Movies Anywhere is a must-have for your iOS devices and Apple TV (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 105)
Movies Anywhere is a must-have for your iOS devices and Apple TV (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 105)

Movies Anywhere is a must-have for your iOS devices and Apple TV (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 105)

[MUSIC] Hello everybody, good day to you. My name is Stephen Beecham, producer of the Apple Byte extra crunchy pod cast with your host, Mr. Brian Tong. What's up everybody. Welcome to the show, guess what it is, it's episode 105, doing it right here with Beech and Tong, Apple Byte extra crunchy. Doing it extra munchy. This is the show all about Apple. It's our complimentary piece to our weekly video podcast show that's like about five, six minutes, five, six, seven depending. But this show is all about you guys and gals. It's the latest news. News stories drop between the time we post that show and this one. Also we want you to be a part of the show. We got tons of great calls. One that makes me actually very, me and Beach very happy today. The number is 1-800-616-2638. All you have to do is call us with your name, where you're from, get to it, your point, your comment, your question and we're going to put you on the show. So that's how we do it here. Again it's episode 105 and really let's lead off with the big story this week really just dropped today. Beach, did you hear about Movies anywhere today. I signed up,I have an account, I synced a bunch of my movies I got five free movies. That's what I'm talking about.So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls that have not heard about this.A video service called Movies anywhere, just dropped. This is not to be confused With Disney's Movies Anywhere, it's just called Movies Anywhere, but what makes this special is this is a combination of studios that have agreed to allow their movies to be basically shown on multiple services. For example, I don't know about y'all, but we all know that I'm like the Blu-ray loving guy who loves the digital downloads And a lot of times, when you buy a Warner Brothers movie. Let's say, like, I'm sorry, I have to admit, I did buy Suicide Squad. [LAUGH] I really should not have said that. I shouldn't have told you that. [LAUGH] Well, a better one, how about this? Wonder Woman, I bought Wonder Woman. Okay, yeah, that's good. that's better that's, I got my street cred back right. So you have a digital download code and you redeem it but it only allows you to watch it say in the voodoo app or the WB app and it does not let you watch it in Itunes. Which is kind of annoying because most of my stuff in is Itunes. So what happens is these five movie studios we have let me see here. Disney Pixar, Marvel Studios, that's kind of under one in Lucas Films. Disney Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Film, Universal Pictures, and Warner Brothers all agreed that where ever, as long as you redeem or buy these movies on a digital service, you'll be able to see it anywhere, everywhere. So what does that mean? If you have. Of Vudu with like maybe eight or ten movies that aren't on your Itunes, you sign up for movies anywhere. You link your different accounts and all of those movies end up migrating onto this Movies Anywhere app but even better Because they all talk to each other, I don't even have to use the Movies Anywhere app, it's just a service you sign up for to link your accounts. I can just jump right into iTunes or into my Apple TV or my phone or my tablet, and all the movies from all those services now show up in one place, like boom, it's awesome! Honest, this is what we have been wanting for a long time, I know some of you don't care for digital downloads. But if you're someone who's on the go, you want it all in one place. The two major studios that are not apart of this right now are Paramount Pictures and Lionsgate. So, if you make. Get on board Paramount Pictures and Lionsgate. They're gonna get on board. Also if you have purchased movies from a game console meaning if you've purchased some from Microsoft's Microsoft store, or from the Playstation store, those movies are not compatible where it crosses over with the service yet. They're getting to look at new partners, but this is to me, this is a big deal, I mean Beach Chairpoint you get five free movies when you sign up for two of the services, it is iTunes Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu. I'm pretty sure almost everyone has two of those four that they can sign up for sure, and so. I had a little trouble signing up the iTunes. It kept giving me an error, but eventually it worked. But this is killer because the Amazon Video app doesn't have Chromecast ability, right? So most of the movies that I own are on Amazon So now that I ported them over to the movies anywhere, now it has Chromecast. So that's going to be like my go-to. For like if I want to find any of my movies, that's going to be my go-to, just Chromecast it to the television real quick. That is a big deal right there for me. It's a huge deal, and it's, this is not just an Apple thing. It works on iOS, it works on Android, it works on Apple TV, RoCoo. Kindle Fire, Amazon Fire TV and Chromecast. So, whether, and again you can use the Movies Anywhere app if you like Voodoo, you can use Voodoo. If you like the Watch TV or iTunes ecosystem, you can use that. It's really cool. And so the other thing that I want to bring up is the five movies that are a part of this. They're good movies. They're good movies except for one and I want to know which one. I want to know which one you think is the best. Okay so here's the thing. If you first sign up with one account on the movies anywhere service meaning if it's an iTunes, VooDoo, Google Play, or Amazon. You'll get Ice Age and Ghostbusters, the new Ghostbusters, for free. If you add an addition account, whether it's in iTunes, voodoo, google or amazon, you'll get three more movies. The Lego Movie, Jason Bourne, and Big Hero six. All right, so, I want to know from you Beech, which do you think, Is the worst of those five movies. Double agent Jason, I've never see a Jason Bourne movie, I don't even care to see it, so that's- My god, no, no. [LAUGH] Okay, a worst has, I mean, and this is not, this is just cuz of the movie is not that great, it's the Ghostbuster's remake. Yeah, I mean- It's the- Yeah, I watched that, I enjoyed it, it wasn't that bad for me, but yeah, I mean For me it's Jason Bourne. You don't like Jason Bourne? I don't care. You don't like Bourne? I've never seen one. I don't even know whether or not if I like it or not. Okay. My god, my god. Okay, you haven't seen like Bourne Identity, Bourne anything? No. I just- Matt Damon beating people up, I can't like wrap my head around it. Okay, okay, okay, it's because You've seen movies that, no, all I'm saying right now. When you and your wifey have time, you've got to watch. This is the latest Bourne movie, which I actually haven't seen. Man. I've seen the Bournes, the horrible ones. This one is pretty, I'm just saying. You got to see this. I would say. I might give the first one a shot because that's the one that kind of set everything in motion right and it's like the most popular one I feel so. I might try it. People in Paris go the beach is wrong. [LAUGH] There is no wrong. I just wanted to know what he thought. Yeah. I just want to know if you saw it. Well I have it now. I have it now for free, man. I'm stoked. Yeah, so any ways check it out guys and gals and movies anywhere. It is Apple related. This is something that is going to help everyone out. We just wanted to make sure you guys knew about it and it's really the hottest story coming out this week and again like I think in all my movies especially my Itunes. I couldn't do that before I had to jump around different apps, its so annoying so.>>What's stopping, what's stopping all these studios from just like streaming their newly released movies in the near future you know what I'm saying like movie comes out, it's a big block buster maybe a week later it goes like for sale or for rent on this app like that's totally possible you know It is possible to beat and I think it would be awesome if they did that. But what the movie industry has done is they've created these different optimal windows of when you can get access to these movies at different times. Right. So first window of access is going to the movie theaters. Right? Yeah. Then the next access is typically like pay per view services right, or now these days it's like digital downloads, iTunes, and Juana there's that window, but they're going to wait to give you, like are you saying free streaming on Netflix? No, no, no, I'm just saying, like this app could easily become like a place where they're going to release, like, new big feature films. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. that would be great. It's like they're just giving us a taste right now. Like, "get into it, live in this world for a little bit, and then boom, new star wars movie available on," what is it called? Movies anywhere? [LAUGH] Yeah, I can see that happening in the future. Our boy [UNKNOWN] said too bad it doesn't work. Shemar, Shemell. I call him the same thing. It's like you have three names to me bro. He just said too bad it doesn't work for TV shows. It does not work for TV shows. I think the hard part about all these things to make these things work studios and content creators. And production companies have to be onboard to basically, they all have to get a slice of the pie in order for this to work. So it's very difficult to get this negotiated. But this now looks like this is gonna be the service that everyone goes to. When you have so much support like this, really cool. So anyway, check it out, Movies Anywhere. It's totally free to do. We hope you enjoy it. I mean I think it's killer and I'm going to move on to the next story before people say is this [INAUDIBLE] or is this movie anywhere crunchy. [LAUGH], all right, move on. We get that crap all the time. Let's just into some iPhone stuff. It's such a juicy tantalizing headline, but it didn't even phase me, but yeah people are talking about it. LG according to reports this is a story from The Investor LG is teaming up with apple for a LG display for a foldable iPhone. Foldable iPhone that's a click-bait title right there I didnt even choose to use it on the latest Apple Byte episode because honestly this story came out after I made the show but, [LAUGH] Too click-baity. It's nice and click-baity. So here's the story. Apple has reportedly started working on a foldable iPhone with LG display, and not Samsung display, who is at the moment their sole supplier. For the iPhone X. And part of it is they believe it might be possibly the concerns over tech leaks to its arch rival Samsung Electronics. We obviously know there's a lot of buzz around that true depth camera in the iPhone X. We'll talk about that a little later. But what is happening according to the story, LG Display has created a task force To develop a foldable OLED screen for the new iPhone model with obviously parts from LG and Otek, it's sister firm that it helps to produce these displays. The other kind of interesting, there's a couple interesting bullet points that come out of here. The report says this foldable panel production could start as soon as 2020. So this is not for phone... That's coming out in a year, or maybe even two years. It's really gonna be a film that's probably in three years. We already know Samsung has been looking into affordable displays tech for a while. We've seen this at CES, in demos I think as far back as 2015. So, this is not anything really new, but it's fun and it will be an option down the road. I like the idea of a foldable phone, down the road I don't really care about her right now though. Do you? I mean, yeah, sure. Like, you know, we have these big phones in our pockets, and sometimes they get uncomfortable, and they get kinda weird. So, if we can like fold them, and get them out of the way, make them smaller. I don't know, that might be cool. There's that video from, I think it was LG, right? Of that girl who puts it on her wrist. Should I play that real quick?>>I mean people can't really see it though right?>>Yeah but even the audio is good though, just the way she talks you know.>>Okay, if you wanna play it I will let you play it.>>It's real fast. Okay watch this guys.>>Thank you for letting me use your new technology. As you can tell, I'm wearing a super cute dress today but, It doesn't have any pockets so where am I supposed to put my phone? I can just wear it. [APPLAUSE] Yeah. All right. See? It's great. All right. I'm good. I'm good. I'm really good. I hope people are still listening after that display of amazingness. So this actually foldable ON phone is Again, could start in 2020. We know that Samsung has a near monopoly in mobile o-led screens. Apple's been trying to strengthen it's relationship with others, potentially develop their own. But what LG has said is that right now it's started it's first O-led production plant for phones They call it the E5 plant. But the first batch production for LGO Lead displays will start sometime as early as 2019. So they're still Sorry about this. They're starting production right now, but in 2019 is when a new plant named E6 for LG will also help to beef up their ____ productions. So Samsung, without a doubt is the sole supplier. I think we talked about in a previous show. Samsung doesn't care cuz they're making twice as much money off of iPhone sales. Yeah. Right, remember. They get a $100 for every iPhone or something. I'm told $110 or so for every iPhone sold. Wow that's money. Money in the bank. And I think, I can't remember off the top of my head, but they had a nickname for Apple, it was abbreviated as LO like loving opponent or something like that. Yeah, that's right. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Or something like So, so weird. Anyways, that is the rumor story of Apple teaming up with LG for a foldable phone. If you want to talk about iPhone 10 supplies, because we know that everyone is kind of wondering what is going to happen with that. I new estimate. According to Jeff Pugh, [LAUGH] an analyst with Taipei based, you want you want to investment consulting, has cut his forecast for the number of iPhone devices that will be produced this year, down from 40 million units to 36 million units, according tot he report See first of all it was estimated at 50, then it dropped to 45 and it's 40, now it's 36 and that's gonna make it a whole lot harder. I know I keep on saying this you guys are gonna know what it feels like to miss out on Jordan's or a classic SNES. [LAUGH] You're gonna hate it, right? You got mad about it didn't you? I went to Best Buy at 6 in the morning with a foldable chair and snacks and I Did not get an SES [LAUGH]. Wait wait wait, you said snacks. The first one, the NES. I like how you said snacks. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] I took snacks. I had a banana and grapes and some food. I thought I was gonna be in line for awhile. Man. So here's part of the report. Again, we've heard about it taking time to build this true depth sensor. Multiple reports have claimed it's taken more time to assemble the system's aspects. One of them is codenamed the Romeo module and the other one is codenamed the Juliet module. So the Romeo module is that dot projector that shines on your face and creates more than 30,000 invisible dots. Where the Juliet module, includes the infrared camera that analyzes the pattern as its projected on your face, as well as, seen infrared to build that kind of depth of your face. Together they are what powers this true depth sensor. A lot of technology in there and that's what's making it difficult. Like the production to get this final piece with those combined and those other elements is what's delaying this. And there was another report, I didn't include it but just a side note of like [UNKNOWN] was talking about. The depth sensor Android manufacturers are trying to They are now saying forget this whole under the fingerprint screen touch ID type fingerprint recognition. They are all looking into face ID type set ups, 3D maps, 3D sensors, and he said that the request for them on the Androids are now three-fold, so Clearly this is not an easy thing to produce, and it's gonna take time for them to perfect it and make it easy to do. But it's gonna affect all of us who want to get the 10. Yeah. The guy called us asking this question. He's the first guy that I heard actually say 10, iPhone 10. [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] Well you know here we did have a call that we wanna address as we didn't throw the show so we're gonna pretty much, like you said, answer it here. He was asking if it's deliberate, like is Apple trading a fake storage, fake shortage Yeah. But to me the answer is absolutely no. Apple wants to build as many of these units as possible now. They don't want people to wait. They wanna get them in their hands because also sometimes people that are debating what phone to get, if one's not readily available, they're gonna end up going to somewhere else. Totally. Now some people will hold out, but his other question was, when will it most likely be available to the general consumer? To just walk into a store. My hunch for this specific model, I'm gonna put that at nine months. I think it's gonna take nine months until you can just walk into a store casually and get an iPhone 10. I don't think it's gonna be. Six months. Cuz, okay fine, in between six and nine. Let's say in between six and nine. That's crazy because then the next iPhone will be out three months later, after you got your iPhone 10, you know? That's a pretty good point. That's pretty insane. They might even push it out longer for the next iPhone if it takes a lot longer for this one to be made. Right? Much like If it doesn't, if there's not enough units out and people aren't satisfied, and they're still making them, there's no reason for them to make an actual all new airpods, because finally, let's see. It was September, October, November, man, it's, actually, I feel like it's been seven or eight months until they caught up with airpods demand That's crazy. Right and then now they're using this new wireless case down the road. So there's no reason for them to fast track. Also look the iPhone 10 if you look at the hardware inside of it it's a beast. So they can even bring new cool. What they really need to do in my mind is bring new cool software features. A la google, right, bring some new software features that are really meaningful and that could also prolong this kinda delay of the iPhone ten if they wanna stretch it out a little more. Cuz the power inside of it is insane. They benchmarked it, it's ridiculous. So, maybe we can see a little software love unlike iOS 11 son. [LAUGH] Thing's driving me crazy. Driving me crazy. All right, let's keep on rolling through here. We wanna talk about a quote that Tim Cook dropped that got a lot of press. He had an interview with The Independent. And it was really ranging, a wide ranging interview that talked about a lot of augmented reality and they're plans for the future. He was actually asked in the report specifically about taking advantage of augmented reality using smart glasses. So this is what Tim Cook said in response, here is his quote, today I can tell you that technology itself doesn't exist to do that in a quality way. The display technology required as well as putting enough stuff around your face. There's huge challenges with that, the field of view, the quality of the display itself, it's not there yet. So this is what, yeah right, hm. So see this is the thing, this is the difference between Tim and Steve. Steve Jobs never even talked like this, he wouldn't even like hint that they were like, Testing aspects of the technology because [UNKNOWN] working on like obviously Apple's working on smart glasses like [UNKNOWN] basically like killed any mystery by specifically saying [UNKNOWN] we've looked at it, technology is not there like you know they're actually working [UNKNOWN] if someone said Are you guys working on smart glasses? He's like, I can't really say whether we are or not. That's what you would do, right? Yeah, totally. Tim Cook, total **** killer. Like total **** killer for smart glasses. [LAUGH] Someone has to piss him off. Someone has to come out with something and make him mad. And then he's gonna be like, okay, we're doing smart glasses. He was like this with the Apple watch. He kind of basically said they were really working on an Apple watch and wanted to get into the health and fitness like way before the Apple watch came out. Like dude, you don't have to do that. That's like it's just kind of like, by the time we know everything about it, which we end up knowing everything about, we're already like yeah we knew this like six, seven months ago, you know what I mean? Keep it a mystery. Yeah just keep it a mystery as long as you can. There's nothing wrong with that. It's kind of fun to do that. Don't you think it's more fun to F with people instead of like " yeah, we're working on it but we don't think it's there yet." Don't do that! Yeah, because then everyone starts speculating and then you get all these articles of people speculating and then everyone's guessing and then it just becomes this big noisy Mess, you know? Yeah. So we know they have been working on prototypes. Other companies have been as well. So there you go with Tim Cook just really feeling like spilling unneccessary beans about the Apple potential smart glasses or the Eyeglasses. [LAUGH] Let's hope they're not called the eyeglasses, please. [LAUGH] No, they're gonna be called Apple glasses. [LAUGH] Apple glass, something like that. Yeah, Apple glass. Also in relation to [UNKNOWN] we know Apple's really rolled this out. And push it out. A report out from Sensor Tower that was detailed in Tech Crunch talks about how in the AR kit space there have been 3 million plus app downloads. Over half of those are games. So games account for over half of the 3 million AR kit app downloads that we've seen so far. They also make up 62% of the revenue. I don't Think this is a surprise because we know that augmented reality really got it's boost with Pokemon Go right that's how everyone like kind of wrapped their head around it? Yeah, yeah. I'm still all about the IKEA App I think that App is dope right? Heck yeah, it's cool man. It's really fun, and I will use that when I become grown, and I have a house or something like that. [LAUGH] I would have to grow up, right? Yeah. That's basically it. But you have the top paid ARKit app right now is called, and this is the amazing one, Tapmeasure. It is that kind of AR tape measure app that Factors in distance and can basically give you a realtime measurement of walls and space. It's pretty awesome. But there's a lot of games. I'm going to try a game called The Machines. It seems to be the number one grossing game and the second top-played app. Where is that game at, let me see if I can find that? I don't know, I'm just saying it out loud. Yeah yeah you scroll down. If you scroll down on that article there's a list that says top AR kit only apps worldwide. Here it is got you. AR Dragon we got for free. Zombie Gunship Revenant. That's a way too long name. That's a weird name yeah. That's horrible. Wow AR Sport's Basketball? That might be cool. Ikea place that's not a well, okay, we're not looking at games really. Dude, AR sports basketball is just gonna be like paper toss. Do you remember that game paper toss back in the day? No! Dude! It was like you were throwing a crumpled ball of paper into a trashcan, there was like wind and a fan blowing, you had to change the arc and all that crap. It was kind of fun. I do want to play drive ahead mini golf. I'm going to try that. Heck yeah. And so it obviously it's luring us in. I dont know. I guess you're just running through things. You're all making up games right now. Completely destroying These millions of dollars of marketing that these companies spend. [UNKNOWN] Just run through things, yeah, ok, cool whatever. You go on a jog and you hold the phone in front of you while you're running. You see stuff coming at you while you're running. That's fun.>>Alright, we're going to keep it rolling with iPad Pro news, we talked about the true depth sensor, our friend Ming Chi [UNKNOWN] at KGI securities has Said and is reporting that it is most likely, he's actually saying it's going to the 2018 iPad Pro models will come equipped with Apple's true depth camera and support face ID. He believes that Apple will add true depth To the iPad Pro specifically that are kind of high end iOS tablet design, really their flagship tablet. But he wants that Apple is looking to do this to create a consistency between the iPhone 10 and the And the iPad Pro, which my rebuttal is, where was that with 3-D touch, with the iPhone and the freaking iPads, cuz it wasn't there? I guess they're starting to figure that out. Maybe we should put it in all our devices when we release something new like this. Like people get used to it and then just can't do without it and it's consistent, that's a great idea. I think it's a great idea. Wonderful, so, anyways, the report is that expect 2018 iPad Pro models to feature the True Depth camera. We kinda jumped ahead and talked about how Apple's face ID is turning Android makers away from, This whole idea of the under display fingerprint recognition. I'll just kind of talk about a few other details that I did earlier. Again this is [UNKNOWN], he's kind of pontificating I guess you could say, but according to his actual report, requests by Android smart phone vendors into 3D sensing technologies have at least tripled Since Apple unveiled it's true depth camera and Face ID technology. He also believes that in the next year that we'll see shipments of actual 3D sensor equipped Android devices, phones, tablets to exceed the whole under display fingerprint recognition by a factor of two or three more. All right, this is interesting because Samsung had trouble mastering the under the fingerprint display sensor. Apple reportedly was working on it. There are a couple conflicting reports that say Apple had actually moved past the fingerprint display sensor and was just like, we're going to do face ID, it wasn't even necessarily a part of the plan. I like the idea of it having both, quite honestly. But the report says that, two reports say no, they were never even looking at it. It was face ID all the way. Okay. We don't really know the true story 'cause Apple's not going to tell us. But it's interesting because, under the screen fingerprint recognition has been all the buzz for a long time. [UNKNOWN] released a product they said, I think sometime by mid year of 2018 it will be ready, that they can start shipping those to vendors and, we'll see which one wins out in the end. Will Apple end up incorporating both or just stick with face id? And we know it's still gonna be a [UNKNOWN] bit sour but, I don't know. Which one do you prefer, Veeps, like if you had a choice? Well I just haven't had to play with the face idea a whole lot, but it really sounds like touch ID, fingerprint ID is gonna be a thing of the past before it was even here. You know what I mean? Especially under the screen ID. It feels like it's not gonna be around. So I prefer finger print just cuz that's what I'm used to. But- Yeah. When I get the face ID, my mind could change, I don't know so. I agree. I am there with you- It is weird having a phone that recognizes you. Our phones are like little robots now, now they know who I am and they're like, know my face. So that is kind of creepy. I don't know, there's so many Layers to it. It's hard to wrap my head around it right now. Yeah. All right. It's gonna, it's like any tech. We'll just see how it all plays out. We're gonna jump and kind of try to hit these things fast. They might be a little boring to you guys and gals, but. It's actually really important. There's a bunch of software updates that have been dropping. Some of them are betas. Some of them are actual software updates. Apple released iOS 11.0.3. Okay, this is like. Their third update, right? Dude, their third mini update for iOS 11, and they still haven't addressed the freaking battery issues yet. Anyways. IOS 11.0.3 is said to offer a fix where some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus's had an audio and haptic feedback error's where it just didn't play a sound, or give you haptic feedback with Whether it's apps or notifications, also the other tweak was, if you replaced your six S screen with a non genuine Apple part, basically, if you went to the corner store, and just like, yo, replace my screen for 30 bucks instead of a hundred, there was an issue where it wasn't as unresponsive. I guess, Apple has addressed that, so that's, those are the only fixes in 11.0, 11.3 Nothing about alignment issues or more crashing or battery issues. No. Just wanna let you know. Okay. The whole third party screen thing though, that's a pretty good apple for Apple to do that [LAUGH] you know. I agree. I totally agree. You know what? Beacham You could give him a good Apple. Good Apple Apple thank you. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] I know I have a sound effect for that. Come on we'll work on it we'll work on it. All right iOS 11.1 we saw the first beta be released I think about a week ago. The second beta is now out. We kinda talked about it last week, but this brings emojis to- I won't hold it longer- The new emojis right? New emojis! Things from like. A wizard to a mad emoji face, with a cuss word over his mouth, with the &$!. There's an emoji face with shh, quiet. There's a Chinese take out box, there's Dim sum, there's a mermaid, berry, there's all these crazy things. Anyways- I'm digging the mermaid, I'm digging the mermaid. In iOS 11.1 Beta two, you have access to these. The trick is that other users will not be able to see this, unless they have iOS 11.1 Beta two. So it's for your own basically viewing pleasure and then for you to brag. And you got them to think that you're cool but then when your friends don't have the beta 2 it's really completely worthless. The other thing though that it brings back in the beta two for IOS 11.1 is the 3D touch app switcher, that's where you You press on 3D Touch on the edge of your screen, and then it reveals all your applications that are open. And you can swipe through them and close certain ones if you felt like it. That has now been brought back to iOS 11. After the keynote a little while ago Craig Federighi said they removed it for a technical reason and it would come back in a future iOS 11 update. At least in the beta two it is out right now, Apple has not said when IOS 11 will be made publicly available like as the final version of IOS 11.1. But, obviously it's coming pretty soon, but new emoji's and the 3D touch app switcher function will come and We're also waiting for them to incorporate the Apple pay-to-pay pyramid system in messages, so there's a lot of things that are going to be coming in ios 11.1, we just have to wait for it. Cool man. I think, but I know that you won't experience any of them Beej because you are not updating. Still rocking 10. [LAUGH] Dude, stay with 10, I'm telling you. I'm staying. [LAUGHTER] Stay with ten, God please. All right, watch OS 4.1 Beta 2. This is another small tweak but it added a couple really cool things. I'm not going to lie, I love my Apple watch LTE because It really does fit into that niche of my life where I go work out and I just bring my watch around. And I've gone out a couple times with just my watch, and I don't know, it kinda feels nice. It's a little liberating honestly. Keeps you away from looking at your phone all the time. That's good. So watchOS 4.1 beta, it adds a couple things. One of them is that They added a new radio app and it before it was only streaming over Wi-Fi. This new radio app specific to the Apple watch will now be able to stream over LTE. So again taking advantage of the LTE feature. Not only can you listen to like Beats One Radio. ESPN Radio will be part of this radio app so. You can listen to ESPN Radio on the go, like through your watch. That's freaking awesome. The other aspect is that there's also a toggle for wi-fi. A lot of people that have the Apple watch are like why can't I turn off specifically wi-fi off or on, specifically if you're an LTE user. If you want to force it to use the phone data signal and not deal with any of those issues, that is on there as well. And then it also tells you which WiFi network your Apple Watch is connected to so you kind of know. I think this these are all really good things, I'm all about it. I'm shocked those things weren't there before. [LAUGH] I know, I've never had an Apple Watch, I'm hearing what you're saying. I'm like what, you couldn't figure out what WiFi network you were on? You know bro, you know bro, I'm trying to throw out a good apple man, and you're just... [INAUDIBLE] Good Apple on right now. Good, Apple for making those changes. It's about time. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] Keeping it real with Beach. Keeping it real with Beach. All right, another cool thing, we talked about the watch, Apple Pay, I've used it a bunch. It's kind of cool not to have your wallet on you. Just boop, okay. Anyways, Apple Pay's cardless withdrawal is now available at Wells Fargo ATMs. Right now Wells Fargo has about 13,000 ATMs around the U.S. 5,000 of them have been updated to work with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay to withdraw cash if you need it. That's real cool. You don't need a wallet. You don't need a freaking card. You just need your phone or your Apple watch or your Android pay Samsung watch. All that stuff. That's all you need. That's really cool. So That is cool. 5,000 ATMs right now. The remaining 8,000 they said will be flipped on by. I think they said 2019. That's very cool. And then one other software thing, iTunes 12.6.3. If you have not heard of this, and you're wondering what the heck is this, I'll tell you why this is important. When Apple updated to 12.7, a lot of you remember it gave you a thing that said we're trying to streamline down to more media, you will no longer have access to the App Store. You have do it through your phone and you will no longer have access to ring tone management through the app. Well there's a lot of businesses that were like, dude we need to manually load our apps. So Apple secretly created not secretly but kind of undercover released 12.6.3 Which still keeps your app store, which still keeps your ringtones and in addition to that, it does not force you constantly to update to 12.7, which remove that. So, [INAUDIBLE] made a link, so that you can show it on here. But I can tell you by memory, I created a link that we put into our video show. It's just iTunes 12, six three. If you type that in- tiny url dot com, and what was it? Slash iTune- Slash iTunes 12, six three. If you type that in it will take you directly to the support page from Apple. That allows you to download iTunes 12, six three and give you back this functionality. Sweet, man. Honestly, I think that's a sweet deal. Apple hasn't said how long they're going to support this, but it still supports iOS 11, it supports iPhone 10, iPhone 8 and 8 plus. So that's, so it supports all the new tech that is coming. It supports current phones and new phones. There's links to download the new version, or the undercover version of iTunes right there. That's another good apple. We're having a few good apples today. Take your apple. Thank you. You want me to give you a good apple for like our fans that listen? Sure. I shouldn't call you guys fans. You're usually all the same cuz you guys are part of the show. Why do I say that? That's horrible. [LAUGH] Okay, but in the video show, I did an NBA 2K18 give away, all right. I need an offer, same love on our podcast, so, if you watch the show, I have six copies, actually, they're on the table, but I'm not gonna leave. I have three copies of the PS4 version and three copies of the Xbox 1 version, all you have to do is watch the weekly video show and last week we put something on top of a home pod. you tell me what that is, watch the episode and I'm just doing a random drawing and you can win a copy of NBA 2k18 before the season starts, before the season starts>>That's big man.>>It's a sixty dollar value. My friends at 2k sports hella hooked us up They always send me free games, but I am that guy who already preorders the games so I just give you the stuff right, I'm not going to accept it, I love the games so I'm going to buy it, I am going to support it. I don't want take stuff from people that I actually support you know, they like work so hard on that stuff. that's awesome.>>So yeah you guys can win, that's how I feel for you.>> Cool Is that a good apple? Did they just have to watch, did they just have to watch the Apple Byte, or the Extra Crunchy Show? The Apple Byte, right? Apple Byte, yeah, the regular Apple Byte video show and all the directions are there, but basically, I guess two episodes ago, or one episode ago, we put something on a home pod. If you can tell me what that is, I'll just randomly select the winners that get the right answer. Nice. Good Apple. I'm looking out. Thanks man. All right should we do phone calls? Let's do phone calls. Thank you guys all for calling. We had a lot of great calls this week. Hang on. My computer just opened something I didn't want it to open. Okay here we go. [INAUDIBLE] Naughty picture! Naughty picture! [LAUGH] NSF pictures. No I'm just kidding. [LAUGH] D-pic, D-pic. The first question was from a gentleman in New Zealand. And he has a question about music, Apple and music. Hello Steven, hello Brian. I'm so sorry for leaving another message, I just realized how this works, finally. So, my name is Han. I'm from New Zealand and my question is around the importance or emphasis that accolades on music today. As you know, the platform basically grew out of music, not out of it, but it was majorly music, and how people listen to music. And I just feel that Somehow Apple is today neglecting that side. I, unfortunately, am still one of those oldies who uses CDs to import music onto his iTunes. And I have a huge problem with iTunes in the cloud. Sometimes it matches the songs and Trend shares or upload songs to other iOS devices that aren't the same songs. And these issues have been discussed in Apple communities and they still not rectified it. And so I'm just wondering, do you feel that Apple is slowly neglecting music or is going in a backflip with music? The apps, actually the store icon has changed from A music note to a star. So is that like a signifying thing? So thank you so much. I really appreciate your time. Cheers. [BLANK_AUDIO] Great. I think there's a lot of aspects of that that are really interesting, right? Yeah, definitely. I mean. They he's right absolutely, like the I pod came out and that like changed music. I tunes came out that changed music. But then I think the I phone came out and that changed everything and then their like wait we need to shift all our focus from I pods and music and I tunes to this I phone thing that we just invented you know what I mean? And then that kind of everything else kind of took a back seat I don't that's my two cents but what do you think Bryan? Yeah, to say that they're neglecting music isn't necessarily true, because they're putting in a lot of effort behind their Apple music subscription service. Sure, it's not nearly as popular as something like Spotify, but I think they finally hit somewhere around 30 million paid subscribers where Spotify is at something like 60 million, if I don't count [UNKNOWN] But I know they're about half as what Spotify has, at the moment, roughly around there. Music is part of them, but they're so much more than a music company these days. I don't think they necessarily have to show love to music. I don't think they're you know ignoring it. But the market has changed where people are on multifunctional devices that are more like mini computers and kind of a single. A single use single feature type device like a music player. We've obviously seen how they killed the nano and other older iPods themselves. There's just not really a market when every other device that we have plays music. So I don't think that I'm losing anything like direction or DNA are not showing as much focus. It's just that so many other things and again, we've complained about how Apple has our hands in so many things. A lot of different things suffer because of that. That is the nature of just blowing up and coming this big. Music has suffered a little from that but I don't think they're ignoring it. It's interesting when we saw the Google Pixel thing. They had a big focus on music, like they're always on Shazam. And being able to find a picture of an artist and then find all their albums and all their social networks, you know? Apple needs to do stuff like that. There's little things that Apple can do to improve Apple Music. It's just even hard to find, you know what I mean? If you go into the music app in iTunes, it's just kind of buried in a weird place. Everything looks The same. I don't know. There's little things that they could do to fix it, you know? I mean, if you even look at Apple Music right now, they're trying to make it more than a music place. They're trying to create shows and programming for you to go watch that are unrelated to music but on Apple Music, right? So they're trying to more than anything They have now realized many years later that content is king. Netflix showed them that and my voice just cracked. [LAUGH] Netflix showed them that. Other services showed them that. They're trying to Than be that. The thing that stuck out with me and I think I had tweeted it recently, I finally took time cuz I had time to watch The Defiant Ones on HBO. Have you seen this series, Beach? One of the best things I've seen in a long time. Holy crap, right? I'm with Jimmy. I Jimmy Iovine needs to holler at us, cause we can help him with his Apple music thing. So, check this out. [LAUGH] Like that, that should have been on Apple music. Yes! Yes! Yes! Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre, bought for $2 billion. To be a part of Apple Music, that is the type of content you want to see to drive people there. And guess what, it wasn't there. Like, when I was watching this, I'm like holy crap this is so amazing, and the first thing I said was why isn't this on Apple Music? I was wondering the same thing. Did they go to HBO because there's swearing and possible violence and stuff? Was Apple afraid of that? Even at that? Yeah, that was like the perfect show to be into Apple music. Here's what I think. I think that they know Because it's not in the place they want it to be. It's the whole what came first, chicken or egg. Apple Music, is it in the place where people aren't going to watch that on Apple Music. They know that more people are going to watch this on HBO than Apple Music, but guess what? You need to have something like that to drive people To Apple Music. So it's very indicative of the fact that they didn't have the belief that something that amazing could drive people towards Apple music. That is the type of stuff they need. Yeah And maybe they learn from that, maybe they'll profile other artists or producers in that way, to tell their story in a raw nature like, That feels very personal and [UNKNOWN] as organic as possibly it can without feeling like sugar coated TV [UNKNOWN] like we don't want that, right? That was, I've only seen the first two episodes and I haven't even gotten to the source of words. My God, that's the best [CROSSTALK] that, that's the third one, I gotta get to that one. I haven't even got to that one yet and people are like yo, just wait, just wait. The source awards one is awesome you're gonna love it dude. but you know like there was some good news from apple this week that we didn't even cover in the show but they got Steven Spielberg To be a producer/director for Apple for their Apple TV, you know, some original programming. That's a big one. And then they also are rebooting incredible, what is it called? Incredible Stories or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I forget, I forget exactly what it's called but when I heard that I was like That's a good move by Apple, get Steven Spielberg in there to produce a show. That's a big move but don't put in Apple Music [LAUGH] Put it just on their Apple TV somewhere, right? Don't put this crap in Apple Music it's so dumb. Yeah it doesn't make any sense at all and it confuses people. They're like what's Apple Music? There's TV shows? I don't get it. Bro, they're like, watch, At their watched, what is it called, is there an app called Watch TV or Watch? I can't remember. Yeah. They're Watch. Yeah. So Watch? I think it's for my Apple Watch. At first when I first saw that is Apple Watch app on my phone? I don't have an Apple Watch? Well you have a movies app, you have a TV shows app, and you have a watch app. And then you have Apple Music. What are you doing? All right. And then my Apple Music App has Apple Music and then my regular music, that I own. That, I think that should be separated too, you know what I'm saying? Just cuz, if you really want to do this whole on demand true unique content Apple Make it, its own thing. Don't slam it in Apple Music. It didn't work with carpool. Actually carpool karaoke makes sense. But Planet of the Apps. Yeah, you're not going to drive people that way. That shows Defiant Ones should have been on freaking Apple Music man. They dropped the ball real big time on that. Seriously. All right. All right. We've got a few more calls, let's check them out. It'll be an hour plus podcast because we just talked about the [INAUDIBLE]. For ten minutes. It's so good. Hey how's it going. This is Cecil from Houston, Texas. I see that you are talking about the fingerprint thing brought back to the screen along with the facial recognition. Why would Apple put facial recognition on the tin and then the next year bring back the fingerprint? Why would Apple Will be back stepping like that. The future should hold something more than even facial recognition. So I just have a question on why would Apple back pedal when they are trying to move forward to the future with facial recognition. Yeah, we talked about that a little earlier too. Yeah. I think you make a great point and it just come [UNKNOWN] they can speed up [UNKNOWN] ID to make it nearly as quick or like we don't feel any delay then and that's really sound like the direction that we're going. Then we don't see a fingerprint sensor under the glass. I think I just, we're so use to the idea of fingerprint sensor under the glass and again, [UNKNOWN] behavior We saw that three touch was a behavior that because it wasn't consistent across all of their products not everyone uses it. A lot of people don't even know it's there, quite honestly. And so, this is something that you're going to be using daily. You're just going to have to get used to the idea of the whole Face ID. And I think as it, or if it becomes second nature and people kind of Forget that the touch ID thing ever existed. That's the goal that they're trying to move toward so I think you're absolutely right, there's why would they move backwards and some of those reports [UNKNOWN] that Apple never planted [UNKNOWN] under the glass fingerprint sensor would reenforce that thinking so. And this is my favorite call this week. Here we go Hey Beats in Time it's Mark from Portland. I'm so sorry to hear you're still having battery problems with iOS 11 but I wanted to suggest the Apple Smart Battery Case for standard 4.7 inch phones. I'm currently using it for my 6S. I've had it since March. And this case is really dope, [LAUGH] It's the only case that uses iOS software, so that it understands it's still running on battery power, so that makes it more battery efficient than other cases. It does not do things like backup in the background, or do things that phone would normally only do on power. And I'm still on 1033, but I always end the day with at least 80% charge on my phone, usually 100%, unless I'm using Maps all day. Bye now. We got another Maps user. We got another one representing for Maps. I will say people did tweet and say hey yo you gotta check out maps in iOS 11, it's pretty dope man don't sleep on maps anymore. I checked it, I thought it was cool, it was nice. It's not like I'm gonna, I still don't trust it like I trust Google maps, but I thought it was nice. I'll give it it's credit, okay? Actually, that was the wrong call, there's another call that's better. I was like, what are you talking about! Wait wait what was? He was talking about the Apple battery case which you have been famously. Okay, okay, hold up, look at that. Okay, I got it. Okay, that is, let me tell you right now, leave it on that picture right now. Put on the black one, okay. Where have you seen. That design somewhere else in a recent Apple product. When you look at that Apple smart battery case sideways, what does that look like? [BLANK_AUDIO] Wait, is there a sideways shot, there is, yeah. I don't know. You know what? That's like the freaking notch on the iPhone 10. [LAUGH] It does. Designed both by Jony Ive. [LAUGH] Some of you are like, what is Tong talking about right now? Go look it up. iPhone smart battery case, turn that son of a **** sideways [LAUGH] as The Rock would say. It is the notch on my phone Ted. My god. Can't believe that. That's funny. All right, let's go to the next one. No it is, it totally is. That's funny. It totally is. My voice is getting all crazy. Okay, got an Apple Watch question here. Hey guys, this is Sonny from Louisiana. I was watching the show, and I noticed Beach made the comment about not wanting to update his plan for the Watch Series 3. And my question actually has to do with the original watch. I updated to Watch OS4, and I noticed that it got a little glitchy. Especially when it came to bringing up notifications for like Twitter and Snapchat it wouldn't bring up the logos. Have y'all noticed that? And is 4.1 fixing that issue on the original watch. Thanks, guys, appreciate it. Guys got a great voice. So I have a response where I think might be the issue. For example, some apps. Have changed how they work with the Apple Watch and the iPhone and Twitter has basically completely removed. Their app no longer really talks to the Apple Watch anymore. So that might be the issue that you're experiencing. Twitter used to, you'll get notifications from your phone to your watch. Shoot sorry I pulled my headphones but The actual Twitter to Apple watch app that is dependent on a connection between the phone and the watch no longer functions. So I wonder if that's what you're dealing with, if not then I really dont know why it's doing that. But that might be part of it>>Yeah. Ok. We got another. This is my favorite call actually. I was mistaken before, but this is the one right here. Hey Beech and Tong this is Chris from California. I just wanna know if there are any cases for the new iPhones. That possibly wirelessly charge the phone can also themselves be wirelessly charged or hook into the lightning port, to charge as a battery pack but can actually be charged wirelessly themselves. Thanks. Love the show guys.>>I love that.>>Well when we first took that call we were like wait. This homeboy wants the future. He wants like the wireless charging case to the wireless charging phone.[laughing]Like he's wireless, wireless charging.>>When I first said that I was like wait, like the phone is kind of the wireless Charging case for the battery itself, so I don't know. It just sounded funny to me. He just wants more wireless charging, man. [LAUGH] But at the moment, you know, there are, at the moment we have not seen any products that wirelessly charge the wirelessly charging iPhone. Not yet. I could be wrong. But at the moment we haven't seen any. That would kind of cool though, you have a case that wirelessly charges the phone, but then you wirelessly charge the case. It just all sounds so silly to me. Okay. We've got two more calls. Real quick ones. Hi, this is Patrice calling from Los Angeles. I was just wondering, do you think that Apple is actually going to make the AirPods useful because Ear buds that Google is coming out with are ridiculous in a good way, and those are ones that I would actually spend $300, well not $300, but $150 on. Right now, it's just The Apple one should really look like the brush head for my sonic hair brush. [LAUGH] That's all I want to know. [LAUGH] We agree with that assertion. We have always agreed with that assertion here. At the Apple byte some are asking if were taking questions on twitter. Yeah send me question and hopefully I can see it before this show ends. Just do it @BryanTong I have we got to show love to the ladies that ask us questions, because we like to represent the audience here you know what I'm talking about. All right so The AirPods, look, I think they're still very good because they're convenient. They just need to add more functionality. It doesn't look like we'll see anything like that anytime soon. They're gonna release a new wireless battery case version. I think that's gonna then push out any new major changes in the AirPods, unless it's done through software. Another six to nine more months before we see another one. So, I do think the Google headphones. The Google, I forgot what they call them. Do they just call their pixel earbuds, that's what they call them? I think they look more normal, they don't look as awkward and the translation feature on them is ridiculous, so. From a standpoint of travel or business. And it's only gonna get better. Remember, this is the first generation we've seen anything like this to use your phone. Soon it's gonna be built in directly into the headphones, which is kinda crazy to me when you think about that down the road. Like, you don't even need a phone to drive this stuff. I'll all be on a little chip that's in some earbuds. That's way down the road. But, yeah I think if you want more functionality, I think also The two other things that are important, see how they feel in their ears and see if you like the sound quality. Because you probably won't be using the translation all the time, but if that's your priority, then get the pixel air buds. But I think their, I do think the apple air pods are good, they're just not great. They're really, really, really good, I've said this over and over. They're just not great. The air, the regular. Apple earbuds, they feel great in your ear. For me, that's my opinion. But I have some other wireless headphones that feel terrible in my ears. They're so uncomfortable. So that is very important to make sure that they're comfortable before you buy them. Cuz you don't wanna have sore ears, that sucks. [LAUGH] That is awesome. [LAUGH] All right, that's it. [LAUGH] We have one more caller. Do you wanna hear the last one? The dude that said this is a That's kind of like just the nice e-mail. Yeah, for sure. Okay, here we go. Hey this is Trevor from [UNKNOWN], Pennsylvania just want to say I love [UNKNOWN] with [UNKNOWN] and Tom. You guys give me a lot of information about my Hi Ciara, and also [UNKNOWN] and thankyou for the [UNKNOWN] updates. Have a good day and today is my birthday. Peace. What? Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. In fact, if you call us, and say it's your birthday, we will say happy birthday to you. Ya. And this could get out of control. [LAUGH] And it better be your damn birthday. It better be your damn birthday if you call. Don't do that fake stuff. I don't like that fake stuff. Please. Please. That's it man. That's the show. Alright. Dude, we crushed it. We went over an hour, bro. My gosh. Are we allowed to do that? I think we might have broken the internet. Do people want us to do that? I think that's a more important question. [LAUGH] Yeah. Yeah. I think that that's more important. All right, I did. Unfortunately, let me see here real quick. I told the young lady, said you could ask a question over Twitter. Twitter, if we could answer it. And I did not get that question in time. [LAUGH] I'm so sorry but, eh there you go. One last quick thing. Sorry, quick bullet point that someone has confirmed, at least according to aragz of 1083, is that movies from the Movie Anywhere service That show up in your iTunes Library, will up-convert to 4K if there's a 4K option. If that is true, that's freaking badass. That is awesome, wow! So like, that's what I wanted to test. Wonder Woman, does it give me the 4K option? Cuz I don't have a 4K TV and I don't have an Apple 4K yet, because I don't know, Apple TV 4K Cause I don't have a 4K TV yet, but when I get there, which I'm hoping to by the end of the year, but someone like that let us know that. That's pretty dope man if that's true. Ragz1083 we got you. Thanks bro. Thanks for looking out.>>Are we going to have to throw out another good apple for that one? Rebecca Ronita\g is saying, hey, Aron and VR. Yeah, throw a good apple. [LAUGH] Rebecca, you're supposed to tweet me with a question. We're gonna wrap up the show, we've been going too long. We'll see you guys next week. [LAUGH] One more than [UNKNOWN], Yeah, go for it. Dude, I don't have anymore song left. He goes. One, call us 1-800-616-2638. That's how you do it. That's how you're part of the show. Nothing but love for ya. Take care. Be safe. Peace.>>Alright. [MUSIC]

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