Ep. 1558: Dish and Blockbuster: meh?
Ep. 1558: Dish and Blockbuster: meh?

Ep. 1558: Dish and Blockbuster: meh?

From the top of the CBS interactive building in sunny San Francisco today it's Friday September 23 2011 my -- -- -- -- I am Brian Tong and I am Molly Wood and welcome. -- -- -- the new -- And how old are you. I -- is editor of the building we are paying mr. finally added and beautiful any damages and beautiful day it is episode 1550 states it is that. The last of additional. Daily episode. Of buzz out loud however. He can just in case you missed yesterday yesterday's live stream and you've been wondering where the podcast is -- preempted our entire time slot. And so because we feel so guilty about that happening on our last week -- daily shows we are bringing you a -- -- On Monday. Now we'll be -- bit basically and we are -- on -- and I think take amber now it's our buzz out loud bonus make up Monday's show and say that buzz out -- bonus make nomination -- adapt that the Internet. That's pretty good. -- -- Monday -- so that's coming Monday. We will be streaming -- at 10 AM live Pacific time you might wanna join -- and -- that -- and amp sonic at times Bada in the meantime. Let's just do what we do. Get the -- who -- -- -- an idea all right so today. DISH Network and blockbuster. Announced their partnership -- now where did acquire blockbuster. -- about a year ago somewhere around there. I believe there's about a year ago where they made the acquisition blockbuster was. Down -- -- but they -- now announced their new service in partnership where blockbuster will exist. On DISH Network boxes and this is a blockbuster service. Conference of the not only the streaming aspect which we've kind of been expecting blockbuster would finally have a streaming service on a mainstream device they -- have their on demand service on things like -- though. Some television sets but this would be on DISH Network boxes specifically. In addition they rolled out a plan that would combine both streaming and physical -- so what they've talked about new releases on Blu-ray now one of the most compelling things about blockbuster service. Over Netflix is not only is that you do you're not technically pain additional -- -- for Blu-ray. But you're -- the -- 28 days before Netflix right and to mean we don't know the price of the new planets called the blockbuster movie. -- yet and it was literally just announce the minutes before the show. And it will be a subscription bundle with dish service now we've so far that is all they talked about one of the things people were waiting to see was whether they would roll out something for non dish customers. Because it still is a relatively small market. If it's just British customers right now though what they're talking about is a bundle for dish subscribers. That would include. Dvd delivery service. Streaming and also game deliveries are -- so this. Would be like their current service specific to now the DISH Network boxes. But also combining the physical and streaming together via -- library still has a little bit of catching up to do though needs a little they have currently they announced they'll be launching. With more than 100000 movies. And TV shows that's combined -- that'll be available by mail there'll be no extra charge from Blu-ray there's more than 3000. -- more than three -- -- -- -- game -- -- that'll be available. And those can be streamed by the -- that's like more metric esteem or an online streaming -- out they said yeah stream them yeah honestly just cool. 4000 streaming titles. TV movie titles available to your computer now by comparison. That Netflix streaming library which every complaint about -- all the time has 20000 titles. And Amazon even -- recommend -- and has 9000 so they definitely seem to have a small streaming library now. Quality might make up for quantity in some ways but it conflict and -- -- ago. Yeah one of the the thing is that they're still holding to pad their I guess the main features that make them attractive right now but the rolling of the somewhere stream more mainstream. What'll be interesting more than anything else to see if they can get any ground because people are set of pressure with Netflix from the -- -- -- if this 28 day window that they've created and they've had these deals in place with the movie studios. If they can use that -- New releases twenty days. Before Netflix as well as right now -- -- it's stuck to the physical discs you have but if they can somehow implement that advantage to -- mean. Without -- give them a kind of -- demand for new content which is something that we've been begging -- On the Netflix -- yeah I mean I would say though it doesn't look so -- it managed to cut. Good deals going into this whole and not I mean I have to say the more -- look at this the more I realized like big. There are 3000. Movie is available for streaming. But -- -- TV but 4000 titles available to stream to your computer OK Maggie -- just said in -- the live blog that having a -- menus -- comes to that I I also think having an additional thousand titles available for streaming to the PC. Instead of the TV is lame. And I gotta agree with Alex so far this is definitely not sounding like a super strong threat to Netflix especially. If it doesn't if it's not cross device they haven't talked about hardware compatibility yet if it's something that's only available via the dish box. You know it it sounds like it'll be a nice add on for dish subscribers. Probably not the Netflix killer. There's up to this point there service on any other devices only been for on demand rentals range of movies and TV shows that's as far as it extended. So -- it is like you said specific to the DISH Network box that you get -- -- -- and physical dvd plan. And still we have not seen a price and again we just got out of the -- keynote midway so. I'm -- had that is a little more limited when -- only time a DISH Network boxes. And now they're saying they're put they have put up a chart I guess that where they're trying to show -- titles in comparison to. The competition. One of their commentators in the limelight -- besides the stars -- -- -- the stars deal in which Netflix -- the moment doesn't have. But other than that they say it's the same type of stuff as Netflix at least according to one income one of the commentators -- -- 3000 miles to Graceland. -- enough you guys wanna talk about late kind of a quick price breakdown of where they might need to at least ball. To be semi competitive we know that Netflix is 799 a month per discs and 799 a month for streaming so -- -- about -- close to sixteen dollars. Now right now with Blockbuster's current -- plan and -- at 999 a month. But then the trick is that they haven't offered an actual streaming plan it's only been on demand and let's just say -- blockbuster. If you rented two movies or stream to movies that are about a -- pretty much 399 per movie. You're getting to somewhere close to eighteen dollars just for a disk based plan and two movie streaming -- they're gonna need to. Lower the price of -- do you have did they just drop it. They did ask your idols go I know -- that they -- just now talking about pricing they say. That it for existing dish subscribers this streaming and delivery package will add ten dollars a month. So it's -- it's included for one year with there including. The -- included for one year with the DISH Network America's top 200 package which is forty dollars a month. But so no offering for nonsubscribers -- -- a forty dollar a month package will include this bundle or ten -- a year. Or if you just wanna add a bundle to whatever you currently have its ten dollars a month. Instilled that really I was that's not to -- that's not bad if you're just subscriber yeah I'm answering a British media outlet other than that it's gonna still -- -- audience might have been. Now let the chat -- is there that they comment -- on the -- like you're saying is let as a standalone package for -- Tony bugs along with more streaming -- and then Netflix. This to be a super enticing offer but as an add on to another package satellite or cable. It's possibly in -- and now is one of that I mean. I don't sound so negative because of I had dish. -- -- -- -- right -- in Africa for sure -- ten bucks a month. I can get this the school package in and they have one thing we didn't mentions -- there's a limited in store returns for any of your dvds -- -- used up a blockbuster store in your neighborhood and others -- -- -- Actually hard to find but -- there are some around there's like only to -- M Cisco seriously and if you -- -- -- you can dislike Rolla. Giving dvd like you can do it all -- -- yet forty media today few grams a day and you know if -- game it includes that it'll be. The thing about also the services OK so they're not offering anything. Any deal worse package outside of the DISH Network box -- and one of the obstacles that Blockbuster's had is actually getting their software on mainstream devices meaning. Roku. Apple TV's. More than just pretty much feels like just a Tivo box and some Android phones -- so. That's a that's another that's another barrier for people it's not a -- on a platform that is everywhere. Yeah and that I would I would say they would. -- -- It's a good add on for like we just had to get -- -- for the dish subscribers but like someone just -- and and the blog. If they don't offer it and on to subscribers they're -- on -- a lot of momentum that we can -- and -- the CEO who stood up. Said. Which we want to capitalize on the weaknesses of our opponents object currently does very game and then and I -- -- -- -- But it's really -- that well if you're night you don't take it -- I mean that's always the problem and one service provider. By -- other service provider like this could be something. Bread goes to computers that could go to potentially everybody in the world and -- -- -- -- subscribers and -- -- you know totally or defer some men overall -- -- death so that it not the announcement as ranked as we had no I mean it's still going on but that's what we know so far and we'll keep it up -- we'll keep our eye on it as we go through the rest of the news. Yes now someone in the -- -- actually does that Amazon is holding a press conference on September 28 28. -- next week which is next week and that's kind of funny because. We have this article today in a line of about how. Is speculating very speculative very -- area speculative what's the of that -- -- -- still are really interesting there's at least one there's one analysts. -- you know take all this all you need one analyst though is floating the idea that possibly this is the time for Amazon and -- net. -- -- -- -- -- -- and I know but okay. May be. It's it's sounds crazy but -- the cable it will talk about what they're. What the you know he's possibly -- so this is Michael pact actually his name sounds really does is typically a video game. Analyst honestly so let's just put that there and I mean it can't have a good idea this. Either way He talked about how -- Netflix. -- -- means specifically an out right you know splitting the dvd business and the streaming business. Amazon it would make sense for Amazon to acquire. Netflix -- their streaming does this. -- perfect because -- He right. So they so Amazon in the view of this analyst has always wanted to be the streaming business has been constrained from buying up sixty tax considerations because of the physical goods. So the split up. Addresses that state sales -- issue. And then if Amazon were to acquire only Netflix is streaming business it could triple the size of its content library and in its kind of traction as an industry leaders appear assuming also that Amazon's -- put out a tablet and that that may or may not be what they announced on September 28 and that they're creating a whole ecosystem of device and content which they've been working toward all this time. If they can acquire Netflix with. Streaming business out right they don't have to make their own DRD habit in place and it's still the better library than anybody else has even though it's crappy and then like. Why would Netflix sold Amazon. I'm just trying to think up from their side via what will would be the motivation for -- cases be like take -- because He. And also has saved us He wants money and also -- the money. I mean easily -- is tired you know look -- it also could be a hostile take. Netflix is shareholders are now are they're all like Amazon could come in and as they were -- and shareholders -- like yes please. I'm sure -- cases like I'm tired of dealing with these movie studios. That are handcuffing us and I did all the flack. From consumers gonna wanna do this anymore and I can get a little bit of a premium on -- which is like tank game right now it -- -- there was yeah right like. Sometimes there's only one -- you need. Yeah Basilan a planet and I spent my sniff test and a I'm not buying right now all I'm totally -- -- -- yes. As an -- and it smells like baking bread and dollars of -- it. All right -- mostly wealthy September 28 is a date that that Netflix is those -- acquired by Amazon now that the target. That it has started out there that says that I mean -- -- -- -- -- exactly job picking them but the lane and and an ability do we do do do it do. Also in big news we had talked about how it just a couple days ago. But -- He was mulling about how steam Leo all -- -- Well it's official it -- yesterday where Leo Parker stepped down as president Chief Executive Officer and director. And overall the you know guy who drove the company down to the ground can now railing and -- executive chairman and Meg Whitman. The name that was being floated around everywhere will now step in as HP's Chief Executive Officer -- why. Yeah this was former EA -- case CEO the new president CO Hewlett-Packard yup they women now the most I guess you could say. The big is the most powerful woman. -- -- there's really only in that kind of what some ingeniously referred -- -- -- -- yesterday as that professional CEO level like there's those you know there's those CEOs -- -- they go around DC EO here and there any other place there's basically only three women. And those three women are -- -- had been kind of nowhere after Carol Bartz disaster area is so Meg Whitman. Back obviously Meg Whitman also failed gubernatorial candidate. Yeah here in California. -- and word is that she's been sort of shopping around for -- CEO opportunity I can assume that HP's board. Is looking for a big name like somebody who may be will bring some positive buzz. To the company I mean I read yesterday like. Paid dear HP board tiny possibility that maybe your part of the problem yeah -- they have. I read this yesterday and -- in my mind this is -- eight CEO since 1999. -- at eight CEOs in eleven years and two. In the last year. And analysts crazy about tennis some of the behind the scenes they came out from how other board has been behaving in acting as there's a lot of animosity a lot of distrust between board members. Even when -- pop occurred during the interview process was -- you know was brought in as a proposed. CEO. Some of the board members refused to interviewed him right -- refuse to even talk to him because there were so much distress and you know a lot of animosity between the board members that they pretty much -- each other's guts. From a some of the -- been from the Mark Hurd situation right and that what had happened there. So now so you tell me how it's about half of the board did not even interview Leo popular probably including Meg Whitman who was on their board. I think and I didn't know that. -- so then the wonderful -- -- -- elite a -- -- guild went out now -- Jeremy HP makes rim looked like they got it can call. I think they're cozy up things for -- -- this dancing thing this will be to see is if make women who's really known for you know her eBay experience more of a consumer side is going to be able to transition. And it redirect -- because. Let's be honest it's not like she's an expert in the corporate software business. You know a business -- that's not where she's going so I don't know if she'll. It would -- it be funny bit sad at the same time the message to consumers if -- -- say you know we need to go back so our roots we need to come back to the consumer. Yeah and it would be you know it via an entire. In a 180. Yeah -- where they just left eleven months ago in all right. I -- it's not actually she is likely to stay the course at least that's in the initial message embrace. Software and -- at the business -- it's really hard to turn that all around two nodes I don't know if they're actually going to -- -- outlet -- great planet out which is that government -- HP's biggest -- and that answer -- that she's very connected and new government -- -- -- keep those contracts and place it may be that they're just hoping for pure profit. From that from those contracts be really solid but I mean the the I would imagine. That they're looking for her to her to continue and stay on the path to some extent because her biggest weakness apparently. That in her lab the latter half of her interment eBay is that she's not that innovative. That she doesn't have a problem with vision she's more of a manager managing CEO -- nay idea CEO -- And it sounds -- -- -- very good CEO -- good manager like she really steered eBay through kind of the dot com. Bubble bust and all of that but that she doesn't have like a lot of new ideas. It also been seen -- C Howell -- -- I don't wanna -- passionate or how. Energetic she is about this new position. Because. In just some numbers like -- -- to let up his sixteen is when she was running for governor right she broke the record button for spending. For -- -- national candidate she she what she had a 140 million dollars of endless mostly at our own money somewhere around of 120 million that was their own money. So if she has the fire in the belly. Hopefully. You know she shall push for hard enough with HP but. That it'll be -- in -- -- like. Diet I don't it would be say it would be really -- Awkward and scary to see them say we're coming -- consumer products and they just buried themselves from that. From that area for. And supposedly laid off 500 people and yet mean act like that's the they're they're they're they're iMac and Mac and that printers. Presume -- partners and government laptops fifth. And stability. That the -- performing stability. Will they needed to talk to the board for a -- -- -- dividends when compared to. As all London I had a couple other stories before we go into the break. Modify. Will no longer be invite only the here with -- that that it is about to give someone spotted by inviting and make it really special Dell and for special -- Bellic is especially anyone in violent inmates and then now they open it up to -- There will no longer be invite only in the US and the service will have no limitations essentially will be free. For the unpaid users for six months actually so you'll get like all the premium features. Three for six months at which thanks a lot by the way thanks a lot thanks for the people that jump general and had to pay -- -- Dane right away. We gotta do it because you -- me sixty dollars I think I pay I -- -- And I get a free service I mean -- Are you Sonoma mobile phone on the stop -- and now someone gets six -- of that pre and I don't equal to -- early adopters tasks. Other reports suggest that come and we are -- always professional to the end. According to -- the time a deep. And defects has shown up in some of the iPhone five touch panels -- -- -- intact. That may affect the ability -- really wouldn't be an Apple logic Apple -- problems. May affect its ability to meet initial shipment target for the launch which is expected in October this is this of the powerful -- -- the problem with Apple. Being so secretive is -- we have to hear about stories like this. There is a bubble in the manufacturing of the screen that might delay a few shipments but really the via okay that's the story. I hate to. That was the iPhone -- -- just what is coming. -- and how badly going to be. I'm well how long in the lines going to be. I need to know because it's slightly possible that I am among the 31%. Of Android users if we're -- -- Told the UBS three -- that they are contemplating. A switched. To -- 31% guys that's a pretty chunky -- -- gate number and then the this also falls on the heels. Of another survey that UBS research did that said talking about -- loyalty and the stickiness of -- Apple users 89%. Of current Apple users -- on -- Apple handset. Plan to upgrade to another Apple handset. The next nearest hardware that had any type of loyalty retention was HT CF 39%. So you're seeing a lot of Apple users they're gonna -- -- there. You have Android users 31% of users that are planning to jump ship and then we had that other survey where something like around 66% of people. Planned to upgrade to the iPhone sight unseen -- Something that tends to add -- to a good amount of demand -- what what do you think Adam. -- -- About this survey out later admitted that -- -- securities Davis is the stickiest on out there its retention rates are 89%. People hang wanted to do anything. And it was literally the birds that I was and -- at the independent. Really. I love as -- -- -- starts accurate it peoples and Elena tie in there's a reason why we're doing a weekly sedan. I'll -- -- Angeles she says and -- to still pay attention to what price it does though I did hear you talk that -- sees the and that that is. Anecdotally. I will say that the people the Android fans who are the most loyal are the ones who are using HTC fountains and that makes a lot of sense that if anybody is can stick with Mandarin. It's gonna be HTC users and not the Motorola idiots -- You wanna get you wanna hear -- arguing -- depressing news for rim so they said based on the survey. Eighteen months ago 62% of people would keep a rim phone it is now dropped to 32 person oval -- -- split in half. -- foul language. -- 33% ansari and up to 33 outlet. For a fact checkers and a chat room that like to make -- -- packed -- and other right now. And herbs like disgusted with me. But -- are -- -- -- take a break when we come back we'll. Some pretty amazing science news. And then we will devote the entire rest of the show to your heart broken Wales. And sometimes literally but it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and I -- I know who that is. That is just science aside brother Jared remember that -- Early exit and its -- That in a long time ago you city and is like he's like oh my daughter my kids back council needs to Israel has yet -- on medium. So. When you're done last when you're done last week. I recognized was has been sort of packaging -- something Mike and I said. -- Jared Wright and and He wrote -- email seem like that's weird because my brother's name mister but I'm just suck it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Six we -- it -- outstanding aren't so yesterday geysers -- you know we can have a show because something kind of preempted a society. Maybe -- heard. Maybe you can edit maybe you heard it for Q hours. Anyway. They announced in a nutshell got -- quickly and ensure that you had plenty of time to absorb ideas has -- maybe even try -- out a little -- The main things that they announced -- timeline. Which is the -- like dear diary view of your profile where it's it it will decide for you what's important. And it you know it -- a lot more visual Lamar boxes one thing -- -- clipboard yep -- and a -- port of your life -- your life and you can see what happens every year to someone. We talked about -- how was like you know it -- -- you'll really be able to know about tell about someone is if the now you have your profile picture than -- larger picture that tells who you are and I said if you use your profile picture and a picture of yourself. Then you're really -- yourself. Well every person I've seen that has done the timeline little -- -- activate -- -- -- now you go look. Not you but everyone else has used a larger picture of themselves themselves. The patent adds that cover picture is really weird -- -- that timeline. Has not rolled out to every -- into this posts a hack on CNET that will let you enable it right now by basically setting up a developer know it probably you're building a little as everyone has a -- developer app. Our account with their face but that's go to cnet.com and you -- that's -- that's like for those are watching the -- -- But yet so it's it's much more visual it's very much if you've ever used -- clip -- up for for iPad it's basically a magazine like presentation of your profile but it. It has this timeline. On the right side next to the kind of cover picture. That lets you click to. Easily click to the paso all of the things that you've previously posted which for archiving purposes is actually very cool. They also announced open graph -- is the scary part. Yet time is just Kennedy currently -- -- -- for users that's cool it's pretty. But the open graph thing is. It's a new application development platform where in the it will make it easier for app developers to build FaceBook apps that -- report what you're doing -- easier information collection -- the you don't necessarily have to. Posts that you're listening to a spot advice on. -- is that when you are using the -- but -- by app it will show up on FaceBook that you're listening to -- on many friends can click on that's on enlistment attempt. Yet this -- open graph thing is -- -- and -- It is kind of cool but at the same time it's scary because what it does is the developer has the choice to choose at what point or what actions you use in the app. It will post those actions to FaceBook now FaceBook likes to describe it as. You know this APR this utility that allows people to express their light -- activity -- But what that also means when you -- -- is some of the minutia of the granular things you do every day might be posted. You know navigating X -- He -- this looking at this doing this and it'll show up in that ticker which is -- -- activity yesterday -- -- -- a little crazy. They did a little bit of explaining what happened with the insane redesign that made everybody go crazy and one of those things -- those changes to the news feed majority sides no longer split up and top news most recent. You'll see what FaceBook considers to be important as we've gone over and over. -- and then the ticker there. On the right side is. Says He let FaceBook has decided the slightly activity it's a real time news feed but it includes every -- I heard saying every light shirt thing every tagged her homeland -- at a Arafat her bank it is annoying it is -- it also. Much more invasive and we'll talk about that down below because it shows you you know it shows you that someone is tagging photos. It may be that someone you're not friends with I think yes. Giving you -- -- an example what happened with your little ticker yes so I in my ticker there was like a friend of a friend and I'm not friends with on FaceBook. And she was tagging another when my friends and all of her pictures whenever so I'm looking at my ticker and it's this person I don't know -- -- all full of just tax different -- and not not this month. Print another -- but it was like really annoying I'm like why do I wanna see this I don't know this person and what -- You weren't invited to that party you'd be -- yes. And so I definitely reveals a lot more information because those connections are -- -- here if you have only one connection in the little nexus of like five people it surfaces undertaker and then the new Apple also -- so they knew you'll see app activity there as well that is where you would see. What's on your friends are listening to you what movie or TV shows they're watching what articles their reading their sort of a social news sharing thing -- of -- reading embarrassing articles and us weekly dot com or whatever it'll just. Show up. Nothing embarrassing memory in -- -- We have a good where there's a really good breakdown actually and CNET news.com Sharon back and -- wonderful the five things you need to know and it sort of explains what's going on the ticker what's the deal -- the news he'd. Talks about the timeline. Those it explains how -- integrated social apps work because there's also these lifestyle apps that will be integrated like good -- that lets you share. Everything that you're reading. -- -- -- That's like totally -- but I don't necessarily want -- Auto parts -- has -- Molly has just completed ten pages of I mean -- up like back. I mean it's really just finished chapter 25 what it really is -- just like bigger and better auto posting this and -- I really think you mean. The most interesting thing to note. Was the shift in tone from FaceBook. They're no longer focusing on your communication. With your friends are now focusing on your act your quantifiable. Activities on the site. And archiving all of that information which lets be honest sets them -- for really good stories to tell their shareholders. But change is the mission of the cycle. -- also on they -- -- with their open graph partnerships with media companies known for delivering. Music movies that you can then post but some of these things like their partnership to spot -- -- -- -- mod. Their relationship -- -- -- -- we've seen in the Marty implement in UK it's rolling out to every country except. -- now spot a firewall not our -- -- -- -- Netflix. Netflix only other media companies obviously know about Netflix will not be available. To have this integration with FaceBook. At least right now in the US but every other country can. That by the way that part of the announcement led to the single most terrifying moment of the entire keynote. When Netflix CEO Reed Hastings came up and outdated privacy law. That keeps Netflix from being able to post every single movie about -- -- -- outdated perhaps it's out data privacy law that law that protects you from stores and anybody being able to share what movies you rent it. And has broader reaching. Affected by the way love that and more inherent in FY act so that's what happened there where there are a lot of talk of friction lists activities and real time serendipity -- nearly all -- of anti way to say that FaceBook really just wants on oppose the hell out of your entire life. So just be aware. -- -- Be aware that that's happened in the coming -- the all right now should we give some love to all our listeners. Is it time to do to get to a loop do this oh I mean our science. And our science. The science -- So what happens when you jump around overnight like through the facility this is an eyelash oh yeah because we've been -- -- -- bug related to streams having issues turn out and got audio problems its demands. -- not anyone's fault here. You know -- semester because our world has been rocked. Our world has been rocked by science not for the first or the last time but this one's pretty crazy. One of the pillars of physics. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity that nothing can go faster than the speed of light. Was totally rocked on Thursday when European researchers said that they actually. May have discovered a weird particle an oddball type of -- -- the sub atomic particle called -- neutrino. Going. Faster. Than the speed of light if that's true well that will change the world. As we know. Leo you're doing in. It's pretty -- the resurgent themselves by the way are not ready to proclaimed -- -- -- they've asked other physicists to independently verify their findings because. I'm sure they -- bell that can't. Course I can't happens all the time like. This is that since 1906. This has been gospel scientific gospel that no particle can go fastened the so they sent -- between some new in Korean Cecil room that they did and a fired it will be called a weird particles. At the weird it is that we had little particle there is weird there weird it out that it could even exist. For them. That's crazy. -- know what -- gonna do its mind blowing this is by the way gives you winning this is the MC squared thing. Now that's the union -- the equation that we're talking about. But they if they they say that even this small deviation. Should you be wondering what this means for the world could open up the possibility of time travel. Oh and wreak Havoc on our long standing notions of cause and effect. Even I'm -- talking about the fact that particles could not go faster than the speed of light said that if you could send a message faster than light. You could send a telegram to the past. Hold. As you know I happen to -- it is time telegram back here in -- Having their we know about -- there's a movie about that bill and Ted's excellent adventure at the -- and myself notes in the past like warn me of stupid things are about to -- date that girl who dole. Yes -- you might get -- soaring America know and after all anything that that. That's they're going really is went back in time learn you know if I just it's like kinda like. Did the thing about this is like. So there is -- know that the physical world could be knocked from the chairman of the physics department University of Maryland so this is ridiculous what they're putting out. Until this is verified by an at a group its line -- it's it's -- And that the quotas and are still not -- is like a pretty -- gotta hope that can. -- -- -- -- -- Everything I've known. Everything I've tots John learned -- neutrino astronomer at the university of voice and that the results if true could be the first hint that neutrinos can take a shortcut through space -- extra dimensions old little -- and a hallmark of science fiction -- decades -- -- all over the Neil seemed anathema. Space space -- around special relativity He says only holds in flat space if -- they worked fifth dimension. It's possible that and other slices of it. The speed of light. Is different. Man. -- I hope it's not true well actually no I do because it would be called. Time and to discover that we live -- a whole different world in the world with Hollywood and I don't know there's a parallel worlds people parallel world I can show -- the work. -- -- -- -- -- -- we may never get a chance actually to you and continue our research because well -- it's -- going to be that bad but apparently the the NASA satellite that is. Falling to earth. That base -- air as they get ahead anybody hear anything. Except the ocean or little whales. It has apparently slow down how to down. Well done and Al Leo how are they allowed me down the -- must have -- does exist in the world know lose. However have some I have -- some. Proof to -- support Molly's the area on penned these guys had it not happen this. Arguing -- national treasure this is. Bull crap we're gonna move to my thing -- quick -- yeah it's time. Okay. This came into us from -- hap and is supports Molly's theory that and as where. Arm are men in suits okay so -- -- mine. -- And it -- and that's -- good. It's hidden. -- little. -- -- -- Executing well the problem you run and allies in this and I refuse to watch this. A -- skeptics that. That's a real frequent hand around there. It's real mailer. -- you don't -- -- -- and -- -- never think Adam and now you guys that W and that of course -- national treasure their expensive to make. -- -- -- I'm gonna go out on a -- on this one and say that was TV commercial -- That was but it supports always claim it's DO. Still. I have another one to have another varies oh Hickman is weak and it's another one that Molly was kinda hoping it happens. And Craig -- has the same dude Craig have made this happen from Montana. And -- Amazon com yeah yeah. And I know hit -- big fan of the Hitler parodies yes He finally finally how line of be -- going weekly goal. Why this. There reacts to be -- we don't. Can you continue. Interpreter read -- -- the army than any areas swear words when you. -- simply shy of this deal doesn't shout yes I can target a Marxist will be -- thing. -- an idea Hitler reacts and it will download the messages that are -- -- can't get any better however we'd heard of a big announcement for their programming constitution hello uncle. We are speculating it would be something spectacular house of house house. The screen hopefully they'll spend my favorites are to a full hours seven days a week with the Q -- -- Stanton. You tell him. Q isn't going to one hour but will only be -- once we. Google is doing -- years. It it. If you. Of an honest I don't think you'll get -- -- investors. Know what the our listeners -- -- -- in the past. -- -- -- -- Got all sides say this but what idiot programming director at CNET -- the end of the happen. What do they expect me to do it did 30 AM out. What the view that more on Dr. -- blank. That will melt -- -- after the ideas that are. Did you know about the latest padlock -- that Apple -- a terabyte that the -- at about you can read -- different. I know that printed and your dumb ass that the that the debate that pat and I heard of since the -- I think you don't. Act on the top. And Donald bell is moving to join it -- army community you can actually happen. Why the hell are they gave -- a game. Let them run a mile a minute -- She's. Done taking government world. I am so tired of these -- thinking for them. -- -- -- They think they can have a higher recently -- you want to meet. I don't detect earth isn't -- -- -- -- -- -- rhetoric out. Now I'm going to have -- watch more of the world or from New York I hate patriarch. I think it is to make it even more time off funds. Like starting at the guild going to -- a -- -- The didn't. You still have computers and -- it. The technical know how much -- -- -- -- -- This -- more disturbing and figuring out what Zuckerberg it's going to do next group. Almost as bad figuring out when via phone by me. Okay -- twenty losers that's going to make video. So we can let them know that error after. -- At no worse than when Android phone. It's a -- that some upside to make it seem -- that Heidi Sharon. They couldn't Stephen -- and still there to keep everything under control and threatened. With both patient with the -- Kaine saying are you listeners world will have the video link and and the show -- but we had to do that that's. -- -- -- We can't let you men and in the charities like the that was awesome for those videos and Hulu heard that only -- audio form please go to -- has much the -- we understand if you fast forwarded. And it was probably like a little confusing. I pay a slightly talking it had been. Although I enjoy that with under the galactic agreed in -- studio has been acting octane. Our rights let's see what else is going on the feedback we hear whistles from. Have some voice -- yes. First though before we get to more of your -- wealth. Which are all well deserved. We're gonna get to them. Voicemail about the topic at hand -- mainly in the FaceBook redesign. Again I wrote Brandon quiet too quick optimal expert creepy. Wanna take a -- disconnected FaceBook want to have 2000 current or so and we just don't want -- unique. Connecting but that's the disconnected if we had that many -- we would -- sort of -- complex convoluted system to Parse all that information for. In the second thing is anchored at or around I just created and lift of people. -- short list of critical independent actually care about and what -- -- my bookmark or so -- it. It goes directly there and back page itself is not happy new junk that they look at -- and and I wanna keep the wider world to -- in just. You know -- the bar at the top of the -- -- -- home page. Good -- Negative -- -- and I didn't even though you could do that create a list and then have a link. BC creates a link for you can just go to and a third of -- the -- -- job. There you go -- -- -- tip right there that is totally protect and I haven't actually been having that -- yesterday that like this all these changes make a lot more sense if you just accept any old friend -- that comes along thereby increasing your social graph and your opportunity for recommending. Against -- and it's interesting I wonder. I think. They'd -- kids these days have thousands difference. A La Nina definitely genuine thank you for that and then now on to above daily into the the more of -- video and regular voice mails related to that the change it -- A video -- -- that's up from one of what are really long time listeners with of course very familiar. Up -- -- -- it's Tom Merritt the operator here in Oxford England and yes it's a little but Sony -- take -- -- chance to show you everything I can't and we help. Or to say congratulations on switching to a weekly format and all the -- -- or an app you were actually thrilled but I'm glad to know that about to get the best of the best news. Their best of the best commentary and the best of the worst chokes. Happening in the weekly format where I can easily digested and well actually -- the listen to -- all about have to feel guilty that I couldn't quite get through it because I'd keep going -- my date certain things what does have been there since the beginning. And clue to be -- through the end. Cheers and Beers got to see you soon. Is being where -- He has been here's in the beginning He has appeared just like -- nano -- and they just more hair than somber. But at the. -- Are -- this next voice -- comes -- from. Mr. -- Little on the optional. Client currently catch up on my -- -- are metric from daily and weekly show up He couldn't ginger -- -- are currently college last month. A chart my full time job Monday. Potentially for last Friday we can change my main project being resolved. And ballot find out -- might look -- changing. Our culture -- district opted out shortly as long hot. Well you don't -- despite the changes a lot you guys and I love the show. Look -- to new format it has yet -- might not. Mr. Canada. Unilever got to say weird particles are faster than light. The light there's really a -- -- -- and a girl's crazy change in I have to admit that am. Scan an overall although monthly. That's a good thing for mr. -- -- -- if He just I don't know if you actually has about two more weeks of -- to catch -- And and -- I don't know -- him -- -- still got a little ways to go here one of the lucky ones. Right is next -- to assist from cleanest from Augusta Georgia who says. The by the -- a little -- Serbia earlier this years -- with Georgia world leaders. -- -- -- and -- colony and show. Are always one accounting and -- in you know once -- -- agree. Ball park care of -- -- much you only talk about -- well. Unwillingness you know any other -- actually you know -- Omaha home. Out time for our part we're actually. -- Saudi units wants to be constrained. Where it. -- -- in this remote stuff Coleman -- Roanoke oh. -- singled out smoothly in the cancel or also will take care is being. Our -- our IR -- I okay. We've -- in mind that I double pineapples and loaded -- -- think they met online on our out our out our hat on ample. It is need to let us know what that's about it though and I don't know what that's about it on -- -- that sign Apple. And I promised you -- agonized whales. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well there are at or -- not. Appropriate. Burning. And burning Chrome that we know you find -- Medina and I know people think are -- -- -- -- comes us from Carly Carly says dear -- percent thought the new FaceBook timeline. Sounded -- but the more I listened the more creepy it sounded will provide easy access everything you've done on FaceBook -- -- The sounds like a friend says -- all those conversations we've ever had. I was recording them and not put them all on a dvd so I can watch him anytime I want and I give copies all your friends and on my friends so they can replace them all to you know where -- -- One interesting thing -- put an island. And then Roger read and they actually know what we talked about this in the security summoning I had Denton -- From Tampa. Apparently everyone hates the FaceBook changes but -- but I can like them the fact that I can now easily highlight certain types of post as top stories is nice but -- we actually have not talked about. UK and there's now a little drop down if you see a story posted -- -- -- you can just select it and decide you want it to be a top story I don't know what that. Yet on exactly maybe that means you'll all always do that story every time -- like in the basement botanical. Oh but then you people into the FaceBook will then also use it algorithm to slowly figure out what I want to see is that sort of like training. Before you said I had a look at top news and does go with whatever they threw -- -- -- -- -- annoying having to switch to recent posts every single time. Also the new lists got me organize my friends into groups for the first time letting -- look at step from just my closest friends very easily. I will admit that the ticker is annoying how it follows you down the page blocking the other stuff like immense -- -- severely. But since most that's up over there's just advertisements I find that I don't really care that much. I do like to move the furniture He says in the room once in awhile because the new look at that was shocking in a good way. A rare bit of positive about it could actually when He laid out like that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Our right and now more kind of love letters pain on my -- -- the song comes to us from a longtime listener defended its -- doctor Carl. -- to -- writes good morning Molly Brandon Stephen. Well as a hell of -- -- almost six years of daily shows us Indian. Considering how much work is involved in -- liberties and a daily indeterminate links show frankly I'm surprised last as long as it did. The fact it did I feel is the most telling sign -- -- is truly a labor of love you guys are clearly is dedicated to us as we are to use and sure this wasn't an easy decision. Yet to change it while haters gonna hate anyone who's a true fan of the show obviously respect your lively it's above their daily tech buzz blood -- So it's a waxing poetic about the good old times and usually eulogize -- something that is an -- I'll just say. Wrong. Doctor -- he's so positive and positive -- JC. -- a famous doctor Carl's been with -- since college through med school through his residency. And He became a doctored along his journey. Often that -- close off them. Barney wrote in and this is totally weird because He is -- that -- talking and typing -- there are. I. Normally we -- with anything by. Double complaints from a concerned well if it called and pretend to be a dog that never -- -- -- an a okay for like you pretend your writing. Couple -- -- -- -- -- from concerned canine in the UK and an ever used it didn't Barney. -- charities and he's he's releasing the baby is sleeping party an episode 57. -- commented. Let your listeners should get out more while I owner always listens to -- -- last taking me for my daily -- managing to do three things at once. Exercising me getting some pressure and getting educated all the same time. Says the -- can't multitask. Well -- my god on physical rather -- actually a picture of Barney that's a little light golden energy and -- an indictment accused Obama. Yeah well only happening -- and we can seriously going to affect my fitness. As links my daily likened the predicated on my master suitable tech related podcast material believed to -- An episode of TNT on its own -- does not cut it. -- -- -- -- City to new park while He see that it's -- -- with -- and Nathan Anderson is watching us live in a science class. While shout out from Missoula. -- -- -- you got on the shuttle doing that on the show you did you know it's -- what he's incite you know we talk about paying attention to science science is an important. Did you know that we can now find. Particles like approximately born -- article link here lets you read this next email and then already -- after it and I think it. If -- if -- right then and says when you guys announced that you're going weekly into the daily and think -- went -- morning. I just had this feeling of dread kind of hanging around my head when a focus on live that down -- -- remember. I know how -- you every day. I hate changed I'd hate changed. It just need to know the make my day I look forward here really have to say about what is going on in other words I love the show I have no choice but to accept it. So I'll be here yes my kids to a music -- -- -- you all the babbling nerds. -- -- -- Product deliberately broad access also in your average. Is she -- -- that's dark heart you. Document that patents that I love it -- the -- little off. -- -- Levy LK guys -- -- -- we're gonna take this down a little more serious -- does this kind of an amazing story of why you know we're just so -- -- honored you know to do the show free as a list and sell the song comes us from Jake from Chicago dear buzz drew. But you -- -- to weekly podcast someone to tell -- about how important you guys are to meet. A start losing unique -- I was very lonely in eight grade and I had no friends to talk to the whole year. I was and a deep depression I walk the halls of my school -- to talk to -- no friends to turn to for months. I was battling thoughts of suicide and often thought about how I would do it. I had even written the note I would leave for my parents so I started listening to -- -- and you guys became the friends I never had. You help me get through the hardest years in my life I would say -- one of the reasons I'm still here today. Is because I gotta hear voices every day and -- laugh all the time when I would listen to you guys. I thought I was decided after freshman year and one thing that I'll remember forever is when you played my call. Which was -- dissing the iPhone four because I got a Droid incredible for my sixteenth birthday was episode 1256. It was a desperate they get five ever received -- my family -- I love you guys would do anything for you you save my life that I will never forget that -- no matter what changes you make and hope you know the level forever beer fan. Thank you buzz on -- I can never pay for how much of impact in my life but I can say one thing of the show. Have you and your friend Santa listeners so thanks Jake so much for that I was really -- we all we I mean we we all -- -- -- -- renowned. That's amazing. The meeting is in south. You -- -- -- -- BT had every experiment known prior but it didn't -- yeah well I -- world you know we feel -- -- billion. Yeah and you know. We look against you like doctor Karl's write it is that's actually the reason that this has gone -- for negatively. We go in here and we come -- chat and then we leave here and we feel better like people energized than likely it's an attractive and it's -- because the -- Are you really can't and -- that -- that still pending so we're gonna go at drunken -- from Scott Smith here. Each has a Richard forty NA. In this day marks the end of your daily -- test and the term anti birthday present its -- probably. This and -- -- president -- means that I may no longer look forward to daily indeterminate moments of utter escape from an otherwise pedestrian existence. -- time the only thing to but -- Malamud is for entire days during these uncertain times. With a well delivered Molly rant poorly executed that's rendition of Samsung -- -- -- -- -- -- -- think with a -- found that stevens' place. -- expert -- took over producing my favorite CNET program. I'm afraid it's all downhill from here for me anyway. PS it is my hope that all your future endeavors I knew well and I look forward to many more hundreds of apps -- the buzz out loud PPS. I have been -- it is my -- After a -- -- Barney still is biodiesel is -- -- anti everything. Party. Don't but I don't. Know little birdie and guys -- -- -- guys. It. -- irony to November and we're doing in this -- special. You'll. Back -- it will recall your I I -- -- its gonna be the bonus although I have scholars up by that allowed -- is made up Monday's show on Monday. That's that's it may have nothing taken urban Sarah and we're gonna be it's immunized from the terrible. Alright guys tech -- join -- and everything we talked about below that cnet.com. You can call us 806162638. CNET and email us a buzz at cnet.com we appreciate everything we will be here Monday for special. -- -- -- -- -- Then we will appear on Thursday. The following -- -- the first hour laden but now -- weekly show let's not that's not the guy summits around now that's gonna be an awesome show we're really excited. -- diesel is an hour show to the -- -- here we federal. I -- as I got it. -- -- -- The iTunes. Room. -- -- -- -- --

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