Ep. 1474: More pain for Sony
Ep. 1474: More pain for Sony

Ep. 1474: More pain for Sony

Today it's Monday may 23 2011 mining -- and beat him I'm Donald bell I'm Brian Sullivan a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of Ian at the permanently. Today what is today's episode number. In a 1474. -- -- -- the little a school not loading it that it blocks. The number of episodes. Let this happen get on it -- -- -- happen also why that happened is because Molly is not here in the studio today Molly isn't join. -- -- -- 28. Birthday expect at that gets a -- when it -- yet when -- it. So I'm -- -- out for the day hopefully getting a nice spot -- treatment massage I don't know whatever you young ladies and -- when it by growth in Europe. Shooting gallery and she could be doing that is loaded in America -- -- -- -- lead Donald bell house. ITunes. And stereo sound is kick in my head currently -- yes I don't. -- you guys we've seen the light maybe the board isn't the heat up after -- and all the vacuum tube currently free digital. Audio has been illegally into our rate year for everyone here that's -- that's I had -- head on upn and also -- It came -- like the whole time we're trying to -- and while that is -- I'll bet is glorious wonderful this is just that assigned from the universe at this podcast is meant to be. Now a Donald Big -- big things here on in the Bay Area for geeks and nerds alike. Maker -- happen this weakens -- yeah how that. And only thing that just for the Bay Area is there's so many people there I would think that it was like the world descending on you know the DIY what the DIY world -- it was pretty crazy it was -- most active ever seen and I've been there as. I've been -- almost every maker for I didn't do last -- actually but. Everything -- the five I department. -- down. Yet the most packed the nursing because as talking to day -- tournament from news.com saying that is like a 20000 independent system and sane members so. People love fire breathing robots and wacky. You know. DIY attack yeah the world loves it and and -- our guest worker and the right business for that to itself. You just have any specific exhibit that you liked or something you know you've been a for a while we always see the fire -- dragon which is always cool -- the fire breathing any whatever yeah exploding something. On the did you see any -- those chemical -- here are a little different that was a little different. I think the thing that we we actually shot video mobile video posting later today of some vocal stuff Eric Franklin -- I. Found but down what they I was impressed with was like a group of high schoolers have put together a Guitar Hero. Interface for. Propane. Flame all angles and like every IE to the Guitar Hero buttons would correspond with the different -- -- and then when there -- successfully playing the game -- would lecture at the usually do -- -- -- this so when you play it back in time to like Iron Man flight. Yes but damn thing has impressed by not only that it is a cool thing but that -- this group heights with Apple -- -- and -- you know forums there. And it's -- it's always women I mean there are guys gonna jump as the stories Sony not going down in flames yet. But they just announced their latest earnings or. Lack -- of they did they said they're expecting an annual loss of 3.2. Billion dollars this year reversing their earlier projection. A return to profit. They had predicted that they would be profitable somewhere around over 800 million dollars. Earlier this year that's not the case now some of this is -- attributed to. A tax write off are largely written two due to a writing of a 360 billion yen. Or four point four billion US dollars related to a tax credit. Booked in the previous quarter but also other things that -- affecting them -- the tsunami situation. Ms. that are really hasn't trickled down to its bottom line yet but they're expecting to see that -- that because over -- 5000 people were killed during the tsunamis. -- -- numerous factories were shut down because of it and then also we have the PlayStation hack. That took down -- To coming out for about three or four weeks. They said in the projections -- they said they were planning to lose approximately 170. Million dollars. To cover the costs and included the identity theft insurance for customers improving their -- security and access the contents. They did not mention how much the outage actually cost them from a standpoint of how many users how many dollars they they know -- you let them the PlayStation or. It's that it's crazy I mean. Part of me just thinks about how. As status is news is it's not like Sony was doing great before all -- to you know like. Even before the -- before the tsunami Sony was in this kind of treading water or you know of slow downward spiral of Mike not getting products out not coming out the tablet not having. You know. Hottest phones to be we're talking about dislike all there are things that -- their bread and butter before. It's not quite. You know being be the most popular product that on the market. This is just this is really accelerate you know bear. They don't. -- yet heated if he didn't think they were the whipping boy also Sony's bmg site that's part of their music division they're Sony bmg -- music site. Was also. Successfully hacked recently they are they they. Did it doesn't stop so they suffered another online attack exposing get this -- users' information including their names email addresses and user names. Why didn't Sony also has reason to sign strike a deal with Apple for the music service -- that -- on his one of them the majors or. Sony bmg were animated -- and -- that the -- god give thought. -- the -- here. It has added maybe I -- will be the thing that late night -- the stories about Sony's ideology iTunes cloud deal now at whoever is the Sony taught him how cross severe whatever was was and is going to be the thing that killed iTunes. -- now with this make this work. Yet the more hacks have been -- -- with the Sony subsidiary. -- that into an entertainment corporation revealing that hackers also -- redeemable gift points. And a security for reporting that Phishing scam that was we talked about that last week a Phishing scam was running off of -- Sony's -- server and it's. I I don't I I kind of feel like these that the hacker community needs to just give -- -- on Sony. Yeah get it now can edit it my -- we get film credits yet so that's a tapping a lot more even warmer world than anything Sony could be doing. Absolutely so that's a tapping out in the Sony will also just kind of an update Google it's been discovered that Google is now also over the weekend -- Blocking Android movies from rooted devices. And there -- attributed to DRM so Google which we've all known as kind of been like we are the open platform a lot users know that you can -- -- Android phone to take control of it you know gain. Additional administrative privileges unlock a lot because they also -- others -- home brew apps that are out there as well. They're preventing -- access to YouTube's rentals service. And Google is shutting down all reading users -- The news doesn't upset me -- much. Well I guess for the streaming if you're streaming continuity that I feel like the people -- is my own. Like. But it turns and biased but I feel like people who -- we and routing. Their phones are we into you know just having that access that device are probably the same people who -- Have. Collection of the X -- if I tend to put on their devices anyways. But it is it is it is unfortunate I think. I can understand the protective measure for want to make sure that you're the DRM content isn't flowing out. To. Get recorded it can't -- it needed. Yeah I mean more than anything Google's -- doing this to appease the labels that have allowed them or the X. The people that they've strike you know have made deals with some have their content. -- YouTube rental store but. The whole idea this is just another example the growing pains that Google has to go through them with -- we -- truly an open platform. They've already cut back with manufacturing agreements -- releasing an eagle not every manufacture. They were there really trying to control experience more and it just showing that you know. It's not that easy being that open. Yeah I think there's also it's it's easy to overestimate. How important though like rooted and -- community is from where we're sitting. You know in art and our tech bubble but I think for the same and consumer who would equally be barring an iPhone -- an iPad compared to. Honeycomb tablet -- Android phone. They're probably not -- their devices -- how this -- a problem they're not gonna see. So. No big deal I think for the majority of users are what I think Google hopes are the majority features coming up. Also when you talk about DRM issues this is kind of a little add on the Netflix application was filed pretty recently released -- mantra platform but out of the gates. There's only support for about. Five phones -- it. And now hearing I had put up -- ATC's incredible Nexus One the evo four G and G two and the Samsung nexus S is compatible there are some ways of people -- Kind of hacking around it to get Netflix of play but. Again you have. A stellar multi media streaming -- like Netflix -- available on the Android platform but it's not available on every phone. Mac OSX. Beacons that that consumer than a site which -- to abide. Well she is good for us is not the can be seen its fair -- on the can buy that can get Netflix announced that the -- -- And to think about anything that -- all the way to -- to make sure I'm not benefiting from. Yeah so what does Google -- getting some continuous growing pains. Also on in -- in panic into steam partnerships that are brewing foursquare and group on. Are planning a distribution deal this -- have daily deals leader group on and foursquare party not. On which would allow group on deals to show up. In -- that are targeted to foursquare users -- -- Mobile app users can tell the friends in the vicinity of venue in this is why I this I was. Religiously against foursquare until there is a deal for a store that I shopped at. A lot. And then I decided okay -- check out the sports -- thing and and I was totally brought into the foursquare world -- in the -- -- things -- -- -- my friends blah blah blah. Wasting my brain power and time like. Actually when you check it you know what foursquare is actually bad for. When you go out to dinner with friends and -- so hooked on. It's clear that -- do that -- you break the social connection -- you break the human connection. Just checked in on foursquare to witness it back right but yeah I'm -- you -- the -- has some awesome teacher boutique someone's right yeah it might be on that yeah via a game. That's and do -- this is -- content. Pensions. There's this stuff franchise called metro -- USA trendy clothing blades and if you look foursquare me -- you get 20% off. On clothes which is pretty significant. So if you're the foursquare mayor who also talks about the place on their podcast the delicate at this and it doesn't have stated that they felt I became mayor ray this is why act undeclared. I became an air movement apart and then the literally two weeks ago they just went into liquidation could. -- -- Taylor mayor ship under your mayor ship Brian -- you should have some responsibility. -- -- and that and then on a Saturday and made an admission here one -- with -- hot topic here I found out that hot topic with the parent company. Metro. -- them all down Thelma. Clearly. If you want any patented solar that -- -- they'll. Dump it on here. And it anyways Ruth group aligned we get back to the story. And it has -- -- It was one group on the also recently announced their group on now real time deals -- being tested out in Chicago and they partnered with the -- To showcase -- be -- so this -- Canada a natural migration over to the location. You know -- -- so you can see your friends saving money in real -- I -- Around you I guess is that -- the whole thing with location basically build our own Yahoo! at Thalia. I didn't I -- not to I'm not that public with -- you know here's the thing right. I it I don't like mean we work -- Internet mean I don't mean like -- public but a deal motivates you to do things you normally don't do great. A deal motivates you to go to Amazon to buy that. Dvd they -- and you end up coming out with a towel a toy and like five more things. And you know. Now I I totally understand how this is like the next frontier for it for business for advertising for all that -- items can be be pulled into that picking. And scratching and and -- OK I'll save money at this path they've achieved no one right next -- how do you know that it. And the thing is that FaceBook now has made people more comfortable sharing their information. Let the war before FaceBook if he told me. Bill on foursquare -- be like no way I do not want to know where I am. But now that FaceBook is really kind of it's you know conditioned people to be so much more open or willing to throw -- on Internet like what foursquare. -- -- -- -- Deal -- an idea and deals and coupons and and backers that it's really it's -- be the slippery slope that get people involved like oh well I guess I'll tell you everything I do you for the rest of my life if I can get that 20% top fact that -- -- -- that you got me deals deals deals. Alright guys are gonna take a little ad break but when we come back the touchpad thinks they are the -- me now also Amazon. We talked about Amazon there's gonna be reason why you're gonna go to their site and you might end up coming back with more. Welcome back to -- allow ladies and gentlemen Donald bell. In the house joining us. We -- this got to make a night out and out there and asylum as -- -- for the video silent raise the roof. Not answer it or audio quietly raising the roof over your -- -- -- running this show. Tell us that scenario within minutes I like that are back this story is HP feeling pretty confident about their touchpad. They say -- according to you know speaking at a press conference. Eric can't cater the European head says that's. If part of it you know they're tying up their success in the PC market they say that -- -- touch -- will be better -- number one. We call it number of one plus. We call it number one pluses and I can replace number one but there is gonna be one class there's a whole new use numeric labelling system that HP is now created with a touchpad. The -- obviously -- web OS based -- now. Where panacea I mean -- you review the -- -- the plus is gonna do it alternate universe where they're number one. But hey I'm I'm glad I I always admired company has a lot of confidence -- themselves. -- you know there are dressing over the rivalry is -- the hardware manufactures and they talked about leaning on kind of issue that -- they have been -- a few companies that has been able to have success in the enterprise and the consumer market. And that this webos touch pad which again. I'm real excited to see in person and mess around with when it's coming on the summer due they have it. It's still not been bugging them there they're -- and -- Minus one count started up to one minus what we have Mikey just got done reviewing -- -- the Palme. Three year -- as the home via a little -- And from. From -- I mean obviously this is gonna be opposite of that that the opposite problem ways that too small in the eighties to be. Out of that isn't a few days and it's a good size it's a little bit smaller than yet I believe right and nine screen. But -- -- is goodness I webos in -- still suffering from the past that now. Lot of this of some good quality stuff there but it's not. If this is as all these different tablets are coming out and there's still -- by the wayside because they don't have that. That that tablet optimize app thing to brag about compared to the iPad. Is just another one -- go to the mix it's like well. -- -- -- year hurt when you get in it to your tablet app catalog up and running it down I'm so excited to see it by I think that. Right now the kind of that sad trombone of all tablets that even even Google is having a hard time getting those. Large scale tablet optimize apps into the -- storage over tomorrow. Yeah I HP is also -- said that you know -- apps that run on the web can be adapted with with ease to the webos tablet but. They do you have UK app partners are services that we all know and a really similar with the Alaska -- sky and the guardian. -- will be available at launch but it will be again all about the apps. And and they've got money I mean I hope that they can -- though as much money and developers as they can to make this thing fun and unique and get people excited. You know also and other tablet news we know people -- but I still go by the Apple Store line -- -- Cisco and there are still people waiting. At 7458. AM in line to again I've -- to believe it or not and you can order them online now for like a two week wait. I think that's okay. I double and the line goes around Sony 500 people deep. The -- you get to -- -- by our faculty -- you know how -- you get on I five they -- vote by about want to buy you every morning that's great ideas period human experience and the -- -- Francis of its delegates at -- artist that the entity and it. Forever cement the experience and their bodies. Well people that are -- you know if you're worried about wolf first of all we obviously talked about the Foxconn. Explosion at their factories last week. On -- and one other person the death toll on rose to three people because over the weekend. You know -- someone who had been injured had passed though is also its three killed having killed from the explosion but Foxconn. Is -- to their suppliers that the iPad two production will not be delayed. -- due to the explosion. So. People that really care about their electronics. Gave free podcasts yes -- -- them. With that and all of Colorado here's like his don't delay my -- I have -- it's -- Woolsey well. I'll Arcadia no -- nice kitchen is not that also in other Apple news Apple's -- to according to rumors and did you times too which is. Or even spot on -- sources Apple's plan to introduce a curved. Glass. IPhone five may be the same curve reminiscent of the iPod -- no. Glass cover glass makers have been reluctant to commit invest in the perks of classic -- -- equipment according to -- -- times and their sources Apple has purchased. 200 to 300. Glass cutting machines to be used by classmate. The fact that it was kind of bubbly right I mean -- And at least you had the the scroll -- still to navigate -- but I imagine if they really made. Last that I guess that they kept the back flat. It's still gonna type on a little bit on this on the flat surface and -- to see -- mount like that. Whom we've if I put a flow tables and while -- try to type of. On the backside -- -- -- -- how well that would I would be noted kind of weird that would be weird also for those of you in the chat -- yes I know I was going to get through it. The nexus S uses a concave curve the screen. It's using curved glass friends and -- Access says it's harmless smartly -- -- using. -- -- No the -- -- is curved glass and they tended this concave need to make it more comfortable become almost like the illusion of the curve curve intervene where the Yankees are located. That and maybe that is it could it concave classified for Apple possibly all we know because the Apple -- -- real runs hot. -- curve. And it may not even be for it yet. -- article we also talk about -- Amazon Amazon and iTunes animals' color and the teens Amazon's. Way that they will -- with deals Amazon. Is going for the jugular not really but they're offering and Lady Gaga -- brand new album or in this away. For 99 cents the entire album and -- in the incentive. Of course. I got -- A little and buy this album more and get a free upgrade to -- -- -- gigs of cloud drive storage. Anyone that has an Amazon account I think. That they might just -- 99 cents. Yeah I think that the joke when that cost sourcing first came out that you buy at 99 cent of sixteen -- -- lead. One song album or something. But you got to -- ever live with the embarrassment of having bought that album. This is a slightly less embarrassing. Immediately -- infineon you rises slightly with embarrassing them but got to -- cover it and how -- your collection. Stand back -- every time you boot up here Amazon cloud -- -- crazy any. Driving and -- that's just released like that. That's an Amazon -- Well it's just a -- -- every -- on an album and shrieking here on the -- via -- Leo yeah but they -- you wanna own album for 99 cents no but I do I do think when -- -- to get that extra twenty Gateway -- pretty cool. Not -- Donald not impressed by the 99 cent lady I was super impressed with -- I don't know on this thing I liked a lot. Also. In kind of news that I really like at age. Ran a survey and -- results saying. Beam technology infused. Provides tax seemed for the affluent. So they ran a survey in January -- which -- monthly households earning more than 100000 dollars per year to decide you know and decided how the world lives this affluent demographic. So they asked them how their life to change the previous decade. The top answer selected by -- 9% was that they became technology. Into the used and it's easy to see that fully 98% of the affluence are online averaging 25 hours Internet use. Affluence alone an average of three and a half TVs. And three -- have at least one high Def TV that's -- not surprising 83 I'm a little disappointed with the headline I thought this meant that rich people are turning and side -- notes on the Sar data actually getting infused with technology not yet this and our lifestyles are correct two thirds have a digital -- video recorder. Of which 58% report always or frequently. Fast -- through the commercials. So the question near the question -- though okay. How how does this how how does this hurt them all the technology infusion got what it -- do is -- So the technology though seems to be like a mixed blessing to them because when the survey ask them how their life to change. They said it is -- technology but equally telling are the phrases that we're next on their list of the personals like how the light change and he's -- technology the next raises said. More complicated. More stressful. And focusing on -- -- ways to do more with less in contrast fewer than half the them. Said their lives to become more fun or speaker. And this is. -- you -- -- the -- all you rich people. Well. I guess this -- the -- money more problems -- it is it is that I. Which made the more problems and -- -- problems comes the new technology making life more complicated. Making more stressed out. And then bombing in is -- -- -- people -- just crying until -- -- the that's what's happening. Is yeah yeah that -- that is one you know it. If you see you rich friend or rich person -- give them you just say. It gets better know it doesn't. A -- get begets more technology infused and and people get more stressed out and Saturn and we're part of the problem. This podcast right here attributing as a part of the problem we're absolutely is maybe -- feeling the need to get more or Smartphones the cry over Wi leadership yeah let's just. Take a break as Cisco take a lot to take a hike could take a lot in the in an annuity part someone fill -- with your kids and -- -- cell phone that. You know this is my mind mania Amish straying from. If you didn't know when Alex that he is I only continue on its Donald is Amish and on cyborg. Believe it or not are sleeker and most favorite. A sleeper tablet. Of the year the Nook Color has found that female magazine fans are flocking to it. Now you how did we find this out well we have publishers. Like O the Oprah magazine cosmopolitan and women's health. That and say not only are their sales on the -- strong that in some cases they've surpassed. What they've done sales -- on the iPad. That's pretty crazy I think that's. -- is is great for Barnes & Noble -- -- dollars and at Dallas unexpected whenever it's unexpected I think it's what is the interesting part of this is just that it's a tablet that's not calling felt tablet you know. That there by. Pitching it as as an. Love of Oprah. And that you've seen that -- you can sell healthy amount of tablets aren't someone who isn't Apple can sell healthy -- tablets and also sell this subscription services and then and all the content comes along with it. Yet the New York Times article says the Barnes -- is marketed the 249 dollar Nook Color towards females. And she'll -- -- girls reunion in various states of relaxation and reports at the beach in bed on the couch. No men are shown in those ads but that's okay and that's that's also if you wanna talk about some of the top -- magazines. That are you know their top sellers includes US weekly shape. Women's health and every day with Rachael Ray men's magazines like Mac so amendments -- rounded out the top -- -- There's nothing I think it -- a woman appealing things -- -- being sexist but it is. That the fact that and that's when -- are looking to get it they've. We're pretty happy about this feature of the fact that it was for the lowest -- cubic meters second do you colored children's books do so few. Were thinking about getting -- e-book reader that could do children's books that this one this is the one for you. You know that it didn't cost 500 dollars and -- still has a long ways to go because people are still not utilizing that little corner of that is made to hook charms -- to a place with a hook -- -- -- in the hunt you can if you want to -- And that's that's the guy away -- why that's why it's not catching on what the guys that's right -- It's -- -- it -- -- Fanny -- that you know work with the scantily ray Morgan rock. -- also -- -- gets the Cobo. Is reveal mean or -- -- or announcing whatever you wanna say this is. At the book expo of America which is happening -- right now they released a 129 dollar. Which is you -- Heating technology used in the current Amazon Kindle -- at the same contrast levels but -- touch screen based U meter once -- -- nine. Pretty sexy that's pretty cool I am I thought inducing Astaro -- -- about touch screen. And he is talking about the first time Sony came out with one -- They actually had put it behind so much. Glass half now that the then it visually look like the whole thing with an underwater and others argue local -- compared -- -- when we did little prize site not having having one that looks exactly like that. Yeah it's it has a faster processor so. The responsiveness and page turning is going to be a lot better as well were waiting to see what Amazon is gonna be released -- they've pretty much without -- We have a tablet based they are going to release new tablet and him mr. -- -- business has set himself so we'll wait see what's coming -- also Barnes and Noble's. I'm planning to announce a potential new device also at the book expo -- missiles the other eczema and other new goodies come out for you to review. Hey hey. Also -- LightScribe LightScribe connecting to digital pen with Google docs and -- this is their digital -- that you have to scribble on us. -- type of paper. -- papers and TIR isn't not paper is -- the paper actually has gotten cheaper you can print idea on paper and that the tablets that are as inexpensive as regular -- papers have you guys are -- with this this is. A smart and that -- with standard ink -- back to them into this obsolete I had a super deluxe clear version two with a concealed innards. There is the one that trees the -- so when you -- on this paper records and -- digital notes and then you can do with this new -- you can send them off the things like Google docs and -- and even a FaceBook -- of the -- of this -- initially. Is that you -- it need booted up and then there's this there's a digitized in the pen tips that when you're writing. It also records the audio that you -- -- writing in notes that feeling. Taking notes and electricity lecture or something like that that it captured both the audio and the -- on sinks that together and and -- can go back. Press found that the words that you wrote for the -- it'll play back -- the sit. Specific piece of audio you -- -- -- that so that's still here. On -- -- -- -- 99 version of this pan out now which it before the date. It was like this thing costs 200 dollars -- and that if you lose -- Europe -- money. The 99 dollar version is pretty cool. Being a single stuff with Google docs is pretty cool and also. The new version of the it the -- about formatting until the like acrobat. Can actually play those notes back and everything else within. Just directly with an acrobat sun's. You -- to -- download separate app and ordered review the notes on -- computer though Leo lots of cool stuff this company is definitely making a lot of strides. The better the product and get people interested. So kind of the like and each product though the people who really into a not enjoy it half two maybe taking a photo -- -- company meeting notes there. Doctors are students and all that. -- still have the docket to transfer the files at the moment. There's no Wi-Fi chip and no budget arm you can do things like if you have that if you have you -- taking the notes. You couldn't just write the words send and -- I'm gonna -- underneath and see if you go to dock the pen -- -- computer. It automatically send off as your last command as your last command of like whatever and then note the use intended to send off or archive or whatever so it's it's a really a cool sophisticated product. For everything that it does -- this is interest thing that. These things are taking off right in the age of like tablets particularly you're getting they've finally kind of figured it out right but then the title world -- yelling I just -- the HTC fire and today. -- in which has. Like the smart this magic -- digitize their pen that doesn't is not natural pen and but let that style and that does a lot of these same features on the tablet directly on -- now directly or tablet but also does that same sinking of the recording and your notes and all that. But -- -- -- like this initially like this is actually a lot easier to get started with. If you wanted that feature and having a two -- system that requires both of them. But we'll see I have but that they think if if you really -- interest in taking notes. And being -- for students especially. Life happens protect -- -- -- And -- that data segment was brought you back tech assets and it's. Also -- -- Sony's -- transfer. Their PSP re mastered titles of the PS3. This week they're showcasing some of their improve PSP titles that will get an HD graphic -- -- dual shock support an adult content and even. Stereos topic 380 support to be then be able to be played on the PlayStation 3 -- also kind of bridges the gap where they have there. And GP we don't know the official title of their next generation portable. That they'll be showcasing -- at. Where there will be a lot of talk between derelict by not console level games on there and GP that you can also plane picked up on your PS3 go back in force though. This could be a cool natural transition they showed -- we don't have any videos or clips here but for all you gamers out there. Really cools off. Now also arm enough for you gamers that. -- love retro and there's the red -- retro game editors retro. The learning company you know backed company that publishes and -- -- the Sony owns the rights to Oregon trail. Is suing the -- -- -- is Zynga for using the phrase the Oregon trail and their upcoming expansion. Or at frontier mail but -- you're watching this if you look really closely at these images they look completely different. Or do you say. To look reversed one going. I thought right let's talk left and one is going in order in isn't that. Where the alerting companies that they have exclusive trademark in the phrase that and the way that Zynga used it represents a deliberate theft. Of the good -- associated with the iconic the Oregon trail. It Zynga had no -- Finally someone -- stepped up. I Pinochet and Zynga late lake it's one thing to have geared farm bills and whatnot but opted to take our childhood and game a fight in the FaceBook. I don't know that's there's something wrong about that -- -- that but over -- line I'd ever wish ill will on any company but in this case I do hope. -- using it dies of dysentery. They deserve it. About time they stopped these tactics -- call -- something else I mean it's called a different trail calling. -- North Dakota trail that -- -- and it could be appellation great. Alright guys this gonna check -- -- -- in disease. Well as sharper well knows -- and how it's really -- -- -- that's. This is some really cool science music is that more time to explain the science -- -- But according to the wiggles the dark energy survey conducted by 26 astronomers from fourteen countries is -- -- graft technologies. To map -- -- galaxies. Einstein's theory of dark energy has been confirmed and dark energy. Is present in the universe -- dark energy. Need the name given to the unknown. And to -- that's believed to be behind acceleration of the expansion. Of the universe. Dark matter works in the opposite manner. But this is pretty amazing stuff. And all of this confirmation that that the universe is like 73%. Dark energy -- all matters like point 4%. But that -- surrounded by dark energy that is expanding the universe probably leading to an ultimate. Cooling and art are our death. Yet no one that has come up what are proper explanation of dark energy. The you know there's a lot of different ideas hypoxia is the dark energy like dolls and make that 70% universe dark matter. Makes -- -- -- 3% which slows down the expansion and the rest is 4% which is ordinary matter like stars galaxies super clusters nebula -- -- here's the disappointing part of this is that if everything is accelerating. At and in moving away from us like all the aliens -- need to make contact with are getting further away all the time. -- how cure how are gonna find ET if he's hurtling through the -- away from. Not gonna find him by shutting down the study. Satellites that they did. That's Fisher -- but -- here's another thing that makes gonna find this first well. Our apps -- at the stuff that we didn't already have yet the stuff that we're doing we're making sure -- -- as -- -- -- -- what what are they doing the playing Oregon trail on trains and look at a -- losers let's not even. Cut my evenly and on -- -- so this is a really cool thing about Einstein -- Einstein almost predicted expansion of the universe in his theory of general relativity. But. In it they say in this article in an uncharacteristic. Situation. He introduced a factors equations -- predict a static universe so there's this you know fudge factor which we just. May pretty much -- may get an even push and nothing would happen later on. Einstein said Dallas his greatest blunder and it seems he is correction of himself was. Exactly correct right so plus plus one for Einstein or one plus or implies an -- doesn't get -- Einstein -- Says -- as his equations had a cosmological. Constant. I think the only downside this for this -- planet of the survey that that validated -- -- called the wiggles the survey on the wiggles survey. The mind is that this. He could have found a bigger name now better named in the wiggles. -- well don't -- a weighted -- hill has simultaneously dark energy in -- -- the search for dark matter in the Netflix. Old so there may. Now I'm so there it means something very significant network boat unaware right now I'll need more branding strategies -- that something is -- dark. Energy are ever gonna still -- and Sybase -- gonna check out the happy ending of the day. A moon rock for sale do you guys know that -- Moon rocks cannot be sold here in the US. I guess I should stop making them a lady. In a woman in Southern California. Was accused of trying to sell a piece of the moon. For one point seven million dollars. Just show the -- -- an undercover NASA investigator and the rock that has been recovered was presumably determined to be real. And rocks are national treasures that cannot be sold moon rocks are national treasures. -- -- -- -- I've I've -- -- this is like at new. Plot -- of them movie with like the NASA undercover investigators finding a woman trying to sell in -- legal moon rock. How does it and authorities haven't released the identity of the one in word they haven't talked about details of how she. Obtain the rock -- Maybe when callow entered this world -- think that whatever fragments that is asteroid on me that you know blu nearby. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They've been investigating the case for several months by the way we talk about -- movies the Summers going to be awesome for like the geek pop. Like comic books last night by lovers there's a lot it's not it's a good time to be -- the moon rocks. Gadgets and with -- alright guys out enough of us let's hear what you guys have to -- in a feedback loop. Smith to plunder the -- says some astronauts -- stuff in their boots just saying that -- -- Neil Armstrong is like a a see that right -- there. When you take and put them -- would put them boot. All right -- we probably still coming to -- from Tony the South Carolina he just wants talk about how his life has changed. -- history -- from Pickens South Carolina an episode 1471. At that Windows 7 -- to Google -- I work with Windows 7 OS-X and upon I think of the -- Windows 7 as the best user experience that being said in the fall 2007. About it. C notebook running instead the experience was so bad at February 2008. -- sold that computer and decided to try iMac first Apple product in entry level MacBook. Now and accidentally with the MacBook iMac. The pro and iMac. And iPod Touch and -- And nano iPod Shuffle in the -- -- While I think Microsoft is one related the last battle Apple has won the consumer product or our house and it was listed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and a lesson we talked about how Windows 7 was a success with -- turning around. Windows customer satisfaction was an all time mindedness that translate to sales -- the long tail of the whole Windows Vista all out this is kind of one of those examples of what happened to a user that was. Just and happy by the experience but they did this the blurring effect and there and the fact that you can install windows on any Mac as well. Like that to me that's a compelling feature right out of the box. I can do windows and again yes Apple is not allowing their OS to be -- -- any hardware. -- -- at other than theirs but have been able to dual boot machine like that with the right move party no brainer and -- times. Okay on the emails excellence coming to us from Mike -- -- -- historic site might be -- -- we often hear big tech companies that get their products hacked. Suing for punitive damages well here's a nice change of fourteen year old boy from -- -- Dublin or was it. Pronounced talent okay sorry from its hallowed Dublin Ireland try to hack his Xbox alerting Microsoft who believe their system was potentially under attack. Microsoft Ireland general manager Paul Reynolds revealed that they're working to -- this kid. Developers talent and help him use skills. For legitimate purposes at the say that I was impressive that -- wished more companies would act like this and now Mike's does say he has snowball with Microsoft he just thought. Is a pretty -- story. This is cool. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We're gonna pay you hopefully more than just a free subscription Xbox Live. For a year and please don't hack a single brilliant. Wheeler body with does have a lot of feel good stories about the Xbox right now. Could -- know and access to flirt with the team that's amazing in creating -- next 1 I am I. This from Stephen same -- I hate -- reporting live from Joplin Missouri. -- -- -- And yet and where we have been devastated by tornado classmate went to express how important is to have your phone -- data for emergencies. My kids 141518. Were home -- -- weapons out of town and because of my Samsung mesmerized. As of the track down the storm weather app. And listen to local radio stations using tune in radio app which -- and -- and run the world. I was also able to monitor the storm from 200 miles away give -- -- direct. Aren't -- -- tone and direction keep them safe. -- they were safe and sustained -- damage don't -- make sure you're good -- you have a good weather app and -- in -- some in -- -- -- prepare for emergencies. Pay out. Yeltsin since cable Internet is outselling these -- bonuses Wi-Fi hot spot to send the email. Stephen -- first of all our thoughts and prayers out to Joplin Missouri because they were pretty much. Flattened. It is pretty created devastating -- happened -- -- -- that's winters in other seen something like 75% the town was completely wiped out so. On things are saying is that email and just be safe and -- your friends and families there and winners it is well -- Thank you for that Stephen okay on to the next email this one comes from us. By Jordan Drake longtime listener passing the love the program this is a no brainer for you guys today is not only Molly -- birthday today. Is geek pride day. I have a survey from a client of mine that has an interesting insight into cultural perceptions of geeks some of the highlights include nearly 15. 17% of Americans self identify themselves as being a geek. The survey also found a nearly twice as many people would offer to be called I. 41%. Rather than a jock 22%. Overall people are more wary of being called a nerd than -- -- even geeks are much less comfortable being called a -- Than a geek the majority. 87% of survey respondents who self identified as a -- We're more comfortable being labeled a geek than a -- I guess that's -- the -- like Geek Squad nerd squad. -- recruitment services. Typically Americans the -- -- because someone is extremely intelligent 45%. And can be relied -- -- technology advice 56%. And the first adopters technology -- -- -- percent. They don't also talk about on the east you know possible to socialite geeks have based on America's perception. But they have a lot of other things here I geeks than non geeks agreed that he is the guilty person -- place. So in honor of geek pride day we thought we'd throw those that now and if you think you're a geek you can raise your hand. If -- -- your cup. If something is. Yet if the all right I'll last you know you wanna do Sarah -- has created an episode 1473. You -- a list of services not available in Canada. With regards to Google Voice and a Skype phone numbers the problem is not -- the companies but with the CRT -- Canadian radio television telecommunications. Commission. Our version of the FCC which prevents -- landscape from the -- Canadian phone numbers. The CRTC commissioners are mostly former executives and major telcos and only care about protecting their outdated business model and keeping competitors out of the market. If you remember back in February this year he's he tried to bring in UB -- with twenty by gigabyte data caps. Thankfully there wasn't so much public out -- that the government stepped in and quashed it. Thanks government. Yeah that's some of that's in -- you know we words that we are blaming cooler Skype we were just. Stadium there's this web site cult can't and a mountain and it's all the technology services that they don't. But will it gain back to our of the story maybe this is doing -- -- consent technologies is gonna make you miserable. You can be so -- Saturday -- it -- less stressed out more stress I'm sure everyone and candidates is like Melo. Living -- -- -- -- evident that such beautiful nature up in Canada you know they are taking a hike that we only two as Americans so that American and crying -- our pilot that Apple orders light open you can just cross -- and -- -- Arnold. Down here and I have a Canadian division of CNET maybe I should I should spearhead it CNET CA via. -- -- -- -- It's green and -- a year ago and -- -- Not to cold weather totally -- and enjoy your maples are than them should be seasonal affective disorder would get to me -- the -- -- -- guys -- -- -- you can check out our show notes and all the details from today's show at below that cnet.com call us. 80616263. Your voicemails are -- -- you guys like listening to our rules of little 3045 seconds to get the point Apple with it. Awesome -- the -- can email us at buzz at cnet.com. That's gonna deal for today Molly will be back tomorrow Stephen will be here Donald things and you know those guys haven't you might return later in the week in the -- -- -- -- little country. All right we'll see you guys.

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