Ep. 892: Where estamos agradecidos de haber sobrevivido el huracán Eirene
Ep. 892: Where estamos agradecidos de haber sobrevivido el huracán Eirene

Ep. 892: Where estamos agradecidos de haber sobrevivido el huracán Eirene

And you. Gonna welcome to the full form we are here. Alive in New York City I'm Wilson tang -- -- Kaminsky and I'm Justin yu. I'm Sharon back -- -- is the show whereas some -- I had to do just that that's totally not. -- He -- advantage of the many of them. I'm happy it's been -- -- -- this entire episode in Spanish. I employable maintenance. So bad and that's it for years in Spanish and has. A I can speak better Spanish than our -- -- pathetic well -- -- it was kind of funny so -- Just you know excel wanna thank all these CNET listeners who -- We did those who mailed us who call -- yeah to make sure that we're gonna be okay. The most part we're -- obviously. Our very own jet back to our He got a little worse than everybody yes. If you batteries is taking the -- I think he's actually taking buckets of water outside. Now his his street apparently is flooded in Hoboken yeah so. Now we hope He gets is house. Safe and sound we hope everything's okay with them but the show must go on and -- -- -- you've got the wonderful sharing and acting how. The guy in the US -- fly home on Friday released I was supposed to fly home on Sunday pal gamers Marion got enough. And here I am. And the next flight they -- book was Wednesday. And balance on its. Hulu who -- -- you were apparently out in the hurricane -- understand. Anyway a hurricane and it's an American it was an act act you know you're -- -- -- slide on the street -- and what it was an -- came -- I mean my friends call me if you like listening and but you can't get home I'll gladly give my -- doesn't nobody else. Any fear whatsoever of leaving their house the bars are packed with the few that -- open pizza shop was open. I mean it was it was fine nobody loss which is the least in in my area -- I'm at a meeting fully charged if we -- you -- history. I did think that is gonna be that -- -- the deal either but then when I went out to go get food on Saturday night. This is how I knew that it got really take this -- I walked bye to my local McDonald's supposedly 24 hours but this picture up on the computer. It's clothes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I basically was that's messed up bright light this should never closed. -- open it like if you really really needed. Baby toys. That's the most I'm still Mandela. Yeah didn't. -- -- even announced on Saturday. Hurricanes coming in stores closing I'm surprised to even open on Saturday there's -- the gap meant. My -- and I the world He. -- know where we're we're just thankful in general that there wasn't that much damage here in New York City we know that a lot of people get much much worse. And I would like our good friend Jeff. And Westchester got a pretty bad to people I know you select few who are electric car accident -- There was pretty crazy just it's just a bigger house not not so far away didn't hit so bad -- given a Staten Island so people lost power -- -- -- friend in Jersey. She she lost probably a little late to one side ever decided like a little puddle on the other side -- -- really crazy how you know hardships Mary there. But you know what I thought was kind of funny ways OK so this is you know we've had eaten at the earthquake being that we need -- than we had to hurricane insulate people in -- a little -- -- on -- and we also prepared like the evacuated part of the city. But I -- -- some friends. And what was really just kind of funny that I noticed. With everybody was so worried because the only thing that they you know the the number one thing -- -- -- -- -- -- was gonna go out and even power is gonna go out and they only had deadbeat all the levels and Angry Birds. And I -- -- -- you know -- could only my iPhone to play with them they listen to yourself perhaps. Only your iPhone to play with -- to be itching to see how big despite there was -- Netflix streaming and Hulu streaming over the weekend everybody was inside I don't have for me I just watched a -- -- -- the X-Men. -- I yeah episodes of the original -- -- yet I -- -- on what it. This weekend it looks like credit though I -- it look like crap for like that now never think though. Wrote tags like from 8586. It looks better yes the -- actually the next man -- that things that it's. Now it's not until a robot that looks better on just the fact it is all -- -- -- popular X-Men. What -- you think if you're in a you're in a hotel room all weekend unknown I was actually -- I'm about it right here -- I basically cut in eight Ali and. Yeah. Every girl -- ever go into cartoons -- via home yeah yeah -- That I didn't make any economic -- -- and I mean Oreo stopped. It'll -- Your idea enhanced release and mentioning. And I get. I get my son this morning and has his mom gives me like this big play in him and her big indicate a while and yet you brought mes article. -- the guy got some -- I -- I never once you get eaten pretty well that's -- There's no shortage of -- -- really -- the other thing I notice is like talking about like economic stimulus I have I was at the grocery store front knows about can't. Try to be adult yes and water -- -- nonperishable foods and -- And -- elbow by so many -- -- Batteries on back order. -- -- -- it is like the army is here with all out of water. Yeah and other -- -- you know blissfully was apparently. There are some stores are completely out. A food completely out of water not other stories literally stacks and stacks of water were people just didn't care yeah like apparently in Manhattan. Nobody really like it was all that worry. -- the bathtub and -- Yeah. -- -- -- on the women and the BC's -- and -- them from this so this picture of the -- who had wrapped their entire Land Rover. Note to his only. Hope you -- What about -- and I think -- -- are gonna it will have a Big -- from a garbage can. Yeah -- drag out to get as people think these. Well speaking you know to -- these -- little too seriously though. In you know what I thought was also funny was that people sort of took to Twitter -- to sort of you know have a little fun with hurricane Irene there was of course the story where. I think APR exact was actually from New York bit out in -- where it hurt Twitter handles act I Rihanna. Also Monday that she said He didn't like thousands of follow -- And her PR agency was like well we've got to turn this in the second half I so -- they actually the story is that they actually had people in on the weekends. Calder -- -- that take -- we take over year at Irene handle and just started tweeting funny stuff. You know those kind of entertaining but I -- the one that I thought was the funniest and was. -- -- -- -- It did yeah. I. -- there are are Spanish speaking -- here you're gonna read a -- also means. Being we have now. Levy I can't read. -- how to lose -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I feel like. -- don't live -- -- on -- -- I Mayor Bloomberg was on TV throughout the week in giving updates to people about the damage and whether or not the subways are gonna be up in the bridges were in the open. And He also spoke in Spanish speaking don't. Know what -- -- handed out. Yeah I guess is it is they won't -- and spoke. The word Spanish and it offers but it is that they can't go to is like a Spanish and expand its people don't know Spanish channels they do it and it SAP -- have to listen to them as they're watching. Equities. And if everyone. Yeah -- Here is. -- it is the Huffington Post. How yeah. He eventually got -- dirtier the -- speaking on any all right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This. -- there it's I had a I don't know I think we did a good job more -- I think -- well we don't I don't work from -- man. Fellows her -- by danger Will Robinson danger content. Another -- angle on this those that I saw people advertising this in the upper west idea highlight. -- shut down a lot of the streets and the alternate side parking was in effect He couldn't actually park on the street. I saw this parking option app that was getting really populated this weekend. -- are auctioning off there parking spots in the upper west side to the highest bidder using this new. App for the iPhone and Android did others Wilson I haven't seen this but what -- -- people were actually using it. The try to get a spot because the hurricane Irene yeah hurricane -- got so bad this weekend at these guys are using it as marketing and they're saying that if you register for this app when you leave your parking spot. You can actually auction that off to the highest bidder and people can go online and checked a mixture. That -- -- going to be open. And you could bid the most -- get -- there were a lot of spots and it was this this has how many flaws first of all is illegal it. There's a huge -- oh is that if somebody comes up to you in the -- time when you advertise in the spot. And there -- they don't know about the app and it try to claim -- spike you have to give it to. Does not -- -- it's restricted -- what -- -- There are guys in my neighborhood a lot of the superintendents what they do is. Even a dormant they'll take the keys for people in there in their buildings and they'll port their cars from what we do as a space the gaps so big riot that they can get other cars and that's how they make their site and a -- of role that these enemies of. We also have done this on the weekends -- you're going out to friends each finally find a parking spot in the lower east side -- sort of like stood there. Like in the -- -- Another circle around I -- -- -- that can be -- in the middle finger and. The data back and yeah. True story our friend this is -- because he's afraid of the power went out He was gonna go sleep in the -- -- the -- needed -- -- -- He took. Yes He took an endowment amount He took the construction cones equipment trucks every time you that the spot I -- it -- spot and -- -- and it came back to at a spot. And neighbors do -- do that literally put Collins and her public parking. And YouTube are Hewitt. -- Every morning -- lake crawling the -- going to school as you like. -- -- -- -- That's awesome although this article saying that acre spot and her -- Many are actually spent a 130000. Dollars a year in fuel collectively looking for parking spots and on about 50000 dollars the a 50000 hours a year looking for parking the -- in the upper west side I really. Think that the city should should really sort of like just make this one single system like I think a lot of people who would kill. To know way in like a parking spot is open. And even feel like a little bit of money for we have an engineer but you think is really -- and it. Yeah yeah yeah car like a very. Good -- These. Detectors can detect if the spot is open and -- -- I've opened up on your founding sponsor opening drive -- Ha that's exactly the same ideas this except without the really poor antigens. -- America like car dealers get in this were like you know everybody who owns a Mercedes and it's parked right when it when about the -- it -- every Mercedes B and avenues. -- love the pull out -- 83 and what at least. It really implement this and parking garages are right maybe data works so well in public parking space -- -- -- garage -- -- have a look at systematic way to. Notify drivers of open spots they could develop an iPhone app that tells them exactly -- to drive. Exactly vice what I students like there's a -- in my corner -- the fourth spot I knew there was -- a good -- the close of one. So -- alligator like Mac entertainment and ask them to move because they could put on the meter for frequent after seven meters for its move to Columbus then nobody wants to bureau Columbus because if you move by 7 -- threatens them over the Columbus -- the -- get their spot in sometimes on like 86 students different. There was like 8211 verses like 1112 and then. -- is that the department via IRA. Well that's our excuse me this is a good time to take a little bit of of a break here He got some more stories on the other side plus -- and can be here to tell us which thinks that the city. I know you've -- -- at all week and so hopefully election I have some fun. In the meantime we gonna do and -- was He has -- have a brick. I just Orange County -- Venetian you're listening to the Apple -- Where. It's only sounded -- victories. And beautiful won't let me here in Orange County learn all there is difficult because the coast. -- -- Being the okay honey that I thought ID five a beautiful there. Like menus and windows XP wallpaper I. -- this -- really yeah this is gonna I mean this is -- -- relevant to the hurricane but does remember this windows XP default wallpaper or the rolling plain you know like the rolling plains of like a beautiful Green grassy Knoll with like. Clouds and blue sky above it. Apparently this picture was taken by a photographer in Sonoma county and more details have come out of the weekend about -- photographer did you guys know that this photo. Is -- second most expensive photo ever paid from a freelance photographer how much this cost is this is on. Pretty much every single windows XP home edition computer -- like it or you won't get a computer in in late -- yes. This you know it's not -- -- was used in billboards advertise exactly yes of the photographer's names Charles or -- he's American this is actually taken. In Sonoma and it's undaunted two people thought that that was about -- -- and a Photoshop picture. On but it's not this is how it originally appeared in Sonoma County. And people posted at the actual G -- And latitude longitude bookings. Up really critical -- -- apparently he's under a nondisclosure agreement with Microsoft can't tell us exactly how much He was -- where ha ha ha ha ha. The second most expensive line we get government you -- I -- our planet. The first mode the most expensive photo ever -- -- freelance photographer is of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky hugging each other in the White House. That's the most expensive one -- that didn't sit on the talent. A lot of -- that address. Ahmanson theatre market probably more that it -- I don't -- -- address more then -- and that He you do it frankly -- It's called atlas and you can actually download that was in -- but hasn't -- to be pretty yeah. But the startup sound that's my wrinkle snagged a great ringtone. Or it -- -- some we've got -- Called back -- can play most people I think sort of stayed -- a -- and ending the call for -- check up on their friends but we get a lot of voice mails from people so. Let's get to them. -- -- -- -- Oh for CNET and Tom's top time. So our first call is a there's like a we were all watching the news this weekend and this guy's sort of to -- that to the next level -- -- -- Well yeah. -- -- -- yeah and. Yeah. And cut out accidentally didn't He didn't invent -- is in front of a desk. Ability to know what little it's. I'm not only -- -- yeah. Yeah yeah yeah integrated video -- it'll. You can see that photo or that reporter. I'm okay on each year yeah we are finding -- online media turtle landing on how light on the Internet and people don't in the I'm gonna do is currently in Seattle isn't Google returns out any it is definitely. Relevant to this clearly agenda and this isn't compatible. Will actually originally wanted anything. Validating that that what you Greengrass is available with of the -- clouds -- the ponds show fairly optimistic we don't like fly over immigrants and nobody like you would these people the right behind them to back project -- the -- if you're walking has little that's. Thank you Michael I think we covered individual. Yeah yeah yeah. That's just my opinion he's a -- here behind that. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm not a mystery at this you know I'm not. I did that in order reporting hundreds actually yes of the ever -- it tells of days out and enhances application with -- in Sonoma and I don't know how to edit all thousand after news of -- -- but not blu. Manhattan. And he's asking overnight and am glad to -- -- room yeah. You're still rendered ridiculous it has to be infinitely and is under -- -- when it's -- led to. I -- out yeah I'm. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm not -- address. Retention by the end of -- I don't know your name and address it and it -- -- -- lets you instantly. It's called -- else I know I immediately download it added -- -- -- -- all. As you. But the startups and New England that only you know what an afterthought on okay now -- later it's. Sami it's gotten early. A call when you protesters. -- people I think. Is that began incredibly rotten thing to call him serving or have them on their supposedly and ultimately voicemails from Apple's service and I keep everybody safe and zen like they keep on school's drama -- -- -- Who are -- and oil on its top line. Our first go and I've really been lately -- -- all -- -- this weekend doing the scanners because for parts and action. Maybe accidentally acquired and -- just. -- yeah. It's. I want to help I -- -- -- -- Yeah thank goodness that's. I'm gonna but that's yeah. There cowboy don't it's. Not -- -- -- -- on him. Multimillion one diet -- -- data and video voice yeah. I know I noted. The FBI looking for help my Liu it basically that is they yeah -- this thing -- lies does it -- are reliant on. Not all of it was got on because it was afterwards and -- -- -- -- on big I didn't know this but I'm -- can't get that kind of every -- Shops where they -- yeah I. I'm gonna get when you went to the environment dedicated -- -- of the -- Warner -- trademark that aren't -- again. -- so rightfully so what I would like parent company if you hold it right but I did back a little portions of -- -- titles are live and I. -- -- let people recover individual. And timers and Internet. That's not really encourages readers a behind the guy doesn't end here -- Let us know millions of voters that government -- to be anonymous opt attended dominant shines under doubt -- -- -- -- -- election. It's all about it. -- -- -- -- -- -- And I -- isn't going. It's good again -- David -- in the room. Yes and your children really should get to invest the kind where am I yeah -- got that yeah. I didn't anymore Portland we that that was it he'll be equivalent to decrypt it definitely momentum and let you leave us a call in and -- -- to collect and it was not. -- -- much it's usually I and I don't mean. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah okay diet is intimately and -- -- I do -- this. That's currently appear generally any questions you instantly display all apparently got into the already to literally do all of that we failed to -- tainted but I can't use an old song and my read easily and disastrous as -- agreement -- do you hate how -- -- doesn't -- what. -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- -- currently channel that the economy doesn't -- with guys like I realize it's just I was I know that we had little idea. You're too busy parties and it's gonna keep doing silly and no we're gonna commit to keep on screwing up every genre and marketing and reasonable. I was -- system and consider them how to citizens -- -- indeed they are good now I'm mad I mean how does. And I had no I'm really did you get us Monday lag and drive but I do think -- fair and has her first. Me and I don't have another who are. And there. Moderate ideology because she is included in -- yeah I sleep I occasionally I'll get a fairly high currently -- -- -- -- -- down lanes are it was when He could have easily as little or daughters and one bar at night -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Think of anywhere and now I can't miss it I mean it's wider audience -- determined there was and diet everything on who is -- anglers had suggested to a lot of them aren't on the horizon and -- go to. If you guys must know that it's going to you're -- you can highlighting all analysts at night. On sales included in everybody get a father I had a great idea I thought that demand chain in the -- ago dishonest about I didn't know but -- -- and -- -- -- -- -- So -- its. Jobs where they by the back. -- -- -- -- RI. Is a great -- yeah yeah -- -- had. It's definitely not himself Jimmy Hendrix L -- when Michelle Obama got triple what they do not. I want it now. Barack Obama Nicholas -- -- these are to make sure that you don't about two in the unit and what -- -- a bunch of money. I'll oh million Americans right that's not gonna if that's not audience. -- -- -- an automated content a lot of our regular Time Warner like that we would have and all you -- -- -- About it it's the only thing I would come with -- -- ultimate symbol or delivered right to vote it's a yeah pretty normal Muhammad -- on this sort of -- I've gotten the -- -- in particular that populate the recent mutant mobile. It's yeah -- you when you don't -- -- Commenting on the original Wii I have yet something ridiculous and honesty and good -- -- and -- 100 what He didn't you I mean Tripoli rocket on how much. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm gonna say it's okay Johansson and anxiety and then W. -- because you really got me. Clearly this is not exactly so I'm gonna accidentally do this after or -- apparently gotten to that and I literally would do not -- let's irregular but I talked to my clients are -- -- -- -- next door and started. Be really involved. -- -- Yes it's that even -- famous person yeah. That's what your handle that -- -- you can see I'm not gonna love -- -- It's. I don't -- an exit -- I. He heard about the digital it's already coming up with -- there -- whining about it actually can make a good cleansing and that legend Peter Nicholas and getting home. And yeah. Yeah -- I'm last night. I really need. I remind us how we -- my lady -- yeah -- lot of pounds are reluctant to because -- I'm gonna look now if you go digital -- Its. Genuine -- I can you hear they're betting on it. I paid 20640. Dollars -- -- removed one by. Yeah. Yeah okay there's a list yeah it means yeah I copied indefinitely and without him having a ridiculous and that was just aren't a lot it's the next few days I generally your I don't -- those -- are just deputy agriculture and you're not a lot of them are supposedly. -- -- -- -- Judy -- in Israel could -- Unedited user who is generally we'll let that they're -- so I don't want our name yet but you can't use Osama bin Laden on. -- -- -- yeah. If I did you know I got -- with dignity while Obama got triple Unscom -- I wanted you know. Barack -- -- out of its locals want -- with these candidates there than what you don't. You -- does Apple is cleaner could be as captain. Yeah. And that night I'm not gonna let -- -- -- audience. -- -- -- -- Just have to admit did not know if you really cool ideas and -- -- the fourth floor and we are still being. It survived a similar way as I don't know you don't. Where the actual look of the glory. Of the main desk -- -- -- a little bomb but don't often -- You don't get -- YouTube dot com.

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