Ep. 707: Where Sweet Lou takes us Back to the Future
Ep. 707: Where Sweet Lou takes us Back to the Future

Ep. 707: Where Sweet Lou takes us Back to the Future

-- someone's face -- -- that. But but but but but with -- And 332. -- its November. 11. And I'm Justin yu and this is the show where. -- government that know how they don't I back to the future. That's. I can't believe this is happening but we actually have Jeff's dad sweetly back alive on the show today thank you -- it. -- well it's it's a pleasure to be room so that you guys is you want it. Well I mean how could we had like after the glove and the reception and -- -- wedding area. Just you know had a good made as honorary parts of your family so any time hero's welcome after that wedding party of threads in it but he remembered inviting you to -- And I'm production unless I know. Yeah we are talking to the pre show and did you get that new actually out party you me and your girlfriend. How -- let you all later -- I mean you. I thought we left the hotel room. And though it's still of their party you know if any was not -- ninety children as it was I think we went to bed at 4:30 in the morning -- I believe him. But when you think about what -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think this. Oh I've -- -- rather. Get ready for this little long. What when -- you guys have queues and one won't get married and who. Experience but we went through and it it was great and -- But now. Now we have these serious -- run radio and yourself is just know that you're on the show right now are we about to be in trouble when he gets back. You -- in trouble with yet. Yes he knows again he may not be happy if yeah well yeah and it does it really wanted to you -- -- invites you on here. Embarrassing stories about Jeff exactly and you brought some stuff that I'm not sure hope you have to give I put some pictures of but I have. Before its zones yeah and it prints for -- before it was -- -- well I I want it now occasionally I I think the question that everybody -- has on their -- -- you know Jeff is. Is known as being the heater this well let's -- haters limited to -- he cynical yeah they're just very wasn't always that way yes. Like from the day he you know since yeah little late Moses first word -- public opinion at that look in his face and how. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Even now -- college humans so -- do you. You've got a what did I want to be that it is too great -- -- first words -- was -- -- That's where the deficit cynical because you and your wife are not like that at all and -- mom is -- anyway very positive viewers just don't. Person he really is he's always he's always wants to -- beaten. Sometimes I didn't understand the music. That's just any in the audio -- -- Took things to it a different. Way of looking at it then I don't wanna see the normal person right. You know other people in in the uses it is generations. Debt what they always do what he wanted and -- -- When he was growing up I mean obviously you your incredibly supportive -- -- -- -- we -- -- them as a very very supportive -- he does but. You know I I was supposed every parent has aspirations for their child. What did you want him to be you know when you when you his pleasure with -- and I'm you know. Yeah we're this -- coming and. Availability. And. I didn't vote. He always -- into sports when he was younger it's going out that he was easily was averted principal beaten but also -- -- twelve years old. You like put down his patents -- and pick the pockets. And that was the end he never went back to playing ball. But as a parent I think -- can you really want easy -- to be happy and and what he's doing and Jeff -- ecstatic and what he does a really good. We know about and music yeah that's every day that he. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm happy so when did he put down the hockey stick and pick up a video game. It's taken over his life and I think when he put down his bottle. We view this video we showed you actually gonna show you'll notice is a picture of -- sick it can we is it okay if we you know two -- -- but among the blog -- and you can gadgets can be -- little. -- in Hawaii where he's in -- going -- one. Of them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We went operational phases put -- order for this camera and a year to close. Yeah very little too much different that -- that's Jeff when he was -- -- the yeah yeah. So we're lookin' at a picture of Jeff I think policy probably about letting them -- and that and -- -- about -- -- -- U a NI RNA and weak -- -- do you -- that the -- The use of the computers and punitive. The of the -- and they'll gain control. I guess there was an -- and -- and -- -- was not not a card. It's like and I you know Jeff has only seven years old that picture but he literally looks the exact. Same way the alpha I would like a Charlotte. Right zoning out right what now when I see he's got his phone. And eat you just you know just from -- yeah. But he's open to anybody else in it and in his generation what they do you -- on the block. People my -- -- -- that does that bother you or -- Realize that Jeff just people in general. Not just -- and -- -- It'll walk down the street again they way they did not looking where they go -- -- there on the phone. The best of the people -- we -- via Bluetooth and in the area first I think it's a -- -- one -- but it. And I -- and -- just talking talking talking and people into yeah watch when you don't yet trust in a city like this I mean. Attention it's hard to distinguish people that are crazy from people that is talking on the phone with a wireless Bluetooth budgets assuming whispers yes -- got -- -- equipment and the onion and actually when -- -- So it it -- which one is this one. This is at his cousins house Omaha home I only hold -- I don't there it dad and the tall good looking guys -- -- -- conceit cool. Once -- month. -- joking you really look like Jeff. -- a must that yes -- think -- yeah I read there yet the I dual John the younger brother -- -- here and the one of the things I gave. You hasn't had much of it anymore -- you -- -- but. Just just looks want. And Jonathan but yet is it is a picture of Jeff when he went him. And we -- -- Trouble is you. That's victory will be always a -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah there is looking more like Jeff we don't have sipping on this case we're that's smile that's. Pick one up at the school reform. Discharges it back. You. Never what against them but -- as a word this is my favorite but again. There. Odds. Adorable when you go and I think I didn't -- -- -- by burying her -- that's him and John Gotti is really rather. This is when we live in Queens just -- to tell and met here of course otherwise you wouldn't -- how. -- This -- John was maybe. I'd -- fourteen months of that now and I was in June of 86 we've -- we left wings -- Jersey. And I put you know you know -- love about that picture is that. There is closed today as they were back. Now definitely yeah you know in and I love it now look at that picture and I think the thing that I appreciate him he still has -- -- -- Yeah -- yes it yet on Saturn in there it. It's about personality did in fact. When what did you mean -- that how. Sudden I know we we always we've loved. You know we've we've mentioned a couple times and them went to the wedding but before we would -- love with you before we you -- -- -- your voice mails ingests. Hearing Jeff. Tried to explain to you how to use iTunes. Funny I think have ever seen in my life it was the ordered it was a it was a rough data that. -- -- -- know what and what what we're trying to do wanna buy you a boring young. An iPod and I'm trying to download music and with. Jeff gave me a brief course and handed to it yet of course that they. Was a rough -- because it was the day that. We had to put my -- I -- -- -- about and so I shouldn't and so we get this into something -- remind Norton's ghost is known and download some news and I. This has stonewalled. I I recalled Jeff. Yeah it's like -- is literally perpendicular it -- a -- and every him being notified of with that your he was -- -- he was talking if you but he sounded really frustrated like. Just drag a file into the windows nutrients through automatically and it comes on natural he had and he doesn't realize that people older than him and didn't grow up of these things that just -- well I -- look I broke the stereo. And resilience of the cassette tape and all that's not that -- eight track player in fact. -- he brought of this stuff so -- want -- do is digging through Baghdad he brought with them and -- -- he had. Yeah. So we're looking at The Rolling Stones -- -- and our. My dad yeah. Okay I well first let me say this as he looked much -- moron and and and -- -- -- show and we gonna do. I'm -- -- on -- -- with the guys yeah this is bringing stuff. From olds -- -- senior tech and says okay. I had to go through to -- and if these things down a phone it and then I haven't even though we spoke to for spoke from online and and I told and what those -- -- that's great yeah it's not permanent. So I put that. Yeah and wealthy got -- morning -- Do you actually use your iPod now is that is that Nintendo -- -- what we had our -- -- oh my god I -- -- tracks how. Does it get Alice Cooper. Schools. So how people actually -- because those are massive. -- they're not light hearted people can do just keep from the car well -- -- the instinct is to buy cases but I'll put him in a and then almost like the shoeshine kit. That's funny and like people complain about -- he's. And imagined it. The strategies that CD cases through a lot easier to sort burned red light at these things like police -- -- your backpack full -- and and I. My first come when it was in my car. So use -- and on but I just don't just before it was a crazy situation is there's like four tracks on here yet and which when when the key changes trend the music just -- on going. -- like fade out -- anything they couldn't time -- when this one was finished it just have dumplings on simpler lower than the middle of the song yeah. And that's out of the very efficient -- -- but but I mean so do you. You gave up on the iPod you just not on I have it's a lot more convenient because I used to it might this mountain along with my CDs. And carried out stuff around yet and I and no one ever told me that he too. You'd think at this opinion -- -- You put four more than its tracks on the -- I -- I can over thousands yeah but it agreement means that this is driving him. Trying to get things organized and it was blatantly brought us something better you brought us some extinct -- I have I gotta change the subject who want because -- where you guys. Woo -- it is and I love live Jeff never brings its presence like this month. -- -- -- -- -- Everything a blue -- -- brings a perpetual cloud over. -- -- -- -- and a that's what music club because he doesn't want this on it can't you guys known in the taxi -- yeah yeah and you guys -- Manhattan I know it's hard. Get a kid yeah a -- -- well I got the solution okay what you guys. Rutskoi taxi cancer this Nintendo's. Yeah I think that's -- and he goes and it. While blends with my shirt can. Will that take -- Brooklyn noted that really well I don't know I don't think you'd put it on it yeah and a cables I. Yeah I second the secret code -- residents about it. Also every time. When we go to Benson might not I'm always suggested. Where we're trying to catch -- -- really. Twenty minutes late and -- and I go town like your dad isn't taxi business team everybody there. Is -- codes and to receive as their phone number you can dial up -- get a cab signal at rated at like 55538. At night in pocket and you get. When he put his. I I give out calendars and my drugs the drugs might customs and mystic accounts from one of which so it was O Jeff from John -- ignorance -- -- unique -- look at the calendar that's got the -- -- this is on the you know what causes that mean you get it for you right now that. I I've never been and one of the engine they haven't seen -- and I haven't seen the county. Well there must be a lot of people issuing. Oh yeah it's it's it's it. What's unique business but there's a lot of brokers -- -- with insurance and lines well what what I do is I've broken them again and I'm sure. Okay so like for you know for people who Matt in New York City right -- new Norton you just can't. By cards start -- on people known to be licensed licensed by the pack him -- -- a medallion drive -- yellow -- very you you're in order to the couple history -- -- that in the back -- and -- -- course opens -- 1000. You know efforts move to the city I was confused about when to take the Crown Victoria. These or the yellow -- I wasn't agency have yet -- -- being in the street I guess ones like a flat rate and the others do it blows the the nonviolent look at vehicle is not with the rest pupils mr. Oh really right there are only supposed to be prearranged -- right okay they'll stop if they see you go right now yeah in the second. In the second that the legal actually public citizen's -- you can -- Never feel safe getting and one of those not and then like always -- It's as if you're like out in the outer boroughs and when he's trying to get back home. By 3 o'clock in the morning -- address that the only. There are available so you get and they really are Hamas is back to Manhattan and who look at you 035 dollars and what you get off 65 yet -- yet. Can use years ago they used to be a lot more -- taxes and you know girls but the the environment of the industry changed so much. That everyone's face in the city right yeah and Saudi -- -- -- are really opted to fend for themselves. You can you know that because if he ever try to go to Brooklyn. They don't have little idea what they're going now you actually have to bring out your Google Maps app on your involved held in turn by turn directions so many times I've had entered taxicab drivers should humility that should have -- -- -- in in London you have to take you have to study for like. 578 years -- -- very long. Course they have they could be pissed the geography has been and the language. Driver's test drives test and then. They do it. And and a lot more efficiently but you -- the drives he argues it's it's a -- an imaginary so it's definitely a tough job and and but before we get the brigades mementos -- -- You know -- Jeff -- just some you have to get to the the box building. And I in the middle Manhattan didn't like 46 in six or something like Writely. I'm coming in from queens. -- -- -- -- Go get into the -- look at the -- I needed to 46 and six. As -- how to get the Manhattan. I like I was I literally. I. What the hell are you really -- -- -- the music how how do you how to get there normally it's 46 and six I don't. I favorite -- I didn't know who would breached a taker yeah it was his first first -- the first -- to use it for some reason he decided like the easiest thing to do. -- deal going queen they're picking people up. And I literally we went down the road about a block and half. Innocent to a take into -- go towards the Kennedy would. Let me out when I see -- jokingly said that's because I actually get GPS navigation -- their cards right. I think that more -- who have been -- start seeing -- but not all of them. While they have they have it now the system that they have for the muses a whole different procedures and -- -- ago and they have base. Do have GPS in the system -- vote should be able to use. Our elder it would go well -- way to go until we're the we're gonna take a little break right now we will actually tomorrow hopefully some -- secrets. From mr. sweet a grumbled about it. Yeah today today also brought some other things -- -- as well aren't you -- the good old days oh yeah I'm I'm really excited double helix. Yeah. We take a little break we will see as -- -- for us. This is the floor room phone or -- the show where we all seems. -- here on the fourth war. Sweden here with us. Divulging all of yes. Tells it secrets can get what is the most embarrassing thing Jeff has ever done I just wanna hear like just put it out -- would give -- two -- he really never. -- anything that wouldn't really embarrass -- Don't usually he just. I don't know why but he never really do you think -- -- was the time when. Again I had some friends over the house. -- are outside playing. This pupils. I get a cool and uses that. At a pace and spokesmen -- you okay you will find -- but we just posted a huge window. In the backyard. But in the family room. It's it has to do it into a we we completed this Kabul on somebody from the principles and they didn't actually went through when. And it was found that that this is that had no no -- -- that you don't call me and tell me that. Okay okay yeah -- Leo he's gonna -- you break a window. What. Knew he was fool around with friends and it was an episcopal with who we -- was a body. -- -- I thought you know. I don't wanna one of his for an -- -- So. -- and and and I never really brought it up to too few years ago it's that -- Now Tom. Have to we'll -- a troublemaker when he was that it after the generally know he was pretty much -- along with the crowd. A bit I'm sure he did some things that an -- about. And actually do anything to tell you how. -- -- -- -- -- Oh yeah they disorders we'll tell -- that off yeah and it's evident. That's a funny story about just when we were living in Queens he radio and yet his own room and the room was over and over arch and the grudge had a patio. And get to the patio petticoat through chips patron through the store both Jeff was paranoid and he thought that someone would come in them. -- -- -- -- -- Okay and he's he's he's always been many times you've got up there tonight and was wondering in the master bedroom. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bootsy. -- -- story that's can't get it yet it's. Just -- jet in a sensitive situation like that it's funny you'd think it really is I don't Catholic guy he -- He's you don't very are you just forget it he's he's he's -- yeah exactly you know you know. New Jersey have -- -- -- -- -- this was back. In 85 and so now what's that he was -- Point 33 for -- so we were also telling me the preacher that before jet and it Stacy and wife to exit. Four -- -- -- with the media and this is back in his is that the program. I'm sorry we're he -- a different guy oh yeah he definitely beyond. Where we were told you about his socialist before anyone out of Hugo's enough been. Like I sort in his face when he met Spencer Bradley whose dislike all the from person read it it's sort of like he he found in the sense is it's only. Saw. This -- -- and she found -- -- -- She's she's articulate real love Stacey I mean it actually was it was just so organizers did he pick -- a lot of girls and and nice cozy it would know. Not just playing Nintendo the whole time the. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah we employee anything at all good and did you -- you -- people hanging out with a non. Oh now as I'm concerned lose. -- a very small hockey -- Yeah. Just a member at McGill is Jeff's brother at the wedding with telling that's a very funny story about Stacy. And I guess you guys were coming out of -- stadium -- -- the story oh. Yes we we went to see that doubles play it again. You know -- -- hockey in his brother's the same way and and believing we went to see them in. And you'll. What's the go -- changed in so many times -- you Brendan Byrne arena nowadays the -- that's -- -- Here. And it's like the -- yeah. Anyways Isaacson read it again coming out of that's right and we article quotes route three to get the car and people rule. And if -- Busan and then move crazy and we're walking across -- and two guys in the girl that just like Russell. And just -- cores. Eating it too much about what happened to me yet but he's bringing one -- man whose mom. So he just. One of tomb and said look if you keep it and stuff together and -- in a proper manner. Is it get away from -- now yeah and it and I saw his face he was so serious. And I never saw that before -- Stacy was in -- I know we'll just tough guy. And we all know but we've never seen him in the fight situation that I imagine I never see -- like that I never I don't -- prisoners of -- -- -- threatening here I wasn't friendly with three drunks that there and -- their own -- you put them. I was very happy which have him that I -- around. If you're already witnessed among them you know me know I don't know who these people. I -- as much money we do I let's say they just don't like money -- that existed. -- Jeff is like you said a coming that he doesn't seem intimidating you can see that spark in his yes if you really religious with them right it is such a nerve with him here he's gonna react and I could never happens only too much with us because -- when I'm with -- -- we would just so down. The -- talking with him yet -- -- now. I'm not really out in the city with him or -- People -- in Hoboken and -- may be going through. Our guy we obviously we -- around a lot -- Jeff. We're we're really envious of him in via that we we -- Again provides unlimited shoe box yeah. I told Jeff that's a million times and I know -- -- -- -- this -- and I regret -- later but. On the I've told them that you know I really Walt what he had he pretty much has a -- he's got a beautiful wife. He's got -- an amazing job right he's not reviewed and printers it. That's a good. Yeah he's buying a home is used phones arguments they -- very proud -- And I'm very proud and and I think the biggest thing that I I always think is really cool. Is you know every now and then obviously -- -- -- come on out this weekend going -- -- -- the now I'm -- you know go and hang -- my parents the that's something you I mean he's the only person in you know I guess in my age group -- I hear that from a regular basis and he's like yeah. That letting us in my mind. I know. I never wanted just the feel uncomfortable. And so I just let him be himself was I don't wanna scare him away from ever coming home to visit -- and he enjoys coming home he likes coming home to we're. He grew up PCs close friends some guys come -- when the same -- right in his brother's the same one. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And we used to go into -- all the time to train what have you and it was it was a great experience and I'm happy that Jeff is able to. Experience the same things that I did. Because the cities just went past -- and he knows. How to handle and so. Allison had a question about. You -- your family dot -- just like I can understand you when you. Sue wanna support. Jeff and Johnny -- is huge supporter object and as for as the shows concern but -- went to the wedding. Everybody. Your cousin's third cousins aunts uncles everybody. And listens to this show yeah I feel like you did the Bakalar family supports all all the entire four before we presume. You force that lets you all of yeah that and I live the accepted -- contribution right. Okay -- -- a lot of your family and animals would lot of just friends actually isn't that you as well its entire hockey team does a really cool my best friends. Let me get my girlfriend and -- -- by the way you -- -- spew Powell thank you so much mariners should earned an Eden. And let them. It happens yeah. You know what -- -- even even oh points -- -- me moon. And guidelines and -- make it up enough so I'm the exhibits and no heat no us. -- I. -- Now we see where I just get that that the -- definitely. There. I can. Say that have something to do that definitely what you actually brought some of the stuff here with a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- bring some stuff in. Then when I spoke them online. From my days of listening to music and what happens so. You said -- we have reason bringing a tracts and what about some -- That category so here it is when my favorite -- -- -- -- That's the doors only do it. Excellent -- And and what an individual sound and Monica. -- the actual work. Turn. -- took a turntable it's gonna get this to work yeah. Voting bodies that some of these. Problems like this one. It's in high fidelity. Yeah it's not in stereo that's a oh he's so yeah they're -- only mono -- -- within it then they stopped making mono finals but there yet. You've got a bunch of those things -- future. Thank you amusements that means I think you're -- area. And force and we're getting to the end of the -- have confidence. Yeah we I mean you would think half an hour yet but it always feels like -- and never get. Never get enough thank you so much immune I was very intuitive so there's definitely heading back panel has been left -- -- -- -- Sorry Jeff you got permanent replacement no less important. I like an inlet where -- -- -- -- -- playing the clintons have known here. Yeah yeah -- immediately it's been -- literally. There's a good and then I will take you so much -- policy -- -- on the show. I'm Wilson tang I'm Justin you the full -- always that with a -- Hollywood --

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