preGame 34: Epic Mickey
preGame 34: Epic Mickey

preGame 34: Epic Mickey

And. What's going on everybody welcome to pre game it's been awhile. For -- at least a couple of weeks. Glad to be back finally on our fantastic video game show I'm Jeff Bakalar what's going on Martin -- It's been a long time it's been way too long things you know change people change. I -- actually I'm completely different now you're different person -- a different person. Put I don't feel -- -- games and that's what. United says and that's it all that matters literally the only thing we have in common market and myself -- On. Things are wrapping up the year is coming to a close it's only maybe one or 23 games left in the year Spiro. And -- we started the beginning of this year -- certainly incomplete yeah Lincoln and couple -- -- in the past month or two but pretty much ups here lot of downs. But we made it work and it's been a -- first year doing the show -- few announcements on upon. We started off with Bioshock you remember that I hand or -- that yeah. Today using this today we're gonna be doing epic Mickey. The world and you today. Thinking this comes out I believe today or tomorrow and -- -- lot of it and I had some reservations. And put a little bit of. And I also. At the same day yesterday -- we'll talk about the opinions big hype don't forget epic Mickey was one of those games at 32010. On that made a huge splash because it was not a franchise game for the Wii that was. Being refreshed it was a new game brand new IP did they had Disney people come out during. You know Nintendo's. None of my you can make his voice in the game now put a lot of monitoring camera angles are fixed but what we'll talk about that when -- play it. First thing we want to do is show a new trailer for a game that we are very excited about. We're talking about L a new war this is right -- -- island this I mean -- percent you know I'm a sucker for. All things Rock Star Games yet don't you know we're gonna get to our top ten games of the year. As well today so stay tuned for that. But speaking of Rock Star Games. On -- the production value of those schemes is just the sound level that's just so. Much higher than a lot of the games out there -- and combining what that with the whole film new war element here is something that I feel like years. All about a mall about the game takes place. In the in the is that the forties with its in the forties. Paying in a lodge to. Crime drama -- the films of the forties and fifties. There is some really. Impressive motion capturing in the scheme there's some really impressive. Facial sort of emotional expressions that. I've really never seen an of the guys in ninja theory do pretty good stuff like this on -- -- heavenly sword. On I can't -- -- cool things about it obviously all we have known as a trailer but just recently released was the first line of action. LA new more trailer so we read a load that up let's check this out Richard and lets you -- -- and. The case that makes him. And encased in production. LAPD. Could we have -- word. What keeps you away. Shot a man in cold blood you're going to have to expect. Takes a certain -- coming. Do you think you might be ready for -- What we got. -- steps -- overdose. Victim was dead before the targeted. Killings but we take you around the Alley and we not get up. So you killed there that's not true god -- -- they've been under fire before plus possible these you don't know what happened I just think you. You draw your own and not gonna happen. Johnson. Don't traveling. We're done for now. Well. -- expressions are very -- states to the point where it's it's like. Not awkward but just jarring -- you know it's that same sort of thing. Like an avatar and when you can you know everything's -- an avenue over the needs -- -- expressed -- like that's. To remove -- little too human for my taste friend. But that's the feeling you get with -- LA -- men armed with -- that this right now and that's the only selling point for me when -- see the game just looks like. Mad men of any of it looks like mad men meets boardwalk empire meats like -- and -- mafia to do so. Obviously will hold reservations about the actual game play but what really inflationary pressure is. Amazingly and that was all made from in gene policies that trip was made from -- So that is coming in the spring of 2011. Obviously we're gonna be playing them -- game -- for both very excited about it. Let's switch gears and wrap up the year that was gaming -- 2010 by fast when my super fast -- were just talking about our first episode of pregame this year was Bioshock two. And that pretty much sort of you know begun the gaming season although January had a really impressive month I think with mass effect. To iPhone comes out. Let's run you know I feel about ten game I know I feel that that game and the eighteen times he's played it AS let's check out. And go down the list starting with number ten. Related -- got the screen open right now number ten. And slain in its eight now if you don't recall we had enslaved on a couple months ago five episodes ago one inch in my opinion one of the best -- demos ever oh -- -- they did a great job at this game. Ninja theory we are talking about them before him. To see. Makers of -- me the makers of exactly -- an actor Andy -- is very much involved. If if you play the game. -- the character monkey ball has motion capture was Andy's circuits on nice the story's amazing and sleep too that's also why we picked -- from number ten. One most unique games I played this year it was a pleasure to play through I had a lot of fun and satisfying combat everything. You know -- honestly can -- is gonna show -- on people's list but it's on number ten ranked number nine. Believe it or not another game that we featured on the shift course and many we never -- -- -- says it's amazing game I've dabbled in a bit but. -- we're -- -- limbo exclusively available for the Xbox Live Arcade. -- was one of the best downloadable games I've ever played -- -- a creepy game. Sort of almost terrifying times will -- them little short scary. Just very simple. Had a lot of trial and error and brutal as well -- so I think it really can mine a lot of you -- forming. You mechanics -- we really dig and you know why I love him I wanna wait until it's not freshen my mind again and then run through an -- in -- -- -- -- -- fun. Number eight. On our list is StarCraft. Two yes now I'm not gonna -- I've only played a little StarCraft but you had to put -- -- to make the PC gamers happy yeah. You -- you know you it's definitely a a landmark release and being talked about a game that's been in development for over a decade mom it's definitely an accomplishment and -- I was impressed by and -- something our editor in San Francisco Dilma pointed out -- -- he said. Notice that the game will look good on whatever coming -- again set -- and and I think that's just sort of like a testament to how will. You know you know -- the development -- sort of and scheming against development sort of you know evolved and -- it's pretty cool Starker if you as -- -- a choice number seven. Heavy rain heavy rain that rain was alive. Very -- the big game completely different from. Any game I think that's been out. Really popular to think of when I -- that has -- -- my sister played the game through twice really the G different endings or not you don't get the ultimate different ending. Slightly ridiculous stays the same of course and ever changing and Cameroon Africa -- -- You know you don't want people to people die handle. Our -- I mean have hearing was also another game that you know that's what I was looking -- is looking for games that -- schemes that stand by themselves. That that's totally don't you know get lost within the shooters in the action games and then you know build the the you know the shelves -- like a really good. TV show where you get sucked into and I'll definitely have that so -- resource quality. And you know I I loved playing it I was a huge fan and that's fine heavy rain gets the sentenced by a number six. -- halo reach. Or any other year halo would not make this list. But because this was the best halo game I think they've ever mean had to be up there -- the multiplayer was unbelievable. On this story -- is really good this time around to the updated the graphics engine. Story was amazing story was well liked everything I care goes over an -- like cared about what eleven million -- painful circle it did. This during this you know do you do you -- -- -- multiplayer I I doubled in a little bit. Mostly just the campaign which -- the and then. Everything about the game's awesome. Does so well done new map pack for handle. Reaches out now it -- reached at number five clocking in -- -- but. This call of duty black -- now I know what you're saying. Whom who choose rumors and -- just -- -- to recoup and then tell all of our listeners sound. Exactly are. Our imitation of them is on -- it's always that they -- -- booked. It's tough to ignore 650. Million dollars number one now look I'm not saying anything that sells that much. -- has to be amazing -- Call of duty black -- is out there in terms of just triple -- production value. In my opinion is still the best online multiplayer experience. Anywhere file anywhere it's like the customization. In the Malta plant is incredible incredible in so many things you leaving got into it a little a little. So definitely call of duty black ops this is taken by -- spot let's break into the top five number four. Mass effect two. Wilson is just waving his hands in joy over this because he laughs it's a lot so much but as to why I was gonna -- -- Amazing what -- -- -- battle I was -- better than mass effect mass effect one was good but the production value on this was so much better the voice acting. Is incredible -- And I think had a pretty pretty big name cast from people who did voice again the mean the graphics were amazing and share. Everything about the story better tolerates and -- story of little or no possible year there were no like Kohl's and apply. And news Palmer Intel RPGs and action game is the games yeah there's there's nothing better in my opinion number three spot Super Mario galaxy. -- Man some people really blew up on the comments section -- just disagree with them -- go -- you agree with them I felt like. -- -- -- Just another Super Mario galaxy levels were a little bit harder yeah -- she was in the game which was cool bright. It didn't seem all that different from the first all I love it I loved the first right I I don't think it was terribly different but I do think that. He was a good enough sequel enough new stuff again much bigger game to to be a sequel it didn't it didn't. Try to seltzer was completely different game and we don't forget this is some of the most clever. Design -- -- I'll totally most you know this is plagued this is the pinnacle of platforms -- -- and I agree and that's why breaks and also from in my opinion this game anyone can play. You can't you can't give mass effect to a four year old you can't give mass effect to an eight year old stereo maybe -- that's gonna deal and that's a pretty cool zero you know so that's why also find self interest -- number -- another game we featured exclusively on. Pre game god of war three. Oh my god -- this game brutal. And and over the top action one of the best looking PS3 games ever -- on conservative. And just just really unbelievable actions and the way the game you know sort flow together -- super presence in my opinion okay. You can -- I've played a little bit of -- I think. May be because I compare -- to be in had a okay and I think for playing games is chicks that shows that mare Packard god of war three -- but they're somewhat similar right. Sure yeah away in a way to an enemy and honorable mentions when I saw them and appreciate it finally number one should not be a surprise to anyone red dead redemption. By far the best game in the year and on each of you talk about production value and it's just oozing with it. Amazing cut -- amazing voice acting. The game is is insanely large yeah IE -- only may be needed to 65%. And I'm still playing it to this day again. Absolutely in love everything about the game and that. DLC that just -- -- the -- nightmare offices here which are actually selling separately because yes it's doing that well yes so let us know what you thought pregame at You want -- argue with us you wanna. Nick -- -- -- in Photoshop -- adjusting to situations. That to you but this is our top ten list. Twenty the journal's welcoming them by mentioning it but secretly I would like the sort of passive aggressive or psychologists and bomb we are getting into -- in the time -- epic Mickey time. Lot of hype behind the scheme. Very very high expectations from the entire Nintendo Wii community but you'd be -- -- because -- We had another begin to play lately -- donkey Kong and Kirby so. Let's boot up epic Mickey marks gonna sit in the game receipt and we'll be right -- Let's hop right in and see where mark is. Playing. It's very early in the game. And would mark is doing right now. Sort of finished the first tutorial. For tutorial. Gives you access to thinner. -- -- Paint lets you draw in the world and complete missing objects wall thinner. Lets you delete. Objects from the world. Now off the back. We're not love an epic -- camera but now we are not because it involves a lot of the point. -- it is by -- He. Sometimes the -- Little law. That said the cut scenes everything all these little things there -- great the -- sounds really cool. Com there's no voice acting why isn't there any voice acting on them too much reading I think it should be bulletin. This is giving us a little tutorial about how you can. -- enemies. It's gonna go yeah let's skip that all right so -- must make his way through these -- The first thing he's gonna do you. Is probably encounter some of these enemies. There's -- over there. That's that's yes. -- guess is little guy now he's like your little fairy that -- Europe. All right so now you can either choose to sort of paint them or thin then enabled. And when you paint then they become your outline its -- so -- they won't bother you they'll actually attack other enemies. Now you can make your way over here and you -- presented with a little challenge. So -- where the game gives you sort of a choice you either can open up that chest. Or you can. See that little gremlin the open up the chest he's gonna get catapulted. Into the sky so it -- -- the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Things. So -- up on there and then you can -- can. All right are you a nice person. Here -- nice Mickey. -- -- It's -- -- each level. Gives you a sort of in various missions an object is to just travel from world to world you can collect these -- they don't immediately help you. -- Your your basic. Objective is to make it from world world and that's what this little scene involves right here so you gotta get through that gate and -- -- open up -- gate. There -- two gears. Two years that are hidden around the world to know you could see that area to the right. You can paint. Or thin right there see you within that because it's shining -- So it lets you eliminate the injured he painted in the world -- -- -- can -- it does via. That's not gonna directly help you around but done. You know. If it's just sort of showing off what the whole new campaign -- is -- And can accuse. You. Well known -- campaign. Did you gotta go up or -- not that one. That's another thing. While this -- it this means that a lot of involves looking around them. Eighteen -- now it's not always very clear. My biggest complaint is by far the camera. -- okay so here were presented with a big. Block. Nikki can thin out the blocks that -- can pass through pretty cool and that's basically you know more or less how the painting and thinning. And then team works. -- -- Paint this floor insulin -- and yes here. Nice job. Some more -- here. But. The statement did something at just -- the camera. In -- unfortunately though it doesn't really help with the camera problem. The but it's not as easy to control as you might. Think and it returns to its original that is great and there's also a sort of automated camera as well. Kind of annoying. So -- spins that one geared. And that -- is halfway open. If you can't. -- Boom to big fall -- In -- -- you're so. Yes but it. The other gear. It's all the way at the top of another staircase. But it's pretty far now that you -- That's -- right. See that you contaminated it. The real don't know epic Mickey is designed by Warren Spector. More -- very big mean he is best known for system shock and gay sex. It got him over to Disney and they convinced him to do you epic Mickey. What like -- said we have a few problems with the game. Otherwise it's it is a great team and it it the concept is awesome and it's it's on the latest data getting -- is that camera citizen. Also there's also some really cool sort of need to need -- bridge level effects. We're Mickey you play as old -- cartoons like they'll take note and a -- Using the franchise. And turn that into -- levels here always constantly playing. -- you know Disney inspired stuff. Mount Morris -- is all here. CC like that's a great example when you're looking around for. It's not as easy as you'd want to be it. It's tough to get over there. But that's where that gear is that months and year. Or you're at either think. Maybe -- one of those. Barrels. -- I'm -- gonna figure and daycare of this. We're gonna -- his demo short. But that is epic Mickey and -- the game play the painting and thinning. But I thank you mark. Good job I'm glad I -- -- No he did great as always. And hurt himself and -- -- himself during a picnic so much. Where gonna wrap things up today thank you so much for -- in. We will be back next week with the new -- hopefully -- new game although December. Is upon us and that usually means the end of the gaming season but -- what we got. Own email us we love to hear from you guys -- at And follow -- com. On CNET with all -- our team reviews and what not gonna have. Top ten. Worst. Games and XV ten Sony will do that for next week but as well as like some people say we -- Wii's screens every game upon Russia to write really. Agree with anymore now and out screening and -- we -- to prove that is now in a little idiots -- so also. We're gonna be looking at the top. Anticipated games for 2011. This -- is -- announcer -- a mystery to me for that we gotta get out of here thank -- so much. For tuning in on Jeff Bakalar and mark -- -- issue -- -- its pre game we'll see you next week everyone had an awesome. Tuesday Wednesday. -- --

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