Deep Dive: Prime Air, the ShiftWear campaign and guest Kim Horcher (Tomorrow Daily 281)
Deep Dive: Prime Air, the ShiftWear campaign and guest Kim Horcher (Tomorrow Daily 281)

Deep Dive: Prime Air, the ShiftWear campaign and guest Kim Horcher (Tomorrow Daily 281)

On today's show we take a deep dive into Amazon's Prime Air. Or more specifically, ask the question. What are you going to do when you can order everything via drone? Also, we've got Nokia's new VR camera and a pair of digital shoes that might be too good to be true. We also welcome Kim Horcher to the show from TYT's Nerd Alert. And we all get to talk about why we love and hate the state of video gaming today. You ready for another long up code? Let's do it, Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the internet, welcome to Tomorrow Daily. The [UNKNOWN] their own universe. We are once again here together. I'm Ashley Esqueda. I'm Jeff Cannata, and it's awesome to be united like the Voltron that we are. It is. I like that, I like that we're sort of these separate moving parts, and that we come together. Once a week to create a massive awesome show where everything is, we can talk about things more in depth. Yeah, exactly. We get to report on the cool new stories every week. Hopefully you guys are watching those short bite sized episodes where we just give you the facts. And now we're going to give a little analysis on some of our favorite stories from the week. Yeah, so let's talk about out headlines this week. [SOUND] Obviously big story this week was prime air, Amazon prime air. Yeah this was cool this was a video we talked about on Monday's episode with a demonstration of what it may be like some day to order something from Amazon- The future. And have it delivered via drone. A futuristic glimpse If you will, into our online ordering live. So the way I understand this is because I'm a Prime member, because I'm somebody that orders from Amazon, I will be given a little thing, a little square, little Target- The landing pad. to place somewhere in my house or in my land. [LAUGH] In your land? All the land that I have. Yeah your five [INAUDIBLE]? Got it. Yeah. And so something will be loaded in the belly of this machine- And I love that it says not simulated. No this is real. This is real. This is actual footage. And then it's going to fly to my house. It's going to look for that target and it's gonna land there and drop off the thing I ordered. Yeah. This is an updated model of drone from the one they previously showed us. The one previously actually carried the package. Like It was hanging beneath it which seemed A: really dangerous because that's just seems like an accident waiting to happen and B: it also it wasn't secure so this is much better Thank goodness this wasn't an accident waiting to happen Yeah, this definitely. I mean this is, so here's my question yeah, there's the target here's the delivery zone yet this little Amazon a which is what? A foot by a foot Yeah. It's small. Do you have to have clearance of a place to put that? Yes. For Amazon? The drone, supposedly, from what I've read, the drone will not land if it does not sense Proper clearance area around the space. So do you like prevent it from ordering it? I mean does it fly by your house and go sorry, I'm flying home. Yeah, probably, I imagine so. Because if you're not responsibly ordering that stuff Amazon is going to fly it there and be like Well you know we can't drop this off so we're just going to go back. That seems highly inefficient. It does seem highly inefficient but the thing is is I bet you people that really need stuff in that quick amount of time are gonna learn real fast how to make sure that they have. Honey did you put the target out? Oh crap. Than you run and you put, where is it? It already left. She's just running after it. Help, no, come back! Please, land on me! I know. Well, looking for it, a lot of interesting things from people saying they would put it on their roof, which I find that to be a very bad idea. How do you prevent the hilarious pranks? From putting it on places it's not supposed to be put? And also how do you- On my car or something. How do you prevent Because it seems like it, obviously it's it's, meant to you know lock into it in GPS spot and then it will go down there or whatever, a landing spot like you would have in other drones, but the thing is is like, what's to stop somebody from replicating this or Yeah. Counter fitting the Amazon one. Maybe there will be some sort of signal inside. Like individual number or something? Yeah, maybe something like that, where we have to kind of match. It's got To. It has to match stuff, cuz there's no way. You gotta figure there first priority here is security, is safety, is making sure I get what I ordered. Well security first cuz I want my stuff and I don't want someone else to get my stuff. Do we need our stuff that fast Ashley? Safety, eh. Do we need our stuff that fast? Really do we need that? I feel that people online would argue, like, emergency supplies. Emergency supplies? What, toilet paper? It's always toilet paper. If there's a situation where I need to order toilet paper and have it delivered to me by drone there's other problems in my life. That's all I'm saying, that's all I'm saying. That's a really good point, okay. [LAUGH] I give you that. I am pro technology, I am pro [INAUDIBLE]. I want this all to work. Pro toilet paper, you're pro, you're pro- I'm pro emergency, I don't know. Right. But I guess, I really. don't think we need stuff this fast. Here's my one argument. Okay. So, I don't have any you kids guys, I have dog babies but they do adorable things sometimes and sometimes thy go to like a friend's house and let's say I'm taking pictures and all of a sudden I run out of memory on my memory card. Mm-hm. A very important event, maybe just family reunion. Drown it. Drown it out [LAUGH] Lanyard. You get your little memory card. You get your stuff and then you are on your way. Perfect, problem solved. [LAUGH] Really, that's your primary example situation. Batteries. I could use batteries for stuff. You know there are stores. But I don't want to leave. Sometimes you don't want to leave the event. You want to have fun there and you don't want to leave and you are like! Like have you ever had a house party We're like oh man, we really need more paper plates. A six pack! I really need paper plates! And then all of a sudden, you're like does anybody really want to leave the house thought? No. And then everyone ends up eating off their hands, and it's gross. What kind of bourgeois? It's a first world problem [CROSSTALK] Develop a robot that can give me paper plates so I don't have to stop my house party. This is the universe we live in now. It is. I'm all for it. I'm all for it. Let's make it happen. Maybe you get a hot spot. You order the drone you get a little hot spot. This just seems so remarkably, inefficient, impossible, futuristic, that I can't imagine that we're actually headed there. I keep feeling like they're going to be like sorry we were it's not going to work. It would almost be like if they pull this, hey listen we figured out how to make Mr. Fusion work like in back to the future and you're going to be able to power your car with banana peels. [LAUGH] It seems insane. Like that seems like a thing that can't possibly be. But in this so I'm watching this and I'm like, but how many people order everyday from amazon that it's like. Again we joked about earlier this week, literally we're gonna, there will be no more sunlight guys. It's just gone, goodbye. Speaking of things that should not be, I had this thought the other day. That when I was a kid, and I loved a song, and I wanted that song really bad, I would have to sit by the radio and wait for the song to come on, and try to tape it on my cassette tape player. Just have a CD [UNKNOWN]. I'm aging myself with this cassette tape, but I did, when I was little. I did too. Now- No. I stand in my house and I talk out loud, and I say they name of the song I wanna hear, and it plays. And it's right there. Right there for you. That's The Jetsons. That's the future, cuz of Echo. I literally just say, hey Alexa, play whatever song I wanna hear. And for any potential song in the universe So I guess, anything is possible. Impossible. Alright, let's go from things that are possible and interesting, to things that might be a little bit out of reach for most people. So we've to talk about Nokia's OZO. Yeah. The OZO, if you did not watch the show earlier this week, or you are not familiar with it Nokia, I should clarify this. This is not the part of Nokia that was bought by Microsoft, that was a handset division. So this is actually Nokia still being its own company and deciding to build new devices. And one of the things that they have decided to do is to get into the 360 degree video game, and with The Ozo. And this is their Spherical camera here's a little commercial promo trailer that Nokia released when they announced it. Everybody's rushing in to the space and I think it makes a lot of sense because this is really as [INAUDIBLE] devices Hit the market, there is going to be this desire for content. Right. People are going to want to be able to give you those experiences. Like you can have now with cardboard, where you are inside a Cirque du Soleil performance. And the way they capture those is with these cameras that can shoot in 360 degrees. Some of them are an array of individual calendars that can stitch together. This is a $60,000 from Nokia. Which seems a little pricey. Yeah. I mean, like, there's eight cameras on board. Okay, so let's talk about some of the specs. Like, there's eight cameras on board They do stereoscopic 360 degree video. There are eight complementary microphones that record in spacial audio, so you're gonna be able to hear everything the way that you should when you're putting on your VR headset and listening to things happening all around you. And it's a sphere shape, so it looks really cool. I love that video by the way. It literally shows you nothing. Yeah, no. It's like, look, it's kind of a darkish thing. It's dark and it's spherical. It kind of reminds me of Flight of the Navigator. We're so old. [LAUGH] But my big thing is okay, so they want $60,000 for this, and honestly For me, they announced this right before Google IO, this was a little before Google IO. And now we have the goPro Odyssey, which is the one they worked on with Google specifically to work with Google Jump, which is the hardware and software suite that Google's making to make it Super easy for people to record, edit, and upload 360 degree video to YouTube. And that camera is an array of 16 go pro cameras. Lot of go pros. Lot of go pros and it's 16 thousand dollars or 15 thousand. Yeah, so I mean it's a big price delta between fifteen and sixty. But both of them, it's pretty clear, are not made for the average consumer. This is not a- Very true. Consumer level product, this is a professional level product. And I think in that context, the price is really not as jarry as you might expect, because we're talking about production companies that buy very high end equipment anyway Sure this is all going to come down, there will be prosumer version of stuff in the not too distance future but right now we're in that very professional quality [UNKNOWN]. Right and there is also a lot of DIY solutions and a lot of people who have created their own rigs, smaller production companies. So [UNKNOWN] and I, when [UNKNOWN] was cohosting the show with me at Three. We had a 360 degree video with the company, I am 360 who literally had a little tiny cube, a rig of like six little different cameras. Yeah. It was great. Like it was really a fun experience and people liked it. So for me, I feel like The hacker community and the modding community and the DIY community is really gonna find ways to sort of make great things until that price comes down. Yeah. But it does feel like. Uhh. Well, I feel like a lot of companies are gonna prefer to go with the Odyssey just because it already has all that built in infrastructure that googles offering with it and worry that Nokia's not going to be able to offer the same level of infrastructure. Gonna see how this shakes out. The thing I'm excited about is that this stuff is available. I'm very excited for when somebody is gonna be able to smack one of these things on their helmet and ride down on a BMX bike. And then I will be able to put my goggles on and feel what that's like. And just go. Oh man, that will be incredible, and that's gonna happen, you know? Yeah. Livestreaming in VR, you're going to be able to put on your headset, open up the twitch app, and watch Felix Baumgartner watch out from space, and he's gonna have a little tiny camera that's no bigger than This much, and he's gonna dive out of there and you're gonna be able to experience the whole thing live. Whoa. Yeah. I'm so in for VR, I can't wait. So the fact that more companies are gonna be able to get these cameras and give us content right out of the gate when the Oculus, and the Vibe, and these other goggles actually hit the market I want there to be tons of content, I want people to put these on and feel what I felt on tech shows putting them on. Which is gimme gimme gimme. I think, I believe in this tech, I think a lot of people are sceptical and what its gonna take is great content and these cameras are gonna be able to provide that. Yeah, I agree with you and I think a hundred percent like you said the big thing when people. Try the [UNKNOWN] for the first time that's when you get it. Yeah that's true I've tried so hard to explain what using virtual reality is like especially like light panning [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] like using the [UNKNOWN] blew my mind. It's incredible. There is just no way to describe it you have to experience it. You have to use it and try it. And it's just like oh my gosh I get it now. So I think you're right I think giving film makers, game developers, just anybody that has a story to tell the ability to do regardless of the price point is only gonna push VR more and more into the mainstream and that can only be good for everybody. Me, you, Jeff, all of the above. Let's do it. All right. Very last thing and then. I really wanna talk about these shoes. I know we really have wanted. Wanted to talk about this issue. I did a backet or hacket yesterday about shiftwear. Yeah, shiftwear. Listen, I've got some real yellow flag on it. [LAUGH] Can we discuss like, I've got some real questions. Well, you know, when I was a kid, my mom used to say, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. I fear- Do you really, really want it to be true? I fear that may be the case here. So these are shoes that they're crowd funding, that are made with a layer on the outside of e-paper, right? So they're- Yep. The color, HD color e-paper they say. They're programmable, and you'll be able to add designs and animations Direct from your smart device. Mm-hm. And look how cool that looks. I want that. I want my shoe to break apart in real time. Look how cool that looks. It is- Give me that. Where do I throw money at the screen? It looks really cool, but here's the thing Jeff. [CROSSTALK] It's not a working prototype. Wait, what? That's a Fake. That's digitally enhanced because here- Can I get my money back? I see or you could un back it. Un back it up. So what they're offering here is they're saying this shoe has e paper on both sides. It has a backlight on it. Yeah. Wireless charging and a walk to charge function. So you're going to able to, like kinetic charging. Amazing, that's what I want! Okay. Well yeah, of course. You don't want to have to plug your shoes in every night. No, I don't want to have to worry about my shoe getting out of batteries. Because it's E-Paper, they're saying up to 30 days of battery life A water proof so you can machine wash them. It don't seem like it's all things to all people. It really does and we cure all, cure nothing. So as they say on my favorite medical podcast program. Does this mean I could throw my Kindle in to the wash because its an E paper Can be watched? I don't think I saw a water proof sticker on that. Oh all right. So they're saying okay, we're gonna give you the option of high, medium, or low tops. You're gonna be able to one of three types of shoes and each of them are gonna have the [INAUDIBLE] all have the same features on them. And we're also gonna make this app, that is gonna be a full design community where designers are going to be able to show up and create custom designs that can be animations or just artwork or whatever. Want it, Give it. It's physically for, okay. Do it. So let's talk about- Hydras and lions. There's their [UNKNOWN]. $25,000 is the minimum what they ask for. How much do I have to donate? $150 for the low top. That's cheap. $200 for the mid top. 250 for the hi-tops. That's like regular shoe prices. It's like buying an expensive Nike. They say their stretch goal if they get to 250,000 is to mass produce. They say when we get here, we can begin mass production of the standard sneaker and the mobile app. At 25,000, this is what they say they are gonna have. Thanks to you, we can keep moving forward with development and complete our prototype, keeping the sharks away. So what you're saying is, that video that we just watched Is not a real thing, that's a mock up fake video. That's a, in a perfect world, this is what it will do and look like. Now that seems a little misleading to me. It does [CROSSTALK] Because [UNKNOWN] all excited when you showed me that video and I want to throw my money at the screen. Big flag, big flag. Ok so not only do they not have a working prototype They actually are saying we will not explain how it works. The technology works, how the shoe works, how the walking chargers, we're not explaining anything. We'll give that information to backers at a later date because we don't want the competition, Nike, New Balance, obviously a shark Sharks. Sharks are very good business people. The shoe technology counter spy ring is very. Big shoe is coming around. So big shoe. Big shoe. Clown shoes. [LAUGH] Clown shoes, so yeah. So, this is kind of, it's interesting to me for three reasons, here are the flags for me. One, no working prototype as we've discussed. That's real big. Two, two, no explanation of exactly how the product works. I get that you have to protect your patent And it's fine. Like, I get that. You protect your proprietary inventions. But on that same note- Give us something. Give us something. So that's two. Three, they only asked for $25,000, which seems awfully low to me, considering they need to deliver shoes that people order. They need to create an app that is a community plus marketplace to sell designs- You're poking a lot of holes in this shoe thing. And they're also saying I think those are my two biggest ones. The amount of money No prototype and they won't say any of how it works. Any time that you put up a video showing how your product works and it's a mock up and you're not making it real clear that that's a mock up and not idici cause we were just talking about the Amazon thing. Not a simulation like this is real, this is for real. They should say in this, this is a simulation, simulated images or something like that. Does it say that anywhere, where does it say No. No? Here's the thing, it's lined by omission, they've omitted What exactly that is. Listen, prove me wrong and show me that that's a working prototype. We want it to be real. I want it to be real. I would go nuts for these shoes. I want those high tops so bad, but I need to see a person in the shot, using the phone, pushing a design immediately to it, and literally picking the shoe up and putting it on, and walking away. Yeah. That's what I need to see. I agree with you 100%. It's a It's hard because with these crowd funding things you wanna donate money because you want it it happen, but you also don't wanna donate money without the idea that they actually have anything other than a cool idea. Exactly right. Kickstarter now requires that you need a working prototype. You got to show people- I think, to their credit. I agree, very smart. So be carefull if you are interested in this like we are Go with eyes wide open, we implore you go with eyes wide open. They're a little tricky too because they're like well we might be able to not mass produce these if you don't give us money. It's like well I can't wait then if I want one of these I better not wait. Yeah it's like 25,000 of them, let's say on average you get. To, let's say everybody orders the high tops or whatever. It's 25,000 at $250 each. That's a lot of shoes that have to be hand made. So, and that's even more expensive than mass production. So I don't know guys. I'm gonna wait and see. I might wait this out and pay full retail price for them, if they ever come to fruition, so That's our story and we're sticking to it. I hope the spies get these, and I hope we can buy Nike and Adidas versions cuz I trust those companies. Yeah, I want the Fike version I can get at Ross Dress for Less, I'll take that. All right guys, we are gonna take a quick break. We have this awesome video before we go to break. It's beautifully done, I saw this on Kotaku, they slowed down this rocket separating video it's gorgeous. Nice. So check that out, and we'll be right back with Kim Horcher from the Young Turks Nerd Alert. So stick around, don't click away. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show everybody, we have a very special guest today with us. A delightful young lady who is the creator, host, and executive producer of the show nerd alert on the young turk network. It's Kim Horcher. Welcome to the show Kim. Hi, it's great to be back. Yeah. Back? Well I was here once when you were, before your time. She's newer than me! I mean I'm newer than she- [LAUGH] That's true. It's true. She got, she had to sit in for me while I was absent. And then actually maybe you hosted, have you hosted twice? Once. Once. Okay. So how do you like our new set? I mean, this is new. I like it. There's more robots which is always a good thing. Yeah. More robots, more Ikea. More Ikea. More room. Speaking of robots, we were just talking about the drone future that we're all entering into. What do you think about this Amazon drone prototype video that's just came out? I think people might be tempted to abuse these drones. [CROSSTALK] Put the place where it's supposed to land, maybe somewhere weird. Yeah. [CROSSTALK] Too much. Cuz no one's thinking about the drones. Mm-hm. Won't someone please think of the drones? Right. But I like it because it shows Amazon's renewed interest in working on having this new alternate delivery system though they are along ways off from it actually being a reality. Yeah, do you, what's the thing that you would like to order via drone? Like whats the, like if you're at home and your just like man I need this one thing and it has to come via drone, like what's the thing and you get one free drone delivery. What is it? Well it's probably going to be for something you need right away right? Because you need to be pretty close to the centers where they're taking off. So, it'd be like an emergency item like we're out of toilet paper, we eat sometime [CROSSTALK] toilet paper. We've all been there. I want a drone to deliver another drone, just to show it off. [CROSSTALK] If you're like, yeah drone, see that? See what you're doing? Now you have to look at yourself in the mirror. I own your baby. [LAUGH] How do you like that drone? [SOUND] You would be stealing the drone's baby. [LAUGH] That's deeply upsetting. Well, you're showing the drone who's boss. Or think of it as a little drone stork- [SOUND] Carrying another drone. [LAUGH] Okay, that's really cute. That's very sweet. I like it now, I like that idea. But we're not worried about this at all? We're not worried about the The number of drones, like is there going to be a situation like sorry Kim, you can't order anything for the next ten minutes because- [INAUDIBLE] has to order 12 things. You know sunlight is overrated guys it's going to be such a brilliant future populated by flying robots. And I'm ready for it. All right, all right. Kim's all in. I love the future. [LAUGH] Well, you're in the right spot. Yes, you're in the right spot for that. One of the other things that we all share in common is a deep A deep long-lasting love of video games. And we were just talking about how this is, literally, one of the best years it's ever been to be a gamer. And even not even maybe the best year, literally, like the best quarter. Like, it's just It's hard to beat the number of [CROSSTALK]. Yeah. You four have just showered us with gifts from the heavens. Do you have a game of the year out right now, like right now. Game of the year, good grief. I don't know, I'm, right now I'm vacillating between the Witcher 3 and Fallout 4. Fourth, right now Fall Out Four is winning, there's a lot to do. These are games that show us that we can really play one game, one single player mode even, just forever. Yeah. Forever, for good or ill. For literally ever. Yeah. I really, I'm really scared that I may never play another video game, like I'm a little worried about it. There's an abundance of riches right now. It is an abundance riches. It's just too good. And we're in this weird place where People are comparing games like the Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 to like Rocket League or Splitoon. Which are completely different games, but all so good. I mean, so excellent to play in every way. It's a totally different approach though. Because when we're looking at Splitoon or Rocket League They're deceptively simple. You look at them and you think, that's all there is to it? But then when you get in, it's so much fun. But then we do have different, these are strong multiplayer games. And then when we're looking at these RPGs The single player is where everything is. Do you think that these games have gotten too big? Is is too much to do? Is there a limit? Yeah, I talked about this recently. Like are games getting too big right? And it can be daunting, especially if you live in a Or work like that in a world where you need to be playing video games you can't get through all of the very long, very good games, but then that's a great problem to have. I don't wanna have all of these terrible that I'm just getting rid of and forgetting about a month after I have it. That's true. I think a game that really does a good balance this year between feeling big but also having an a to b story that I can get through and feel a sense of accomplishment is Rise of the Tomb Raider. Oh yeah. That is yeah. Near the top of my list this year for games of the year. I think Such a high quality title and I think it does a great mix of that, it makes you feel like there is a lot to do but it's finite. Now I was going to mention, it does feel like as you had said, it's sort of this great problem to have, but to have these like huge games, but then it also almost feels like The problem is is that games are either huge, and vast, and unbelievably difficult to get through, because the offer over 100 hours of content. Just Grand Theft Autos and Fallouts and, All of these games, Witcher, Dragon Age. And then you have these games that are like [CROSSTALK] I like finished Dragon Age, all of it. You're done. I've done all the missions, I've played it again in nightmare mode [CROSSTALK] It's conquered. Wow. Two different romances, it's all good. That's [CROSSTALK] I'm impressed. I really liked Dragon Age. Oh you shouldn't be amazed by that. My family, my coworkers are not amazed by that. They were delivering her clothes and food by drone. Please eat something [UNKNOWN]. You're relationship with [UNKNOWN] is better than your relationship with your family, is what your saying. [LAUGHTER] I love that you're like well. A little bit. [LAUGH] Yeah. But the amount of these like huge games versus you know, indie games are like a couple hours of content. Or even like some of the bigger titles that you're seeing are less than ten hours of single-player campaign. It's like it does feel like there's not really a good middle ground, like we've kind of lost that. Where like Rise of the Tomb Raider really fits into that. Spot, where it's like a sweet spot of about, what did you say like 30- Yeah it was about 30 that I put in, and I was only 80 percent complete. Right, and it's like if you really go out of your way to find everything you're maybe looking at about 50 hours of content tops. I'm like, that for me seems like a great sweet spot for a game and I'm almost wondering why we've lost sight of that as a gaming community. Do you think that we've lost sight of that, or do you think that maybe there's just more I guess more value for gamers to pick one game. Cuz we're very fortunate in that we get to play all of them. Or at least try all of them. And a lot of people don't get review codes, and they don't get- A lot of the time I don't get a review code. Yeah. Yeah. I don't have relationships with certain companies. Oh we don't either. So it's like, ya it is kind of, if you're looking at it as a value sense, this is fantastic. You're getting entertained for hundreds maybe more hours of one game. Versus spending the same amount of money on a game that'll entertain you for maybe five. I mean, is it something you need to consider before you're buying the game. Which is something we all do now, we're all checking reviews and we're checking out. You know does the multi player have this? How is it different from the last installment? Mm-hm. We're all doing a lot of research on the games we buy. Not just games even. It's like technology or what restaurant we go to. A little bit of everything. Yeah. It's kind of what we do now. It's a little embarrassing like I want the best of everything! But you know that's something you need to consider before you get into the game. I mean if you start something like League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm and you think oh I'll just play for a little bit. It's not- Probably not gonna happen. Oh I know. I also don't feel like more is always better. Yeah. No that's what I'm saying- You know what I mean. More is sometimes just more. Yeah more sometimes is just more and it doesn't need to be more. And also- Right. So Fallout, Fallout's a great example. I love Fallout 4. It's an amazing game. But the thing is could 50 hours of development gone a little bit less towards something small and a little bit more toward bug polishing? True This is where I'm sort of wondering about the balance cause, we see these huge games, and they get released, and they have all these problems. So Arkham City this year, like this year also. Listen guys! It was a great year for games, [CROSSTALK] Parts of stuff being broken. But also it was a great year for broken launches. Every thing was broken it felt like. Everything was broken. Well, we even had Arkham City having to. Warner Brothers offering refunds for the PC people. Yeah Who never got a fully working functional game, which seems ridiculous but- Yeah. [CROSSTALK] It's fair. Yeah, we're not gonna fix it. I would like to see more money poured into Q&A than marketing because it has become a balance between you know, what does the publisher wanna do How do they wanna market it, can we meet these deadlines? We can't meet these deadlines. And then we get something that people are ultimately dissatisfied with. Right, right exactly. And for me it's like we see the marketing budgets of these really big AAA titles and to me. It just strikes me as odd because it's like listen, man. You already start all they needed. All the [UNKNOWN] needed to do was announce Fallout Four. That's it. Like literally the hype train left the station, took off like a rocket and never stopped going. Yeah, they made great games in the past and want that kind of experience. And nobody makes Games like that. That's [UNKNOWN] true. They're the only people that make games like that. There's not a lot of bugs that I ran into in Fallout that were game breaking like in Arkham, but for the sort of. [LAUGH] Did you [UNKNOWN]? No, no, no, no, no. I'm good. But I agree with you on Arkham. Oh, right. There's some parts that just wont work, and then we look back at- Right, that's not acceptable. Assassin's Creed Unity Same deal. Right, but you know [UNKNOWN] I think didn't have that so at least that's a. [UNKNOWN] was a step up. But as far as the size of the game issue, I think it's reasonable to for somebody to. Say I wanna purchase a game and be able to experience all of it, you know what I mean? Right. And not feel like oh my god, I put in so much time and I still didn't get all the great experiences that somebody else may have gotten. For me playing Halo 5 this year was like a breath of fresh air. Cuz oh my gosh, I start at the beginning, I got to the end, it took about eight hours. And that was it. It felt great. No it did. [INAUDIBLE] Did you feel really accomplished. You know [UNKNOWN] right. Is that a silly feeling? No, no of course a lot of the good parts of gaming are There's that sense of it's a concept call flow, where your brain perceives something as being very difficult and challenging. But when you accomplish that or finish it, or defeat it, you feel really good and you are able to have these great side effects from it. Yeah, and I think that's a lot of the reasons that we like playing video games is to feel like we're doing something. Accomplishing something. Yeah, like we're doing something, accomplishing something. I think we can all agree that, Regardless of how long a game is whether it might be a little too long or a little too short or just the right amount of time like in Rise of the Tomb Raider. If the game is really well made you can easily enjoy it, we can all enjoy it. And really, again, it's an embarrassment of riches. [LAUGH] It is. So. Kim, thank you so much for coming and hanging out with us and talking about video games, and tell everybody on the internet where they can find you. You can catch me daily on It is a talk show. We are talking about all kinds of topics such as futurism, such as technology, such as video games. Jumping into the sci-fi fantasy. Ashley's been on it for. Go check out them Ashley archives. Some good Ashley archives. Oh. I wanna get into the Ashley archives then. Yes it's pretty good. And honestly it's really the great show. If you love Tamara Daily you will love Nerd Alert. I promise you this. It's really really fun. Thank you. And if you want to find Kim on Twitter, she's @kimscorcher. Yes. Like scorching it up. Like the human torch. Yep. So find Kim on Twitter. Tell her you thought she was great on the show today because we would love that. And then, we will be right back. We have a pretty special segment. That I'm pretty, I'm excited about. It's new. And it's about being a good human. So don't click away, it's tomorrow daily. [BLANK_AUDIO] [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. Thanks for watching a great interview- Yeah. We just did with Kim She's delightful. She is delightful. She's got a lot of smart things to say. We like her quite a bit, she's cool. You ready to- I love this idea of yours that we're about to do. At the end of every episode, you have always said, be good humans. I do. And I think we that we want to take that one step further don't we. Yeah we do, we're gonna start giving out a good human gold Star and our very first recipient is, which is actually what made me think of the idea to do this segment, is Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chen, they have decided. Alongside the birth of their brand new daughter Mac, they've decided they would like to help make the world a better place, and they are donating 99% of their shares in Facebook stock to charities over time. Which is worth something around 45 billion? Billion with a B. Yeah, that's It's pretty incredible. They're not going to donate more than one billion at a time. They're going to do it smartly and safely. But this is an extraordinary move. They basically had a child and said, we don't want to give this child any of our money. [LAUGH] It's like you're not getting anything. In the best possible way. I think we're seeing several of these high profile billionaires Stepping up and making this committment to not hoard all this wealth, and actually give it to worthy causes and try to actually make the world better. Right, and I think there's something inherently great in that because it's really, really what it is at its core is they could give all their money to this little girl when they pass away, whenever that is. And make her world a better place. Yeah. Just hers. Very insular. Or- Or- Some might look at that as making somebody's world worse. That's true. To have this crazy burden. Very true, you don't know. Yeah. You don't know how it's gonna work out. Or, you could take that money and put it towards making everything around her better. Yeah. And I think that that's a really smart and It's not a revolutionary idea, but it's obviously very selfless, and I know the internet just finds a way to make everything cynical, which is a little bit of a bummer this morning cuz some people are like well it's only going to their charity. We don't know that you guys. We don't know where that money's going to, and I know they did mention multiple You know, types of disciplines and sciences and technologies. I highly doubt it's all gonna go to one place. And even if it did, it's a place whose mandate is to improve the quality of life around the world- For everybody. for everybody. I think it's something that we wanna applaud and I think that this is a really cool idea to say hey, if you guys see a new story or even have someone locally, it doesn't have to be on the scale of billions like a Zuckerberg's did. But if you see somebody that's being a good human, and you wanna get the word out, I think it's a great thing to do to use the platform that is tomorrow daily to try the Give people a gold star. A pat on the back for that. Well great work, great job. So if you guys want to nominate a story or a person you know, please feel free to email us tomorrow at and tell us all about it. And Zuck, we know you're watching. We do. I know you're a big fan. Value the star. I know it's going to be, it's really the greatest. Honor that he's been bestowed in his live. Pretty amazing, yeah. So, congrats on that. And, call me. Yeah, you know what? Come on the show to accept your award. Yeah, that would be, We'll be waiting. Anytime you can come on the show and accept your award. >. We're gonna hold it here for you. Yeah, yeah. Until you're ready, and then come on. [LAUGH] Yeah. It'll be really great. So, we'll have a fantastic time. There will be cookies. Oh. And we'll lure you here with cookies. She just upped the ante. Then you can hang out with our robots. It'll be great. Okay, so, now that we've given out our good human gold star, we get to be a little selfish and talk about stuff that we like. This is Into It. [MUSIC] Jeff, what are you into this Oh man I'm into so many things but the thing I want to talk about most is a movie I saw. Hopefully a lot of you have seen already as well. It's called Creed. It's the newest in the- The story of Scott Stapp. Nah, with [UNKNOWN] [LAUGH] No, this is the new Rocky pseudo-sequel. It's more of a Rocky expanded universe. EU? Yeah. Rocky EU, got it. And it's fantastic, it's rousing, it's fun. I'm a big fan of the Rocky movies, specifically the first one and the second one, and Rocky Balboa which came out just a few years ago. This is the story of course of Apollo Creed's son who wants to become a boxer and it somehow manages to capture everything that was great about the rocky movies and leave out everything that was cheesy and bad about some of the sequels. It is. So inspiring and awesome. The performances are excellent from Sylvester Stallone and Michael B. Jordan. It's got incredibly rousing boxing scenes. Like there's some amazing fight scenes in this movie. I've heard some of the cinematography for the fight scenes, and the choreography is just incredible. There is one fight that is done all in one take. Oh. In one continuous shot that is so incredible. Gorgeous. And by the end of this movie I was like jumping up and down in my seat, all excited. Feeling great, feeling like I could take on the world. And you know what? The best compliment I could give this movie. Mm-hm. I saw it at a theater where I had to park on the sixth floor of a parking structure, and when I left that theater, I ran up all those stairs to get- You were that excited. You were so jacked. I was just like, I could do anything. I could do Apollo Creed could do it. His son could do it. Rocky could do it. I could do it too. And I was like, I gotta get to the gym, man. I like it. It's everything you want these movies to be. It's fun an inspiring and great. We're already hearing Oscar buzz. Sylvester Stallone, best supporting actor, I mean people are [UNKNOWN] amazing movie. I think he's definitely worthy of a nomination for sure. Well I have not seen it yet but I am going to go see it this weekend. I anticipate hearing what you think of it [CROSSTALK] I am sure I am going to love it. I love boxing movies like Cinderella Man. I just, Oh man I love boxing movies. I don't know why, I don't box. I don't know anybody who boxes. Well boxing movies are better than actual boxing nowadays. No it is because it's so like oh man I just love it. It's like Southpaw is so good, I mean there's so many great. Fighter yeah. The fighter man, so many great. What's the one with. Mickey Rourke, where he's a wrestler. Oh, The Wrestler. That was it. Was it The Wrestler? It was called The Wrestler, yeah. The guys made it so simple, I didn't think that could possibly be it. But yeah, they're all so good. I love these sort of, I'm the underdog. Man, it's so great. You wanna here what I'm into? I certainly do. Well, this one is a little bit self servings and apologies for the shameless self promotion but I'm in a hot pepper gaming this week because I'm on hot pepper gaming. This is kind of your rocky moment. This was, indeed Twelve rounds with a pepper. I did, I bought one round with a pepper and I feel like the pepper won. So, Hot Pepper Gaming, if you're not familiar, is a YouTube channel that has one goal, which is to make people eat hot peppers and then review things or talk about- it's pretty amazing. They started doing a thing where now If there is a game dev, or like a PR person who wants to plug their game, they can come on and force me to opt [UNKNOWN]. You can say whatever you want, you just have to suffer. That's the whole point. Kind of amazing. So this last week, I did Yoshi's Wooly World. For hot pepper gaming, or did a few weeks ago, and finally came out this week. So actually Producer Logan, I think we have a clip. Okay, [INAUDIBLE] if you have a Meebo at home, which I have a lot of, you can actually scan them in. Ho, oh oh God, it's getting really bad now. Okay. You can actually scan them in, go to your Wii U game app You can [UNKNOWN] and you can get costumes for your Yogi they are playing with and you can also trade with the Yogis that you save. That is you going through something. Yeah. That was you experiencing something. Two things. [LAUGH] Love it. I feel like I blacked out cuz when I watched it back I was like I don't remember seeing any of those things. And the second part of it is I've never eaten a pepper so. That was your first ever pepper? First ever in my whole life and they actually told me they're like well everybody eats a Habanero. So like could you just eat one of these other peppers? And apparently I had a pepper that was hotter than a Habanero, and they had me eat a Caribbean Red which I think is a little higher on the Scoville scale, so I think it's around the same, I don't know. What did you think? Do you regret doing it? Was it too intense? It's a little bit crazy to say. I think I could have eaten a hotter pepper. I like spicy food. You are rocky. So I feel like maybe I can now- Glutton for punishment. Whoof. Go for the rematch and I can eat something hotter and then I think it'll best me. But man, some people on this, cuz they shoot on the same day. Yeah. And like There were two people in particular who really suffered during that shoot, and I was really scared cuz I wouldn't last. So I watched these people go through the process like everybody else went through the process, and I was like oh, I don't wanna do this. But then I was like, I'm here and I have to. Can I admit something? They asked me to do it and I said no. You said no? Chickened out. I love spicy food. You shouldn't, I think you'd love it. I love spicy foods, I love hot [INAUDIBLE] but I don't want to punish myself. You know what you're going to do you're going to go see Creed and you're going to agree with it, that's what you should do. I did it in the wrong order. The wrong order. I'll tell him to email you this weekend and then you can agree to it. I'm not going to go see Creed again. Feeling good about it. All right guys it's time for our very last segment of the show which is always Our favorite I think a big bonus for us, our phonetographer for today. We got a great picture from Will. Will. Will. Sending it in will. And I'll explain why I sent, why I very specifically picked this picture for today in a second. But Will shot this with his iPhone 5S and he wrote us and said Hey guys! I took this photo on my iPhone 5s in the highlands of Scotland. Oh! I was there on vacation and I had to capture this shot. She's a Highlander. He is a Highlander, there can only be one. As it was so beautiful and blew my mind away I hope it blows your's too. You of course have our permission to use this photo on the show and thanks for all the great content. So that's from Will. Beautiful composition, Will. And I'll explain that the reason I picked this particular picture is because it's from Scotland and I knew Jeff could not resist having a Scottish accent which is amazing and I told producer Logan. I know producer Logan's laughing right now in the control room. Because I said I'm gonna pick this picture because I know Jeff is not going to be able to resist having an accent. [LAUGH] I'm so predictable. What are you doon? If it's not Scottish it's crap. I'm just doing Mike Myers doing a Scottish accent, is what I'm doing. [LAUGH] You're doing a bad Mike Myers, doing a bad Scottish accent. [LAUGH] It's amazing. All I know how to do is Shrek. I apologize to all of our Scottish watchers. Our poor Scottish viewers. You are all laughing at you. Oh, I'm so predictable. You are. But I just knew it. I felt it in my insides. It's got pepper. It made me psychic. It turned me into a psychic. If you guys want us to [UNKNOWN] your photography to be featured on the show, email us We literally look at every single picture, every single email you guys send. We just can't respond to everything, so sorry about that. Please keep sending in pictures. If your photo was months ago and you didn't get it picked for the show, that's okay. It doesn't mean we hate you. Send them in. And make sure you give us permission to use it on the show. It doesn't mean we don't hate That's true. We likely don't hate you, but it doesn't necessarily mean we don't. That's true. Don't do anything to make us hate you. Yeah, exactly. You'll do fine. And then also, feel free to use our hashtag, #hatetv, during the week, during our Yeah. Short episodes. And we will pick our favorite user feedback and incorporate into the show how ever we see fit. And send those applicants for a be a good human star award. I'm excited to see what people suggest. Because I don't want it to just be giant headline people. I would love it to be small ways that people are being good. Yeah, because a small good deed. It's like a ripple effect. Absolutely. Butterfly effect. Okay, so if you want to find us on social media or share the show, you can find us at TomorrowDaily on Twitter. Tomorrow Daily on Facebook, Tomorrow Daily everywhere, all over the place. I'm at [UNKNOWN] on twitter if you want to hang out with me. And I'm at Jeff [UNKNOWN]. And producer Logan is over at Logan [UNKNOWN]. That is it for this week's show. Next week we'll be back for a full week of shows. I'm sorry I was on vacation this Monday. A lot of people were like where's [UNKNOWN] this Monday, it's broken. Yeah. And I was like no no I was on vacation. So, next week though, full show and Jessica Chobot from Nerdist will be joining us. Very fun. In the studio. And then the week after that we have Bobak Ferdowsi, Mohawk Guy from the NASA JPL will be here. Oh man, it's all coming up Tomorrow Daily. It's all coming up Milhouse and Tomorrow Daily. So that is it for the show guys, We will be back next week with a brand new docket of, Weird wonderful fact meeting science fiction, but until then be good. Be a good human. See you next time. Goodbye. [MUSIC]

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