Deep Dive: Jessica Chobot tests Japanese candy with us (Tomorrow Daily 285)
Deep Dive: Jessica Chobot tests Japanese candy with us (Tomorrow Daily 285)

Deep Dive: Jessica Chobot tests Japanese candy with us (Tomorrow Daily 285)

On today's show we take a deep dive into either player co-op 360 degree Super Mario Brothers. Autonomous drones that are helping to fight fires and a kitty cat who got cyborg legs. Although we taste test delicious, or not so delicious Japanese candy with [UNKNOWN] news Jessica Chobot. Ready to do another long show? Let's do it. Get ready, everybody. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk Talk show in the known universe. We're here it's a long show. I'm Ashley Esqueda. I'm Jeff Cannata. This is my favorite part of the week Ashley. It is me too. It is me too. We get to deep dive into those stories that you guys have heard us talking about all week long in the short episodes and we picked our favorites We did. Can we do a little housekeeping? To let people know what's going on because, yesterday there were some very terrified viewers and said YouTube comments going oh my God. The show is only three and half minutes now. It's going away forever. Not true, categorically untrue. So what's happening is we're kind of messing around with a format for the show in terms of what exactly we're doing because, we cover normally nine News stories during the week, and that seems a little bit. Intense. That seems a little intense for the fact that we only deep dive into three. So, we're gonna be messing around with the show format a little bit, but we promise you it'll get into a groove. But normally now, the short episodes are now gonna for from mini to nano episodes. Nano episodes. So, they'll be about three and a half minutes, really bite-size, so we just want you guys to like get the news, and basically have a little prep for today's show. So, with that being said, let's hit the headline. [MUSIC] I really enjoy this story. Yes. This is a really good story We talked earlier this week about a setup that involved eight player cooperative Super Mario Brothers that was then also projected in 360 degrees in a room. Yeah. And it looks really fun. So here's who it's from. It's ETH Zurich, which we've talked about a lot at Disney Research, ETH Zurich. They usually work together to make these amazing things. A lot of them have to do with animation or games. This is No different, here's how they did it. So this actually is a lot harder than it seems because going backwards with that projection is actually quite difficult. So for them to be able to project an entire level and also be able to shift back like that is pretty Amazing. Yeah it's cool. As it rotates around, it hands off to the next player in line. So it truly is a cooperative eight bit experience. So as you move and control Mario through the level. At a certain point, it hands off to the next controller in the octagon. Yeah. [INAUDIBLE] I like that, it sounds so nefarious. Right? Because and could do this with not just Mario they did it with Contra, they did it with Castlevania they were showing. Yeah they did a bunch of different games. And they actually used a real NES, and real cartridges. They didn't use an emulator They're showing off like exactly how they did this with the projection and eve.rything. So, this is like different ways of doing it where you have like a direct projection, or there's a medium projection, and then the input, that's the original you're seeing on the screen. So, this is super fascinating to me. This kinda got me thinking, but it also got some of our viewers thinking because Spike Tiger On Twitter used our hashtag Hey TV. Our very first piece of Hey TV feedback, to ask us who you play eight person NES with? I would say the Golden State Warriors. I'd just fill out the team with a starting lineup. Me and you, Golden State Warriors. And then we'd just need one more. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] So I could just pick all the roots. Then he added also, you would be trapped in the NES room forever with those eight people. [LAUGH] That got really dark really fast. Yeah that changes it, maybe I want a chef now. [LAUGH] Now I want. Yeah chef Some sort of entertainer. A robot toilet? yeah there you go. [LAUGH] That can also play the game would be really helpful. That's a great idea of a robot companion who is also a toilet. I mean listen I feel really bad for that robot you guys, but somebody has to take one for the team, for the team of eight, we're all in this together. Genghis don't listen. Don't listen buddy. Yeah, well Genghis Is a- You're not a toilet. No, no. He'll never be a toilet. [LAUGH] but yeah. I thought that was a really good question. But I would say, okay, so let's pick three each, because there's two of us- Oh, for reals? Okay. For realsies? I would say, Kim Schaffer, Oh yeah that's fun. Because he's fun. I think Tim Schafer would keep the party going. Yeah. This is sort of similar to the who would you have a dinner party with. Kind of yeah. Right except instead of a dinner party it turns into a Mario game. Is it alive or dead. So let's say alive or dead. Okay well then I want like Carl Sagan. And I want you know, I want Prince. That would be. I bet he would be awesome at video games. I bet he would. I feel like he would complain a lot about the game cheating. [LAUGH] Like this game cheats. It's cheezy. [NOISE] Yeah, yeah exactly. This is what it sounds like when you cheat. [LAUGH] Oh no. Oh no. This is why [INAUDIBLE] episode guys. For jokes like that. Yeah. So for you have Prince, you've got Carl Sagan. Who's your last? My last. I want like an ace in a hole so I make sure we don't lose. So I'll take, I'll get like Billy Mitchell or something. Alright, ooh I like it. Billy Mitchell, yeah, alright. Got some video game champions. Yeah. Happening over here. So I go Kim Schaefer, robot toilet and I'm not letting that die. Just real quick, can I borrow your robot toilet periodically? Yeah, sure. Okay great. [LAUGH] I gotta figure out a way to put it on wheels, but I'm sure I can figure that out. If we can do RVs, I'm sure we can figure this out. But yeah, I would say those two, and let's say just for funsies I'm gonna counter your Carl Sagan and I'm going to say Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Okay, I like it. You know what would be amazing would be us just sitting there and listening to those two talk. Yeah, and then we could just completely forget about the eight bit experience. With a sweet little riff by Prince in the background. That would be pretty glorious. That would be the next series of Cosmos. So let's Talk about the fire fighting drones. Yeah. Cuz I thought this was really cool and so did everyone else apparently. Yeah, this was a really cool story about autonomous drones that could control the planes that dump water on fires. And fight fires so it's a much safer way to do it and it's really clever the way the way they actually make it happen because they have the drone basically spotting the areas and spotting the fires using Mm hm Cameras Yeah So they can drop water and its Basically this sort of buddy system in the sky between the drone. And this unmanned helicopter. That helicopter that you just saw, that giant helicopter has nobody in it, it's unmanned and it's full of water. But it doesn't find the fires itself it needs a second thing it needs the drone. It reminds me a little bit of the rhinos with the bird on top. [LAUGH] Right yeah. It sort of reminds me of that. So Via this little drone. This is all by Lockheed Martin. They covered it on IEEE Spectrum, and I thought this was so fascinating. So, Lockheed Martin has been doing sort of, testing like this for a while, but this is the first time that apparently, whenever you do test something like this You have to get the FAA and Air control has to clear the area. You can't fly anything other than a drone in the area and this is one of the first times they've actually used an algorithm and a software that talk to air traffic control. To basically navigate their way to and from this test fire and, like, put it out. And it makes sense, right? Because the drone is going to be much more nimble than this big helicopter would be. Right So it's able to scout the area much more thoroughly, then communicate that information to the thing that\s carrying a very heavy, very cumbersome payload of water. Yeah So I think this is a little clever solution to a problem, and it keeps human beings out of harms way, because you know, theoretically this can be a very dangerous. Job. Yeah, exactly. And I mean, and also it saves a lot of money because you don't have somebody who needs to be in a small single engine plane, flying over remote areas like forests just randomly looking for fires. Which is actually a thing that happens. So, a lot of In southern California we have a lot of forests, and it burns down a lot because it gets hot here and we have no water. No water at all. There's no water. Can we get a drone to just find water for us. Yeah we need the opposite. We need to not [INAUDIBLE] water. So this would actually make it very easy for places like the Angeles National Forest, and the San Bernardino Mountains, to be able to sort of spot these super remote fires before they really get out of hand. Yeah. And again, like you said, it makes it safer for everybody involved. Yeah. Including the people flying the planes. Because, then, now, they don't have to be in the sky with all this. Smoke and haze and everything. It's just really dangerous. Pretty darn cool, pretty darn cool. Pretty amazing stuff. And also, everybody just likes this, like, dynamic fire-fighting duo- Yeah. Of robotic fire-fighting duo. Yeah, well, things like this are gonna be the next Pixar cars-plane movie. Yeah, of course. The buddy picture between the The tiny little scrappy drone in the big lumbering helicopter. Trying to prove himself, and the helicopter thinks you can't do it. I'm too old for this drone. Oh, it's like the week before he retires. Oh, yes his last flight. [CROSSTALK] It writes itself. It really does. It writes itself. All right, last thing we have to talk about because it's Pretty much my favorite story of the week because it made me feel so good I [UNKNOWN] let's go on a field trip. We're going to talk about It's a field trip. It really is. Get out you're permission slips and turn them in because Vincent, the cat, stole all of our hearts this week. This is Vincent the cat. Iowa State University's Veterinary Medical Center had a doctor, Mary Bergh, Dr. Mary Bergh. And she met this cat who actually born without tibias. Yeah. So born this way, it wasn't an amputation, cat was born this way. And she's like, I'd like to help this cat, and did. They worked with a 3D printing company, and t hey created these little Cute peg legs for Vincent the Cat. But it's a little bit more than just having an attached prosthetic or for example, those little carts with Look at him go. Wheels on them and stuff. Yeah. This is actually non-removable. These are- It's fused right to the bones of his hind legs, right? Yeah, okay, so if this is his leg bone, like if it was a column, or, let's say that Ghangus is Vincent's leg bone. So let's. Let's do this, let's take my camera so I can show everybody how it works. If this is Vincent's leg bone. Mm-hm. They actually fused this titanium rod right in the middle with the bone surrounding it. Yeah. And over time this. These titanium rods are actually going to fuse, his bones are going to fuse to them as he gets bigger and older. That's pretty amazing. He's a cyborg cat. He's a cyborg cat. It is the six million dollar cat. Do we know how much this cost? You know maybe $50 million that they could, I don't know, I'm sure it wasn't cheap. I'm sure it was not cheap. It's a remarkable thing and kudos to them for doing it. It feels to me a little bit like overkill but I'm very glad this happened. Well listen, it's not your cat. I know. You'd feel that way if it was your cat. It's just, evidently this cat was abandoned. It's totally sad. I know he was abandoned and it's because a lot of people don't want Disabled [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah. A lot of people don't want disabled animals. And she was actually saying that this technology. They learned so much from just the process of making the legs. And installing them and all this stuff that. She really feels that in the future, Veterinary Medicine is going to really benefit from see so here is how it works you can see there's a pin that goes right in the middle of the bone Yeah>> and that's how it's installed. So he won't be taken em off or slipping out of em anytime soon, but yeah the amazing thing to me is that he gets it. Yeah. Like he. He's just like hey, I can walk now. Yeah. Cool. Like that's how. Thanks guys. It was supposed to work from the start and then I didn't have those and now I've got those and it just makes sense. Oh my God he's so cute waddling around. I just. Just amazing. I love him. Oh He's so cute. You think now he's gonna get all cocky and aloof like other cats? If I was Vincent the cat I would feel a little bit better than other cats because I have bionic legs. Yeah. I'm just saying. He's like you guys didn't want to install the laser eyes also? Maybe he'll get moon shoes. For him are like the little sleds, the one that have kind of the bounciness to them, sort of like the villain in Kingsmen. Oh yeah, or maybe he has super speed now. It could be like. Yeah, super speed, he could be bouncy. He could bound and catch mice way better, we gotta Improve Vincent the Cat. We can make him better. We have the technology. We do in fact have the technology. It's pretty good. But yeah, that is what we have. If you guys ever wanna talk about the show, anytime you see us topically discussed on any of the mini episodes, nano episodes if you will Feel free to use #HeyTD on Twitter. Yeah. That's where we comb the Twitters for your tweets. Yeah, we'd love this to be a two-way conversation about these cool stories. Let us know what you're thinking when we're talking. And we'll hear. And feel free to ask us questions, too. Like if you wanna know like [UNKNOWN] was asking. Who would be play eight player NES with? Like, we'll answer that question. I think we came up with the perfect NES crew. Really, I agree. [LAUGH] Especially a robot toilet. [LAUGH] Robot toilet, number one. That was number one choice. That's my first round draft pick. [LAUGH] So we're gonna take a quick break. And we're gonna come right back with [UNKNOWN] Choba. And this table is gonna be full of Japanese candy. And we're gonna try it out. And we're literally probably gonna spend 15 minutes. Eating. So if you hate the sound of chewing sorry.>>Chewing slurping and crunching. Coming up next.>>Coming up next so don't miss it. But we're gonna take a quick break. But we'll be right back. So don't click away. Tomorrow Daily. Welcome back to the show, guys. We have a very special guest. This fine young lady, you may have seen before on the television. She has been on G4 and she's also very fancy. Yes, she's on Know her from Nerdist News. Nancy. [LAUGH] I love Nancy. You may know her from such things as being fancy. Oh yeah. Listen, some people in the fancy community might be excited to see. [LAUGH] The one and only Jessica Chobot yay. Yay. Thanks guys. So Nerdist News. Yeah. You've been doing that for awhile. Yeah. They were two years now. If someone out there is not familiar with Nerdist News tell them what it is. I would say you can define it as like a. Kind of a pop culture news show. I have three minutes long on YouTube [UNKNOWN] .com. We kind of hit a major news story for the day. Anything from comics news, to gaming news, to movie news as long as it's kind of within that for lack of a better phrase, geek nerd genre. And which is really just pop culture now. So, I would say that it's kinda like a little catch all for all that stuff. Fun, [CROSSTALK] Super fun, we had a great time. It's just a nice easy watch. You have brought things with you. I have. We decided, Jessica and I share a love of delicious, weird Japanese candies. And so we thought it would be really fun, instead of a traditional interview segment, to do stupid human tricks- [LAUGH] By eating strangely flavored Japanese candy that we have no idea what it actually tastes like. So where did you guys get these, first of all. Well, I actually stole this from my office. So I thought you were gonna say I stole this from a candy store in Japan. No, no, no I stole these, well some of these are yours, but some of these that I stole came from my office but they, for lack of, I said it again. For lack of a better phrase. That's apparently my phrase. But a birch box version of Japanese candy and I think it's called Japanese candy box or Japan candy box something like that. There's one that's called, I think it's Around the World Box, and they actually pick different countries. It's expensive. Uh-huh. But they pick different countries and they send you like a ton of food and snacks from different countries. This one I just glanced at it as I was Like, quickly grabbing all the candies so nobody knows anything. Oh, definitely, yeah. This one seems like this was specific to Japan. Oh. Well, let's find out. You haven't tried any of these? You know what? I have not tried any of these, except in my personal travels, I have tried this before, these. Okay, what is that? That, it's almost like a minty It's almost like a mint. Minty grapes. Minty grapes. Minty grapes. As one does, a classic candy. I saw them open a [UNKNOWN] they were amazing. These are really good. And I'm under the impression because I can't read Japanese so I'm guessing, but I'm under the impression they try to also sell these as a vitamin. Thing. Maybe a health candy. Well it has vitamin c inside of it, you know what I'm saying. It's a health candy. All right, so before we try anything- Yeah. Take these out of it cuz you've tried these before. Well no, but those are good so I wanna have some before [LAUGH] Well I want a prediction- We'll end with these. Yes. Because we know they'll taste good. I want a prediction as to which one you think will be your favorite, and you too. Well. Okay. Okay so this out of the favorite list. Cuz you've tried it. You know what actually Il lied I also tried this yesterday as well. But I'm not gonna tell you what this is. Me personally I'm not gonna tell you. You told me minty grapes which gives me no information I have no idea what that really even means. My description for this would totally give it away. Oh okay. It's like explosion cartoon in your mouth face. Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna say it's a toss up to this If this is a sour straw cause I really dig sour straws and gathering from the picture, I'm assuming it's orange. You hope so. An orange, although this kind of looks like a tomato, so you never know. [LAUGH] I love an orange tomato. This or this cause I dig strawberries and I also dig pop rocks which I'm assuming this is the Japanese version. Yeah. Volcano popping candy. The coolest. Packaging. For sure Yeah, its very neat, yeah. Look at how red that is! If I was a kid I want the fire package. But I think this is like an English translated Japanese candy but honestly, the product name is family volcano strawberry flavored pop candy. Yeah, I'm into it That's pretty much the English translation. Curious though that I want to discover is this what I'm assuming is beer candy. Yeah. Like beer flavored candy. Maybe it's butter beer. Oh. God. I hate butterscotch so I hope not. I'm going to guess if it's a flavor of anything it's going to be like a cc lemon. I think I'm going to like maybe this one. Cuz the cartoons super cute. It is really cute. And I've already tried those little ones so that's out and the brown sugar candy which is very. Pedestrian. Oh, pedestrian. So, I can't say that, but i'm gonna say I think i'm gonna really like this. And I think I will probably like the volcano [UNKNOWN] baby. All right let's do it. So, what do you wanna try first? Well you guys, why don't we just start from the left to right, and then we'll put these over here since they're hard candy. It'll take us a while. Oh, and I also bought us a drink. This looks like a churro. Oh here- Oh! I have water for us. That is- That's smart. That is slightly different from the one I tasted, so yeah that might be different. Oh, boy. This is exciting. This drink is called Original Bionic Drink, so. Well that's only for robots. Did you see what it comes with? You know what I hate? I hate derivative bionic drinks. [CROSSTALK] Only original [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] DOJ Seven vitamins, seven amino acids and royal jelly>> [LAUGH] Royal jelly is what gives it Are we all gonna eat it at the same time Yeah, sure. All right Oh, I don't know how to do this, [CROSSTALK] I'm destroying it. [CROSSTALK] How did you do that? [CROSSTALK] This is going to be a mess. I'm a lady. You're just like a, you're just a [CROSSTALK] Go. Oh it's not sweet as much as it's salty. No. Very salty. It tastes like pasta. Yeah, it tastes like- [LAUGH] Doesn't it taste like pasta? It tastes like a spaghetti cheeto. Yeah, like a- I did not enjoy that. SpaghettiOs? SpaghettiOs? Yeah, I'd say. I did not really like that everybody./ Oh really, I really liked that. Can I have the last piece? You may. Wow, that is, that is not candy. That is definitely not candy. Or Japanese food that we were expecting to be candy. All right. It's a treat, a Japanese treat. Yes. Oh, did we do these ones? Did you want to do these ones? I want to save this one for last. Let's pop the can. Oh, you want to do the popping can one. Not super last, but later. Now this one I've been very curious about. Do it. I haven't opened up but feel it. Oh, it feels like liquid or something. There's melon soda. This already I can tell is going to be amazing. I hope we have the EMTs on [LAUGH] This is like a, you inject it into your arm. It's like an Otterpop. Kind of. It's like an Otterpop. How do we open this? I don't know. I'm scared we're gonna get it all over the studio. My guess, I'm gonna- That looks like something that you would put onto a gun in a video game. How do we open this? Do we have scissors? I bet you pop this off [CROSSTALK]. I don't think we do. I'm really scared, you guys. You pop that off? I think you do, yeah. But it's Sealed all the way through. It's sealed all the way down. [CROSSTALK] But this comes off. Maybe we can't eat that one. I think this comes off. Is there directions on the label? I'm doing it. Oh yes, Jess, I'll go ahead and read them. Well you know, sometimes they give you pictures. No, there's no pictures. I don't know if you should do that side. No? I'm really I'm only scared of that. Can we move on? No. Bite it. You're gonna bite it? Oh it's gonna explode in your mouth.>> I'm so frightened right now. [LAUGH] We seriously don't have any? We need some scissors. We'll get some scissors. OK, let's do the orange one, and then-- I already busted my teeth when we went to the-- Yeah, please don't chip your teeth again. Yeah. Every time Jess and I hang out it seems like something wrong happens to her teeth. Are there not instructions on here? No. Well, if they are, they're in Japanese. I think we can just pop this off the top and like. Yeah. We just need some scissors. Yeah. All right let's try that, orange tomatoes. All right. Because you said that you thought you would like them. I think it's like, I'm going to guess that it's like a sour straw. Okay. Should I try with my keys, or is that super ghetto? I think that's going to probably spray it all over the place. All right. Yeah, I would be really frightened. Producer Logan if you have anybody out there who could procure us some scissors that would be good. Oh this looks like it's going to be delicious. Yeah, it does look good. All right, take a little piece here. Oh, is it like goobery any? Oh, no it's just jelly. It definitely smells not like tomato which is good. No, it smells like orange. But I bet maybe it's really sour, who knows. Maybe the orange turned into a tomato. Oh, it's very western. Yeah. It's a very western candy. I had that many times. Usually they're in the shape an orange, those are. Mm-hm. [CROSSTALK] These are orange jellies. Yeah fruit jellies. Very good. Those are very good. It's almost like those old fashioned grandma like jelly candies. You know that are in the shape of [CROSSTALK] Yeah okay. Grab those little green ones. Let's do those. You wanna do these. We can thank Tim Stevens for these. Tim Stevens [UNKNOWN], these are avocado candies. These have a picture- Well that sounds really questionable to me. Tiny picture of a farm on them. Tiny, oop! Tiny farm. A really tiny farm- Good catch. Thank you. Good save. Is on there. Cat like reflexes. They're individually wrapped, so I'll each try one. Just FYI, they're soft in the middle, so. Okay, so don't freak out. All right. Oh I love this. To me this is a little a bland. Butterscotchy. I don't like milky candy. Okay. So like butter scotch and this. This is delicious to me. This is my favorite. Well here you want mine? [LAUGH] [NOISE] My favorite, ice cream flavor. I'm trying to get to that middle, but i'm scared to bite it cuz I'm gonna bust my other tooth. They're not that hard. I've already broken like two teeth this year. Oh, oh, oh Oh yeah. Yes, feeling the pleasantness of the avocado. I like the inside one. [CROSSTALK] Also, can we apologize to everybody just listening to this because you are just disgusted right now in your car. I didn't even think of that. You are absolutely disgusted. Disgusted right now, in your car. Crunch, slurp, slurp. Yeah, really, really gross. I would buy an entire bag of those. Yeah, me too. Really? They were so delicious. I would buy you two an entire bag of those. None for you? I'd buy you a bag of the orange things. They're not bad, they're just not my thing. Can I tell you my favorite ice cream flavor in the world? Avocado. Is it really? Yeah. Avacado. [CROSSTALK] You haven't lived until you've had it. It's amazing. So good.. You wanna try this one? Yeah. Let's go volcano. Where do you open this? There you go. I tore off the top of the fire. Oh. Here. Individually wrapped. [NOISE] Everybody gets a little volcano popping candy packet.These are not made with real strawberries. Or real volcanoes.>>I'm going to have to do my teeth again.>>How do you open it?>>There's a little tab on the side.>>Oh found it.>>Oh boy. Alright hold on. It smells awful. Just for your information that strawberry smell is artificial.>>Well it smells like strawberries.>>I think that is good. I love the Japanese artificial flavoring. That's Pop Rocks. It's definitely Pop Rocks. It's definitely Pop Rocks. It's a lot more sour. Really sour. Oh, I love these. Really, really sour. If you guys don't want these, I'll take these home. [LAUGH] Very good, you can have them. They're very good. I wish I could get like 50 more of these. Yeah. They are so good. That was delicious. That was really sour. That was really, really sour. Wait, wait. Here. I wanna put another one-- You're gonna do one more? I'm gonna get, since we're already like, really gross, audio [LAUGH] Let's do more. Oh you're gonna gross people out even more. There you go, on your tongue. Oh, all right you can now hear the buzzing it's official. [LAUGH] I love it. It's official hear the popping noise. It's really great Okay what else do we have? We have the beer candy? [CROSSTALK] Does that go in a glass though? Yeah but I figure we can pour it into our waters. [CROSSTALK] Take a drink of water and see what happens. Be prepared for it. It says it foams so maybe we should be careful. Put it in your mouth. So put water in our mouth then will pour some powder in? And then it foams. Put a little powder in and then drink Some water because otherwise Okay You'll have water sitting there and you'll open your mouth and you'll have water all over the place. Oh my god you guys, I'm really weak and I can't open my water. Will you open my water for me? [LAUGHS] Maybe the volcano candy makes you weaker? It weakened you. Could be that I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm eating is sugar. You're like eh. I'm like eh, my arms. My T-Rex arms. All right, here we go Let's open this bad boy up. So powder first, then water. Mm-hm. [INAUDIBLE] a cup. I think so. This is a bad idea, on record, I want to- No it's not [INAUDIBLE] can we smell it first? Can we smell it first? Oh it smells so bad. This is like Emergen-C. What if it's just like fermented yeast in a bag, and you don't know. Where's the nearest garbage can, in case we need it? In case we need to throw up? In case we need to vomit? All right, I'm going for it. Ready? Oh, my God, this is- You know you're my friend. Bunch of chickens. Yeah, we are. We are chicken. You only need a little. Don't do a lot. It's gonna fall out. Now, water. Oh, what [LAUGH] Swish it around, mouthwash it. [LAUGH] That's not a face of joy. It's very- [LAUGH] It's very sour Was very sour. But it's really good if you like sour stuff. It's making my eyes water. I would eat that whole thing. I'm sure that this part of the instructions right there, Where you put it in a pitcher?>>Wait for a while. [LAUGH] Do not drink immediately. I'm sure that's what that says. [CROSSTALK] I don't know, but I'm guessing. Oh, I think it means I read this as- Use fresh water. Use water in the picture and then watch it foam up and then you can drink it. There's is definitely something with an explanation point after it. I know. Okay. I'm not gonna let Jessica show me out. Don't let her chug all the fun away. I think it's like used in- Oh wow. Yeah it's sour. Used in flavored drink mix. Not bad though, not bad, just. Yeah. It's like [SOUND] It does taste a lot like Airborne. That is really sour, Yeah, kind of. I would get the vitamin taste out of that. Yeah, there's probably no vitamins in there. [LAUGH] However, this has vitamins in it, guys. That looks awful. That looks like a Jolt or a- This is gross. No. You really think so. It says beer right on it. I know, I know. They do. I don't know. This, I mean. Well you clearly didn't follow the instructions. We didn't. No, not at all. I don't think it's that bad, if you like sour stuff. As I'm like, [SOUND] I wanna try that green goop so bad. Yeah, I do too, but I don't know if we're gonna be able to get to it. All right, I'm just, if I gnaw this off. Gnaw it off. Will you be cool with putting, okay. I'm really scared. Gnaw it off, I don't care. Why don't we? Can we like literally put up a little title card that says like two minutes later we get some scissors? I think literally what you do is you put like the technical difficulties. Yeah, technical difficulties with like a little elevator music. Okay. And then we'll come back with some scissors cuz I have some scissors at my desk. All right, go grab them. Unless I can twist this off. I might be able to twist this off. Can you do it? I don't know. I think it's happening. I think it might be happening. Oh! I'm getting liquid. Oh boy. I think you should get the scissors. [LAUGH] Yeah. [MUSIC] So here's what we've kind of Are assuming. And by us I mean us. [LAUGH] I think we clip off the top and that allows airflow to get in. So then we clip off the bottom. We actually drink out of this end. You just shoot it. Because otherwise you're just gonna like, it's gonna collapse on itself cuz it's not gonna have. You know, like when you put the- [SOUND] Like shot gunning a beer. Yeah. Yeah. So let's just- I mean I don't know. I'm scared that Oh boy. All right! Ew buddy. [CROSSTALK] We don't [UNKNOWN] Is it goo, it looks like [CROSSTALK] a jell It's jelly [LAUGH] It's jelly. It's not bad. Texture wise it's not great.>> Oh my god it's terrible. God you guys are the worst. It's not that bad. It's just not that sweet, honestly. No, and the texture is awful. The texture is terrible. It tastes like boogers. It tastes like you're eating a booger. It is kinda boogery. Cuz it's not quite slime, it's watery. [CROSSTALK] Watery slime. Slime [LAUGH] It's got like some slime in the water. My eyes are watery on how gross that is. [LAUGH] Here, drink some of this with some water, it'll make you feel better. Oh no, no. That was an experience. I'm just so curious with rest of the technology here. I don't know. Yeah, I'm not sure what that is. Flip up the bottom and see the other part of it I think it'd be. I don't think we should, I think we should, I'm scared we're gonna get it all over this It'll go every where Maybe is supposed to look weird like Alienish. Yeah, like it's an alien. Yeah it doesn. Ew, gross. All right, let's give the brown sugar candy cuz I think that's pretty straightforward. Okay. Let's go with the last thing. Is this ema? I wanna try that soda, even thought it's probably [CROSSTALK] Maybe grape. Oh yeah, we gotta do the soda. Do you wanna do the soda first or the minty grape? Let's do soda last. Last, okay. Oh gosh we should've brought scissors out here. Scissors would've been. Scissors and a cup and oh man there's so many things we could've had. So many. I really hope you guys are enjoying this. I think these have little jelly insides too. > Can't get them out of there. I think they do, well I think they change flavor as you go. Oh really? It's like layers. So nice. So they're, so you smell the outside, they smell like grapes. Sometimes they change. Look, there's a little box of [UNKNOWN] sticker on here. Mm-hm. Is that, it's like a little ad. Wow. Cap comm. Hey cap comm. Yeah. Yeah, all right. Not a fan. You don't like? They're not bad, but they're very different kind of flavor. They taste like Gobstoppers's, like the mini Gobstopper's. Yeah, really tiny Gobstopper's. Or the texture like, but the flavor is very different. Yeah. I love these. Yeah. These are so good. They're very different. They taste like green grapes, exactly like green grapes. Yeah. They really do. No one has perfected candy technology the way the Japanese have. I don't think so. Not when it comes to fruit flavors. Or beyond, and just delivery devices too. You know what I also really like? They always push concord grapes. You don't see concord grapes offered and that's one of my favorite things ever. Mm-hm. They're super sour, they're delicious. And yeah, when I was in Japan, concord grape was all over the place. In yogurts, and drinks, and candy. I loved it. You're going for it? Mm-hm. Tastes more sour as you go. It smells like Mountain Dew. Yeah, I'm sure it's gonna be awful. Let's see. The picture on the can is like. [LAUGH] You have a drinking problem! Well I was trying to not. No, it doesn't matter. Put your mouth on it. Who cares? Okay, if you guys don't care. We don't care. The picture on it is a cracked out bunny racing It tastes like. Wait here come take this camera so we can see it as close as possible. Cracked out bunny. So I feel like it's gonna be Mountain Dew-ish. It's like watery Mountain Dew. Oh, I mean. It's all right. It's all right. It's just Whatevs. Yeah, that's pretty boring. Yeah. I like the grape better. I like the grape too. All right, we're done. Should we rate them? Which one was your favorite? By far, this guy. This guy's my Just pick a fave. Volcano candies? Yeah. I'm saying mine is a too, you know I'm going to go with the volcano candy. Okay, yeah. I'm going to say the grape. A great candy. And I support grape too. Support grape, yeah. Nice. That was an adventurous trip down Japanese candy lane right down there. That's good. We're bringing you all the important news here at Tomorrow Daily. Jessica Talbot, thank you so much for joining us. Where can everybody find you on the Internet. Or you can find us, or me, over, I say us cuz nerdisthood, all of our nerdist stuff over at We also have a YouTube channel. You can find me, specifically, on Twitter @JESSICACHOBOT and on Instagram at Jessica_Chobot. Somebody's camping on my name. What. I'm gonna find you. I don't know. I'm going to Liam Neeson you. I'm gonna get you! So if you want to check out Nurses, which we highly recommend you do because it's pretty great and you get to see Jess every day. Which is always a bonus. I like to think so. You can think that. Because I'm fancy. [LAUGH] She's very fancy, we've established that. You are fancy. So if you'd like to feel fancy as well hit up Nerdist news. We will be right back with our Into Its and our phonetographer of the day. So don't click away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] All right so it's Thursday, we're gonna talk about stuff we like. We've cleaned up our mess. [LAUGH] We've cleaned everything up. [LAUGH] I scraped my tongue out. [LAUGH] We were rinsed. That jowl.>>Blech. Was. Blech. The most disgusting thing maybe I've ever eaten in my life. So you're not into at. But Ashley, what [CROSSTALK] That is definitely the opposite [CROSSTALK] Are you into? I'm into something that producer Logan actually brought to my attention a couple of days ago. I love RollerCoaster Tycoon, I like Tycoon games, so Dynopark Tycoon was my favorite. We played that along side Organ Trail. And I actually think I liked Dinopark Tycoon better because you could put Terrible like cheap chain link fences up for your tyrannosaurus' and they never get out and eat your guests. I thought it was a bad idea. It's hilarious so terribly to say this but not as sadistic as this guy who built a roller coaster in roller coaster tycoon that would theoretically take 210 human days To ride. I love this idea. Give me a. I want to live my entire. I want to live three lifetimes on a rollercoaster. Let's do it. Let's do this. The video is deeply dramatic so I actually want to play it with a little bit of music. So just take a listen really quick. [MUSIC] [BELL RINGS] So this guy posted this to 8chan and named the roller coaster Kyros the Slow and as I was reading on Motherboard because that's where the story showed up, the coaster would take 210 actual human days To ride or 3,000 years of endgame time for them to finish. That's a punishment. And you can really see it is, indeed, a punishment. It's not even really a roller coaster. You can't call it a roller coaster, cuz it's more like a slow mind-cart of doom. Yeah. It is just a laborious, twisting- [CROSSTALK] Your whole life- It's like the snow-piercer of roller coasters. People born on the roller coaster. Born and died on the roller coaster. Three generations. My mother was a roller coaster, your mother was a roller coaster and her mother before here. Oh no, I love it. So yeah he apparently this guy's also designed other stuff called the wheel of life and death which I need to go check out but It's pretty amazing and I just I'm really into stuff like that. I love when people get really creative with things like roller coaster tycoon. Yeah. And Sims and everything, so this is right up my alley. I thought it was hilarious and it didn't really fit into anywhere in the show. [LAUGH] I thought I was like I'm gonna find a way to in the show. I love it. How about into it. So that's my end to it. Very, very cool. I'm gonna talk about another board game. I know I stick board games in the show whenever I can, and this one I just played last weekend, and it blew me away. Okay. Are you ready for this? I am. Actually, I know you like games like Myst. I do. And old Sierra point and click adventure games. Oh yeah, King's Quest, Space Quest. This is that, but on a table top. It's called Time Stories. T period, I period, M period, E period Stories. It's from a group of guys called The Space Cowboys and this is a system. That's reason enough to buy it. Yeah, this is actually a, it's like a console and you plug these modules in it. The first one you get in the box is called. Asylum, but there's already four more announced. And it's a board game where you only play the module one time because it's a story that goes from start to finish, it has puzzles, it has spoilers. But the coolest thing is you play as a group of time cops in the future. That Quantum Leap style, leap into the bodies of people in the past and try to figure out what the time anomaly is. So, you're leaping into these people's bodies- It sounds like the greatest thing ever. It's amazing. You don't know what the problem is in the past, but you have to find out what the problem is and try to solve the problem before you get sucked back into the future. When you do get sucked back into the future, because you have a limited amount of steps that you can take before you get sucked back into the future. Okay. You can leap back in time again, and inhabit different people's bodies or the same people, you can choose. But You know now things you learned the first time around. [CROSSTALK] So you can manipulate. So you can do more. You can take shortcuts. Or you can go okay, we know that if we kill this guy it doesn't work out right. Or we know that if we walk through that door- We'll undo this, but then we'll do this. Exactly. Oh, I like that. It's so brilliant. It's some of the most fun I've ever had playing a board game. The only problem is you only get to play it once. So it doesn't have the replay value that other board games do, but I'm telling you, it makes up for that in spades with the amount of fun we had playing I literally, literally was running with my friends to them and high fiving them when we fixed some of the things that were wrong. [CROSSTALK] We solved these amazing puzzles The art work is amazing, you go to these areas and you like lay out these cards into a tablo that is this wonderful panoramic beautiful art that shows what you're looking at. So very much is like myth where you walk into an area you can see this beautiful picture. Oh man! Great! Great, game. I could not recommend it higher. If you're looking for Christmas gift And it's easy to learn. Your enthusiasm has completely sold me on it. Easy to learn, it's not that expensive it's only I think $35, you can find it online. That's pretty good. Awesome Great. Time Stories. Well speaking of beautiful pictures, let's talk about our phonetographer of the day. Our phone driver of the day is Yaseen who took this amazing picture with his iPhone 4 and wrote us an email and says, Hello. My name is Yaseen. I am from Morocco. I took this picture from iPhone 4 in Agadir City. Finally, thanks for all of CNet's team. I always follow you on YouTube and Facebook. Stuck which is so sweet of you. That is a beautiful, beautiful picture. It really is. It's, [UNKNOWN] I want to go to there. We need to go to there. So Morocco looks glorious. Yeah. And we're looking at it on our laptop. But, yeah, it looks amazing. That's a great picture from [UNKNOWN]. That's really well done. I agree, and you can't beat the Scenery. I'll go hang out on that beach. Have you ever been to Morocco, I've never been. I have never been. Let's go, we need two tickets. Two tickets to paradise. So that is it for the show you guys. If you want to submit your phone-tography to be featured on the show you can email us at Make sure you tell us what device you took it with, tell us a story about it, and give us permission to use it on the show. We'll be back next week. We are hoping to have Bobak Ferdowsi, mohawk guy from NASA on the show, but he might have some scheduling issues because of Some space stuff. Space stuff, you know? It happens. Really amazing, cool guy with space meetings. But if not we have a really great alternate guest, but I don't wanna give that away because it would [UNKNOWN]. And really we're hopping [UNKNOWN] will be here. And all week long we're gonna have cool stories again in our nano episode. So, be sure to watch those in prep for thursday. We like to do, this is so fun. I hoping people are digging it. I hope so too. And you can always send your feedback to us. Again, Find us on social media, we are in all the right places at all the right times on the internet and we're not hard to find. Tomorrow Daily, Ashley Escada Jeff Canada super easy. That is it for the show you guys, we will be back on Monday with a nano episode for you. Another nano episode, but until then be Be good humans. We'll see you next time. Bye. [MUSIC]

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