Ep. 60: Get Me An Ice Cream Sandwich Stat!
Ep. 60: Get Me An Ice Cream Sandwich Stat!

Ep. 60: Get Me An Ice Cream Sandwich Stat!

And ice cream sandwich can be rest. Who -- whose -- soon in this weekend's three tablets brawl all that more on this week's edition of Internet as we leave for August 10 2011. The episode number sixty. I'm just a test on and on Goodman what is now -- -- and I am excited about the new. You -- I am aren't -- had a I -- a phone. A photo and a tablet. And what a tablet means. That sounds very deep. It's gonna get to -- it is -- aren't related news and you feel let's do it let's start with that as name. So. We've been hearing about ice cream sandwich which is suited Z. Next major version of the interim operating system which is -- unified every one. Right yes. Unified tablets and phones under one common operating system. Com and it basically his original has just come out towards the end of the year. There are reports from Apple and senator. Saying that. -- aren't Evelyn -- is iphones coming out in. September or October. And boy geniuses recordings that. Is that Google is trying to push the release of -- -- Sam wants to. So it'd be directly at same time or. 3 am to be released that I found five so that people whose contracts are up don't have fleet -- -- -- All know in -- been iPhone five. Yeah I mean its interest seeing. That they are -- to meet a deadline that. Doesn't actually exists to operate the Apple isn't -- this week we all know that -- about every year. But -- -- -- guessing when iPhone five will come out if it will come out. I love this thing is they normally come out in June -- -- right would have come out by now. And M is it just seems a little odd to me because especially because -- in light of stability issues. That. Google is had to deal with in the past with particularly with its latest batch of gingerbread updates where they've had stability issues and there's all sorts of fragmentation issues like to -- this. Palace brings a little bad again. Really regularly take their time get it out and have rights. Because this could be you know. Their last shot for the year you know I mean if the iPhone -- if it comes out it's crap in the -- yen from five to the market with crap in the -- entire year of just. You know being behind the -- again. Yet not paid generally -- is that mean. The question I mean so what do we know about -- payments that was it. Just as they're released in new OS housing gonna compete with iPhone I've as a real question. I mean we know that there's sort of a lot of developers -- and -- -- But for users I mean this story says that will be some facial -- tracking stuff on there. By combining the two -- the of their tablets and there smart phone and their Google TV in their faces into one. Sort of OS. But then the other thing that I'm really interested in is schools sort of push an ice cream sandwich to. And more of device compatibility sort things like explorer external card reader is -- our. I need for a particularly for me the thing that I think isn't a huge area of growth potential for Android is that there isn't actually any sort of in car. Injury integration. Outside of Bluetooth. That's available and iPhone pretty much every single car stereo that's either OEM or aftermarket. IPhone compatible. And so when people are looking at that they wanna buy something that's going to work with the things they have allowed people -- to a lot of music and podcasts and the car. Its -- but it is -- audio you know home docks are exactly the mean that. And my focus -- and He tends to be an. Another point that -- want to make is that just because they release it doesn't mean that there's actually more than. -- phone out there with -- -- so they can release this in October and people are saying that the first phone would be. The Samsung nexus prime evening that just has one phone out of 150. Has this business -- -- at their competitors at all. You know trying to turn this masses. Chip which takes a long time vs Apple. You know. They only -- there's only one path so soon as they released a new phone the old phone does exist anymore and -- only one option out there on the market to. I and that may actually part of their rationale in trying to beat the iPhone to the market in -- and knowing that if we can get. Ice cream sandwich out a month before the iPhone five comes out then. The next month will start seeing. More phones from other manufacturers. You know like it you know that that will come -- flagship phone in the in the next month will be able to flip the market with it and they respond just as -- -- reaches the market. In a -- -- their rationale they understand that there's a little bit of like lead and and that's when it trying to push it -- so they're not too left behind the iPhone. Maybe -- same camera and one month and. Yeah commencing what could work even if maybe they don't release it but if they had sort of a -- eight press demo and October's Zelnick. Hey consumers here of them are awesome features that are -- being here in two months you and this is why you should not buy -- -- today is just wait resist coming out. Says that they -- get the benefit of the press. But they could also get the benefit of waiting and a little extra time to create a stable OS -- so that only target the bad parts. -- brewery -- gonna -- if it's a little bit weird to me. So Motorola -- this poor device. Market or be up every week sales for someone else. And this week the people speeding up -- it will Apple. So you know we talked for Alaska -- -- how Apple assuming to stop sales of -- Samsung tab and successfully got an injunction and Australia. Com and now Apple has filed a complaint with the European Union over the design of the -- zoom. Com. Have a -- and what they specifically object to -- and Motorola -- earlier should have claimed that Apple. Is violating their patents and -- a lot of back and forth there. Added at this point should Motorola does give up on -- -- on off market. You -- by -- -- sued over -- -- worth the pain. -- -- know about that nights -- lit -- the market as easily. But. Hey Adam -- is ingest it and as -- -- -- -- cant Canterbury. And there's really suck for that device. But then it is again like we're talking about it like it has feelings I mean it definitely definitely don't of -- -- But I mean Natalie gets its. Again more of the in every week it's more patent litigation more patent litigation. There was another story generated this week about Apple approvingly over two billion -- over twenty patents. This week one of which is like -- -- -- touch screen. And just like that's gonna cause all kinds of problems. Yet I wanted -- too much. It and we have alluded to it has been out of control patent stuff and known -- -- shows -- talk about this as well there is say interest in -- at its thickest part spent about day or two ago. From Mark Cuban where he's at his blog posts. Outlining how it is it is. Revamp the patent system words does have like get rid of software patents -- -- the process patents. They just you know. They all they do is make lawyers money. Yeah you patent in pulling a lever. It's just -- mean that's not. Not something to react exactly I agree with you know it's a process that how you do something it's not something -- not at this point pending a touch screen. 23 years that the touch screens are you know ubiquitous. Is almost -- it's a little Steve. -- -- One additional note on here they yesterday. As -- Two years ago Apple dot -- an injunction in. TU for all EU countries in -- sale of the Samsung. Tab and one except for the Netherlands. And I love the -- in addition Apple has requested that -- district court in Germany -- Samsung. Really -- really. And prison management yet hilarious. -- salt sampler 101 you're going to jail weighed three and it doesn't hurt her in is that per unit. I don't know I mean it's I don't know an infringement is means like they infringed -- -- or. They also had -- announcement units and now only need ten billion dollars -- well yet. Antenna craziness. It's insane -- out -- and at and really imprisonment. And subject its leg in personal now -- -- -- impersonal. Com. Other hardware news. The -- galaxy. Are. What is announced today which He is it's not currently in the US but it is the first. Galaxy series phone to feature an Nvidia. Tegra two dual core processor. Com. And it features Android 23 -- the -- As other cool features like 1080. GPU -- speak it for games Yahoo! com. As a four point 19 inch. Abuse VGA screen was -- or point two museums and -- -- a problem not likens him. Has super clear LCD and eight gigs of internal memory. So yeah it's available on sweeten. Coming soon did in Europe and Asia -- we don't have any details about the US yet that. Looks the news. Yeah -- a -- I was actually looking at the release. Will click from Nvidia and -- -- that. It's also coming soon to North America Eastern Europe south east and West Asia. Middle East Asia and China so -- mean and maybe eventually you'll see this on -- US carrier or North American carrier released middle East Asia. -- the -- -- aren't technically on -- continent. A com. Anyway yeah Tuesday of -- -- -- lots of alien Begin treatment declining. Continued climbing expects. -- respects for what benefit. I don't know actually -- feel -- I have a rant that -- and I wanna -- on this later in this the greater good story that. Let's disappointed with data that's a good question are so let's talk let's which is little bit here as we talked up to zoom in its problems. And how bummed I would be if it in advance money for -- that and you know. I guess they're like here's a user that's getting sued -- I do care that it doesn't have for -- yet and tips going to get class -- parent. But there is. They were some rumors I guess that the Tribune. Code is. Going the other way in releasing three tablets potentially to their subscribers with long term commitments if you subscribe to. When a -- Tribune company's newspapers. Com. For you know whatever the year two years that you would get this -- based tablet that looks like would be manufactured from Sampson. Com. And it would have -- you know this shot -- Chicago Tribune map or some other newspaper app on there. That would give your subscription everything. It it's interesting I mean it's kind of liked him. And tool. I don't know what this has finally but you wanna get a free tablet. From. Here with subscription. Its interest staying but it depending on. Whether it does something else is my question. Because of the states and you -- tablet. And -- -- of cool little maybe. And it only does this actually care and or it only does you know whatever your local Tribune -- This sounds like it that Tribune apps will -- is being handed out on there it's not if they're gonna have the full entered the market -- -- -- I -- if it if it if it only does that one thing. The no I don't want that. Just like with another device carrier around and -- interest in tablet -- probably. Are you looking at tablet than an interest in -- pro would probably be. More interest in -- -- -- -- in that case. Yet that's a good question will they make that -- available to all you know in the market as well active in there and -- to make money and sell subscriptions. I'm sure that the only reason they're looking at this is the -- vehicle keys and taken a beating. -- want to do whatever they computed. You know -- -- -- that -- -- subsidizing tablets. Is -- yen in its anyway I don't know if it's a good way. -- additives can mean they could good -- ranges sues Erich. If you will give you a free XYZ tablet -- exist that to the -- invent their own. I'm pretty sure they're just gonna you're using them established hardware. I think there's -- -- sampling industry me. What's your cheapest. Hardware that you -- in the pipeline right announcements and news they read this. Then -- just elected deal -- -- announcer they're not. Working closely with -- -- team of engineers to develop a Paper guys know a lot about if they -- and that's probably their problem. Aren't well. We're gonna get -- a little battery life discussion as it on alluded to. After -- quick and breaks stay with us. And we are back now before we left for the break. We alluded to some some battery news but -- this particular better -- it's about -- precious. Fresh history about it. My -- -- I don't know let me -- -- is not your precious anymore. It started to look at other phones and -- when I'm sure everyone is an in the light of the -- the delays upon delays upon delays and less than stellar expects. But this latest spec that we hear. It's pretty amazing. There's a rumor over on. Injury didn't need a hero does is via 800 forums. The -- tester for an alleged tester via. Great -- LA LA it's -- -- phones that out yet -- That everything with a grain of salt but. There they're actually claiming that the the Droid. -- actually He is packing fifteen hours of battery life with moderate use. If steam power this team. -- dual core phone. Most other dual core phones and even a lot of the four G single core phones are struggling to get six hours. From what we hear from allow users so. -- interest seeing that the injury and others are claiming fifteen. By on right now. He -- -- is a little hard to believe -- depend you know what is moderate use means does mean that means you never taken -- -- yet. Will leave anatomy and says this guy turning it off four -- You know -- -- -- -- at a time it also comes on the heels of rumors that the the dramatic would actually ship with two batteries. One standard battery and one extended battery. Been. I don't know -- fifth -- yeah maybe it's -- here's you do the batteries -- mid -- a year -- maybe they'd give you the option to. With a larger battery and -- I don't know how they're gonna -- -- even if there's any. Credence to that rumor. But it seems to me like in an -- -- one of the rumors that. Floating around the lack is that the reason it's been delayed so much is because of battery life Casey's right and maybe this -- Maybe they knew immediately more than solved it in fifteen hours -- how this would be if that's true in your phone -- -- matter. -- round I don't know like it if it's -- they were not seeing a lot of manufacturers quote battery life anymore. Just because use cases vary so loudly I mean even on the same phone for myself week to week. A policy you know up to which -- percent jump in battery life one week and then it'll be back down to nothing for the next week and and this all this -- -- -- is yet. Com so this isn't the only -- has about the by and it that we have this week. Based on FCC filings. We know I think less of it confirmed the four point three and He reached T display from specs posted on the -- sites four point 29. The 4%. Nine repeating. What we got this week in steamy from this -- was that. You know renew its four DOT's zone and that it will probably be CDM -- for voice. But that will also be GSM. And you empty acts world yet so basically with -- that's pretty instinct. I -- it thinks I mean again state if Longley -- not. I'm not houses generators and and that and it's like the spikes at the theaters and reduces the -- It's -- -- to -- all of that is to be 3-D. Eric says that there's -- -- here's one more features through on the pile. Based on the filing is that it has in -- directive charging battery door fraternity without cords. And a special quote cool down feature for keeping your device -- extreme conditions. So I guess if -- -- biscuits -- hot -- cooldown -- -- in the screen. And dead turtles -- -- that. That government -- -- -- and it's gotten really really I've actually had an iPhone do that before. Left -- on the dashboard while I was doing something in in and that in a car in direct sunlight to fete their -- a half an hour and and down when -- -- opponent there was really hot and it lacks the warning message that says a earphones or -- I'm surprised that this is a feature that your -- -- this well. The do it only lets you make emergency phone calls if that happens. -- -- Safety and oh yeah I mean they don't burn your average them and that -- most people care about -- will be infected charging I don't think most people care about. Conducted charging yet I do you really. Oh so cool in the -- it is also is expensive. -- to be have to buy -- -- The -- like seventy bucks well -- ramifications does that forget the map just -- com you know there's -- -- its own thing and that's that's cool. The coolest thing -- someone -- appalled at stone in their car. I'm sure there are very disappointed three weeks later. When they realized nobody uses home who -- them that's your. It's just that I wanna come back to my desk -- constantly. From the at the table and that little -- I will say that. I don't like micro USB connections because they tend to Wear out. That the connection on my first injury was so loose that. Couldn't charge it without a -- But Hamas which to another phone that being said I feel like -- -- -- -- still. I don't know for all but like a handful of people who don't mind spending. You know anywhere between fifteenth and -- bucks for the Matt. It's like it's not useful and I mean I feel like -- why it had that into the price of the phone. When you can just make those people who were -- -- -- -- -- -- box format peaked in bucks for a dork over. I don't know. The I would Israel just for a dock I am really upset that the kernel doesn't have real I'm really upset then -- -- so we're docked to in the -- the thing. Abbott yeah I mean even then -- with the doctor usually. I mean with a dot sometimes you get extra features. And like any steam out of -- only really not the only real the the only -- dot that I really care about. -- -- national -- that's also a little bit of -- waste and the actual way to -- authority animate testament church. And stability induction and into -- surface of death. Like a massive like. I've by five. Citizens aren't dangerous at all. -- -- What's the worst that could happen. -- -- and let's switch gears and talk about tethering. Com it's so. There. A lot of carriers have been cracking down on tethering incident left and right here and this week -- news that Verizon will start blocking customers from. Tethering data through third party apps. -- that are -- you can get if -- ever -- phone. And this is kind of where the story says that anyone attempts to be legally tethered Smartphone won't be redirected to a Verizon needs its tells the users sign up for twenty dollar data -- -- there's an impossible I mean -- thalidomide tethering app. In a tether to the app as it directly to -- web -- even though there's there's an expense doesn't. That anything's off. But yet I really I don't know how they're gonna do that. But -- wouldn't say that it's beyond the realm of believability. Whether it's. I think though that my opinion is lose another is that an -- well. Would you prefer they re read director they do it AT&T does where they just automatically -- charging you for five bucks month. I would rather they let me use my data for what I that's not an option. I mean here's what -- direct you know if if if you're gonna offer unlimited -- And it truly unlimited. You know then maybe you know just to kind of keep things from getting out of control there -- -- -- an argument. For. Doing its skewed system where you know tethering is different because you know you you can -- week we're offering you unlimited data and we just really want a mixture that. Everybody has a good shot -- you know. You know the bandwidth. But when you start capping the data and -- you're gonna charge for -- anyway. And are released to you the point of charging for tethering -- -- -- of of I've said this dozens of times before. But it's like the equivalent of buying. Going to the gas station filling your car up with the -- and that and they telling you but you can't travel on the freeway. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's just I mean it's. I mean yeah I'm not I'm I'm buying then -- -- the connection and if I wanna blow through my Tiki cap in the day. That's my prerogative. -- I agree. If you did have they. Unlimited data connection and -- could probably fill up a -- -- seagate hard drive pretty quickly. We have probably -- I mean out of reach east peace. Well authority with your words He it's there would take awhile. But you could do it sort doctor read as Archos has -- announced an upcoming injury. Make home. 2.2 tablet that we'll have a 250 gig hard drive the will be tweaked. To perform like plaster. Like to tell us how this works. It's a tablet that the vehicle larger and it. That's kind of how it works but so what they've done is they have this 250 gig seagate movement -- 2.5 inch hard drive which is a seven millimeters thick interesting because. Most of most. Will actually every other tablet on the market area that on the -- uses solid state memory. This guy has a rotating hard drive with platters. But it also has flash storage as well -- also in addition and so it optimizes your data and stores the staff He used most frequently on the flash drive. And stores. You're auxiliary. Tank -- -- Erica. Yes so basically. You know the apps and what not. That access the most often in -- and test theoretically the music may be video files to access most often. Will almost be -- in that four gigabytes of flash storage and in other things like it but the bulk of your music collection and all of the you know the bulk of your video collection -- one instrument -- around will sit on that the rotating platter until it's needed. What's interesting here on in the reason that I mean its its a cool sort of uses of technology there but the reason I put this in the lineup is the kinds of a conversation that I had. With in its own share in -- and and a couple of our readers on Twitter. Where it. I guess when necessary and tweet about this this device she basically said hey injury manufacturers we get it. -- specs don't matter and that kind of wanted to revisit. That whole concept of specs not matter I mean I feel like the only reason they're doing this is because they want to be able to say. You've gotta tell over 250 gigabytes of internal storage but does anybody really care. Well I mean I think this could -- -- specific target like for video if you just want to store. Your whole movie collection on there yeah this is the only device that's gonna do it. I guess. That -- of that I mean you know. Maybe even like on a smaller scale outside of this know how we're talking about -- bags don't matter eager to appoint five press the media tegra whatever one point five processors coming down the pipeline. Does anybody care about that. In a world where most people don't even know how much -- power as head of our little community I think the answer is no. You just -- does my phone seem slow. Right there does seem -- -- here's my argument and this kind of graft I feel like specs do matter. Because a lot of times. Specs are directly proportion to the performance. And then also in -- in the entry community Catholic. The loud -- Douglas in -- -- community are geeks. And so we care about we look at these things like how much memory is and there we wanna know. How much of it is in new. Actual memory how much does -- SD memory with we know the difference between storage. And and -- in memory. So it's like. I feel like the loud estimates in the injury community do care about expects -- -- every week we get. Three emails from people saying like oh there's an on the phone on the pipeline has point one more gigahertz of processing power. Should I get the wait for this or should I dispute that -- the phone. -- Every week we talk about specs we spent ten minutes talking about specs. In -- -- -- -- saying people don't care about it it because we as. 800 geeks -- phone geeks or geeks in general influence. Yet let people that's why it matters Catholic we are the influence voters and -- when people. Ask us you know which phone should -- -- A lot of times the first thing I think the average injuries. -- geek. They're mine goes to his own the phone that has you -- -- for dual core. Phone or you don't wanna get that phone doesn't have Wear -- T year. You know eat it -- a lot of spec talk that we -- -- and I think that the difference. That's the kind of one of the court differences between I think the injury community in the Apple community is that you know there's. There's a little bit of talk expects in the Apple community but I mean it's. Not really. The forefront I think of them -- of the ports in profit well because there's only one phone while mean. There is only one phone but I mean even -- I admit I mean it competes in the same marketplace. As Windows Phone 7 and as Android. Yeah well I'm. I think that's where Apple's been successful is that they've moved it away from specimen they don't talk comes about specs. When Steve presents it. It just does this phone do it she needs to do you and that's -- Apple's targeting it's an easy decision to make to -- -- -- -- ray. There's one choice -- -- Erica I get that's. And it seems to work in Toledo goes to your friends to get advice. Automated -- -- -- -- an Android -- okay -- -- on you probably do. And that and in that kind of went on -- well let's face -- -- matter -- yet know what I'm wondering is. Should this be a shift that some -- manufacturers should speak. I'm should sit there eventually get to a point where one of these manufacturers whether it's HTC -- on or Motorola or. The other one that I can announce. Whose name begins resonates. Who -- -- -- it -- -- they get to the point where they Disco RA. Phones for. Powerful enough -- focused on line. And as much as I hate to say -- -- focus on improving the UI but. Let's focus on improving the user in spirit experience is there any way especially considering how. You know a lot of -- users that are kind of custom UI haters. That any manufacturer can differentiate themselves from them from the event that. Dirge of I -- if the lose of that Android handsets without. Basically. Don't expect crazy. -- -- -- -- I think there's too many phones -- sent it over and over again like how many phone like I for a long time like Samsung's method of releasing phones. Frederick hazardous simplify -- but even -- -- diversified and and I know that they're -- -- -- on it for these people on the stones could cities people what is creates such confusion with all the different phones market that it -- care you know each manufacturer could supply it to one or two. The lines you you know has include it would do better with users them. In an -- management's. Let's let's move on strap that we outlaw -- then are we bulls here forever. Man and an before we jump into the panel and open it up to our our users are fined a females. Let us note credence. Which you think about this and which are -- of them because -- you know. We are the vocal majority anybody who's listening to an entry -- after the vote majority in an interest to the new. What -- listeners think. Phyllis jump into for the week but it's -- My app of the week the only app that -- -- yeah that's justice. And it's I guess again for our. Our in Israel's week Leo listeners. Funding that -- may find useful -- that called Andrew piracy. I'm -- it is kind of what it sounds like it's an IRC clients. Four injury found -- have got it reading right here. You may exceed your screen name. One on -- right there and it's basically a free eye injury higher -- clients. It's pretty easy to set up. And it and does what it's -- to do there's also a paid version that doesn't really do particularly much more. Than the free version does let if you kind of want to participate. In the chats. The -- on around the CNET podcasts. And maybe you can't get in front of the computer. And variety you'll too conventional -- torture and cool rapidly. And it -- -- I'm actually like and want to shoot mode now. Seminars -- they have an app of the week that I do you have an apt to. Talk about when we get our first email. See kansans seem 900 -- at cnet.com. And the first one is from Zachary says is there an app that lets you set wallpaper to cycle daily through a user's best -- And this brings me to an -- today will admit I actually have not tried but it's called -- Wallpaper changer. Com. And you can find a Mandarin market and it basically lets you you know choose bunch of wall Paper and cycle them. At a pre defined next time it looks like. In of the diesels like cycle every thirty minutes but it you know -- -- that. How many minutes -- a 36 -- -- like that but math and an -- cycle every day. And -- it's like coal you know Paris plugged in there's actually a couple other ones are as wells and paying what you wanna do. There are some -- hole from your. Your Google Picasa gallery is. It to open the Americans play with them yet that -- -- how well it anywhere -- as good -- -- -- -- -- -- here is they. It's -- citizens constructive criticism forests and that's from today. It has -- -- your first show late last year -- -- almost everything about it and I always catchy -- hopefully you're open to some constructive criticism. Are we know yet. Com I've been noticing in the -- -- are talking about phones coming out specific carriers He spent a vast majority of -- time -- -- favoring. Verizon. Not much T-Mobile phone news here. Very little Sprint's -- news or AT&T knows -- understanding both have -- but not everybody does. And it would be nice to hear more news from other carriers -- a T-Mobile customer in an injury tech geek. I love their choices of stock readable high end phones. On trying to say is it would be nice if you could balance out the carrier news out a bit more to Verizon -- -- sprint and team mobile. Would love to hear back from -- thanks of the great Syria. You know you're not. Attract -- -- -- funny thing is. Mean do we do this but that it's not intentional or I don't even think about -- I just looked at what are the cool phones. That are coming out this week that I just to. Marriage there I'm gonna raise an army of et -- also admitted -- leave them for a couple of almost a month that phones inventory that -- resistance. Usually been looking for it to. We went down about whereas the phones which talked about one phone yet for its Wii is only talk about the -- -- the and if our emails are any indicator we should probably spent all of our time talking about. You vote on how about it and it seems like a lot of our users. Have you know the split -- the evo. But then I guess what this upcoming influx of a galaxy S phones which are actually gonna hit every. Major carrier it looks like it's in clinical diesel -- -- but it which are Gannett hit every major carrier we should actually. Probably start seeing some cool. Flights to -- -- their interest that we're interested in talking about. In the future. And then also you know there in his inaugural -- which is on the eighteenth He and a month. -- -- -- stopped talking and -- Verizon phones and -- who used the creative use here at the market disputes. And it's a huge market. -- eminence in the you know there's so many phones come out. Each week to really just about what's interest in two -- in any given week and we think -- audience interest in but good point. We'll take into account and has a that we can again obsessed with the yen and Kyocera -- Area and like two or three weeks -- talked about with yet. There you go a little sack on Wednesdays and wondered that Apple -- -- let's -- and -- on a fortune as sprint phone -- Yes. -- as of the show -- rooted evo four G -- and they -- -- -- rubio. There do you have a preferred rom that you use I've tried and Al pack and antigen. -- like the -- that are similar teach TC sense they would like the flexibility its antigen -- seven what do you recommend under. Here's the thing about since based roms. They -- usually specific to the phone. Through distant space roms that I would run on under pools are you gonna be different from the -- from. You view -- you're running your evo even though they're -- HTC phones in their hardware similar. So whereas ferret me. Since speaks for -- -- hold I would recommend would be passed on. I don't really know what to recommend on the phone four -- outside of C antigen content the only -- that we would share. That I have. Have any sort of experience when it. It so where should He go to look around for. Let's open it up to our -- are at that is -- a favorite is from forty Xerox it's like a lot of our listeners have four G of the episodes and and we had the last time we had a question about the affords you opened it up to our listeners in the -- extremely helpful so a few favorite -- that's in space for the annual orgy. Send us email. And we will. Get your recommendation to. Andre. Aren't here is my favorite -- finally you know the date. From Dixon don't. Or -- lovely you know have you -- Justin slash and Tom. Thank you maybe. Just three points here number one. I want to thank you for suggesting call blocker and against my question and Internet apps at 57 it does exactly what they need and unlike Gmail I am not associated with -- programs. -- programmers. Number two in the or quotes what's wrong -- rate with you guys department. An episode -- -- -- 59. At sixteen minutes and fifty seconds Anton send. It title -- accidentally tapping in on two or -- to the since most parlors can't spells that might be pretty amazing that -- -- tapping on a browser. That would get them there then they realize Anton must think that all parents have -- that site book marked on their tablet. The top analysts seems reasonable I kick it out there but I'm sorry I'm laughing but it. But if you can best defend -- like putting the lower case letter -- instead of print these analysts like a group of while. Well it just gets worse here at two -- and 23 seconds Justin said I haven't verified this. Justin said there's a vibrator in the 800 watts I think the term is a vibration motor. -- -- so fired on air -- to comets and nearly tripped and fell during my run. Com -- movies and funny show there in an excellent idea back I don't pointless. To me. For some users are at this point -- -- citizens for Steve and final streak since there's been many complaints about some us. Now finally can someone please fix the podcast dot CNET. Dot com pages so says -- house boosting Mandarin I was podcaster there is no link directly to the podcast it goes into -- and requires a lot of scrolling to get to all. Important show notes. Search warrants in attack from does not work when I typed in under an analyst show notes. Keep them coming. Little known fact. I actually -- and -- -- yeah. As well the bug they get that fixed so it's gonna be fixed are awesome -- integrating email -- -- here. All areas constructive criticism coming. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not that good. Are sheer act list this -- -- -- all of -- that aren't. Wallace and you after that it. Oh yeah that's for it was over definitely Canadian if you have emails us -- them to us. At injury analyst at cnet.com. If you want to tune into the show you can islands at cnet.com. Slash slash every Wednesday -- our new time 12 PM Pacific. And you can also find the show notes. And a more integrated news at cnet.com. Slash injury dash atlas actually it was -- podcast -- on the top of that age. And that will have all of our -- there. -- you can also follow us on Twitter I am at it -- Just -- -- at not my real name and the show is -- Android -- So one last public service amounts announcement. Infant's name misspelled a -- TDU -- and management most of the time Moses time. Aren't that's -- we got this week so we'll see you next week Wednesday told -- -- Then you're able.

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Humane's AI Pin: Unboxed and Tested

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Humane's AI Pin: Unboxed and Tested

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