Ep. 1525: Patent catfights and the hot rod plow
Ep. 1525: Patent catfights and the hot rod plow

Ep. 1525: Patent catfights and the hot rod plow

Today -- Friday August 5 2011 my name is Stephen -- But it is brand solved all my name is -- okay. How well our little happy Friday everyone absolutely it is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length -- -- at 15125. Month. Well -- them they're back and beat I'm suggesting Atlanta and it I think it's -- -- now now we're happy we're good by the way for those you that we're listening yesterday mulling an arrogant now. We're really -- it says -- At Encino flowers on my dad and I came in this morning at and -- -- chocolate. Why oh why would a guy shouldn't do -- expects negative tennis bracelet. A guy should surprise her by not doing what she expects to do you not -- any -- I don't do anything it'll just say I'm sorry baby. -- -- IDB that that's the first I've heard that I didn't even sent directly to you rise in like this is what a guy shouldn't they be would benefit them -- -- family that He called old. -- hey guys it's time keep -- meet keep it means keep them keen that's the message I'm glad I'm glad he's fine keep it meaning keep them keen. Want -- -- wise man once on me that. But I stopped that velocity -- any you know let I'll I'll try to bring him into the adult world leader in computer lab when we get to that. I'll do what -- and in the meantime. In the news -- that's why are all here we always say that you guys are here for news you are answer mostly but actually the -- the -- -- himself. Through a big -- by. -- -- -- Google accused -- after participating in a hostile campaigning in standard using bogus patents Microsoft then accused Google of being. More than a little bit disingenuous thing that Google had the opportunity to buy into that same. Portfolio of patents bogus or otherwise. And then Google responded and said oh what ever Microsoft the whole entire offer for us to participate in the purchasing of the portfolio of the -- -- -- -- -- -- such -- -- up as ones famous and well respected admiral act are once. Such is the deal lobster -- you -- what they want you to think that but you're not sure he's just you know. And a space creature. Yet but he's not a lobster -- -- Lasseter. Have luxury. -- a rocket lost our. Sure -- David Drummond official response chief legal officer -- Durham you're at the initial. Pot stirring blog post said. It's not surprising that Microsoft to -- divert attention by pushing a false -- -- while failing to address the substance of the issues we raised. If you think about it it's obvious why we turned down Microsoft's offer Microsoft objective has been to keep Google an Android device makers. I keep from them. Any patent that might be used to defend against their attacked the joint acquisition of the Novell patents that give all parties -- -- would of eliminated any protection. These patents can offer to Android against attacks from Microsoft and its bidding partners partners -- basically it's saying that they wouldn't have been able to use. Their own that portfolio to defend Android and also they would have to pay for. The department. Which which He might be right but then again it continues to go back and forth. Like two little kids I could never decide get out Microsoft's. Own PR man frank Shaw then. Responded to the most recent response on Molly said -- and basically in so many words over Twitter to over the very sophisticated Twitter. So He wrote -- and separate messages He wrote we offered Google the opportunity to bid with us to -- the noble patents they said no. And their next week -- He said while I. Because they want to buy something that they could use to assert against someone else in the next week He wrote console. Party with others and reducing -- liability across industry is not something they wanted to help deal. So guys. How about this Microsoft. And a little shot up be up to get over it we get it. Again I really but he's an -- It makes nothing if it does sound system there -- -- -- -- -- there's errors all of them and the fact is that what they need to be. Doing what Google needs to be doing right is like stop complaining about the bullies on the playground coming after you with their big patent portfolios and get on the stick against software patents in the first place. Nobody in the industry should be having any of these -- at all much less having arguments in public over who is totally -- when America. About -- billion dollar bullying is worse. Really. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Courtney Love. And Lindsay Lohan and all those -- don't kill -- Microsoft and Google it makes no sense -- touch. It's actually attract up this -- in the first place it's a trap them out of -- -- Ehrlich whose asserting their -- -- unfairly because the fact is the patents themselves. Are probably bogus and Google wants to take -- like anybody it needs to be to the US government. About reforming the software patent process in the first -- that can probably indeed be declared invalid. By any kind of reasonable reviews that I might do that set and would not like what He what do you think is gonna -- Happened here it's -- consumer they're gonna be like the line. And Google like you said earlier they never even in there's original statement. Never proposed for any type -- reform they were just complain. And all these guys -- up on -- -- indeed the issue at heart when you when you dig through all this crap. Really what the issue loses. We need patent reform to stop stuff like this from happening via an until that until that happens if it ever does we're gonna hear more -- -- yet. Phone companies. Down the road. That and stared at me. -- Give -- with a little. And Madonna oh shut -- -- -- -- -- I Denver's got a point avatar in the Google picking a fight at Microsoft generates press coverage over patent law. In a way that most press wouldn't otherwise -- but I had to elated I'm not seeing now I'm not seeing reasoned coverage of the the Bennett the pros and cons and patent law what I'm seeing is like. That's exactly what they sound like. -- nine. I don't understand what they said they sound very high it is now very annoying but if it leads to a more reasonable debate about -- -- that would be opt. Hopefully that will happen but the heavy weekend try to keep it on that Apple will just keeps saying you know what the real problem is here. The real problem is overly broad software patents that seem to -- it granted by rubber stamp. And -- kill innovation in the industry. So black hat's going on in Las Vegas the annual scare the -- -- out of us security conference. I think that every single year because it happened everything earlier. So the latest story that's making the rounds as a result of -- black hat presentation yesterday. Is that evidently facial recognition like you're human sitting around worried a little bit about facial recognition -- -- You should in fact be worried. That the profile picture that you have on -- could be used by sophisticated facial recognition to to. Technology to determine exactly who you are and then tie your identity to your Social Security number and or any other information. -- are reasonably. Sophisticated. This is canister is so the prisoner whose name is all Sandra -- beastie. Is a professor over at Carnegie Mellon University. He did they did three -- one of them included extracting about 275000. Publicly available profile images of FaceBook from members and a particular city. Then they did the same with publicly available pictures from a dating site. -- using Intel's -- your identity is exactly where it in on -- -- -- have aliases beast a lot of photo. So they -- is using other than they crossed these two together and using facial recognition technology is. Of those people. About 5005800. Teens and members also had FaceBook profiles and of those 5800 people. More than 4900. Were -- were able to be uniquely identified. By cross reference seen. There facials tenants know that your PayPal is just bad that was just one oats is one of the -- They say that such technology the the ability to use facial recognition technology to scan. Photos of people learn who they are who their friends are where they live work and music they like even predict their Social Security number was apparently developed. And -- withheld. By Google. According to former CEO Eric Schmidt -- that it was the one initiative that Google deemed too dangerous. To release into the world that's really what would actually be the ability to take a photo and uploaded to Google and men. Get all of this information. But as -- -- -- -- pointed out that genie is. Already out of the model they were in fact using off the shelf. Facial recognition software wasn't even facial recognition software that these -- developed in house or -- -- that was somehow more. More genius than anybody else than a simple Internet data mining techniques and office -- Death for the Social Security one comes out that might be the one that probably -- listened as the most serious about like how did they actually do that they took pictures from a group of students. Or use their faces write news official recognition -- And then from that. Using other -- -- -- you know once you find out someone space in their name you can pull other pieces of information. Using those techniques they were able to -- crossing them again in using their algorithms and software. They were able to correctly guess the first five digits of the Social Security numbers of the students about 60% of cases. The number went up to 27% after four attempts. None so it. When I hear stuff like this I know this most -- freak us out this kind of freaks me out. It's so -- it's doing its job like. Do we -- I don't know I might be on the other side of the whole facial stamping -- -- but now I don't. The fact that someone could -- in the first five digits initials -- number that's pretty that's pretty NASA. It's -- terrorists and nasty and there's a lot of ways that it's around -- But in some cases it really isn't available in various databases that are just on line in clear text. It's available in that Social Security death index may be by accident. That it could be available in the -- database there a lot of places the information. About -- is. Out there right and it it's controllable and in some cases even searchable. And -- this technology now I mean really almost anyone they say basically at this point they say almost anyone. Can be identified. Down to the minute -- details from literally just a photo of them online. Yeah you have you have something now where Smartphones you take a picture someone on the street and you can be able to get a good amount of data from them yeah this is looking down the road and that with what's out there. Right now -- -- you can just take pictures of with a Smartphone and then be able to -- some -- -- information that's -- we definitely live in the future and all the scary part also like -- scary minority report arts with living. I mean if you didn't think FaceBook stocking for your hot -- is bad enough to check if I get this gets a whole lot that we get to get -- that it's a lot better. In news that may or may not be scary I guess. Let's see the shady rat we've reported yesterday Arafat's -- -- -- -- -- rationing you know that -- and so on Tuesday antivirus vendor McAfee described the Big Five year hacker operation that infiltrated more than seven US import government agencies and contractors and international organizations. We're on for years there was this enormous like unbelievable threat. They named it -- rat it was called unprecedented. But Moscow based Kaspersky Lab and others actually Symantec did the same thing have both. Released reports now saying. Page. Gamely assay that school that a little bit here that it is not in fact. Anywhere near the kind of -- -- -- in technological attack the Mac He made it out to be. And that if anything it's basically just a Trojan. Like Vista it's almost like you can actually got to go online now and just buy a hacker to double play it's practically bought a software like you can does go and be like you know I'd look cracking to -- -- profit off the shelf. That this was basically in an old detergent it was not a new attack. And that there doesn't seem to be evidence to back up the assertion that it's being controlled by one single nation state. That anything is just like detergent in use by a bunch of different hackers who -- they're breaking into systems all over the world but it might be like small groups of two of two or three. And it might just you know it could be anything from script kiddies to organize granted just. Bored hackers. The key thing here is that there was no in the report that Mac -- initially made. There was no verification of what particular type of data had been stolen right there is the assumption. That over that time. Large amounts of volumes of data and information -- -- -- -- Like we talked about trade secrets intellectual property Franklin and sold but in the act as they looked at the report closely. There still is no. Physical evidence that points to what kind of data was even acquired through this Trojan horse -- so that's really. So although OK fine let's called an unprecedented Trojan horse. But there's no evidence about actual data being moved from. Malia and yet it may be that in Trojan itself was an unprecedented abuse or it was just in NY like data was being stolen on a more widespread scale -- than people realised which is is very likely is that and it could be competing companies and you know I mean all kinds of things happening. But -- In this one -- right actually China Kevin nailed it. -- People's Daily. Today put out a report in response and -- quotes. Arbitrarily linking China to every hacking attack is irresponsible. Although some would argue that it irresponsible it's deliberate. As a way for -- and contractors to drum up this kind of fear and get a bunch more money for waging a cyber war against and you know an imaginary enemy. Via. Investment and here's the part there is sort of a -- the service leader in the more believable conspiracy. And -- playing it back. Microsoft speaking of security at and black hat Microsoft announce a contest or excellent. In defense of security technology they're calling it blue hat. About all the cool kids are gonna wanna play -- Microsoft cool. Security contests -- The thing is though they're trying to get the cool kids to participate by. By paying out 200000 dollars next into the blue hat hacking and -- -- content. They're hoping that what it'll do is just helped lead to better security technology it's not -- content percent. They want solutions they want they want to -- sources attendant and they wanna pay upwards and it's 200000 dollars for the first prize second place 53 place. Well and MS -- used universal subscription valued at -- Real edit results will be announced next year so. Blue hat. The big got skill -- time. Some historians. If you're completely in a post I was just it was just a nice story and they are -- may have the house neared staring at. I'm just I'm just listening to your own now announced that's -- and -- Ticket auction beautiful. When we come back we'll talk medical of those people on FaceBook indulging in that thing about finding out how they are and what they're like where they came from -- also some companies are actually making money by digitally distributing their TV and movie is -- And that the funniest Twitter feed your battery today this -- -- red -- and. I didn't hear from California -- here let me about that allows -- I thought it determined -- Welcome back to buzz out loud friends Bollywood in the house on this beautiful Friday. Smiling at you with this -- my -- -- says. Stephen -- dietetic this I think he's not a fanatic you -- -- again like -- an unexpected. And it's gonna. Seeing alerts as -- me. Even seen -- Our eye off -- -- the stories -- -- if if if the where -- edit it and they're turning -- and totally weren't. Gain political capital G to to to our -- anyway right there we go back the stories now FaceBook. We we're all familiar with a you know you're from Canada groups on FaceBook. Because we hate them but because of this kind of we know your from resurgence. Of Mac it's also kind of held to FaceBook to test -- new feature where they want to push more information. -- your news feed. And now some of that information that is coming -- Could be comments from your friends from a what I know you're from atop -- law yes it's annoying and it's pouring into the feeds obviously were not very -- -- there's already enough clutter and on FaceBook and is just added this is -- I didn't and paste but said -- currently testing a new feature within the new speeds. It gives people the ability thank you so much for this is -- went to see what their friends are commenting on and -- team. Law. So it's time they say it's a fraction of percent of users number what are basically do is if you're in one of those groups and thirty steam -- a lot of people apparently. Think that they're just posting in the group -- they they you know your from Mendocino County if group. Or the you know -- from blah -- black candidate group they think that there that. They're just postings group but in fact it's showing up in the news feed which is the case and I and my -- -- right now urgently. It's -- didn't know you're from there I don't add teacher -- -- noted I don't care. But apparently FaceBook is thinking like oh. That's my lover right is that all of us have been severely I didn't seem that brick and you know you're from -- lot single all I know its -- and then basement like a good idea. -- exactly. At this. -- Anyway look for that. The -- more often a new Liederman rolling out to FaceBook now way off so someone finally after all the time like that I got in voluntarily added to a group. That -- I think that's. How excited. When I get mails from it. Alerts or some it's a group message where they tag everyone rattled their friends and you have no idea what's going on here and -- thrown into it and -- -- yup to go into FaceBook. To then remove yourself from the group that. Okay yeah and I don't mean now I can actually gonna have yet to spend enough timer have enough time to figure out -- -- to -- -- out of the group. So -- just get it for email the -- from some of them both in the group. That I couldn't. No less about I feel like we. It's about face that more than we celebrate basement Adobe LA like all the time and I'm thrilled for a little perspective I guess I should say that although I bitch about is a Catholic I did you write it but I. Even less so I love to bits about it this idea and I wouldn't know it so many annoying little details about everything -- it's like being married to someone -- I know every -- -- -- but because were married. And -- we hear me. Stern it's my spouse that hasn't seen a lot more things this -- comfortable -- -- -- -- -- and her love you and He had -- I know crazy I am not -- -- to hear that some of the FaceBook spam we'll hopefully be going relays and spam. Enthusiast. We've actually heard this name before in the spam world -- Sanford Wallace. Turned himself into the FBI this week after being indicted on charges of spamming is -- users with millions. I bogus -- I don't view the guy behind the super dirty picture that would -- show up with them that it -- -- but. -- -- the case dates back to 2009. Pace to exceed Waltz into other spammers for a Phishing and spamming schemes. They compromised about what 500000 users and spent more -- -- seven million spam messages. To the company's servers we noticed. But -- -- being noticed you know it. You should've played around like that mister Wallace because He could face of the ten years imprisoned the attic and -- and 250000. Dollars while I didn't know spam was that expensive. And partly it's that He was charged with multiple accounts of fraud as well as three counts of intentional damages to a protected computer. And two counts of criminal contempt. Done -- run -- -- what's ironic is you might end up eating spam in prison. A patent this so you know I'm just saying -- scan of the. I say spam -- Larry Adler however breakfast -- it's kind of -- as I guess it could do the microwave version but then. You know by the time I bring that eggs over you know an exit -- -- cold at some birthplace saint anger and exempt. Mean it took them until you could go all out bring in a hotly cool we can actually at -- I do have -- George Foreman -- on site. They go we'll put a little skillet on -- dirt farming girl. We didn't directly online often just do it directly on Foreman -- you -- -- and you know what an amusement before the day people are about math topic -- -- -- -- Yesterday. CBS apparently reported. That digital dollars from Netflix. Were helping its bottom line so we -- -- earnings report in and it was found that digital dollars were in fact contributing alien fabric that -- a little local -- and now it turns out today. Viacom just like CBS also posted an excellent quarter. Made a ton of money off of its various programming. And said that it noted a substantial bump. In licensing revenue generated by the TV shows from new and renewed digital distribution agreements. I eat deals with services like Netflix and -- While they're making money off of those services. That no wonder they wanna make more all or no. You'd think that they wouldn't want to make more but instead everybody they pull in their sub -- Third -- her -- it. -- it does to them it's like okay we've seen some you know profits from these we want to renegotiate deals that give us more money. But if we don't get more money that's fine we'll just -- you guys and that's because. You know the numbers here I think they talk about with Viacom. They meet somewhere around seventy million dollars from their digital distribution deals in -- home but their profits -- or was it. I'm -- -- -- an article if Ira Klein was around 2.4. Billion is that right. Larry from my memory and is looking at this I'm right and yes I know I I as an so itself -- better you better make sure you say those numbers right. I just think -- looking right now a -- pick a card. Anyways if there's a -- all it's a small nick you know yet in their profits though. Although the margin on those deals is upward of 75%. At that makes -- hugely profitable because like we say they removed some of the barriers and cost of distribution. So if anything it you know it it's great news that they are willing to stand up and say we're making money from -- digital distribution and the money is good money. And and they're looking into new avenues like this baby steps just feel like it -- to keep. It's also for the studios they're making money off the shows that they have no revenue stream going for -- now Sony's old TV seasons and but they don't even play on television anymore misses the margins are so high because. Every minute they're making zero cents on these right now RA so given to someone like Netflix and Hulu via Italy's get a little bit of something and then hopefully it will lead to them saying you know what it's a little bit safer Tim makes it more of the stuff available -- get on the stick -- -- really know yeah let's put the faith in the studio city that baby step. -- I'm not a believer when I wish I was. If you have Jill -- and -- AT&T iPhone and you've been tethering or hot spotting up -- AT&T is unlimited data plans well. The salad days are over. -- -- -- One that writer one person wrote -- -- -- Mac that comes at a recent forum that as of Thursday August 11 2011. If you use my wife or -- any tethering on the phone or use upon as a modem AT&T will automatically. Change your unlimited plan. To a two gigabyte tethering plan for 45 dollars without content. Jail breaking community up in arms. They're getting charged for data that they have been getting for free -- in -- -- I know an unlimited data plan. But also they've been going going around -- Benin. AT&T did to get this tethering feature for free. -- well yeah which frankly they should've been entitled to -- their paying for unlimited data and that -- -- eighteen -- about him like I totally understand why. AT&T is saying you know what we're moving to tethered we're moving to limited plans and we're gonna move you need to tiered data plans -- but it sort of is also like. You offered unlimited plans and people paid for unlimited plans and they have their T is the date however there. -- Ellis two years ago when they violence that. When they're like oh wait but Jonathan -- money -- of this now -- -- people actually using this a limited data thingy. -- -- -- But we should charge -- -- but not invest in our pipes. To connect. I know it's it's not an alert about problem it's like. Did you actually have limited bandwidth in -- but then you need to move every one. On an unlimited plan over to a tiered plan and you can't just say. All we discovered that you're using the data today and you paid for and we don't like that's and we're gonna move -- over like. -- That's. Exactly. -- stopwatch app welds and Steve but they're tethering plan -- I I thought -- tethering plan was all how always had a -- once they officially introduced it AT&T'S -- tethering plan. -- -- -- Now that now they're saying their -- in the -- -- -- in jail breakers on two tiered plans when they were previously grandfathered into limited. It's not awesome. But not unexpected. Now what was awesome though word those topics at source -- because -- company customers. Oh my -- those were amazing. To read about how they -- even him a giant replica of IKEA. All they care about that that is already badger. -- the fact is that any matter I like that. So Apple has decided so maybe take some action against not not specifically the Chinese stores yet but other stores that are annually eighteen. There are trademarks. Now in an -- trademark infringement suit there on the targeting fifty John -- an unnamed businesses but curiously some of these. Stores -- their tardiness might just have the name like for example there's an example of in flushing New York. A place called the Apple story. -- it's not it's not a place resell books guys its accessories for Apple products it doesn't look anything like an Apple Store but. I -- this -- it's -- well it doesn't -- us. You know go after China if any line. That is ridiculous this Apple stories or combine it adds looks like a Dell hired a kiosk at the demo kiosks at Nokia and night or you know -- -- -- an airport. I bet I bet that they are trying to set some kind of precedent. Yelling about pretended to do crackdown locally as much as they can't because China. Could that so lots of Chinese officials -- liked. -- don't know if Apple filed the proper paperwork to get protection of its trademark and store design here in China. So -- -- they can even. Just they're like that's your little lot. -- Apple might be trying to sort of drum up some precedent for shutting down stores that might cause consumer confusion and. And then hop on over time and be like Hamas and as Aaliyah as well as confusing employees who got the are actually -- or an Apple Store. That it has the best part of Apple thing. That -- them I got a vague on -- Apple story ain't. Pretty pretty pretty weak. And in a funny news today. If ever there was a day to do a follow Friday today's the day follow the MLB Twitter account today. Not because of cool news about baseball. But because Steven -- there has taken over the MLB Twitter account ports and it. He apparently won the keys to the economic eating MLB -- the beat the street challenge back on June 14. I guess like when it comes to -- and He selected Albert laws for the for this challenge and and -- be -- avenue -- -- got it at ate with didn't and then now. Americans don't be in it -- Did you wonder do you -- readers here and I'll be one that you like the data airline actually the first -- I don't like what is going mine. And then looked it up with He said my -- who thought MLB was the Twitter -- of -- handle of Matt LeBlanc. Look at -- here here's another one pro tip. If you're if you're taking out to the ball game you don't need peanuts and Cracker Jacks from the Cracker Jacks already have peanuts. At a. I can't wait -- Ken burns' nine part documentary about my control baseball's Twitter feed. If I'm in charge cement Adobe tweets I can do trades right cardinals I'll give you two cameras and a teleprompter for Albert pools -- -- -- it only worth and it -- aren't all they're getting is gonna have control until 11:59 PM this evening. So literally -- follow pride to. Our readers and it -- -- do -- Former Microsoft executive Stephen federal goal has been named it to the nation's top technology at post He is now the new chief information officer of the United States of America. Succeeding at their -- Kendra. Who was the first ever CIO of the United States. And America. Of America all of America also with -- tedious says it's a losing contributed contributors. The world's largest online encyclopedia which you know sometimes. Likes a crowd sourced their entries a little bit has been criticized for his lack of can be focused but. -- -- blaming in part of it is with its complex machinery of templates and editing and strict. Editorial guidance. I think they should have -- editorial guidance. Well. If there's a difference between strict editorial guidance and the way that their editors are absolute freaking lunatic I am who -- come screaming. Out of the woodwork but the literal -- on fire behind them -- Got -- way. -- -- -- in thinking that it never got into like a little tiny -- with a Wikipedia editor you know that these people are all. They've -- -- -- believe they they hold on hold on to every period comma and and yet. And an. Also I've -- tried to start out a Wiki -- time I owned and yet. I -- recycle PDA dot net if somebody else to pick up the project -- it was a really good idea. They really wanted to start an online recycle it in online encyclopedia of local recycling. Regulations. Like some places have curbside pick up -- can you recycle a bag juniors like a bottle what what class can I get out to be really cool to have the state by state. Encyclopedia Wikipedia type thing about like recycled recycling. A -- media recycled. A Wiki media based site which is what Wikipedia runs on and I literally -- like. Are you joking I don't need to act if folic I was trying to learn advanced ergonomic treatment. It is just impossible to navigate -- -- You pretty much have to be like. -- hardcore techie with a lot of time on hand. And also. Some serious serious commitments. To anal liberalism. That. To be -- again I'm not I'm not into that and I'm not. I'm not surprised scientists to discover that there aren't that many people out there who meet all of those greater. Nick Danziger and you'd like I'm -- -- -- might lunatics citation please. -- right guys let's check out on the good stuff in our science news. Beat those drums NASA's Juno. Blast off today you normal. To know -- took off today -- Juno spacecraft. Hopefully this afternoon on a six year mission to study Jupiter. The launch security took place maybe. You know we'll take five years to reach Jupiter and then spend another year orbiting the planet sending the atmosphere and magnetic field. Which can be totally interesting and if it's anything like some of the things that we are increasingly discovering about Mars for example -- could be pretty cool. -- -- -- And and you do it -- the big story of the week. Sciences that found evidence. Of salt water. -- -- For naming on Mars for -- means that. Only not like they're used to be watered out like one time way underneath the surface found evidence of dried up water that suggested that possibly there were known to -- -- know. Seasonal flows of salty water on the surface of the red planet during warm summer months. I saw the most -- headline about the ever. Did not want to ever even literally it's day. But it literally look like something about salty liquid public. Anyway. Big news as hugely as water may exist during the spring and summer on the -- surface -- -- -- -- have a pool party out there a brainy salt water pool party. On Mars it's fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Show -- life. Wanna should be life -- -- -- -- there and that's what they're wondering you know -- attic well that the one thing and repeated and predictable evidence suggesting water flowing on Mars more than 1000 water flows. Were seen in one crater alone. It's like they have seasonal waterfalls. -- very interesting circumstantial evidence apartment Berry bearing interest. -- -- All right we're gonna meet again I say I'm excited at aliens -- that's -- -- -- -- that we're. All things solar system is sad little Indian I'm not a proponent of finding the aliens it's -- -- I'm just not a proponent -- that wouldn't they can't be good. It'll eat me I think if they're within our solar system but if they came -- quite different from another solar system and that's not a blanket -- Saint -- let you guys do the -- and positive feedback. You've got mail. And -- -- let's talk about it anyway and LO UC and Lenovo of them -- That -- Leo -- they love it -- -- and I yesterday had talked about broad personal exemptions to copier -- offer fair use Hank. Some problems. -- and -- and double B -- I'm just looking to Thursday -- the certain I'll -- should be legal or somebody else. -- -- -- -- -- -- You know locations illegal you'd -- provided edited your copy you -- However keep the copy treat yourself that's illegal piracy. It's new and incidentally but you're deny that L at -- Is somebody the artists that create that. So there. -- -- -- What does not accept that -- this. Keeping it. At -- publisher. I think is -- and and that is the rationale for current copyright law. I area what I think is that -- need to be broad base exemptions for fair use in copyright law and that yes you should be able to email someone -- song. And even keep your own. -- each copy of the song -- purposes of hopefully introducing them to an artist that they never knew about before at the exact same rationale -- marketing by email someone. One song that artists might lose 99 cents if my friend who I think it's gonna really liked that song turns out to really liked that song. Then that artists may suddenly make. Ten dollars or twenty dollars or thirty dollars depending on the size of their catalog it is a short term loss for what is supposed to what the intent. Is almost always. To be a long term. Almost always. Facility saying I -- I I hear him. Edit I -- you know I think -- -- there's you can look at it both ways but -- I -- I need I wanted to use my -- music exactly He has a point. Well the point is that that is currently illegal but as the Tara point it's basically word of -- I mean. I you can email them into a link to the song in Macon pony up 99 cents a mass -- -- that is another way to do that but the fact is. It shouldn't be illegal for media -- ones like you know one person's I was thinking about you I really value like this on I love the artists they've got seven albums. That's happened to me I have gone and -- people like multiple albums because of the one song that I got from different and weird -- Yanukovich. -- that this thing and fear they may be only really know you can send a link to the -- what I'm saying it bag. I am well aware that it is illegal what I am calling for -- a broad based personal exemption that would make it not illegal because -- it doesn't need to -- not. Broad based piracy that in a bankrupt and. Even seller in the Sharon has really good point mix tapes for people that are -- there's a lot artists they throughout a complete album. Out for free knowing that in the long -- this is their way to -- -- people to their music yet you know you see this all the time Drake dated and now all. You know it's paid off -- so old it might also drive people to go see the artist's show and -- -- T shirt all kinds of stuff there's some things. Again with yet. There's there's. Ultimately if you like the music you're going I I at least. Buy into the fact that if I like someone or an artist I'm going to eventually support them down the road -- if I really genuinely like them. -- I think that's and that holds true for a good amount of people sure there's gonna be those outsiders don't do it but for the most part we support dollars. Yet we're talking about limited personal sharing between music fan. The more you who cultivate the music fan the more music you'll eventually there's always -- monkey's a mess with that but whatever -- that's the monkeys. -- Kennedy this yeah please take the -- itself. We -- a lot of video voice mails and voice calls and in our pre show meetings and Pratt and lot of calls that don't make it through. And a lot of time all sometimes -- -- Lama sometimes just a way out there and then Stephen moans -- like. I love that well you know -- every Friday now we -- introduced seen. Stevens video voice -- pic of the week this is his chance to express what He likes and what we've can. So we're gonna give do you wanna introduce this video share this is a video voice -- from David -- And it it has so many great elements -- -- talking banana and obviously it's. So good. -- can't. Eat. And how it. Human and unplugging it also noted that there be a good luck. -- -- I heard it isn't any sort of going up and. -- -- shaking their heads are now. It's nice -- And this segment will -- and the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Like a cool like weird background -- -- -- classroom there's writing on the wall he's twelve years old mud lake what are you opera. -- -- a top banana like I said it. What is wrong with you how -- you guys try to cut tabloids now from -- show every week we will have Stevens in video voice now taken the lead up and it's. That the remember we can this you know we can -- -- out there there will be the best -- you -- everyone here needs to be empowered on the -- on this is one way we're empowering Stephen I think we also empower you to write -- in emails and feedback. For the if you do agree with this segment but com lets you -- -- everything all right. -- thread thin says that he's been -- and many many many others -- -- intended to see today's blu. It is in the HP nine point seven inch touch pad sixteen gig or 3799. -- nine. But then just as we were like about to start the show and it -- and as the -- thing I saw on Twitter via this is my next dot com. That the touch -- is actually discounted to 299. Dollars at staples says. And 399 for the 32 gig as dirt they're giving an -- a hundred dollar instant savings. But that's a huge deal if I didn't have a tablet now honestly I would probably jump on that they're -- never webos the -- That's actually sends -- last tablet it's. 299 I had it I think that's worth it for that product right now yet absolutely hail yes but you're OK this one comes less from Kyle -- buzz drew. With this big talk about anonymity on the web I thought -- -- in. As a fourteen year old and tried my hardest to get noticed on the web for the longest time I was using the name tile geek. Which -- -- was great after two years I figured out that it was one stupid sounding an end to. No one would be able to find me that way I sort of going -- my full name. While -- just to be unique now when I heard that Google is not letting people use fake names I was actually happy I'd rather know about a person with a given name. That's a stupid nickname they came up with in the shower. No offense to have all personally. I want anonymity -- your -- -- and we can eat you alive. Personally I want anonymity to be very hard to due on the Internet and with companies like FaceBook they want -- real name to sell to advertisers anyways love the show and keep of the job with putting the fun. In tech news. -- Chat room please feel free to tee off on. -- -- -- yet another story today at does it look back it up a little bit. About how in the US album US album sales rose in the first half. -- 111 for the first time in seven years. And actually do the fun part of a -- there Friday night and day. It's time -- saying. I -- to spread the love. Or at least the love advice spread in this week. It is just straight home are -- Okay okay here we go guys we've got two very lovely emails from our friends in the computer Lebanese and first when it comes to us from Robert Roberts says hey let's -- rubber from Fontana California and I have a pretty good release typically go for six years but there's one small problem. She isn't addicted. So far -- as Renaissance that problem and -- at a anytime I go to her place to visit she pulls out her MacBook gets right on the farm bill as if I'm not even there even worse sees -- the same thing in my place on my Mac Pro. How dare she disgraced my big Mac with that lame excuse of the painful. Anyways how can ask them nicely to drop the farm bill and spend some time with means. The sort of harvesting grapes in -- digital farm using our hot rod plow. I have needs. And and they are not to watch or control a big headed avatar herself in a -- -- Thanks Robert. -- Later it's now a gay you know from a guy's perspective this is this might have to Robert. I have needs and we all have means Robert. If you want to get her off the farm bill. I know it costs more money to go out but you should really try to get her out of the house you Leone. Take their -- dinner taker Odyssey movie or just -- apart in any public get out of the house. And then if she has a farm bill like on some mobile device than you need a cyber -- -- -- No you do not. I'm assuming that you mean that metaphorically metaphorically. -- this. Don't worry I'll sessions in the the glory and now department -- it's not -- But luckily He sent it when that if there are -- -- -- last -- and if there's a significant lack of attention though you know that could point others. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Trust me -- -- plan things those things will be a lot more fun and hot rod. If you do -- up regularly be a lot more fun that makes sense. Not any Arab. And I didn't read it and government -- mania glue. And below then again it didn't get on here and. Is that and a whole lot of -- I'm sorry valid -- only. The back after. There I didn't that I have a problem. I have a friend that it's constantly trolling my FaceBook friends or a girlfriend. I got -- -- my friends started contacting me asking who this person why because the brand has been like reaching out to girls that -- signs on the program. To be honest it's more than one friend that's been doing it can't help I am I thinking female friends that this -- a lot. I need a little advice as to what to do I really wish there was a record -- my friend list from them but based but doesn't -- their privacy settings that easy I need help. Good idea I never thought about them if that's the thing you've got friends that are literally go -- out -- -- light. And and contacting your -- but that's able. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Donate the -- -- the game is herald trying to get a nut. I know that's -- like if it's rated really you don't have friends are getting mad they're like that's not you can't -- now in a cycle you gotta tell -- if you've gotta tell your home lawyer buddy to cut back. Out you really be have to be like -- not cool if you want and throw you asked me and I will see if I wanna make it happen -- -- -- -- there -- -- we get out of your house in a social situation where where you're with your -- and you happen to meet them but. You don't even -- FaceBook subcommittees are finding out things about them that when you meet them you gonna freeze up the majority -- things about them. Stopping us if they did not slow up and tell your buddy to videos on to comment on netstat cut it out or. That's un friend territory seriously if -- -- stocking your your friends your female friend. Stella knows the kind of I -- I as thirty time lots of them over and over. But that. Stay with me cut cut in and out cut it out in -- I cut it I would definitely I wouldn't issue a blanket threat even that -- Is stuck my tech friends on my for my -- but you -- and -- Now I'm not gonna take you to my barbecues are not coming to my parties when you're gonna get not none squirrel. That I think uses as air you guys. And eloquent abuse -- -- you're ever gonna get on show. Punishment on -- techpodcasts. And we really bring the -- -- the buzz down. But if you have alternated -- -- offer please feel free to post in the comment or read our blog below that cnet.com where can also finally to the story that we talked about yet you can also call us 806162638. CNET 34 or five seconds we are some -- else in the -- -- -- video was metals -- -- but. Some of only -- have been able to play to the too long yet the gas and -- -- -- -- chop -- that she down a little bit and also email us a buzz at cnet.com. Keep it become an integral lonely weekend everyone's background. I see you guys.

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