Interview: Sebastian Terry explains why he's helping check off your bucket list on Tomorrow Daily
Interview: Sebastian Terry explains why he's helping check off your bucket list on Tomorrow Daily

Interview: Sebastian Terry explains why he's helping check off your bucket list on Tomorrow Daily

[MUSIC] Welcome back to the show everybody. Our guest today is a very special guy coming all the way from the land down under. An inspirationalist, the host of 100 things. Yeah this is very, very cool. We have Sebastian Terry here with us. Welcome back. Thanks for having me. This is such an awesome, inspiring show that you are doing now. Tell us a little bit about it. Well thanks very much. It's called 100 Things. It's essentially based on a journey that I've been on for seven years. Several years ago I lost a close friend of mine and it made me reconsider life basically, what I was doing and how my friend was living his life I think was something I really enjoyed, I really valued. and I thought right I'm unhappy so I need to change it so I got a piece of paper and a pen and I just jotted down things I thought would make me smile and that was the beginning of this journey really. So I dropped everything really in my life and I just went for it. I started ticking off very bizarre things. I married a stranger in Las Vegas, I delivered a baby, I walked across the country, I broke a Guinness World Record. It just goes on and on. Wait so the You wrote a list of things that make you smile and they include marrying a stranger in Vegas. Yeah. Delivering a baby. Well, you're smiling. Well, that's true. That's right, I mean we're very amused by it. Touche, sir. Yeah, well played on that. Everyone's list is different but the progression is now that I spend all my time helping people achieve their goals. And that's It's the show, so I get to help people around the world achieve a very specific unique goals. And so the trailer drops, I think today or yesterday? Yesterday. So, yesterday. And then, so tell us a little bit about maybe if you can give us an idea of what some of the. People have on their list that we are going to see in a hundred things.>>Again it's a relative concept isn't it. Everyone list is completely different. So we're helping all sorts of people in all different ways. So my voice is a bit hoarse today because yesterday we helped a guy [UNKNOWN] his dream was to play some major league baseball. So we reached out to my community. So I've got this incredibly community who follow my online. And they just want to help people out basically, so I said how can we help this guy out? And someone put my in touch with someone else who put me in touch with Brett Tomko. Wow. And I An ex major league baseball player. Yeah. So he organized his mate, Adam Kennedy, played for the, what's the team? Anaheim Angels. He was out batting couch and we basically went down there and basically made this happen. I won't tell you exactly how the episode ends, but we met on the center mound, the diamond. And went to the plate. I don't even know what you call it. The batting plate. The batting play. That's I'll take it. [CROSSTALK] Well I played cricket in Australia. [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] We've got to face this guy and his fast ball as well and he swung and he was just amazing. And I couldn't stop cheering. You can probably guess what happened but it was Unreal. Shatters the backboard. [CROSSTALK] All the best stuff. Music. Home run. It's grand slam. That was the latest one but everyone has a list. Everyone has a list, I think, and it's often forgotten about. So some of the episodes kind of remind us about, there was a lady, Kim, cleaning out her house and she found a bit of paper at the back of a drawer. Got it out, and it was his list of a hundred things that he wrote up when he was in highschool. Wow. And he'd forgotten about it basically. And she contacted us and said, can you help him do one of these things? And one of the items was to do a cattle drive, run a cattle drive. He wanted to be a cowboy. So we said, yeah we can do that, so we surprised him. We knocked on his door, this guy's call Lou, a really nice guy. And he went, who are you? And I was like, from Australia. [LAUGH] That would make you a cowboy. I want to turn you into a cattle rancher. So I said let's go, so we hopped on a plane, went to Arizona, lived on a cattle ranch for three days and we ran a cattle drive. We took a hundred head of cattle, roughly and took them across the plains and we had to learn how to ride horses and lasso and It was unreal. We helped a girl in LA create her first solo art exhibition, which was awesome. It's just, we've going to Europe today to film another fourteen episodes. It's a very mellow, very emotional episode, but one of the first ones we're going to a concentration camp To reunite two people family members. Wow. Which is heavy. Very heavy but if It's on someone's list. Of course. That's the thing I mean. [CROSSTALK] so the idea here is to, give someone a beautiful moment right. Yeah. It's just to create. Something that brings happiness. Yeah it's like a dream because we all have them and just make them reality. And if one person is standing company and one person is learning the harmonica. So at first 100 things you said you made your list. And you started doing those things. Delivering a baby, Marrying a stranger in Vegas. And you started 100 And this, you talk a lot about one of the things that I think is really cool, is your community of people, a whole bunch of people just got really Inspired by you and now you have this global community of people who all wanna help each other out. Yeah, and it's all just happened accidentally. I mean, I didn't set out to, I never thought I'd be talking to you guys. I just thought it was this personal thing. But, there was something to it. It very quickly got a bit of traction and I think it just goes to show that we all want to be doing You take a backseat to your own life sometimes, and we create a lot of excuses why we can't do things, whether it's money or commitments, or fear of getting out of your comfort zone, and all things that definitely apply to me. But I started breaking down those barriers I think just through trying. Yeah. Sure. And so people enjoy that, so yeah the progression has been. I got to a point. I use this analogy, you know when you're getting onto a plane and, in case of emergency, an oxygen mask will drop from the ceiling, before helping anyone else, put yours on first Right Sure Which is so interesting. It's almost selfish, you know. Put your's first. But, I think in life, you have to. You have to help yourself out and you need to be Pursuing a meaningful lifestyle- Yeah. Purpose driven, and I think once you do that you will find yourself able to help others more productively. And so that's what's happened. I was on, I do a little bit of TV back, in Australia I'm huge. [LAUGH] That's not true. Right in an interview and this guy wrote in and this guy wrote in, he said I saw your list. You've inspired me to create mine, can you shave my head? So I thought, okay why not, this sounds quite quirky. I flew to Melbourne and I shaved Mark's head. And Mark's story is that he was completely able-bodied until 30 but bitten by a tick and got Lyme's Disease so within six months he life changed. He's a quadriplegic now. He needs a ventilator to speak at night, he can't talk because of a tic and as I was shaving his head I saw how stoked he was. And I was so happy to be helping, and I said well I can do more than this for you what else can I do. And he said via his translator, well I've always wanted to do a half marathon. So I said OK how can I help you do that, cause I'm slow on the uptake and he said well you could push me. And it was that. A simple answer, yeah, it was a simple elegant answer. And I said, why has no one offered to push you? And he said, I only came up with my list yesterday. [LAUGH] There's something in that. Awesome. So I had to sign us up for the Melbourne half marathon and I pushed him, and it was the first time that I ever helped anybody out. And the interesting thing on that was by the time the marathon came around, I had a bunch of people who wanted to help me help Mark. So my findings if you want to call it that is I'm just discovering that we all want to help people. Yeah. We all innately want to, we have the ability. And we have a desire. And it's about matching now, for me, so I find people we can help, cause I can't help everyone, and I find a lot of people who want to help, and I just match them up. I think it's a cool thing, and you know, we are technology focused here, and I think The thing that's so amazing about this is that it really is because of the internet, right. Because people are connected you can do this. People talk about the internet being a negative thing a lot but this is a really positive thing. Yeah, I'm not that tech savvy to be honest, but yet this community's built up. And it's just the idea of connection. I think I got no problem putting on any social media what I do, because it ultimately it helps people so it's not an egotistical thing the beautiful thing is that it just connects it connects to people when I haven't tried for that to happen so yeah. People all around the world, meeting people, and helping people online and I get contacted by everyone. People, a little old lady her partner passed away, she wanted me to move her pot plant in back yard. I saw it helped. The same thing happened for a lady in Perth, the other side of the country. I'm from Sydney so someone in Perth got in touch with me and said can I do it. And I just put them in touch and that happened. And this is all by social media. That's great. A lady who was suicidal contacted me. She found a bit of hope in what I was doing. Really sad story. I won't go into it but it was [UNKNOWN] terrible. And then, yeah, I just rang her up and someone else connected with her, they rang her up and all online we found her account, got a policeman involved and she's good now. So I mean It's gotta be so rewarding. It just this stuff is really cool. Well there are lives being saved. I can't stop what I do now Yeah. Which is awesome, I don't know what direction I'm going. Yeah. It's like when people start working out, they say like, ow I can't stop now cuz it feels so good to exercise like it's the thing and like this is really kind of like a spiritual exercise, like you're sort of out there helping people and it feels so good that you just don't want to stop. It's an, it's almost an addiction to like help people which is really great Yeah and the show, it just brings it out, it's done so well. And of course I would say that even if that wasn't the truth. [LAUGH] But it is the truth. And I saw the trailer yesterday, and it's only a minute long. [CROSSTALK] Yeah. But it's a bit of a tear jerker and I've seen a few of the episodes, you know, behind the scenes and, they're just awesome. So before you go, I definitely have to ask you how the delivering someone's baby went. Well it's because Jeff has a baby due later this year. I do, and I'm terrified to be in the room. Wow. Maybe you could come to LA, maybe you could come to LA and deliver. I'm not even sure I wanna be in the room. My wife says I have to. But to be sure, it was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever witnessed. So funny, well this is, to the point that social media helps connect people, this girl had been following me online in Canada. They say I'm pregnant I'm due if you want to help out. I know you want to. You can come and help deliver. So I said okay. Sure why not. So I got my credit card out because I have no money right, this just happened. And I flew to her hometown of Regina, in Canada. Which I think is. That's also hilarious. Such a coincidence. So you saw her Regina? [CROSSTALK] Saw her and said excuse me I apologize. I don't whatever you call it, it was I did, I had one of her legs over my shoulder when it happened and so. What a visual. So when it came out the baby, [UNKNOWN] five. The robot baby. Yeah there was no light saber but it came out and I just couldn't stop crying so I had the baby and I put it on her tummy. My God. And. How long, did you train for this or did you just show up and you're like, I'll just wing it. There was a midwife there- [CROSSTALK] She just said put your hands here. Yeah like hold your hands- I mean, it was- What an amazing thing. It was, I know, it really was a baby. You have like a connection with that child now. Well it's weird because obviously the emotional connection The same as being a parent. Sure. Right. But to me it just showed that everyone is, I mean how generous to invite me into something that was so intimate. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, it was, I mean it's a much longer story then that [UNKNOWN] What a moment for everybody involved. I mean it's such a big deal. And I've made life long friends. Oakley's just turned three and a half I think. So yeah. > Wow. That's awesome. So aside from 100 things you also do things with make a wish. Yeah I raise money for charities. So I wanted to raise $10,000 for Camp Quality. Which is an Australian Kids camp for charity. And I ended up making $100,000 for them, somehow. Again, accidentally. So I thought well why would I stop here, so I then raised $100,000 for our [UNKNOWN] Australia. My mom has a younger onset of dementia. Mm. Which is really sad, she's 60. So I did that. And then Make-A-Wish approached me and said can you be an ambassador? And I guess I do a similar thing in terms of helping people. So I said absolutely, and so I'm raising $100,000 for those guys. I don't know how, but it will happen I'm sure. I love the idea that you can go through life, and help other people on a peer to peer level or in a charity sense as well. I'm very blessed to be doing what I do. That's great. That's amazing. So how can you watch the show? Yeah. How can we watch it. You need to download the go90 app. It's on the Verizon platform. Online digital thing. And it's being produced by Made Men. So it's also available on the Made Man YouTube channel. It gets released on the 13th of April, new episodes every two weeks for a year so there are 26 episodes all up. And they're awesome. And my very last question will be to anyone out there who is having trouble thinking of things for their own list So what's your best advice? Give yourself permission to consider your version of happiness. I think once you've done that, just make your choice to pull the trigger. It's that simple. What else is more important than just feeling good about yourself? So what is that? And I think by doing that, asking yourself the question, what's on your list, which I want to ask you two, I think the ramification of that answer could change your life. And I think more importantly change the lives of people around you and that's just what I'm finding out. I love that point about helping yourself before you can help others. Loving yourself before you can love others. because like you said we feel too selfish and you really do have to be whole and happy and right before you can be of service to others. I saw an instagram meme or whatever it is the other day that said you can't fill up someone else's cup if yours is empty. True. It's so simple. So what's on your list? I want to see the northern lights. That's good. I would like to learn fight choreography. Like in a super hero movie. That's awesome. That's amazing. I want to learn, I don't know, maybe fight a robot or something. I don't know. I think it would be cool. Shh [CROSSTALK] Anyway [INAUDIBLE] good answers. Basic, but thank you so much we are big fans on this show, we sign off everyday by saying, be good humans, and you are certainly one of those. It's nice of you to say, thank you. Have a safe flight over to Europe. Yes. And have a great time shooting [INAUDIBLE] 100 things [INAUDIBLE] The made man YouTube channel. Is that right, made man, did I get that right? Yeah. Okay good. I was like, please don't let that be backwards. You can check that out. You can always go over to Sebastian Terry, thank you so much for having us. And if you want to follow me on Twitter or one of those instant what ever those things are, my, is it called a handle? Yes. Sure. And or at said 100things. Sub 100 things guys. We'll be right back, it's Tomorrow Daily.

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