How 'Honest Trailers' got Ryan Reynolds to cameo as Deadpool (Tomorrow Daily 364)
How 'Honest Trailers' got Ryan Reynolds to cameo as Deadpool (Tomorrow Daily 364)

How 'Honest Trailers' got Ryan Reynolds to cameo as Deadpool (Tomorrow Daily 364)

On today's show we deep dive into ghost busting in the void, hyperloop, and also MITs material ball platform which were very exciting to a lot of you. Then from honest trailers and screen junkies and he's ignored drops by [UNKNOWN]. How they got Deadpool in their latest honest trailer.>> We also are gonna try out a game show segment that may or may not work because its a brand new piece of technology. So if you don't see it in the show, you know it didn't work. Its tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily. It's the best new talk show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda. And I'm Jeff Cannata. It's time to deep dive. It is and Jeff needs to go have his eye dialated again which you know, we have many [UNKNOWN] we had many viewers also agree that we all know you're playing Uncharted Four. But, okay, fine. Listen, Dr. Drake told me that I need to do this procedure. [LAUGH] Dr. Drake. [LAUGH] He has a PHD in Archaeology. He does. Alright, let's see the headlines. [MUSIC] Let's discuss the void. Man, I want this. I want this immediately if not sooner. Yes. Right now it's gonna need to happen. Yeah. So The Void is getting into the film experience business which this is I think a great Just a great mash up for them. The void is doing a Ghostbusters centric, it's called Ghostbusters Dimension Hyper-Reailty Experience. They're going to do it in New York at Madame Tussaud's. If you don't know what the void is We've talked about it on the show before. Go look it up because it looks amazing. So you can see, there's all of these sort of like flat gray walls and stuff inside a building, almost like a laser tag arena. But then you put on a virtual reality headset and you're inside whatever location they choose. But they also have really cool Feedback stuff like there's air that shoots at you. There's a thing that affect other senses so that it sells the virtual reality environment even more. You've got this rapture vest, they have a whole headset. All this was custom made and it looks really awesome. And They've got multiples experiences that they're going to be opening up at a facility in Salt Lake City? In Utah? Yeah. Which is probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened to Utah. [LAUGH] Ever. So I'm really, I love that. The panel, and it's like you're touching, so so cool and I can't wait to To see how they translate that from Ghostbusters. Yeah. I think it'll be really fun. They had said it's gonna be a combination of the original film, elements of the original films, and also this new film coming out, Paul Feig's Ghostbusters. The lady Ghostbusters, if you will. And so I am really looking forward to this. And I am praying that they take it on tour. I know. Like Interstellar. Yeah, like evidently you wear a proton pack kind of thing on your back so you feel like you have this backpack. Feel the weight. You've got a gun. And in the virtual reality environment, it's gonna all look right. Yeah. I think, as much as I love the VR experience at home, and I really am loving it. I think these sort of even next level destinations that you go to where they really get to give you all these kinds of crazy feedback, you get to actually walk through mazes and stuff like that like the Void. I think that's gonna be a huge business going forward because- It's the next laser tag. Yeah. This is the next version. This is the future version of laser tag, which I think is so cool. We asked you guys what you would wanna see as an experience. And Kvothe, I hope I pronounced your name right. Is that from Name Of The Wind? Kvothe? Says hey guys have u ever seen the anime called SAO? So he's like can't wait till technology reach us there; total immersion Just amazing. That's what we all want, right? We want Holideck. Yeah. Short of holideck we want Ready Player One. Yes. Short of Ready Player One, we're gonna do stuff like The Voice. That's right. So it's baby steps toward the eventual Get into a place and it's not the place that you're actually in. That's what we all want.>> And I hope for your sake [UNKNOWN] makes it into the void or something equivalent. Okay, let's talk about materiable because a lot of you really like materiable. What's not to like? This seems like a crazy, look at this. I love this. So this actually, so this is what it is, this is Materiable right here if you didn't see it earlier in the week. It's an MIT platform for designing It can respond in a bunch of different ways, as if it is made of clay, as if it is made of rubber, as if it is made of water. It's really neat. Listen, as a person who spends way more time than I should just popping packing bubbles Yeah. I want to do this so bad. It reminds me of the, you know the pins that you can put your hand in? Yeah. Like it reminds me of that. Your face? Yes. I want to touch that thing so badly, it looks just so fun. Yeah, it looks really fun. One of the guys, one of our viewers has some feedback. Elon said I would like you to talk about the thing MIT made tomorrow. How long does it take to be built and who built it? Interestingly enough, this I think Alon wants to build himself one. I know, right. Well, all of those rectangle blocks are 3D printed and everything's all put together, but this actually started off as an older project, I think from 2002, which I find very fascinating. It was like an older project that MIT was sort of Fussing around with, and then they decided, hey let's bring some other algorithms and some machine learning into this and then let's create this kind of design tool that people can use and stuff. I mean, I know I tend to conflate all of our stories together, but How great would it be to have this on all the walls of a void-like place? That would be pretty awesome. You can just program what kind of surface you're touching at any given time, and it's appropriate to the virtual reality that you're in. Exactly right. Yeah. Exactly. That would be super amazing. Amazing. Other feedback, other user feedback Spryfly wrote in and said, MIT's Materiable Platform reminds me of the 2008 Olympics. Are you sure there aren't any MIT people under there? Look at this. I think that that was directly inspired. Good catch. By the Olympic's opening ceremony. It was a great catch. And then, I'm from the future, who I'm taking you at your word, I'm from the future. I'm assuming you're telling the truth, says, cover materiable! Imagine it in a playground (like as the ground). Not a kid anymore but with [UNKNOWN] I would love a phone version of that. Because it's like if you fall down, it would like catch you. Yeah. Like it would raise up and realize you were falling and it would catch you on the way down. A snow angel on concrete. THat would be amazing. Materials, really cool stuff. MIT tangible media lab always just makes such interesting things. Yeah. But materials, really big fan of that. And then finally, let's talk about hyperloop, because what a step forward. I mean, this is kind of incredible. So hyperloop one, used to be hyperloop technologies. And they changed their name officially to hyperloop one. [UNKNOWN] Sexier, I guess. Also I would totally buy a ticket for Hyperloop One because it sounds super futuristic. So Hyperloop One did their first open-air propulsion test and it went really well. They sent a little cart Down a track at like 300 miles per hour. Not too shabby. Not too shabby and then crashed it into a whole bunch of sand. [LAUGH] So there it is. It looks like water though. It looks like the best log ride you've ever been on. [LAUGH] Yeah, logjammer, it's like a good logjammer. So, this is the first step towards full hyperloop. These are the very first tests that we're seeing from these three companies that are all jockeying to be the first to bring hyperloop to the masses. Which, by the way, competition in this space, so great to see. A plus. It really is wonderful that they're all going to propel themselves forward, Very important. And propel us More in the loop. And all of their research, I'm sure, proprietary things will not be shared, but all of their research and all of their findings I'm sure they will be sharing with each other. Just much like [UNKNOWN] often shares with NASA and vice versa. Things like that. Let me ask you this question, Ashley. Any trepidation about getting into something that's going to be moving at 700 rounds an hour. Because it's maglev and it will be in a tube, I feel slightly concerned about it. Because it's like if it moves, then we get liquified. Bad things. Yeah, but but I also think that if they make it safe enough, if they make it on the level of an airplane or a train then yeah, why not? I mean it's like you take that risk every time I get in my car to drive to work. Like I have a higher risk of dying in a car accident than I do in an airplane, so for me it's like the risk is- the reward is so great of being able to travel these insane distances in such a short amount of time that it's worth it to me to To get out there and make it happen even though there might be, there's obviously gonna be risking everything. It basically shrinks the world. This kinda thing allows us to get the places quicker and it really makes the world more manageable, larger distances, more manageable for more people. And I think that That step to take as a culture to be able to say, hey, I can be hundreds of miles away in 30 minutes. Yeah. It would be transformatory. Well and think about what happened with cities and urban sprawl when cars became very prevalent in society. You know suburbia became a thing. And now you're gonna be able to To make that urban sprawl go even farther. It's freedom. It allows freedom. Yeah, there's a lot of freedom. You're not confined by your geography because you're able to transport yourself much larger distances much quicker. In a short amount of time, right? Exactly, and I- So I think it was a little scary at first. And I know a lot of people are like [INAUDIBLE] but I think the idea of this, the Physics means that it could be pretty safe- It's relatively sound- And it could be pretty doable. Yeah, the idea is relatively sound. I mean, I think it could be great. I think, it could be great. I love that these guys are competing. I love it we're seeing these first tests and they're cool to watch, right? Super cool. I mean- I can't wait to see more. I wanna try it, I'm I love that it's all kinda happening like not behind our backs but kinda just quietly in the background. And all of the sudden like hey, we're gonna test the first thing and I'm like, what, what? I thought it was like 15 years from now. I know. And another, another real high five to Elan Musk for like delivering this. And letting people run [INAUDIBLE]. And going, yeah. Whoever wants to go with it, go with it. Take it. I don't have time for this. I've got other things to do. There's gonna be a point- I gotta send people to mars, I'm a little busy guys. There's gonna be a point at which this is going to be the most efficient, least expensive way to go- I think so. I think we're all gonna be doing it. I think you're right. I mean [UNKNOWN] loving it himself, like speed trains in Japan are very popular, and I think we gotta get away from older infrastructure, and we gotta move into the new, and now's the time. With that being said, I think we're done with headlines. Let's get out, let's take a minute, let's come back with Andy Signore, creator of Honest Trailers. You're gonna like him, he's fun. He had a huge week this week, huge week this week. And then we will do more things on the show, so stick around. It's Tomorrow Daily. [BLANK_AUDIO] [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show, we are super excited to welcome this next guest to the show. You probably know Honest Trailers which he created. Yeah, and Movie Fights, and so much more of our Screen Junkies, Andy Signore. Thanks for stopping by, bud. Thanks for having me, guys, Yeah, absolutely. I'm excited to be here. You had a pretty major week at Honest Trailers. We have. I had an epic week, I don't know how I could say. Deadpool showed up in your honest trailer for Deadpool- He did. And argued with the voice. He sure did. Does the voice have any office name? The real person his name is John Bailey but does the voice have a name, that's a great question, no one's asked that- [INAUDIBLE] What's the name of your voice? No, he's like a family. He has a broken marriage. He has a kid who's yelled at him. So, we do have a character. There's a, Yeah. Right, there is a. But I don't think we've ever given him a name. So, that's a good thought. Maybe, I wanna, I'm gonna start thinking about that. Mm-hm. But so, okay, so you were able to get [LAUGH] Ryan Reynolds not only to do this but also have him in costume. Kind of a big deal. It wasn't the costume, we tricked you there. Really? Yeah it was just his voice, he was actually in England. Wow. You had a mask. Yeah we took the promos because we wanted to separate when he was talking, when he wasn't. We wanted it to feel like,oh he's talking to the guys, talking to us. So yeah, he just did the audio and it was Several recording session that we did, with Ryan Reynolds. Which was insane to me that that actually all transpired. How did that come together? Yeah, how does it? Did you guys reach out to him, or? Yeah, so I saw the movie in theatres. And Spencer, our writer, and I were just like, how are we gonna do this on his trailer. Because we just knew immediately. They did on his Credit, they did all the stuff and like- Sure. Like you're sick. I didn't mean to say that, but they are like doing our tone and if we were to do a movie. How do you [INAUDIBLE] Yeah, yeah. How are we going to [UNKNOWN] A joke in a joe is never succesful. So immediately after the movie, I'm like I've got to try to get Ryan Reynolds to do like Deadpool in the traitor. And I think at that point We were feeling a little cocky, cuz we got the Russo brothers are on record being fans, and we've had other people. We're like, if we're ever gonna be able to finally. I'd always had this dream, if we're ever gonna finally get a celebrity to do their own trailer, it's like, this is the perfect one. The marketing has been spot on And so. Break the fourth wall it's like this is the perfect example of how you would do this yeah. So correct and so I just made it my mission and then we, I started on Twitter is how I did it. Wow. And so I started a campaign on Twitter, #deadpool for the Deadpool Trailer and it's got some traction. So many of our fans across the web. We have fans making posters and she would send them every two days. Awesome. And so Ed Reed the writer and Ryan were the only ones on Twitter. Rhett Reese eventually wrote back and was like, "Sorry, I'm busy writing Deadpool 2." And I was like, "Fair excuse." Okay. Yep. And then after a little while I got a little ping on my log in. It's like, Ryan Reynolds is following you on Twitter. What? And then I see in my inbox A message from Ryan, and I'm just like and it was just a very polite, long email like hey dude, what's up, I got your messages. [LAUGH] I got all of them. [LAUGH] Yes exactly, he's like I'm a big fan, I love the Green Lantern trailer, which was like crazy, you guys are awesome And then he just went to proceed like, I'm really busy, I'm down. What do you want? What are you thinking? Yeah. Then they revealed they tried to do an honest trailer for the movie apparently. The end credits was gonna be. Wow. Their own honest trailer. Wow. So they wrote one. I still haven't seen it. I'm dying to see what they did. But it didn't work. They didn't feel like it was funny or they couldn't muster it. Call you and say. But long story short I got one email back. Because I feel like I can't hound this guy. He's polite enough that he reached out. Sure. Lesson to all of you who are trying to get an A-Lister on your shows. So don't hound them too much. You gotta be polite, you gotta be cool about it. So then I'm trying to And also be brief. Be straight to the point. Get to the point. Exactly. There is a protocol. And I've had some prep, I've had some embarrassing encounters before that I know I regret. Life experience leading up to this point. Now I know. I'm a pro now. I'm like "Hey, what's up, Ryan?" be normal. And I just pitched it back. I'm like here's what we wanna do If you're not up for it, we get it. I wanted to give him an out so I knew he was really interested. And sure enough the dude was so interested. And not only that but then he emails me. Like no studio, no PR, no agent, just direct. He's a cool guy. Cool dude who just gets it and was like how to we make this good for you guys. Cool. And he ended up doing it over the course of four, five weeks. And it was just insane. It just was so fun to work with him. He got it. There was no joke he'd turn down. There was some he wanted to adjust or make funnier but, Sure. I just love that he was up for everything. There you see it sounds like he was super game for it and it shows in the Honest Trailer cuz it's really funny. Really funny. Thank you, yeah. How do you guys set about Making one of those from the start. Yeah, what's the process? So, I do it with my partner Brett way back who helped me sort of do the show and now he left trailer 15 or something. We're now at 150. So I've been leading the process since then and the team really now is our head writer Spencer Gilbert does most of the writing now He'll watch the movie. We've all seen the movie. We'll all sort of share some notes and then he'll go for a deep drive into the first draft. Mmm hmm. And then after some notes we've shared and then we'll go and I'll punch it through and be like What do we? This isn't working. We need to go broader here. Stuff like that and then usually it's two or three more drafts. That we then go through. I think Deadpool had ten drafts. Cuz we really were like let's do this one right. Get it right yeah. Make sure we really do this one right. Plus we had time. Usually we don't have time, we're always like a week ahead and we have to get it out the door. But that's the process. We watch the movie, I think Spencer's sometimes watches it three and maybe a fourth by through skimming. Right. And then we give it to editor and then it's there it's usually takes about a week and a half. Wow. I would think it would take longer than that. I would feel like I would need to watch a movie like eight times to really get all of those nuances. But I'm sure now it's sort of got it down to a science. There is a bit of a formula. There's a bit of a formula of we know okay, from blank comes. We know which jokes we're setting up and then obviously we're always trying to challenge ourselves which is what we did of How do we mix the format up? We did one with Boyhood where we just didn't even have a voiceover. And I like when we challenge ourselves like that where it's like, how do we **** with our format so it doesn't feel like we're doing the same thing [CROSSTALK] Sure. Tonally do you have a set of rules for yourselves as far as- An Honest Trailers Bible. What you will, and what you won't do? Yeah, I push a lot. I mean it's always be honest. And so, which sounds stupid, but it's not Sarcastic Trailers, it's not I mean we make jokes, the show is a comedy series, but is this honest is the question I'm always asking. You have three rules, be honest, be a trailer, and be [UNKNOWN]. Is this an honest criticism? [LAUGH] So true. But the trailer is actually the other rule. Is this trailer enough? Sometimes we go off on too many tangents where I feel like we're just doing a commentary. Sure. And then usually it's funnier because of that when we really stick to the- Editing. Guy being a trailer voice trying to do it. It's something you wanna They can do. So, when you guys started doing Honest Trailers, obviously it was a lot smaller than it is now, but, like you mentioned earlier, the Russo brothers, when they were making, if you guys didn't know this, the Russo brothers, when they were making Winter Soldier, tried to make it specifically Honest Trailer's proof, so What is that like, what is that feeling like to know that there are filmmakers out there going like, we have to do this right, so that Honest Trailers doesn't just kill us. I mean it's insane, I mean the story that also, it's like we didn't know that when we were making our Winter Soldier trailer. And we were like, we're having a tough time- [LAUGH] It's pretty good. Pretty good. And we can nit pick, which we state in the trailer, get ready for nit picking. But Then we learned later that yes, they were apparently. And then now we've talked to them a couple times. And Joe and Anthony were like yeah, I can't tell you how many times we've said, I don't want to hear this in an eff-ing Honest Trailer. We gotta bulk up this logic! [LAUGH] And it's amazing to me, cuz that's- That's great. That's the goal. Yeah. Of course, we don't hate movies. Make movies better. It's not that hard to just sometime do one last comb-through. Does this make sense? Can we just say a line to make sure this makes sense? Because it's a movie. Of course, if we're into the movie and invested, you let a lot of things slide, but sometimes movies just don't- So how do we get Zack Snyder to watch Marvel- [LAUGH] Yeah, yeah. How do we get- Or Michael Bay, Transformers. Can we just mail him A flash drive with every episode in it. I will say the Batman Superman trailer is one that I think that everyone is very, there is a lot of pressure on us right now. I'm sure. [INAUDIBLE] My favorite movie this year is going to be the Honest Trailer for Batman. Superman. That's gonna win an Oscar for sure. We are up to task and we're very excited for that one. Us to. We are very excited. I can not wait to see the response Internet have... Is there a part of you that get's excited when a movie like that is back and you get to go aaa. It's like a little piece of gold...>> Its a gift. And men are from heaven. I mean, that has a whole history. I don't wanna take forever, but its like... But the DC fans are so mad about it. Yeah. And it's like you're allowed to like the movie like. Yeah. Yeah. It's okay. I didn't like the movie. I'm allowed to not like the movie. Yeah. And I feel like I've justified [UNKNOWN] I didn't like the movie. I love those characters and I get there are different versions of the characters but when you're spending $200 million dollars on a Batman v Superman movie, you do sort of have to please the masses. Yeah. You'd think. It's what your job is. You'd think. That's one of the things, though, that I feel makes Honest Trailer so successful, is that you guys never come from a place Place of mean spiritedness. There's never a, like you said, no sarcasm. It's not like a, we're gonna rip this movie to shreds because we hate these things. It's because you love movies and you want them to be better and you want them to have better logic and audiences deserve to have that experience of a better movie going. Just a total experience. Experience that you guys are a willing sort of ribbet hard, but still it's all in good nature. Like, it's all very good natured, it's like you love movies, like you can really get that through on this trailer. You never feel like, these guys hate movies, like, this is, this is terrible. No, we definitely love movies. And thank you, that is definitely our goal. We're never just trying to crap on a movie. We definitely are trying to crap sometimes on the logic, or the The choices certain movies have made. Right. But we always try to justify it with a reason of, this is why this isn't working. Why would I believe in this? And so, yeah, we never try just to hate on the movie. Even with movies we hate, we do, like Transformers, we just call out how lazy it is. Right. That's a way that sort of explains why we hate it, without just saying **** this movie. I think we might have said **** that movie just because- [LAUGH] It's like, god we've gotta watch this movie, after the fifth one or whatever it was. But we try and share why. It's like MIchael Bay literally reuses shots in the movie. Yeah, it doesn't work. He didn't even have the courtesy to, and he left green screens. So I'm like, how do you miss that? Come on, if you're not even gonna be fully invested Neither are we. So, we'll call them out when they're- And that's fair. Yeah, exactly. You're very fair about your honesty. It's never in an effort to be extra mean to a movie. And again it's honest. I mean I think that's really, you really do keep it honest. I think the big difference for me is Not try to convince someone that something is bad. It's just like we're trying to call out what's there. And not say here's our argument for why you should not like this. Correct. Exactly. So what is your favorite on Australia that is published thus far? It changes a lot but I'm really proud of the les miserables one. From Les Miserables. We just decided to do an all musical one and I just did not have any faith that it was going to work, but I loved the challenge. Sure. But of course we're doing this. But we got a Broadway songwriter who I'm not allowed to say his name, but a legit Broadway. It rhymes with Blandrew Bloyd Blebber. Maybe. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Or [INAUDIBLE] who wrote Hamilton. He composed. So you guys know, I worked on musicals as you know, and that was crazy to me. And he really helped us. We wrote the lyrics and did it, but then He totally made the music and sung- [UNKNOWN] Helped him sing it, because- Amazing. To sing in that style is really tough. Yeah, that's not easy. And I didn't think like, how are we gonna do this? And we wrote it and then it just came out and I was like this is so fun. And so, I love when we can do those so that one stands out. And I really, really like Superman IV. It's just, we went back and- It's a crazy movie. And [UNKNOWN] trailer and it was back in the day, where now every movie's been [UNKNOWN] But it was like, we found one comment who's like do that movie right. Okay, one guy, here it is. [LAUGH] Here it is Jesse- But I like the weird ones. I bet that's like exploded when he saw that it went up. He's like they were listening to me. I was a Lion King assistant [UNKNOWN] helped us with the, no one knows or what do or say. [LAUGH] Circle of life bit which still makes me laugh. The one that always makes me laugh is when you guys say instead of Michael Caine it's my cocaine. My cocaine. [LAUGH] It's the funniest thing, it's so simple. And it's a pure great joke. He wrote it in the script and I didn't get it. And I'm like my cocaine? My cocaine. And then I said it and I'm like Yeah yeah yeah. Genius. To wrap up, what are the other things you're doing. We know about movie fights I was just on by the way. Did great, are you gonna come back? Shameless plug. I would love to. I want him back. You were fantastic Fans loves you. Wow. You had an aggressive fighter against you, you were like I don't know. Yeah. People take that stuff seriously. They do indeed. I had a blast, it was really fun. Thank you for coming. Movie fight is coming. We have Kevin Smith on tonight. Great. And we have some other big things. We're going to be at Comic-Con we just announced. We're doing a three day event there with live programming and stuff so that's going to be really fun. And then you have [UNKNOWN] if people want more than just what's on YouTube. We have over a dozen shows there. Kevin Smith's doing a show, Howard [UNKNOWN], Jeremy Johns, Chris Tuchman lots of exciting stuff there. Honest share commentaries where we share more of a longer there was a whole sound guy who I was worried was gonna kill Ryan Reynolds when I sent him randomly from twitter to record the sound with him. All that's on our commentary all that stuff's on plus if you go to [UNKNOWN] But yes, it's very busy. I'm very excited and very lucky that we get to make so much fun. It's all very fun also. Yes, thank you. Screen Junkies, just check out Screen Junkies. There's so much great stuff over there. And then if you want to follow Andy on Twitter, he's @AndySignora. Right? Andy Signora, that's right. Crazy. Well thank you again for [CROSSTALK] Thanks for having me. We really appreciate it. Yeah let's get you both on the show! I love it, yeah. I will fight against Jeff. Now I'm scared. And if you ever wanna make an Honest Trailer about Tomorrow Daily, we will take the heat. We will be right back with an Intuit and also we have a game show. Uh-oh. here we go. So that'll be exciting. Stick around, it's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back, friends. So, Andy Signore was great. He was. And, if you want to talk about other things that are honest, we make a really honest effort- [LAUGH] To make this game show thing happen. It's gonna happen in the future. It was a really cool game actually. It was a really cool game. You just can't see or hear it. Yeah. [LAUGH] So. You can't hear it. So, in the future, it's gonna be better. We're going to make it better. I don't think it's the right prime time yet but yeah we don't want just a bunch of unintelligible things happening on the screen. So just be patient. I'm gonna just be honest though, in the spirit of Honest Trailers. Ashley won the, I did win. She won the game. A ghost point. So, now you don't even to watch. [LAUGH] For me. A ghost point for me. So, what we are gonna do is we're just gonna skip that segment for today and we're just gonna go right into into it. Do it. [MUSIC] They have to [UNKNOWN] I won the ghost gameshow that happen today. Yeah. What are you [UNKNOWN] you have first. As a winner, I'm very- You're so gracious. Magnanimous- You are. Indeed. Please, go first. We talk a lot about VR already in this episode. I got my vibe. I rented weeks ago about my vibe and my [UNKNOWN] suppose were delayed. I finally got my vibe a couple weeks ago. I haven't had a chance to talk about it yet and I wanna talk about how much fun I've been having with it. In particular, one game that I think, for me, is the killer app. There's a few great games. Okay. This is it. But the one that really is, delivers exactly what I wanted out of the home experience. [INAUDIBLE] It's called Vanishing Realms. Okay. Tell me about it. Here's the short version. Okay. Legend of Zelda in virtual reality. What? If you are walking through dungeons and outdoors- This looks great. You're fighting sorta cartoony skeletons and monsters. You have a sword and a shield. You swing that sword with your vibe controller and it hits the guy. The best thing about this game, by the way, is how the inventory works. Look. Aw. It's just like Zelda, right? It does. It reminds me of Zelda. The inventory, you look down, and you've got like a belt with cool things. It tells you how much gold you have, how much mana you have. And then on each side, you have little pouches. And you pick stuff up, and you just drop them in the pouch. I love that. I'm telling you, two minutes into this game you pick up a torch to venture into this thing. Carry it around. And you're holding it in your hand. It is the most amazing moment when you're like, I have a torch, it's lighting up this dungeon, and I'm venturing into the unknown. I already love this. In 3D first person A virtual reality. It's extraordinary. You get weapons like you get weapons in Zelda. You buy things. I'm feeling very left out right now cuz I'm the only member of the Tomorrow Daily team that does not have a [INAUDIBLE] You're going to have to get one. But I need a computer to go with it. So it's like a very big investment. There was a moment where I was behind a Stone and the outdoors. And there was a goblin-like thing shooting arrows. And I was leaning out and shooting arrows at it, and leaning back. Aah, like Bulletstorm. Blocking stuff with my shield. That was my favorite thing in Bulletstorm, grabbing the bullets and throwing them at people was amazing. Vanishing Realms, it's great. Great. That's awesome. So I mentioned over in headlines about Elon Musk being too busy for Hyperloop cuz he was doing more important things like sending people to Mars. I really love this. I don't know if you guys knew this, but SpaceX has hired An incredible designer to make the Space X space suit. A superhero designer, right? Yeah, yeah. So, this guy, okay let's discuss. So, space suits are gonna look like monsters now? Yeah, it's gonna be Jason. It's gonna be Pinhead. That's where we're gonna be, we're gonna be exactly Pinhead and Jason. Is that really what we want our first First thing the aliens see us in. [LAUGH] to be, I don't think that's a good idea. Well it looks just like, maybe it's a way to, you know we gotta. It's sort of like making yourself look really big when a bear attacks you. Okay. It's the same type of thing, if we look really scary. So Ironhead Studio, Jose Fernandez is a costume designer who is just legendary. Costume designer, sculptor. He makes costumes, armor. The founder of Ironhead studios. You can see this is all I mean some very familiar stuff in here- Yeah. I'm sure that you've seen. Oblivion, G.I. Joe, Retaliation, Jupiter Ascending, Tron Legacy, Thor, Ax Man Two, Batman Beats Superman, Captain America, Civil War. I mean you name it this guy is making amazing stuff. He is working with Space X to design the space suits. That's crazy. Space X is like, we want to be as far away from government boring stuff as possible. We want to be awesome looking. Even better, [INAUDIBLE] actually said, he was like, this is a direct quote in [INAUDIBLE] AMA, he was like, we are putting a lot of effort into design aesthetics, not just utility. It needs To both look like a 21st century spacesuit and work well, really difficult to achieve both. And Jose Fernandez said he wanted it to look, they ask him for it to look heroic, he wanted to look heroic. And plasma swords, we want plasma swords. Please, yeah. Can we have plasma swords please? Plasma swords, glowing visors like I mean, I can't wait to see what these Faces look like but this is so exciting for me and I just can't- I know that we don't have any hints as far as what they might look like. But I just- my imagination runs wild whenever I see a [UNKNOWN] Can we all agree that Space [UNKNOWN] when they finally recruit their first spaceman? They're gonna be awesome. They need to just get Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Rock stars. Yeah! It needs to be The Rock. It needs to be The Rock! Send him to Mars. That's the only one of us who's cool enough to actually get the job. I feel like that might be true. I wanna send The Rock into space! He needs to be the Harold. Then he'll be the asteroid. Well done. Like that? Well done. You're welcome. I thought you'd like that. That was so great, I feel like I can move on now. But yeah, you should definitely keep an eye on that cuz I have a feeling Jose is gonna put together some really incredible stuff for SpaceX that I'll never wear cuz I'm never gonna get off this rock. But- I don't know about that. Maybe, maybe we'll see. All right let's do our phonetographer of the day and call it a day. [SOUND] Full disclosure I Know this phonetographer. He was an old fan of the podcast I used to do. And we'd call him Walter the Southern Gentleman. But he sent in a really good picture. Look at this picture. That's gorgeous. Who wanna talk about springtime? Walter the Southern Gentleman delivers. He says hi, this months theme is spring and nothing says spring more than robins. This nest is right outside our back door. I took this with my LG G4. You have permission to use my picture of course, Walter the southern gentleman. I love these robin eggs. Amazing, this looks fake. It does look fake it looks like somebody Easter-dyed some eggs and threw them into a thing. Walter, you've got to sell this to a stock photo company because I feel like somebody could use this on like their website about nature or conservancy or something. This is a great picture. NLG, nice. Also you need to send a update when those things hatch and make sure that they were okay. Yeah, take a picture of baby Robins. I want to see those little baby Robins, when they all fly out. And they have a Batman app could teach them, that would be great. Tiny, little **** Graysons. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] Jump out of the eggs. A Jason Todd, a **** Grayson. Yeah, yeah, perfect. It's great. [LAUGH] I like that so much. [LAUGH] That is it for today's show. If you want to send in your phone-tograpy, it's Yeah, and be sure you tell us what device you took it on, give us permission to use it on the show. Tell us how to pronounce your name, and a little story about why you took that picture is always appreciated. You're still enjoying the tiny **** Grayson coming out of- [CROSSTALK] I am so much. I want To be an animated show. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] to be real. And, of course, you can find us on social media. We would love it if you shared the show. It's I love that you're gonna be laughing about that for the rest of day. [UNKNOWN] I hatched him myself, and [UNKNOWN] on my arm. [LAUGH] That is it for the show this week, thank you again Andy Signore from Screen Junkies and Honest Trailers for coming on and talking to us about his amazing Deadpool coupe, we will be back next week for the brand new [INAUDIBLE] of science fact v. science fiction, but until then Be a good human. Bye Guys!

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