Ep. 837: Where what have trees ever done for me?
Ep. 837: Where what have trees ever done for me?

Ep. 837: Where what have trees ever done for me?

You. Everybody. June 10 grade ten writing. And of the week finally it's cool down and that's -- yeah and everybody's just so much -- animals and -- I'm Joseph Kaminsky and I'm Justin yu and this is the show where one -- -- ever done for I. -- -- -- -- in New York. Lumberjack justice we need trees floor. Abilities and event did you to explain that where that that's -- that -- showroom. A little lines within it the SSW literally edit -- you are talking about here in Virginia with an area that's pretty. The trees -- comes from because Justin walks into the the podcast studio this large stack of papers and now with just equipment and and highlight and you know the first thing you both Wilson of myself says. An iPad do that no but physically highlighting -- do you test parameters. You waste paper you -- you do -- podcast what did you call you -- -- Would you like he can -- -- not not do and hand them the continuing to print out all these. FR I I got what did you call for gotta go below the collect the public just as easily go ventricular trailer so it actually murdered. You tree killing. But it's not in -- though I can't wearing. This what tight pants let's do -- killing cheap enough that -- about daisy dukes and I'm I'm I'm not an exact date idiots plan on automatic and what is on your mind -- -- Robert -- I think about it -- -- daisy duke I don't really wants me and where's the baby oil we're gonna show us. The point is -- that you know we have to use my computer to show the articles yet we talk about on the screen. So in order for -- -- -- really get a hold of the articles you print -- a lot of stuff you know I go through every day and highlight the -- and talk about because it's kinda doesn't care and restore health -- somebody has to explain their advice is by no by no means am I -- -- undermine I would try to -- I'm simply saying well also be what's really killer you joke you know what I laughed together almost every day. And you -- going to read. -- -- -- Clearly we have -- got a giant. I trash can every -- it's a recycling -- we believe I gotta go to -- I don't know of many people have been here in the New York which you know it's like the go to -- -- -- needs to be able to walk on the -- and yet. They have actually big big the fence off the grass the park -- a curfew. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes I rationalize -- -- people are buying more ipads yeah reading. So there are less and less fuel consuming paper -- trees. Which means I can consume more. Still I left I don't -- your iPad and music bears out exactly. So the ratio still comes out even well I don't. I don't think it helps you just buy paper and then cut it up just like to let startup outside Edinburgh and anyway basketball player I. Just can't have I think -- Jesus -- picks up. -- pizzas the paper disposal -- just doesn't that we have. What it would -- -- would you do what you do with abandon Google and other different countries. These days as it sounds are slashing. -- it hadn't read it in the oaks petrified. Those -- bigger change. Hollywood. I halo enough of the treats are -- well actually it started because. New York you are about to go on a long flight across the country -- person you -- -- is. Hey -- you have any books and. I'm tough talk. You could stimulate us -- I borrowed your eyes patently don't talk about real book you remember but I -- individuals would rather give you a cutie yeah. And -- master of. Our way in our let's get to some stories today -- the in the week I'm just thankful that it's finally cooled down here last three days have been miserable right but I -- Well but I'll just say we -- talking about drugs and let's talk more about -- but the kind that can actually help you. There's a new -- that is coming out it's not FDA approved it it's called. Net nature opponent major phone. It's right now it's -- kind of been testing right now but it's a version of court is all of that will isolate stress in your mind and ultimately erase bad memories you've had in your life -- at this -- in December at the root -- drug. Litre -- -- because that. He raises memories that are happening. At all time yeah plus the memories of memories there are are good actually keep him in the Bali known. If you just got beat up by somebody -- got a water remember what you did to -- some loss of not to get beat up again -- -- forget everything yeah exactly this is a little bit differ. -- on discs I honestly don't know I feel about that I don't know really that's a good or bad thing -- Go ahead not a will be in effect well I for me I think that a lot of the worst memories in your life. -- for granted that I haven't had a lot of things happen immediately and shot before obviously I don't wanna. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Okay let's not -- I played down being shot of what actually because cellular gonna -- up to be a really. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's that's a little creek is usually people who can't handle the stress of -- -- people are probably old York. Right -- -- you like like us here I mean I wouldn't take -- -- -- one bad day. It'll get better -- but I mean -- assembly does feel alive missile miserable to be populous than that -- The problem is that this major -- is in an eternal sunshine drug you know you can't isolate which memory you exactly wanna -- race so it's kind of like. Whatever strength you had your life will immediately go way -- bring him a good point we do learn a lot from our mistakes but I'm sure we've all had relationships. Girl that you want online may be blocking out every once in -- right guys there -- quickly -- and not -- tenth. But did you do like -- need to remember -- -- do that again the ad that's true to learn from your mistake. Well I'm elated that that's I feel like that's the big points vacated and these successes you do have a life. Often build upon affiliation have so -- if you don't remember them even if it's like just an emotional thing. You're liable to make the same mistakes again. Or not to improve yourself right. A lot of the memories that the bad memories you have. Kind of erase themselves after awhile right -- area communities as you grow you -- -- -- -- is doing more fun things people and it has a lot to do with also the other medication that allowed people take and they when they do feel like crap I -- drink and there -- extra alcohol is viewed -- forget argue it's pretty of -- its focus and yet every article that's -- of the mystical magical yet. Yeah I just don't know how I feel about that you wouldn't. Take it if those offered to you -- K here's the judge who rates -- bad memories in the last five years got to be initiative to be taken close -- the top -- -- brightened by well. I don't for me like a gaelic so whichever rings of a good point -- -- I've never had they. Posttraumatic stress and yes the great you know like that might be useful but it but for everyday people just walking around like. You -- everybody has their own specific issues and I don't. Think it's appropriate. Yet. This is the I don't think it -- ago when. I would for one to accumulate the last three -- yeah. In any day. I leave right after this. -- -- Are let's let's move. Whom I talked to talk about difference right I'd saw that you put this in the run down and read this article the other day this is about my I guess my home state of Tennessee. Has done something else just completely India. And according to the industry and numerous news articles -- The state of Tennessee now has made it illegal. To post pictures that might offend someone. Right -- pictures online that might -- and this is at an amended two previous line Tennessee. That's that you can't make phone calls and emails them that might be deemed offensive and cause dramatic -- -- somebody else yet that is kind of like an amendment that knowing that everybody has access to the Internet now. If you post a picture online that's offensive to someone that's. Your lawful -- -- noted jail or get a fine for up to 2500 dollars now I. I love Tennessee -- I love the step I love the people yet this is just stupid rant I can't I can explaining -- of the wave and this is just stupid because like. You know. An image that might offend one person. Might not -- 95% of the other people Bret that is the cost of like free speech -- Thank you don't know whether like a picture or word that you say -- if -- if you're lying about someone or being or spreading rumors about and that's something else. But just the post that offensive picture. I mean like just in space could affect yeah I. Obviously nearly every single day on this yeah I reckon I didn't act like you don't like elected a low income film music listeners those that legacy at a -- -- all like I -- hates at a -- yes -- -- failed because we can afford it. Don't tell us that not the other group you know we can afford to -- presenter Chris is that it's some sort well. -- -- the Tennessee governor was saying they pass this law because. It's targeting people that maliciously. Post photos online that they know well basically we you do your -- yet. I that's how your daughters are pictures of your -- -- all lurking underneath. Outright. That's what does have moved -- -- -- -- -- as I -- but you know this. I think one of the stories it did bring about this law that I remember reading list. I believe it was -- that car accident. -- an EMT way and took photos. Of like the victim's right right on -- And posted it online obviously like that guy got fired and you know by all means that if you're the family and he. You know I guess hurt you in that way go ahead and sue him but I don't think he should be taken to jail for that. I mean like it's wrong. But I don't think he should be going to jail right I mean that's that's the line that yes you can screw up you can hurt people. But does that mean that that's criminal does that mean that you should go to jail for that. You know I understand you don't you the set of Magellan Simon that a mine for gold and while. Just a physical. Well the -- -- you -- there was this thing to -- be forced to play a prima Donna Gordon ignited probably -- It froze and -- what the characters and these characters could probably do the reading beyond what kind trying to find a key keyboards and keyboard in progress integrated -- -- keyboard. Well -- I think is also related to. End of the Weiner. Completely naked its -- I don't now. I actually don't even think it's significant national story like if anything people in York should be offended because he is our yeah yeah representative but beyond that I don't see why it's taking overlooked. -- foreseen and while the fact that in the news came out that his wife is pregnant yes well it's kind of -- big deal I mean but I saw on the news today that most of us citizens of like queens and Brooklyn where he's. Congressman. They don't really mind I think it's at 74% of those citizens don't think you should be forced to resign yeah not I mean. I I'm upset about because he lied to us yeah I guess is completely it's on -- and all but not -- This embarrass the BB got to give some credit you would you do you written a first Boston public -- -- -- before. -- -- UW he played down right I mean and an Odyssey got to say you know we make the laws and and in people get married in people cheat on their wives and I'm not condone it but. Obviously they know people to do this that's why there's no law against it ready to put a law for. You know photos that offend but a man cheats or woman cheats on her husband there's no law against that because they just know that's underlining -- that this goes all yet things that -- wants to be a freak. -- it didn't need a -- just like texting photos consultants. Involved done before in Japan and do not have known that this is true this is if I look beyond that when I'm 46 years old eye contact doesn't count as well and hepatitis -- does -- to me yeah I tell you right now does Google Justin new daisy -- to have. I become okay. I -- assume you'll be able to also tag goes on FaceBook to this. I don't we haven't had a chance to talk does not -- hello. But as well -- recommended yeah but a recognition -- -- OK -- -- let's really talk about this. Amidst all the all the there -- bush yeah Ohio as I go out and it's. FaceBook also quietly rolled out a new tool to use it but it did not announce to people kind of pissed about that -- violates. An unprecedented analyzed the data in like there was no -- note in writing like that this is the new FaceBook facial recognition tool. They'll automatically let you tag your friends and photos. Because they've -- recognize that people think. I tagging photos after you upload them. Kind of a mundane tedious task you have to -- it's like every time you upload photos to FaceBook and -- -- like an hour long process because now I gotta like tag everybody -- -- -- -- thing. It's coming up with a catchy captions up. I don't know it otherwise its -- -- underscore 0391. Right -- there's gonna be a tool to. That I would appreciate -- its murky Condit generated right we're gonna start catching me. I -- a little bubbles over their head and altering crash or automatic photo -- whatever into the picture. But what's disturbing about this is like so we all -- that friend and I'm probably that friend who elect takes pictures every time you go out yet find and you know that there. A lot about your error you may not -- the best data -- Brian and Mike at. 4 o'clock in the morning when you can't go to bed -- you're feeling like crap and you and upload all your photos. Like hitting the auto tag button -- might not be the smartest thing to do especially if you're -- that yet. Or here's another thing -- in all seriousness. What's gonna happen to people in the background which it. You're not. You like if you're in a public place like I think it'll -- a little -- -- frenzy -- people you're actually friends with the only guy I know some people that just don't want -- on their page for whatever reason right I've I've taken pics were attacked myself. -- a problem being tagged anyone's photos but. Some people don't want to be tagged because they don't want it popping up when their patent rights of people are very hush hush -- Well I mean it's I don't think it's just -- -- costing as much as I've dishonest argument. I'm. But like -- like you go out one night and then the next morning -- -- tag everybody. And then what ends up happening twenty minutes after that is all your friend and tag themselves that a picture's really following up on the -- -- -- I don't know did you like a freak absolutely did you put. Picture only -- -- actually -- to -- right now I think it pisses me off the most is that FaceBook always does this they roll out new new tools or they release your information developers and they never tell you about it right. It should be a big notification on -- front page of -- but that's -- hey we're gonna start doing this now. If you don't want years faces tag automatically. Opt out of it is as it is right now you're automatically enrolled you have to go to your privacy settings and. In their contacts they say okay we've made it easy for you to undo in the privacy settings but it -- -- tool in the first place how do you know do all that -- it could be -- even know they did it can't say exactly again -- -- I don't -- like acting for me it it's less that then like. People hate going to -- -- settings on FaceBook in the first place. Because it is the most -- it would it was I think it's gotten better -- but it was one of the most complicated tools. You could possibly use like you literally had to have a manual yeah the figure out. How your profile is gonna give you need to -- your boss around that kind of stuff. The worst part of that is having to go and type in a name of a friend. So that FaceBook and show you what your profile will look like to that person that you got anything to have that setting and the ability to create missile creep I was really -- would object created other count my name tags put married to myself dragging. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In -- are related to these everywhere everything to me self love is Joseph and the other one is -- or whatever yeah whatever yeah so -- I don't know if I gotta say I wanna. Aren't let's take a little break here we've got one -- -- what's -- on the other side and more stories to get to we'll see hasn't second. This is the. -- move poorer and her captors to show where we all -- Thank -- in the -- what happened during that break I don't know originally -- -- I -- the -- and I had. So flashy but -- I had -- good -- Isn't nearly you know Jeff does is really smooth because he does every day but when I do -- insignificant can put stuff over year -- -- -- the start of -- guys -- -- -- it was so red so I. I dedicated my apologies. From. Organize your letter -- look -- myself on screen wondering go good to go get it I cut. -- I'll throw up -- flat out there are just a net of interview cameras of that learned. Just -- you -- you actually had a the story when you get two bullets -- -- voice -- from its assembly smells real quick. -- -- -- one time originals. And transitions. More CNET. -- -- it first voice mail we have. Is actually about I mean it's sort of become -- a fixture here in the studio. -- If oil port group Robert -- -- park California I'm watching on Thursday. June ninth episode. Currently -- or six minutes and 22. I'm just not something -- -- Notes during -- choke. Why exactly is theory cannot or logo behind. Just as well I don't feel it's a bit like concentrated -- that it can't. -- Not to mention effective when you treat their I -- you totally. Wasted. Little pointer like no character anyway are so funny air -- bring -- -- go to -- I think I did this every day now -- stockpiling these for the past years I actually have an injured dominion bring in for a look at -- we can make it on -- thing. -- you have four Loko. Artists out there are necessary behind that is the news -- -- four Loko is being talked about a lot in the news grant and they made an announcement that in the State of New York it was to be completely dead. Well they're -- -- original formula cans -- since changed the recipe to not have chlorine in them. And so it's not quite intelligent and yet it's like to -- -- the coffee and other we have the original formula here and so. When they announced that -- who went out and bought a book about because I don't -- it. You could still -- -- in New Jersey. Yeah. I didn't yeah let's read that makes the actors say they say but it's illegal -- that is the rate it. People make that's not -- and they're back now. -- doesn't come alive vulnerable to shine right right that a Google gives you the -- -- So anyway we're gonna keep this here it just as a prop it's not open it's funny is people -- -- -- Nvidia. Instead of an actor -- yeah. I don't do that -- after. Our. We've got another sports question for today. This one's a little. We've we've got actually got my dozens of these and you guys keep Hong Kong because they're funny just to listen to. You know the number 186644. CNET XT 638. But this alignment is about from our friends down under via. I gotta look good sporting question and optical -- fuel including that -- -- I'll -- Australian rules football which is not rugby. I own the very heavily -- holding the ball out how to get -- that -- Let's start by. It was a portals fortitude -- -- the fact I. They can say yeah exploits question into a lawyer expects its. And it did they had terrible and now it's okay. Its acquisition of app and oh yeah and -- definitely don't. Well yesterday we had remarkable. Red. Today it is what is holding a ball in rugby union took us that is that -- -- Sports skiing or if it. I didn't think I'd say it's a legitimate orchestra -- football time holding the ball. I have no idea I don't know everything that's coming to mind and a -- I. I Wii chat room that we're -- -- is -- any -- Dude what you think Portland all you -- in my mind when her. -- your. Once drilling -- what's the cargo was down that street minutes are -- -- -- to come back right leave it to you guys okay well according to Wikipedia. It said is that. It's a player does not dispose of a ball legally while legally being tackled by an opposition player. The -- -- -- a free kick to the tackling players can you demonstrate displease. There's a picture of it actually I -- you actually demonstrated that -- okay yeah. This is apparently a player caught holding the ball any -- -- of Australian football which. It just that a letter -- again only question is is this. It's. Still unclear to -- about what a little -- actually. I think what part I think what that callers should do now is when they ask a question tell us the answer will posited before you -- it. I have to warn people who live in Tennessee apparently according to chat room if you saw that picture. We're sorry we didn't mean to offend you the guys and as the jail at 2500 dollars. -- -- being the Tennessee. -- who could never go back to get him. -- -- -- I categories -- -- -- I had no right or cells that sit back and guys please. Call us 186644. CNET via dozens of sports questions -- -- -- deliberate -- those little quicker. Does -- now and then I got it on my personal phone number are what's at. I'm. Gonna stop figure an actor but yeah I yeah committee's review is our bonds are reports about Gail moon blue. Well I am I'm a Mac be it that's my -- have to -- garment and it makes her feel the key is that from school because abdomen school it's an ego write -- -- there was -- -- gotta keep picking on his album. Music and speaking of crappy. -- -- and if you like -- How do you feel a Black Eyed Peas is we have a running joke on the show Jeff despises the -- that's I don't if you -- probably told you -- -- -- about. I personally have no problem with that IA. She will Liam loved the rest yet for these a -- -- literacy and she's great we've looked -- the black -- and a lab of well I think well I am. Is is worth the all through this long. I mean if you more eagle to let me yeah. He might be and I'm thinking that maybe he should -- the two other guys handle some of the lyrical work. Because at a free concert. That happened in France this weekend he forgot the lyrics to what it. You forgot. The lyrics to one of its own site. And was forced to read them all his cell phone during a live -- -- and I. I wish I was joking about this except for the fact that there is live video released to this so -- if you could switch to my screen right now bam it was. During. One of the song is called don't stop the party and a fast forward to about admitted into this thing I -- and but cigarettes in the audience he's actually really -- -- -- the hand held cellphone right now. Wow. These Elvis video what he's still stuff and never got there refusal back and doing the right -- -- -- have a cellphone -- There is embarrassing -- and you could see very in the background shaking your head the other guys like when you delete. -- teleprompter and parents -- wow. All is forgiven what's very companies they didn't four and she's gotta port should clearly invalid her body -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We'll be all right now. I. Put this is come -- I mean would this be acceptable. In any other. Genre of music you think he -- that you probably don't like you -- -- it. The plug for iPhone or Apple is the however you know even though -- Black Eyed Peas are pretty much HP yeah Scott Michael OK I. I'm in the same league as genocide cannot stand like that he's you'll like them. I just can't program. Dell Intel Macs and I listen to music is when I'm inebriated and a -- Justin sing karaoke -- but that that's almost a funny because you don't -- need the lyrics at that point. That's not to say they get stuff out we always do yet and though it's that -- well I am general -- I forgot. It -- a -- -- ansari Black Eyed -- lyrics are the most profound. They're not so you created -- so you when he was on a Bill -- yet like nothing to contribute -- May be used in -- An academic I understand their famous and whatnot the lake and -- there's a certain you -- extent you should sell yourself right. But like -- -- you go to chase bank. And at their ATM it's like. Join the Black Eyed Peas in step in ending homelessness in New York City -- of the early. Really like that's that's the group that you got right but it's very like I can watch Dennis you right now and I I will be -- -- -- -- like. Every other person or an -- to -- the Black Eyed Peas. That's not true -- yesterday they had a sold out show a free show it was a in the -- capacity in Central Park. People waited all day in the rain in the 100 degree weather. And they canceled the show at the last minute I -- we're gonna write it while I mean it was -- endings because a thunderstorm the State's electricity supplies that would of pretty dazed of them -- like that. But I mean I have no problem with them I just think I hear him two months I mean if I actually name the group you'd only be -- I am -- name the other -- no idea -- -- -- -- -- at the candidate you believe that this guy from good nature president like yeah that's the only -- you think of -- Andy -- ethnic data. From certainly the the lizards certainly yeah. Well I'm gonna grow steadily with popular -- -- -- so that it among them that -- is right that his nice hair cut out. Sitting on well I am though I mean this is not even if it is a new song I could -- forgive him a little bit. This -- has been around since last year when the album came out. And they just recorded a video afford it's that's on don't stop the party which had been hearing -- irony your clearly I think I know the lyrics better than when -- maybe -- idea where it's a lot of paper as well. Probably -- and company I guess. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- After I left it did you get about this should be here within days from now on everything -- -- the -- is that yeah it does that to get an idea vertebrate that it also has -- over applicable he's mister. Go to site. Of the -- We got time for one more story for -- at the end of the show. But he hasn't talked about. It's one of the FaceBook feature elect and -- -- and ad features -- At The Who stalking you feature. I don't love the move -- how many people are clicking on my page -- we we talk about this before. I don't think that is a good idea is that will. And relationships and they'll be anarchy. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Okay -- -- and friend this person here. Well okay it's a bit I don't know Facebook's -- the stalking features specifically what I still come out and they're testing a new happening now toolbar on the right hand side of your FaceBook news feed. Do you have this on the screen. Let's let's check this out so. It's they're testing it out to not every user has -- right now but basically -- we'll show you in real time what your friends are doing. Houses different -- -- -- different than their normal news feed which updates automatically anyway. You know I I -- not exactly sure I think that this sort of like everybody in your group perhaps hidden. But for the most -- make your feed her -- how their algorithms built. But it is. Based on people who you actually -- -- with. The right right so like if you go to a certain persons like FaceBook page quite a bit you'll start to see their -- they also limit how many. Various people show up in Andy's been -- yet 20250 years he has something like that but like you you'll go back to the stalking feature. That's one way you can sort of tell me. On your own like you know whether -- like looked at someone's profile quite a bit. -- every time they do something on FaceBook it'll automatically appear in your feet but I do not think it's a good idea for you for need to know or anybody else to know. Hey -- you downloaded this girl's picture like what. An -- -- an example for all of the data on our -- I am just you has really got bigger picture of the -- killer. Lumberjack. I mean this is a problem but I'm not gonna amok and indoors here -- feature because -- -- document itself are all guilty of it right. My activity on FaceBook added that it it all -- -- where you fall on the definitions. It really took to look at web page what's the -- that the growth of woody stuff or once and while the school -- -- -- -- -- Exhibit like every day and you're going through my photo Bob and I haven't added a photo and a month right now I'm and I you know I read what people on a stocky -- work and -- by the idea between your page don't know I don't treat them but he could follow me jets got -- data. -- -- You're gonna have did Ramos got that he wants to get it up -- you -- what -- basic yourself out of his belly button down I don't know. I want people to hear more of your beautiful voice they can do that every Monday on cnet's the digital city or -- -- the determined that allowed in -- -- because I always have some stuff to do in there. Some don't you talk and CNET co workers about what it does come -- to visit once those. You know -- I wouldn't go around and asking people to come buy and -- a variety I don't know -- I thought the combined don't come I'm not about that company. I will one day he'll put up an actual Twitter account in the meantime follow us at the full four please call -- leaving -- voicemail. I'm Wilson tang of Joseph Kaminsky and I'm just in the for forward to -- kills more trees -- They -- have served to the preferred course pulled the boy.

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Tips and Tricks for the AirPods Pro 2

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3
VisionOS 1.0.3

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro