Ep. 15: One Bing to rule them all
Ep. 15: One Bing to rule them all

Ep. 15: One Bing to rule them all

Android surgeons being replaces Google search and using your phone to jailbreak your PS3 but wait there's more. And it's all coming up on this week's edition of hundred dollars weekly for Thursday September ninth 2010 -- and -- on here along with just -- -- I'm going just. Awesome awesome awesome to be back. -- special -- senior associate editor Nicole Lee. Welcome to studio again me women -- do this every Wednesday without them they did you talk. About Andrew and -- and other phones. -- so to have you on today don't talk about other phones today that is right we got in trouble for that. -- to control from our listeners -- we ever talked about you know. Other -- related devices we tend to hear from them later this is I was yeah yeah. Yeah. We'll start but only talking about Android now works expect and over the next four years. Yeah it appears. There's a report from IDC that are worldwide quarterly mobile phone tracker. It is -- -- marketshare over other unnamed phones. Soon we won't say anything. -- that wasn't a letters of -- yeah figured out. Is set to surge over the next four years between now and 24 team. Not it's not taking the top spot though now resolved of course love to hear but of course Nokia's Symbian says will hang on -- number one spot. Yeah I'm innocent worldwide it and we're -- here yeah in the US is like -- -- me exactly. What does that isn't like it monkey. And a -- but that's exactly -- people who have -- even know they have Symbian O. I'm gonna -- now anything that's Alison Nokia break in and -- it is Anthony's parents at. Exactly so what it what do the numbers here. So Nokia Symbian OK on to number -- -- 32 point 9%. Of the market. But will lose some customers and grid of course which we'll see it share climbed from sixteen point 3%. This year to 24 point 6%. Quarter of the total percentage. -- the socket thing is that it's as blackberries carols they about the same. -- -- it for Blackberry. Modes feeling they either are gonna dying. -- to dominate there's no between them village. Yeah I I have to say I don't us an ability in the sense of the next four years this because the people who are still using blackberries. They're very attached to that -- -- adolescent style messaging and I each. People who -- really diehard Blackberry users can view the -- that uses and yet so tied into the whole corporate. And by and it's kind of the same thing with like windows -- PCs and corporate -- really hard to think the world. Where that doesn't exist -- so much infrastructure and so I mean I don't think he's an adult I found I can imagine people using a Blackberry and Android. Right that's what it was it was there I mean how many people do you know just around CNET who have to phone -- exactly. So -- -- -- at some point. IPhone Lander is gonna be good enough but he emailed to be compelling. Corporate wires and personalized -- -- -- email only. -- -- -- -- -- It's a -- just a the next four years I think I think you might you'll stay the same. This isn't a good thing though because it's. I mean you don't want to see the same -- and get better. You -- you and ago and not growing it's gonna her Blackberry in the long run. So right I mean they could still leave this is percent as the market -- so I would presume the global market for Smartphones as an arrow to go and -- -- -- three more Smartphone users over time and being 17%. For all four is not make -- and he. The good thing. Well they'll grow -- -- the same. I do what they always do it there -- now. Says speaking of dominating where adults I guess they're not dominating in the previous statement. Where is -- dominating. While the terrorist are adjacent yeah. I will go ahead tell you from the story you put in here -- -- ha -- yeah luckily they've -- things from -- -- that makes a little bit easier. This article kind of is gonna taking I OS to task to basically see -- Android is stealing share from Iowa us and I mean you can't help but you can't avoid comparing these two OS is -- very similar in the types of users that they're going after and obviously you know Android probably you know -- a lot of what it happens around the success of violence like that but there are some key things -- let them. With this is in -- web consumption. Right there exit from podcast which it does tracts in the way way of them -- -- specifically. And they're saying that choice is obviously. AP. Big reason why the Android over the Iowa -- You know it's -- choice. And the number of devices are commonly hear this from people specially people who -- big fan boys and of the iphone's like that -- -- -- -- -- -- general. Is -- -- -- like twenty or thirty or forty differ standard devices out there competing just one iPhone as the rest of race and -- camp but that's not. That's not bad right right like it still -- still marketshare -- -- there's only one computer manufacturer. Oh wait probably is you probably have Mac zero's on Mac fan boy but I yeah exactly and and I sit on both sides of the fence Mac and a piece like at all but it. Yes so I mean obviously there -- choice and hardware there's -- in the carrier. In the apps which you know is growing it's still not nearly as as competitive as but. -- turn -- at any. Cheap thing to me about this is. You could attribute this to growth in Android raids salesman number of people who have entered phones. Or could you contributed to the fact since this is just web that more people on -- I always use apps to get their formation. From various services and don't use the web browser -- not so maybe. People are actually using -- OS more of the same as Amber's. The question about this safari and since you -- are very regular -- users. Do you go to the browser more than -- use a Twitter app and -- the use of FaceBook app aren't -- blogging -- something like that. Do you or do you just people to the browser most of the -- Now -- I mean you know if there's an app for it and if it's a good I mean -- has to be a type that out yet I wanna use -- -- there -- a million Twitter apps out there. And I feel like I've used a good majority of them. And you know I'd I'd really try with the apps to you. Throw it on my phone and not just judge -- immediate meaningless to really bad she brought my phone and I'll put it on the home screen and -- what I use for a little while just to see how I feel -- -- but there and I mean if it's good yes that we use the app that does not. I don't know still doing so I want out of. Thousand -- agreement with you there late. I think in the -- apps are normally better experience than using the mobile web -- equivalent however I think there are even though there's a lot of maps which we'll talk about the second. Com there's still not as many sort of big brand big service outages for Android which forces you to go to. The -- right right. I do admit like as someone who who has an iPhone -- -- I I just goes to the app most of the time I can't go to -- -- with capita traitor rapper. That's in the -- by Apple whatever and I Israeli open up the browser to check those same things and I just wondered if maybe -- when users -- and just more prone to using the app. Yeah supposed to end users who just. Sort of bias -- a list -- browser. I think it's very similar yeah both platforms -- pretty much in general if an Apple does something specific and it doesn't really well then you're gonna be more inclined to use -- then open up your browser and load up a bookmark. Double -- so it zooms in seconds he did feel disposed -- -- yeah I mean I do that by absolutely out -- preference but. Since we're talking about apps let's mix of that peerless jump around a little bit but -- how many apps -- marketplace there I guess was a report. -- team you'll press conference for the G two and you Rubens. Indirect Google. Says that there are now 80000 apps in the entered. Your senses is pretty -- group from a glass says to him. How does this compare to -- Other another place please yeah yeah. Okay isn't one yet do we know how many. I'm the other one is that something like 200 passengers and thousand -- as a lot of -- -- -- -- to me it's all is to meet the number -- S has never been an issue to me because more people. -- -- keynote -- -- -- -- to stop gap is most people would just get. -- -- eight yard I don't know your math isn't your FaceBook essentials -- One a two photography apps something like that. Would just connects. You didn't that beauty I mean most people and you -- kind of unique in -- because you a lot of -- known fundamental bases but. I think most people the -- your ten core Epson. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it's good to see no more developers get in on board and getting better apps hopefully -- thing that -- And I feel like we're at a point with Android where it pretty much has all of these sort of core utility and so they want at this point -- If there's kind of like the lack Flickr me before me and they're right there on the don't work very well. And always told now more games. Yeah yeah and and I actually I gotta say along that tip -- birds of course he has talked about -- yeah any. Yes he -- that it is -- experience can be really good playing gains we interact I think nothing now. Minnesota doubles up with a little that I think -- -- advantage of the iPhone is that. The most game developers know exactly what processor it is you know exactly -- next residences. Residents so many different kinds of processors -- to an Android phones and it. Keep this game is good for. The -- but not good for the G1 or whatever and so this -- thinking involved but the -- the. There is it's a big concern and we talked about the gaming device -- it was built on Mandarin potentially that's gonna come out from Sony in the right I'm gonna I think that is definitely. -- -- Yeah. Brands like some. Just think these same -- design games around is that device. But it but it's an injury schemes -- -- then you know but we have the same I mean. The overall theme here is that. Smartphones are becoming computers in there. They have all the same problems -- the computer industry has had for you know decades now where you may be running windows anytime on your street Easter eggs. You're gonna have to have -- I think I'm gonna -- a requirement. Able again I mean they they try to -- some -- those out an app store gadget here if you're -- iPhone doesn't support. You know I guess that's more built around oh the elements yen to -- you have in of one point six you're trying to Spitzer version. Google Maps -- -- even show the update -- They kind. On and then another big thing that we actually talked about earlier today on buzz out loud it is the whole being. Search on Verizon Android phones basically earlier this week there was a reviews -- fascinate. The pointed out that being was set as the default search engine on the -- And upon looking into that there's no real way to change no it's big nothing and then. London Sydney. Don't go being or go home -- -- -- Vista -- kind of crazy because they say they have. A long term deal with Microsoft -- yeah -- be in this. Search provider it's kind of unclear what that means -- that says exclusive then it also says that that doesn't mean it's gonna be on all phones. Yeah I mean the initial gut you know knee jerk reaction was oh my god -- that's their plan for -- -- hundred phones going forward in a Microsoft representative. Did write an email to -- says that in basically said to Verizon will announce over the course the next few months launch of new hundred devices which will be preloaded with being. The deal for Android devices. Opera has not exclusive. So you know it's not could be every single device which sounded a little sketchy to -- -- that Jackson would just -- -- August on an unbelievable. But I'm really happy to hear that this is really bizarre to me that. You know in in a world where we have web browsers that have a default search engine. And you know built up into the top of it and you know it's a default Nat sucks to have to change it but you can't like -- -- -- -- not allow the install. A Google search widget especially considering this is Google like you'll need to have that a lower the mark crazy thing to ask how could you -- allowed us I mean -- injuries Italy and it's free today. They have certain level of sort of requirements -- to me to get day. Get certified and get -- -- marketplace allowed on your phone it sounds to me why isn't this one of them the. Concession to Verizon is honesty something that is concessions -- -- because Verizon is their biggest. And try to carry it to happen the most do you mean -- post its its -- isn't it did and I have. But it let's hear your -- -- it if you're Google and you're not allowed on the phone goes to zero doesn't it I don't make any other revenue off if you're not gonna search on -- phone. -- for its tough call it. I don't know if it's bizarre to me -- I mean Microsoft bully on them to get this this do. It's kinda crazy. Yes certainly a big deal Microsoft and -- like that. The work let's see if I mean on the flip side it's an open operating yet results and then he spends carriers than the manufacturers they have the freedom and the ability and that's the drop this'll last. To determine these types things -- all of these different front and you know. Borderline -- -- that the HTC sense than a like and it's not yet have the ability to change. The presentation of all the elements in the phone they can remove apps that you would expect the -- -- Android -- -- other modification that you may. Causes Google to status does lose all their revenue -- -- only purpose but it actually out of an accurate. -- is not making anything licensing -- Yeah yeah right answers that the only reason. And and a lack of solutions -- -- -- into Google answer this but. That's happening okay so here's the question and then we moved the operation. And -- pointed this -- -- are on those -- question will the fact that the device has being instead of Google and potentially blocks you from installing Google's default search. -- would that affect -- buying decision. Dahlia. Yeah and -- it. If you -- Little Edie fall but I can change and that's exactly right and that's it but I cannot change it it. That's -- it's very similar to the -- eighteen into the restriction -- letting us his own apps on those you're taking away the ability -- -- is very desirable. That's what people I don't and how does it affect all the things that Google's searches used forum it's used for -- voice -- yeah. All of those things that's -- immigration now those other apps it finished in we will ponder this further good good yeah I'll answer for you. Shortly after the break we're gonna take right now. Are adjacent what's the answer I was actually busy watching my Samsung groupies -- it and get a chance I. Answer to what now I was just distracted by hip hop jam going to get into -- -- after. Well the answer we'll get back to that latest big personality out of for your scandalous yeah sure we totally get at the of of the show. The personal talk about Samsung. And there Android based TVs which sounds exciting Samsung's kind of on a little bit of -- -- right now. Here meaning there at the number one TV manufacturer in the world. Of that and I'm just in general like it in in the world and -- they're doing a lot of really cool things yet he has as yet an enzyme tablet we talked about last week it'll. -- -- and second as well this week but yes of their. I guess considering making an -- underrated based TV which really means they're considering making a Google TV based TV. Right. I think it's great I mean it's seeing a lot of sense and television it's -- really high quality you know gimmick that you really know lot of TVs in I think this is. Combined with Google TV combining all the services involved in the Netflix on the browser -- the -- -- -- and everything I think. It's gonna be a pretty into product that excellent. And -- just to -- or as sort of reported by piece he wrote a couple there. People and they even said -- -- -- Sony is gonna make a local TV liberty announced that morning at least that at some point. So they this isn't the only TV manufacturers. It's not the first and internal that the last but it's the biggest is Google TV the same thing like Android and that it's. Maybe I should know the story is in that it's open and licensing there is none like. They don't have to pay a license that stated my -- and I wonder device -- -- -- and I wonder if they learned anything as a result of the license in the went down for. You know Smartphones like do they -- Choir romantic -- -- yeah Google of the -- patterns that little tiny requirement. I mean big dollars and yet these -- -- Google TV looks at the very interest -- with the built in apps than it does Google TV at Tiffany's anything. Now it. Now. We Chelsea yet another thing that's exciting from Samsung as we alluded to earlier it is these Sampson galaxy tab which is you know. I think -- -- pretty much but everyone is looking to to be the iPod. Here what's here -- -- That was. And yes you know everyone's gonna hate that we says. But every other media outlet is in the senate as well. So -- quick review talked about this last week it did unit -- -- honcho. It's seven inch screen and pray for 600. -- processor. Com you know sixteen -- 32 gigs of memory -- Three to the. -- grandma. And Stephen Chapman actually recorded eight and ten minute or so video kind of walk through of the device it really is. A large Android phone. And it does exactly what it is that there are today kind of poking through -- and I don't know I expected anything different yeah. And I guess the site other than that ability yes exactly that normally that's what people -- when the iPad was released not that thing not a bad thing the big the big a screen does allow far you know you can see you videos much -- get. And -- -- the definition of apps and indeed -- -- touch kind of interference on a larger screen this is a little more enjoyable reading ligament when dynamic and a lot. So one thing that I have not -- answered any or is how do they deal with injury for phone -- -- -- -- Scaling grant. We're like it what's gonna happen because it iPad -- a commitment of two acts but and to magnify it protects its eyes. This exhibition issue. I mean ultimately does that mean that -- The developers are going to happen to you can take into consideration to develop these things -- knows better apps -- our test larger screen like -- and I can be available for and -- -- -- -- Who -- questions also the reason why over talking about this week. As a computer wondered since we talked about the product because well. Is be -- is. He was the CEOs Sampson. That they expect to ship ten million galaxy tabs and ten. -- thoughtful pace is that they're gonna -- a third of the global tablet market next year. -- Right so would this is huge. So not to be out -- done. A Apple. Say analysts he considered envoy or. -- as sort of says. This is Maynard. UBS investment research I don't know like it and -- evident he said that. Apple. Could -- 28 million I've and when you of the justice. -- yeah yeah and narrator. Samsung whatever. So if well at those two numbers up you'll find it doesn't really it's gonna take 13 rumor that. Yeah and I mean. You know Samsung might have a large portion of the TV market but when it comes tablets I mean are -- the you know are they playing on the -- I guess I guess the field is wide open for someone to really come in with -- good -- editor. And you know and take it away from there that. Now it seems like a lot if you'd like to -- and -- -- -- -- ten -- eleven million. Albums out much hope thoughts on an academic I -- so much mind share right now -- this this tablet that comes out to compete against it has to be. Phenomenal. And I don't know I'm not saying the -- -- can't I mean two things there's new Apple sold -- 3.2. Seven million units last quarter. Which I think it -- -- critters that means. How many units sold in total in so it -- twenty million so almost ten times that next -- seems like a lot. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It could be I think you're right -- know about Samsung I think what's gonna happen and the town hundred have a area is that it's invasive -- it's happened with -- hundred phones like. Combined they'll probably outsold iPad eventually but no one not want to -- -- house sells. If you've heard it here. That's right if it if I haven't listened to anyone else if I can be sure you're the first one ever to say that probably I think that you are. -- so moving on we -- HTC. And those view Android -- owners out there might be a little bomb to find out this. Little tidbit of information. It original the first of all I didn't know that it originally shipped with one point five with -- Android. Plus one and I remember I do remember when they came out I was like -- -- -- -- the errands to do they get the drew it it is don't know. Obviously chosen -- choosing destroyed because -- Aris will not be updating 2.2 which can further be implied that. The -- is no longer updating the nurses says -- zucker Z white one for ever needs to get before one. After what you've stuck in its to -- I am and point but it. It had to -- is -- -- was first when he first came out it was it was sold as the entry level kind of affordable. New Android device so. Maybe is just justice -- -- for the sort of entry level. Yeah -- they don't focus -- much time importing them here on the lower cost Android devices you know what the army if you want a better one. A crying or I travel around the -- Democrats with a -- the spokesperson said we will not be updating there's 22 point two because of our device portfolio of balls and changes constantly yeah and this again is that the fundamental. Issue with Android is that because HTC's specifically as a very customized interface that a lot of work to upgrade it. There. You better think getting better go with the -- incredible. That has that has -- that is a great able to 2.2 yet that you know. That's just the latest of these customizable -- HTC's in the Motorola -- it is very. -- customizable using appease them. Again though you know -- -- routines as you know little computers. And not as phones like can you imagine it spells like. We're not gonna let you have grant up to his personal windows on your computer programs are. Well the difference -- Does windows and seven on almost all computers -- -- -- -- Minnesota and it needs some differences but. There aren't that sort of an exact point exactly I feel like we need to move that way yeah. Hopefully they're gonna do that with gingerbread -- -- yeah. Fix it somebody did you get back to me. Are at a guess sticking on the Verizon HTC -- There was a recent FCC listing. That. Leaked out some information on the HTC what was lists that's PD forty to 100 and it's a very sexy name is and it's an episode -- -- -- -- that's actually a slider phone. That I don't really know a whole lot about this device that do you know a little bit about this call us so this Sissy dual mode that -- that means you can run on both -- Guinean GSM networks. So you can use it on Verizon when you in the US senate human eco overseas when GSM is mark more universally adopted you can -- -- the sim card for something else again and vodafone's. Ligament that so -- -- this can use both CDM me and GSM moods. And it looks here that it looks has EV yellow and VG and Wi-Fi and all of that good stuff ZoneAlarm. If you have one question about it the -- of -- script. Yet as the script oh I didn't expect the FCC likes to do. Triple B the omnipresent Android has not released its vice grip on the phone that's why we haven't seen it in the in the market the not -- -- obviously. Right and more more device news here we've already talked about the G to use T-Mobile G two the follow up to the very first ever Android phone do you want much deleted. And I -- that's slick looking device I like it. Looks much thinner than the first one other person at a little chin of the bottoms and it doesn't have and looks much -- -- he buttons though those picky but India and though. I learned bundle anything this is -- -- an but it does go to 800 megahertz processor instead of the one -- and a lot of that you -- phones have not as competitive so -- -- -- competitive but it does come to point to its -- -- although voice -- stuff so that is definitely a better phone and then. UN -- you know I'm active X cameras liked that. No pricing and availability of -- the announced just yet. But they use -- a pre orders beginning soon yes. Stay tuned for that I I wondered Jonathan Strickland and we have not a few weeks ago still has the G1 read I do wonder if this is enough to -- -- -- -- -- -- needs an -- besides the processor the one thing missing. From this and the one thing it take him almost -- -- asked me in my next is the front facing camera. Have to this kind of weird to say that because it's not like. Well known -- we talked -- of the yeah yeah -- -- -- ourselves if you like it's not like I -- front facing camera on my next phone because I wanna take video calls every single time I call somebody just -- I wanna be a little occasional -- occasional. You check that's a bigger thing for. People with kids I think so you just wanna yeah. Yeah although it's -- -- -- -- as trying to figure out like why it would drive why why do I need to use that's why don't wanna use it but I mean it's a no brainer when. When had a kid you know exactly like you're traveling you wanna see the -- That. Yeah I don't the other advantage of the -- -- is it does use the stock Android you -- upload no offense CH TC. You know -- and really just sit up and drag this is really hard fine yeah I mean our next to impossible to find -- this -- -- -- last week this is the first time they've done that since the Nexus One last phones that have now yeah. So if you want -- the pure Android experience and there you down in. Which you get that more phones -- like next time I upgrade it kind of want the pure Android experience and twenty's. And then finally it will go ahead and through use amusement -- and a lot of trouble for potentially so take this one with a -- -- -- and be careful and use it responsibly. But if Android has posted a way you can use your Android phone to jailbreak your PlayStation 3. I don't know if you remember that probably like three -- four weeks ago. There was this little USB key that was that came hours 150 dollars. And what you do you played into the front of your PS3 -- boot into it and so it's not making any changes on the -- But it allows you to you -- booted up from the USB key be able to jailbreak it and do you know lots of things you probably should be doing. -- -- now you can use your Android phone to do that for free and certain. Certain compatible phones are listed here is linked with an article that showed you but not all phones that supported -- -- there. And do know that Sony does have the ability to block your entire console. From ever signing into the PlayStation network and the probably use it if you get caught doing so. There's just kind of pain if you like while -- can do that I had no idea I think your iPhone -- Ha ha ha. -- I -- a big event and that's really evident. All right that's only to -- So justice. Yes has -- -- good so have you heard of any new apps this week I love there's this one out that I like I wrote a lot. That would suggest. Know -- would suggest demand that -- room listening to go out. And search for CNET news in me Andrew marketplace we releases last week. And it basically. Has all of the news. That is it. If they -- I don't know. Anyway it has basically alternate news and other -- he typed content from all of the different CNET sites -- police unit news.com. When you go there you'll see. Android users here top news webware. Business. Pre connections through a little overall. And jump into the different stories. We also have an editor -- so many things that are editors think is important and -- week. -- I -- here and there's -- lot of cool stuff in there this is sort of just the first version. My note that. There's a lot of requests for video for doubters and others and you can believe that all that stuff is common. But -- you know others' suggestions or feedback. Feel free to send it to mean. And please give us five stars in the temperate work how how can -- either use it available through the app to do. You can comment and now -- hand. Send email to you know Internet list or to me personally. That doesn't know -- -- You don't have to go irregularities within the app there's a feedback button that's way to get feedback. Little review all feedback but we are -- already are working -- the next version. And love to hear which -- Awesome that's great few other things that have come out one very appropriate to right now packages downloaded the Yahoo!. Fantasy football app but there are there's an article here with six fantasy football lots 300 phone if you these -- just released. Policy can check that out if you're -- fantasy football league. And if you hate sports then go ahead and pretend that I didn't say that and move all of excellent which is cool apps for point five and you update. And actually does Dallas today which they're basically introducing. Walking navigation in Q. The navigation tool and I mean it is exactly what it sounds like you're walking directions are. And they also added the ability to filter search results to distance and ratings around -- -- -- cool. -- categorize places with dollar signs you know when you're looking them up and you can look for a -- cross streets. To find places out -- cross streets so as -- -- -- Google Maps is probably. In -- email on the phone number one absolutely you know make it the number three -- -- -- yeah. I I consider it the absolute killer app of the Android. Experience. So and and you don't -- had to go back to you the whole being you know Android yeah search like. This begs the question like that is that so deeply integrated into these other Google -- that it would affect. The usability of the things like and maps as we don't know the answer. Potentially so we don't. Opera tip for us sure well Jason writes -- I promise it wasn't mean. And says hey do you -- do you think you guys could point -- in the direction. To better understand how to use widgets on my -- I find them terribly difficult to understand. -- discussion tends to focus on apps alone thanks for the help of the show. And I mean I just thought this was maybe a good a good way to you can't get into widgets a little bit and more specifically. The long press on your home screen if you haven't done it before this is kind of the basic tip but it's somewhat buried and because these phones don't come with manuals it's very easy to overlook it but if -- long -- -- -- home screen. You end up getting an add the home screen pop up menu that gives you shortcuts. Widgets folders or wallpaper where you can change while papers and these ladies do a number of nifty things. If you're talking about widgets you can click widgets and any apps that you have installed in your phones that have widgets built into them or any apps that are widgets you can find those in the marketplace installed -- your phone are gonna come up in that list and given that the current home screen Iran. Has the visual space for it you can select one of those and throw widget on your page and and and begin using it from there it. On and then otherwise another tip that we have that's very similar to this is from the shortcuts button. Fruit if you have a number that you always find yourself calling and you don't want always go into the phone app. In you know scroll through find the number start -- at appear at the -- near the top of the list for whatever. You can actually out a shortcut human UC long press. And -- you select short cuts and and direct dial from the menu and you can select the contact actually store that. On your home screen as a one click dial for that person. Mechanical thing about this is you can actually. Choose. To have the dial a specific number for someone or to just load their contact and then you can choose and solar -- or I wanna send a text message driver now. -- it's pretty powerful shortcuts -- -- As wells -- -- you should definitely check out just they were all of those options in general if you remember from I don't know what couple months ago I did the navigates you kind of shortcut thing this is the same type of approach -- a lot of really cool customization and there. Awesome so we got an email to enter an analyst at cnet.com from John in Windsor elsewhere he says hey guys -- -- thirteen just mentioned the voice recognition worked. -- Sorry quote works very well except for names. Welts and -- last school contacts update there if he -- -- new field called phonetic. Name in your contacts. In Gmail open contacts. Open a contact in the have dropped down there's a field called -- name. They basically -- -- goes on -- sensitive and terror. The fanatic. Name of someone rather than the actual -- and that that will. Sort of resolve the problem. You know the voice. Recognition to call someone. So. I was pretty -- when he wrote in. And it -- -- little research in it was a little discouraging -- I couldn't -- -- -- a definitive answer from Google -- -- -- that the vast majority. Users were talking about this image ever -- that this is actually not use for voice recognition. Comment that maybe -- -- -- for your own reference to. You know let you know -- you -- someone's name just of the new field for yourself. I'm so I have not done extensive testing with this -- cancer to confirm one way or another. Arm but if you cool -- tonic impediments come up with all that stuff and it came up with that. Bunch of frustrated people saying hey this does actually not work at all. -- to be really useful to be used for that type of thing or or what that you do is what the used to do you know I feel like I've seen this and apps like years ago. Now -- voice recognition where you could learn. In a click learn and you sing it like five times and it learns that that's how you see that name and it ties to the specific that -- credit -- -- -- call it to people. Now that he call it. It'll -- like hundreds of thousands of people I had an iPod Touch and list Leo it. -- Totally may I can't seem like that field would be ideal for this. It would be -- -- -- apparently decided an answer on that. You know let us -- yeah and -- Well that appears to be it that's what we got for you today if you would well first of all. If you like to watch more of Nicole -- you -- that without them right yeah that's every Wednesday to PM Pacific on -- live you can also find. Find it on the block -- -- -- to the -- doesn't. Well that's easy. And -- -- the show you team Alexander Dallas at cnet.com you can hit us up on Twitter -- that was. You check out our live show with Thursday's 2 PM Pacific right here it's -- cnet.com. Slash slide slide -- -- And you can find all the information about all this stuff. And cnet.com slash Android Alice and that's an. Thanks so much yes. -- --

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I Upgraded to the iPhone 15 Pro Max: Was It Worth It?

iOS 17 Still Holds Surprises: Overheating Fix, Podcast Changes and More

iOS 17 Still Holds Surprises: Overheating Fix, Podcast Changes and More

How Apple's Switch to USB-C Will Change the iPhone

How Apple's Switch to USB-C Will Change the iPhone

Everything Apple Announced at Its iPhone 15 Event

Everything Apple Announced at Its iPhone 15 Event

Tech Shows

The Apple Core

The Apple Core

Alphabet City

Alphabet City

CNET Top 5

CNET Top 5

The Daily Charge

The Daily Charge

What the Future

What the Future

Tech Today

Tech Today

Cooley On Cars

Cooley On Cars



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Microsoft Announces First Surface Copilot Plus PCs Powered by Qualcomm

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Everything Announced at Microsoft's Surface Copilot + PC Event

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Android 15: See New Features in Action

If Apple Makes Siri Like ChatGPT or Gemini, I'm Done

If Apple Makes Siri Like ChatGPT or Gemini, I'm Done

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Bose SoundLink Max Review: How Does It Compare to the Cheaper SoundLink Flex?

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I Tried Three Fitness Apps to Help My Postpartum Recovery

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How Many Times Did Google Say AI at I/O 2024?

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I Tried Google's Project Astra

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Everything Google Just Announced at I/O 2024