Ep. 1574: Live from CES 2012 with the Vice President of Marketing for Roku
Ep. 1574: Live from CES 2012 with the Vice President of Marketing for Roku

Ep. 1574: Live from CES 2012 with the Vice President of Marketing for Roku

It generates -- 2012. Hybrids all I have Hollywood welcome -- buzz out loud live from CES is episode 15174. Are virtual -- yet. I know you know us as a newly weekly show. Beer and there is now going to be and polygamy and our eyes again easily that it -- -- like. Strickland it would not be. The but -- yet that's not though I doubt we know a lot of viewers inside the show when they open the doors they vomit here. Then they'll come back pay the deductible -- you'll be back after that. Now we're very excited we're doing all that unbelievable amount of live content from -- -- every day we get on -- all the press conferences yesterday means he's been out there at the back active lives not in little monkey. -- -- -- -- Like I do you wanna state during those backpacks shots -- where one of the not one of the pretty much the only. Head of media -- rock in this Mike flag field goal at this is this is three -- OLED screens. Wrapped with the motion video and our logo on it. Because that's how I get back at her all right our buddies from the -- -- group. But the -- with this they say you wanna rock and a -- -- courtside you know cars and so out a lot of people are asking about it that's the it's one of the fun little. -- Baghdad it's you know that. Not only do we get big TVs and MP3 players and phones that sometimes the simple stuff that is also fun. And not giving up by far the most comprehensive coverage here at the end including live streaming average out -- that's likely to -- so. Or evidence added I am very excited we have broken here were asked them about the new -- the -- -- just keeps getting smaller and -- like it was the deck of cards out to Google. That we're gonna bring up on them up on state I have. I have a direct message from Robert Scoble that he made up by the -- today and then of course we're looking at me think that if you're watching live -- ES dot cnet.com. Or at cnet.com -- We'll have it is right at the ethnic lines alive today. -- -- -- The -- the -- today here today to talk about a new product Diaz dropping called -- diesel with the collaboration software so it's really it's they know that the lucrative diesel. Offices -- the from the night. These I don't happen if you can't. You can't go and -- that's -- -- -- you know that every. And -- it started with -- show yesterday we said -- and the biggest. The biggest deal yesterday you know lies with -- Microsoft. -- -- -- -- Mine blast went out at -- -- -- it wasn't like they really shook things up and it wasn't that we weren't really expecting the -- Pretty generously to put -- Our headline of the story. Hint at -- -- was might not be at the that the we're hoping that at least I know they're leaving the upper hand now that they were leaning yes and that it makes perfect sense that it is -- really doing. Windows right they're doing platform they're not doing hardware at the consumer electronics -- -- -- sense but. That's kinda interesting because Garry Shapiro -- bomber yesterday here's here's the president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association and you. -- this. Varying. Pointed little clock and data that -- that you know we're we're expecting Mac to be back anytime I -- I got. I wouldn't be surprised if you see a leader of Microsoft back here sometime very few. Really cool. -- and it bomber react to that pattern -- the entry price. But at the -- I don't even before we came here to see yes you know we -- hoping at least some sort of you know. And they finally odds of a -- viewed from Microsoft but is really again. Microsoft platform with windows IE and windows -- it's all about the vendors that are here. Showing off their hardware using using their OS -- and it's those devices that they release. Will be successful you know we'll talk about it coupled them in our field later but. But that's really. That the question if -- -- going to be able to rise from this but they're really make it on the -- They really -- -- and -- -- doesn't mean windows is their biggest product but are now we love it and you. It is -- but that has picked up when it is their biggest product that either but it's certainly knows they -- tablets. Not just for computers. End bomber made it very clear that witnesses the biggest -- -- happy knowing that they not only kind of a cursory manner about -- Although they did sort of lean on that and make only a little bit about Xbox has to be Xbox that there are other really promising platform and they did announce. One partnership with -- core offerings like apps from Fox News in the mother's Wall Street Journal Q. The Xbox but not anywhere near the content the level content announcements -- -- and. -- at the same time -- because the Xbox really they get all their publicity at. And they're kind of there's a lot of rumblings of what Microsoft going to be doing and that's really their most successful hardware platform -- -- that they've had out there and so it. With rumors coming out of there might be next -- they're not gonna they're not generally push anything from there. Here at CES although some of the success from Microsoft's Xbox is being brought over. To their computers where they say they're gonna be -- -- you know that -- opened up to connect. -- for the windows PC machines get asked for a meal every -- not only actual new death because it acts like is that accurate earth to witness. Well we don't know what it's gonna -- You know it didn't really say -- -- of -- of what the camera look like for the PC right right it'll be different. Will be integrated we don't see at -- up to this point. Any hardware manufactures -- there is a Microsoft Kinect camera scaled down integrated into the slot top immigrated -- this PC camp is just an announcement hey guys. Is the API will we need is the hardware that's -- -- him. Again we need it you need a few more details but that is really -- and it really. Dovetail with a big -- that I'm kind of surprised to see around TVs here you know we were all expecting connected TV in 3-D and four K Italy -- we're seeing all of that up. But we're also seeing. A to -- of announcements around. Voice control and gesture control for television I thought that was at least a year -- out and I am frankly surprised to see that this news. But it's really interesting and that seems to be part of Apple when -- like. We want however -- the parent I think pop. I can tell you from -- -- just earlier this morning I was able to interact with Samsung's. Smart interaction with their voice control with there gestures. When you say it I thought it was the year two way and -- acidity with you on that. Based on what I saw. A you know they're they're they're cool concept but the responsiveness they needed everyone wants to add this human interaction this connect ability. It's gonna take some time. I'm not gonna like it to its fleet of one reason that I would want to use the voice control might even to David Katzmaier inner -- yesterday in a lot like -- -- that. I really think excellent rather just push a button say channel do yeah I got a little bit for about an hour you'll talk about a little more -- -- -- -- -- but. Its -- still got a ways to go. So other out press conference I'm gonna go there every press conference you can find it -- -- the -- dot cnet.com covered ball into the live blog and -- has. Where most of them. And a but that there were a couple of other really interesting and probably that there is it on the live your -- Atlantic yesterday not become out of -- -- -- economically. I have three words but -- president and let's see -- they didn't. Where you excited are you scared by the exciting that is just intimately but -- now I'm getting ahead of myself. Dvd or is it okay that come out with their -- with the press conference and it just it's really -- -- -- -- dragon. It's going on and on non and it's all about 3-D TV. And not passive three TV like they did announce that response yet but they're all about active shutter 3-D TV which is exactly the technology that that -- that you. Something you know maybe get -- attempting unity is -- great but this is nuts and also really -- and then the next thing you know they have one more. The moment. -- An end and airline market and isn't my faith TV. Well okay. Right what is it that he protect -- Well -- and all it is not happening. Like Canada at MySpace I think it doesn't generally the basis but it does supplements made it what exactly am I think people remembered that that he just invested it. -- of money in my days. I guess I have to do something with it -- it was their real. The the thing about the with the announcement we didn't see any content but the idea that they're gonna throw out there or what they're hoping to push -- Is social interactions real time while watching your TV shows now we've seen pilots of this done I do feel like. There is going to be a place -- that with that because currently right now if any -- on the group messaging phenomenon. -- my buddies were real time group messaging the entire game. You know people do want to do that that people do that my brother -- and that we elect a lot like that lately -- -- recently are are very expensive. And so the execution of that there I think there's definitely -- -- at it's not there yet but there's definitely. I think you know them anything when you want to sports game to be able in right now it's her friends or a large pool of flame wars between who's gonna win between the -- to the -- which we know who's gonna win that game. -- But but that's the type stuff right you can either get that down and dirty conversation or -- could be with -- -- I like the idea but again. Is that when you just throw the idea there without any products. Candidacy it. Yeah I like that idea okay but I have a pretty good implementation of that now -- liked -- letter. -- but they need when you're watching it not to mention yeah I think. Well that I think that happen now it doesn't matter if it -- that. It's definitely social networking has revived the idea appointment viewing because he do you wanna watch to the think different so that you can be talking about -- network. I find it matters most useful that what they download though is sitting it out to the little keyboard instead of typing messages to and -- and if Marty -- might not I don't know it's hard to imagine -- the biggest problem I'm not -- MySpace and that. -- and if it's if it's that part right away on MySpace when they said MySpace right people were kind of already laughing in the name MySpace has lost. Any brand equity now it's kind of a joke people I -- the name of MySpace is kind of a joke that now they -- they can get rid of that name and if they implement that functionality to that's a different story. And will are we conditions do. I think if it was just something like we could still use our phones but it would hosted this show chat room that perhaps more so -- that we would be bored you know we're used to. I think you think indefinitely in a meaningful way. It may be just like is that there is that there is that. Desired group I -- -- yeah -- -- TV check names now you know it's definitely something we want to do it at least I think I've now. Man you gotta change the name me years to get it can't be sent that -- -- -- -- them that can't you can't do you like the audience laugh. Apparently our trailer a -- -- when they turn to our -- keeper at the end and Donald bells -- -- maybe can confirm. That -- trailer erupted into hysterical -- not. On. MySpace TV. I know that we're we're -- just you know yes we -- that it doesn't like them yet we're all over the it is -- -- -- and exciting that was exciting. And then the other big reason is where we regret that happened just before the show -- that. My prediction from last year I failed but -- now -- here predicted this this year -- you win. Toshiba is planning to -- their glasses free 3-D TV TV back to you currently. Yes some time at this year's dollars and whatever little predictions than that you know they showed it off out Sunday night. At the show they they were really the first company. To throw out a concept last year at a loss of treating you really had to be this'll be -- but the technology is getting better I don't know -- I'm not gonna be buying one anytime soon but it is going to be on the market -- Any of -- think anybody in -- of those anytime soon unless their stock options -- worth more than we thought -- apparently these TV is the 55 and birthday party for sale. In Germany and in Japan and they cost 101000 dollars because not only are they. Glasses free 3-D TV which is already on its not huge engineering talent there are also four K but sort of a slightly modified version -- -- -- -- -- eight DE. Glasses free 3-D they're showing off to -- that with that you're here. Got taken out we were actually there -- department to about our guns were all turned on and yet -- definitely come on -- I am assuming that you still have this terrible pretty still. -- -- and that viewing angle might still be a problem but. He got it they get added TV like that even the TV picture's gonna be pretty -- Will it look with what we've seen also Sony has their own future technology do you actually have the ability to. Move side to side without -- in -- sweet spot with the spots the 3-D so it's getting there it really it really let's give -- the concept that. They're not gonna be selling any time soon. I can't believe I really truly -- feels like this the biggest disconnect ever TV. Walking through all these manufactured -- especially. Panasonic and Sony and the guys that are still doubling down so happily. On active shutter TV LG made a big deal about the fact that they really think passages where at that and where things are going. Because nobody wants and I -- the market has so clearly demonstrated -- TV sales charts show it. Clear as day that the market is demonstrating that nobody wants to pay a premium -- now for that particular the other you know. Even if you took on tempted to take all right we're take a quick break when we come back roku will be outfitted with -- though I'd tweet us your questions are glad that I don't mark any. Not -- and and more news. -- -- Alright guys welcome back to buzz out loud your ads yes 2012. Volatility would have a special -- from -- to. VP of marketing Chet Snider an eight cyber theft ever appropriate not. We're not felt like snipers drivers now and we're doing so you -- -- that the growth before -- we always get a lot of announcements and products that are coming out. Roku dropped another bomb with their new if you wanna hold it up your new screen -- think that's pretty much the roku in -- stick. It's an exit down a lot more of the player isn't yet and it finally -- -- -- get -- -- -- -- there again via an interface earth scale. Not possible that one of the things that about this noble -- interface going to be on this device that's right one of the challenges though -- You know went up right now that the connection it's easy it is like a -- HDMI port. Correct using -- standard form factor eight in my notice any difference is the State's UI port is enabled by and they -- technology. Is done which allows -- to send control signals and -- the power. So that's how this streaming that can plug in your TV. And not require separate power connector no other -- I know there were a lease up to this point -- -- We're -- that many vendors that have said they will be including that word on their TVs -- 2012. Gather a a lot of major television manufacturers -- party announced its support for NHL. Including and you know. Toshiba and Samsung already have products market. LT just now that range of product and so -- were expecting. Going to become. The ubiquitous the next couple years. In her a lot of people can and future product because unless you have what those relatively new TVs with the having to support them and -- -- my work. That's right and it really is this -- That's right you can use it for a TV that you recently bought for example but when we launch the product our launch partners insignia brand using media television brands -- And insignia. Will have products with the -- port and the product will be. Merchandise -- it be available upon. Now let's talk about we talk about roku and we love it here at CNET we've talked a little too much about it sometimes than what one of the things that you're here for is to -- -- content deals. -- it pulled out the continent or what can you tell us of that. Now well I've loved to tell you and every evening I remarked I mean the man behind him here and my family a few different custom app while. And I can't -- talk about specifics but why can't -- is you know wrote is committed to having an open platform that time. And so we try to be as developer friendly as you possibly can. There's a reason why a lot of major content partners as well as smaller ones he wants people may not heard of you know underwrote -- first because -- really easy to work with. We get our products quickly to market you get their services quickly to market we can support. You know they need to have a premium service -- -- -- -- -- ad supported. We can make -- really for them it's a little bit different if you're trying to work with a very large established companies. Maybe -- maybe have some other. Our office of connected TV is such a huge trend here at the show is that. A threat you know I mean it's sort of you know I definitely -- my new connected TV then I have some of the services. Built in those content really going to be the thing that such as -- Well I think it's a combination of contents and clever hardware solutions would -- anybody's. So you know obviously we have are streaming players. And those are good for basically -- -- that's out there that TV you know whether it's -- primary can view your second second TV TV don't. People hold on TV even if they move them around the house they're going to be there are sixty years and there. Two big investment. For people who want more integrated TV experience that's what those things taken for. And we think we can see enough momentum. Behind the -- feature. That. You know this will be our Smart TV strategy that since this is day and in our minds smarter way to build a parking -- you know that embed. You know the cost and complexity. And and you know snapshot in time the Smart TV -- is and expect that to work for sixty years. Instead you can get one of these things you can plug it into a perfectly good TV from you know any major manufacture. And in a couple of years if you want to upgrade the hardware. It's as simple sloppiness that. This is the future growth and those still to be in hardware -- you guys you know this. App itself you know it is great but is -- something that. You might just -- -- you know how does deals of the route map just lives on -- other TV's you know this is the hardware business -- problem. Reasons you have a hardware business is very profitable for us and and arc projectors an excellent. 2011 was a big year for us. Our sales tripled compared to the previous year. We are now distributed in every major retail outlet. And and you know the trajectory for streaming player market in general is terrific and -- leader in that market. So so hardware it can be good business for -- for a while having said that you know I think it's fair to say that. You know the market is evolving quickly and the good thing is. We're very good hardware of the -- some -- -- software. And services so you know whether or not our business sort of evolved through -- Not as -- and -- him as on hardware in the future. You know that's. That's possible. Let's do -- that YouTube. I think less than -- yeah all. We would love to have you -- to you know -- -- pretty -- -- let them -- it isn't easy I think I haven't -- -- -- And perhaps it later or me if somebody that rhymes -- -- I'm gonna sound. -- you know YouTube is clearly able Maryland used to have me. A version YouTube which wasn't officially things like that lights up right but you know we think that's something at the forward. The big question I got that are actually before I people list -- a spot right now he's now. Love Spotify we just launched in the UK. Today. And -- as they use the service. So. We would be remiss not. And noted. I often -- -- just in terms of the service this kind of connected TV -- general. Streaming is obviously such -- they -- at the TV anytime you see that changing landscape of media overall. -- out well I mean. Obviously we think that streaming is just gonna continue to become. Eventually we think it's gonna become the dominant way people consume. Entertainment via I think that's a big surprise and there's a lot of industry dynamics that are gonna change when that happens -- will enable more. Competition within a given market. It'll enable customers to have a lot more choice and having said that I think. I'm one of the things we always strive for as we try not to turn this into a tech technologies. And -- so you know some people kind of plan out how are remote through really simple and done the UIs very simple. You know all the things are gonna get better and better over time. Though we wanted to continue to have the mindset of having product which is so easy to use that you can drop on your TV -- -- -- a keyboard. Or you know that any sign language you don't have to do. You know -- the right voice. Man to kill right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not to them time to -- adding. That -- -- it out there that night. I I think if we can keep -- -- simple enough and simple enough so that basically anybody feels comfortable. Watching TV this -- would come with their. Thank you much irony so that -- -- not -- plastic. Think I title rate at CES and it'll be available in the mail users from coming in second half that's your work out the exact timing of shortly and it will be launched in conjunction. I think you -- -- pricey. If we haven't fixed pricing yet but it can -- unit that -- -- -- and hands on the. The thing I -- -- they thought they AM we're gonna take a quick -- when it how -- a little more wrap up from CES next news buzz out loud. Live from the -- My back and I love everybody live from -- does well we're here at our stage in the south hall if you have not been hearing your on the show floor. You definitely. -- can visit where the Starbucks. There are pretty if I'm definitely candidates and also this week by it and they out that they absolutely blow from all our LED's and -- giant glowing red. It is not -- stated Beverly matters that I'm completely. On the -- props to our marketing team beautiful -- Love our state. -- actually this the rare shows that are horrible Bryant I have had an opportunity to walk around this joke or even though it's the birthday usually that doesn't -- to. Me. And you've been on. -- that we have the thing. I -- think there's a couple like unexpected trends happening here what is that. 3-D printing. Is featured in the -- I did not becoming at all like that also I walked out -- Louis you know we did that we were able to do a first look with Obama and that's our excuse me with the Q3. Home printer at home -- -- you know 5 X 5 little. -- object that you could turn out but. It's kind of fascinating because I think it's big gadgetry of it all like seeing this thing lay down the plastic row by row and then the models. Are extremely detailed yeah this is not like golf ball like it's that that's anything but train whistle to elegantly -- -- you right. And so -- make robots doing what is well. Up there's there's huge you know there's the urban vinyl Canada at the home craft type community that'll definitely jump on -- on this yeah I'd say -- -- if possible they united around that price when it's -- that I'm -- -- anytime -- but. Clearly it seems -- it's been capturing people's imaginations. Because we've never been able to do this and I hope from a consumer level. Actually certainly it's not for everyone I would have a hard time coming -- these important that there's a pretty amazing to -- a printer at your house print out an iPhone case. Yeah it's really it's as it -- a flashy demo. What it is. You know I've also you know we've talked about for the -- about all about the connected TVs -- -- -- -- there's others well -- doubles as -- you know even so I clearly US but Lenovo. Throughout kind of an amazing TV that'll be a police that China will be based on ice cream sandwich I got to play with it last night at digital experience and I thought. You know unfortunately it won't become in the US yet they're gonna roll it out in China first and see how the -- -- it's -- the Lenovo idea TV we have the video up on that. CNET TV but I thought. I don't all the TVs. You have like a touch -- -- -- uses that -- also could be used to play games like they pretty much how to rip off of Wii tennis built into the TV -- that interface. That's the sleek you live and all the -- and features. It it was it was good you'll see a lot of facial recognition with these TVs with cameras there's really user profiles. In addition a gesture stuff I'm sorry but now they yes exactly yet treating user profile that scan your face identifier face no your settings -- -- apps. That I I have I didn't expect to see face -- implemented TVs at this yes I edit any items that -- -- As -- but the -- -- that gesture recognition over all I am but I have the -- About the -- for putting cameras -- TV's I think that's fantastic like a great way to Skype. I always want Skype but apparently my son and to be able to do that on the TV that's probably the only way to actually get to hold his detention. About acknowledgment I don't -- -- -- updated it to the ground on. Now as my prediction two years under a year too early you know you had to be -- prediction you're generally -- mind. So. Not air the Lenovo actually getting -- but it is exempt because -- also -- but that's happened they did this one either time. I wanna pay it but -- house has -- Lenovo -- got. Gilbert on the laptop the yoga. The -- laptop it allows it if you flip. Rotate on its needs a complete 360 degrees to they have like four or differing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- you have -- both sides laptop at an angle like a sense I don't know why but I like it. I don't do you. Are anything -- we've seen before or give them the good news that HP was that the Specter. Yeah C and B -- means. Now if you wanna talk about taking designed to -- whole new level. Gorilla glass -- -- -- is they've made their name out -- -- on you know the iphone's screen but now gorilla glass on the second generation of that material. And HP is Cody. The outside. Of one of their -- the Specter completely with gorilla glass. Now probably if you drop it -- shatter. But if you don't drop it it will get scratched but it looks amazing -- -- think it looks you -- that we we get lured in by the look. I really wanted to they're here Corning is here with a gorilla glass to display and I am getting an antibiotic -- hoping that their apps thing. This that it TV -- -- but if it's going to be dinners I'm gonna -- them. Let's bring it -- and I think -- yesterday there were some other announcements obviously. Few of the bigger press conferences Samsung stands at a killer -- and we definitely think that they're gonna have it needs when he well I can't believe how much that they added to pack into technical press conference. Considering that they do phones -- appliances. Phones computers appliances oh yeah I know TV is obviously one of the thing I -- -- the super element and does regular let's. -- -- the thing I like about -- those. They they sometimes like -- -- like to throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks that they do so many different things. Like they're they're releasing a seven point seven inch tablet now we know about it and we know -- a seven. Maybe seven points that it is the holy Grail I -- And I can't -- I think definitely didn't get to the millimeter with a specific and I -- The the big -- factor for me I mean. Really I just not -- quality this morning it is absolutely. It's -- it's ridiculous it's ridiculous but got together you have to go past the galaxy note. Which is there I am -- -- -- -- experience that I'm doing three ends baby tablet and stylus that you. I don't know maybe it was just -- vanity project for him here if you're able you know they're they're they're bringing the south back. They're really trying to promote it is like for digital artists -- for a -- now moves like. It's weird it is. Earlier than -- donated pennies and -- it's amazing to me in matter array of -- Credible Samsung's -- that this series nine -- did I tried not executives in all the other third of the galaxy but then Blake. And I are okay we don't -- get on an intranet that they're they're serious about industrial design -- finally. How many years of -- that on the stage and begged for a lifetime my cameras and asked the question -- my fist pounding. -- my camera is the only dumb device left in my pocket. Over and over reacting and finally -- -- rolled out. Actual Wi-Fi connected cameras they talk to your other Samsung devices they -- -- is basically their version of iCloud. If you take a photo cameras automatically loaded to your computer you know. You know and it's part of your -- and they're really they're creating an Apple like because -- an -- we're gonna have. Tim Tim Baxter their president of consumer and enterprise that it percent -- America. On our stage -- next big thing later today. Talking about opposite Google's Eric Schmidt talking about that a few ways to approach that ecosystem thing it's gonna be and I feel like we can have a better. Death because that was what they were. All about -- and on the show floor you can feeling it's all about because -- -- -- products. By apps from -- -- now be locked in use our hardware you didn't he locked -- -- But that better let's say it like it is that it be locked in the opposite let you know if it permanently locked in any immediately -- want to be accompanied also makes refrigerator. The -- and that I'm sorry the year this -- the year of Smart appliances. It was the last I think your sort of like last year music creeping in and you guys think -- -- -- -- -- -- -- yet. And everybody can see how often they -- and that LG that. Closet -- -- we don't even know what that is -- them and Steve dynamics and smelled good I will have happened and this year. What would have it's that thing went -- to get that that new car. Canada and all you can get just the plot not ready now commenting about the pilots do a little bitty gadget news really quickly before we get throughout the state. Motorola did announcements here they have the Droid act which is there -- and hopefully their long battery life on the Hamilton. Got a great -- found that they all crappy battery life yet it. You know with the clergy it's gonna -- a lot of the orgy phones are getting this. Crushed by battery life but the good thing about this one is that it's still -- retain its -- -- factor yeah it's like the RAZR and it is still pretty but they say that it -- knives on battery life. It will be though one a 299 dollar non. Running 2.3 gingerbread out of the box. Everybody -- the New England that are going to upgrade to eyes examined which ansari. This just -- there is my problem and -- might get it done. So we've put out phones that didn't prevent them and there was an article about it the uptake so far her eyes and damages but that it's only two found. -- -- -- -- this study -- -- LA -- -- I think also for those who want the keyboard it rankled an equipment. The Droid or announced the greatest -- it's lighter yet this -- actually get people RT. I couldn't believe that the directory was not Ortiz though is the -- floor will be. And then LG announced yesterday as part of their -- press conference they're getting higher and our buildings causing her. And it cheaply it'll take you all the stuff you know entry level and they announced the spectrum though that is going to be a quirky app of the sixteen megapixel camera. Also -- think it is. Out of a 109 that's not happening. But up outlet will also be upgrade able to -- -- -- either first or really high end. -- So you know you guys been hanging out with a buzz -- also continuing through the entire week we'll have plenty of coverage doubles that to continue to do some. Live hits from the show floor and see what's going on there will will be heading out to LG LDS and actually really it's Steve's stuff is here. A lot of innovations they've actually treated their only camera. Like at their own connect camera that's compatible with STV for you to then purchase. Apps and games and use with their -- motion camera that they're taking cues from Sony where you can. Take a television set both have 3-D glasses again these are passive glasses and play a multiplayer game. With two people on the same TV -- different image. Pleasantly with the greatest -- The LG LT a lot of cool stuff on another click that interprets the is that they get aspect. Also I believe there -- Or its TV app is the largest one on display here at CES at least from a consumer's standpoint that Allen is exits or Kate greedy and eighty cards if you go -- you gotta -- being ridiculous it always gets bigger what -- we get it are we gonna -- the hundred mark next year. Property -- you know if anybody's gonna -- -- it's aren't really. Target -- -- our biggest event press conference and they spent 45 minutes -- -- -- you know what we're gonna make a guest TV that -- really important boom and to connect the Internet. And I would like it. Good idea. I'm not gonna be able to violent but okay. I -- that but I'll -- and you you can email us that buzz at cnet.com we definitely tried it pulls them out now but we will be taken without listening obviously but definitely Tennessee question suggested death will be back to. Morrow. At the same time 10 AM Pacific time speaking Friday. At 11 AM Pacific time zone the last day of the show the TV and it can grant that could -- tired but I'm. Morning and have -- -- -- --

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