forward to fair enough well tell us what you thing do you have a vr headset in your living room and what would you use it for would you use it for gaming tele or something else entirely let's vote anyway now its time for the quiz [MUSIC] [NOISE] So yes it's time for the quiz. Ya all warmed up? All ready? Yeah, [CROSSTALK] The current leaderboard is. Jason is on three. Andy is on three and Luke is on one. One win. So,uh, it's, all to play for. Our sound for this weeks quiz. Buzzer wise Luke sounds like this [NOISE]. [MUSIC] Horrifying. Horrifying stuff. Horrifying. What's happening to that horse? [LAUGH] [MUSIC] It's playing music. Sorry, sorry. [LAUGH] The horse is playing the organ too Yeah. And Andy cover this. [NOISE] Right [LAUGH] Okay. [CROSSTALK] [INAUDIBLE] Do that one more time, Rich. [NOISE] [INAUDIBLE] Good. So it's, fingers on buzzers. Fast fingers. First, this week the quiz is all about acquisitions. Cuz we were speaking about investing in companies our assests. Companies buying other companiers. Okay. And, absorbing that [INAUDIBLE] thing. What hapopened. All right., Okay. So Google. Bought Android in 2005. But what kind of software was Android working on before it switched to mobile phones? [NOISE] Luke? Was it, GPS? That's incorrect I'm afraid. Andy? Do you have a go at that? What was google doing? What was android doing before mobile phones? Oh no. Well it's too late you both. Luke has the answer but I don't know the answer so I think we both on that one.>> You both failed. The correct answer Luke? Digital cameras. It was software for digital cameras. Oh>> That was correct, But [UNKNOWN] 14 no points. What a chump I am. Question two, Foundations of IOS and OS 10 came from the software company NEXT which was bought by Apple in 1997. But who was the boss. Of Next. Luke. Steve Jobs. It was Steve Jobs. That's right. His triumphant return. Yes. Laying the ground work for everything that's come afterwards. So one point for Luke. Everything useful. Okay. I'm falling behind. This is awful. It all comes down to this final question. Okay. Over the years, Apple has bought two British companies that we know of. Including most recently Nevarez technology in 2013 but which I found finch it do that company technology go into, Is anyone- Can you ask the question again, Rich? Yes,Uh, over the years after [INAUDIBLE] two British purchase companies that we know including most recently Nevarez technologies in 2013, 2013, but which iPhone finch it that the company technology go into at least. Was it touch ID It's not correct, it's not right I'm afraid. Want to have a go? I'm going to go with something with maps maybe 3D maps. I'm afraid not no. It was Who is it. It was Siri. It was [UNKNOWN] made voice recognition technology and it went into [CROSSTALK] You know that was that was a trick question because Apple also bought, Siri.>> Yeah Siri, it was Nuance I think they're a British company as well. Yeah Also the 2013 was was tricky because I thought like it can't be Siri. yeah. But it was Siri, to improve Siri, nice. Quiditch master, that's what you are. I like to think so. So that means, so who got one point? You did, didn't you? You finally won. I won. Yeah, absolutely. Brilliant! Just for fun, the tie breaker was going to be if you had actually drawn there, to the nearest million how much loss did Newscorp make when it sold MySpace years after buying it for $580 million. Anyone, [CROSSTALK] 400 million. You got 400 million, was that you? Yeah. 40 million. I say 200 million. It was actually $545 million Wow. they lost. So Andy, you're [UNKNOWN]. So how much does it actually sell for then? It sold for $35 million. Oh my. I know, right. Legendary, legendary stuff. Deary me. [CROSSTALK] Just for fun. Didn't count. Luke goes on the leader board. So Luke there has two, you're still lagging behind but it means just more to play for next week. You know I was sort happy to like be the comical loser. The life of a clown. Is a fine one. There's a certain dignity in it. [LAUGH] But now I feel like I'm competing again. Now I feel like I'm just coming in last, and I have to -->> You're back in the game. This is rubbish. Cool. All right, well come back next week to see if Luke can claw things back from the jaws of defeat. Let's see let's see how that works out. All right. For now let's see what you guys have been saying in the feedback. Christ Ragtail says, love the discussion on the proper color for the crisps bag. Mm. It made me chuckle and reminded me of the dismayed conversations I heard back in 1990 when the Marathon bar was changed to Snickers. Enjoy every episode, keep up the good work. Thanks Chris! Thank you. Thank you so much Chris. Do you guys remember, do you guys remember the Marathon changeover? The great Marathon changeover of 1990? No. Were you born then? And what year was it? 1990. I was born. I was born, but I don't know. I was too young to be [UNKNOWN]. You were, how. How old were you? I would have been two, three. That means wait a minute, have either of you had a marathon bar? No I've never had a marathon bar. Wow, that's broken Britain. Unless my parents were feeding me large amount of Marathon bars at ages three and under but, I hope not. Fair enough. Mm. Okay, there you go. Next, Andrew Templee says when will Android fan boys cease to be full of patronizing BS? Ooh! Guy must work for the Forestry Commission,' cause that was a controlled burn! Ooh! Saucer of milk for table three. Nice. Eric Sue says. What brand of smartphone does the majority of your team own? Well it's a rich tapestry, starting Richard's tapestry, Rich? My tapestry is a Nokia Lemia. I am using a Sonyphone, but that's quite a recent thing, I was using an Iphone before that. for a long time. [CROSSTALK] You've had one compact, recommended by CNET's Andrew Hoyle. [LAUGH] What does CNET's Andrew Hoyle carry around in his pocket? [LAUGH] That's right, and we know that Nick. [UNKNOWN] uses a Nexus 5, Jason uses an iPhone, and Mark, who you will never see, uses an iPhone. You will never see him [CROSSTALK]. There he is over there. Over there brandishing his iPhone. [LAUGH] Sean Gazer says, can you make the podcast longer? It's far too short. I think he was talking about the beard length of the members of the team. Well that's embarrassing Yeah a little bit yeah. I actually had one of those fancy barber wet shave things recently he gave me a bit of analysis on my beard. Right. He said it's interested it's very patchy isn't it. But what ou got is quite wiry I was like. [LAUGH] So like a Gorse Bracken kind of thing.>> Yeah, and this is what, three, three months ago, and you haven't shaved since? Yeah, yeah, [INAUDIBLE] no, I know. It's coming in.>> [LAUGH] You'll see. You'll all see. Chris Slater says, have you heard any rumors about the iWatch?>> No, no. [CROSSTALK] And if it will be released at the same time as the iPhone 6? I wouldn't be surprised. If it was released after the iPhone 6 or announced after [UNKNOWN] to not sort of cramp the iPhone styles. Apple sometimes does one thing in September and then another thing in October. Yeah. With maybe new [UNKNOWN] freak us out. Yeah. So yeah. Like it'd be hard for us to take holidays [UNKNOWN]. Yeah, oh yea who knows, we'll see.>> Aaron Campbell says will broadband in the UK every become a protected utility like water and electricity with basic quality standards protected in law. Its a really good question. It is a good question, and that is what Offcom is trying to do because it is. You're trying to establish like minimums in terms of what minimum speech would be and pricing as well. And it's also actually trying to get BT to allow the companies to use its infrastructure, 'cause [UNKNOWN] BT has so much of the actual back-end stuff, [CROSSTALK] [CROSSTALK] In charge. Exactly, yes. So that BT don't hold this monopoly over everything. [UNKNOWN] over a barrel. There you go. There you go. Matt Hurt says, what is the standing of NFC tattoos? I saw an article about this, and would like to know the benefits of that kind of thing. Well, I'm guessing that the article that Matt's referring to is the article about Motorola. How about moto-X accessory is called the viva link and then you get a pack, you get a pack of ten of these tattoos that get to cost ten pounds and the last of five days you stick them on they survive in swimming and shower is not gonna show- Okay so you can stick. Okay, this thing Is not like a tattoo is more permanent it's a more about temperature I think you put it on the sponge you know when you- Yeah when the And then you let it hold there for the full 30 seconds or whatever it is in the package you know [CROSSTALK] I wanna see it, I wanna see it When they. It comes away with a backing and you cry. Yeah. [CROSSTALK] Then the tears. So that's that's used for unlocking your phone. There's also I mean there's been talk about Motorola tattooing a microphone onto your throat so you can talk. No thanks, Motorola. Feel free to not tattoo anything onto my throat. And there was a couple of years ago, back in 2012, Nokia was talking a bit about magnetic tattoos that you can That you can stick on it I mean even on the skin permanently and it vibrate when you get call. Hm, what about when you to wake you up? Well if it was an [UNKNOWN] you need to actually insert the [INAUDIBLE] chip into your skin it had to be an implant which actually what you wanna do is to lended and put a stick under my hand so I can just let it just touch my hand on the [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. But you could, you could [INAUDIBLE] could also [INAUDIBLE] tattoo [CROSSTALK] q- Wow. You get QR codes tattoo on you, you could actually figure out a QR code and then get that. << Put on you so maybe someone could scan it and they'd get your number if you were that sort of guy in a bar. Not that I've got that. Now I've got that on my back. << Small of your back. << That's a terrible idea. Tattoos are way too permanent for this. For the pace of technology. What are you gonna do if you got a QR code tattooed on you? You may as well have. Like a mini disk slot put in your belly button or something.>> Yeah. Are you saying a QR code could be like, 2014's Chinese symbol, or something? Yeah,well I would say 2000 and late. Everyone's already That's right. not using QR codes. They never really [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH]. 2014's a little dolphin with a, with, you know, with a rose on it. Oh yeah, yeah. Everyone's favorite animal is a dolphin. Yeah. Never really sure why. Didn't really don't really appeal to me. [LAUGH] Anyway, Malcolm J- Did one mug you when you were younger or something? I don't know. Don't like to talk about it. Yeah. Smug, aren't they? Yeah. One day I'll reveal the reason, but not today. Malcolm James Harden says. Is it worth developing seeds for mars to start oxygenation of the atmosphere? Yeah. You don't wanna get up there and find it's you know, smells weird. Do you know, i've actually gone off space travel. For why? Which I didn't think I would because i'm a big Sci Fi fan. But I was actually. I actually stole this idea from popular columnist and book writer Caitlin Moran. And she basically was making the what I think is a very point. That we shouldn't think of earth as a sort of stepping stone, and if you look at Mars, its rubbish, its just like red and dusty, its not, who wants to go and live there. They all live here with the waterfalls and the birds and everyone else. Also like, if we go to Mars, there's no way that everyone's coming. This is the only, this is our home planet. Yeah. This is our home planet. We have to act like it. Yeah. Tidy up after ourselves or something Yeah. To us. Hurrah. That's a good idea. I like that. Yeah, there you go. Mr. Jefferson says, what color panties are you wearing. Totes inapropes. Totes inapropes. [CROSSTALK] They don't agree with you. Shunned. Yep, and finally Bill Welch my half man says what is the meaning of life? The meaning of the life I believe is to consume as much technology as possible and to be able to be on your death bed and to say I always had an up to date phone [LAUGH]. So keep reading Scene it, Yes. readers and listeners. It is the key to happiness. [INAUDIBLE] Alright, thanks Thank you. very much guys. Yes, please keep the feedback coming by emailing us at our new email address, which is [x] [x], thank you very much [x] listeners uh,that is it for this week. We are taking a couple of weeks off as we recalibrate our service and recharge our comet turbines. So we will be back in three weeks for episode 400. What do you think guys? Guaranteed [INAUDIBLE] Be the best Wow. podcast episode ever. Right guys. Yeah. Sure that, that's a promise we should definitely make. Can we put a start on the screen? Maybe a little asterisk. Yeah, yeah, may not be the best podcast ever. But forward to it anyway. So we'll see then. So, anyway, thank you Andy. Thank you. Thank you, Luke. Thank you. Thanks to our producer Mark who you'll never see. Right. We're off to stick our heads down the virtual reality rabbit hole. [MUSIC]

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