Ep. 63: The show where we ask, "Why?"
Ep. 63: The show where we ask, "Why?"

Ep. 63: The show where we ask, "Why?"

Crime vigor and jet stream what are then we'll tell you that the whole lot more on this week's episode of Android -- -- for August 31 2011 and just like house alongside Antuan Goodwin. And special guest little Droid. -- makes our -- now but -- -- mapped in the meantime we'll cover some Android news. Yet and solar panels and basically no -- this is an injury news well they keep it. Call or spin it standard isn't -- that lets hear it I'm so. If my browser was a work in a retail use that -- Samsung is rumors or speculation and there I don't which were -- From Forbes that Samsung could buy -- webos from each piece. As you may remember from such -- says last one. As -- last week shows us that HP has basically said they're killing one of alas this they think. Maybe the licenses maybe it'll kill the -- -- -- and after after this next. To touch it for it one more when mark around and it's not that yet the house easily to Android. So it relates standard because Samsung may buy it matters and -- yes market. And Samsung is. You know when -- top -- -- phone makers out there right now. And potentially because. The Google. -- -- merger earlier mergers and acquisition. You know Samsung's me thinking hey maybe we need to diversify. And don't be so reliant on Android so maybe webos -- Which OS itself has gotten pretty high marks it's really hardware that has gotten you know sort of killed in the press ahead com. So -- amigos is by webos and we'll start releasing webos phones and tablets. Come on really good hardware. Says that we -- Or hedging their bets a little bit gets the Google Motorola machine -- But looking at the article doesn't Samsung already hand a little platform they do to have Bada. Rate which is. I think it's designed at the low -- for -- entry level Smartphone users emits kind of weird to have multiple OS is that yes. A lot of people do that HTC has integrated image have Windows Phone 7 phones how many phones and that sentence com. You know I think for any manufactured just make sense to diversify. I'm so they're very done that to some extent but I think that -- is not equivalent of -- injury -- It's really for. I think they're international markets. More developing countries and it is worth the US market. I'm so if they want another OS they want to do it HTC has done where they have went as phone and Android which. -- or equivalent that there on the same sort of level -- you. Is that maybe it's a smart move for Samsung -- you know -- their. My own benefit that's a smart move that doesn't mean it's like if you have another OS. You have to devote resources to that OS -- with senior sold to -- different directions. And you could spread yourself then I mean it is I don't really see any indicator and I don't think anyone sees any indicators that. You know HTC and Samsung and stand to be left out in the cold by the -- acquisition. They'll still be able to continue to develop their devices. So -- really in the CD. Particular reason other than the -- webos is just floating out there without. Anywhere to go. For Samsung to -- in us invest any more energy into it and you especially when there are resource -- with Android with their. The line of galaxy. Every letter of the alphabet phones and -- got -- coming out. Ray. But if they could just make it -- phones run webos. And didn't have that for -- engineering hardware. And even how easy it. -- and someone else. To be funny like being with the -- search -- -- and name with -- with. Marketing campaign by out of being. -- -- -- about it being. Hired Andrew Dice Clay to -- that if -- Asylum. -- -- -- -- -- -- OK we've and a little rest and speaking of did -- -- -- that the dispute has spent hardware is extensively did and Sony's. And then -- -- give it one more I guess last hurrah -- -- -- officially discontinued hardware. But for those -- you. Renowned grabbed a -- there -- -- for you if you want to install injury on it because the image in -- is an active development. For the touch. Now what's the image in mind is is it's kind of the the the most popular most -- alternative rom for injury devices and it looks like. It's running on that we have video right now of being installed -- running on the hardware. Right -- the this site hacked in mind had put we've reported in the last week to 2300 dollar reward for the first. Person or group to get -- working on a touch -- This antigen -- teams had any it would appear at the money -- just wanna do ranked Munich. They act as have Al sort of but they haven't released it to the public it's just sort of like -- we have running -- -- work to do it. You know pretty quick -- of for first version. Right and I'm assuming Netflix incorporated because of the business units a month build an income and program and it looks like that and faces beamed into -- And Diamondbacks the last RM and this is why it probably wouldn't be that hard to get webos rename them. You know its existence -- standard devices -- because also has a report last week. The webos team had gotten it running on the iPad. And its various -- him -- JavaScript based. Elizabeth odds reading device the roots webos. Windows -- and -- entering any home. And analysts a -- I don't like Iowa spurs to it used to work on that community media and they say this is dual Blu-ray. Where they wanted to be dual boot I am adamant. While it says they wanna be told. Obama I don't think is currently. Part continuing on our tablet -- Sony gast who talked about these before. And we say -- was able to. S one in the S two tablet for Sony's tablets. The S -- mean. The -- the kind of looks like a folded over magazine. Full size regular tablet form factor and the IS two was a little -- -- But PSP needs Nintendo DS sort of thing. They're -- they've -- unit and collect it echoes what it was like -- it will be without the third. The -- is Erica has like three configurations. When this does when that was like. That was silica a candy bar phone when that was like aware of top -- -- a little laptop and another that was a flat tablet with a scene. It looks like the the Sony. So these are both standard -- and tablets. And our own Donald bell system. Really likes them -- thinks Sony's deftly put their mark on the tablet like it's not just another me too tablet -- -- A -- in its its good looking hardware. I haven't actually seen in person unit and indeed He is an -- Look -- it yet the specs are pretty nice. It's foreign and united for the sixteen gig version -- for evidence for 32 gig version. That we're talking up the ass now and this is a Wi-Fi only -- -- the key. Which will be sold through carriers so there's no Isp is a race against me up to carriers August -- -- will be. The first -- carry it. And that to a specific features it has -- -- Sony is you know. Video service treatments -- of rent. Fears it has the -- I'm Sony's music unlimited previously called hero city. -- and probably most exciting I think that placed the PlayStation certified. Yes that's pretty excited. It also comes of was like an emulator -- -- He plays media. It was and crashed includes pre installed on both tablet Sarah. -- to play the PS one NP SP team's -- And then this is they actually last point is really mentioning it comes with an IR blaster. And -- universal remote app that apparently is really good. And down. Is -- sort of same thing as. See Sony's home share premium universal remote which costs 250 dollars to handle. -- get a lot of the value. For the price here. Yet Dyer -- blaster is an interesting addition. Especially considering if if you're like me. You most likely would end up sitting with your template in front of -- TV. -- to build a pop over to an app in the control it TV. Without having to purchase extra hardware without -- to purchase or -- revenue you know go through the east particulates and you have. You can hook up to watch Ide controller devices that mean this IR -- kind of that the easiest way. To do that sort of thing the -- I like that. Yeah I like overall what they're offering here I mean this is. When we see others Android tablets like okay adds another one with slightly different specs -- -- Eric how are gonna stand out here think. You know IR blaster will tire -- and PSP's staff know if they put together a nice little package and it looks pretty nice. And you have to do something to stand out because clearly you can't fill and non iPad for listeners for more than 99 dollars these -- for your to do something that. The competition doesn't do you. And so immunity to -- differentiation. I will help differentiate this from -- for example Samsung's. Tabs. -- that the delicate Hampton. -- -- You could if you're -- manufactured goes the other way and opera the same thing and just charge more for. Went yeah I would think about that I think that's a horrible idea. So apparently HTC. Is Austrian. Browsers crash but a GCC jetstream -- -- yes. Over 700. Dollars with a contract is yes -- -- -- -- content on contract. -- brilliant -- it just happened. And settling a horrible idea like how many of these -- really does Syria they must only expect -- -- one and must have cost them sooner to automate. What I mean is there any reason -- specific specs -- cycle. My this is learning as I mean some things interesting. One point five -- dual core processors interest thing. You know the ability to use it with the spread -- -- interesting. And the fact that it's gonna come with that and which is normally you'd pay -- that separately with the HTC's other devices. It's interesting but -- dislike it doesn't look 700 bucks -- seven books with a contract interesting when you can. Pretty much you know pick up Galaxy Tab or a Motorola -- From -- instant. Yeah I don't get it -- I teach TC I teach you sent cease and split it is says finally America. A lot of people to an -- and I accept that and M plus and -- don't buy it don't buy talent contract. Yeah as. One I don't know. Com American another one we should have called the segment why. -- -- -- and Anthony Hamilton -- that is why why. Or Seattle of -- -- -- statement really really yeah really really really HTC 700 dollars really have a new. So the next one the next really with an opponent Justin. Please -- service. To that's not owned by CBS -- clear. Hubs. Sony. It debuted at the -- -- if they had it yeah I think. Conference this week Paper tape for walkman. -- -- Android walkman device now. So it's a standalone not a phone it's really just as -- -- -- device -- compete with survive and iPod Touch. Has the music and a -- media player as well that arose as -- specifically. Has a lot of music specific features like dedicated music buttons and -- music app that I guess has different from the stock handwritten one graphic visualization. And it. Really. Weak I'll get you don't care what once they really don't like a fantastic idea and says yeah. Like -- -- and that clearly -- and I mean. To be some people like still like portable media players and into the -- -- -- really to slash yes. -- MEM I mean depending on the pricing pricing. Hasn't been announced but depending on how much this costs. Need to be a great idea. Really yeah portable media players I mean you know I mean they're still market for this sort of things I mean the degree in enemy nobody really has. And iPod Touch competitor I mean I don't know if there needs to be united but its competitor but. I mean there isn't really anything else. -- at -- -- is still selling. Mean these I'm coming kept currently out on seeing -- aren't they on the down hill. Mean there Americans like to -- however iPod to capture her -- -- iPhone battery -- -- phone. You wanna separate like I -- you don't need. Has been iPhone it and or injury folder and you -- if you're -- list of Iowa who still has a dumb phone. Annual rate with that company is their lot of people who were just a -- with a clan still you'd be amazed how many people -- pulling out like Motorola RAZR is its true -- when you -- people why they say because Smartphones are too complex. Ray will mean it's one thing to light so if that's too complex. Then. Another thing to get locked into a data plan and windy you don't use your device like that and something like this that can connect to Wi-Fi you can get the data connectivity mean you need it. But you -- have to pay for a data plan just have the device. I mean there's there's still people out there who think there's a good idea. -- I'm not alone I mean and as I'm I'm not one of them I'm not one of those people either got it all in that market so you think it's gonna be users would never buy. But I mean. Objectively I knew that I'm not one and some of the market. I'm not enemy there are repeated enough to be -- -- -- -- -- -- would kind of -- to have a little something they can connect to the Internet. Listen to their music on -- -- watch a movie occasionally but they don't wanna go through you know the price they don't wanna buy -- ten inch tablet. Something like this at about 200 dollar price point. Bless the -- -- dollar price point. -- mean. While when they -- a couple of them. Also a couple. I mean it has either been depleted depending on how much state prix sedans and what they're realistic -- what to expect stations are sales. I mean they wouldn't need to sell Olena on the just need to look to make it profitable. -- AM and I look forward to seeing north presses. Due to. What He think the -- it. Little injury -- and -- you are not -- incidental at all step in. Aren't much to talk -- now let's get on the useful -- of the week -- -- gonna break my -- correct Tom. -- you've never heard this number of before well -- the specific number but in another report out this week from com's core. Says that guess what injury -- in the lead in terms of market share for Smartphones in the US. With what is this 41 point 8% of the Smartphone market. And as a five point 4% increase over the last previous three month period. Apple -- prizes in second place. With -- 7% up from 26%. And then there's Blackberry and -- stuff that. Who -- just point 2% off from the meaning of life the universe and it. -- You'll have to guess -- that it's states. RA -- of your email programs inserts in your complaints now. Because. His date to 39. On the Droid -- watch. Oh wait. We have maybe an end in sight because there is a tweet. From the jury beyond a Twitter account this week or are last week saying that the two or embryonic will ship on September 8. -- I mean the community to be had before we need rumored released a August August early for the -- -- that this is from the Droid bear on a Twitter account which as it turns out. The state. Soon that's probably yeah so you can't blame Motorola from bad days at this point because they're probably -- -- -- There yap music music it seems that anywhere there's a trick -- -- There's a you know after -- Diana Twitter account created and has between -- while I guess and it. Even with release dates them. Verizon Motorola Q -- -- didn't but not actually our town and we don't know who's that is their. Actual account is a Twitter -- complex Drury landing. And that site actually has released the link. That takes you to a Droid dynamic page. That. Apparently. -- like a preview media though. And -- slick has -- some sort account down minutes 23 hours and 34 minutes. And what's gonna happen then. And maybe they'll just give away some sort of and it looks like there's some sort of thing going on we go to different sites in -- content codes to unlock a video. In -- information about the dramatic. But it. I haven't seen any information on there. Her nor about its I mean it did just feel like it's either -- is coming in at the end -- close at. Parent while I'm still I still think some -- as the -- I -- I don't care about the republic anymore. Equivalent ringleader lesson last I mean I care that the media in the sense of that -- view rolled injury can spears there'll be another phone. He could -- -- care about it. But it. I mean had a really I'm not excited about the -- -- -- -- especially. Because. Rumors point to Verizon's. Launching -- Samsung. Droid crime. In October brits -- officially entered the -- segment ratio. Aliens the rumor segment. These fancy music intro here surrounding me intrigued me and -- phone rumors. -- -- and a rumor this Barack overcome some of his -- up. -- -- -- -- -- Started take -- -- -- -- solo rumors are pointing to Verizon launching. Samsung Droid prime. In October and this could be that sort of injury flagship nexus phone. -- that should be the first phone to run ice cream sandwiches could also be the reason that Verizon passed on the galaxy -- two. Oh win models went to the other three major carriers. -- could also be the best phone ever added. This is my enix don't forget about stupid -- out I'm gonna be out till November anyway so yeah again -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We have rumors that the -- TC -- -- -- wrote rumored pictures I don't know what you call that. Love him camera phones that little creatures exactly of the HTC vigor. Which -- think we've covered in previous weeks -- to be -- handset for Verizon. Com so there's not much the can be learned by this. Screen chopped her. Photos except that it vaguely looks like the Droid incredible -- -- lots of texture. Which would it be exactly -- -- that aren't really well drop ever. The camera looks surprisingly big looks like -- it has to flashes on the back. Which take as -- I don't know -- to do so that doesn't mean anything. Com but you know one of the rumors is that it is gonna be called the Droid incredible heat -- So maybe this'll be my next phone and this also is gonna have in it. Possibly benefit from the beats by doctor tree technology -- it but I mean it will mean it basically is a collection of technologies in response to make things -- better. Okay police sold me but it's pretty much what it is. Also did HT CD acquired that are -- I think it was an acquisition. Leading. If we're in charge of -- now we -- Ecstasy. Okay. Well I'm not HTC I was a quote I don't it was victor freeze at a lot of questions for you. Anyway so. The the specs on this are pretty nicer then again the rumored specs just -- everything's in the segment as a rumor. Four point three inch HD screen. Dual core or perfect gigahertz processor gig ram sixteen gigs internal storage. Eight megapixel camera poverty poverty bought from -- blobby -- lines injury to -- -- fortunes -- rated for -- if not I might look like good list you know quick look -- that. That's that a good thing or bad thing it's not -- -- thing. Will mean -- and hopefully it's just -- -- -- -- treatable says Jensen in the get an update later. I would think that any dual core phones gonna be able to run it has its image whether -- -- actually get it. You could discuss these things in mid September so it. No. Ice -- stands. Our last rumor and of this should be like another -- duty 407. And also from. Motorola. Slash soon to be Google the zoom tablet. LTE watch. So -- When we saw up when this originally came down it was announced. They said that was an upgrade able to forward -- TE. -- by sending it into. -- I think Verizon. And you know that would come out shortly after launch. Mercury are I don't know how many months after launch but steel is not out however. There are rumors that it is. The -- is being piloted two business and take his government users. Com and the people's gotten emails seem to know we're -- pilot this. And -- -- also there's slight change that now are exposed to. Send it back -- Earlier they said you're gonna have to send it to rise another -- in the back -- Motorola. And they haven't. I guess reduce the turnaround time to three days from about six days so. That's good if any of this is actually true. Yes I mean an experienced extended Santa Claus. And Santa will add four G two years him he'll also -- a dual core yeah five G if and make -- by. Pinnacle 800 dollar yeah I know that's a -- Aren't true move on to apps would you want to have given up or app you have an app -- app. So last week that aren't for the -- segment. Last week we had -- -- here she's talking water Windows Phone 7 experience. And I stated that I really love to metro U lie -- it with windows phones interface is called. And that I'd been looking for -- way to simulate it on my Android phone a couple of views suggested -- seven and that's our app of the week. A lot to seven is a home screen replacement app. That basically. Replaces your home screen with sort of the box model. Of Windows Phone 7 so you can do things like going to Gmail here if I actually -- -- email authored the -- Nixon and just like on Windows Phone 7. You can have long tiles. And have white tiles and you can jump in and edit. Or at any of these with your own custom graphics or whatnot. It also replaces your app launcher. With vertical app launcher that similar to windows phone seven but then you can also keep your injury launcher. If you wanna do that it's a free download done and -- for you jump in and play around with its ad supported. But if you like it and you decide you want to get -- of the -- there's also a paid version for a buck fifty. It looks pretty nice it looks like a slightly less offers of when this -- It's -- it's less polished it's kind of annoying disabling it takes a lot of work the senate Yucatan and go in and put your apps and then you have to put your own photos and yet which -- road and -- it. Takes a lot of doing but if you like me -- just a local and -- I'm a big fan of playing around with the interface and and -- tweaking things so I mean for me like my afternoon. The day after install this with like only what pictures -- I use for Netflix. For my Netflix. Home icon and in oh what apps had to hide. It -- it it's fun for me discount -- -- holds the replacements in May not be that the ideal. Launcher. For -- users for every -- use of it without their free. And fun. -- -- -- -- -- Now is with the time the -- -- talk about emails and we actually have we Brennan time last week so we have some emails from. -- -- two weeks ago or one week ago however you would like to say it there's freshest and indeed but we also some emails from this week in recent emails from the future. Not really. Our take as while watching this show on my Tivo thank CNET -- content. For Tivo user could check it out. This week you're in an email we got me to think that is illegal from a carrier to limit my actions of Tom Roberts in the law. IPhone tethers just fine without having to pay them to ensure goods experience and like everyone has said we already are paying for data on -- phone. Series CI join a class action against carriers for extortion and racketeering. Another question some of -- is a true some carriers or terminate your contract for routing. -- This is the place where we play and barriers with -- disclaimers because we don't actually know we're talking about. And on target you do on that licenses. -- anything but we don't know -- -- -- and -- the bar aren't luxurious. But in feel either. -- didn't take them are now. Did you study not as I stated that I didn't have the market the united when He would think that tried LS lookalike also had spent the -- -- law school that now are we to art school. Cyrano a -- -- give answer what is. When trying to say -- -- senior you'll usually. -- the license agreements that you sign. When you form your contract. With your provider usually says that the has the ability to decide which you can keep user data for. It's usually in there in the fine print somewhere so technically no it's not illegal for them to say you can -- tethering. It's just stupid. Or it could be legally there could be laws are -- -- could be you know of the net true neutrality provisions cover this isn't like that missed all three I think. I yeah I agree -- practices not the -- or as I understand -- right thumb but also yet. In two carriers terminator contract for -- and I've never heard -- -- I don't even know how can they know. They can go and the they can -- if you bring your phone in some for something happens to -- but they don't if you never ring your phone and and the others believe some sort of away from London know with your device profile changes or something like that. But I've never heard of anyone having their contract canceled for -- because. They don't want this data was used to giving them money but with they will do some time -- cancel your warranty. Your device or if you have some sort of its service or insurance plan they can cancel that if they think the routing is what's causing an issue on your device. So -- that's what you need to be aware if you have a phone has -- X number of the month a three year warranty on it. And then you bracket. It's your fault to this point Olathe -- -- they won't do that or snicker behind your back. -- I'm RA -- questions from Travis review. I badly want to make the move to see antigen -- it on my thunderbolt but it really can't make heads or tails or end of anything. About what they dig up about installing the MR 2.5 or -- -- updates -- really need help and understanding the good. Bad and reason. The good bad -- reasons for those updates. PS of the -- -- every week. -- but answer in ten seconds -- enhancement and -- The answer -- the long anthem all the short version of the long answer is that that the MR two anymore 2.5. Are reading you updates. And that's separate from the actual. Rom that you are running. These are two point filed with the leaked -- And it's not really official and the reason that they both exist and people flew out there and there are versions of science -- month for both of them is that they don't actually work on every single phone. -- on some phones freak out when you put the 2.5 update on it some of them take it just fine. But there are two versions of the current C -- mod rom for the thunderbolt you just have to install the review update that works for you. And then once you have the one that works install -- you. Version of this image in my problem that is compatible with that personally amber in the 2.5. And the -- version of the -- -- -- I'm always looking for. -- -- -- -- I know I'm gonna have next week you're never happen. And I'm not I'm that I just -- speaking in playing around on. Understandable. -- the devious. Arid region has with the next email are right this is one of prospects and whether -- not a matter. It this person agrees that yes X do matter but I would say that the tables are turned and that the -- -- actually show what sucks about a phone. What's great. Warning should be for less than a three megapixel camera or if there is no flash. You have less than a one gigahertz processor. Less than a -- VGA display or less than one -- -- gigabyte. And onboard memory because 250 megabytes is really not enough or if you have a device out that's running at less than injury to -- to. That should be enough for the most users to understand simply. -- they should be enough for simple user to understand but people have to care. That the at least heavy part phone overeat some Clark -- sub -- from liked this from Mike. From the Internet. -- -- Sir and that's kind of along what -- -- said is that specs generally don't matter analysts at slow yet. I guess and you and me would be indeed be sort of warnings. We consider -- are available yet reviews at cnet.com a look at -- foundries. They aren't there but I mean I agree I agree with with. The not to put those on the box. Will mean who's gonna. Our family where phone doesn't have tremendously -- your public of the cancer warning on the -- secret by deflate. Like the cigarettes a Q you've -- and that's excellent it is crazy. Because it'll be -- -- a totally. We will never -- your firmware. Apparently moved on Google TV which gets occasional covers on the show because -- -- entering it. Hi this is Ryan from. Westminster. Minnesota. Maryland. -- and that it Minnesota I don't know -- certain -- -- minutes. I really liked you -- -- the comes with Logitech revue with keyboard itself 480. Dollars that socket as Bluetooth keyboard. -- -- -- -- So would be cheaper to buy the reviews since it comes with a keyboard has only 99 dollars the question is how useful are the Google TVB. Investing in the review. Be a waste of time and money is there a CNET TV app for -- need. A tactics course Google TV just dead acute keep up the good work. And then He goes on to say that I look like -- -- -- -- is the first. Time ever heard that. And talent and -- there is less funny there aren't wearing more funny. The afternoon whether you like the company's Ray Romano and his stand up is good that the studios -- -- and I just don't understand one of those top show in the country for -- as -- development initiative. Has tonight. Anyway to your questions Ryan. Let's see well I mean is it worth it it's if you want the keyboard it looks like -- save and you know. Half to ninety dollars though the eighty dollars. It's -- just yes. Google TV -- TV is cool I wouldn't necessarily buy it over. Like roku -- is one -- streams video. But if you really don't keyboard and you wanna -- to get you know Netflix and browser under TV and -- some other cool stuff and it seems like it's a good bet for you. And CNET TV does have a -- team to optimize sites if you you know go into the spotlight section on. Google TV you'll see CNET TV there and you can navigate in -- with the remote control. So. Yeah -- say it seems like a good deal for you though I wouldn't recommend this to everyone. I. I guess like -- -- seemed like He cares about that the keyboard more in the review you certainly didn't you say keep with anything else I think it's just a Bluetooth keyboard. So I -- -- a particular with eighty bucks. -- This means little money for a keyboard you -- to keep your -- -- series saying He can pay 99 bucks -- and keyboard and a dual TV. Am I mean I think actually I impulse bought my -- Wireless keyboard means you probably keep one's online Ehrlich if you vote that He loves this one uses -- He wants what CNET TV -- TV. The case here this is it -- -- two birds one stone yes. Something like that. Obama current problems. Here yeah offices will file on there at the atom based. It's addictive songs directed mostly at Meebo me you know the second pretzel that you -- -- -- -- -- -- haven't that it's from Corbin. Hey guys love your show watch it every week you can make it even better. Please stop talking so much about the Droid brown act. You draft included -- ourselves that the phone is at a date -- finally launches and frankly that story does not just by taking up so much your time. Almost 20% in Russia it is not -- -- I agree. Thank you can only took about 3% of today's show only and -- your initiative take up more time -- know I it's a good point. Via I think -- -- we've covered it fairly well that it I think last week we want. Via -- mean that I'll let lane mall is that we have watched that video in the anyway. Yes will probably stop talking about it -- -- as much as animals yet we're not gonna stop talking about a -- keep talking about a but we won't talk about papers -- -- And probably my new favorite -- the crime. -- -- -- anything with -- and -- -- yeah. Also. Take a thirty minute format is better suited for the program more news less internal joke team. Sorry for trying to be funny. Shows good to make it world class. We think I welcome all constructive criticism. But I can't help them you can't have it. Just make less internal jokes and more external -- accident at the McGee's case me chuckling to myself in the corner. There's hardly something to me. Or you know aren't. If you have some jokes that we can use that decree send them to -- House at cnet.com. And -- -- and improve the quality of our our -- if you have constructive criticism liked organ donors also in the interest of the -- account we joke. But we do welcomed we do. If you want to check out more injury stuff you can check out the Android atlas blog at cnet.com slash injury. Dash atlas who did discover this week that you can't notice -- -- -- -- the dash but I you'll be happy to know I've found a bug immediately ask in the that effects. Just for the -- And it'll make you happy. -- -- and stream the show every Wednesday at noon. Pacific time we can join us at cnet.com slash alive again. A few question a comment and email. Send it to Android atlas at cnet.com one word in that case you can also find out all of your injury news that's coming through the site on the Android -- Twitter. Account this twitter.com slash injury atlas you can follow me I'm not -- -- -- and -- -- and you're at -- not real name. That's not her real name. -- a little Lander does have a Twitter account yet but if you have any feedback for him to send attained by analysts at cnet.com. Visit internals are coming there wasn't your account is the the at and relentless. So if you have -- been fatal -- It's an -- -- -- -- yes and in there and -- of -- he's not gonna respond since He has one arm but -- hit -- perfect. But just in the so there are seeing as next week vacant. It's like there are -- go down the risk you -- there. -- -- -- --

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