Ep. 63: Feed your nerdling
Ep. 63: Feed your nerdling

Ep. 63: Feed your nerdling

Okay it's Tuesday October 25 you are experiencing the epic. Crave podcast. And I'm Donald bell I'm Eric Franklin. An epic I'm here. I'm refuted do stuff where -- welcome well epic things like myself. -- me being yet. We should actually do what we -- -- weakness that the men a podcast that's all about how created is that we -- here podcast and so who here. And we're so podcasting right now I wish I could watch a podcast about how created is to be here podcasting and I think we should start making podcasting how accurate it. We already got and several in Canada. Dollars and it can't wait to podcast podcast is particular upon this yeah this is such of these except a character like a walk on character called Stephen -- -- Nokia -- -- -- -- mine every show -- as a month. The united not a doctor how great it is to record and produce the podcast this. Now let's not do that -- -- Instead of pushing the boundary. Breaking new ground whatever metaphor you wanna make let's -- Go right into that you actually done -- -- dead aren't thousand dollars it's nice and safe. Technology. Specifically the kind of wacky crap that actually excites me in a week to -- basis right which is usually the off the radar -- The stuff that's -- I never gonna get built or funded. And the stuff -- has no practical use in your data daylight. That something -- too excited yet that. In the changing Europeans think twice that because the least you get -- -- -- -- billion like -- coffee underpants. And this is like all my god it's there there there I -- again I -- control myself. And yeah I didn't think you like it's actually showed that -- this is a learning experience -- Prescott before. We would have gone into like the -- routing via explanation the joke and it would have seemed a little dirty. I I I jumped right in there like I Euro light volatile. I call up clients earning a joke again and -- all all this is among the panic about fallen already called its called growth. And. -- Can't ever heard Farah Khan and is gonna bring us keep -- The -- -- quantum skateboard. Defy -- gravity. It is the back to the future to. Floating skateboard and yes with very limited scope and range. And exceedingly expensive because -- it requires. The super cooled. Magnate to -- it. Off the ground so not for. Anyone other than the MIT or wherever they from students that that -- developments right yes this is demonstration put on by the University of Paris. At a science fair last week this is a really not a demonstration of how quote these aren't the best -- orders first -- second of all also it's really demonstration of how this kind of super cooled. Like. When attempts -- super conductor magnetism can work. Four need to train system shows some kind of monorail like system for high speed transportation so -- evoking. Back to the future -- in -- You know the tax of this this blog right. Home. That that's kind of misleading. Yeah now completely and the athletic guys hooks in me and made me Olympics and it sure there's another video that it was a viral sensation -- couple weeks ago. To that was about. Quantum -- -- super cooled. Super conductor magnetism and this is one way it was on its mode all those notes that so big that I eight. In him really want -- coverage here in this podcast -- Now we have to sneak into mental talk about -- but this is. This is kind of a big thing right now by people getting into this super conductor magnets that -- super cooled and -- able to. Keep a locked state no matter what position because they're frozen in their. I've in recent locks and have no idea how this works so you meet me explain to me like He says super cool is if I was analyzes quarters as -- it is magnetism. Like super conducted man does and that's only reached when you get it to -- the extremely cold state okay and the amount of -- Interest in united energy -- able to to use is only there when everything so cold that the -- can pass through. Really efficiently and care. -- seeking get these things -- you can spinning. You can have it like it locks they were flat. Floating it's actually locked in a position where I float around -- a sinking fast keyboard demonstration that's pretty amazing. It's this is this little demonstration. -- or what what's what's actually keep -- on the table I don't understand that work. Here's I don't know what's on the table this keep -- on the news metal. -- I am but then the part of this as is kind of -- -- fact that a lot of the super cool states are. Created by using expensive liquid helium to do the cooling. And keeping things cool or long stretch of time yeah. The on the little demonstration of science replied yeah -- -- but. This could be that the future of our floating monorail to future do we want that residents a lot of teachers and says the news. Now you know me I want I want my steam powered television and I don't I -- totally on the Jetsons and in the future. The tech apocalypse. Where everything melts down -- to build stuff up from sticks and. Butter and rubber and the Tron flutter you have. Liked the idea of incorporating -- into -- lifestyle we've got left we know -- -- -- minor league. Devices in the future rate column -- -- -- Or take anything else would inspire even cheese yet these but -- yell at me like is it like I don't want Ottawa floating Flutie on rails and less myself want a real asset. We know what happens when monitor as it is a Simpsons have taught us anything. -- you don't trust -- rails. Also. Call the big one by. -- -- -- It then -- called it home. Didn't know look it's great yeah I inches in the reference I it since it lot of sound effect later -- in which. -- we should be using any sound effects and we have these these for a long time. You could use it right there -- I share this more than it does the security blanket kind -- is here to planet money use the -- wanna get into it at. Like throw the camera of the future. I've heard about this tell me about it -- you were there at the precedent. Yeah all electoral cameras pretty amazing basically. Instead of taking a normal picture. It basically captures all the light information in a scene so when you snap a picture also it supposedly has -- com. Zero shutter lag. So instead of having to focus on -- anything like focus on the foreground background is takes in all the light information all at once and then later. You can go in and and edit the photograph and decide. Which point you want to be focused you -- -- you want the foreground focus of the background focus where you may be of them and make ground focus also. You can -- -- unfocused pictures to FaceBook how people manipulate them as they will. Com -- select -- posted a picture of FaceBook. That that was interactive from the -- -- camera you can go in -- the foreground to refocus or want the background to focus on what -- packages -- every one. It's pretty cool technology. I have an interest in design and some before -- kind of like you know. You know not convince the design is right new dharma army while you yes he's simply let some people I mean I'll -- give me staying -- right now. Our home but you -- commented that is that we designed to acting it's gonna would examine them that. There's really about it but what wets -- But He do you. Experience from the event itself and what what went down and media year. Feel like this is gonna be a product that's been revolutionized. Camera technology or may be is it that kinda. Going to be a let down. It's a pretty for -- houses a lot -- for just something that's just a camera. I feel -- and if they could somehow in the future incorporate this into you know your real camera. As in your phone which is what everyone uses as a camera easier most -- -- days. On then I would. Be more excited by I don't like genitalia -- because the whole being required exactly royalty debt. Notice I don't totally different site it was really -- this is the first. As far as I know like this is the first iteration of this technology being used anywhere going anywhere in a consumer device -- Well in a cheap consumer -- -- -- -- -- say. Other net thing that convinced me that is gonna blow the world away anything -- that its 400 bucks for the eight gigabyte version and I think 500 bucks for the sixteen gigabyte version. There's our own Brian Tong and his -- Actually home on their home. Well but I'm not -- what would get I think is really cool technology at the get it it's. From a technology standpoint it's really. Impressive. I don't know from a market -- point you can convince people that you -- take this picture and -- do more work later you know say is its its that's. The problem so is gonna be in select -- picture of data are uploaded to Twitter right away yet I have that. You gonna have to take his picture taken home put on a PC or Mac whatever and it edit it in to the post was which is really cool but. Email etiquette you'll. -- be amazing for at least one where's Waldo project. Where like every photo He had to figure out what focal plane you need to focus on if -- -- although yes. Other than that I don't know if there is slick and really all -- -- zero shutter lags well you know. Everyone always you know -- of that -- likely you'll miss the moment when that child smiles on your daughter smiles -- the first time or whatever again. You know the -- need for -- -- maybe where I sleep even like that photo right there -- maybe if -- animated image slowly go through a depth of field. And have like -- continuous effect cern where photos were going to focus be focusing -- Of the need to look at the -- He almost. Like what is a 3-D. That there is both get through 3-D component to it where you can actually I'm makes treaty photos as well -- without the use of a second -- is not really three the -- like. This -- at this this -- layers of depth. My guess is that -- -- -- as it needs even more of a gimmick. Like it's a gimmick already -- or even how to life and further I would jumping out -- -- him or me. -- elevation gimmick right they need. Get added to smell captured while this -- deliberate violation of his Hampshire's -- -- is coming at some point amateur but. I still -- and -- I'm still kind of excited about the technology and and I like the idea of not having to really worry about the shot so much. As far as I'll ever was you you glory of this photo or nose is like to take it band and I don't particularly there. -- -- -- No matter what -- handles red tie those -- -- -- -- idea. The fact that I wish that problem keep it -- -- Analysts don't wanna -- separate camera just for shooting and certain ignition feature and racked up in just an incredible. Everything 400 dollars not and -- as ten mining amstel created -- Not really that did not know those on the create lists yes so -- do that and thanks thanks a lot the end you did great debate Iranians I. 400000. Dollars though. I my 404400000. Dollars and mites and 48 -- picking up. Her robot. The PR two robot one of our favorite robot. Championed robots that crave podcast went done this before head like we've we've we're actually we might be the cutting edge podcast -- it. Picking up to picking up device devices that we've that we've done that leasing them to incinerating thing yeah ray. A -- we finally how that worked really well yes. Hurricane a half cut -- Now we've got a and the PRT robot has been program to evaluate. And pick up and dispose of any field's worth evaluate. The -- That's the first thing it does is is 88. If you give -- a given. Steal data speeds to move around in. And -- kind of figures out where all -- the the pod that had been made so you could have fake Cooper today -- it'll actually not pick a group. I'm bouncing if you if you that picky as it is that -- real -- Are held because I like how they really I should say further testing -- be -- That. This could be the answer. He's -- the age old problem. Of picking -- dog that. All are. You know he's picked up though so you're -- -- someone though I mean it says there's gotta -- sound guy out there that has its own much dog poop. Any backyard I mean it like 400000. Dollars incidents steel. To get ideas dog who write them -- -- am sure -- -- -- -- has been asked me to go out and pick it up like twenty years. I -- there'll be a solution soon. That's an affordable solution when I robots will be designed district to do this warming and the man. I'm a human being in need me to go out and pick up that -- worth of that's when we look at it there. Or -- -- real man doesn't mind you know who just that the field on the to -- that -- The move to -- -- smart that's more than even treated just hire someone for less much less in the form it. Thousand holders come in and pick up you know the -- -- anger and that -- -- -- -- I -- an actual practical. Though not an all you can buy this yet. -- him appeared to realize this is a new sensor that has been developed that's a skin like sensor that is. Possibly. -- -- for Android skin. They can actually respond to talk show Baghdad's. -- more importantly the future for prosthetic. Like arm -- that people with prosthetic and connection have a sense of touch restored to there. I like it. Is critical and -- can stretch. It is like super alas the -- -- Brad and all that is integrated manatees actually can respond. To pressure and send differences in capacitance than the wires and in -- which. Where you measure your brain waves -- away a lot and -- never communicate to the human mind but. That's I'm sure that is that one we -- away -- -- This is actually pretty cool and if if nothing else I love his lab coat Allison. This is classic -- I really at the end it nothing else it is and leaving explains in this video like this is what -- majority but data scan the great. Anderson and get them confused here they're now well you -- his post as well as its majority of origin or prosthetic eyes yeah you're right some was trying to poke him in the -- Now He would have He. The -- -- -- would send that that signal to his brain port paid so He would know this. Although hasn't gotten it all. A body -- coming in there and slap in the face. Or to stick them with an out of fingers. -- sharp. And they will. Know what I'm hesitant -- the pre show big at the with lucky -- -- time -- the way that it. And then finally incident along the that a lot of stuff that I want. And on the -- attractive. Feeding your baby just now be done in vintage Star Trek style. We do this there is a -- now from pinky. The makers of all kinds of impractical and dirty. In -- as -- wacky stuff is -- Star Trek enterprise -- with black would not live without flashing LEDs. -- help you know get the attention of your your baby. And name a matching -- that also has flashing LEDs and it. And it will probably. Ship your baby out yet and anything else but if you babies confused enough -- the game you can get that food that's little baby Mac. The goal and and trick that -- your nerd lanes. To eating. From the Star Trek enterprise also. You know get them familiar with Star -- man because He what you really wanna do what the real goal should be is too. No increase the chances that your baby when it goes double never actually have sex -- -- -- that's. That's where this -- -- and a dictionary to lay off fattened up with with food and and -- -- never breed -- This thing they can't even He -- that I don't know what this Star Trek game I've heard about people who are trackers. This is this is actually there is no way this one backfired because. You're not always me feeding your baby things that it lights right most of my experiences training get nineteen eat right food that would otherwise be disgusting even meet share. Anderson associate. Disgusting food with the -- and. Sounds good. Subject. Look pretty babies hurt themselves. On film you should it secure the same as an islet in keeping they -- and they have that -- that that delayed when actually you doing. Yes yes so -- it. -- Pigs can hear the little spoon don't -- room. -- -- -- I. We should take a break she -- from -- And has come back for we should does things that we're not going to. Where we don't know where you need out there and we should do -- telling his presidency right okay that's the squid. Tides raise needle in with -- CNET security minute and today we're talking about fishing that's Phishing with a PH. You know what you do we get an email that looks like it comes from your -- utility company or PayPal or FaceBook. And it tells you to log on to update some important information so you click on the link and everything looks legit so you log on and then bam. You've been -- you've just giving your password and your log on -- credentials to some site that is masquerading as a site that you thought it was. -- prevent this. Rule number one use the brain. The majority of Phishing emails smell fishy mean really they do there's a misspelling or odd punctuation or graphics that a place. And it just looks a little weird so keep that radar up and when something looks a little weird just don't click on that link. Now not all Phishing messages do some look completely legit. But the website that you are clicking on might seem that might be a little bit off you might have a couple of capitalize instead of lower case -- in this kind of -- to see. So. One of the things you want to do when you get an email like this and -- has go to your bank is to go to the bank yourself. Break the thread between the email and the potential Phishing site. By typing in whether it's chased -- commonwealth -- Fargo or BankAmerica or or FaceBook PayPal whatever type it in yourself. You can also sometimes -- few. Drill into the link. In an email that -- it's it'll say like -- dot com but you hover over the link and it says something else entirely do not click that link. Okay look most browsers also like Firefox Chrome and explore now include a color changing. The thing in the menu bar in the navigation bar. That shows you on the site is verified in legit so watch for that especially when you're going to cite that it's highly personal or financial. There are also security suites that will help stepping in and prevents you from going to a site that is known as a fishing destination. Go to download.com -- just search for fishing and you'll see a whole bunch of them there are mostly good utilities. So no matter what your solution you need to pay special attention on Smartphones and tablet computers because if you're like most people you're not using security softer on those devices and furthermore because such a pain in the -- to type anything in by hand you're more likely to click the link in an email. So when your mobile -- on a tablet computer be extra special careful. So in a -- -- just remember this don't blindly click your way over to a financial site ever and don't let your friends or family do it either. If the security question for me email it to how dash to at cnet.com. And until next time. Please stay safe. -- -- If -- think that'll be -- clinics -- to take one of our tablets. -- by the one that we dislike the most and deliberately try to infect it with as many viruses possible. The -- and a fun is rightly say that idea. Obese patients -- useful. I think people of planet interest and an artist something's gonna take commission. The thing about that is that people. Whenever you try to use. Actual viruses to infect something again. People get -- -- on she'd like TV virus out protection community out there. Delta air port and they have live is when you meet -- we've tried that -- years ago. And we -- this feedback like you can't do that can infect a computer with viruses as both -- seeing in the world to do. So we'd probably process them out. There might be worth listening to if you want. Now I'm gonna assign -- a racist apartment like I think he's adding that whole idea. Part -- virus and let's get you the best part of the podcast. -- Levels of it I got -- of it I saw Sarah Palin -- -- I've seen before. Once so you wouldn't have given moment at a piggyback ride she wrote -- -- is though. If she was capable of that piggy piggy back -- that I be all for it but I don't really know ocean -- -- -- news. It about it again I think this is -- -- our imagination. That is -- -- not editing what are we talking about this week aircrack. This week this week this week news. -- we can the -- -- happen. Element you know this it's -- is the annual average annual. Blizzard the company videogame company called blizzard -- do this convention based on around their games and published every year and invite. Certain people or things like 101000 viewers might as tickets -- You really expensive and it's really hard to get them so winzip particular game they do that is you know notable. Really don't know if it is it does -- would work patent should be heard about a mobile -- -- -- Those very. Continued -- SLI the -- warcraft they do -- they do Diablo. -- those -- the big franchises right now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This. Of -- area. Which is and they'll all have their -- -- ends have been feature work at that things as warcraft three. And no it's not -- from content and was out before -- -- -- in the came out. Nice keeping him narrow like sandwich place on independence. I don't think -- -- -- isn't. To say you know no sales places either. Com but the new expansion was announced it is its -- is the -- is gonna feature. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You'll be able to choose quarter -- for the tenure as we reach -- ten but other new stuffs you know while of the while in the degrade and stuff. The biggest -- in my opinion. Is that they are giving away. Diablo 3 for free. We. Have. -- -- You eat something that was -- that -- nine and portable opinion he's now I'm stuck an open -- -- -- -- -- If you get for free if you -- year. He by the yearly pass -- would work that's -- you -- your subscription basically to what -- -- you'll get. Double three. Absolutely free I was critical I think I mean if your article -- -- -- blizzard -- Europe meanwhile tonight in orbit -- -- -- -- You basically getting double B for free that these guys are rolling in money like you don't. They can offer this is it's amazing to me office up. The computer themselves in a little peace with them anymore. So that you actually there's -- -- -- -- others that come with and that pretty much. -- and they they have but they -- -- bundled the same with like game monthly subscription to adult diapers -- -- Vitamin. You don't need adult adult -- diapers we have socks zones today and people who play alone how we'll know exactly what I'm talking now you do this is isn't it references some day it's it's no longer sounding and -- will notice. -- -- A little. They know what an Indianapolis. -- -- I'd explain it to -- the name of it -- that is exactly what happens when you do that anyway keep. And that's that's pretty much the big news come out of this -- com delta blues. Is I think just yesterday was announced that a six minute. Dark -- -- rises. Prologue will be attached to the the beginning of mission possible -- port call in December that movies come -- December mission possible. Direct by Brad -- was really great art director. That's good -- December. And in certain IMAX theaters they're going to be playing a six minute a whole lot -- with a dividend with the Dark Knight they had a six minute prologue. Column in front of some movies and was I Am Legend. And this is good this is coming December but only. In IMAX theaters using. Only the seventy millimeter IMAX -- not the digital I'm exceeded because it simulate some humility -- -- is. Are apparently high resolutions so that's. It'll only be in those not sure of the one it's around here. -- here is and how that's gonna find out where they where they're gonna have that where. There -- seven minute seventy millimeter IMAX theaters in the Bay Area technical -- see that because I wanna see. Six minutes of the Dark Knight rises before you know it comes out Nixon. -- -- -- the digital IMAX experience wasn't good enough yet for their six minute trailer right yes exactly. Not good enough. So is going to be in very few places around the country. But mrs. west are faced as catwoman. Yeah and happily she plays can. Yeah hey you don't you I'd I think we shall see -- about the idea. IRA and then back. I did -- -- then this is actually follow up to last week's Geeknews the we got an email from Michael. Saying that an American version of that minutes misfits show your talks are -- now -- Is actually there him -- make him an American version and that's -- trying to say that there in American version is in the works. That is how. Written by. Gossip Girl neither writer. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I mean I understand why we do if it's that it works in the UK immediate health -- with obvious you know that's because I'm probably most popular example that. So -- it is -- -- they do with it. Them that was great and that's more encouragement for you guys to write guests. I crave at cnet.com. Does this mean you love talking about stuff you -- about. That was the time talk about yet here. I hate it especially if it's about us and stuff that we talked about yeah of course we're gonna talk about yet again you if you if you read -- and say. If you read -- and the focus point of your email is about what we talked about yet. And specialist how entertaining we were when we talked about it a -- not. Corrections necessarily as a college is -- legal Arnold doesn't really understand quantum habitation in opinion superconducting magnets are used if you don't really -- -- -- with well actually. Delete and misuse -- -- make me cry immediately that we yet so don't do that and you can also check out our crave blog -- Which is gonna be great there at the bottom of the screen and events as -- and that is gonna contain all the things. That we'll be talking about next week. And until then the -- amount is Eric Franklin. -- -- --

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